Edward Winter
5 Guðmundur Pálmason; 7 Friðrik Ólafsson; 8 Guðmundur Ágústsson; 13 Peter Clarke; 14 Leonard Barden; 17 Enrico Paoli; 18 Ingi R. Jóhannsson; 20 Arthur Dunkelblum; 22 Alfons Franck; 25 Nathan Divinsky; 26 Fedor Bohatirchuk; 27 John Prentice; 28 Georges Noradounghian; 30 Frank Anderson; 31 Maurice Fox; 35 Lodewijk Prins; 36 Robert Lemaire; 37 Georges Thibaut; 39 Conel Hugh O’Donel Alexander; 40 Jim Walsh; 42 Alexander Rueb; 46 Harry Golombek; 47 Brian Reilly; 51 Gedeon Barcza; 52 Jiří Fichtl; 53 Miroslav Filip; 57 Børge Andersen; 63 Otto Benkner; 68 E. Verner Nielsen; 70 Axel Nielsen; 71 Harald Enevoldsen; 72 Palle Nielsen.
An unnumbered version is available here. Clicking on that second photograph will, in most browsers, make it larger still.
The photograph was presented in C.N. 5780 by John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA), and we hope to identify as many of the figures as possible. For the partial key above, assistance has been received from Mr Donaldson, as well as Leonard Barden (London), Calle Erlandsson (Lund, Sweden), Bent Kølvig (Rødovre, Denmark) and Luc Winants (Boirs, Belgium).
The Amsterdam Olympiad took place in September 1954, with 26 teams: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Saar, Soviet Union, Sweden, Switzerland, West Germany and Yugoslavia.
Sean Coffey (San Francisco, CA, USA) has passed on from J.J. Walsh (Dublin) information regarding the four remaining unidentified players from the Irish team: 48: Warwick Nash; 49: Terry Kelly; 58: Enda Rohan; 59: Vincent Maher.
Aðalsteinn Thorarensen (Reykjavik) suggests the following: 4: Per Lindblom (Norway); 10: Otto B. Morcken (Norway); 19: Guðmundur Arnlaugsson (the second reserve on the Icelandic team).
Latest update: 20 March 2025.
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Copyright: Edward Winter. All rights reserved.