Edward Winter
See C.N. 11090
Below are our articles concerning Adolf Anderssen, but first a brief biographical note:
Concerning Anderssen’s birth and death dates, Golombek’s Encyclopedia (hardback) gives 6 August 1818-9 March 1878. For the paperback edition the latter date is ‘corrected’ to 9 March 1879. Both are wrong in each case. Adolf Anderssen was born on 6 July 1818 and he died on either 13 or 14 March 1879. At our request Ken Whyld (Caistor, England) and G.H. Diggle (Hove, England) have kindly provided contemporary death references, which are divided in the dates they give. The 1879 Deutsche Schachzeitung (April and May issues) says 13 March. From pages 146-147: ‘Den 13. März Abends 9 Uhr schlief er sanft ein, ein Schlaganfall hatte ihn von seinen Leiden ...’ The reference to nine o’clock in the evening does sound convincing. On the other hand, the Chess Player’s Chronicle, April 1879 and the Huddersfield College Magazine, 1879 page 103 claim 14 March 1879.
The Immortal Game (Anderssen v Kieseritzky)
Anderssen v Dufresne: The Evergreen Game
Max Lange
Rosanes v Anderssen, Breslau, 1863
A plate in F.M. Edge’s 1859 monograph on Paul Morphy:
Latest update: 12 January 2025.
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Copyright: Edward Winter. All rights reserved.