Chess Autographs

Edward Winter

In C.N. 7335 Elmer Sangalang (Manila, the Philippines) requested a compilation of autographs of prominent chess figures. Below is a selection from periodicals and from our own collection, beginning with a feature by Leopold Hoffer on pages 1281-1282 of The Field, 31 December 1910:

chess autographs

chess autographs

chess autographs

chess autographs

Source: Schweizerische Schachzeitung, March 1946, page 37.


From page 131 of the June 1936 Chess Review, in connection with the US championship in New York:


A group photograph of the participants was reproduced in C.N. 7463.


Jan Kalendovský (Brno, Czech Republic) sends this item from page 1 of the Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad, 20 August 1930:

liege 1930


Below is a page from one of our copies of Chess Secrets I Learned from the Masters by Edward Lasker (New York, 1951), inscribed by the players at Hastings, 1951-52 (plus Sämisch, a participant in the Premier Reserves tournament):


In order: L. Schmid, D. Yanofsky, L. Barden, D. Hooper, H. Golombek, G. Abrahams, A.R.B. Thomas, S. Popel, F. Sämisch, S. Gligorić and J.H. Donner.

From our copy of the limited edition of Wereldkampioenschap Schaken 1948 by Max Euwe (Lochem, 1948):


A similar procedure was adopted by the same publisher (De Tijdstroom) for Wereldschaaktoernooi Amsterdam 1950 by M. Euwe and L. Prins (Lochem, 1951). Our copy is shown below, signed by all 20 participants:



The following illustration comes from page 42 of the first issue of Chess Pie (1922):

chess autographs

C.N. 11696 showed page 25 of volume three of Chess Pie (1936):


Michael Clapham (Ipswich, England) submits the following from the inside front cover of Chess in Russia by P. Romanovsky (London, 1946):


A tribute to John Keeble, from page 177 of CHESS, 14 January 1936:


A set of autographs from St Petersburg, 1909 was published in the Field, 20 March 1909.

Roberto Roig (Lima) draws attention to page 193 of Schach-Echo, 8 July 1964:

schach echo autographs

Latest update: 22 March 2025.

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Copyright: Edward Winter. All rights reserved.