Edward Winter
Many photographs of José Raúl Capablanca which were published in Soviet chess magazines of the 1920s and 30s are currently available to us only in photostat form. Any better copies which readers are able to submit will gratefully be added here.
Source: Shakhmatnyy listok, November 1925, page 351
Source: front cover, 4/1930 issue of 64
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 14 May 1936
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 16 May 1936
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 16 May 1936
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 17 May 1936
Source: 64, 20 May 1936
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 22 May 1936
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 22 May 1936
Source: 64, 30 May 1936
Source: Shakhmaty v SSSR, June 1936, page 175
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 9 June 1936
Source: Moscow tournament bulletin, 64, 13 June 1936 and 64, 16 June 1936, page 1
In C.N. 7301 Philippe Pierlot (Le Perchay, France) provided a good-quality copy (source not yet identified):
Source: Nottingham tournament bulletin, 64, 24 August 1936
A fine copy of this photograph appeared in the plate section of a modern edition of the Moscow, 1936 tournament book (Moscow, 2004).
Source: 64, 10 September 1936, page 2
The same frustration [over finding good-quality copies of photographs] arises in numerous other cases, such as the shot below which Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) found on page 3 of the Liverpool Evening Express, 21 August 1922, i.e. shortly after the conclusion of the London Congress:
Addition on 21 January 2024:
Michael Sharpe (Toronto, Canada) has sent us scans of some of the original Soviet pages.
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Copyright: Edward Winter. All rights reserved.