Chess Notes: List of Items

Edward Winter


See C.N. 10112.

‘A forum for aficionados to discuss all matters relating to the Royal Pastime’ was the description of Chess Notes in its first issue (January-February 1982), and until 1989 the series ran as a bimonthly periodical (C.N. items 1-1933). It resumed publication in 1993 as a syndicated column in many languages around the world (C.N.s 1934-2187). From 1998 to 2001 it was published exclusively in New in Chess (C.N.s 2188-2486) and subsequently appeared at the Chess Café (C.N.s 2487-3414). Since September 2004 Chess Notes has been located at

Chess Notes Factfinder.

Below is a list, based on work initially undertaken by Michael Syngros (Amarousion, Greece) with respect to C.N.s 2487-6927.

Printed magazine (1982-89):

Volume 1 (1982):

1. An Alekhine gamelet
2. Fischer plays the Polish
3. He never won anything
4. A fine chess writer
5. Recognition from the homeland
6. Odd photographs
7. Howard Staunton
8. Man v Machine
9. According to Breyer
10. The Laskers
11. The Laskers play the same game
12. Champion of chess and badminton
13. Quips from Botvinnik and Petrosian
14. Who was she?
15. A dual gem
16. Chess on television
17. How good was Morphy?
18. Pet moves
19. The Black Dath
20. Choices of spelling
21. Botvinnik on Botvinnik
22. They never consulted
23. Error prone
24. What really happened?
25. The longest game
26. Send yours in
27. Smooth and effortless
28. Most needed books
29. Lasker scorns the moderns
30. Prediction of death
31. A shot in the arm (?)
32. The only one
33. No others
34. A new Morphy game?
35. And another
36. Adoube entendre
37. Réti gets it right – but where?
38. Chess and bridge
39. Speaking from beyond
40. The algebraic
41. The OECG
42. The Caro-Kann
43. The French Defence
44. Statistical minefield
45. Horatio Bolton [number duplicated]
45. The Tinsleys
46. Another sad loss
47. A brilliancy prize beauty
48. I give up
49. An amazing knight-shift
50. More Alekhine
51. Max Euwe
52. Stalemate combination
53. Multiple queen sacrifices
54. J’adoube (C.N. 36)
55. An early Polish
56. The tree of chess knowledge
57. Karpov v Korchnoi
58. Mate by fianchetto
59. Dawid Janowsky
60. Cuban books on Capa
61. Two brilliancies
62. Sound advice
63. Horatio Bolton
64. Another mystery player
65. Frank Hollings
66. Alistair Cooke
67. Rollicking
68. Who was the greatest?
69. World Chess Champions (Pergamon Press Ltd.)
70. The endgame study
71. The leisurely fianchetto
72. Alekhine at it again
73. Lightning exploits
74. That Macdonald book (C.N. 23)
75. Morphy’s opponent
76. The longest game
77. Where was it first published?
78. Euwe the composer
79. Studies v problems
80. Another queen sacrifice game
81. Lasker-Schlechter
82. Another new book
83. Draws
84. Has it been annotated?
85. The death of Burn
86. Max Euwe world champion
87. Capablanca’s last lectures
88. Books on prodigies
89. Denker’s best games
90. Frederick Milnes Edge
91. Staunton the prickly
92. The old school
93. Concentration of erors (C.N. 19)
94. Edward J. Lasker (?)
95. Alekhine interviewed
96. C.N. finds its feet
97. How games end
98. Notations
99. Bad analysis (C.N. 26)
100. Quantity but not quality
101. Platz’s memoirs
102. Private book collections
103. Marshall’s gold
104. Bilek’s economy of effort
105. That brilliancy (C.N. 47)
106. The Tinsleys (C.N. 45)
107. Chess and the Abingdon Herald
108. Larsen’s Good Move Guide
109. Big name chess
110. Staunton the Shakespearean
111. In need of a translation
112. Blunders
113. They never consulted (C.N. 22)
114. Philipp Hirschfeld (C.N. 3)
115. Morphy v Michaelis (C.N. 34)
116. A dual gem (C.N. 15)
117. Another curious brilliancy
118. Edition Olms
119. R.N. Coles
120. Morphy’s famous games
121. The Mark V
122. Mequinho
123. Has it been annotated (C.N. 84)
124. The Paris Opening
125. Madrid, 1943
126. The longest game (C.N.s 25 & 76)
127. Jacques Mieses
128. Leipzig, 1894
129. Hastings, 1934-35
129. Curious quotations [number duplicated]
130. Schools of chess
131. Success with particular variations
132. The death of Capablanca
133. The Forsyth
134. No sooner said than done
135. For solving
136. Nigel Short
137. A hiccough
138. A Capa flavour
139. South African street names
140. Defining chess
141. Dawid Janowsky and Géza Maróczy
142. Polygamy
143. The Mark V
144. Private book collections
145. Lasker back to front
146. Rex solus
147. Euwe’s composition
148. Solving competition
149. Two early Capa victories
150. The feat of Janowsky and Tarrasch
151. Check and mate
152. Books on Lasker
153. Distribution of books
154. James Schroeder (C.N. 129)
155. Keene’s Good Move Guide
156. Difference of opinion
157. Sämisch out of time
158. The short Caro-Kann (C.N. 116)
159. Morphy’s famous game (C.N. 120)
160. Café chess
161. Zurich, 1953
162. Miss Edith Price
163. No relation
164. The Guinness Book of Records
165. Olga Capablanca
166. Capa v Morphy’s biographer
167. Capa v Wainwrigh
168. Capa v Watts
169. Capa v Lord Dunsany
170. Capablanca on Lasker
171. Another new computer book
172. The weakest
173. Quiz
174. C.N. 135 – the solution
175. Second-hand chess books
176. Signed copies
177. Best magazine
178. An Italian magazine
179. Finishing with e.p.
180. Endgame study
181. Another possible hiccough
182. Sacrifices on an empty square
183. Blackburne on the English
184. Sämisch out of time (C.N. 157)
185. Never seen in English (C.N. 111)
186. Public/private chess collections
187. Lasker back to front (C.N. 145)
188. A Russian work on Lasker
189. How to castle
190. H.E. Atkins
191. The OECG (C.N. 41)
192. Rollicking MacMahon (C.N. 67)
193. How games end (C.N. 97)
194. Bad analysis (C.N. 99)
195. The Guardian’s puzzles
196. Newsflash
197. Cockburn’s Idle Passion
198. Meeting of celebrities
199. A superb magazine
200. Lasker v Gueffier
201. Books on openings
202. Chess wit (C.N. 26)
203. Chess as she is spoke
204. Daniel’s study (C.N. 180)
205. Game-scores requested
206. Distribution of books
207. An ending from actual play?
208. Capa v Watts (C.N. 168)
209. Miss Edith Price
210. Signed books (C.N. 176)
211. Capablanca’s blunder
212. Chess history as she is spoke
213. Mate in two missed
214. Bernstein’s objection
215. Victor Tietz
216. CHESS horoscopes
217. Mark V
218. Books wanted
219. Zero
220. Puzzles
221. The en passant construction (C.N. 179)
222. How many en passant captures?
223. Alekhine’s last opponent
224. Euwe’s composition
225. For solving
226. Olga Capablanca (C.N. 165)
227. Capablanca’s missed mate
228. Chess Notes Book of the Year
229. The death of Pillsbury
230. How is your Russian?
231. Capa’s title hopes
232. Required translations
233. Dover books
234. Spanish torture?
235. Check and mate (C.N. 151)
236. Early rather than late
237. Which Schuster?
238. Tal’s mysterious game
239. C.J.S. Purdy
240. Sounds impossible
241. Sounds impossible (2)
242. That quiz (C.N. 173)
243. Find the mate
244. Pearson’s bishops (C.N. 210)
245. The Chess Endgame Study (C.N. 233)
246. The quietest year
247. Nigel Short (C.N. 136)
248. Alekhine’s Defence (C.N. 112)
249. Defining chess (C.N. 140)
250. The quote about Lasker (C.N. 138)
251. The chess historian
252. Dawid Janowsky and Géza Maróczy (C.N. 141)
253. Euwe’s composition (C.N.s 78, 147 & 224)
254. The en passant construction (C.N. 179 & 221)
255. The two Morphy games (C.N.s 34, 35 & 75)
256. Miles’ defeat of Karpov
257. Alekhine’s Caro-Kann (C.N.s 116 & 158)
258. Two Capablanca games
259. Mate in two missed (C.N. 213)
260. Brown’s mate in two (C.N. 224)
261. A Primer of Chess (C.N. 233)
262. Books on Zurich, 1953 (C.N. 161)
263. The tree of chess knowledge (C.N. 56)
264. Pester Loyd (C.N. 113)
265. Spanish torture (?) (C.N. 234)
266. Rex solus (C.N. 146)
267. The other problem (C.N. 148)
268. And the third (C.N. 225)
269. The Paris Opening (C.N. 124)
270. Mate in three
271. Language
272. Another quiz
273. Audio and video cassettes
274. Chess and bridge
275. Castling without a castle
276. F.M. Edge (C.N. 90)
277. One more Alekhine victory
278. Chessics
279. The superb magazine (C.N. 199)
280. Giving up (C.N. 48)
281. Language barriers
282. SSKK Bulletinen
283. Blackburne a foreshadower?
284. Alekhine’s last opponent (C.N. 223)
285. Five world champions
286. Chess storms
287. Oldest and youngest writers
288. Fabulous achievements
289. Chess Notes Book of the Year (C.N. 228)
290. Two Year-Book brilliancies
291. Into the second year

Volume 2 (1983):

292. Boden’s mate
293. Schuster (C.N. 237)
294. C.J.S. Purdy (C.N. 239)
295. L’Arcimatto (C.N. 178)
296. Europe Echecs
297. SSKK Bulletinen
298. Bishop promotion
299. Diagrams
300. Saint Amant’s death
301. Foreign language (C.N. 271)
302. Castling without a castle (C.N. 275)
303. Letter and number problems
304. Three long records
305. Misspellings
306. Flohr and Fine
307. Changing the starting grid
308. Guardian Chess
309. S & N
310. Morphy’s obscure words
311. An ingenious game
312. Many mates
313. Longest mate
314. Longest announced mate
315. Recent announced mates
316. Euwe’s simultaneous games
317. Magazines compared
318. Capa in Monte Carlo
319. The quiz (C.N. 272)
320. Simultaneous and blindfold records
321. Victor Teitz (C.N. 215)
322. Chess Notes Book of the Year (C.N. 289)
323. Larry Evans’ popular journalism
324. Karpov and Polugayevsky
325. A Spielmann quote?
326. Alekhine’s spurious game
327. Copyright
328. The two-mover
329. A quick Fischer loss
330. Books wanted
331. Batsford Openings
332. Best Chess Games
333. En passant construction (C.N.s 179, 221 & 254)
334. Check and mate (C.N.s 151 & 235)
335. The Year Book
336. Access to magazines
337. Dawid Janowsky
338. Chessics (C.N. 278)
339. Five world champions (C.N. 285)
340. Literary ghosts
341. Ghost writers
342. Pillsbury’s death (C.N. 229)
343. Find the mate (C.N. 243)
344. The Paris Opening
345. Albin or Alekhine?
346. Philistines
347. Gradings
348. Into the second year (contd.)
349. The pin
350. Edition Olms (C.N. 118)
351. Brilliant Janowsky
352. Fine mating combination
353. Fine breakthrough sacrifices
354. Fine under-promotion finish
355. Odd photographs
356. Bizarre terms
357. Damiano’s Defence
358. Dates
359. Wall’s ending
360. Chess in the courts
361. Purdy (C.N. 239)
362. Handshake or not?
363. Chess history as she is spoke (passim)
364. Book prices
365. Old tournaments
366. Batsford
367. Janowsky’s brother
368. Hoax
369. Chapter and verse
370. Find the mate (C.N.s 243 & 343)
371. A unique offer
372. Chess literature
373. Jeremy Gaige
374. Chess Cabala
375. Different starting grids (C.N. 307)
376. Announced mates (C.N. 314)
377. The smallest chess set?
378. Boden’s mate (C.N. 292)
379. Identical games (C.N. 304)
380. The Paris/Amar Opening (C.N. 344)
381. The Myers Openings Bulletin
382. Positional Chess
383. The Laskers’ game (C.N. 11)
384. Pester Loyd (C.N. 264)
385. Ghost writers (C.N. 341)
386. Miss Price (C.N.s 162 & 209)
387. Alekhine’s five queens (C.N. 326)
388. Notations
389. Increase the circulation?
390. MacMahon (C.N.s 67 & 192)
391. Studies v problems
391. Mate by castling (C.N. 333) [duplicated number]
392. Preview
393. 1...a6
394. Wolfgang Heidenfeld (C.N. 322)
395. Unsung writers
396. Another magazine
397. The Adams-Torre brilliancy
398. Joseph Platz
399. Steinberg and Mukhin
400. Final word
401. Annotational gems
402. Horowitz philosophe
403. Capa’s genius
404. Lasker’s prescience
405. The London Rules
406. The 1927 match
407. The aftermath
408. Sarcasm
409. Pet moves (C.N. 18)
410. Na1
411. Blackburne
412. Pelikan
413. Sounds impossible (C.N. 241)
414. Mate in two overlooked (C.N. 213)
415. Language (C.N. 271)
416. Best magazine (C.N. 177, 296 & 317)
417. Schuster v Carls (C.N. 237 & 293)
418. Janowsky/Janowski (C.N. 337)
419. Ryan (C.N. 393)
420. Capa v Fairhurst
421. American football (C.N. 66)
422. 1 h3 (C.N.s 124 & 269)
423. The OECG (C.N. 41)
424. OECG volume two?
425. OECG volume one (cont.)
426. Varied baselines (C.N. 375)
427. That announced mate (C.N. 376)
428. Boden’s mate (C.N. 378)
429. Has it been annotated?
430. Die Wiener Schachzeitung (C.N. 350)
431. Batsford’s openings
432. Handshake or not (C.N. 362)
433. Unnecessary caution
434. Purdy
435. New York, 1889
436. Taft (C.N. 64)
437. Alekhine’s doctorate
438. Leit-motif
439. Lugano, 1983
440. Chess and billiards (C.N. 318 & 368)
441. The death of Przepiórka
442. Achieving the Aim (C.N. 21)
443. A remarkable Morphy game
444. Two poor books
445. Ghost writers (C.N. 341 & 385)
446. Michaelis (C.N. 115)
447. Spelling Nimzowitsch (C.N. 20)
448. Dates (C.N. 358)
449. Attackers and defenders
450. Most prolific translator
451. 1...f6
452. Marco
453. A spectacular move
454. Fischer
455. Chess Caballa (C.N. 303)
456. Guardian Chess (C.N. 308)
457. Street names (C.N. 139)
458. Check and mate (C.N.s 151, 235 and 334)
459. Odds (C.N. 275)
460. Many mates (C.N. 312)
461. The two-mover (C.N. 328)
462. Mate by castling (C.N.s 333 & 391)
463. Up to the fourth rank
464. An excellent chess film
465. Przepiórka (C.N. 441)
466. Changes
467. Sacrifices on an empty square (C.N. 182)
468. Book collections (C.N.s 102 & 144)
469. Signed books (C.N.s 176 & 210)
470. Books wanted (C.N. 218)
471. Miniatures (C.N. 282)
472. Book catalogues
473. Fred Reinfeld
474. Boden’s mate (C.N.s 292 & 378)
475. Up to the fourth rank (C.N. 463)
476. The Wallace murder case
477. Zukertort’s origin
478. Purdy (C.N. 361)
479. MacLeod (C.N. 435)
480. Przepiórka (C.N. 441)
481. Spelling
482. Alekhine’s openings
483. Jaffe blocked?
484. Earliest chess content
485. The tree of chess knowledge (C.N.s 55 & 263)
486. Alekhine v Capablanca (C.N. 407)
487. Alekhine’s doctorate (C.N. 437)
488. Horowitz or a ghost?
489. The 1834 match
490. The OECG ... again
491. Hoax (C.N. 368)
492. P.A. Saburov (C.N.s 358 & 448)
493. Chess in the USSR
494. Quickies
495. An opening suggestion
496. Chess Life
497. Euwe quotes
498. The Myers Openings Bulletin (C.N. 381)
499. Reinfeld again
500. A new Pergamon title
501. Barbara Hund
502. Vassily Smyslov
503. A rich selection
504. Joseph Platz (C.N. 398)
505. How Capa lost
506. Onward march
507. Kasparov’s Fighting Chess
508. The First Grand Open
509. Chess Scandals
510. Best Games
511. Carlsbad, 1929
512. All-rounder
513. A real scrap
514. Hoax
515. King and queen stalemated
516. Tietz again
517. Zukertort’s origins
518. Spelling Nimzowitsch (C.N. 447)
519. Mark V again
520. Horowitz (C.N. 488)
521. Capa’s opponents
522. Reinfeld yet again
523. Alekhine’s doctorate (C.N. 487)
524. Edge’s death (C.N.s 90 & 276)
525. Janowsky’s brother (C.N. 367)
526. Botvinnik’s match record
527. The 1834 match (C.N. 489)
528. D.J. Morgan
529. Translations
530. Anti-knights
531. Boden’s mate (C.N. 474)
532. Taft (C.N. 436)
533. Baker’s Defence (C.N. 393)
534. Jaffe blocked? (C.N. 483)
535. Namecards
536. White’s sketches
537. Appeal
538. Prizes
539. Beginners’ chess
540. Press conferences and interviews
541. Tournament books
542. Purdy again
543. Young authors (C.N. 287)
544. Alekhine the problemist
545. Problemist terminology
546. Nearly top
547. Capa’s endgames
548. Salo Flohr
549. Amos Burn
550. To look forward to ...
551. Next on the list
552. G.F. Anderson (C.N.s 223 & 284)
553. Lasker’s brilliancy
554. 50-move limit
555. Lipschütz
556. Kitto
557. Plenty wrong
558. Damned statistics
559. Psychology
560. Botvinnik
561. Draws
562. Chess and bridge (C.N.s 38 & 274)
563. Lightning exploits (C.N. 73)
564. Irving Chernev
565. Touch and move
566. Mieses (C.N. 127)
567. Chess humour?
568. The OECG (C.N. 490)
569. Alekhine’s problem (C.N. 544)
570. Sarratt
571. Britain and Ireland
572. The Gulkos and Kasparov
573. Any offers?
574. Unknown games
575. Fischer’s ten best
576. Anastasia’s mate
577. Alekhine games
578. Boden’s mate (C.N. 531)
579. The Morphy games
580. Reinfeld and Marshall
581. Przepiórka (C.N.s 441 & 465)
582. Punctuation
583. Batsford
584. A new quiz
585. More blunders
586. London, 1927
587. Bogoljubow
588. Kasparov’s games
589. Book of the Year 1983
590. Carlsbad/Karlsbad, 1929 (C.N. 511)
591. Amos Burn
592. Summing up

Volume 3 (1984):

593. Two Fine books
594. Staunton’s simuls
595. King only
596. Another Staunton quote
596. Flohr [duplicate number]
597. Four continents
598. Marshall world champion
599. The Wallace case (C.N. 476)
600. Alekhine’s reluctance (C.N. 548)
601. Vienna, 1890
602. Two purchases
603. The Chess Historian
604. Ireland
605. Capa’s education
606. Information needed
607. Fischer’s slip
608. Harsh reviews?
609. Cross checks
610. Alekhine’s problem (C.N.s 544 & 569)
611. Mieses’ writings
612. Errata
613. Private chess libraries (C.N.s 102 & 144)
614. Heresy
615. Spelling Nimzowitsch (C.N. 447 & 518)
616. Janowsky not a bookworm?
617. An Alekhine slip
618. McDonnell and MacDonnell
619. Schuster v Carls (C.N.s 237, 293 & 417)
620. Pet moves (C.N.s 18 & 409)
621. Coincidence
622. Punctuation (C.N. 582)
623. Nearly top (C.N. 546)
624. A lost game?
625. Who wrote it?
626. Learn with Keres
627. What did Staunton play?
628. Capablanca misses mate in three
629. Transposition?
630. Morphy and Edge
631. L&HC 4
632. Smoke curtains
633. Keres v the British
634. When was it first published? (C.N. 77)
635. Hugh Myers
635. Batsford etc. (C.N. 583) [Number duplicated]
636. Unknown games
637. Book of the Year 1983
638. Burn
639. The quiz (C.N. 584)
640. Chess Express
641. Round-up
642. Another Capa game
643. Old Schlechter
644. Reinfeld
645. Cross check (C.N.s 458 & 609)
646. The origins of Alekhine’s Defence
647. Punctuation (C.N. 582 & 622)
648. Check and mate (C.N.s 334 & 458)
649. Translation needed
650. Due Tassinari
651. Alekhine’s rating (C.N. 558)
652. Retrograding
653. Bogoljubow
654. The last throes (C.N. 8)
655. Chess letters
656. Chess words
657. Fine’s Lessons from My Games
658. Morphy’s opera (C.N.s 120 & 159)
659. Chess wit (C.N. 26)
660. Private book collections (C.N.s 102, 144 & 613)
661. Lord Dunsany (C.N. 169)
662. Youngest writers (C.N.s 287 & 543)
663. The best first move
664. The quiz
665. Rubinstein
666. Geography
667. Clearing house (C.N. 590)
668. Leaves of Chess (C.N. 602)
669. Eichborn
670. Kasparov
671. The British championship (C.N. 571)
672. The strongest player
673. The bishop under-promotion (C.N. 298)
674. Identical games (C.N.s 304 & 379)
675. Longest analysis
676. Identical games (C.N. 508)
677. 50-move limit (C.N. 554)
678. Mellgren?
679. King only? (C.N. 595)
680. Cross check (C.N.s 458, 609 & 646)
681. Anti-Turton
682. Castling without a castle (C.N.s 275, 302 & 459)
683. What did Staunton play? (C.N. 627)
684. Letter and number problems (C.N. 303)
685. A lost game (C.N. 624)
686. Anastasia’s mate (C.N. 576)
687. Przepiórka (C.N.s 441, 465 & 581)
688. Fischer’s doings (C.N. 454)
689. Eternal vigilance [now about 20 C.N. numbers were repeated]
670. Marshall’s gold coins (C.N.s 103 & 445)
671. Essay on Chess
672. Instant books
673. British Chess
674. Simultaneous records (C.N. 319)
675. An unknown Alekhine book
676. Alekhine’s reluctance (C.N. 548 & 600)
677. Chess Express (C.N. 640)
678. Coincidence
679. Batsford (C.N.s 583 & 635)
680. Keres’ games
681. Book of the Year, 1983
682. And finally ...
683. Father and son
684. Giuoco Forte
685. Correspondence games
686. The things they write
687. Alekhine the annotator
688. No imagination
689. The greatest
690. Other jottings
691. Burn’s ancestry
692. Burn corrections
693. Alexander’s views
694. Capa’s top names
695. The (Neue) Wiener Schachzeitung
696. The Krejcikgambit
697. A rare ending
698. Satire
699. That under-promotion position (C.N.s 298 & 673)
700. Hoaxes
701. Clothing
702. A Pillsbury problem
703. Ostrogski
704. Annotating by result – or by name
705. Expulsion
706. Long thinking
707. Late castling
708. Mellgren (C.N. 678)
709. Eichborn (C.N. 669)
710. Retrograding (C.N. 652)
711. Historical truth
712. Due Tassinari (C.N. 650)
713. The Caxtons (C.N. 667)
714. Marshall’s gold coins (C.N. 103, 445 & 670)
715. Seletsky
716. Two rooks
717. Flohr v Fine (C.N. 657)
718. Fischer’s doings (C.N. 454 & 688)
719. Tinsley (C.N.s 45 & 593)
720. Jugo-slovakia
721. Infantile headings (C.N. 593)
722. Alekhine’s personality
723. Corrections
724. François Le Lionnais
725. Chess street names (C.N.s 139 & 457)
726. Frank Hollings
727. Contradictions
728. Capa’s letter
729. Capa v Euwe
730. Kitto (C.N. 556)
731. Vidmar Junior
732. Bruno Bassi
733. Batsford (C.N.s 583, 635 & 679)
734. Alekhine’s Defence
735. Rubinstein’s middle name (C.N. 665)
736. Alekhine’s Baden Baden book (C.N. 675)
737. Blunder?
738. The Durbar
739. Newspaper columns
740. Favourite moves (C.N.s 18, 409 & 620)
741. Quiz
742. Chess in the Courts (C.N. 360)
743. Magazines
744. Book notes
745. News
746. Bermúdez (C.N. 602)
747. Gossip
748. Bedlam
749. C.N. publications
750. Feedback
751. Olms tournament books
752. His chess adventures
753. Les échecs spectaculaires
754. Scholarship
755. The things they write
755. Fischer’s fear [number duplicated]
756. Chess Characters
757. Lasker and Capablanca
758. Alekhine and the police
759. The return match
760. By 1936
761. Old and new
762. Santasiere (C.N. 671)
763. Hollings (C.N. 65 & 726)
764. Chess street names (C.N.s 139, 457 and 725)
765. Ostrogski (C.N. 703)
766. Old and new (C.N. 710)
767. Capa v Euwe (C.N. 729)
768. Marshall’s gold (C.N.s 103, 445, 670 & 714)
769. America’s Chess Heritage
770. Alekhine v Euwe
771. Shipley’s scrapbooks
772. Lasker’s deepest game
773. Pocovny
774. Consultation
775. Miscellanea
776. Lasker
777. Spanish carelessness
778. Capa articles
779. Cambridge Springs
780. Suicide
781. Allgaier (C.N. 734)
782. Chess Express
783. Alekhine’s suprious games (C.N. 722)
784. Alekhine’s wit
785. Batsford (C.N. 733 etc.)
786. A little early.
787. Veteran Mieses
788. Schuster v Carls (C.N.s 237, 293, 417 & 619)
789. The things they write
790. Alekhine and suicide (C.N. 664)
791. Alekhine’s ‘crime’
792. Ratings
793. Reinfeld
794. Cambridge Springs (C.N. 779)
795. Knowing the rules
796. Quiz (C.N. 741)
797. Jaffe’s claim (C.N. 484 & 534)
798. Chess books needed (C.N. 218)
799. Robert Snyder
800. Fear of losing (C.N. 755)
801. Capablanca and Alekhine
802. Dicta
803. Pocovny (C.N. 773)
804. Shipley’s scrapbooks (C.N. 771)
805. Allgaier (C.N.s 734 & 781)
806. Euwe simuls (C.N. 729 & 767)
807. Capa articles (C.N. 778)
808. Ostrogski/Ostrovsky (C.N.s 703 & 765)
809. Moscow, 1914 (C.N. 753)
810. Brilliancy prize
811. Cheating
812. Bent’s studies column
813. How to castle (C.N. 189)
814. The 1921 match
815. Hypermodernism
816. Endgame advantages and Seirawan
817. Two rooks (C.N. 716)
818. The Chess Historian (C.N. 603)
819. Opening rarities
820. Tigran Petrosian
821. W.H. Cozens
822. The terms of chess (C.N. 349)
823. How Capa lost (C.N. 505)
824. Capa dozes?
825. Chess news
826. Dresden, 1926
827. Vera Menchik
828. Batsford
829. Who was she?
830. Lasker
831. Old and new (C.N. 766)
832. Bogoljubow’s pessimism
833. Heads of State
834. The role of chess history
835. The Chess Gazette
836. Another rewrite
837. Visualization
838. More Alekhine games
839. Summing up
840. Edginess
841. Bent’s studies column (C.N. 812)
842. Two rooks (C.N. 716 & 817)
843. The Myers Openings Bulletin
844. Batsford
845. Two careless books
846. Botvinnik’s interview (C.N. 825)
847. Correct score
848. The Companion
849. Quiz
850. Chess Characters
851. ‘The match that time forgot’
852. Sea air
853. Ratings
854. Vera Menchik (C.N. 827)
854. Lasker’s glasses [number duplicated]
855. W.H. Cozens (C.N. 821)
856. Visualization (C.N. 837)
857. Telling a story
858. Striking resemblance
859. Video cassettes
860. Alekhine’s ‘crime’ (C.N. 758 & 791)
861. Capa dozes (C.N. 824)
862. Alekhine and suicide (C.N. 790)
863. Russian series
864. Opening rarities (C.N. 819)
865. Dual
866. At last
867. Translating Fischer
868. Book of the Year Competition 1984
869. Deschap(p)elles
870. BCO
871. Practicalities

Volume 4 (1985):

872. Chess as she is wrote
873. Capablanca and Alekhine (C.N. 801)
874. Ethics
875. Modernism
876. Opening dogmatism
877. Fiction
878. A new history
879. FIDE’s family
880. Capa v Alekhine
881. The Edge letter (C.N. 840)
882. Quiz answers (C.N. 849)
883. Batsford (C.N.s 844 & 870)
884. Keep quiet (C.N. 857)
885. Sea air (C.N. 852)
886. ‘The match that time forgot’ (C.N. 851)
887. Flaw
888. Draws
889. Illiterate
890. Lists
891. Total Chess
892. Grandmaster Performance
893. Recurring
894. Chess Tournaments
895. Not unknown
896. Tietz (C.N.s 215, 321, 516)
897. Homage
898. Simultaneous records (C.N. 674)
899. Ordinary simuls
900. Dake’s loss
901. Chess Life
902. History
903. Did Rubinstein cheat?
904. Docklands development
905. Budapest miniature
906. Gamesmanship
907. Without comment
908. Lasker’s words?
909. Rubinstein
910. The Companion’s research
911. The Lasker game
912. Mate without moving (C.N. 865)
913. What was meant?
914. Spielmann’s quickest
915. Conclusion
916. Unseen
917. Alekhine v Rubinstein
918. The return match
919. The Queen’s Gambit (C.N. 877)
920. Chess the record
921. Capa’s contradiction
922. 1984 Book of the Year
923. Zugzwang
924. The Companion (continued)
925. Chess Gazette
926. Instant confusion
927. Much better
928. Wrong result
929. Richard the Fifth
930. Press errors
931. Brevities (C.N. 914)
932. Steinitz
933. Budapest miniature (C.N. 905)
934. ‘The match that time forgot’ (C.N.s 851 & 886)
935. Different starting grid
936. Keres’ correspondence games
937. Ståhlberg’s list
938. His master’s voice
939. A new world record? (C.N. 899)
940. MOB 35
941. Errata
942. FIDE’s family (C.N. 879)
943. The Edge letter (C.N.s 840 & 881)
944. Gamesmanship
945. Batsford
946. Not the BCM
947. Alekhine’s wit (C.N. 784)
948. Moscow nobbling
949. The return match (C.N. 918 et al.)
950. La Ronde
951. Chess as she is spoke (continued)
952. 50-move limit (C.N. 677)
953. Vidmar
954. A real game?
955. Opening dogmatism (C.N. 876)
956. Did Rubinstein cheat? (C.N. 903)
957. Morphy and Edge
958. Alekhine v Rubinstein (C.N. 917)
959. The Companion (C.N. 924)
960. His master’s voice (C.N. 938)
961. Gens una sumus (C.N. 942)
962. Capa on Lasker-Schlechter
963. Undignified dispute
964. Spelling McDonnell (C.N. 927)
965. Errata (C.N. 965)
966. Fine old mess
967. Batsford (C.N. 945 etc.)
968. Batsford (continued)
969. Reshevsky writes
970. A new world record? (C.N. 899)
971. South Africa
972. Why?
973. Matter-of-fiction?
974. Hypnosis
975. Karpov’s writings
976. Match book?
977. Simuls
978. Error prone
979. A rabble
980. The opposite
981. Essay competition
982. Forgotten memorials
983. Before not after
984. FIDE Speak
985. Catch 22
986. The most beautiful move
987. Dispute
988. The Zugzwang debate
989. Another Lasker-Schlechter match
990. Exculpations
991. Philip Hereford
992. R.J. Ford
993. Tournament reports
994. Reshevsky or Reinfeld (C.N. 969)
995. Hypnosis (C.N. 974)
996. Secret meetings
997. American masters
998. Vidmar and retrogradings (C.N. 953)
999. A real game? (C.N. 954)
1000. Tal simuls
1001. Errata
1002. Appreciations of Capa
1003. Rematch jottings
1004. Written notes
1005. Good performance?
1006. Anti-historical, anti-geographical
1007. K-K
1008. More problems in literature
1009. Mates in three
1010. Batsford (C.N. 968, etc.)
1011. A second Capa study?
1012. Morphy and Edge (C.N. 957)
1013. Unpaid debt: Andriessen B.V.
1014. Another chess film
1015. Weighing up the evidence
1016. Wrap up
1017. Pion coiffé
1018. Who was the greatest?
1019. Rubinstein Junior (C.N. 909)
1020. K-K (C.N. 1007)
1021. Alekhine’s articles (C.N. 990)
1022. Spelling
1023. Lasker-Schlechter Rice Gambit match (C.N. 989)
1024. How strong was Euwe?
1025. The most beautiful move (C.N. 986)
1026. Salo Flohr
1027. Another Karpov book
1028. Reprints
1029. Batsford (C.N. 1010 etc.)
1030. Edge (C.N. 1012)
1031. Morphy/Staunton/Edge
1032. Staunton quote
1033. Capa’s views
1034. Books for beginners
1035. Another fine book
1036. English
1037. Capa’s shortest loss
1038. Magazines
1039. Chess Tournaments (C.N. 894)
1040. Everybody knows
1041. Alekhine notes
1042. World tour
1043. Pet moves (C.N. 740)
1044. The sleeping yarn (C.N. 930 etc.)
1045. Shortest postal victory (C.N.s 905 & 933)
1046. Issue 24
1047. Sarratt (C.N. 570)
1048. The Kings of Chess
1049. Tartakower
1050. Lightning endings
1051. Lasker’s words? (C.N. 908)
1052. Blackburne’s forenames
1053. Capa’s views
1054. Crass
1055. Alekhine’s Nazi articles (C.N.s 1021, 1041, etc.)
1056. New in Chess
1057. Playing flat out
1058. My Weekly
1059. More wrong
1060. Dates
1061. K-K (C.N.s 1007 & 1020)
1062. Notation
1063. A Spielmann quote (C.N. 325)
1064. Arranged games
1065. Did it appear?
1066. Kemeri
1067. Book of the Year Competition 1985
1068. Bad analysis (C.N.s 99 & 194)
1069. Further book notes
1070. Striking resemblance (C.N. 858)
1071. Another year gone

Volume 5 (1986):

1072. Chess the brain-weakener
1073. Reshevsky (C.N.s 445 & 969)
1074. Chess Gazette (C.N. 925)
1075. Brilliant Steinitz
1076. Fisticuffs (C.N. 557)
1077. Not Steinitz
1078. Chess in the courts (C.N. 360)
1079. Evident corruption, breathtaking mendacity
1080. Hundred best blunders
1081. Golombek’s origins
1082. The Kings of Chess (C.N. 1048)
1083. Hypnosis (C.N. 995)
1084. Schlechter Jewish? (C.N. 1055)
1085. Juan Corzo
1086. Batsford
1087. Hypes – ‘Semi-final’ = World Championship Match
1088. Dake’s loss
1089. A tall story
1090. Notation (C.N. 1062)
1091. Pion coiffé (C.N. 1017)
1092. Fischer and Capablanca
1093. Alekhine’s articles (C.N. 1021)
1094. Two fine books
1095. Sarratt (C.N. 1047)
1096. Latvian spellings (C.N. 1096)
1097. Book of the Year Competition 1985 (C.N. 1067)
1098. Personal and General
1099. Book of the Year Competition 1985
1100. Simuls
1101. Opening terminology
1102. Team work
1103. Crass (C.N. 1054)
1104. Dates (C.N. 1060)
1105. Chess in the courts (C.N. 1078)
1106. A question of size
1107. Leapfrog records
1108. Two Janowsky finishes
1109. Lasker on Janowsky
1110. Alekhine’s articles (C.N.s 1021 & 1093)
1111. A Capablanca interview
1112. Capablanca in Sweden
1113. Brilliant Steinitz (C.N. 1075)
1114. The London Rules (C.N. 949)
1115. Flohr’s compositions
1116. A neat ending
1117. Gens una sumus
1118. Alekhine-Bruce
1119. Book notes
1120. Favourite books
1121. Chess Life
1122. Pion coiffé (C.N.s 1017 & 1091)
1123. Writers
1124. Staunton and Morphy (C.N. 1031)
1125. Arranged games (C.N. 1064)
1126. The greatest
1127. Earliest endorsement?
1128. Schlechter’s brilliancy
1129. Vandalism
1130. Open to doubt
1131. Seeds of defeat
1132. Fischer the bookworm
1133. Mary Houlding
1134. Giving up
1135. Strange balance
1136. Staunton in oils
1137. Book reviewing
1138. Missing moves
1139. Acknowledgements
1140. A spectacular move (C.N. 453)
1141. Odds
1142. Contradictory dates
1143. Chess Life and Fischer
1144. Seeds of defeat (C.N. 1131)
1145. The Test of Time
1146. Combe-Hasenfuss (C.N. 1064)
1147. Flohr’s compositions (C.N. 1115)
1148. Soviet Chess (C.N. 1120)
1149. Morphy and the Companion (C.N. 1124)
1150. Capablanca in Sweden (C.N. 1112)
1151. Another Capa simul
1152. Schlechter’s mother
1153. Reshevsky (C.N.s 445, 969, 994 & 1073)
1154. Mary Houlding
1155. The Hippopotamus (C.N. 1101)
1156. Pion coiffé (C.N. 1122)
1157. Staunton’s hypermodernism
1158. Quiz
1159. BCO
1160. Books (cont.)
1161. Why? (C.N. 972)
1162. Réti gets it right – but where? (C.N. 37)
1163. South Africa (C.N. 971)
1164. Memory (C.N. 241)
1165. Mr Keene’s journalism
1166. Second best?
1167. The London Rules (C.N. 1114)
1168. Alekhine’s Nazi articles (C.N. 1055)
1169. Latvian spellings (C.N. 1096)
1170. Did it appear? (C.N. 1065)
1171. A new prodigy
1172. Morphy and Edge (C.N. 1012)
1173. Reshevsky (C.N. 1153)
1174. People’s (C.N. 1145)
1175. Botvinnik
1176. The Symposium (C.N. 1143)
1177. Long thinking (C.N. 706)
1178. Mora
1179. Cartilla de ajedrez (C.N. 1142)
1180. Fidel Castro
1181. Piece sacrifice anticipated
1182. Spokesmen
1183. A Chess Miscellany
1184. South Africa (C.N. 1163)
1185. Alekhine’s last opponent (C.N.s 223, 284 & 552)
1186. Dubious arithmetic
1187. Zugzwang (C.N. 988)
1188. The Household Chess Magazine
1189. Lasker on money
1190. The Sphynx
1191. Book lists
1192. Larry Evans (C.N. 1143)
1193. The Hippopotamus (C.N.s 1101 & 1155)
1194. Alfred Lenton
1195. Quiz (C.N. 1158)
1196. The things they write
1197. Memoirs
1198. Mate in ten
1199. Old and new (C.N.s 710 & 766)
1200. The tree of chess knowledge (C.N. 485)
1201. Steiner-Alekhine
1202. Folkestone
1203. Kasparov-Miles
1204.Prodigies (C.N. 1171)
1205. Worst moves
1206. Sea air (C.N.s 852 & 885)
1207. Book notes
1208. The most beautiful move (C.N.s 986 & 1025)
1209. Excuses for winning
1210. Seeds of defeat (C.N. 1131)
1211. Capa v Réti
1212. That miniature
1213. Mate in 16
1214. Conflicting dates
1215. Brilliant Steinitz
1216. Not-so-brilliant Steinitz
1217. Five queens
1218. Bogoljubow’s Defence
1219. Strongest first move
1220. Unusual balance
1221. Lasker’s new notation
1222. FIDE matters
1223. Press conferences
1224. Gelabert
1225. Murray in action
1226. Next time
1227. Bibliographies
1228. Morphy and Edge (C.N. 1172)
1229. An interview with Professor Lucena
1230. Anti
1231. Book notes
1232. Corrections
1233. Alekhine’s Nazi articles
1234. Koltanowski
1235. Leaves of Chess (C.N.s 602 & 668)
1236. Seeds of defeat (C.N.s 1131, 1144 & 1210)
1237. Reshevsky (C.N. 1173)
1238. Chess Life
1239. The Household Chess Magazine (C.N. 1188)
1240. Memoirs (C.N. 1197)
1241. Doubled pawns
1242. Pet moves
1243. Man Machine
1244. The Termination
1245. Current affairs
1246. Mate in ten (C.N. 1198)
1247. Swindle
1248. The origins of chess
1249. Alekhine v Rubinstein (C.N. 958)
1250. 1...f6 (C.N. 451)
1251. Kasparov-Miles (C.N. 1203)
1252. Blunder
1253. Single bishop mate
1254. Mellgren (C.N. 708)
1255. Capa’s study
1256. Unusual balance (C.N. 1220)
1257. Bogoljubow (C.N. 587)
1258. Keres’ move
1259. Jutta Hempel (C.N. 1204)
1260. Libraries (C.N. 1183)
1261. Krejcik-Krobot (C.N. 1214)
1262. Truth
1263. Cheating
1264. Pergamon Russian Chess Series
1265. Kasparov-Miles (C.N. 1251)
1266. New in Chess
1267. Fischer’s games
1268. P.W. Sergeant
1269. Edge’s letter to Fiske (C.N. 840)
1270. Edge’s letter to Morphy
1271. Footwear
1272. Pillsbury’s (attempted) leap
1273. Reshevsky (C.N. 1237)
1274. Alekhine at Carlsbad
1274. Queen versus pawns [C.N. number duplicated]
1275. Keres’ move (C.N. 1258)
1276. No correction [No C.N. 1277]
1278. The Termination (C.N. 1244)
1279. Stonewall Defence
1280. Another untruth
1281. BCM
1282. CHESS (C.N.s 1145 & 1245)
1283. Staunton’s humour
1284. Morganisms
1285. Book notes
1286. Death
1287. Kleczynski
1288. Peak age
1289. Purdy
1290. Leonhardt and Marshall
1291. Swindle
1292. Another unknown letter
1293. Jutta Hempel (C.N. 1259)
1294. Predictions
1295. Erratum
1296. The Centre Counter
1297. South Africa
1298. 1986 Book of the Year Competition
1299. Epilogue

Volume 6 (1987):

1300. What went wrong? I
1301. What went wrong II
1302. Non-existent match
1303. Early Reshevsky
1304. Jutta Hempel (C.N. 1293)
1305. Staunton’s humour (C.N. 1283)
1306. Fischer in Havana (C.N. 1267)
1307. Rosebault
1308. Lasker v Schlechter
1309. Kleczyński (C.N. 1287)
1310. America’s Chess Heritage
1311. Murder (C.N. 128
1312. Natural death (C.N. 1286)
1313. Dutch courage
1314. Jaque Mate
1315. The queen
1316. A new competition
1317. Books
1318. Keres’ move (C.N. 1275)
1319. Alekhine at Carlsbad
1320. Opening assessments (C.N. 1296, etc.)
1321. Smyslov Jewish?
1322. Book notes
1323. Backwards
1324. Commentary
1325. Odd photograph
1326. Unknown book
1327. Pièce coiffée
1328. Morphy’s studiousness
1329. 1986 Book of the Year Competition
1330. Peak age (C.N. 1288)
1331. Readers’ books
1332. Complaint
1333. Translation needed
1334. The Prince
1335. Errata
1336. Chess Characters
1337. Modesty
1338. Heresy (C.N. 614)
1339. Problems
1340. This and that
1341. Rosebault (C.N. 1307)
1342. Spelling
1343. Rubinstein’s early career
1344. Winkelman’s win
1345. Notation (C.N. 1090)
1346. Bruno Bassi
1347. Whyatt’s problem (C.N. 1339)
1348. Quiz
1349. Soultanbéieff (C.N. 1333)
1350. Botvinnik
1351. Szabó’s book (C.N. 1322)
1352. Keres’ move (C.N. 1318)
1353. Unknown book (C.N. 1326)
1354. Kasparov on Fischer
1355. What went wrong? I (C.N. 1300)
1356. Marshall’s book (C.N. 1337)
1357. A Tartakower position
1358. Edge’s letter
1359. Predictions (C.N. 1294)
1360. Alekhine v (von) Feldt (C.N. 1191)
1361. Backwards (C.N. 1323)
1362. Capa’s genius (C.N. 403)
1363. Miniature I
1364. Miniature II
1365. Alekhine v Bogoljubow
1366. Adams and Torre (C.N. 397)
1367. Seitz letters
1368. Unusual opening
1369. Lasker and Janowsky
1370. Unoriginal remarks
1371. Not unique
1372. Knowing the rules (C.N. 795)
1373. Capa’s letter
1374. Alekhine’s doctorate
1375. Chess Characters (C.N. 1336)
1376. Book notes
1377. The Polish Immortal
1378. Olga Capablanca
1379. A Spassky miniature
1380. Draughts
1381. Description
1382. Qh5
1383. Olga Capablanca Clark (C.N. 1378)
1384. Book of the Year
1385. Natural death (C.N. 1312)
1386. World Chess Championship
1387. BCM
1388. What he really thinks
1389. Computers
1390. Old and new in chess (C.N. 1199)
1391. Revision
1392. Rotlewi (C.N. 796)
1393. A missed win
1394. Not the real finish
1395. Five queens (C.N. 1217)
1396. Missing moves (C.N. 1138)
1397. Hamppe v Meitner (C.N. 286)
1398. Dubious arithmetic (C.N. 1186)
1399. Pocovny (C.N.s 773 & 803)
1400. The Companion
1401. Openings literature
1402. A pawn ending mystery
1403. Bogoljubow (C.N. 1257)
1404. Basic Chess Endings
1405. Book notes
1406. Concentration of errors I (C.N.s 19, 93 & 889)
1407. Concentration of errors II
1408. Hopwood/Toz (C.N. 1239)
1409. Advice on the Ruy López
1410. Reshevsky and Reinfeld (C.N. 1273)
1411. Taft (C.N.s 64, 436 & 532)
1412. Another Seitz letter (C.N. 1367)
1413. A Steinitz speech
1414. Book reviews
1415. Magazines
1416. Morphy and Edge (C.N. 1228)
1417. The Companion
1418. Resemblance
1419. Quiz (C.N. 1348)
1420. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N. 1365)
1421. Mr David Anderton
1422. Mistaken identity?
1423. Corrections
1424. Contradictions
1425. Hoax
1426. Double-move chess
1427. Up to the fourth rank (C.N. 465)
1428. A Janowsky problem
1429. A Janowsky quote
1430. A strange queen ending
1431. Rosebault (C.N. 1341)
1432. Adams and Torre (C.N. 1366)
1433. Bogoljubow (C.N. 1403)
1434. Seeds of defeat (C.N. 1236)
1435. Capablanca remembered
1436. The Companion (C.N. 1400)
1437. Women in Chess (C.N. 1405)
1438. Mistaken identity (C.N. 1422)
1439. Morphy and Edge
1440. The Companion (C.N. 1417)
1441. English
1442. Resemblance (C.N. 1418)
1443. Habemus correctionem (C.N. 1415)
1444. Another Capa quote (C.N. 1362)
1445. An early Capa position?
1446. Knight tour
1447. Botvinnik (C.N. 1350)
1448. Notation (C.N. 1345)
1449. Capablanca v Alekhine
1450. Duplication?
1451. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N. 1420)
1452. Kasparov v Short (C.N. 1387)
1453. Staunton’s ancestry
1454. Keres’ wartime career
1455. Alekhine Nazi articles
1456. A missed win (C.N. 1393)
1457. Larry Evans
1458. Kasparov v Krabbé
1459. A familiar miniature (C.N. 1364)
1460. Colditz
1461. Rosebault (C.N. 1431)
1462. Alekhine in England
1463. A strange queen ending (C.N. 1430)
1464. Tal
1465. A Janowsky problem (C.N. 1428)
1466. Schottlander
1467. Ostrogski/Ostrovsky (C.N. 808)
1468. Nimzowitsch’s Defence
1469. An early Capa position (C.N. 1445)
1470. Knight tour (C.N. 1446)
1471. Staunton’s ancestry (C.N. 1453)
1472. Keres’ wartime career (C.N. 1454)
1473. Spelling (C.N. 1342)
1474. The most beautiful move (C.N.s 986 & 1208)
1475. A missed win (C.N. 1456)
1476. FIDE’s origins
1477. Identical games (C.N.s 379 & 508)
1478. Danvers (C.N. 1382)
1479. Seeds of defeat (C.N. 1434)
1480. Morphy, Edge and Staunton
1481. Modesty
1482. Alekhine v Amateur (C.N. 72)
1483. Chess in the courts (C.N.s 360, 1078 & 1105)
1484. A Capablanca film
1485. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N. 1451)
1486. Consultation (C.N. 1369)
1487. Giro account
1488. Symmetry
1489. The unknown Capablanca gem (C.N. 1383)
1490. The Prince (C.N. 1334)
1491. Book notes
1492. Larry Evans (C.N. 1457)
1493. Up to the fourth rank (C.N. 1427)
1494. Modern language
1495. Missing games
1496. The first?
1497. White to win
1498. Metamagical Themas
1499. Morphy-Staunton
1500. Lasker’s games
1501. Capablanca remembered (C.N. 1435)
1502. Capablanca v ‘Hagenlocher’ hoax (C.N. 1425)
1503. The Prince (C.N. 1490)
1504. Schottländer
1505. Chess in the courts (C.N. 1483)
1506. Changes
1507. Symmetry (C.N. 1488)
1508. Identical games (C.N. 1477)
1509. National championships
1510. Taft (C.N. 1411)
1511. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N. 1485)
1512. Dangerous delusion
1513. King hunt
1514. Book notes
1515. Best game
1516. The Myers Openings Bulletin
1517. 1987 Book of the Year Competition
1518. Early Reshevsky
1519. Pet moves
1520. Rosebault?
1521. Renewals

Volume 7 (1988):

1522. Chessmen and milk
1523. Schottländer (C.N.s 1466 & 1504)
1524. Another Leipzig discrepancy
1525. Mr Gunsberg
1526. Mrs Gunsberg
1527. Spelling (C.N. 1473)
1528. Hannak
1529. Ghosting
1530. Nationalism
1531. Lasker’s widow
1532. Another repeated game
1533. Paying for problems
1534. Alekhine v Reilly
1535. H.B. Daly
1536. The Argentine Variation
1537. Duplication? (C.N. 1450)
1538. Book sales
1539. Spielmann
1540. Contradictions
1541. Capablanca remembered (C.N. 1501)
1542. The Prince (C.N. 1503)
1543. Smothered mate
1544. Mindeno
1545. Anagrams
1546. Confusing players
1547. Drawn brilliancies
1548. Brilliancy oddity
1549. Last throes (C.N.s 9 & 654)
1550. Cambridge Springs, 1904
1551. The 50-move law
1552. Editorial
1553. Gallant in defeat
1554. An Oscar Wilde quote?
1555. A Spielmann brilliancy
1556. Draughts (C.N. 1491)
1557. Alekhine’s route (C.N. 1462)
1558. Monte Carlo, 1901
1559. Instant Chess
1560. Blindfold tournament
1561. Afterword
1562. ‘Or so they say’
1563. A Spielmann miniature
1564. Smyslov’s study
1565. Copyright
1566. The Wilde quotation (C.N. 1554)
1567. Independence
1568. Further misrepresentation
1569. Morphy-Edge
1570. Loyalty
1571. Metamagical Themas (C.N. 1498)
1572. Lasker’s games (C.N. 1500)
1573. Neumann’s clean score (C.N. 1514)
1574. Hannak (C.N. 1528)
1575. Drawn brilliancies (C.N. 1547)
1576. The Calvo case (C.N: 1552)
1577. Poser (C.N. 1497)
1578. The Capablanca billiards hoax (C.N. 1502)
1579. Did they consult? (C.N. 1486)
1580. Moscow, 1915 (C.N. 1001)
1581. Moscow, 1907 (C.N. 1512)
1582. World championship books
1583. Rubinstein Variation
1584. Mutual stalemate
1585. Tartakower’s wit and wisdom
1586. Best games
1587. A pawn ending mystery (C.N. 1402)
1588. Queen only endings
1589. Purdy’s wit (C.N. 1289)
1590. Grandmasters’ Association
1591. For life?
1592. Lipschütz
1593. Jutta Hempel (C.N. 1304)
1594. The Polgar sisters
1595. Chess on television
1596. Lighter mood
1597. Dawson’s impressions
1598. Lapsus cerebri
1599. Book of the Year 1987
1600. The Argentine Variation (C.N. 1536)
1601. Hastings (C.N. 1302)
1602. Chess in the courts (C.N. 1505)
1603. Translated?
1604. Ratings (C.N.s 1302 & 1601)
1605. R.P. Michell
1606. H.B. Daly (CN. 1535)
1607. Openings imbalance
1608. Pillsbury’s (non) leap
1609. Herceg Novi
1610. J.M. Lee
1611. A Tarrasch gem
1612. No annotations
1613. No diagrams
1614. A pawn ending mystery (C.N. 1587)
1615. Smyslov’s study (C.N. 1564)
1616. Blindfold tournament (C.N. 1560)
1617. Mrs Gunsberg (C.N. 1526)
1618. ‘Or so they say’ (C.N. 1562)
1619. Bilguer
1620. Morphy’s Defence
1621. Drawn brilliancies (C.N. 1575)
1622. Purdy’s wit (C.N. 1589)
1623. Pury’s birth-date (C.N.s 239 & 294)
1624. Falkbeer on Staunton
1625. Alekhine in Portugal
1626. Mr Jonathan Tisdall (C.N. 1567)
1627. The Prince (C.N. 1542)
1628. Glorias del Tablero (C.N. 1603)
1629. Book notes
1630. Professor Bidev (C.N.s 1248 & 1331)
1631. Early Reshevsky (C.N. 1518)
1632. C.N. reprint
1633. Morphy and Edge
1634. Cambridge Springs, 1904 (C.N. 1550)
1635. Steinitz or Lasker?
1636. Horatio Bolton
1637. Gone for good?
1638. For life?
1639. Monaco
1640. A real position?
1641. The Laskers’ first meeting
1642. Morphy, Staunton and Edge
1643. The Edge letter (C.N. 1358)
1644. Longest-serving columnist
1645. Most non-serving columnist
1646. Most self-serving columnist
1647. Wise words
1648. Trivial
1649. Fischer footnotes
1650. Mr Stewart Reuben’s viewpoint
1651. Réti books
1652. Dawid Janowsky and Géza Maróczy
1653. Capa’s shortest loss (C.N. 1037)
1654. Alekhine v Supico
1655. Herceg Novi (C.N. 1609)
1656. Book notes
1657. Tarrasch Defence
1658. Mattison’s studies
1659. Inside Chess
1660. Another new magazine
1661. Cheshire chess
1662. Repeated games (C.N.s 1364 1459 & 1532)
1663. Chess as she is wrote (I)
1664. Chess as she is wrote (II)
1665. Mr Jonathan Tisdall (C.N. 1626)
1666. Poser (C.N. 1577)
1667. Janowsky
1668. Schlechter
1669. Morphy and Edge (C.N. 1569)
1670. A Capablanca position?
1671. A Fischer letter
1672. Newspaper cuttings
1673. The Times-Democrat
1674. Chess in the courts (C.N. 1505)
1675. Concentration of errors (C.N.s 1406 & 1407)
1676. Alekhine games (C.N. 1625)
1677. Results at Wimbledon
1678. Döry
1679. Documents
1680. Fine’ absence
1681. The Way It Was
1682. An Alekhine game
1683. A missed win (C.N.s 1393, 1456 & 1457)
1684. Germann
1685 Erratum
1686 Gone for good?
1687. Common Sense in Chess
1688. Sea air
1689. Jews in chess
1690. Henriksen’s three-mover (C.N.s 148, 267)
1691. Tournament books
1692. Fast chess (C.N. 1655)
1693. Results at Wimbledon (C.N. 1677)
1694. Book notes
1695. Gens una sumus
1696. Pillsbury’ s (non) leap (C.N. 1608)
1697. Elo (C.N. 1638)
1698. Steinitz or Lasker? (C.N. 1635)
1699. ‘Teichman-Marbl’ (C.N. 1658)
1700. Morphy and Edge (C.N. 1669)
1701. Marshall v Rubinstein (C.N. 1659)
1702. Janowsky (C.N. 1342)
1703. Tartakower (C.N. 1342)
1704. A book on Rubinstein
1705. A book by Rubinstein
1706. Book reviews
1707. Yudovich
1708. Kostić.
1709. Alekhine’s books
1710. Bishop v knight
1711. Kasparov bibliography
1712. Ethics
1713. Lawsuit
1714. Hamppe (C.N. 1635)
1715. Knight ending
1716. Translations
1717. Tarrasch Defence (C.N. 1657)
1718. Brief obituaries (C.N. 1268)
1719. For solving
1720. Beating Tarrasch
1721. Where? When?
1722. Morphy, Staunton and Edge
1723. ‘CHESS’ the musical (C.N. 920)
1724. Brandreth
1725. Chessplaying celebrities
1726. Chess and films
1727. A Capablanca film (C.N. 1484)
1728. Fastest players
1729. Capablanca in Sweden (C.N. 1112)
1730. Jeff Sarwer
1731. Next time
1732. Danvers Opening (C.N. 1535)
1733. Kasparov bibliography (C.N. 1711)
1734. A new Kasparov work
1735. For life? (C.N.s 1591 & 1638)
1736. Ethics (C.N. 1712)
1737. Mr Eric Schiller
1738. Fischer’s participation
1739. Abrahams
1740. Mirror image
1741. Capablanca knight ending (C.N. 1715)
1742. Chess and films (C.N. 1726)
1743. Anonymity
1744. Kreymborg
1745. Irregular openings
1746. Obvious oversight
1747. Times change
1748. Women in chess (C.N. 1681)
1749. Marshall v Rubinstein (C.N. 1701)
1750. Identical games I
1751. Identical games II
1752. Identical games III
1753. Announced mate
1754. Danish Gambit
1755. An elegant finish
1756. Morgan’s Gambit
1757. Morphy, Staunton and Edge (C.N. 1700)
1758. Morphy, Staunton and Edge (C.N. 1722)
1759. Capa games
1760. Apšenieks (C.N. 1728)
1761. Fast players (C.N. 1728)
1762. Lasker v Schlechter
1763. Discrepancies
1764. Mate by castling
1765. Quotation
1766. Vera Menchik (C.N. 1663)
1767. Chess in the courts
1768. Book notes
1769. Predictions
1770. Will to win
1771. Brilliancy prizes
1772. Invented games
1773. Ratings (C.N. 1697)
1774. Playing to Win
1775. Capablanca-Alekhine terms
1776. Street names (C.N. 764)
1777. Janowsky/Janowski
1778. Alekhine’s books (C.N. 1709)
1779. Beating Tarrasch (C.N. 1720)
1780. Steinitz
1781. Lasker/Keidanz problem
1782. Alekhine’s Defence
1783. The origins of chess
1784. Computers
1785. Concentration of errors
1786. Planeta Şah
1787. Book of the Year 1988
1788. Conclusion

Volume 8 (1989):

1789. Year Eight
1790. The Russell Collection
1791. Spassky’s book
1792. Correspondence
1793. Variants
1794. Books by Karpov
1795. Hastings, 1919
1796. New York, 1913
1797. Cooked problems
1798. Frere v Marshall
1799. A Fischer snippet
1800. Mate in 19
1801. Mate in 28
1802. Kasparov on computers
1803. Blackburne’s forenames
1804. Capablanca v Bain
1805. Paley Hughes
1806. Identical games
1807. Titles for life?
1808. Honorary grandmaster
1809. Vainglory (continued)
1810. Real grandmasters
1811. Early Euwe
1812. Euwe’s simultaneous games (C.N. 316)
1813. The things they write
1814. Kreymborg (C.N. 1744)
1815. Predictions
1816. Fischer bibliography
1817. Magazines compared
1818. Morphy, Staunton and Edge
1819. Errata
1820. Meeting Alekhine
1821. Book notes
1822. Holes
1823. Lasker v Thomas
1824. Steinitz
1825. Lasker/Keidanz problem (C.N.s 1719 & 1781)
1826. Book of the Year 1988
1827. Calvi
1828. Circular saw
1829. Correspondence chess personalities
1830. Bohemia
1831. Troitzky
1832. The origins of chess (C.N. 1783)
1833. Books by Karpov (C.N. 1794)
1834. New York, 1913 (C.N. 1796)
1835. Bohemia (C.N. 1830)
1836. Calvi (C.N. 1830)
1837. Capablanca v Hagenlacher (C.N. 1578)
1838. Chess and films (C.N.s 1726 & 1742)
1839. Mirror image (C.N. 1740)
1840. Fischer footnotes (C.N. 1649)
1841. Karpov’s books
1842. Alekhine’s doctorate
1843. Rubinstein’s book (C.N. 1705)
1844. Chess Life, etc.
1845. Euwe simuls (C.N. 1812)
1846. Keres v Czerniak
1847. A Najdorf miniature
1848. Speed chess
1849. Capablanca v Marshall
1850. Morphy’s Defence (C.N. 1620)
1851. Steinitz, Lasker and Potter (C.N.s 1635 & 1698)
1852. Problem moves
1853. Book notes
1854. Pérez’s reminiscences
1855. Tartakower on Capablanca
1856. A Fischer loss
1857. Announced mate (C.N. 1753)
1858. Purdy’s wit (C.N. 1622)
1859. Best game
1860. Identical games (C.N. 1806)
1861. R.T.P. v Mr Young
1862. Computers (C.N. 1802)
1863. B.H. Wood
1864. Dubois v Steinitz
1865. Book notes (C.N. 1821)
1866. Spelling Janowsky and Tartakower
1867. Misrepresentation (C.N. 1765)
1868. Neologisms
1869. Poetry
1870. The origins of chess (C.N. 1832)
1871. Warriors of the Mind (C.N. 1853)
1872. Correction
1873. Tartakower (C.N. 1866)
1874. Janowsky (C.N. 1866)
1875. Fraud
1876. Dickens and Buckle
1877. Miss Edith Price (C.N. 162)
1878. A question of size
1879. New York, 1857
1880. Retrogradings
1881. Invented games (C.N. 1772)
1882. A pawn ending mystery (C.N. 1614)
1883. Bohemia (C.N.s 1830 & 1835)
1884. EG 1885. In need of repair
1886. F.K. Young
1887. Encyclopaedia Britannica
1888. The Russell Collection (C.N. 1790)
1889. Lord Dunsany
1890. Hollin(g)s (C.N. 763)
1891. Cambridge v Bedlam (C.N. 748)
1892. Kasparov on computers (C.N.s 1802 & 1862)
1893. Fischer on computers
1894. Nimzowitsch’s birth-date
1895. Poetry (C.N. 1869)
1896. Announcement
1897. Issue 46
1898. Lasker on his predecessors
1899. A complex draw
1900. J.H. Blackburne’s recipe
1901. Vintage Marshall
1902. Antipodean literature
1903. Works on Kasparov (C.N. 1733)
1904. Lilienthal
1905. Computers (C.N. 1862)
1906. Videotapes (C.N. 1783)
1907. Dickens and Buckle (C.N. 1876)
1908. New York, 1857 (C.N. 1879)
1909. Bird (C.N. 1850)
1910. Rubinstein’s journalism (C.N. 1843)
1911. F.K. Young (C.N. 1886)
1912. Rook’s Gambit Declined
1913. McCombe (C.N.s 1861 & 1875)
1914. Polgár
1915. Fine’s absence (C.N. 1680)
1916. A Kasparov interview
1917. Hollin(g)s (C.N. 1890)
1918. Typographical errors
1919. Dubious geography
1920. The Nazi articles
1921. Ethics (C.N.s 1712 & 1736)
1922. Lasker on Capablanca
1923. Calendars
1924. Book of the Year 1989
1925. Obituaries
1926. The BCM
1927. Réti
1928. Book notes
1929. Warriors of the Mind (C.N.s 1853 & 1871)
1930. The origins of chess (C.N.s 1832 & 1870)
1931. Nimzowitsch’s birth-date (C.N. 1894)
1932. Morphy-Edge-Staunton
1933. Conclusion

Syndicated column (1993-98):

1934. Fischer and Damiano’s Defence
1935. Steinitz
1936. Swedish chess personalities
1937. The new MOB
1938. Knights first
1939. Breyer Defence
1940. Father and son
1942. A flock of sheep
1943. Testing Reshevsky
1944. Frank Marshall
1945. Pomar problems
1946. Children’s books
1947. At sea
1948. Double queen sacrifice
1949. Bronstein’s book
1950. Second-hand books
1951. Howlers and chicanery
1952. Elegant miniatures
1953. A Capablanca loss
1954. Pillsbury’s last game
1955. American Chess Journal
1956. Writing Nimzowitsch
1957. Little-known photographs
1958. Critical moments
1959. The Polish Immortal
1960. Combinations
1961. Father and son (C.N. 1940)
1962. Réti’s knights
1963. Titles
1964. Long and wrong
1965. How to Play
1966. A new Morphy book
1967. FIDE champion
1968. Fine’s short loss
1969. Pawns only
1970. Alekhine queen sacrifices
1971. Seirawan on Fischer
1972. Cuban books on Capablanca
1973. Alekhine v Capablanca?
1974. Warren H. Goldman
1975. Opening novelties
1976. Rankings
1977. Isidor Gunsberg
1978. Monaco
1979. Consulting books
1980. Basic Chess Endings
1981. Snap mate
1982. FIDE titles
1983. Best games
1984. Chess Fever
1985. Pillsbury games
1986. A Rubinstein victory
1987. Writing Nimzowitsch (C.N. 1956)
1988. Alekhine v Capablanca (C.N. 1973)
1989. Lisa Lane
1990. Books and articles needed
1991. Chess Calendar
1992. Fischer’s clock
1993. Variant Chess
1994. Rare queen sacrifices
1995. Calculation
1996. Marshall’s Gambit
1997. Bribery and roguery
1998. Tsar Nicholas II
1999. The Russell Collection
2000. A forgotten Chigorin game
2001. Rubinstein’s Immortal Game
2002. An unknown player
2003. Alekhine v Capablanca (C.N.s 1973 & 1988)
2004. Breyer Defence (C.N. 1939)
2005. Search for Rubinstein games
2006. Old versus new
2007. Réti’s knights (C.N. 1962)
2008. Chess Fever (C.N. 1984)
2009. Missed mates
2010. Profligacy of grandmaster titles
2011. A pawn ending mystery
2012. Reprints
2013. The Polish Immortal (C.N. 1959)
2014. Young Junge
2015. Promotion to knight
2016. Promotion to knight without check
2017. Not a championship match
2018. Classic tournaments
2019. Quotations
2020. Openings books
2021. Stalemate
2022. Rare queen sacrifices (C.N. 1994)
2023. The O’Kelly Variation
2024. A spectacular draw
2025. Two queens against one
2026. Morphy’s unexplained words
2027. Impostors
2028. A Bogoljubow study
2029. Openings
2030. Réti on Hypermodernism
2031. Promotion to knight without check (C.N. 2016)
2032. Znosko-Borovsky’s book
2033. Morphy’s unexplained words (C.N. 2026)
2034. Four queens only
2035. Combinations (C.N. 1960)
2036. Quick Keres loss
2037. Living chess
2038. Single bishop mate
2039. Ghosted?
2040. Common misspellings
2041. A new Marshall book
2042. Two queens against one (C.N. 2025)
2043. Promotion to knight without check (C.N. 2031)
2044. Morphy scores
2045. Announced mates
2046. Tal’s neglected game
2047. A Blackburne brilliancy
2048. ‘The most humorous position’
2049. Predictions
2050. Staircase manoeuvre
2051. Unhealthy opponents
2052. The Polish Immortal (C.N.s 1959 & 2013)
2053. Najdorf games
2054. Cuban photographs
2055. What was played?
2056. Reprints (C.N. 2012)
2057. Old versus new (C.N. 2006)
2058. At sea (C.N. 1947)
2059. Early use of ‘world chess champion’
2060. Valueless title
2061. Promotion to knight without check
2062. Resisting a Marshall onslaught
2063. Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (C.N. 2044)
2064. Steinitz’s forename
2065. Staircase manoeuvre (C.N. 2050)
2066. Announced mates (C.N. 2045)
2067. Back issues
2068. Promotion to knight without check
2069. Stalemate (C.N. 2021)
2070. Discovered mate
2071. Lasker v Steinitz discrepancy
2072. Smyslov v Reshevsky
2073. A Staunton position
2074. Middlegame errors
2075. Kieseritzky
2076. Rubinstein
2077. Schlechter
2078. More fine books
2079. Earliest castling
2080. Tsar Nicholas II (C.N. 1998)
2081. Morphy v Löwenthal
2082. Brilliancies
2083. At sea (C.N. 2058)
2084. Fine’s short loss (C.N. 1968)
2085. The best move (C.N.s 837 & 856)
2086. Endgame study
2087. Flesch’s blindfold performance
2088. Mirror image
2089. An elegant finish
2090. Another Junge
2091. Colour coincidence?
2092. Rare queen sacrifices (C.N.s 1994 & 2022)
2093. Marshall’s golden move
2094. A quick Botvinnik loss
2095. Magic squares
2096. Single bishop mate (C.N. 2038)
2097. A mystery tournament
2098. The knight’s tour
2099. Alekhine v Vidmar Junior
2100. By transposition
2101. Tsar Nicholas II (C.N.s 1998 & 2080)
2102. Most national titles
2103. Derrickson
2104. Beating Alekhine
2105. Full of holes
2106. The Laskers
2107. Endgame study (C.N. 2086)
2108. A Bogoljubow study (C.N. 2028)
2109. Alekhine’s self-contradiction
2110. Smyslov v Reshevsky (C.N. 2072)
2111. No brilliancy
2112. Promotion to knight without check (C.N. 2068)
2113. Rice
2114. A strange manoeuvre
2115. Consultation win
2116. When did Reinfeld learn chess?
2117. Alekhine misses mate in one
2118. Unhealthy opponents (C.N. 2051)
2119. Gone with the Wind (C.N. 2063)
2120. Women’s world championship
2121. Bishop and knight ending
2122. Which beautiful game?
2123. Resignation in winning position
2124. Bronstein’s book (C.N. 1949)
2125. Lasker v Schlechter
2126. Quick defeats
2127. Banknotes
2128. Kingpin
2129. Bishop and knight endings (C.N. 2121)
2130. Chess Fundamentals (C.N. 2122)
2131. Alekhine’s missed mate in one (C.N. 2117)
2132. Stalemate (C.N. 2069)
2133. Legall’s trap
2134. Who was Valenta?
2135. Chess Personalia
2136. Bishop and knight endings (C.N. 2129)
2137. Obvious moves spurned
2138. Alekhine on Capa’s endings
2139. Tsar Nicholas II (C.N.s 1998, 2080 & 2101)
2140. Calculation (C.N. 1995)
2141. Teichmann miniature
2142. Announced mate in 25
2143. A Czech brilliancy
2144. Resignation in winning position (C.N. 2123)
2145. Miracle
2146. Youngest player
2147. Sacrificial attack
2148. Marshall’s golden move (C.N. 2093)
2149. The least bookish
2150. Earliest opening blunder
2151. Janowsky mate (C.N. 351)
2152. Lightning ending
2153. Harrwitz blindfold performance
2154. Lasker v Schlechter (C.N. 2125)
2155. An entertaining game
2156. Games played in secret (C.N.s 787 & 996)
2157. Skulduggery
2158. A Kostić miniature
2159. Unusual ending
2160. Consultation game
2161. Bishop v knight ending
2162. Capped knight
2163. Tarrasch Defence
2164. Nightrider
2165. Best books
2166. Announced mate (C.N. 2142)
2167. Calculation (C.N. 2140)
2168. Standard moves criticized
2169. Learning not to blunder
2170. Times for individual moves
2171. Never lost on time?
2172. Predictions
2173. Single bishop mate (C.N. 2096)
2174. Who was Valenta (C.N. 2134)
2175. Consultation game
2176. Lasker v Thomas
2177. Brilliancy oddity
2178. Botvinnik v Suttles
2179. Klaus Junge’s father (C.N. 2090)
2180. Consecutive sacrifices
2181. Confusion
2182. Among the film stars?
2183. Lasker v Thomas (C.N. 2176)
2184. Youngest problemist
2185. Difficult problem
2186. Kasparov v Krabbé
2187. Rubinstein trap

Column in New in Chess (1998-2001):

2188. The earliest Caro-Kann Defence
2189. Capa’s ‘brilliancy’
2190. Consultation game
2191. No collection of games
2192. Tarrasch v Lasker
2193. Zukertort v Blackburne
2194. A knight at e5
2195. The Stormy Petrel and the Evans Gambit
2196. Bogoljubow
2197. Correspondence game
2198. Marshall v Kubbel
2199. Mate in ten
2200. Queen sacrifice
2201. Hype corner
2202. Resignation in winning position
2203. Lack of books
2204. Adams v Torre
2205. Oddly placed bishops
2206. Noah’s Ark Trap
2207. Books needed
2208. Moorman
2209. Three consecutive queen sacrifices
2210. Unknown Fischer games
2211. Anderssen
2212. Misspellings
2213. Důras problem
2214. Non-player
2215. Patron saint of chess
2216. Three consecutive queen sacrifices (C.N. 2209)
2217. Wing gambits
2218. Varnusz
2219. Reviewers
2220. On film
2221. Actor
2222. Technique
2223. The Portuguese Opening
2224. Unusual queen sacrifice
2225. Unhistorical (I)
2226. Unhistorical (II)
2227. Adams v Torre (C.N. 2204)
2228. Computers
2229. The ‘perfect game’
2230. Swindle
2231. Blitz chess
2232. Women and chess
2233. Opening fashions
2234. Best computer moves
2235. Pollock v Gibbons
2236. Sufficient mating material
2237. Unsound?
2238. Przepiórka’s death
2239. Precocious
2240. Tal’s year of death
2241. Another spectacular gaffe
2242. Anderssen game (C.N. 2211)
2243. Fine’s doctorate
2244. Red Reshevsky
2245. Autres temps autres moeurs (?)
2246. Keres problem
2247. Publishing event
2248. The Döry Defence
2249. A ‘beautiful termination’
2250. Benoni confusion
2251. Predictions
2252. Double rook sacrifice
2253. The French Defence
2254. Study Botvinnik
2255. Wrong century
2256. Shocking move
2257. Blitz chess (C.N. 2231)
2258. Aesthetics
2259. Lasker’s state of mind
2260. Swindle (C.N. 2230)
2261. Signed books
2262. Capablanca at university
2263. A more elegant win
2264. Steinitz on correctness
2265. Self-criticism
2266. First chess broadcast?
2267. A million sold
2268. My 60 Memorable Games
2269. Burn games
2270. More computer finds
2271. Chess as a profession
2272. 1 h4
2273. Niemzowitsch
2274. ‘Chess Curiosities’
2275. Illegal position
2276. Old versus new
2277. Down the drain
2278. Tarrasch
2279. Quiet moves
2280. Kasparov win
2281. Soviet Championships
2282. Schlechter’s tournament record
2283. Bellingham
2284. Hall of Fame
2285. Aesthetics (C.N. 2257)
2286. Mishap
2287. The best game
2288. Correcting the record
2289. Signed books (C.N. 2261)
2290. Maróczy book
2291. Illegal position (C.N. 2275)
2292. Lasker problem
2293. World champion needed?
2294. Tarrasch Defence
2295. Tartakower defeat
2296. Precocious (C.N. 2239)
2297. Nineteenth-century teenagers
2298. My 60 Memorable Games (C.N. 2268)
2299. Fine and Hiss
2300. Schlechter problem
2301. Alekhine and the London Rules
2302. Quiz question
2303. Réti remembered
2304. Pillsbury’s poverty
2305. Obvious moves spurned (C.N. 2137)
2306. ‘Never miss a check’
2307. ‘99% tactics’
2308. Valuable books
2309. Book sales
2310. Announced mate out of the blue
2311. Divinsky’s encyclopedia
2312. All pieces sacrificed
2313. Englisch v Tarrasch
2314. Undefeated run
2315. Schlechter’s problems (C.N. 2300)
2316. Larry Evans
2317. Genius or mortal?
2318. Bellingham (C.N. 2283)
2319. Maróczy book (C.N. 2290)
2320. Derrickson
2321. No mate
2322. Carlsbad, 1911
2323. ‘The father of modern chess’
2324. Morphy v Anderssen
2325. Another Morphy
2326. World champion
2327. ‘Genius or mortal’ (C.N. 2317)
2328. Kasparov on Fischer and Karpov
2329. Book prices
2330. Russian prodigy
2331. Proper chess journalism
2332. Marshall’s Gambit
2333. A strange line
2334. Unusual prizes
2335. Announced mate
2336. Signed books
2337. Anderssen v Dubois
2338. Memorabilia
2339. ‘99% tactics’ (C.N. 2307)
2340. The French Defence (C.N. 2253)
2341. A missed opportunity
2342. Revelatory
2343. Capablanca v Alekhine
2344. Time consumed
2345. Hype corner (C.N. 2201)
2346. A forgotten match
2347. Bogoljubow blindfold
2348. Mishap (C.N. 2286)
2349. Zukertort problem
2350. Club team
2351. Grünfeld game
2352. Developing bishops
2353. Fighting draw
2354. Unusual prizes (C.N. 2334)
2355. Unusual combinations
2356. Resignation
2357. Alekhine’s Defence
2358. Proper chess journalism (C.N. 2331)
2359. Marshall v Capablanca
2360. Did they consult?
2361. The Laskers
2362. Preposterous
2363. Another Edge reprint
2364. Capablanca v Tartakower
2365. Another Fischer book
2366. Postage stamps
2367. Castling
2368. Rosenthal mate
2369. Critical moments
2370. Misplaced knight
2371. Wrong names galore
2372. History repeated
2373. Capablanca v Bronstein?
2374. Capablanca and Catalan
2375. Trompowsky Opening
2376. Two world champions on Yanofsky
2377. Hype corner
2378. Koltanowski games
2379. Koltanowski problem
2380. Unusual prizes (C.N. 2334)
2381. Find the quickest win
2382. Colle’s forename
2383. Koltanowski’s shortcuts
2384. Wing Gambit
2385. Memo
2386. Fischer games (C.N. 2365)
2387. Johann Berger
2388. Duke v Count
2389. The earliest Caro-Kann Defence (C.N. 2188)
2390. The French Defence (C.N. 2340)
2391. François Mitterrand
2392. Postage stamps (C.N. 2366)
2393. Miniature
2394. Rook on the seventh rank
2395. Difficult and easy
2396. Schlechter’s death
2397. Front covers
2398. Staunton’s title pretensions
2399. Zugzwang
2400. Blackburne’s best loss
2401. Rude book reviews
2402. A Capablanca ending
2403. Capablanca v Alekhine (C.N.s 2343 & 2344)
2404. Beauty contest winner
2405. Pillsbury’s brain
2406. Bellingham (C.N.s 2283 & 2318)
2407. World championship bickering
2408. Aphorism
2409. The Nimzo-Indian
2410. Nimzowitsch in Switzerland
2411. Carlos Torre
2412. The London Rules
2413. Problem-like
2414. Anderssen v Dubois (C.N. 2337)
2415. Dake
2416. The Polish Immortal
2417. Unusual material balance
2418. James Leonard
2419. Front covers (C.N. 2397)
2420. Early world champions
2421. Capablanca v Bronstein? (C.N. 2373)
2422. How to annotate
2423. Edward Lasker
2424. Winning a won game
2425. Pawn ending
2426. Correspondence chess messages
2427. The encyclopaedia that never was
2428. Unknown player
2429. Long gaps
2430. Lasker and AVRO
2431. Draughts
2432. A Capablanca ending (C.N. 2402)
2433. James Leonard (C.N. 2418)
2434. Colonel Moreau
2435. Another Nimzowitsch game
2436. Advice
2437. Racehorses
2438. Long gaps
2439. The Nimzo-Indian (C.N. 2409)
2440. James Leonard (C.N. 2433)
2441. Derrickson (C.N. 2320)
2442. Morrison v Capablanca
2443. Chess and villainy
2444. Truism
2445. Quiz question
2446. ‘Walling in’
2447. Oddly placed bishops (C.N. 2005)
2448. Miss
2449. James Leonard (C.N. 2440)
2450. Marshall v six-year-old
2451. Temperature
2452. Camelot
2453. Knight manoeuvres (C.N. 2438)
2454. 1 Nf3 e5
2455. Young players
2456. Critical moments (C.N. 2369)
2457. Lightning game
2458. Pawn ending (C.N. 2425)
2459. Colonel Moreau (C.N. 2434)
2460. Promotion to knight (C.N. 2015)
2461. Modernity and hypermodernity
2462. Chasing the king
2463. Alekhine-Bogoljubow
2464. Alekhine on Teichmann and chess theory
2465. Tartakower on Teichmann
2466. Racehorses
2467. Randomized chess
2468. Eric Schiller
2469. More elementary blunders
2470. The end of the 1921 match (C.N. 814)
2471. Lasker v Janowsky
2472. Reshevsky the prodigy
2473. Euwe and Alekhine return match
2474. Prime ministers
2475. Analytical hiccup
2476. Best games
2477. Sense of humour
2478. Kingpin
2479. Draw?
2480. Non-match
2481. Zukertort game
2482. Moreau and Moriau (C.N.s 2434 & 2459)
2483. Longest analysis (C.N. 675)
2484. Predictions (C.N. 2251)
2485. Reuben Fine
2486. Erratic players

Column at the Chess Café (9 May 2002-2 September 2004):

2487. Seesaw combination
2488. Spielmann on Réti
2489. Fischer’s views
2490. H.J.R. Murray’s favourite magazine
2491. Caricatures
2492. Young Reinfeld
2493. ‘The most fun’
2494. Pleasing geometry
2495. ‘Capablanca & Rosebault’
2496. More Capablanca memorabilia
2497. The last throes
2498. ‘Exceedingly interesting’
2499. Move order
2500. Queen’s knight odds
2501. Janowsky’s opinion of the minor pieces
2502. Evans Gambit variations
2503. Instructive ending
2504. Characteristics
2505. Chigorin correspondence game
2506. Tony Miles’ blindfold play
2507. Openings knowledge
2508. Steinitz challenges Anderssen
2509. Nimzowitsch
2510. British royalty
2511. President Grévy
2512. Open to doubt
2513. Tailpiece quote
2514. Marshall
2515. Lasker inscription
2516. Lasker on Lasker
2517. Promotion to knight without check
2518. Rupert Brooke, history and chess
2519. Unexpected move
2520. Chess doublets
2521. Capablanca v Fonaroff
2522. Who was Fonaroff?
2523. Marshall’s endgame play (C.N. 2514)
2524. Edward Lasker memorabilia
2525. Masters’ styles
2526. Nimzowitsch snippet
2527. Capablanca versus (?) Nimzowitsch
2528. Trompowsky Opening
2529. Announced mates
2530. Walbrodt and Delmar
2531. Lilienthal and literacy
2532. Over-refinement
2533. What they say about each other
2534. More Nimzowitsch
2535. Torre and Reshevsky on film?
2536. Torre photographs
2537. Capablanca v Fonaroff (C.N. 2521)
2538. New York, 1924 brilliancy prize dispute
2539. World championship disorder
2540. Tartakower on decisiveness
2541. Bogoljubow inscription
2542. Double rook sacrifice
2543. Untimely death notices
2544. Stalemate announced
2545. Best annotators
2546. Beginners’ book
2547. First instructional film on chess
2548. A chess-playing statesman
2549. Rubinstein and draws
2550. Co-creator of Modern Chess Openings
2551. Philip Woliston
2552. Early chess broadcasts
2553. Goetz miniature
2554. Capablanca v Alekhine match game
2555. Caricatures of Alekhine and Capablanca
2556. Anecdotes
2557. Hallucinations
2558. Passed pawns
2559. Birth-date
2560. Arturo Pomar
2561. Beauty contest winner (R. Fischer)
2562. Queen sacrifice missed?
2563. Book signed by George Walker
2564. Drawing combination
2565. Early Flohr games
2566. Romanovsky’s recollections of Alekhine
2567. Film star chessplayer
2568. Seeger v Pomar (C.N. 2560)
2569. Chess in the courts
2570. ‘Glorious massacre’
2571. Adams v Torre
2572. ‘Marriage versus Chess’
2573. Silhouettes
2574. ‘Walling in’ (C.N. 2446)
2575. Daniel Starbuck
2576. Fan mail
2577. Amsterdam, 1950
2578. Non-chess books
2579. Reinfeld’s chess library
2580. Bogoljubow problem
2581. Mystery photograph
2582. Capablanca autopsy report
2583. Intuition
2584. Whitaker and Hartleb
2585. ‘Wild-wester’
2586. A curious finish
2587. Tartakower on San Remo, 1930
2588. Rubinstein trap
2589. Early Fairhurst
2590. Fast chess
2591. Non-chess books (C.N. 2578)
2592. Capablanca v Fonaroff (C.N.s 2521, 2522 & 2537)
2593. Raking bishops
2594. British royalty (C.N. 2510)
2595. The Chess Café
2596. Nostalgia
2597. Alekhine’s Defence
2598. Fast chess (C.N. 2590)
2599. Youngest subject of a chess book
2600. McDonnell v Labourdonnais
2601. Non-chess books (C.N. 2591)
2602. Non-chess games
2603. ‘Walling in’ (C.N. 2574)
2604. Tartakower on San Remo, 1930 (C.N. 2587)
2605. Euwe on Tartakower
2606. Signature challenge
2607. Daniel Starbuck (C.N. 2575)
2608. Unknown player (C.N. 2428)
2609. Bernstein’s writings
2610. Humphrey Bogart
2611. Calvi
2612. Zukertort’s quiet winning move
2613. Rude book reviews (C.N. 2401)
2614. British Prime Ministers
2615. Common Sense in Chess
2616. Sultan Khan
2617. Capablanca v Edward Lasker
2618. Curious king march
2619. Janowsky v Lasker
2620. Morphy’s short career
2621. Franz Tendering
2622. Quotation books
2623. Capa’s speed
2624. Reshevsky display
2625. Raking bishops (C.N. 2593)
2626. Best tournament book?
2627. Starbuck
2628. Keres simultaneous game
2629. Mora (C.N. 1178)
2630. US genius in the 1950s
2631. Common Sense in Chess (C.N. 2615)
2632. Chess a waste of time
2633. Sonnenschein (C.N. 2145)
2634. Book-burning
2635. Quotations
2636. James Cross
2637. London, 1899
2638. ‘Irrelevant’ king move
2639. Worst annotations?
2640. Worst book?
2641. Hollywood stars
2642. Maxims and hints
2643. Albin’s aphorisms
2644. Reinfeld on books by Capablanca and Lasker
2645. Perpetual check
2646. Early computer
2647. Jaffe and his Primer
2648. Sounds impossible
2649. Kostić in the Far East
2650. Daniel Starbuck (C.N. 2627)
2651. Perpetual check or stalemate
2652. A peculiar move
2653. The Hague, 1921
2654. Knight mate
2655. Televising world championship chess
2656. Signature challenge (C.N. 2606)
2657. Chess Strategy
2658. Endgame tactic
2659. The Hague, 1921 (C.N. 2653)
2660. Worst move ever?
2661. Resignation in winning position (C.N. 2144)
2662. Unfortunate misprint
2663. High praise from Lasker
2664. Fischer book planned?
2665. Verbed
2666. Fischer’s mother
2667. Capablanca bibliography
2668. Missing Fine games
2669. Euwe photographs
2670. Books about Fischer
2671. 1 h4
2672. The Saburovs
2673. Double bishop sacrifice
2674. Capablanca bibliography (C.N. 2667)
2675. Advances in chess
2676. Obvious moves spurned (C.N. 2137)
2677. Krejcik win
2678. Chess-playing celebrity
2679. Napier quotations
2680. Reinfeld and Hayden
2681. Réti’s loss to Alekhine
2682. Réti sketches and caricatures
2683. Addresses
2684. Napier quotations (C.N. 2679)
2685. Tartakower on Najdorf and Tartakower
2686. Zugzwang
2687. Bogoljubow book
2688. Alekhine Nazi articles
2689. Chess Strategy (C.N. 2657)
2690. Napier quotations (C.N. 2684)
2691. Reinfeld and Chernev
2692. Reinfeld and Chernev on Bernstein
2693. Tartakower’s choices
2694. Epaulette mate?
2695. Fischer books (C.N. 2670)
2696. Queen and knight/queen and bishop
2697. Queen and knight in action
2698. Petrosian signatures
2699. Openings
2700. Stalemate
2701. Another problem
2702. Books from India and Hungary
2703. Front cover
2704. Bogoljubow and the 1948 world championship
2705. A mysterious composition
2706. Obvious moves spurned (C.N. 2676)
2707. Pillsbury
2708. Scholarship
2709. Capablanca love letter
2710. Bishop book
2711. More piracy
2712. Marshall inscription
2713. The Chess Weekly
2714. A fascinating conclusion
2715. King hunt
2716. Problem picture
2717. Well-known endgame motif
2718. Zugzwang (C.N. 2686)
2719. Unusual queen sacrifice
2720. Three Capablanca losses
2721. Indian book on endgames (C.N. 2702)
2722. Tal books
2723. Pillsbury (C.N. 2707)
2724. Fischer’s mother (C.N. 2666)
2725. FIDE President
2726. Old stories
2727. Frank Norton
2728. Blackburne inscription
2729. Mystery drawing
2730. Invention
2731. Morphy’s mate by castling
2732. Knights and bishops
2733. The Heidenfelds
2734. A trap and a bizarre match
2735. A fascinating conclusion (C.N. 2713)
2736. Coles chess books: further revelations
2737. Byrne’s prediction on Fischer v Spassky
2738. Books about Fischer (C.N.s 2670 & 2695)
2739. Morphy’s mate by castling (C.N. 2731)
2740. Chess silhouette
2741. Purdy on Kostić
2742. Worst annotator of all time?
2743. Murder victims
2744. Lively correspondence game
2745. Keres books
2746. Speeding up chess
2747. Rare ephemera
2748. Complete game lost?
2749. 1948 world championship
2750. Worst-ever chess book?
2751. Kasparov books
2752. Canon Howard Cecil James (C.N. 2743)
2753. Rare ephemera (C.N. 2747)
2754. Coles exposé (continued)
2755. Meyer
2756. Miniature not played
2757. Barden on du Mont
2758. Fine on Petrosian
2759. Poetry
2760. Patron, administrator and war victim
2761. Low cunning
2762. Fischer’s My 60 Memorable Games
2763. Louis Persinger (C.N. 2691)
2764. Morphy’s memory
2765. Mistaken identity
2766. Meyer (C.N. 2755)
2767. Louis Persinger (C.N. 2763)
2768. Fischer’s My 60 Memorable Games (C.N. 2762)
2769. Same sacrificial attack
2770. Trouble with names
2771. Recalling Zukertort
2772. Meyer (C.N.s 2155 & 2766)
2773. Bonar Law
2774. Fischer inscription
2775. Flohr
2776. Rudolf Swiderski
2777. Price war
2778. Alekhine books
2779. Trouble with names (C.N. 2770)
2780. Chess in Tarragona
2781. Carlos Torre
2782. Who wrote what?
2783. Open to misinterpretation
2784. Another Z-word
2785. Ozols
2786. Krejcik brilliancy
2787. Chess on video
2788. Janowsky annotates
2789. Cooked
2790. Magniloquence
2791. Pillsbury v Jaffe (C.N. 2647)
2792. First US correspondence game
2793. Alekhine in Riga
2794. I. Kashdan
2795. First US correspondence game (C.N. 2792)
2796. Cooked (C.N. 2789)
2797. Marshall v Sharp
2798. All in one line
2799. E.M. Antoniadi
2800. Staunton’s annotations
2801. Keres in Madrid, 1943
2802. Who wrote what? (C.N. 2782)
2803. Chess and astronomy (C.N. 2799)
2804. Unusual dedications
2805. Kevitz v Capablanca
2806. Dollars then and now
2807. Mate in one overlooked
2808. Local chess history
2809. Derrickson
2810. Poetry (C.N. 2759)
2811. Mate in four
2812. Staunton
2813. Mate in one overlooked (C.N. 2807)
2814. Jokes and anecdotes
2815. What were the results?
2816. Poor simultaneous results
2817. Mate in four (C.N. 2811)
2818. Alekhine on Munich, 1941
2819. Chess and wrestling
2820. Kevitz v Capablanca (C.N. 2805)
2821. Another Morganism
2822. What were the results? (C.N. 2815)
2823. Isaac L. Rice’s military prophecy
2824. Books about Karpov
2825. Kasparov books (C.N. 2751)
2826. Living-chess puzzle
2827. Karpov in the 1930s
2828. Alexander Rueb
2829. A forgotten gem
2830. Alekhine v Sterk
2831. Romanovsky on Alekhine
2832. Platitudes on war/war on platitudes
2833. A delightful finish
2834. Living-chess puzzle
2835. Game of Chess
2836. Karpov books (C.N. 2824)
2837. Burn?
2838. Three consecutive double checks
2839. Bogo/Nimzo-Indian
2840. Euwe’s accuracy
2841. Misattribution
2842. James Dean
2843. Burn? (C.N. 2837)
2844. Problems
2845. Prodigy
2846. Books on prodigies
2847. King’s Knight
2848. Another Hollywood celebrity
2849. Chess Features
2850. Endgame surprise
2851. Pillsbury v Shinkman
2852. A forgotten player
2853. Low cunning (C.N. 2761)
2854. Wives
2855. Edward Lasker on Alekhine
2856. Blindfold expert
2857. Another Koltanowski yarn
2858. Misidentification
2859. A well-known miniature
2860. Gamelets
2861. Blindfold expert (C.N. 2856)
2862. Walter Penn Shipley
2863. Chessy words
2864. Marshall in the Baltic region
2865. Marie Dressler
2866. Endgame surprise (C.N. 2850)
2867. Rare photographs
2868. P.A. Saburov (C.N. 2672)
2869. Enevoldsen (C.N.s 2856 & 2861)
2870. No sources
2871. Miscellaneous additions
2872. A famous Torre position
2873. More Grevy
2874. A famous Torre position (C.N. 2872)
2875. Reshevsky v Chaplin
2876. Ozols’ birth-date
2877. Avoiding openings monotony
2878. Back-rank mate
2879. Nimzowitsch’s month of birth
2880. Avoiding openings monotony (C.N. 2877)
2881. Anti 1 d4
2882. McIntire problem
2883. Pachman, Bohatirchuk and politics
2884. Once in a lifetime
2885. Staunton’s ‘devilish bad games’
2886. Morphy’s memory (C.N. 2764)
2887. McDonnell v Labourdonnais (C.N. 2600)
2888. Copying
2889. Lasker v Thomas
2890. Morphy and pawn odds
2891. Morphy quotes
2892. The most famous game of all time
2893. A forgotten match
2894. Bogoljubow lightning loss
2895. The most famous game of all time (C.N. 2892)
2896. Diggle on Morphy
2897. Morphy’s uncle
2898. Uncommon reprint
2899. ‘I never saw that’
2900. See-saw/windmill motif
2901. Windmill
2902. Morphy books
2903. Reshevsky photograph
2904. Popular chess writing
2905. Philidor’s correspondence
2906. ‘Duncan’ and ‘Sapiro’
2907. The Batsford Chess Puzzle Book
2908. Combination anticipated
2909. Spassky books
2910. Pillsbury’s single bishop mate
2911. See-saw/windmill motif (C.N. 2900)
2912. Sultan Khan, languages and literacy
2913. Story-telling
2914. Sultan Khan (C.N. 2912)
2915. Fine and the 1948 world championship
2916. Diagrams
2917. More chess history ‘fun’
2918. Seconds
2919. Spassky books (C.N. 2909)
2920. Knight mate (C.N. 2654)
2921. Wartime poem
2922. New York, 1924
2923. Sir George Thomas on Vera Menchik
2924. Mate by castling
2925. Pillsbury’s single bishop mate (C.N. 2910)
2926. Koltanowski on Junge
2927. Zugzwang
2928. Collusion and a two-move defeat
2929. Zugzwang (C.N. 2927)
2930. Cordes study (C.N. 2927)
2931. Celebrities
2932. Achilles Frydman (C.N. 2917)
2933. Earliest publication
2934. Pillsbury’s single bishop mate (C.N.s 2910 & 2925)
2935. Zugzwang (C.N. 2927 & 2929)
2936. Daniel Starbuck
2937. Economy of effort
2938. Esperanto
2939. Forgotten blindfold game by Pillsbury
2940. Pillsbury’s single bishop mate (C.N.s 2910, 2925 & 2934)
2941. The Prague Resolution
2942. ‘Genius’
2943. Lalau illustration
2944. Match victory
2945. Aristide Gromer
2946. Gromer v. Koltanowski
2947. The House of Commons
2948. Fischer v Czerniak
2949. Lilienthal in Spain
2950. Valentín Marín
2951. Alekhine’s Defence and ACO
2952. House of Commons (C.N. 2947)
2953. Lilienthal
2954. Capablanca v Fonaroff (C.N. 2522,2537 & 2592)
2955. Diggle on Znosko-Borovsky
2956. Book sales
2957. Lasker v Janowsky
2958. House of Commons (C.N.s 2947 & 2952)
2959. Book-dealer recommended
2960. Mystery photograph
2961. Camil Seneca
2962. Capablanca v Fonaroff (C.N.s 2522, 2537, 2592 & 2954)
2963. Famous game
2964. Assiac dedication
2965. Plagiarism
2966. More plagiarism (C.N. 2965)
2967. Santasiere’s poetry
2968. Blackburne on problemists
2969. ‘Women are not allowed’
2970. L.S. Penrose
2971. Further notes on plagiarism/copying
2972. Kasparov and his predecessors
2973. Consecutive sacrifices
2974. Chessy words (C.N. 2863 & 2871)
2975. Camil Seneca (C.N. 2961)
2976. Botvinnik v Capablanca, AVRO, 1938
2977. King march
2978. Musical quiz question
2979. Consecutive sacrifices (C.N. 2973)
2980. Another international language
2981. King march (C.N. 2977)
2982. Without comment
2983. Unknown games by Anderssen, Blackburne, Mason and Zukertort
2984. Bird on Bird’s Defence
2985. Bird four-mover
2986. Musical quiz question (C.N. 2978)
2987. Chess in Pieces
2988. Trouble with names
2989. Full score known?
2990. Tartakower
2991. Capa’s contemporary
2992. Rubinstein game
2993. Důras with an accent?
2994. Class
2995. Full score known? (C.N. 2989)
2996. Scrapbook
2997. Signatures
2998. More games from the Netherlands
2999. Parliament v Congress (C.N. 2952)
3000. An interview with Capablanca
3001. Olga Capablanca’s reminiscences
3002. Garry Kasparov and Olga Capablanca
3003. Yanofsky’s prize
3004. Nimzowitsch v Olson
3005. Alekhine and alcohol
3006. Interregnum (I)
3007. Irving Chernev
3008. Anticipating Nimzowitsch?
3009. En passant game
3010. En passant composition
3011. Blindfold games sought
3012. Mate in 12
3013. The Capablanca-Alekhine 5-5 affair
3014. Morphy’s home
3015. Morphy and beer
3016. Forgotten Pillsbury games
3017. Pawns on the seventh rank
3018. Interregnum (II) (C.N. 3006)
3019. Painting
3020. James A. Leonard
3021. An eventful game
3022. Golombek on Fischer
3023. En passant game (C.N. 3009)
3024. Capablanca and Camelot
3025. Deceased
3026. The Capablanca-Alekhine 5-5 affair (C.N. 3013)
3027. A predecessor?
3028. Interregnum (III)
3029. Self-capture
3030. World champion
3031. Prince Dadian of Mingrelia
3032. More questions
3033. Loman and the Dutch championship
3034. Aesthetics
3035. Golombek on the 1921 world championship match
3036. A novel idea
3037. Mouterde
3038. Counter-attack
3039. Olga Capablanca’s reminiscences
3040. Loman and the Dutch Championship (C.N. 3033)
3041. Painting (C.N. 3019)
3042. Noah’s Ark Trap
3043. Alistair Cooke
3044. Chess and baseball
3045. Noah’s Ark Trap (C.N. 3042)
3046. Rodrigo Flores
3047. National championships
3048. Interregnum (IV)
3049. Differing opinions
3050. Tal games
3051. Mystery book
3052. Watts
3053. Post position
3054. Chess and baseball (C.N. 3044)
3055. Which fingers?
3056. Reshevsky and ghosting
3057. Alekhine’s death
3058. Lasker on the Ruy López
3059. Tal games (C.N. 3050)
3060. Alekhine’s death (C.N. 3057)
3061. The skewer
3062. The first?
3063. Philip Woliston
3064. Repetition of position?
3065. Time and money
3066. Game-score corrections
3067. Janowsky’s grave
3068. Repetition of position? (C.N. 3064)
3069. Krogius position
3070. Sir John Simon in Argentina (C.N.s 2548 & 2554)
3071. Tal games (C.N.s 3050 & 3059)
3072. Marshall’s endgame play
3073. Chess and music
3074. Perpetual check missed
3075. Another unjustified resignation
3076. Another miniature with 6 Qd5
3077. A. Gibaud
3078. Time and money (C.N. 3065)
3079. The hypermodern school
3080. No mate
3081. Lasker problem
3082. Rumour-mongering
3083. An anecdote
3084. Gunsberg on imagination
3085. Bird on Bird
3086. Alekhine’s death (C.N.s 3057 & 3060)
3087. Alekhine’s poetry book
3088. Krogius position (C.N. 3069)
3089. Monitoring anecdotes – Mieses and the corpse
3090. Hero worship
3091. Breyer and von Balla
3092. Rubinstein and the time-limit
3093. Improving on Alekhine
3094. Breyer and von Balla (C.N. 3091)
3095. Rubinstein and the time-limit (C.N. 3092)
3096. Rare queen sacrifices
3097. Capablanca and Valentino
3098. Steiner’s observations
3099. Story-telling in Bobby Fischer Goes to War
3100. Fischer, psychoanalysis and President Kennedy
3101. Steinitz versus God
3102. Tarrasch’s middle name
3103. A draw
3104. Problems
3105. Fabergé
3106. Cukierman
3107. Best-selling chess book
3108. Mieses’ defeats
3109. Simultaneous displays by veterans
3110. Capablanca and Valentino (C.N. 3097)
3111. ‘Great players never castle’
3112. ‘Once’
3113. Harrwitz’s defeat of Morphy
3114. Hastings, 1895
3115. Rare queen sacrifices (C.N. 3096)
3116. Alekhine, Catholicism and Pomar
3117. Hastings, 1895 (C.N. 3114)
3118. An old hoax
3119. ‘Great players never castle’ (C.N. 3111)
3120. Chess and Jews
3121. Announced mate
3122. Alekhine books (C.N. 2778)
3123. Fabergé (C.N. 3105)
3124. Chess column by Rubinstein
3125. Rubinstein’s first recorded game
3126. Masters’ earliest games
3127. A tableau
3128. Kasparov books (C.N.s 2751 & 2825)
3129. The Vienna Gambit
3130. Announced mate (C.N. 3121)
3131. ‘The Save to End Saves’
3132. A nineteenth-century hoax
3133. An ungarbling challenge
3134. A tribute to Capablanca
3135. A spectacular key move
3136. Réti v Tartakower
3137. The power of a double check
3138. Defining double check
3139. Capturing en passant to administer mate
3140. Pillsbury on Cambridge Springs, 1904
3141. Description of a Pillsbury display
3142. V.F. Ostrogsky
3143. Pillsbury quotes
3144. Pillsbury’s memory
3145. More mental feats
3146. A question of size
3147. Pierce Gambit game (C.N. 3130)
3148. Tal games (C.N.s 3050, 3059 & 3071)
3149. Clear and easy
3150. Prize question
3151. Réti v Tartakower (C.N. 3136)
3152. Low-down
3153. A great chess figure
3154. An ungarbling challenge (C.N. 3133)
3155. Prize question (C.N. 3150)
3156. Steinitzes
3157. Awards
3158. ‘An Immortal’
3159. When and against whom?
3160. Rules of thumb
3161. Mieses quote
3162. Ghosts
3163. Quantitative output
3164. Most beautiful chess books
3165. Fischer on Hitler
3166. 200 Brilliant Endgames
3167. ‘An Immortal’ (C.N. 3158)
3168. Repetition of position (C.N.s 3064 & 3068)
3169. K.G. Steinitz’s book (C.N. 3156)
3170. Tal simultaneous game (C.N. 3159)
3171. A question of size (C.N. 3146)
3172. S. Lipschütz
3173. Janowsky in the United States
3174. Janowsky in the United States (C.N. 3173)
3175. Alleged Janowsky remark
3176. Réti and Tartakower
3177. Computers
3178. Pawn ending
3179. Adjournments
3180. ‘Another mistake’
3181. Whose book?
3182. Spite check
3183. W.H. Cozens
3184. Woodshifting
3185. A question of size (C.N.s 3146 & 3171)
3186. Spite check (C.N. 3182)
3187. Edge’s letter to Fiske
3188. Monosson
3189. Steinitz’s daughter – a challenge
3190. P.W. Sergeant
3191. K.G. Steinitz’s book (C.N. 3156 & 3169)
3192. Missing games
3193. Brilliant Indian player
3194. Missing games (C.N. 3192)
3195. Chess with Violence
3196. Allegations against Alekhine
3197. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’
3198. Woodshifting (C.N. 3184)
3199. Decided by correspondence
3200. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’ (C.N. 3197)
3201. Which great chessmaster?
3202. Two moves in succession
3203. P.H. Little
3204. Fiske on Morphy
3205. Icelandic chess magazine
3206. Woodshifting (C.N.s 3184 & 3198)
3207. Which great chessmaster? (C.N. 3201)
3208. Common Sense in Chess
3209. Moscow, 1925
3210. Tarrasch’s middle name (C.N. 3102)
3211. ‘Doctor Tarrasch’
3212. Jottings on H.J.R. Murray and his History
3213. Respecting chess history
3214. ‘Won by Rubinstein’
3215. Tal games (C.N.s 3050, 3059, 3071 & 3148)
3216. Incorrigible
3217. R. Fine
3218. P.H. Little (C.N. 3203)
3219. Bribery
3220. Shories and addresses
3221. Unusual
3222. ‘Won by Rubinstein’ (C.N. 3214)
3223. Ratings
3224. Unusual (C.N. 3221)
3225. Quotations
3226. ‘Dr Golombek’
3227. David Hooper
3228. Book request
3229. Ghosts (C.N. 3162)
3230. ‘1000-game simultaneous display’
3231. Bird’s Opening
3232. Gilbert Highet
3233. Predictions
3234. Octavio and Gwendolyn
3235. Morphy, Staunton and Edge (C.N. 3227)
3236. Adulation
3237. Subaqua chess championship
3238. Seasickness
3239. Mistaken identity
3240. New York, 1893
3241. Gossip
3242. Barcza’s openings (C.N. 3098)
3243. Beginners’ books from India (C.N. 2750)
3244. Assiac
3245. More on Gossip (C.N. 3241)
3246. Pillsbury’s opponent
3247. Lasker photograph
3248. How to become world champion
3249. Who was R.J. Buckley?
3250. Spot the chess master
3251. The hypermodern school (C.N. 3079)
3252. Robert J. Buckley (C.N. 3249)
3253. Capablanca v Alekhine match (C.N.s 3013 & 3026)
3254. Gossip (C.N.s 3141 & 3245)
3255. Harry Golombek (C.N. 3226)
3256. Views from outside
3257. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’ (C.N.s 3197 & 3200)
3258. Spot the chess master (C.N. 3250)
3259. The Polish Immortal
3260. Dimitrje Bjelica
3261. Blackburne the problemist
3262. Correcting the record
3263. George H. Derrickson
3264. Alistair Cooke (C.N.s 66 & 3043)
3265. Gilbert Highet (C.N.s 3232 & 3256)
3266. Views from outside (C.N. 3256)
3267. Emanuel Rubinstein
3268. Woodshifting (C.N.s 3184, 3198 & 3206)
3269. The Polish Immortal (C.N. 3259)
3270. A forgotten Alekhine fragment
3271. Capablanca-Alekhine
3272. Attempts to strip Lasker
3273. Staunton-Morphy
3274. Chess and women
3275. Petroff Defence
3276. Family connection
3277. George H. Derrickson (C.N. 3263)
3278. Staunton-Morphy (C.N. 3273)
3279. Appearance fees
3280. Chess/bridge jottings
3281. Mary Rudge
3282. Chess and women (C.N. 3274)
3283. Influences
3284. Gossip (C.N.s 3141, 3245 & 3254)
3285. When did Reinfeld learn chess? (C.N. 2116)
3286. Mary Rudge (C.N. 3281)
3287. Blank space
3288. Pillsbury and Steinitz
3289. Gossip (C.N. 3241)
3290. Frydman (C.N.s 2917 & 2932)
3291. ‘Blackburne was a stone worker’
3292. The Prague Resolution (C.N. 2941)
3293. Women’s championship
3294. Old sketches
3295. Shortest games
3296. A chess whodunit
3297. Amalie Paulsen
3298. The pin
3299. Teichmann miniature (C.N. 2141)
3300. Alekhine v Capablanca (C.N.s 1973, 1988 & 2003)
3301. Windmills and seesaws (C.N.s 2487, 2900 & 2911)
3302. A chess whodunit (C.N. 3296)
3303. Awards (C.N. 3157)
3304. Nimzo-Indian Defence
3305. Dake v Alexander
3306. Book on Dake
3307. Edge’s newspaper journalism
3308. A question of size (C.N.s 3146, 3171 & 3185)
3309. London, 1897 (C.N. 3281)
3310. Rare Kasparov books
3311. The Dragon
3312. Windmills and seesaws (C.N.s 2487, 2900, 2911, 3190 & 3301)
3313. Krejcik Gambit
3314. ‘Professor Murray’ (C.N. 3212)
3315. Nimzowitsch the ‘Crown Prince’
3316. Interregnum (V)
3317. FIDE and Botvinnik
3318. Postage stamps (C.N. 2366)
3319. Nimzowitsch the ‘Crown Prince’ (C.N. 3315)
3320. Openings advice
3321. Euwe ‘champion for one day’
3322. Quiz questions
3323. Nimzowitsch ‘the Crown Prince’ (C.N.s 3315 & 3319)
3324. Steinitz-Zukertort (‘9-9’)
3325. Steinitz’s world championship tenure
3326. The Capablanca-Alekhine 5-5 affair (C.N.s 3013, 3026 & 3253)
3327. Unknown player (C.N. 2428)
3328. The Termination (C.N. 1990)
3329. Blindfold chess
3330. Lasker and 1 e4
3331. Quiz questions (C.N. 3322)
3332. En prise
3333. Early Capa letter
3334. Unusual play
3335. Two question marks
3336. Fine on Morphy and Fischer
3337. Corn corner
3338. Windmills and seesaws (C.N.s 2487, 2900, 2911, 3190, 3301 & 3312)
3339. Morphy v Paulsen
3340. Woodshifting (C.N.s 3184, 3198, 3206 & 3268)
3341. Old technical terms
3342. Unusual play (C.N. 3334)
3343. World championship history
3344. Henrique Mecking
3345. ‘Once’ (C.N. 3112)
3346. Lasker v Capablanca 1920-21 (C.N. 3343)
3347. A Fischer interview
3348. Euwe, Alekhine and Lilienthal
3349. Two question marks (C.N. 3335)
3350. I. Kashdan (C.N. 2794)
3351. New York, 1924
3352. Nimzowitsch the ‘Crown Prince’ (C.N.s 3315, 3319 & 3323)
3353. Tartakower’s tournament career
3354. Rubinstein trap (C.N.s 2187 & 2588)
3355. Nimzowitsch the ‘Crown Prince’ (C.N.s 3315, 3319, 3323 & 3352)
3356. Blank space (C.N.s 857, 884 & 3287)
3357. Henrique Mecking (C.N. 3344)
3358. Jargon
3359. Whose back-rank tricks?
3360. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’ (C.N.s 3197, 3200 & 3257)
3361. Whistler and Bayliss
3362. Improbable quotation
3363. Mind quotes
3364. Marshall book
3365. A forgotten match
3366. Morphy and Mortimer
3367. Alekhine v Najdorf
3368. Habitués of the Café de la Régence
3369. Alekhine v Najdorf (C.N. 3367)
3370. Losing on time
3371. Fischer on the Grünfeld Defence
3372. ‘A fascinating nightmare’
3373. Simultaneous displays
3374. Resignation (C.N. 2356)
3375. Simultaneous displays (C.N. 3373)
3376. How did it occur?
3377. The Yatagan Variation
3378. Lasker on Pillsbury
3379. Drawn endgame
3380. Chess politics
3381. I. Kashdan (C.N.s 2794 & 3350)
3382. Earliest queen sacrifice
3383. Ståhlberg’s display (C.N.s 3373 & 3375)
3384. Claims about Morphy
3385. Assiac (C.N. 3244)
3386. An ending annotated by Nimzowitsch
3387. Organization required
3388. Loyd v Leonard (C.N. 2449)
3389. Who was ‘Caissa’?
3390. How did it occur? (C.N. 3376)
3391. T.A. Krishnamachariar
3392. Pawn triangle
3393. Loyd v Leonard (C.N.s 2449 & 3388)
3394. Suetin and Zvorykina
3395. How did it occur? (C.N.s 3376 & 3390)
3396. Another Edge letter (C.N.s 840 & 1358)
3397. Nineteenth-century illustrations
3398. Alexander McDonnell
3399. Stahlberg’s display (C.N.s 3373, 3375 & 3383)
3400. Steinitz picture (C.N. 3397)
3401. Combinational miniature
3402. Nineteenth-century prodigies
3403. Unmissable
3404. Combinational miniature (C.N. 3401)
3405. Alekhine v Capablanca photograph
3406. Frank Norton (C.N.s 2727 & 3402)
3407. Reproductions
3408. Sonja Graf’s date of birth
3409. Marache v Morphy
3410. Harry A. Boardman
3411. Morphy and Steinitz (C.N. 3389)
3412. An Anderssen loss (C.N. 954)
3413. ‘The most under-estimated chess writer’
3414. Forgotten Anderssen games


<1> September/October 2004 [7 September-23 October]

3412. An Anderssen loss (C.N. 954)
3413. ‘The most under-estimated chess writer’
3414. Forgotten Anderssen games
3415. Blank space (C.N.s 857, 884, 3287 & 3356)
3416. ‘The most under-estimated chess writer’ (C.N. 3413)
3417. Chess sketch
3418. Sir Oliver Lodge
3419. Najdorf’s simultaneous display (C.N.s 3375 & 3383)
3420. Forgotten Anderssen games (C.N. 3414)
3421. Chess and blind players
3422. Eichborn
3423. Mystery photograph
3424. Improving on Chigorin
3425. Capablanca’s letter to his son
3426. Blind nineteenth-century prodigy
3427. Eichborn (C.N. 3422)
3428. Another Capablanca letter
3429. A forgotten ending
3430. Mystery photograph (C.N. 3423)
3431. Philidor?
3432. Buckle or Buckley? (C.N. 3249)
3433. The Vera Menchik Club
3434. An unusual chess picture
3435. Slow correspondence games
3436. Najdorf’s simultaneous display (C.N.s 3375, 3383 & 3419)
3437. Alexander McDonnell (C.N. 3398)
3438. Slow correspondence games (C.N. 3435)
3439. A chess whodunit (C.N.s 3296 & 3302)
3440. ‘Newspaper errors’
3441. Alekhine photograph
3442. Capablanca photograph
3443. Blind nineteenth-century prodigy (C.N. 3426)
3444. Blindfold lightning play
3445. Francisco Benkö
3446. Philidor (C.N. 3431)
3447. Capablanca photograph (C.N. 3442)
3448. Philidor? (C.N. 3431)
3449. Long gap (C.N. 3438)
3450. Alekhine in Riga (C.N. 2793)
3451. James A. Leonard
3452. Last Lectures
3453. Long gap (C.N. 3449)
3454. Capablanca and Hollywood star(let)s

<2> November 2004

3455. Mieses blindfold game
3456. Lüdecke and Hitler (C.N. 3453)
3457. Hindenburg
3458. ‘Steinitz Stuck’
3459. Postage stamps (C.N. 3318)
3460. A mini-quiz
3461. Repetition
3462. New Tarrasch book
3463. Steinitz and who?
3464. A mini-quiz (C.N. 3460)
3465. Buckle and board games
3466. Another Starbuck game
3467. Leonard and Staunton (C.N. 3451)
3468. Maria Teresa Mora
3469. The Dewar Cup
3470. Marshall game
3471. Who?
3472. Adams v Torre
3473. Speed claims
3474. Chess and golf
3475. Who? (C.N. 3471)
3476. Caricature of Capablanca
3477. Mora (C.N. 3468)
3478. Nineteenth-century portraits
3479. Marseillais chess
3480. Book review
3481. Korn

<3> December 2004

3482. Golombek and the 1948 world championship
3483. More nineteenth-century portraits
3484. Kreymborg
3485. Defining double check (C.N. 3138)
3486. Reinfeld and studies
3487. Inventor
3488. Brilliancy against whom?
3489. Parker (I)
3490. Parker (II)
3491. Pathé
3492. Pathétique
3493. Guinness and chess records
3494. From Janowsky?
3495. A rare French term
3496. Inventor (C.N. 3487)
3497. Důras v Olland, Carlsbad, 1907
3498. Julius du Mont
3499. Emanuel Rubinstein (C.N. 3267)
3500. Capablanca’s origins
3501. Emanuel Rubinstein (C.N. 3499)
3502. Capped knight
3503. Engraving
3504. Who was Platt?
3505. James Mason
3506. When was Nimzowitsch born?
3507. Alekhine
3508. Alexander v Marshall
3509. Koestler and chess (C.N. 3266)
3510. Réti sketches and caricatures
3511. Who was Platt? (C.N. 3504)
3512. A famous finish
3513. Phony photographs (C.N. 3405)
3514. Who stated what?
3515. Repetition of position? (C.N.s 3064, 3068 & 3168)
3516. Unresolved matters

<4> January 2005 [1-19 January]

3517. Unresolved matters (II)
3518. Vidmar v Reshevsky
3519. Phony photographs (C.N.s 3405 & 3513)
3520. S. Lipschütz (C.N. 3516)
3521. ‘Ruben’ Fine (C.N. 3516)
3522. Alekhine and vanity (C.N. 3225)
3523. Alexander v Kashdan
3524. Arnold Denker
3525. From Janowsky? (C.N. 3494)
3526. Samuel Beckett
3527. Hans Frank
3528. Signatures
3529. Chessy words
3530. A mysterious death
3531. Sherlock Holmes
3532. A seventeenth-century chess expert?
3533. Einstein and Stalin
3534. Group photographs
3535. Barry on Marshall
3536. A mysterious death (C.N. 3530)
3537. A mathematical puzzle
3538. Page wanted
3539. Dispiriting
3540. The internees
3541. Lüdecke (C.N.s 3449, 3453 & 3456)
3542. Sherlock Holmes (C.N. 3531)
3543. Who?
3544. British royalty
3545. King played in a tournament?
3546. A seventeenth-century chess expert? (C.N. 3532)
3547. King played in a tournament? (C.N. 3545)
3548. A mysterious death (C.N.s 3530 & 3536)
3549. A mathematical problem (C.N. 3537)
3550. Book of the year

<5> January/February 2005 [20 January-6 February]

3551. Hubert Phillips
3552. Sir John Simon
3553. Sämisch inscription (C.N. 3527)
3554. Spa, 1926
3555. Hubert Phillips
3556. Ely Culbertson
3557. George Carruthers (C.N. 3551)
3558. Who? (C.N. 3543)
3559. Frederick D. Rosebault
3560. Chess Features
3561. Fischer prediction
3562. Hans Frank (C.N. 3527)
3563. D.W. and W.O. Fiske
3564. Capablanca drawing
3565. Tour solution
3566. Opening nomenclature
3567. Frydman, Koltanowski and untrue stories
3568. Frederick D. Rosebault (C.N. 3559)
3569. Alfred Kreymborg (C.N. 3484)
3570. Coburg, 1904
3571. Sherlock Holmes (C.N.s 3531 & 3542)
3572. The brainiest?
3573. Quick Marshall loss
3574. Which Mendelssohn?
3575. Fischer’s memorable games
3576. Hubert Phillips (C.N. 3551)
3577. Signatures
3578. Whose book?
3579. Queen trapped
3580. Separate table requested?
3581. Openings nomenclature (C.N. 3566)
3582. Fischer’s memorable games (C.N. 3575)
3583. Chess records
3584. Cotlar (C.N.s 3566 & 3581)
3585. Fischer’s memorable games (C.N.s 3575 & 3582)
3586. Capablanca, Golombek and reprints
3587. The most famous quote about chess?
3588. Fischer and Karpov photograph

<6> February 2005 [9-28 February]

3589. Queen trapped (C.N. 3579)
3590. James A. Leonard (C.N.s 3451 & 3467)
3591. Philidor (C.N. 3446)
3592. Whose book? (C.N. 3578)
3593. Mind Games
3594. Sources
3595. Jeremy Gaige
3596. Sawing the chessboard
3597. Group photograph
3598. Pillsbury memorabilia
3599. The pin
3600. Fischer’s memorable games (C.N.s 3575, 3582 & 3585)
3601. Drawings
3602. Maxims and hints
3603. Queenless
3604. Spassky, Portisch and Mariotti against computers
3605. A letter from Harry Golombek
3606. Alekhine Nazi articles
3607. Alekhine v Rubinstein
3608. Capablanca v Fink (C.N. 3594)
3609. Jeremy Gaige (C.N. 3595)
3610. Phony photographs (C.N.s 3405, 3513 & 3519)
3611. Pawn ending
3612. The brainiest? (C.N. 3572)
3613. Cotlar (C.N.s 3566, 3581 & 3584)
3614. Sawing the chessboard (C.N. 3596)
3615. The Polish Immortal (C.N.s 1377, 2013, 2052, 2416, 3259 & 3269)
3616. Chess in fiction
3617. Alekhine Nazi articles (C.N.s 3605 & 3606)
3618. Loyd sketch (C.N. 3458)
3619. Queenless (C.N. 3603)
3620. Jacob Bernstein
3621. Technical book
3622. Nicolai Gedalia
3623. Drawings (C.N. 3601)
3624. George Koltanowski on William Winter
3625. The pin (C.N. 3599)
3626. The gymnasium of the mind
3627. Fischer and Karpov photograph (C.N. 3588)
3628. Capablanca v Fink (C.N.s 3594 & 3608)
3629. From Capablanca’s son to Marshall’s widow

<7> March I 2005 [1-9 March]

3630. Nicolai Gedalia (C.N. 3622)
3631. Which world champion?
3632. Technical book (C.N. 3621)
3633. Eques enucleat castaneam (C.N. 3555)
3634. Sherlock Holmes (C.N.s 3531, 3542 & 3571)
3635. Karpov and Fischer (C.N.s 3588 & 3627)
3636. Not Capablanca
3637. Chess, literature and film
3638. Nicolai Gedalia (C.N.s 3622 & 3630)
3639. An admission
3640. Capablanca and a pawn ending
3641. Inscriptions in Spanish
3642. Murray’s potted history of chess
3643. Which world champion? (C.N. 3631)
3644. Six Dudeney problems
3645. Spa, 1926 (C.N. 3554)
3646. Mary Rudge (C.N.s 3281 & 3286)
3647. Birdie Reeve (C.N.s 3572 & 3612)

<8> March II 2005 [11-30 March]

3648. Kasparov and retirement
3649. Retirement announcements
3650. Invention?
3651. Celsito Golmayo
3652. Philidor chess men (C.N.s 3446 & 3591)
3653. Jaques v CHESS
3654. Rudolf Swiderski
3655. A bombshell
3656. Jaques v CHESS (C.N. 3653)
3657. Who?
3658. Forthcoming
3659. An admission (C.N. 3639)
3660. Alekhine Nazi articles (C.N.s 3605, 3606 & 3617)
3661. Knight mate
3662. Levin, Lasker, pigeons and flowers
3663. Bishop moves only (C.N. 3633)
3664. Who? (C.N. 3657)
3665. Cotlar (C.N.s 3566, 3581, 3584 & 3613)
3666. Where did they live?
3667. Tolstoy and chess
3668. Birdie Reeve (C.N.s 3572, 3612 & 3647)
3669. Rosebault loss
3670. Murderers
3671. Brainy
3672. Lasker’s Manual
3673. Claims by Abrahams about Lasker
3674. Frederick D. Rosebault (C.N.s 3559, 3568 & 3669)
3675. Capablanca photograph
3676. Which Mendelssohn? (C.N. 3574)
3677. Tolstoy and chess (C.N. 3667)
3678. Six Dudeney problems (C.N. 3644)
3679. Shortest stalemate games

<9> April 2005

3680. Stamp
3681. Stamp (C.N. 3680)
3682. Another Lasker claim
3683. Denker discrepancy
3684. Löwenthal and Morphy
3685. Frederick D. Rosebault (C.N.s 3559, 3568, 3669 & 3674)
3686. Spielmann
3687. Menchik v Mieses
3688. Who was Frank Hollings?
3689. Kasparov and retirement (C.N. 3648)
3690. Construction task
3691. Einstein game (C.N.s 3533 & 3667)
3692. Early hypermodernism
3693. Reinfeld inscriptions
3694. British royalty (C.N.s 2510, 2594 & 3544)
3695. A Bernstein composition
3696. Popes
3697. Alekhine’s vase
3699. Janowsky’s challenge
3700. Shortest stalemate games (C.N. 3679)
3701. Popes (C.N. 3696)
3702. Who was Frank Hollings? (C.N. 3688)
3703. Swiss players
3704. Shortest stalemate games (C.N.s 3679 & 3700)
3705. Popes (C.N.s 3696 & 3701)
3706. Who was Frank Hollings? (C.N.s 3688 & 3702)
3707. William Heirens (C.N. 3670)
3708. Construction task (C.N. 3690)
3709. Who was Frank Hollings? (C.N.s 3688, 3702 & 3706)
3710. Fish
3711. Queen sacrifice overlooked
3712. Nimzo-Indian Defence
3713. 1 e4 Nc6
3714. Reuben Fine on other writers
3715. Nardus
3716. Fish (C.N. 3710)
3717. Alekhine Nazi articles (C.N.s 3605, 3606, 3617 & 3660)
3718. Goebbels
3719. Correspondence games by world champions
3720. Resignation in winning position
3721. Popes (C.N.s 3696, 3701 & 3705)
3722. Wellmuth
3723. Capablanca in Dublin
3724. Figurines
3725. Who?

<10> May 2005

3726. Nardus (C.N. 3715)
3727. British Prime Ministers
3728. Who? (C.N. 3725)
3729. Karel Treybal
3730. Alekhine v Capablanca photograph (C.N.s 3405, 3513, 3519, 3610 & 3680)
3731. Steinitz versus God (C.N.s 3100 & 3101)
3732. Women’s olympiads
3733. Karel Treybal (C.N. 3729)
3734. Mythology
3735. Pope Leo XIII (C.N.s 3696, 3701, 3705 & 3721)
3736. Lasker and retirement
3737. Who?
3738. Betts’ Bibliography
3739. Draw offers
3740. Talent and education
3741. Conferred quote
3742. Wanted
3743. Buckley game
3744. An unusual attack
3745. Another Staunton picture (C.N.s 3397 & 3451)
3746. Fischer prediction (C.N. 3561)
3747. Who? (C.N. 3737)
3748. Apscheneek
3749. Steinitz versus God (C.N.s 3100, 3101 & 3731)
3750. Steinitz’s world championship tenure
3751. Pillsbury problems
3752. Falsification
3753. Gone with the Wind
3754. Kasparov’s retirement (C.N.s 3648, 3649 & 3689)
3755. Who was K. Nadzhmetdinov?
3756. Jaffe in court
3757. Capablanca v Colliver
3758. Where did they live? (C.N. 3666)
3759. Madame Alekhine (C.N. 3747)
3760. Chess and How to Play It
3761. Lüdecke and Marshall (C.N.s 3449, 3453, 3456 & 3541)
3762. The Dilworth Gambit
3763. Startling?
3764. Elijah Williams
3765. Problems by players
3766. James M. Aitken
3767. Capablanca’s Hundred Best Games of Chess
3768. Reinfeld v Cordingley
3769. ‘The most useful principle’
3770. Paintings
3771. Sources
3772. Terse exchanges

<11> June 2005

3773. Rare queen sacrifices
3774. My 60 Memorable Games
3775. Rubinstein?
3776. Terse exchanges (C.N. 3772)
3777. A discussion with Capablanca
3778. When were they played?
3779. Reviewers
3780. Great-Grand-Masters
3781. Movement
3782. The greatest chess game(s)
3783. Karlis Ozols
3784. The greatest chess game(s) (C.N. 3782)
3785. Gunsberg v Capablanca
3786. Blackburne Shilling Gambit
3787. Tartakower’s poetry
3788. The leading US amateur
3789. FIDE music
3790. Kashdan problem
3791. The Cricket
3792. Hindin
3793. Wellmuth and Horowitz
3794. Brief reviews
3795. Boris Verlinsky
3796. Rare Alekhine photographs
3797. The leading US amateur (C.N. 3788)
3798. Brief reviews (C.N. 3794)
3799. Najdorf and Tinsley
3800. Gone with the Wind (C.N. 3753)
3801. Group photographs
3802. Boris Verlinsky (C.N. 3795)
3803. Grandmaster draw
3804. Goebbels (C.N. 3718)
3805. The leading US amateur (C.N.s 3788 & 3797)
3806. Actor
3807. Reshevsky on the radio
3808. Feature articles

<12> July 2005

3809. Milner-Barry problem
3810. Group photographs (C.N. 3801)
3811. Graves
3812. Chess prodigies
3813. Actor (C.N. 3806)
3814. Checkmate
3815. Rossolimo v Livingstone
3816. Euwe champion for one day
3817. Elaine Saunders (C.N. 3812)
3818. Prodigies (C.N. 3812)
3819. Theme tournament
3820. Mystery photograph
3821. Spain and FIDE
3822. New improved chess notation
3823. Botvinnik film
3824. Libel suit
3825. Advice from Alapin
3826. Elaine Saunders (C.N.s 3812 & 3817)
3827. Reinfeld book on Morphy
3828. New York, 1857
3829. Bumptiousness
3830. Another ‘boner’
3831. Kashdan problem (C.N. 3790)
3832. Errata Errata?
3833. Tartakower’s poetry (C.N. 3787)
3834. Adolf Zinkl
3835. San Remo, 1930
3836. Openings advice from Atkins
3837. Lord Alfred Douglas
3838. Teacher
3839. Napoleon Bonaparte and wind
3840. Reshevsky games
3841. San Remo, 1930 (C.N. 3835)
3842. Alleged suicide attempt by Alekhine
3843. Enrique Reed
3844. Rene Letelier
3845. Ponomariov’s choice
3846. Computer divinations
3847. ‘Lasker’s greatest blunder’
3848. Ponomariov’s choice (C.N. 3845)
3849. Morphy pictures
3850. More prodigies
3851. The best games ever played
3852. Line-up
3853. Daniel Starbuck
3854. Ching-Chang

<13> August 2005

3855. Another Morphy postcard (C.N. 3849)
3856. ‘FIDE world championship 2005’
3857. Garrat Wing Gambit
3858. Chess and the cinema
3859. Nimzowitsch at nine
3860. Victor Abraham
3861. One player or two?
3862. Bird problem
3863. Tartakower’s poetry (C.N.s 3787 & 3833)
3864. Zukertort v Blackburne
3865. Morphy pictures
3866. Solitary
3867. Fischer correspondence (C.N. 1671)
3868. Viveca Lindfors and Errol Flynn
3869. One player or two? (C.N. 3861)
3870. Postal play quote
3871. Fischer v Bolbochán
3872. How Reinfeld began
3873. Blind prodigy
3874. Elaine Saunders (C.N.s 3812, 3817 & 3826)
3875. Dresden, 1926
3876. Fischer v Bolbochán (C.N. 3871)
3877. Cosmopolitan chessmen
3878. Solitary (C.N. 3866)
3879. Unique?
3880. ‘Game of the Century’
3881. Abe Yanofsky
3882. Chess awards (C.N. 3157)
3883. How to annotate
3884. J.V. Monteiro
3885. An Anderssen loss (C.N.s 954 & 3412)
3886. How to annotate (C.N. 3883)
3887. J.V. Monteiro
3888. An Anderssen loss (C.N.s 954, 3412 & 3885)
3889. Morphy press coverage
3890. Photographs of Morphy
3891. The murder of Major William C. Wilson (aftermath)
3892. Lilienthal v Bolbochán
3893. Boris Verlinsky (C.N.s 3795 & 3802)
3894. Chart
3895. Ching-Chang (C.N. 3854)
3896. A statement by Alekhine?
3897. A new book on Janowsky
3898. A statement by Alekhine? (C.N. 3896)
3899. James J. Barrett
3900. Tartakower
3901. Touched up
3902. Openings nomenclature
3903. Chart (C.N. 3894)
3904. Tartakower (C.N. 3900)
3905. Mystery chess set
3906. Maróczy’s tour
3907. Abonyi
3908. Adolf Anderssen’s grave

<14> September 2005

3909. A forgotten position
3910. Front cover
3911. What’s What
3912. Violinists
3913. Boulevards and backstreets
3914. Opening books
3915. Mystery chess set (C.N. 3905)
3916. A forgotten position (C.N. 3909)
3917. Gösta Stoltz (C.N.s 3845 & 3848)
3918. Resignation in a winning position
3919. Alekhine’s loss of the world championship
3920. Reinfeld v Fine match
3921. Gösta Stoltz (C.N. 3917)
3922. FIDE and the International Olympic Committee
3923. Front cover (C.N. 3910)
3924. Line-up (C.N. 3852)
3925. Bogoljubow v Alekhine, Hastings, 1922
3926. Caricature
3927. Atkins v Yates
3928. Who?
3929. Bogoljubow v Alekhine, Hastings, 1922 (C.N. 3925)
3930. James Eads
3931. Tom Thumb
3932. Pillsbury drawing
3933. Benko
3934. A forgotten position (C.N.s 3909 & 3916)
3935. James Eads (C.N. 3930)
3936. Lasker’s reign
3937. Comic strips
3938. Cartoons
3939. Records
3940. FIDE and the International Olympic Committee (C.N. 3922)
3941. Mieses v Bogoljubow
3942. Who? (C.N. 3928)
3943. Feature article
3944. World championship matches (C.N. 3856)
3945. Pillsbury and draughts
3946. The Canal/Venice/Peruvian Gambit
3947. John Lengden
3948. (von) Balla
3949. A Tolstoy quote?
3950. Pieces and figures
3951. Koltanowski, Lasker and Tarrasch

<15> October 2005

3952. Books about Fischer and Kasparov
3953. Morra
3954. Rithmomachia
3955. Daniel Willard Fiske
3956. Line-up (C.N. 3852)
3957. The Benko Gambit and ...b5
3958. Celebrities
3959. Size
3960. William Winter and Sultan Khan
3961. Capablanca on the Sicilian Defence
3962. Flohr in Palestine
3963. Aurbach v Yates
3964. Pieces and figures (C.N. 3950)
3965. Two chess figures
3966. Ossip Bernstein
3967. Benko and b5 (C.N. 3957)
3968. Nineteenth-century world champions
3969. Two chess figures (C.N. 3965)
3970. Books about Fischer and Kasparov (C.N. 3952)
3971. US Presidents and Vice-Presidents (C.N. 3958)
3972. Stephen Fry
3973. The Badmaster
3974. The Steinitz-Wormald-MacDonnell controversy
3975. Mars
3976. Astronomer
3977. ‘The centre is the soul of chess’
3978. How Reinfeld began
3979. Where Staunton lived
3980. Marshall Counter-Gambit
3981. Glimpses of Alekhine
3982. How Reinfeld began (C.N. 3978)
3983. Adolf Anderssen
3984. Where Staunton lived (C.N. 3979)
3985. Four games by Ernst Leuppi
3986. Chess in the Movies
3987. Chess Fever
3988. Arturo Pomar
3989. Nice, 1925
3990. Warsaw, 1910
3991. ‘Mate every minute’
3992. Chess Fever (C.N. 3987)
3993. Mystery photograph
3994. Fischer and Kriegspiel
3995. Staunton in oils
3996. Mystery photograph (C.N. 3993)
3997. Lasker v Capablanca, 1921
3998. ‘Conscientious adjudicator’
3999. Abraham Lincoln and chess (C.N. 3971)

<16> November 2005

4000. Montevideo, 1938
4001. Prodigies and Olympiads
4002. Albin Counter-Gambit
4003. Self-mate
4004. Alekhine
4005. Pre-chess chess quotes
4006. Lumley (C.N.s 3426 & 3443)
4007. Size (C.N. 3959)
4008. Alekhine in Sabadell
4009. The Hunt Opening
4010. 1 b4
4011. Rudolf Spielmann
4012. For analysts
4013. Confucius (C.N. 4005)
4014. The Polish Defence
4015. Alekhine in Sabadell (C.N. 4008)
4016. Alekhine in Sabadell (C.N.s 4008 & 4015)
4017. ‘The Very Best Beginner’s Book’
4018. Pillsbury
4019. Self-mate (C.N. 4003)
4020. Moshe Czerniak
4021. Photographs
4022. Benko’s problems
4023. Alekhine (C.N. 4004)
4024. Photographs of Alekhine
4025. Morphy letter
4026. In a tin
4027. Daniel Starbuck (C.N. 3853)
4028. Moshe Czerniak (C.N. 4020)
4029. The code-breakers
4030. A Staunton story
4031. For analysts (C.N. 4012)
4032. The Polish Defence (C.N. 4014)
4033. Moshe Czerniak (C.N.s 4020 & 4028)
4034. The code-breakers (C.N. 4029)
4035. Guinness and chess records (C.N. 3493)
4036. Excuses for losing
4037. J. Walter Russell
4038. Daniel Starbuck (C.N.s 3853 & 4027)
4039. Capablanca in Manchester
4040. The code-breakers (C.N.s 4029 & 4034)
4041. Euwe miniature
4042. Self-mate (C.N. 4003)
4043. Alekhine’s reburial

<17> December 2005

4044. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany
4045. John Ruskin and chess
4046. Group photograph
4047. Rossolimo v Livingstone (C.N. 3815)
4048. An Alekhine game
4049. Terrazas (C.N.s 4008 & 4015)
4050. ‘Mate every minute’ (C.N. 3991)
4051. Chess and Shakespeare
4052. Czechoslovakia
4053. ‘The Pride and Sorrow of Chess’
4054. Chess and Shakespeare (C.N. 4051)
4055. Hitler and Lenin
4056. FIDE championship
4057. Quiz question
4058. When was Teichmann born?
4059. William Winter (C.N.s 3959 & 4007)
4060. Capablanca v Bogoljubow
4061. Chess Informant
4062. Warsaw, 1910 (C.N. 3990)
4063. Famous for losing
4064. The Golden Knight
4065. Solway’s chess poetry
4066. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany (C.N. 4044)
4067. Capablanca’s participation in tournaments
4068. A thousand rook and pawn endings
4069. Chess and Shakespeare (C.N.s 4051 & 4054)
4070. McDonnell and Labourdonnais
4071. Factfinder
4072. A chess play
4073. Play and film
4074. ‘Combination is the soul of chess’ (C.N. 3977)

<18> January 2006

4075. Mutilated game-score
4076. D.J. Morgan
4077. Quiz question (C.N. 4057)
4078. ‘Thornton castling trap’
4079. Piece sacrifice anticipated
4080. A Capablanca position?
4081. D.J. Morgan (C.N. 4076)
4082. Next time
4083. She wrote on chess
4084. Mutilated game-score (C.N. 4075)
4085. Women players of the 1930s
4086. Arturo Pomar (C.N. 3988)
4087. James A. Leonard
4088. Identification puzzle
4089. Tartakower’s poetry (C.N.s 3787, 3833 & 3863)
4090. Backwards
4091. Lasker painting
4092. Capablanca and living chess
4093. Mutilated game-score (C.N.s 4075 & 4084)
4094. Konig v Weiss
4095. Gastaldi v Giusti (C.N.s 3909, 3916 & 3934)
4096. Amateurs’ games
4097. Backwards (C.N. 4090)
4098. The Gunsberg family
4099. Combe v Hasenfuss (C.N. 4063)
4100. Self-contradiction
4101. ‘The Chess Machine’
4102. Maud Flandin (C.N. 4085)
4103. Graves
4104. Books about Pillsbury
4105. Agatha Christie (C.N.s 4082 & 4083)
4106. Horowitz story
4107. The Immortal Zwischenzug
4108. Copying
4109. Graves (C.N. 4103)
4110. One of the worst
4111. Warsaw, 1910 (C.N.s 3990 & 4062)
4112. Bookplates
4113. Silhouettes
4114. Capablanca dressed for tennis
4115. Sir George Thomas and tennis
4116. Max Euwe
4117. Clive James on chess
4118. The origins of the Swiss System
4119. Unusual photographs
4120. Stalemate combination
4121. Max Euwe (C.N. 4116)
4122. Group photograph (C.N. 4046)
4123. King march
4124. Misidentification
4125. Réti sketches and caricatures (C.N. 3510)
4126. Computer divinations (C.N. 3846)
4127. D.J. Morgan (C.N.s 4076 & 4081)
4128. Graves
4129. Silhouettes (C.N. 4113)
4130. Check and mate
4131. Feature articles
4132. Réti sketches and caricatures (C.N.s 3510 & 4125)
4133. Drawing a blank
4134. Prodigy
4135. Check and mate (C.N. 4130)
4136. Silhouettes (C.N.s 4113 & 4129)
4137. Rare pictures of Morphy
4138. Golmayo v Hidalgo (C.N. 2249)
4139. Chessy words
4140. ‘Hypermodern chess’
4141. Lord Dunsany and chess

<19> February 2006

4142. Lord Dunsany and chess (C.N. 4141)
4143. Czerniak
4144. Lasker v Schlechter
4145. Silhouettes (C.N.s 4113, 4129 & 4136)
4146. Lord Dunsany (C.N.s 4141 & 4142)
4147. Tartakower (C.N.s 3900 & 3904)
4148. Graves
4149. Photographs
4150. A new chess author
4151. Capablanca v Steiner (C.N.s 2037, 2189 & 4092)
4152. Capablanca montage
4153. En passant deferred
4154. Garry Kaspartov (C.N. 4150)
4155. Garry Kaspartov (C.N.s 4150 & 4154)
4156. Book, magician and machine
4157. Conferred quote
4158. Betts’ Bibliography (C.N. 3738)
4159. An original finish
4160. Steinitz on retirement and Morphy
4161. Who are the shoppers?
4162. Chess blindness
4163. Steinitz v Zukertort
4164. Morphy v de Rivière
4165. The chessplayer’s mind
4166. Identification puzzle (C.N. 4088)
4167. Chess and How to Play It
4168. Who was he?
4169. Valentine game
4170. Lasker and money
4171. Steinitz story (C.N. 4162)
4172. Fischer v Bolbochán
4173. Joaquim Monteiro Valladão (C.N.s 3270, 3884 & 3887)
4174. Euwe v Spielmann
4175. Pure mate
4176. Richard II
4177. Flohr merchandising
4178. Smothered mate
4179. The flank and the centre
4180. Silhouettes (C.N.s 4113, 4129, 4136 & 4145)
4181. Prodigy (C.N. 4134)
4182. Group photograph
4183. Ted Mason
4184. D.J. Morgan
4185. Paintings by Nicolas Sphicas
4186. Anthony Taffs (C.N. 4181)
4187. Flohr merchandising (C.N. 4177)
4188. Pure mate (C.N. 4175)
4189. Unhealthy opponents
4190. Who was he? (C.N. 4168)
4191. Sacconi
4192. Bogoljubow cut
4193. Kevitz v Capablanca
4194. D.J. Morgan (C.N. 4184)
4195. Who are the shoppers? (C.N. 4161)
4196. Rare terms
4197. George Orwell and chess
4198. Capablanca in 1933
4199. Who is this?
4200. Graves
4201. San Remo, 1930 (C.N.s 3835 & 3841)
4202. Pillsbury’s opening preferences
4203. D.J. Morgan (C.N.s 4184 & 4194)

<20> March 2006

4204. Alekhine v Morgan
4205. Who is this? (C.N. 4199)
4206. Two main classes of books
4207. Immortal but Unknown
4208. Silhouettes (C.N.s 4113, 4129, 4136, 4145 & 4180)
4209. ‘Conferred sight’ (C.N.s 3741 & 4157)
4210. 200 Open Games
4211. King Abdullah I v Menachem Marmorosh
4212. Postcards
4213. Budapest, 1928
4214. Charousek’s grave
4215. A common language
4216. Graves
4217. Resembling Capablanca
4218. John Nunn
4219. Literary connection
4220. Gerald Abrahams
4221. Mistaken identity
4222. Gallic dynasty
4223. Young v old
4224. Mystery photograph
4225. Kaspartov (C.N.s 4150, 4154 & 4155)
4226. Rare terms (C.N. 4196)
4227. Helpmate
4228. Predictions
4229. Postcards (C.N. 4212)
4230. Collinear moves
4231. Skewers
4232. Literary connection (C.N. 4219)
4233. Collinear moves (C.N. 4230)
4234. Enid Blyton
4235. Skewers (C.N. 4231)
4236. Skewers (C.N.s 4231 & 4235)
4237. Who are the others?
4238. Ruthless
4239. Lasker v Moll
4240. Algebraic notation
4241. Frederick D. Rosebault (C.N.s 3559, 3568, 3669, 3674 & 3685)
4242. Who?
4243. Mystery photograph (C.N. 4224)
4244. Smallest book
4245. X-ray attack (C.N. 4231)
4246. Mrs Pillsbury
4247. Pillsbury’s grave
4248. Nimzowitsch’s visiting card (C.N.s 3315, 3319, 3323, 3352 & 3355)
4249. Chess by wireless
4250. Alekhine’s château
4251. Alekhine’s château (C.N. 4250)
4252. Borkmann’s Point
4253. Who was Platt? (C.N.s 3504 & 3511)
4254. Luftgreifer
4255. Blum
4256. Not since Capablanca
4257. ‘Table used by the Emperor Napoleon’
4258. Bookplates (C.N. 4112)
4259. Staunton v Saint Amant
4260. Blum (C.N. 4255)
4261. Parisian hotels
4262. Alekhine’s château (C.N.s 4250 & 4251)
4263. Mrs Alekhine (C.N.s 3747, 3759 & 4102)
4264. Pierre Charles Fournier de Saint Amant
4265. Coins
4266. When and against whom?
4267. Who? (C.N. 4242)
4268. Hans Kmoch
4269. Derrickson problem
4270. Pierre Charles Fournier de Saint Amant (C.N. 4264)
4271. Skewers (C.N.s 4231, 4235, 4236 & 4245)
4272. Full-score known? (C.N.s 2989 & 2995)
4273. Famous loser

<21> April 2006

4274. Fischer after the Reykjavik match
4275. Stephen Fry (C.N. 3972)
4276. Rude
4277. Faven painting (C.N. 3770)
4278. Tartakower’s poetry (C.N.s 3787, 3833, 3863 & 4089)
4279. Tartakower on Lasker, Capablanca and Alekhine
4280. Full score known? (C.N.s 2989, 2995 & 4272)
4281. Famous loser (C.N. 4273)
4282. Painting
4283. Roget
4284. Pronunciation of Alekhine’s name
4285. Chess by wireless (C.N. 4249)
4286. Chess with the captain
4287. Painting (C.N. 4282)
4288. Roget (C.N. 4283)
4289. Pronunciation of Alekhine’s name (C.N. 4284)
4290. Lasker in St Louis
4291. Bookplates (C.N.s 4112 & 4258)
4292. The Smyslov Screw
4293. Alexander on Capablanca and Alekhine
4294. Inquiry pending
4295. Lord Dunsany’s early chess
4296. At altitude
4297. Judicious violation
4298. The Smyslov Screw (C.N. 4292)
4299. The first?
4300. Chessboard grafts
4301. Multiple problem
4302. The best
4303. Capablanca film
4304. Pronunciation of Alekhine’s name (C.N.s 4284 & 4289)
4305. Multiple problem (C.N. 4301)
4306. Trompowsky Opening
4307. Nimzowitsch and Enevoldsen
4308. Pachman, Bohatirchuk and politics (C.N. 2883)
4309. Flohr v Grob (C.N. 2857)
4310. Alekhine and other spellings
4311. Revolutionary discoveries
4312. Sinclair Lewis
4313. ‘The pin is mightier than the sword’ (C.N.s 3599 & 3625)
4314. Zwischenzug
4315. Zugzwang
4316. Sitzfleisch
4317. Diagrams (C.N. 2916)
4318. Earliest occurrences of chess terms
4319. Postcard
4320. Multiple problem (C.N.s 4301 & 4305)
4321. Spielmann
4322. Rare Fischer book
4323. Tom Thumb (C.N. 3931)
4324. Skewers (C.N.s 4231, 4235, 4236, 4245 & 4271)
4325. ‘Wood words’
4326. Castello and Lazard
4327. Leslie Burgin
4328. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’
4329. Gloom
4330. Punctuation (C.N.s 622 & 647)
4331. Tartakower saves the day
4332. Signatures
4333. Coincidence
4334. Postcard (C.N. 4319)
4335. Punctuation (C.N. 4330)
4336. Dedications
4337. A chess Watergate

<22> May 2006

4338. Steinitz ending
4339. ‘Thought transference’
4340. Chess terms
4341. The cook conundrum
4342. Punctuation (C.N.s 4330 & 4335)
4343. Exclamation marks
4344. Alekhine and bridge
4345. Alekhine’s château (C.N.s 4250, 4251 & 4262)
4346. Antoniadi
4347. Sinclair Lewis (C.N. 4312)
4348. Lasker painting (C.N. 4091)
4349. Szechenyi
4350. William Winter (C.N.s 3959, 4007 & 4057)
4351. Dedications (C.N. 4336)
4352. Noteboom’s grave
4353. Anderssen and Alekhine
4354. Tal story
4355. Similar but different
4356. William Winter
4357. Alekhine in Sabadell (C.N. 4016)
4358. Unhealthy tournament
4359. Duplication
4360. Both stood up
4361. Half-pin
4362. Similar but different (C.N. 4355)
4363. FIDE elections
4364. Gens una sumus (C.N.s 879, 942 & 961)
4365. Smyslov Screw (C.N.s 4275, 4292 & 4298)
4366. Karl Eisenbach
4367. Remismonde
4368. Capablanca
4369. World champion (C.N. 4340)
4370. Who?
4371. The 1936 Olympiad
4372. Bookplates
4373. Alekhine and Unzicker
4374. Defosse
4375. Devidé on Steinitz
4376. Ruy López
4377. Munich Olympiad (C.N. 4371)
4378. Mendelssohn quote (C.N.s 3574, 3676 & 4133)
4379. Chess Fundamentals by N. de Firmian (C.N. 4368)
4380. Pillsbury’s grave (C.N. 4247)
4381. Joseph Goebbels (C.N.s 3718 & 3804)
4382. Flohr v Grob (C.N. 4309)
4383. The Popcorn Opening
4384. Lyttelton and Thackeray
4385. Celia Neimark
4386. Skulduggery
4387. Pablo Moran
4388. Francisco Lupi
4389. The board

<23> June 2006

4390. Spot the chess master
4391. MacDonnell on Zukertort
4392. Terrazas mystery (C.N.s 4008, 4015 & 4049)
4393. Pablo Morán (C.N. 4387)
4394. Alekhine miniature in Sabadell (C.N.s 4008, 4015, 4016, 4357 & 4387)
4395. Signatures (C.N. 4332)
4396. ‘Blindfold world champion’
4397. Ancestry
4398. Lord Lyttelton (C.N. 4384)
4399. Who? (C.N. 4370)
4400. Thor
4401. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and chess
4402. Early Flohr
4403. ‘The pride and sorrow of chess’
4404. Switched envelopes
4405. Chessy words
4406. Sam Loyd and the 15 Puzzle
4407. Highest prices
4408. A nineteenth-century scandal
4409. Fox and the rare queen sacrifice
4410. Saul
4411. What does it depict?
4412. Spot the chessmaster (C.N. 4390)
4413. ‘World champions’
4414. Entrance tickets
4415. Fox and the rare queen sacrifice (C.N. 4409)
4416. Books about Capablanca and Alekhine
4417. Zukertort problem (C.N. 4042)
4418. Draughts/checkers world champion (C.N. 4413)
4419. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and chess (C.N. 4401)
4420. Faven painting (C.N.s 3770 & 4277)
4421. Capablanca and counter-intelligence
4422. Torre v Parker
4423. Fischer the columnist
4424. A paradoxical position
4425. Morphy, Fuller and checkers
4426. What does it depict? (C.N. 4411)
4427. Faven painting (C.N.s 3770, 4277 & 4420)
4428. Problem themes in play
4429. A paradoxical move (C.N. 4424)
4430. Books about Capablanca and Alekhine
4431. Books by Alekhine
4432. Chessicide (C.N. 4405)
4433. The Popcorn Opening (C.N. 4383)
4434. Draughts/checkers world champion (C.N.s 4413 & 4418)
4435. Benoni confusion
4436. Books by Alekhine (C.N. 4431)
4437. Tartacover vous parle
4438. The Yatagan Variation
4439. Alekhine’s My Best Games
4440. At altitude (C.N. 4296)
4441. Alekhine on du Mont (C.N. 4436)
4442. Frank Anderson
4443. Who?

<24> July 2006

4444. Front-page headline news
4445. Frank Anderson (C.N. 4442)
4446. Enid Blyton (C.N. 4234)
4447. A challenge
4448. Karpov and chess history
4449. Showalter and baseball
4450. High cunning
4451. Lasker and Spears
4452. Graves
4453. Copyright and London, 1899
4454. Capablanca at the Marshall Chess Club
4455. Burn? (C.N.s 2837 & 2843)
4456. Showalter and baseball (C.N. 4449)
4457. Autograph book
4458. Capablanca’s opponents
4459. Who? (C.N. 4443)
4460. The Steinitz-Wormald-MacDonnell controversy (C.N. 3974)
4461. Mason and chessists
4462. Chess/bridge authors
4463. En prise
4464. Tartakower’s non-chess prose
4465. Bad Kissingen, 1928
4466. John Ruskin and chess (C.N. 4045)
4467. Robespierre
4468. Frank Anderson (C.N.s 4442 & 4445)
4469. A challenge (C.N. 4447)
4470. The first chess computer
4471. Expert on draughts/checkers history
4472. Misprints
4473. Who?
4474. Fischer book planned?
4475. An influential book
4476. Marshall v Teichmann
4477. Capablanca v Janowsky
4478. Bruce Hayden
4479. Maróczy
4480. An influential book (C.N. 4475)
4481. An unusual position
4482. The first chess computer (C.N. 4470)
4483. The best move
4484. The Showalters
4485. The very best chess books
4486. Robespierre (C.N. 4467)
4487. Raymond Roussel
4488. Code stories
4489. Corridor mate

<25> August 2006

4490. A Krejcik brilliancy
4491. Rousseau and chess (C.N.s 4401 & 4419)
4492. Simultaneous exhibitions
4493. Short game
4494. Raymond Roussel (C.N. 4487)
4495. The first chess computer (C.N.s 4470 & 4482)
4496. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’
4497. Infectious
4498. The most famous quote about chess? (C.N. 3587)
4499. Winawer’s grave
4500. Mrs Houlding
4501. Raymond Roussel (C.N.s 4487 & 4494)
4502. Fidel Castro
4503. N for knight
4504. Fischer photograph
4505. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’ (C.N. 4496)
4506. Short game (C.N. 4493)
4507. Another Koltanowski story
4508. Chess Nuts
4509. Birdie Reeve (C.N.s 3572, 3612, 3647 & 3668)
4510. No others
4511. Reinfeld’s advice
4512. Mrs Houlding (C.N. 4500)
4513. N for knight (C.N. 4503)
4514. Berthold Lasker
4515. Games by B. Lasker
4516. Marshall v Hartlaub
4517. Spot the chess master
4518. Solway’s chess poetry (C.N. 4065)
4519. Reinfeld’s advice (C.N. 4511)
4520. Prisons (C.N. 4508)
4521. Professor Isaac Rice and the Rice Gambit
4522. Cambridge Springs, 1904
4523. A Krejcik brilliancy (C.N. 4490)
4524. Spielmann v Stoltz (C.N. 3845)
4525. The first chess computer (C.N.s 4470, 4482 & 4495)
4526. Bernstein conclusion
4527. Spot the chess master (C.N. 4517)
4528. Spielmann v Stoltz (C.N.s 3845 & 4524)
4529. C.J.S. Purdy on Nimzowitsch
4530. Santasiere’s poetry
4531. Capablanca and Banks in Kansas City
4532. Gilg v Spielmann
4533. Sämisch and time-trouble (C.N. 4507)
4534. Rubinstein’s score-sheet
4535. Who?
4536. Earliest chess content (C.N. 484)
4537. Discrepancies in Alekhine’s game-scores
4538. For deciphering
4539. Capablanca and Banks in Kansas City (C.N. 4531)
4540. Misprints (C.N. 4472)
4541. Newell Banks
4542. Sämisch and time-trouble (C.N.s 4507 & 4533)
4543. World champion
4544. Newell Banks (C.N. 4541)
4545. Who? (C.N. 4535)
4546. For deciphering (C.N. 4538)
4547. The first chess computer (C.N.s 4470, 4482, 4495 & 4525)
4548. What connection?
4549. A challenge (C.N.s 4447 & 4469)
4550. Newell Banks (C.N.s 4531, 4539, 4541 & 4544)
4551. Eisenberg v Capablanca
4552. King Abdullah I v Menachem Marmorosh (C.N. 4211)
4553. The very best chess books (C.N. 4485)
4554. Diggle on Potter

<26> September 2006

4555. A Zugzwang position
4556. The fianchetto
4557. An accusation by Abrahams
4558. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany (C.N.s 4044 & 4066)
4559. Definitions by Koltanowski
4560. William (’Bible Bill’) Aberhart
4561. 1 d4 f5 2 Bg5
4562. Newell Banks (C.N.s 4531, 4539, 4541, 4544 & 4550)
4563. Cambridge Springs, 1904 (C.N. 4522)
4564. Capablanca’s rarest work
4565. Capablanca fright
4566. J. du Mont on Capablanca and Vidmar
4567. Rupert Brooke and chess
4568. Marie Dressler
4569. Cyril Connolly
4570. What connection? (C.N. 4548)
4571. Simultaneous records
4572. Reshevsky in Lugano
4573. Advice
4574. Colonel Moreau
4575. L’ultima partita di Capablanca
4576. Capablanca in the title
4577. Capablanca’s views on his rivals
4578. Novel chess board
4579. Where did Ossip Bernstein die?
4580. Who?
4581. Robot
4582. Announcement of mate in 13
4583. Banks v Marshall (C.N. 4562)
4584. For identification
4585. Chess longevity
4586. Capablanca and Alekhine in Buenos Aires, 1927
4587. 1 d4 f5 2 Bg5 (C.N. 4561)
4588. Fegatello/Fried Liver Attack
4589. Advice (C.N. 4573)
4590. Who? (C.N. 4580)
4591. Emanuel Lasker in Buenos Aires
4592. Gambit
4593. Koltanowski blindfold exhibition
4594. Fischer in Zurich
4595. Botvinnik v Fischer
4596. ‘The first’
4597. Street names
4598. Mecking inscription
4599. Capablanca and the world championship (1926-27)
4600. Nardus’ non-chess swindles
4601. Koltanowski blindfold exhibition (C.N. 4593)
4602. Gambit (C.N. 4592)
4603. The first?
4604. The first? (C.N. 4603)
4605. An observation on life
4606. For identification (C.N. 4584)
4607. Short v Reshevsky, Lugano, 1985 (C.N. 4572)
4608. Fictional characters
4609. E.A. Michell
4610. Herman Steiner
4611. The greatest?
4612. Nardus (C.N.s 3715, 3726 & 4600)
4613. Problem prodigies
4614. Which tournament?
4615. Fear of losing
4616. Topalov and Kramnik books
4617. Koltanowski blindfold exhibition (C.N.s 4593 & 4601)
4618. Mexico, 1981 (C.N. 4607)
4619. Spassky on Petrosian’s wealth
4620. The greatest? (C.N. 4611)
4621. Topalov book
4622. Marshall advertisement
4623. Dolo Falk
4624. Kramnik (C.N. 4616)

<27> October 2006

4625. Rosselli v Rubinstein
4626. An observation on life (C.N. 4605)
4627. Nardus’ non-chess swindles (C.N. 4600)
4628. Which tournament? (C.N. 4614)
4629. Words
4630. Draughts/checkers win by Emanuel Lasker
4631. Rice’s chess retreat (C.N. 4521)
4632. Long thought
4633. How did it happen?
4634. Collusion
4635. Meran meanderings
4636. Tartakower’s papers and effects
4637. World championship
4638. A famous miniature
4639. Long thought (C.N. 4632)
4640. Rey Ardid
4641. 1 d4 ‘leads to nothing’
4642. The Capablanca-Jaffe feud
4643. The board (C.N. 4389)
4644. Chess by circulation
4645. Alfred Kreymborg (C.N.s 3484 & 3569)
4646. Coming soon ...
4647. Dan Leno and chess
4648. Predictions about Capablanca and Alekhine
4649. Post-1927 predictions
4650. The board (C.N.s 4389 & 4643)
4651. F.V. Morley’s book
4652. Chess by circulation (C.N. 4644)
4653. Rubinstein game
4654. Non-English translations
4655. The board (C.N.s 4389, 4643 & 4650)
4656. Who?
4657. Victor over Fischer
4658. E.A. Michell (C.N. 4609)
4659. The very best chess books (C.N.s 4485 & 4553)
4660. A Tolstoy quote? (C.N. 3949)
4661. Alexei Selesniev
4662. Draughts/checkers
4663. Hastings, 1895 photograph
4664. N.W. van Lennep
4665. The Terrazas mystery (C.N.s 4408, 4015, 4049 & 4392)
4666. Draw
4667. Capablanca and his first wife
4668. How did it happen? (C.N. 4633)
4669. Meran, 1924 (C.N. 4635)
4670. Alexei Selesniev (C.N. 4661)
4671. Nimzowitsch correspondence games
4672. Who? (C.N. 4656)
4673. Another sketch
4674. Tartakower’s papers and effects (C.N. 4636)
4675. Alexei Selesniev (C.N.s 4661 & 4670)
4676. Meran, 1926 (C.N. 4669)
4677. Resignation in a drawn position?
4678. Sämisch and time-trouble (C.N.s 4507, 4533 & 4542)
4679. Long thought
4680. Morphy v Paulsen
4681. N.W. van Lennep (C.N. 4664)
4682. Guinness World Records (C.N.s 3493 & 4035)
4683. An Indian copying mystery
4684. Capablanca v Steiner (C.N.s 2037, 2189, 4092 & 4151)
4685. Nimzowitsch blindfold games
4686. Meran, 1926 (C.N. 4676)
4687. Resignation in a drawn position? (C.N. 4677)
4688. Fischer v Collins in the 1970s
4689. Fischer photographs

<28> November 2006

4690. Réti’s accident
4691. Morphy v Paulsen (C.N. 4680)
4692. Unusual dedication
4693. Mathematics and the chessboard
4694. Alekhine v Capablanca photograph
4695. Sketch (C.N. 4673)
4696. Capablanca and Alekhine in Buenos Aires, 1939
4697. N.W. van Lennep (C.N.s 4663, 4664 & 4681)
4698. The very best chess books
4699. Another Milner-Barry problem
4700. Alekhine in Brussels
4701. Soultanbéieff v Koltanowski
4702. Recordings
4703. Trevangadacharya Shastree
4704. Last words
4705. Last words (C.N. 4704)
4706. Staunton v Saint Amant
4707. Fischer book
4708. Spot the master
4709. Steinitz and Zukertort
4710. Who?
4711. Chess humanics
4712. Capablanca and the mystery woman/women
4713. Last words (C.N.s 4704 & 4705)
4714. Steinitz and Zukertort (C.N. 4709)
4715. Trevangadacharya Shastree (C.N. 4703)
4716. Chess quotes
4717. Literary scandals
4718. Cheating
4719. When was Alekhine born?
4720. Zukertort in Washington
4721. Another Fischer book
4722. Who? (C.N. 4710)
4723. von Walthoffen
4724. D.J. Morgan
4725. Ladder tournaments
4726. Quiz question
4727. Sir George Thomas
4728. Rudolf Swiderski
4729. Meister Mieses
4730. Capablanca v Thomas (C.N. 4727)
4731. Larsen’s languages (C.N. 3933)
4732. Gerald Abrahams
4733. Meister Mieses (C.N. 4729)
4734. Group photograph
4735. The very best chess books
4736. Mysteries
4737. Marshall and Fuchs
4738. Marshall’s early years
4739. When was Alekhine born? (C.N. 4719)
4740. Tarrasch v Mason
4741. San Sebastián, 1911
4742. Capablanca and Alekhine in Buenos Aires, 1939 (C.N. 4696)
4743. Karpov and chess history (C.N. 4448)

<29> December 2006

4744. Blackburne blindfold
4745. Chess and warfare
4746. Team captains at the Prague Olympiad
4747. Larsen’s languages (C.N.s 3933 & 4731)
4748. Hermann von Hanneken
4749. Who was Caissa? (C.N.s 3389 & 3411)
4750. Capablanca and dominoes
4751. Unknown player
4752. Tarrasch v Berger
4753. David Bronstein
4754. Chess and warfare (C.N. 4745)
4755. Unknown player (C.N. 4751)
4756. Census information
4757. Alekhine photograph
4758. Postcards
4759. Ulvestad v Bronstein
4760. Mystery player (C.N.s 4751 & 4755)
4761. Gamelet
4762. Bronstein v Goldenov
4763. Alekhine photograph (C.N. 4757)
4764. Zukertort (C.N. 4726)
4765. Unnamed prodigy
4766. Gamelet (C.N. 4761)
4767. Copyright
4768. Tartacover vous parle (C.N. 4437)
4769. Fischer’s beginnings
4770. Addresses
4771. Chess records
4772. Nimzowitsch v Sistemsson/Systemsson
4473. Tarrasch parody of Steinitz
4774. Capablanca and Alekhine in Buenos Aires, 1939 (C.N.s 4696 & 4742)
4775. Reinfeld problem book
4776. Staunton’s origins
4777. Alejandro Guerra Boneo
4778. Masters
4780. Thomas Frère
4781. Hermann Helms
4782. Kalamazoo, 1927
4783. Tandem chess
4784. Hermann Helms (C.N. 4781)
4785. Reinfeld problem book (C.N. 4775)
4786. A pawn ending mystery
4787. Chess and warfare (C.N.s 4745 & 4754)
4788. Rudolph Valentino (C.N. 4758)
4789. Longevity
4790. Chess Notes

<30> January 2007

4791. Photographs
4792. Lansing v Hart
4793. C. Wreford Brown
4794. Alekhine and cats
4795. Kramnik books (C.N.s 4616 & 4624)
4796. Bernstein mix-up
4797. Brad Darrach
4798. Billecard
4799. Longest tenure as newspaper columnist
4800. Simultaneous chess
4801. Jacob
4802. Najdorf and lightning chess
4803. Che Guevara
4804. Lipschütz (C.N.s 3520 & 4738)
4805. Message from Marshall
4806. Historical knowledge
4807. Names
4808. Which Steiner?
4809. Che Guevara (C.N. 4803)
4810. Excavations in Mesopotamia (C.N. 4806)
4811. Blindfold record
4812. Clubs
4813. Who?
4814. Pictures of Capablanca and Alekhine, Buenos Aires, 1927
4815. Blackburne’s games
4816. Suhle v Forlico
4817. Capablanca’s clean sweep
4818. Who? (C.N. 4813)
4819. Hans Frank (C.N.s 3527 & 3562)
4820. Hans Schemm
4821. Bogoljubow and the Nazis
4822. Crosswords
4823. Nineteenth-century masters
4824. Homemade chess sets
4825. Knapton v Gunsberg
4826. Unusual queen sacrifices
4827. A strange claim
4828. Chess and bridge
4829. Daily newspaper columnist
4830. Capablanca v Bogoljubow

<31> February 2007

4831. Bogoljubow and Lasker
4832. Two Ciocaltea games
4833. Hans Schemm (C.N. 4820)
4834. Richard Réti
4835. Earliest chess game
4836. Daily newspaper columnist (C.N. 4829)
4837. Who?
4838. ‘Unofficial European women’s champion’
4839. Adolf Zinkl (C.N. 3834)
4840. Adolf Zinkl (C.N.s 3834 & 4839)
4841. Longest tenure as newspaper columnist (C.N. 4799)
4842. Marshall v Nimzowitsch
4843. The Steinitz-Wormald-MacDonnell controversy (C.N.s 3974 & 4460)
4844. Potter quotes
4845. Mortimer’s trap
4846. Morphy’s chess column
4847. Soviet Chess: Onstage and Backstage
4848. Leonardo
4849. Alekhine marginalia
4850. Who? (C.N. 4837)
4851. Henrique Mecking (C.N.s 3344 & 3357)
4852. Trade
4853. Crosswords (C.N. 4822)
4854. A strange Fischer note
4855. Marco’s wit
4856. Richard Réti (C.N. 4834)
4857. Spielmann’s longevity
4858. Front cover (C.N.s 3910 & 3923)
4859. Reinfeld and Dickens
4860. Middleton Counter-Gambit
4861. Unusual queen sacrifices (C.N. 4826)
4862. Torre and Reshevsky on film?
4863. Schoolboy knowledge
4864. Middleton Counter-Gambit (C.N. 4860)
4865. Trade (C.N. 4852)
4866. Dupre game
4867. Bertok v Fischer
4868. Remismonde (C.N. 4367)
4869. Gamelet (C.N.s 4761 & 4766)
4870. Who?
4871. Chess as a metaphor
4872. Crosswords (C.N.s 4822 & 4853)
4873. Spot the chessmaster

<32> March 2007

4874. ‘Chess expert aged four’
4875. Alain C. White
4876. Who? (C.N. 4870)
4877. Tarrasch quote (C.N. 4868)
4878. Evans the doffer
4879. Census information
4880. Alekhine in 1937
4881. Araucaria imbricata
4882. Bishop ending
4883. Gossip (C.N. 4879)
4884. Spot the chessmaster (C.N. 4873)
4885. John Hart
4886. Lightning chess
4887. Various spellings
4888. Find the win
4889. What?
4890. Lasker v Thomas
4891. Schoolboy knowledge (C.N. 4863)
4892. A lovable book
4893. Murray’s History
4894. Louis Eichborn
4895. Araucaria imbricata (C.N. 4881)
4896. Schoolboy knowledge (C.N.s 4863 & 4891)
4897. The value of the pieces
4898. Find the win (C.N. 4888)
4899. What? (C.N. 4889)
4900. Napoleon Marache
4901. Connection
4902. The value of the pieces (C.N. 4897)
4903. The Balaclava Charge
4904. Pillsbury v Edwards
4905. Ilmar Raud and Argentinian chess
4906. Ron Thacker
4907. Michael Foot
4908. The Bismarck family
4909. Bookplates
4910. Steinitz in Havana
4911. Fermat’s Last Theorem
4912. The lady visitor
4913. Botvinnik on Prokofiev
4914. Noam Elkies (C.N. 4911)
4915. Chess philosophy
4916. Reshevsky’s middle name
4917. Noam Elkies (C.N.s 4911 & 4914)
4918. Capablanca in the 1890s
4919. Group photograph
4920. Horowitz (and Kashdan)
4921. Who?
4922. Fischer v Bolbochán
4923. A forgotten puzzler
4924. Purdy’s year of birth

<33> April 2007

4925. Prokofiev’s diary
4926. St Petersburg, 1914 photographs
4927. Further diary snippets
4928. Biography of Prokofiev
4929. Réti’s wife (C.N. 4912)
4930. A. Rothman
4931. Connection (C.N. 4901)
4932. Rarest Morphy monograph
4933. Post-Lawson Morphy books
4934. Che Guevara (C.N.s 4803 & 4809)
4935. Photographs of Nottingham, 1936
4936. Divergent/diverging
4937. Knight tours
4938. Who? (C.N. 4921)
4939. Bonjour Blanc
4940. Erich Eliskases
4941. Charousek v Wollner
4942. Sealed move
4943. Schlechter’s absence from St Petersburg, 1914
4944. Ilmar Raud (C.N. 4905)
4945. Kester Svendsen (C.N. 4941)
4946. Another Prokofiev book
4947. Sealed move (C.N. 4942)
4948. Pillsbury’s death
4949. Reshevsky miniature
4950. Capablanca and Stalin
4951. Mate in three
4952. Caricatures
4953. Kester Svendsen (C.N.s 4941 & 4945)
4954. Connection
4955. Engraving (C.N. 3503)
4956. Reshevsky’s games
4957. Chess and warfare (C.N.s 4745, 4754 & 4787)
4958. Passing
4959. Connection (C.N. 4954)
4960. Relationships
4961. Poetry
4962. Grim(m)
4963. Resignation joke
4964. Long-running chess columns
4965. Jacob Bronowski

<34> May 2007

4966. Bobby Fischer and Barbra Streisand
4967. Pawn-ending dupery
4968. Kester Svendsen (C.N.s 4941, 4945 & 4953)
4969. Knight tours (C.N. 4937)
4970. Golombek’s English
4971. Jacob Bronowski (C.N. 4965)
4972. A Berlin chess club
4973. Lilienthal system
4974. Sämisch Variation
4975. Jacob Bronowski (C.N.s 4965 & 4971)
4976. Elementary mate
4977. Harry Golombek (C.N. 4970)
4978. Windmill
4979. Leslie Burgin (C.N. 4327)
4980. Horowitz or a ghost? (C.N.s 488 & 520)
4981. Sämisch Variation (C.N. 4974)
4982. Hecht the heretic
4983. Réti and Tartakower
4984. Rumpuses
4985. Alekhine photographs
4986. Annotated by Carlos Torre
4987. Who?
4988. Baron d’André
4989. Maurice Leblanc
4990. Predictions about Capablanca and Alekhine (C.N. 4648)
4991. A mysterious book (C.N. 3087)
4992. New York, 1924
4993. Who? (C.N. 4987)
4994. Short game (C.N.s 3295 & 4493)
4995. Lasker and Einstein
4996. Eddingfield v Capablanca
4997. What?
4998. Jacob Bronowski (C.N.s 4965, 4971 & 4975)
4999. Book dedications (C.N.s 4351 & 4692)

<35> June 2007

5000. What? (C.N. 4997)
5001. Combination
5002. Mystery book
5003. Lilienthal system (C.N. 4973)
5004. A mysterious book (C.N.s 3087 & 4991)
5005. Combination (C.N. 5001)
5006. The hypermodern school
5007. Samuel Boden
5008. Morphy on Staunton
5009. Combination (C.N.s 5001 & 5005)
5010. Memory
5011. Capablanca v N.N.
5012. Lasker and Salta
5013. Chess with Violence
5014. ‘Edward Young’
5015. Who?
5016. The fair sex
5017. Captain Smith
5018. Combination (C.N.s 5001, 5005 & 5009)
5019. Nimzowitsch’s lamentation
5020. Steinitz in Moscow
5021. Retirement
5022. ‘Mate in eight’
5023. Blank space
5024. Adams v Torre (C.N. 3472)
5025. Simultaneous display
5026. Chess in the courts
5027. Who? (C.N. 5015)
5028. Simultaneous display (C.N. 5025)
5029. Maurice Leblanc (C.N. 4989)
5030. Combination (C.N.s 5001, 5005, 5009 & 5018)
5031. John Hart (C.N. 4885)
5032. F.J. Marshall v nine-year-old girl
5033. Adams v Torre (C.N.s 3472 & 5024)
5034. Koltanowski’s magazine
5035. Lasker bust
5036. Reinfeld on Capablanca

<36> July 2007

5037. Sultan Khan
5038. Liège, 1930
5039. Kashdan on problems
5040. Rules
5041. Réti’s wife (C.N.s & 4929)
5042. Kotov v Najdorf, 1953
5043. Who?
5044. Quips
5045. Three-move game
5046. Blindfold claim (C.N. 4085)
5047. Isolani
5048. A nineteenth-century figure
5049. High praise
5050. Horowitz or a ghost? (C.N.s 488, 520 & 4980)
5051. Recognizable?
5052. Lasker bust (C.N. 5035)
5053. No chess set
5054. Sketches of O. Bernstein and A. Alekhine
5055. Berne, 1932
5056. Stalemate
5057. Capablanca v Bogoljubow
5058. Who? (C.N. 5043)
5059. Emanuel Lasker
5060. Sämisch v Vidmar
5061. Michell by Diggle (C.N. 1605)
5062. Chessplayer-tramp
5063. Bogoljubow quote
5064. Cheating
5065. With whom?
5066. Jim Phelan (C.N. 5062)
5067. Jeff Sarwer (C.N. 1730)
5068. Morphy and beer
5069. Raymond Weinstein
5070. Liège, 1930 (C.N. 5038)
5071. Paintings of Lasker
5072. With whom? (C.N. 5065)
5073. What did Alekhine write?
5074. Estrategia
5075. Hatfeild or Hatfield?
5076. Lasker’s last words (C.N. 4705)
5077. Whitaker v Capablanca
5078. Capablanca v the Bolsheviks
5079. What did Alekhine write? (C.N. 5073)
5080. Clock dispute
5081. Lund v Nimzowitsch (C.N. 2180)
5082. Signed board
5083. Isolani (C.N. 5047)
5084. Picture archives
5085. Jim Phelan (C.N.s 5062 & 5066)
5086. What?

<37> August 2007

5087. ‘Airplane checkmate’
5088. Clock dispute (C.N. 5080)
5089. World championship argument between Capablanca and Lasker
5090. Counter-attack
5091. What? (C.N. 5086)
5092. En passant
5093. Chess quotes
5094. Bob Hope and Bobby Fischer (C.N. 5072)
5095. Best player in the world
5096. Describing the knight’s move
5097. Gone with the Wind (C.N.s 3753 & 3800)
5098. Clock dispute (C.N.s 5080 & 5088)
5099. Treybal’s gravestone
5100. Hatfeild or Hatfield? (C.N. 5075)
5101. Reichhelm on Morphy (C.N. 3384)
5102. Abdication
5103. Lasker painting (C.N. 5071)
5104. Staunton chessmen
5105. Ticket tournaments
5106. Chess Variants
5107. Isolani (C.N.s 5047 & 5083)
5108. Capablanca and baseball
5109. Blackburne’s year of birth
5110. Alekhine and Pomar
5111. Staunton chessmen (C.N. 5104)
5112. H.T. Bland
5113. Isidor Gunsberg
5114. Marshall photograph
5115. The Baron (C.N. 1678)
5116. Predictions
5117. Cassel on Capablanca and Alekhine
5118. Game 16 in Buenos Aires, 1927
5119. Marienbad, 1925
5120. Gloom (C.N. 4329)
5121. Tarrasch quote (C.N.s 4868 & 4877)
5122. Baron Döry (C.N.s 1678 & 5115)
5123. Game 16 in Buenos Aires, 1927 (C.N. 5118)
5124. Marshall photograph (C.N. 5114)
5125. Marienbad, 1925 (C.N. 5119)
5126. Alekhine and S.S. Van Dine
5127. Abrahams and Alekhine
5128. Pictures of Labourdonnais
5129. Isidor Gunsberg (C.N.s 4756 & 5113)
5130. Nimzowitsch demonstration
5131. Who?
5132. The knight
5133. Ticket tournaments (C.N. 5105)

<38> September 2007

5134. Barcelona, 1929
5135. The Dragon Variation
5136. An interview with Gunsberg
5137. Further Gunsberg jottings
5138. Who? (C.N. 5131)
5139. Feedback to a magazine
5140. Tartakower/Cartier (C.N. 4331)
5141. Morphy the composer
5142. A column by Marshall?
5143. Chess and bridge (C.N.s 4462 & 4828)
5144. Tsar Nicholas II
5145. Gamesmanship
5146. An assessment of Lasker’s personality
5147. Zugzwang
5148. Counter-attack (C.N. 5090)
5149. Pictures of Labourdonnais (C.N. 5128)
5150. Morphy portrait
5151. Chess and bridge (C.N. 5143)
5152. Grandmaster
5153. Der Schachautomat
5154. Gunsberg portrait
5155. Blackburne and Kasparyan
5156. H. Gifford
5157. Pawn ending
5158. Pillsbury in the Washington Times
5159. Pillsbury checkers game
5160. From Janowsky? (C.N.s 3494 & 3525)
5161. Tarrasch v the Allies
5162. Romi/Romih
5163. Blackburne and Kasparyan (C.N.s 5155 & 5156)
5164. More on Pillsbury (C.N.s 5158 & 5159)
5165. William Harris
5166. Holland v England
5167. Aristocrats
5168. Alekhine v Golombek
5169. Alekhine smoking story
5170. James H. Taft
5171. Sacrificial attack by Lasker
5172. Lasker v Thomas
5173. Steinitz and who? (C.N. 3463)
5174. Fleischer combination
5175. Gens una sumus (C.N.s 879, 942, 961 & 4364)
5176. Pictures of Labourdonnais (C.N.s 5128 & 5149)
5177. Morphy
5178. Pawn ending (C.N. 5157)
5179. Bradley Beach, 1928
5180. Gifford (C.N.s 5156 & 5163)
5181. Two moves in succession (C.N. 3202)
5182. Front page (C.N. 4444)
5183. Poetry (C.N. 4961)
5184. Gens una sumus
5185. International Chess Association
5186. Group photograph
5187. Réti, Euwe and who?
5188. Ruy López and Montaigne
5189. Emanuel Lasker on the different generations
5190. W. Steinitz
5191. James Callaghan (1912-2005)
5192. Knight ending
5193. Kasparyan position (C.N.s 5155 & 5163)
5194. Lasker sketch
5195. Spanish book on Morphy (C.N. 1821)
5196. Rudolph Pokorny
5197. Réti, Euwe and who? (C.N. 5187)
5198. Front page (C.N.s 4444 & 5186)
5199. Lasker v Janowsky, Paris, 1909

<39> October 2007

5200. Fischer article
5201. Mysterious ending
5202. Margate, 1935 and Ernst Klein
5203. Lord Dunsany
5204. ‘The Pride and Sorrow of Chess’ (C.N.s 4053 & 4403)
5205. Forsyth notation (C.N. 5051)
5206. di Giorgio painting
5207. Rotlewi
5208. The oldest board game
5209. Pillsbury’s umbrella
5210. Tartakower/Cartier (C.N.s 4331 & 5140)
5211. Tartakower’s residence in Paris
5212. Mysterious ending (C.N. 5201)
5213. Torre v Adams
5214. Ernst Klein (C.N. 5202)
5215. Golombek in The Times
5216. William Harris (C.N. 5165)
5217. Blake v Hooke
5218. Promotional photograph
5219. Adams v Torre (C.N. 5213)
5220. A Bernstein ending
5221. Stockholm, 1906
5222. L. Nardus (C.N.s 4600 & 4627)
5223. The Pride and Sorrow of Chess (C.N.s 4053, 4403 & 5204)
5224. Blake v Hooke (C.N. 5217)
5225. ‘Whose game?’
5226. Tartakower (C.N.s 5210 & 5211)
5227. Znosko-Borovsky
5228. Who?
5229. Dr Zabel
5230. Keres Museum
5231. Schuster v Carls
5232. Playboy
5233. Secret
5234. French chess history
5235. Capablanca in Mannheim
5236. Who? (C.N. 5228)
5237. Guinness World Records (C.N.s 3493, 4035 & 4682)
5238. Reuben Fine and psychoanalysis
5239. Petrosian loss
5240. The Pride and the Sorrow
5241. Café de la Régence
5242. Details wanted
5243. Dr Zabel (C.N. 5229)
5244. Bad Nauheim, 1936
5245. Details wanted (C.N. 5242)
5246. Another F. Reinfeld
5247. Caricatures
5248. Marco’s wit (C.N. 4855)
5249. Correspondence chess
5250. Rubinstein’s later years
5251. Blum (C.N.s 4191, 4255 & 4260)
5252. Tournament scene
5253. Warfare
5254. Poetry

<40> November 2007

5255. Secret (C.N. 5233)
5256. Rubinstein’s later years (C.N. 5250)
5257. Sherlock Holmes (C.N.s 3531, 3542, 3571 & 3634)
5258. Schuster v Carls (C.N. 5231)
5259. Tournament scene (C.N. 5231)
5260. Petrosian loss (C.N. 5239)
5261. Trompowsky Opening (C.N.s 2375 & 4306)
5262. Reconstructions
5263. Jaffe and Kostić
5264. Who?
5265. British Chess Bulletin (C.N. 3634)
5266. Jaffe v Kostić (C.N. 5263)
5267. Koltanowski in the San Francisco Chronicle (C.N.s 4799 & 4841)
5268. Sherlock Holmes (C.N.s 3531, 3542, 3571, 3634 & 5257)
5269. MCO and PCO
5270. Pleasantry
5271. The Chess Game in the Seraglio
5272. Lasker ghosted?
5273. Denunciation of Bogoljubow
5274. Alekhine v Bogoljubow
5275. Alekhine on Nimzowitsch
5276. Nimzowitsch’s first published game
5277. Gunsberg and Luckcock
5278. Who? (C.N. 5264)
5279. Tartakower’s book
5280. Treasure Chess
5281. Ernst Klein (C.N. 5214)
5282. Alekhine and Bogoljubow (C.N. 5274)
5283. Morphy and Staunton
5284. Mate in three (C.N. 4951)
5285. Zugzwang (C.N. 5280)
5286. Lasker miniature
5287. Sealed move (C.N.s 4942 & 4957)
5288. Pokorny
5289. An exceptional figure
5290. An exceptional figure (II)
5291. Morphy
5292. Flohr v Capablanca and P.H. Little
5293. Marshal Tito (1892-1980)
5294. ‘Key’
5295. Budapest game
5296. Tolstoy and chess (C.N.s 3667 & 3677)
5297. Trompowsky (C.N. 5261)
5298. Stanley’s magazine
5299. Philidor in The Times
5300. Chess and bridge
5301. Rubinstein’s later years (C.N. 5250 & 5256)
5302. Lipschütz (C.N.s 3520, 4738 & 4804)
5303. Great Cats Play Chess
5304. ‘Life’s too short for chess’ (C.N. 5280)
5305. Monte Carlo, 1901

<41> December 2007

5306. Sherlock Holmes (C.N.s 3531, 3542, 3571, 3634, 5257 & 5268)
5307. Caricatures
5308. Sight
5309. Odds game
5310. Capablanca v Thomas
5311. Alekhine and other spellings (C.N. 4310)
5312. Who?
5313. Rollicking (C.N. 67)
5314. Thematic displays
5315. Clive James on Edward Gibbon
5316. Watts Rides In
5317. Diggle on Karpov
5318. Spelling question
5319. Nice, 1930
5320. The best move (C.N. 4483)
5321. The first team-match
5322. Chess and nursery rhymes
5323. Most beautiful chess books (C.N. 3164)
5324. Who? (C.N. 5312)
5325. Sherlock Holmes (C.N. 5306)
5326. Ernst Klein (C.N.s 5202, 5214 & 5281)
5327. The Alekhine-Baratz coincidence
5328. London, 1899
5329. Sherlock Holmes (C.N. 5325)
5330. Kolisch problem
5331. H.E. Bird on the Bible
5332. Spot the chess historian
5334. Mystery novel
5335. Richard Réti (C.N.s 4834 & 4856)
5336. Gilbert Highet
5337. Alekhine v Turover (C.N. 5333)
5338. Predictions about Capablanca and Alekhine (C.N.s 4648, 4990 & 5116)
5339. Edgar Allan Poe and chess
5340. The first team-match (C.N. 5321)
5341. A beautiful problem
5342. Spot the chess historian (C.N. 5332)
5343. Reconstruction
5344. Sherlock Holmes cover
5345. A beautiful problem (C.N. 5341)
5346. Jean-Christophe
5347. Steinitz and problems
5348. Without sitting down
5349. Winning a won game (C.N. 2424)
5350. Anti-Turton
5351. Were Tietz’s brilliancies spurious? (C.N.s 215, 321, 516 & 896)
5352. 52 memorable games
5353. Chess in the Rhineland
5354. Alekhine v Nowarra
5355. Tactics of Conquest
5356. Knight’s tours (C.N.s 4937 & 4969)
5357. Neologism
5358. First team-match (C.N.s 5321 & 5340)
5359. Were Tietz’s brilliancies spurious? (C.N.s 215, 321, 516, 896 & 5351)
5360. Heinz Nowarra (C.N. 5354)
5361. Analytical disaccord
5362. Four-move game
5363. Tactics of Conquest (C.N. 5355)
5364. Keidanz
5365. Who?

<42> January 2008

5366. Novels
5367. Schoolboy knowledge (C.N.s 4863, 4891 & 4896)
5368. An ending from actual play? (C.N.s 207 & 359)
5369. New Year’s Message
5370. Who? (C.N. 5365)
5371. A.M. Reilly
5372. Similar photographs
5373. Unusual inscriptions
5374. Edgar Allan Poe and chess (C.N. 5339)
5375. How Life Imitates Chess
5376. H.E. Bird in America
5377. Candidates’ tournament
5378. Woodpusher
5379. Bird chessmen
5380. Hermann Keidanz (C.N. 5364)
5381. Penalty moves
5382. National championship records
5383. Bird chessmen (C.N. 5379)
5384. Penalty moves (C.N. 5381)
5385. Not only chess
5386. Nardus’ non-chess swindles
5387. Bobby Fischer
5388. A strange Fischer note (C.N. 4854)
5389. National championship records (C.N. 5382)
5390. Capablanca v Fine, 1931 (C.N. 4492)
5391. Frederick Richard Gittins
5392. Thomas Hood and chess
5393. Karlis Ozols
5394. Euwe v Fine, Nottingham, 1936
5395. Belgian championships and Staunton v Saint-Amant
5396. Pairing table
5397. Book by Znosko-Borovsky
5398. Hermann Keidanz (C.N.s 5364 & 5380)
5399. Reconstruction (C.N. 5343)
5400. Mate by knights
5401. Score-sheets
5402. Who?
5403. Major H. Wernich

<43> February 2008

5404. Lilienthal
5405. Similar photographs (C.N. 5372)
5406. Znosko-Borovsky (C.N. 5397)
5407. Pairing table (C.N. 5396)
5408. Dutch players
5409. Napoleon
5410. Which rook?
5411. Maróczy v Korchnoi
5412. Who? (C.N. 5402)
5413. Score-sheets (C.N. 5401)
5414. Meran meanderings (C.N. 4635)
5415. Muratov and Berberova
5416. Dutch players (C.N. 5408)
5417. Maróczy v Korchnoi (C.N. 5411)
5418. Comic strips (C.N. 3937)
5419. Berger
5420. Kreymborg article
5421. Kreymborg poem
5422. Reinfeld inscriptions (C.N. 3693)
5423. Score-sheets (C.N.s 5401 & 5413)
5424. Nardus’ non-chess swindles (C.N. 5386)
5425. Himno
5426. Barcelona, 1929 (C.N. 5134)
5427. Capablanca v Euwe
5428. Who?
5429. Alekhine v Salwe
5430. Horowitz and Wellmuth
5431. Berger (C.N. 5419)
5432. Jacqueline Piatigorsky
5433. Pawn ending (C.N. 3178)
5434. Youthful achievements
5435. Penalty moves (C.N.s 5381 & 5384)
5436. Jacqueline Piatigorsky (C.N. 5432)
5437. Draw death
5438. Sir Robert Robinson (C.N. 5428)
5439. Francis J. Wellmuth (C.N. 5430)
5440. Alekhine v Sánchez (C.N. 5436)
5441. Murderers (C.N.s 3670, 3707 & 5069)

<44> March 2008

5442. Sir William Jones (C.N. 5434)
5443. Jacqueline Piatigorsky (C.N. 5422)
5444. Robert Frederick Green
5445. Richard Wayne (C.N. 5422)
5446. Mate in ten
5447. White moves first
5448. Always lucky
5449. Mate with two knights
5450. Chess and bridge
5451. Znosko-Borovsky (C.N. 5227)
5452. Adjournments and postponements
5453. Robert Frederick Green (C.N. 5444)
5454. White moves first (C.N. 5447)
5455. Mate with two knights (C.N. 5449)
5456. The Hazeltines
5457. Benko and ...b5 (C.N.s 3957 & 3967)
5458. Regaining the freshness
5459. Barcelona, 1929 (C.N.s 5134 & 5426)
5460. Marking Fischer’s demise
5461. Benko Gambit (C.N.s 3957, 3967 & 5457)
5462. Rose quote
5463. A Krejcik brilliancy (C.N. 4523)
5464. Robert Frederick Green (C.N.s 5444 & 5453)
5465. Early uses of ‘world chess champion’
5466. Derrickson miniature
5467. Awesome annotations
5468. Who?
5469. What?
5470. First books on Petrosian and Korchnoi
5471. Fischer’s IQ
5472. Same position
5473. Saint-Amant
5474. The Hazeltines (C.N. 5456)
5475. Fischer’s IQ (C.N. 5471)
5476. Frank Greygoose
5477. Keres’ postal opponent
5478. Copenhagen, 1934
5479. A pawn ending
5480. Who? (C.N. 5468)
5481. What? (C.N. 5469)
5482. Copenhagen, 1934 (C.N. 5478)
5483. Harpo Marx in Moscow (autumn 1933)
5484. Copenhagen, 1934 (C.N.s 5478 & 5482)
5485. ‘J’adoube’
5486. Petrosian book (C.N. 5470)
5487. Aristide Gromer (C.N. 5135)
5488. Staunton’s postbag
5489. Books about Karpov
5490. The Polish Immortal
5491. Fischer’s IQ (C.N.s 5471 & 5475)
5492. Staunton and the Illustrated London News (C.N. 5488)
5493. ‘J’adoube’ (C.N. 5485)
5494. Who?

<45> April 2008

5495. Tarrasch v Alekhine
5496. Earliest computer win
5497. Who? (C.N. 5494)
5498. Rook endgames
5499. Fatal error
5500. Berlin, 1927
5501. Janowsky and Chigorin
5502. ‘J’adoube’ (C.N.s 5485 & 5493)
5503. Which language?
5504. Books about Korchnoi
5505. Viktor Korchnoi’s Best Games
5506. Staunton and Shakespeare
5507. Elias Canetti and Fischerle/Fischer
5508. Robert E. Lee’s chess set
5509. Lasker, Chigorin and Blackburne
5510. ‘One of the finest games’
5511. Which language? (C.N. 5503)
5512. Anti-Turton (C.N. 5350)
5513. Staunton’s postbag (C.N.s 5488 & 5492)
5514. Photographs of Korchnoi and Fischer
5515. Bogoljubow and immortality
5516. Staunton and Shakespeare (C.N. 5506)
5517. Tarrasch’s explanations
5518. Discontented chessmen
5519. Tartakower
5520. Chess quotations
5521. A seventeenth-century chess expert? (C.N.s 3532 & 3546)
5522. The Gaige archives
5523. Uruguayan brilliancy
5524. Alekhine photograph
5525. Masters
5526. Earliest computer win (C.N. 5496)
5527. Books about Keres
5528. Who?
5529. Uruguayan brilliancy (C.N. 5523)
5530. Hitchcock cover
5531. George B. McClellan’s chess set
5532. Old practices
5533. Hans Frank
5534. Fischer quote
5535. Who? (C.N. 5528)
5536. The Lucena Position
5537. Max Romi/Romih (C.N. 5162)
5538. Wanganui, 1938-39
5539. Books about Keres (C.N. 5527)
5540. Time-switch
5541. ‘J’adoube’ (C.N.s 5485, 5493 & 5502)
5542. A claim by Fine

<46> May 2008

5543. Pasadena, 1932
5544. Engels v Kieninger
5545. Counter-attack (C.N.s 5090 & 5148)
5546. Knight tours
5547. Hans Frank
5548. Nimzowitsch and exercise
5549. Capablanca dressed for tennis (C.N. 4114)
5550. Thousand Islands, 1897
5551. Lupi and Alekhine (C.N. 4388)
5552. Nimzowitsch and exercise (C.N. 5548)
5553. New Fischer book
5554. Crosstable wanted
5555. Who?
5556. Leit-motif
5557. Nimzowitsch’s dictum
5558. Blackburne v Mackenzie
5559. Chessy words
5560. Philidor’s famous remark
5561. Hypermodern (C.N. 4140)
5562. Leit-motif (C.N. 5556)
5563. Who? (C.N. 5555)
5564. Zukertort odds game
5565. Rooks of opposite colours
5566. Who?
5567. Woodpusher (C.N. 5378)
5568. Zukertort odds game (C.N. 5564)
5569. Fischer poem
5570. Chess and boxing
5571. Chess and wrestling (C.N. 2819)
5572. Nimzowitsch and exercise (C.N.s 5548 & 5552)
5573. Szén
5574. Quiz question
5575. Feline photographs
5576. Pillsbury’s death (C.N. 4948)
5577. Bogoljubow sketch (C.N.s 3601 & 3623)
5578. H.B. Daly (C.N.s 1535 & 1606)
5579. Famous quotation
5580. Zukertort odds game
5581. Nimzowitsch and exercise (C.N.s 5548, 5552 & 5572)
5582. Bird v Anderssen
5583. Who? (C.N. 5566)
5584. Gordon Crown
5585. Rook endgames (C.N. 5498)
5586. H.B. Daly (C.N.s 1535, 1606 & 5578)
5587. Capablanca book
5588. C.G. Bennett
5589. Spielmann’s complaint
5590. Chess in India
5591. Корчной
5592. Quiz question (C.N. 5574)
5593. Who?
5594. Back-rank mate
5595. Adams victory
5596. Berlin, 1927 (C.N. 5500)
5597. Self-contradictions

<47> June 2008

5598. Then and now
5599. Colman
5600. Bogoljubow and Heaven
5601. Smoking anecdote
5602. Who? (C.N. 5593)
5603. Staunton and Shakespeare (C.N.s 5506 & 5516)
5604. Against whom and when?
5605. ½
5606. Smyslov (1929)
5607. Euwe line in the Winawer Variation
5608. Wahltuch v Griffith
5609. Miniature not played
5610. Against whom and when? (C.N. 5604)
5611. Chandler and Capablanca
5612. Chess literature in Hellenic
5613. Euwe line in the Winawer Variation (C.N. 5607)
5614. Redcar, 1866
5615. Wahltuch v Griffith (C.N. 5608)
5616. Fine on Alekhine (C.N. 5597)
5617. A smash
5618. Capablanca Chess
5619. Double Chess
5620. Professor Hoffmann
5621. Marshall book
5622. Capablanca Chess (C.N. 5618)
5623. Zwischenzug (C.N. 4314)
5624. Chernev’s personal opinions
5625. Arturo Pomar
5626. Capablanca Chess (C.N.s 5618 & 5612)
5627. George Bernard Shaw and chess
5628. Lewis Carroll photograph (C.N. 5614)
5629. Strange odds
5630. Spot the master
5631. Alekhine interview
5632. Réti v Alekhine
5633. Switched envelopes (C.N. 4404)
5634. Computer game
5635. Who?
5636. Koltanowski v Dunkelblum
5637. The Hague, 1928
5638. An old story (C.N. 4349)
5639. Simultaneous display (C.N.s 5025 & 5028)
5640. Spot the master (C.N. 5630)
5641. P. Wenman and plagiarism
5642. Scotland’s admission to FIDE

<48> July 2008

5643. Instruction
5644. Anti-Turton theme
5645. Sultan Khan
5646. Professor Hoffmann (C.N. 5620)
5647. ‘Double-perpetual’
5648. Kurt Richter
5649. FIDE championship (C.N. 4056)
5650. Favourite games
5651. Identity parade
5652. Mildmay
5653. Hatton-Ward
5654. FIDE championship (C.N. 5649)
5655. Aristotle (C.N. 4005)
5656. Who? (C.N. 5635)
5657. Seconds
5658. ‘Philip Robar’
5659. Flohr v whom?
5660. Claims by Fine
5661. British Library
5662. ‘Outrageously libellous’
5663. San Sebastián, 1911 (C.N.s 4447, 4469 & 4549)
5664. Marshall’s Gambit
5665. Predictions (C.N.s 4648, 5116, 5117 & 5538)
5666. Stray J.
5667. Similar photographs (C.N.s 5372 & 5663)
5668. Radom, 1943
5669. Polugayevsky v Karpov
5670. Carl August Walbrodt
5671. Pollock on Steinitz v von Bardeleben
5672. Errata list by David Lawson
5673. Chéron postcard
5674. Golombek
5675. Petrosian’s Legacy
5676. Flohr v whom? (C.N. 5659)
5677. Walter Penn Shipley (C.N. 5656)
5678. Quotes from the writings of Maróczy
5679. Deliberately bad play
5680. Prague, 1931 (C.N. 5676)
5681. Byrne’s prediction on Fischer v Spassky (C.N. 2737)
5682. Sämisch Variation (C.N.s 4974 & 4981)
5683. Slowest correspondence games (C.N.s 3435 & 3458)
5684. Mistrust
5685. Spot the differences
5686. Chigorin blindfold games
5687. Lasker v Steinitz
5688. What?

<49> August 2008

5689. Queen trapped (C.N.s 3579 & 3589)
5690. Lady Edith Margaret Thomas
5691. Lasker v Steinitz (C.N. 5687)
5692. ‘An endgame of rare beauty’
5693. Znosko-Borovsky v Alekhine
5694. Petroff miniature
5695. New York, 1889
5696. Pen-portraits
5697. Alekhine v Bogoljubow, 1929 (C.N. 5667)
5698. James Ferguson
5699. What? (C.N. 5688)
5700. Showalter and baseball (C.N.s 4449 & 4456)
5701. Who?
5702. Mildmay (C.N. 5652)
5703. James Ferguson (C.N. 5698)
5704. Paulsen story
5705. Comprehension test
5706. Jackson Whipps Showalter
5707. Tarrasch and Lasker
5708. Jack O’Keefe (1930-2008)
5709. Staunton v Saint-Amant
5710. Pen-portraits (C.N. 5696)
5711. John Washington Baird
5712. Glassy look (C.N. 5705)
5713. Sketches
5714. Carlsbad, 1907 (C.N. 5685)
5715. Staunton v Saint-Amant (C.N. 5709)
5716. Professor Hoffmann (C.N.s 5620 & 5646)
5717. Signatures
5718. Bogoljubow v Rellstab
5719. ‘Schach und Matt’ (C.N. 5707)
5720. Legall game
5721. Who? (C.N. 5701)
5722. Spot the differences (C.N. 5685)
5723. A tournament at the Cigar Divan
5724. Sea air (C.N. 5709)
5725. Hanging pawns
5726. Rook endgames (C.N.s 5498 & 5585)
5727. Professor Hoffmann (C.N.s 5620, 5646 & 5716)
5728. Signatures (C.N. 5717)
5729. London, 1899
5730. The Rector of Stiffkey (C.N. 5592)
5731. Hanging pawns (C.N. 5725)
5732. Keres Museum (C.N. 5230)
5733. Grünfeld’s grave
5734. Legall (C.N. 5720)
5735. The Pride and Sorrow of Chess (C.N.s 4053, 4403, 5204 & 5223)
5736. Franco and Pomar
5737. Actor (C.N.s 3806 & 3813)
5738. Living chess
5739. The most fun
5740. Hanging pawns (C.N.s 5725 & 5731)
5741. London, 1899 (C.N. 5729)

<50> September 2008

5742. Who?
5743. Grünfeld (C.N. 5733)
5744. Rubinstein’s place of death
5745. Léonardus Nardus
5746. Simagin v Bronstein
5747. Fischer v Tal
5748. Queen and knight
5749. Showalter questions
5750. Grünfeld (C.N.s 5733 & 5743)
5751. Heinrich Muller
5752. Norbert Lederer and Lillian Day (C.N. 3716)
5753. Who? (C.N. 5742)
5754. Description of the knight’s move
5755. Living chess (C.N. 5738)
5756. S.O. Weinstein
5757. Reuben Fine
5758. Capablanca novel
5759. Carlos Torre v Edward Lasker (Chicago, 1926)
5760. Simagin v Bronstein (C.N. 5746)
5761. Phrenological estimate
5762. Philidor’s famous remark (C.N. 5560)
5763. Guinness records
5764. Phrenology (C.N. 5761)
5765. The Termination
5766. Semmering-Baden, 1937
5767. Carlos Torre v Edward Lasker (C.N. 5759)
5768. Przepiórka v Taubenhaus
5769. Ladies’ chess clubs
5770. Who? (C.N.s 5742 & 5753)
5771. More copying
5772. Pillsbury’s mate
5773. Showalter questions (C.N. 5749)
5774. Reuben Fine (C.N. 5766)
5775. Ladies’ chess clubs (C.N. 5769)
5776. Nimzowitsch and Enevoldsen (C.N. 4307)
5777. Group photographs
5778. Frank Rice Marshall
5779. Excelsior, 1905
5780. Amsterdam Olympiad, 1954
5781. Bellingen
5782. Alekhine’s birth certificate (C.N.s 4719 & 4739)
5783. Talent-spotting

<51> October 2008

5784. Photographs from the Amsterdam, 1954 Olympiad
5785. Captain Mackenzie
5786. Warfare
5787. Birdie Reeve
5788. British Chess Company
5789. Capablanca’s birth-place
5790. Amsterdam Olympiad, 1954 (C.N. 5780)
5791. Dummy pawn
5792. Matches and tournaments
5793. Encyclopaedia of games
5794. Readership
5795. More copying (C.N. 5771)
5796. Saavedra
5797. British Chess Company (C.N. 5788)
5798. Leading masters
5799. Joaquim Valladão Monteiro (C.N.s 3884, 3887 & 4173)
5800. Cambridge Springs, 1904
5801. Franco and Pomar (C.N. 5736)
5802. Nevill (C.N. 4711)
5803. Chess poetry
5804. Semana: Madrid, 1943 and an interview with Alekhine
5805. Saavedra and Barbier (C.N. 5796)
5806. Daily bulletins (C.N. 5800)
5807. Cambridge Springs, 1904 memorabilia
5808. Rossolimo v Livingstone (C.N.s 3815 & 4047)
5809. Judd v Haller
5810. David Mitchell
5811. Captain Evans
5812. King and queen
5813. Fischer v whom?
5814. ‘Fahrni v Alapin’
5815. At Purkersdorf
5816. Bohatirchuk
5817. Back rank

<52> November 2008

5818. Fischer v whom? (C.N. 5813)
5819. Time
5820. Capablanca v Thomas (C.N.s 4727 & 4730)
5821. Early chess literature
5822. ‘All rook endgames are drawn’ (C.N.s 5498, 5585 & 5726)
5823. Tarrasch’s most famous quote
5824. Fischer remarks
5826. Philidor and pawns
5827. Queen’s knight’s pawn
5828. Réti and Americanism
5829. Napier on problems
5830. Fischer quote (C.N. 5824)
5831. Canal’s date and place of birth
5832. Walbrodt
5833. Illegal move
5834. Alekhine photograph
5835. Alekhine simultaneous game
5836. Hastings, 1895
5837. Capablanca v Thomas (C.N. 5310)
5838. Sound recordings
5839. Daniel Harrwitz
5840. Chess and mathematics
5841. Hastings, 1895 (C.N. 5836)
5842. The Jew of Chamant
5843. The anecdotalist’s plural
5844. Morphy v Steinitz
5845. Quiz question
5846. A first challenger to Alekhine in 1927
5847. Gromer (C.N.s 5135 & 5487)
5848. Quiz question (C.N. 5845)
5849. Famous Flohr victory
5850. ‘Extraordinary’
5851. Game conclusion
5852. Tempo
5853. Seesaw
5854. Further lexicological research
5855. Miserable
5856. Fischer quote (C.N.s 5824 & 5830)
5857. Maxim
5858. An unprecedented lunge
5859. Bronstein’s grave
5860. A deciphering challenge
5861. Disputes
5862. Kolisch problems
5863. Kolisch games
5864. A pair of Capablanca photographs
5865. Queen’s knight’s pawn (C.N. 5827)
5866. The Jew of Chamant (C.N. 5842)
5867. A decoding task
5868. London, 1899
5869. First tournaments

<53> December 2008

5870. Game conclusion (C.N. 5851)
5871. Hanham v Mackenzie
5872. Inscription to Wade
5873. Loomis
5874. Tournaments (C.N. 5869)
5875. Chigorin
5876. Burger book
5877. Alapin’s place of birth
5878. Capablanca article
5879. Loomis (C.N. 5873)
5880. A deciphering challenge (C.N. 5860)
5881. Kolisch problems (C.N. 5862)
5882. Alapin’s place of birth (C.N. 5877)
5883. My 60 Memorable Games
5884. Better Chess
5885. Canal v Amateur
5886. My 60 Memorable Games (C.N. 5883)
5887. Claim attributed to Philidor
5888. Journal de Genève
5889. Thinking time (C.N. 5884)
5890. Ill
5891. Dorothea (Dodie) Bourdillon
5892. Bird brilliancy
5893. Steinitz on his world championship title
5894. Stadelman
5895. En passant
5896. Explanation of en passant
5897. G. Cabrera Infante on Capablanca (C.N. 4421)
5898. Chess masters on film (C.N. 3491)
5899. Wade in Paris
5900. G. Cabrera Infante (C.N. 5897)
5901. Goethe
5902. Speech by Hitler
5903. Books about Anand
5904. Perpetuation of errors
5905. Réti story
5906. Reinfeld’s death
5907. Reinfeld quotes
5908. Manuel Márquez Sterling
5909. Hugh Myers
5910. Morphy memorial
5911. Daily bulletins (C.N.s 5800 & 5806)
5912. Sand-glass timers
5913. Walbrodt (C.N. 5832)
5914. Euwe and Alekhine (C.N. 5907)
5915. Alekhine at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
5916. ‘Thornton castling trap’ (C.N. 4078)
5917. A decoding task (C.N. 5867)
5918. ‘Sybil’
5919. Wikipedia
5920. En passant (C.N. 5895)
5921. Marshall v Capablanca (C.N. 5897)
5922. Alekhine at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (C.N. 5915)
5923. Quick counting-test
5924. Desperado
5925. A.C. White
5926. Mackenzie game
5927. Missed mate
5928. An unusual chess picture (C.N. 3434)
5929. Stalemate
5930. Lasker’s Lehrbuch (C.N. 5924)
5931. Mackenzie game (C.N. 5926)

<54> January 2009

5932. Botvinnik v Spassky
5933. Nimzowitsch and Réti
5934. Marshall v Capablanca match
5935. Blackburne v Mackenzie
5936. William Norwood Potter
5937. Reinfeld’s death (C.N. 5906)
5938. Réti photograph (C.N. 5933)
5939. Murderers (C.N.s 3670, 3707, 5069 & 5441)
5940. Chess and alcohol
5941. Blindfold simultaneous records (C.N. 4811)
5942. Earliest photograph of a chess master
5943. P.W. Sergeant’s non-chess books (C.N. 3190)
5944. Simultaneous exhibitions
5945. Bronstein v N.N.
5946. Announced mate
5947. Quiz question
5948. Single bishop mate
5949. Announced mate (C.N. 5946)
5950. Diggle on H.E. Atkins
5951. Mackenzie game (C.N.s 5926 & 5931)
5952. Flamberg’s forename
5953. Simultaneous exhibitions (C.N. 5944)
5954. Which rook?
5955. New York, 1924 errata list
5956. Bird in Buffalo
5957. ‘Double-perpetual’ (C.N. 5647)
5958. Earliest photograph of a chess master (C.N. 5942)
5959. Contemporaries of Morphy
5960. A claim regarding Pillsbury
5961. Quiz question (C.N. 5947)
5962. Consultation game
5963. Flamberg’s forename (C.N. 5952)
5964. The Menchik sisters
5965. Leon Kussman (C.N. 5930)
5966. Tylor’s choice
5967. Folke Rogard
5968. British Chess Company (C.N.s 5788 & 5797)
5969. Nineteenth-century praise
5970. Oscar Conrad Müller’s memoirs
5971. Murray’s History
5972. Old photographs
5973. Rank and file
5974. Group photographs (C.N. 5777)
5975. Pope Leo XIII (C.N.s 3696, 3701, 3705, 3721 & 3735)
5976. Earliest photograph of a chess master (C.N.s 5942 & 5958)
5977. Oldest chess photograph
5978. Murray’s History (C.N. 5971)
5979. Aspa (C.N. 5958)
5980. Europe v America
5981. Alleged Tal quote
5982. Tal inscription

<55> February 2009

5983. Who?
5984. Alapin’s place of birth (C.N.s 5877 & 5882)
5985. Oldest chess photograph (C.N. 5977)
5986. Staunton picture (C.N.s 5942 & 5958)
5987. The 1948 world championship in The Hague and Moscow
5988. Monograph on the Budapest Defence
5989. Edward Lasker v George Thomas
5990. Staunton photographs (C.N.s 5942, 5958 & 5986)
5991. Benjamin M. Anderson
5992. Alekhine and Claparede
5993. Who?
5994. The Jew of Chamant (C.N. 5842)
5995. Wallace v Capablanca
5996. Mae Clarke v Capablanca
5997. Tarrasch’s religion
5998. Staunton pictures (C.N.s 5942, 5958 & 5986)
5999. Curt von Bardeleben
6000. Murray letter on Philidor
6001. Schallopp and draws
6002. The Capablanca family
6003. Corbis
6004. Cases conjuguées
6005. Philidor’s death-date
6006. Who?
6007. Masefield/Mansfield/Mayfield v Trinka/Trinks/Trent
6008. M.I.R.I.
6009. Which rook? (C.N. 5954)
6010. Burn game? (C.N.s 2837, 2843 & 4455)
6011. Cases conjuguées (C.N. 6004)
6012. Berger game
6013. Book title (C.N. 1963)

<56> March 2009

6014. 1...f6 (C.N.s 451 & 1250)
6015. Staunton and Lasker (C.N. 5998)
6016. Réti story (C.N. 5905)
6017. Faeroes chess
6018. Cased image
6019. Who? (C.N. 6006)
6020. Réti and his briefcase
6021. Queen’s knight’s pawn (C.N.s 5827 & 5865)
6022. Fischer’s best game
6023. Capablanca v Marshall
6024. Symmetry
6025. Who?
6026. Réti and his briefcase (C.N. 6020)
6027. Lasker v Steinitz (C.N. 5020)
6028. Capablanca v Thomas (C.N.s 5310 & 5837)
6029. Castling with a phantom rook
6030. Blackburne v Tuck
6031. Hugh Myers (C.N. 5909)
6032. Frank Skoff (1916-2009)
6033. 1930 cable match
6034. Sabadell, 1945
6035. Castling with a phantom rook (C.N. 6029)
6036. Who? (C.N. 6025)
6037. Women players
6038. Hastings, 1930-31
6039. Gunsberg odds game
6040. Chess photograph (C.N. 6036)
6041. Nicolas Sphicas (C.N. 4185)
6042. An Indian book on Kasparov
6043. Chess and alcohol
6044. Capablanca’s marriage licence
6045. Trompowsky
6046. Deserted by MCO
6047. Bogoljubow on Capablanca
6048. Capablanca’s forenames
6049. Working out moves
6050. Pachman v Hromádka
6051. Paul Dirac and chess
6052. Bogoljubow on Capablanca (C.N. 6047)

<57> April 2009

6053. Loman column
6054. Kolisch games (C.N. 5863)
6055. Quote attributed to Staunton
6056. Terrazas
6057. Ed. Lasker v G. Thomas
6058. Ill (C.N. 5890)
6059. Advertisement for Stamma book
6060. A famous remark
6061. Quote attributed to Staunton (C.N. 6055)
6062. Lasker on the world championship
6063. Prokofiev’s diary
6064. Weaver Adams v Al Horowitz
6065. Ill (C.N.s 5890 & 6058)
6066. Dreizügegesetz
6067. Anti-Semitic articles (I)
6068. Anti-Semitic articles (II)
6069. Arthur Reynolds
6070. Campbell-Bannerman
6071. Lasker on Capablanca
6072. A famous remark (C.N. 6060)
6073. Quincy A. Brackett (C.N. 2991)
6074. IQP
6075. Arthur Reynolds (C.N. 6069)
6076. Bell v Donaldson
6077. No mistakes
6078. Who?
6079. Schulten v Morphy
6080. A famous remark (C.N.s 6060 & 6072)
6081. Sir Clement Freud (1924-2009)
6082. Dreizügegesetz (C.N. 6066)
6083. Janowsky v Reshevsky
6084. Who? (C.N. 6078)
6085. Cotlar (C.N.s 3581, 3584, 3613 & 3665)
6086. J’adoube (C.N. 5485)
6087. Quincy A. Brackett (C.N.s 2991 & 6073)
6088. Missing word quiz question
6089. Śliwa v Fischer (C.N. 6084)
6090. Reuben Fine and psychoanalysis (C.N. 5283)
6091. Fine and the 1948 world championship
6092. Fischer and Hastings
6093. Pion coiffé
6094. Who?
6095. The Golden Girls
6096. Missing word quiz question (C.N. 6088)
6097. Fischer and Hastings (C.N. 6092)
6098. Bondarevsky v Ufimtsev (C.N.s 2989, 2995, 4272 & 4280)
6099. Two directors

<58> May 2009

6100. Chess flower
6101. The other Blackburne
6102. American football
6103. Tal photograph
6104. Tartakower on sacrifices
6105. Two directors (C.N. 6099)
6106. Bird comment
6107. Illegal move (C.N. 5833)
6108. Blind swine mate (C.N.s 3494, 3525 & 5160)
6109. Tal photograph (C.N. 6103)
6110. Anti-Semitic articles
6111. Sarratt letter
6112. Fine v Alexander
6113. Gluing and nailing
6114. Who? (C.N. 6094)
6115. Maurice Fox
6116. Tartakower on sacrifices (C.N. 6104)
6117. Ill (C.N.s 5890 & 6058)
6118. Long thinking
6119. Buenos Aires, 1939
6120. Wrong century
6121. The Pride and Horror of British Chess
6122. Rabbit quote
6123. Lasker v Marshall agreement
6124. Amy Lowell
6125. Who?
6126. The secret of James Mason’s real name
6127. Alleged suicide attempt by Alekhine (C.N.s 790 & 3842)
6128. Index to Schackvärlden
6129. Marshall v Janowsky match
6130. The soul of chess
6131. Photographs of Eliskases, Pirc and Spielmann
6132. Small magazines
6133. Letters to Capablanca
6134. Pollock
6135. Who? (C.N. 6125)
6136. Vasja Pirc (C.N. 6131)
6137. Rosenthal and Janowsky
6138. Soldatenkov
6139. Marini v Spassky
6140. Mate in one overlooked
6141. Mongrédien (C.N. 4895)
6142. Campbell v Barnes (C.N. 5048)
6143. Albin odds game
6144. Soldatenkov (C.N. 6138)
6145. Forced mate (C.N. 6138)
6146. Grandmaster title
6147. Bookseller recommended
6148. Chess prodigies
6149. Sketch from 1905
6150. Bronstein endgame

<59> June 2009

6152. Q.M. Hussain
6153. Lasker v Capablanca tenth match-game
6154. Prague, 1931
6155. Grandmaster title (C.N. 6146)
6156. Who?
6157. Mate in three
6158. ‘Trio of famous composers’
6159. Mate in one missed?
6160. Koltanowski’s reportage
6161. Counter-counter-pin
6162. Alekhine’s last tournament book
6163. J.N. Derbyshire
6164. Selenus, Shakespeare and Bacon
6165. Fine’s challenge
6166. Who? (C.N. 6156)
6167. Rudolf Hess
6168. Marshall’s announcement of retirement
6169. H.J.R. Murray
6170. Anti-blindfold
6171. Capablanca interview
6172. A famous Capablanca quote
6173. Rudolf Hess (C.N. 6167)
6174. Who?
6175. The Rubinstein rule
6176. What did Black play? (C.N. 6151)
6177. Three-mover by Lasker
6178. The Rubinstein rule (C.N. 6175)
6179. Jacob Billikopf
6180. Isaac Kashdan and Groucho Marx
6181. Small magazines (C.N. 6132)
6182. Lasker v Capablanca tenth match-game (C.N. 6153)
6183. Counter-counter-pin (C.N. 6161)
6184. Rosenthal
6185. Alexander v Botvinnik
6186. Group photograph (C.N. 4919)
6187. Forced mate (C.N.s 6138 & 6145)
6188. Who? (C.N. 6174)
6189. Bobby Fischer Uncensored
6190. Mate in three (C.N. 6157)
6191. Man Ray and Alekhine
6192. The West Wing
6193. Young Fischer (C.N. 6189)
6194. Ciocaltea v Fischer
6195. Counter-counter-pin (C.N.s 6161 & 6183)
6196. Rudolf Hess and chess (C.N.s 6167 & 6173)

<60> July 2009

6197. Who?
6198. Masters’ reports on simultaneous displays
6199. Postage stamps
6200. Mr and Mrs Piatigorsky (C.N.s 5432, 5436 & 5443)
6201. Miss Fatima
6202. Nabokov
6203. Bogoljubow in Zurich
6204. Capablanca photograph (C.N. 6199)
6205. Mac Orlan
6206. Incorrigible
6207. Ramiro Capablanca
6208. Miss Fatima (C.N. 6201)
6209. Who? (C.N. 6197)
6210. Keres and Philidor
6211. Street names
6212. Grover
6213. Different editions
6214. Faber and Faber
6215. Keres and Philidor (C.N. 6210)
6216. Spot the master
6217. MacCutcheon/McCutcheon
6218. Tarrasch and the gods
6219. Consultation crosstable
6220. Advertisement
6221. Postage stamps (C.N. 6199)
6222. Grover (C.N. 6212)
6223. Observations by Reinfeld
6224. Mr and Mrs Piatigorsky (C.N. 6200)
6225. Line-up (C.N. 3956)
6226. Faber and Faber (C.N. 6214)
6227. Georg Marco’s brother
6228. Spot the master (C.N. 6216)
6229. Grover (C.N.s 6212 & 6222)
6230. Faber and Faber (C.N.s 6214 & 6226)
6231. Georg Marco’s brother (C.N. 6227)
6232. Capablanca and Réti
6233. Bad Pistyan, 1912
6234. Sultan Khan
6235. Georg Marco’s brother (C.N. 6231)
6236. Capablanca and Réti (C.N. 6232)
6237. Reprints (C.N.s 3586 & 5456)
6238. Grandmaster inflation
6239. Capablanca v Black
6240. Santasiere book
6241. Campbell-Bannerman (C.N. 6070)
6242. Different views

<61> August 2009

6243. Postage stamps (C.N. 2366)
6244. Mr and Mrs Piatigorsky (C.N.s 6200 & 6224)
6245. My System (C.N. 6237)
6246. Autobiographies
6247. Geography
6248. Canal’s date and place of birth (C.N. 5831)
6249. An uneventful game?
6250. More from Cardoza
6251. Halpern’s Chess Symposium (C.N. 6209)
6252. Sir John Simon in India
6253. Autobiographies (C.N. 6246)
6254. A familiar miniature
6255. The things they write
6256. Thierry Le Luron
6257. Predictions on Fischer v Spassky (C.N.s 2737 & 5681)
6258. Prins v Soultanbéieff
6259. Nabokov (C.N. 6202)
6260. Who?
6261. Mr and Mrs Piatigorsky (C.N.s 6200, 6224 & 6244)
6262. Predictions on Fischer v Spassky (C.N.s 2737, 5681 & 6257)
6263. Petroff Defence
6264. Breyer and the last throes (C.N. 6223)
6265. W. Paulsen v J. Berger
6266. Marshall and Mannheim
6267. Pillsbury’s passport application
6268. Capablanca’s defeats
6269. Consultation game
6270. Oscar Chajes
6271. Capablanca photographs
6272. Friedrich Sämisch
6273. Four exchange sacrifices
6274. Nazi articles
6275. Schonberg inscription
6276. Missed mate in one
6277. Quiz question
6278. 1 e4 e5 2 h4
6279. Tarrasch v the Allies (C.N. 5161)
6280. Missed mate in one (C.N. 6276)
6281. Missed mate in one (C.N.s 6276 & 6280)
6282. Manchester, 1890
6283. Correspondence games by world champions (C.N. 3719)
6284. Another Tarrasch quote
6285. Quiz question (C.N. 6277)
6286. Daniel Harrwitz
6287. N.N. v N.N.
6288. Missed mate in one (C.N. 6276)
6289. Blindfold chess by women
6290. Who? (C.N. 6260)
6291. Reinfeld v Alekhine
6292. More incorrigibility

<62> September 2009

6293. Kaspartov (C.N.s 4150, 4154, 4155 & 4225)
6294. Edward Smedley (1788-1836)
6295. Coleman v Capablanca
6296. Blindfold phenomena
6297. Instructive masterpieces
6298. Lasker and the FBI
6299. Havana Olympiad, 1966
6300. Zukertort game
6301. Chess and Marxism/Communism
6302. Line clearance
6303. Missing game and Alekhine aloft
6304. P-K4
6305. Bogoljubow
6306. Havana Olympiad, 1966 (C.N. 6299)
6307. British Chess Bulletin (C.N. 3634)
6308. Draughts and chess
6309. Whose inscription?
6310. Youngest chess writers
6311. R.F. Foster
6312. Alekhine v Bogoljubow, 1929 (C.N.s 5667 & 5697)
6313. Alekhine’s Best Games
6314. Missing game (C.N. 6303)
6315. Time consumed
6316. Euwe line in the Winawer Variation (C.N.s 5607 & 5613)
6317. Chess Charts
6318. Whitaker and correspondence chess
6319. Quiz question
6320. Greco
6321. Alekhine in Latvia (C.N.s 2793 & 3450)
6322. Paris Opening
6323. Chess for younger readers
6324. Chess and Marxism/Communism (C.N. 6301)
6325. J.C.H. Macbeth (C.N. 4462)
6326. Birdie Reeve
6327. Quiz question (C.N. 6319)
6328. Alekhine’s Best Games (C.N. 6313)
6329. Chess for younger readers (C.N. 6323)

<63> October 2009

6330. Guinness World Records
6331. Kostić’s memory
6332. Whose inscription? (C.N. 6309)
6333. Masters’ reports on simultaneous displays (C.N. 6198)
6334. Havana Olympiad, 1966 (C.N.s 6299 & 6306)
6335. Turns of phrase
6336. Who?
6337. Fischer on 5-5
6338. Youngest chess journalist
6339. Kashdan
6340. Grandmasters
6341. Dolo Falk (C.N. 4623)
6342. J.C.H. Macbeth (C.N.s 4462 & 6325)
6343. Who? (C.N. 6336)
6344. Aesthetically pleasing
6345. Thierry Le Luron (C.N. 6256)
6346. Havana Olympiad, 1966 (C.N.s 6299, 6306 & 6334)
6347. Columbo
6348. Alfred Kreymborg
6349. Time-limit
6350. Introspective account
6351. Southard
6352. Lisitsin’s Gambit
6353. Capablanca and who?
6354. ‘Alekhine v Nenarokov’
6355. Opocensky’s grave
6356. Marshall/Macbeth book (C.N.s 4462, 6325 & 6342)
6357. Who?
6358. Réti v Alekhine (C.N. 5632)
6359. Signatures

<64> November 2009

6360. Who? (C.N. 6357)
6361. Thomas Paine and Robespierre
6362. Chess for younger readers (C.N.s 6323 & 6329)
6363. Round estimate
6364. Stoltz v Kashdan
6365. ‘The little Capablanca’
6366. Responding to Fischer
6367. Hort v Fischer
6368. A forgotten publication
6369. Photograph collection
6370. Tournament in full swing
6371. Fischer and Xerox
6372. Batsford Chess Openings
6373. A forgotten consultation match
6374. Thomas Paine and Robespierre (C.N. 6361)
6375. Elmer Ernest Southard (C.N.s 6350 & 6351)
6376. William MacStravick Stenhouse
6377. ‘No Higher Stakes’
6378. Capablanca’s US education
6379. New Lasker book
6380. Wikipedia grab-bags
6381. Reprobates
6382. von Holzhausen v Tarrasch
6383. Incorrigible (C.N. 6206)
6384. Tournament in full swing (C.N. 6370)
6385. Mate by castling (C.N. 2924)
6386. Early books by women
6387. Victor Buerger

<65> December 2009

6388. Najdorf brilliancy
6389. Boleslavsky’s grave
6390. Alekhine v Galindo
6391. Tzara and Lenin
6392. Guidance
6393. Photographs
6394. Kingpin
6395. Alekhine in Barcelona
6396. Who?
6397. Excuses for losing (C.N. 4036)
6398. Photographs (C.N. 6393)
6399. Alekhine in Barcelona (C.N. 6395)
6400. Rowland v Rynd
6401. Paintings
6402. Capablanca game sought
6403. Like a drug (C.N. 4133)
6404. Salo Landau v Rudolf Spielmann
6405. Lasker report
6406. Postcard
6407. Kussman (C.N.s 5930 & 5965)
6408. Najdorf brilliancy (C.N. 6388)
6409. Nenarokov and St Petersburg, 1909
6410. Lasker report (C.N. 6405)
6411. Encyclopaedia Britannica
6412. Stadelman v Bampton
6413. Wikipedia (C.N.s 5919 & 6380)
6414. Chess and billiards
6415. Temple and Kriegspiel
6416. ‘Never miss a check’
6417. Blackburne and Capablanca
6418. Wealth at death
6419. Youngest International Master
6420. The Evergreen Game
6421. Acrimonious Greetings
6422. Youngest International Master (C.N. 6419)
6423. Fischer’s title(s)
6424. Quiz question
6425. Groningen, 1946 (C.N.s 6370 & 6384)
6426. Tolstoy photograph
6427. King hunt
6428. Fischer’s title(s) (C.N. 6423)
6429. International Master title (C.N.s 6419, 6422, 6423 & 6428)
6430. Jacques Mieses
6431. Mieses v N.N.
6432. ‘Never miss a check’ (C.N. 6416)
6433. Photographs (C.N.s 6393 & 6398)
6434. St Petersburg, 1895-96
6435. Who?
6436. International Master title (C.N.s 6419, 6422, 6423, 6428 & 6429)
6437. Blackburne

<66> January 2010

6438. Displacement chess
6439. Chaim Janowski
6440. Blackburne (C.N. 6437)
6441. Consulting books
6442. Capablanca photographs
6443. Olympiad performance
6444. F.K. Young and B.F. Winkelman
6445. P-Q4
6446. Non-chess book
6447. For and against
6448. Postcard (C.N. 6406)
6449. Who? (C.N. 6435)
6450. New York, 1886
6451. Simultaneous displays in Moscow
6452. Alekhine story
6453. The gymnasium of the mind (C.N. 3626)
6454. Postcard (C.N.s 6406 & 6448)
6455. Staunton consultation game
6456. Sabadell, 1945
6457. E.E. Westbury
6458. Atlantic City, 1921
6459. Frederick Richard Gittins (C.N. 5391)
6460. Cook (C.N. 4341)
6461. Poisoned pawn
6462. Mackenzie game (C.N.s 5926, 5931 & 5951)
6463. Underpromotion
6464. Spassky v Fischer television coverage
6465. Capablanca’s diplomatic career
6466. Frederick the Great
6467. Saarbrücken, 1953 (Christmas tournament)
6468. Blindfold chess by women (C.N. 6289)
6469. Pride and sorrow
6470. Blackburne Shilling Gambit (C.N. 3786)
6471. Century Club
6472. Historical ratings
6473. Portraits
6474. Saarbrücken, 1953 (C.N. 6467)
6475. Century Club (C.N. 6471)

<67> February 2010

6476. What?
6477. First chess club
6478. Pillsbury and Marshall games
6479. Blackburne Shilling Gambit (C.N.s 3786 & 6470)
6480. What? (C.N. 6476)
6481. Capablanca in Paris
6482. Flohr v Grob (C.N.s 4309 & 4382)
6483. Postcard (C.N.s 6406, 6448 & 6454)
6484. Beginning Chess (C.N. 1809)
6485. Carlos Torre’s breakdown (C.N.s 5759 & 5767)
6486. Stifled
6487. Rubinstein’s comportment
6488. Bayonet attack
6489. Capablanca in Warsaw
6490. Unusual title
6491. Skittles
6492. Games sought
6493. ‘Last throes’
6494. Chess and insanity

<68> March 2010

6495. Banks on Marshall
6496. Quiz question (C.N. 6424)
6497. Signatures
6498. G. Levenfish
6499. Claim about Janowsky
6500. Che Guevara (C.N.s 4803, 4809 & 4934)
6501. James H. Taft (C.N.s 64 & 5170)
6502. ‘The poetry of chess’ (C.N.s 5223, 5290 & 5347)
6503. Masters’ reports on simultaneous displays (C.N.s 6198 & 6333)
6504. Soultanbéieff (C.N. 6486)
6505. Adolf Schwarz on Steinitz (C.N. 4375)
6506. Wilson and Labourdonnais
6507. Alekhine at Prague, 1931
6508. Blackburne v Gunsberg
6509. The Důras Attack
6510. Golombek and Reuters
6511. Noble game
6512. Vassily Smyslov (1921-2010)
6513. Goniff/Ganef/Gonim/Ganeff

<69> April 2010

6514. Bishop underpromotion
6515. Nimzowitsch’s invention
6516. Early recognition of Smyslov
6517. C.G. Hallock
6518. Reinfeld and Rubinstein
6519. Consulting books (C.N. 6441)
6520. Ödön Gesztesi
6521. En el ocaso
6522. A.L. Viesca
6523. Bishop underpromotion (C.N. 6514)
6524. Thomas Hood and Wyllie/Wylie (C.N. 5392)
6525. Alekhine at Prague, 1931 (C.N. 6507)
6526. Who?
6527. Ajeeb and Marshall
6528. Morphy quote
6529. Prague, 1931 Olympiad (C.N.s 6507 & 6525)
6530. Capablanca cutting
6531. Smyslov’s first published game
6532. Wilson and Labourdonnais (C.N. 6506)
6533. Morphy quote (C.N. 6528)
6534. Signatures (C.N. 6497)
6535. Ten seconds per move
6536. Lightning world champion
6537. Smyslov’s first published game (C.N. 6531)
6538. Debutant in Scarborough
6539. Steinitz and blindfold chess
6540. Nimzowitsch’s invention (C.N. 6515)
6541. Who? (C.N. 6526)
6542. Who are the masters?
6543. The length of matches
6544. A chatty injustice
6545. Steinitz’s daughter (C.N. 3189)
6546. Prague, 1931 Olympiad (C.N. 6529)
6547. Erik Andersen
6548. Another Prague, 1931 photograph
6549. Anderssen the teacher
6550. Capablanca portrait
6551. London war damage
6552. Who are the masters? (C.N. 6542)
6553. Sämisch v Alekhine (C.N. 5333)
6554. Pouring the pieces
6555. Who?
6556. Boys’ Life

<70> May 2010

6557. Chess authors
6558. H.E. Bird and railways
6559. Hanging pawns (C.N.s 5725, 5731 & 5740)
6560. Lasker in hospital
6561. M. Murray and A.T. Leise
6562. Tartakower blindfold
6563. Staunton v Stanley match
6564. Prodigy in Paris
6565. Stalemate as a win
6566. Alfred de Musset
6567. Different views (C.N. 6242)
6568. Diego Morphy
6569. A. Lilienthal
6570. Lilienthal v Alekhine
6571. Budapest
6572. Fischer book
6573. Pomar v Bernstein
6574. London war damage (C.N. 6551)
6575. Schlechter games
6576. Hilversum, 1947
6577. E.E. Colman
6578. Wyllie/Wylie (C.N. 6524)
6579. Wheat and chaff
6580. The Löwenthal Variation
6581. Judicious violation (C.N. 4297)
6582. Morphy v the Duke and Count
6583. Capablanca’s origins (C.N. 3500)
6584. Pomar v Bernstein (C.N. 6573)
6585. Hype
6586. Birdie Reeve (C.N. 6326)
6587. An alleged Alekhine quote
6588. Bogoljubow’s correspondence chess
6589. Pomar at London, 1946 (C.N.s 6573 & 6584)
6590. The monkey and the watch
6591. H.E. Bird and railways (C.N. 6558)
6592. Bronstein in 1953
6593. Morphy v Harrwitz
6594. François Mitterrand
6595. Fischer and blitz

<71> June 2010

6596. Chess Masters in Action (C.N. 6587)
6597. Charles Haughey
6598. Staunton v Horwitz, London, 1851
6599. Reshevsky v Myagmarsuren
6600. First tournament for seniors
6601. Staunton v Horwitz, London, 1851 (C.N. 6598)
6602. Steinitz on Gossip
6603. Boys’ Life
6604. Turgenev v Kolisch (C.N.s 5863 & 6054)
6605. Georg Marco’s brother (C.N.s 6227, 6231 & 6235)
6606. D. Leslie v A. Bisguier
6607. Alekhine v L. Zollner
6608. New York, 1924
6609. Pomar v Bernstein (C.N.s 6573 & 6584)
6610. Hirsch Hermann Silberschmidt (1801-1866)
6611. Both colours
6612. Identifying Black
6613. An interview with Alekhine
6614. Lasker v M. Chernev
6615. Capablanca v Kashdan or Kashdan v Capablanca?
6616. Kasparov protiv Karpova
6617. World championship matches
6618. Goldstein on Przepiórka
6619. Capablanca v Kashdan or Kashdan v Capablanca? (C.N. 6615)
6620. Richard Teichmann
6621. Quiz question
6622. A fifteenth-century letter
6623. Franz Gutmayer
6624. Alexander v Marshall (C.N.s 3508 & 5262)
6625. Language
6626. ‘Grandmaster norm’
6627. San Remo, 1911
6628. Albert T. Leise (C.N. 6561)
6629. Rudolf Swiderski’s suicide
6630. Kashdan book (C.N. 6339)
6631. Pairing system (C.N. 6608)
6632. Chigorin
6633. Reinfeld and Rubinstein (C.N. 6518)
6634. Morphy v Harrwitz (C.N. 6593)
6635. Signatures
6636. About 40%
6637. Academic Dictionary of Games
6638. Grandmaster draw (C.N. 3803)
6639. Problem prodigy
6640. Quiz question (C.N. 6621)
6641. Schlechter games (C.N. 6575)
6642. Capablanca bibliography
6643. Thematic displays (C.N. 5314)
6644. Weiss v Blackburne
6645. Mason problem
6646. Edward Mason
6647. World championship rules
6648. Pure mates
6649. Stray J. (C.N.s 4916 & 5666)
6650. Anti-Staunton
6651. Bump of reason
6652. Jacques Futrelle
6653. Alexander v Marshall (C.N.s 3508, 5262 & 6624)
6654. Dmitri Shostakovich

<72> July 2010

6655. Marshall v Capablanca
6656. Marshall team-match game
6657. Another Lipschütz
6658. Edward Mason (C.N.s 4183 & 6646)
6659. Chigorin (C.N. 6632)
6660. Pure mates (C.N. 6648)
6661. Both colours (C.N. 6611)
6662. Cable match
6663. Alan Bennett
6664. A nineteenth-century photograph
6665. Fleissig v Schlechter
6666. Daily chess column (C.N. 4836)
6667. Chigorin (C.N.s 6632 & 6659)
6668. Fleissig v Schlechter (C.N. 6665)
6669. Queen’s knight’s pawn (C.N.s 5827, 5865 & 6021)
6670. Alan Bennett (C.N. 6663)
6671. Draws
6672. Signed Alekhine pictures
6673. Fischer v Bolbochán
6674. Both colours (C.N.s 6611 & 6661)
6675. Debrecen, 1925
6676. Draws (C.N. 6671)
6677. Yarns
6678. A.C. White’s bookplate
6679. The Lasker brothers
6680. The Capablanca family
6681. Krejcik
6682. Bad Kissingen, 1928
6683. The Pearl of Zandvoort
6684. Nimzowitsch on Alekhine
6685. Adolf Zinkl (C.N.s 3834, 4839 & 4840)
6686. The Capablanca family (C.N. 6680)
6687. David DeLucia’s collection (C.N.s 3164, 5323 & 6189)
6688. Lipschütz
6689. Deschapelles
6690. London, 1851
6691. Blackburne’s announced mate in 16
6692. Alekhine v Bogoljubow
6693. Laroche
6694. Planning (C.N. 5884)
6695. Nimzowitsch on Alekhine (C.N. 6695)
6696. A mate in three by Nimzowitsch
6697. Capablanca in colour (C.N.s 3442 & 3447)
6698. Blackburne’s announced mate in 16 (C.N. 6691)
6699. Code
6700. A mate in three by Nimzowitsch (C.N. 6696)

<73> August 2010

6701. Early Reshevsky photograph
6702. Tigran Petrosian
6703. Alain White Collection (C.N. 6678)
6704. Alekhine quotation
6705. Stamma book
6706. A mate in three by Nimzowitsch (C.N.s 6696 & 6700)
6707. Nimzowitsch the candidate
6708. Nardus
6709. Additional pictures
6710. Rubinstein in Brussels
6711. Marshall v Mieses
6712. Barden in the Evening Standard
6713. Judd v Showalter
6714. Chess and life
6715. Rose quote (C.N. 5462)
6716. Tom Wiswell
6717. Reshevsky group shot
6718. Nimzowitsch’s lamentation (C.N. 5019)
6719. Wendel v Nimzowitsch
6720. Alekhine quotation (C.N. 6704)
6721. Reshevsky group shot (C.N. 6717)
6722. Peter Reid
6723. Weak enough
6724. Wood v Ritson Morry
6725. Chernev quote
6726. Michaelis gamelet (C.N. 2860)
6727. B. Niemzowitsch
6728. Blumenfeld v Nimzowitsch
6729. Caroline Marshall letter
6730. Antoniadi games
6731. Lasker problem
6732. London, 1922
6733. Wood v Ritson Morry (C.N. 6724)
6734. Young masters
6735. Ödön Gesztesi (C.N. 6520)
6736. Wood v Ritson Morry (C.N.s 6724 & 6733)
6737. Wendel v Nimzowitsch (C.N. 6719)
6738. Lasker and New York, 1927
6739. Young masters (C.N. 6734)
6740. Morphy at the Opera
6741. Alekhine v Sämisch
6742. William Hartston in Now!
6743. Michaelis gamelet (C.N.s 2860 & 6726)
6744. Lasker v Lederer (C.N. 6738)
6745. Confusion over a Lasker game

<74> September 2010

6746. Jonny Quest
6747. Alexander v Marshall (C.N.s 3508, 5262, 6624 & 6653)
6748. Tal v Platonov (C.N. 6742)
6749. Bulgarian photographs
6750. Wood and Ritson Morry (C.N.s 6724, 6733 & 6736)
6751. Quadrupled pawns
6752. Lipschütz
6753. Chigorin’s grave
6754. Alekhine photograph
6755. Another prodigy report
6756. Zugzwang
6757. Three-mover
6758. Chigorin’s grave (C.N. 6753)
6759. Tarrasch postcard
6760. London, 1932
6761. The BM’s finest hour
6762. Three-mover (C.N. 6757)
6763. Bent Larsen (1935-2010)
6764. Interviews with Larsen
6765. Carlos Torre
6766. Otho Michaelis (1843-1890)
6767. Edmund Hoyle (1672-1769)
6768. ‘Immortal Zugzwang Game’
6769. Father and son – but who?
6770. Lasker in Buenos Aires
6771. Computer-generated
6772. Father and son (C.N. 6769)
6773. Rook ending
6774. Henry Augustus Loveday
6775. Guinness
6776. Bogoljubow v Réti
6777. Marshall Gambit
6778. Slugfest

<75> October 2010

6779. An old anecdote
6780. Møller Attack
6781. Another Tartakower quote
6782. Chessy
6783. Nardus victory
6784. Nimzowitsch v Alapin
6785. Caricature (C.N.s 4813 & 4818)
6786. Building a bridge
6787. Hetty Wahltuch
6788. Sicilian Defence
6789. Nimzowitsch v Alapin (C.N. 6784)
6790. Edmund Hoyle (C.N. 6767)
6791. Lasker v Thomas
6792. 3...c6
6793. Falkbeer Counter-Gambit
6794. Alekhine’s death
6795. Howell on the Ruy López
6796. Hetty Wahltuch (C.N. 6787)
6797. Flohr’s grave
6798. Gunsberg
6799. Nimzowitsch v Alapin (C.N.s 6784 & 6789)
6800. Rook’s Gambit Declined
6801. Ratner study
6802. Dzindzichashvili v Tal
6803. Tarrasch book
6804. Atlantic City, 1921 (C.N. 6458)
6805. Blitz and Blitz-krieg
6806. John Ruskin (C.N.s 4045 & 4466)
6807. Chessy (C.N. 6782)
6808. Berlin Wall
6809. Znosko-Borovsky
6810. More on Znosko-Borovsky
6811. Anderssen v Morphy
6812. Berlin Wall (C.N. 6808)
6813. Heaven
6814. Capablanca’s sugar lumps
6815. Lipschütz
6816. Marshall v Dus-Chotimirsky
6817. Emanuel Lasker and Go

<76> November 2010

6818. Postcards (C.N. 6759)
6819. Who?
6820. Teichmann v N.N.
6821. Réti’s grave
6822. Nimzowitsch v Alapin (C.N.s 6784, 6789 & 6799)
6823. Nimzowitsch v Behting
6824. Blackburne quote
6825. Treatment of chess history
6826. Carl Hamppe
6827. Vezin v Stanley
6828. Alekhine in 1944
6829. Proverb and quotation
6830. Morphy in Havana (C.N. 4932)
6831. Books on Carlsen
6832. Nimble expurgation
6833. John Francis Byrne
6834. Unusual notation
6835. Nimzowitsch v Alapin (C.N.s 6784, 6789, 6799 & 6822)
6836. Captain Hugh Alexander Kennedy
6837. Machiavellian match-players
6838. Capablanca: rule-changes and variants
6839. Stephen Fry (C.N.s 3972 & 4275)
6840. Confusion
6841. Riot
6842. Stephen Fry and Kim Harris (C.N. 6839)
6843. A lost work
6844. Rook on the seventh rank
6845. Award for beating Euwe
6846. Euwe photographs
6847. Birdie Reeve

<77> December 2010

6848. Columbo (C.N. 6347)
6849. Kim Harris (C.N.s 6839 & 6842)
6850. Euwe line in the Winawer Variation (C.N.s 5607, 5613 & 6316)
6851. Who, where and when?
6852. Nabokov and von Bardeleben
6853. Teichmann v N.N. (C.N. 6820)
6854. Richard Réti’s grave
6855. Columbo (C.N. 6848)
6856. Those Who Play Chess
6857. Lasker v Schlechter match (1908)
6858. Personal attention
6859. Repetition
6860. Application form
6861. Unneeded terms
6862. Capablanca speaks
6863. Two group pictures
6864. Vezin v Stanley (C.N. 6827)
6865. Frank Arthur Crowl
6866. Euwe books
6867. Meiden on Euwe
6868. Philidor
6869. Vezin v Stanley (C.N. 6864)
6870. Thomas Beeby
6871. Reshevsky’s young opponent
6872. Frank Arthur Crowl (C.N. 6865)
6873. The Rice Gambit
6874. King’s Gambit miniature
6875. Lasker on Steinitz
6876. Group picture (C.N. 6863)
6877. ‘A knight on the rim’
6878. Reshevsky’s young opponent (C.N. 6871)
6879. A curious game
6880. No eye contact
6881. New York, 1924
6882. Edgar v Lott
6883. Schlechter

<78> January 2011

6884. ‘While There’s Check There’s Hope’
6885. Alekhine in Pilsen (C.N. 6860)
6886. Hays and Hall
6887. Albert T. Leise (C.N.s 6561 & 6628)
6888. Shoes
6889. Masters of the Chess Board
6890. Still incorrigible
6891. Group picture (C.N. 6876)
6892. Seeing/looking ahead
6893. Rosebault in court
6894. Fabergé
6895. Oliphant
6896. N.W. Banks
6897. Direct speech
6898. Seeing/looking ahead (C.N. 6892)
6899. Postcards (C.N.s 6759 & 6818)
6900. Capablanca photographs
6901. Premature announcement of Steinitz’s death
6902. Pillsbury article
6903. An unusual gambit
6904. Nunnally Johnson
6905. Opposition (C.N. 6869)
6906. Charles Dickens and chess
6907. Tile
6908. Italian postcard
6909. Charles Dickens and chess (C.N. 6906)
6910. Two Marshall v Napier games
6911. Capablanca photographs
6912. ‘The equalizing injustice of chess’
6913. Actually published
6914. Quiz question
6915. Delmar
6916. Two Marshall v Napier games (C.N. 6910)
6917. Statuvolent
6918. Opposition (C.N.s 6869 & 6905)
6919. Fiction
6920. Quiz question (C.N. 6914)
6921. New York, 1915
6922. Christmas greeting card
6923. Rice v N.N.
6924. Italian postcard (C.N. 6908)
6925. Dodge v Houghteling
6926. Pilnik v Fischer
6927. Pilnik inscriptions

<79> February 2011

6928. Christmas greeting card (C.N. 6922)
6929. Endgame by Frank Brady
6930. Annotating while playing
6931. Safety alarm
6932. Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht
6933. Rice game (C.N. 6923)
6934. Master Prim
6935. Houghteling (C.N. 6925)
6936. Kreisler and Schelling
6937. Pickwickian notes
6938. Falkbeer Counter-Gambit
6939. Birdie Reeve
6940. Stefan Zweig and chess
6941. Evans Gambit/German Game
6942. Evans Gambit loss by Lasker
6943. Capablanca v Labatt
6944. An old trick
6945. Alekhine’s openings
6946. Opposition (C.N.s 6869, 6905 & 6918)
6947. Ståhlberg’s elegant style
6948. Amsterdam, 1950
6949. Oliphant (C.N. 6895)
6950. Who?
6951. Boris Kostić and Enrico Caruso
6952. The 23 Ng5 affair (Skipworth v Zukertort)
6953. Timidity
6954. Weil/Weill/Wiel
6955. Frank Hollings
6956. Christopher Ogle
6957. Dickens, chess and Morphy
6958. Susan Sontag
6959. Young Fischer (C.N.s 4769 & 6193)
6960. Who? (C.N. 6950)
6961. Vidmar senior
6962. Nimzowitsch snippet (C.N. 2526)
6963. Marshall v Whiting
6964. Endgame
6965. Simultaneous exhibition by Bernstein
6966. Spite check
6967. Spite sacrifice
6968. Gallows humour
6969. Nimzowitsch snippet (C.N. 6962)
6970. Rules
6971. Best books
6972. Showalter and baseball (C.N.s 4449, 4456, 5700 & 5706)
6973. Fischer v Larsen
6974. Time-limits
6975. Alfred Emery
6976. Berne, 1932
6977. L. Steiner on S. Tartakower
6978. Pomar and Bernstein (C.N.s 6573, 6584, 6589 & 6609)
6979. Barry v Pillsbury (C.N. 4582)

<80> March 2011

6980. The Marshall Gambit
6981. Gallows humour (C.N. 6968)
6982. Fischer v Darrach et al.
6983. Annotating while playing (C.N. 6930)
6984. Marshall and the French Defence
6985. Marshall, Janowsky and gambling
6986. St Louis, 1904
6987. Harrwitz v Anderssen?
6988. Sir George Thomas
6989. Sixty Years On
6990. Annotating while playing (C.N.s 6930 & 6983)
6991. Fischer v Bolbochán
6992. New York State Championship
6993. Harrwitz game (C.N. 6987)
6994. Alekhine v Kimura, Tokyo, 1933
6995. Euwe v Fischer, 1957
6996. Showalter v Lipschütz: a match in 1890?
6997. Jeremy Gaige (1927-2011)
6998. W.H. Cozens
6999. Marshall, Janowsky and gambling (C.N. 6985)
7000. Sir George Thomas (C.N. 6988)
7001. Zugzwang in a queen ending
7002. Who?
7003. Blind pigs (C.N.s 3494, 3525, 5160 & 6108)
7004. Reshevsky at West Point
7005. Spassky on Petrosian and Korchnoi
7006. Ghosts
7007. Zugzwang in a queen ending (C.N. 7001)
7008. Zukertort v Adair
7009. Who? (C.N. 7002)
7010. Chessworld
7011. Damiano’s Defence
7012. Chess sketch
7013. Alekhine interview
7014. Gallows humour (C.N.s 6968 & 6981)
7015. Jonathan Penrose
7016. Alekhine interview (C.N. 7013)
7017. The earliest Caro-Kann Defence (C.N. s 2188 & 2389)
7018. An incident at Yarmouth, 1935
7019. Pronouncing Euwe
7020. Chess Notes items
7021. Who?

<81> April 2011

7022. Leningrad v Moscow match, 1937
7023. Otho Ernst Michaelis (C.N. 6766)
7024. Chess prodigies (C.N. 6148)
7025. The Termination
7026. Labatt v Marshall
7027. Marshall inscription
7028. John Worrell
7029. Josef Hašek
7030. Americans and chess
7031. Saidy v Fischer
7032. Otho Ernst Michaelis (C.N.s 6766 & 7023)
7033. Dispute
7034. Sir George Thomas
7035. Berlin, 1920
7036. Eguiluz and Vázquez
7037. Chess literature in Hellenic (C.N. 5612)
7038. Howard Staunton
7039. Starbuck
7040. Alekhine v Prat
7041. Who (C.N. 7021)
7042. Vladimirs Petrovs/Vladimir Petrov
7043. A forgotten puzzler (C.N. 4923)
7044. Eguiluz and Vázquez (C.N. 7036)
7045. Grading bonkers
7046. Korchnoi’s date of birth
7047. Examination paper
7048. Pronouncing Euwe (C.N. 7019)
7049. Best games
7050. Tarrasch v the Allies (C.N.s 5162 & 6279)
7051. Changing the rules
7052. Hays and Hall (C.N. 6886)
7053. Fine v Yudovich
7054. ‘The Little Capablanca’ (C.N. 6365)
7055. Alekhine v Keres
7056. N. Falkbeer
7057. The Lasker odds anecdote
7059. Janowsky pearl
7060. Who? (C.N.s 7021 & 7041)
7061. Julius Partos (C.N. 7054)
7062. Vuković v N.N.

<82> May 2011

7063. A letter from Alekhine
7064. Heftye v Mieses
7065. Sponsors/backers
7066. Gisela K. Gresser
7067. Unique best move (C.N. 6066)
7068. Daniel Starbuck
7069. Staunton’s humour (C.N.s 1283 & 1305)
7070. Marion Murray (C.N. 6561)
7071. Chess School
7072. Isaac Kashdan and Groucho Marx (C.N. 6180)
7073. Alekhine v Keres (C.N. 7055)
7074. Kurt Daluege
7075. A letter from Bent Larsen
7076. Hollywood
7077. Back-rank mate
7078. Frank Norton
7079. Shostakovich and Alekhine (C.N. 6654)
7080. Sämisch v Flohr
7081. Hollywood (C.N. 7076)
7082. A question of age
7083. Duped
7084. ‘Wildly insane’
7085. Times for individual moves
7086. Lasker-Capablanca reconciliation
7087. Chess School (C.N. 7071)
7088. Sir George Thomas
7089. Short v the Badmaster
7090. Looking ahead
7091. Comment on Salo Flohr
7092. Lasker’s journey from Switzerland to Germany
7093. Evans Gambit/German Game (C.N. 6941)
7094. Group photographs
7095. Olivia de Havilland
7096. Young v Doré and Atkins v Jacobs
7097. Capablanca before New York, 1924
7098. A rare gambit

<83> June 2011

7099. Capablanca in Bromley
7100. 4 g4 in the Caro-Kann Defence
7101. Marshall and gold coins
7102. Last round at Nottingham
7103. Alexander v Marshall (C.N.s 3508, 5262, 6624, 6653 & 6747)
7104. Scheveningen, 1913
7105. N.N. v Nimzowitsch (C.N.s 6962 & 6969)
7106. William H. Hughes and Norman T. Whitaker
7107. Tresling v Benima
7108. Nimzowitsch circa 1916
7109. The 1910 Lasker v Schlechter match
7110. The greatness of chess
7111. Tresling v Benima (C.N. 7107)
7112. Zukertort ‘world champion’
7113. Unidentified compositions
7114. Marshall letter to Blackburne
7115. ‘A New Morphy Game?’
7116. Stalemate and deadlock
7117. Time and Space
7118. St Petersburg, 1914
7119. Mackenzie ‘chess champion of the world’
7120. Paulsen v Morphy
7121. Pillsbury in 1905
7122. ‘Chess is what you see’
7123. Englisch v Tarrasch
7124. Bruno Bassi
7125. Middleton Counter-Gambit (C.N.s 4792, 4860 & 4864)
7126. ‘Chess is what you see’ (C.N. 7122)
7127. Bruno Bassi (C.N. 7124)
7128. Thomas on Lasker and Capablanca
7129. Skulduggery (C.N. 4386)
7130. Middleton Counter-Gambit (C.N.s 4792, 4860, 4864 & 7125)
7131. Photographs from the Bibliothèque nationale de France
7132. Quiz questions

<84> July 2011

7133. Chess and Hollywood
7134. Capablanca explains his defeat by Alekhine
7135. Quiz questions (C.N. 7132)
7136. Emma Keesing
7137. Botvinnik’s match record
7138. Fast chess
7139. Raubitschek/Raubitscheck
7140. Koltanowski
7141. Petrosian v Botvinnik
7142. H.G. v Machine
7143. Legall (C.N.s 5720 & 5734)
7144. USA v USSR match
7145. Nardus sketches (C.N. 7104)
7146. Petrosian v Botvinnik (C.N. 7141)
7147. Atkins v Jacobs (C.N. 7096)
7148. Views on Chess (C.N.s 6714 & 6715)
7149. Passport application by Steinitz
7150. Tal books (C.N. 2722)
7151. Teenage author
7152. Legall (C.N.s 5720, 5734 & 7143)
7153. Alekhine and Euwe snippet
7154. Streets named after chessplayers
7155. Raubitschek (C.N. 7139)
7156. A. Gibaud
7157. Chessboard grafts (C.N. 4300)
7158. Eliza Campbell Foot
7159. Monte Carlo, 1902
7160. Franklin Russell
7161. Three Cuban brevities
7162. How many masters?
7163. Foot v Steinitz (C.N. 7158)
7164. Camelot
7165. What is Zugzwang?
7166. Eliskases v Richter
7167. Franklin Russell (C.N. 7160)
7168. Sultan Khan and Miss Fatima
7169. Blindfold knight tour
7170. St Petersburg Chess Club
7171. Altschul v Marshall
7172. Krejcik position
7173. FIDE history
7174. Streets named after chessplayers (C.N. 7154)
7175. Frederick Yates
7176. Fischer in Havana
7177. Automatic chess recorder
7178. Forcing a winning position
7179. Abrahams on Capablanca and Alekhine
7180. Nimzowitsch on Alekhine (C.N. 6684)
7181. Alekhine and Bernstein
7182. The death of Przepiórka
7183. Alekhine and Mrs Alekhine
7184. Lawrence Gambit
7185. Seletsky
7186. Fischer on Steinitz?
7187. An old position

<85> August 2011

7188. Can Black win?
7189. Steinitz’s children
7190. Seesaw/windmill manoeuvre
7191. AVRO, 1938 (C.N. 7162)
7192. Picabia v Roché
7193. Bogoljubow v Tartakower
7194. Family check
7195. Postcard
7196. Berlin, 1919
7197. Colditz
7198. Metamagical Themas
7199. Steinitz’s children (C.N. 7189)
7200. An old position (C.N. 7187)
7201. Janowsky in 1916
7202. Thorold v Green
7203. ‘Someone once said ...’
7204. Emanuel Lasker and card games
7205. Alekhine and alcohol
7206. Skulduggery (C.N.s 4386 & 7129)
7207. Averbakh’s memoirs (C.N. 4847)
7208. The exchange
7209. Domination
7210. Spielmann v Nimzowitsch
7211. The exchange (C.N. 7208)
7212. Can Black win? (C.N. 7188)
7213. Erich Cohn
7214. Williams v Wight
7215. Tandem chess (C.N. 4783)
7216. Beckner v Showalter
7217. J’adoube
7218. Madame Reutlinger-Rosenthal
7219. Quincy A. Brackett (C.N.s 6073 & 6087)
7220. Cable game
7221. For solving
7222. Texas prodigy
7223. The Lutonians
7224. Tartakower in Luton
7225. Leslie Burgin (C.N.s 4327, 4979 & 6714)
7226. The exchange (C.N.s 7208 & 7211)
7227. Byrne v Bachmann
7228. Quote attributed to Tartakower
7229. For solving (C.N. 7221)
7230. Yates v Randall
7231. William E. Griffin
7232. Alekhine quotation (C.N.s 6704 & 6720)
7233. Ten-year-old composer
7234. Comic strip
7235. Jacobsen v Spielmann
7236. Article by the prodigy Reshevsky
7237. Almost everything
7238. Blackburne v Younger
7239. Hype regarding Morphy
7240. William E. Griffin (C.N. 7231)
7241. Buenos Aires Olympiad, 1939
7242. Jacobsen v Spielmann (C.N. 7235)
7243. Presley, Louis, DiMaggio and Capablanca
7244. Game by Kennedy and Mackenzie (C.N.s 5926, 5931, 5951 & 6462)
7245. Allies v Rubinstein
7246. Dziobek v von Scheve
7247. Rees v Maróczy
7248. N.N. v Rees

<86> September 2011

7249. The name ‘Caro-Kann Defence’
7250. Horatio Caro
7251. The original signatories of the Fédération Internationale des Echecs
7252. Capablanca and his daughter
7253. Laroche (C.N. 6693)
7254. Stalemate
7255. A strange claim about Kashdan
7256. Marcus Kann (C.N. 7249)
7257. Detroit, 1933
7258. German game (C.N.s 6941 & 7093)
7259. A strange claim about Kashdan (C.N. 7255)
7260. Another Alekhine interview
7261. Gheorghiu v Quinteros
7262. Maróczy v Korchnoi (C.N.s 5411 & 5417)
7263. Botvinnik on his predecessors
7264. Robert G. Wade
7265. Stalemate (C.N. 7254)
7266. Moscow, 1935
7267. Reykjavik, 1972
7268. Cartoons (C.N. 3938)
7269. Robert G. Wade (C.N. 7264)
7270. Wade v Bennett
7271. Walter Grimshaw (1832-1890)
7272. Alleged demolishment of Steinitz
7273. Buenos Aires, 1939
7274. Robert G. Wade (C.N. 7269)
7275. Missing son
7276. Eng and Chang (C.N.s 3434 & 5928)
7277. Application by Horwitz
7278. Horrwitz/Horwitz/Harrwitz bishops
7279. Signed chess books
7280. No fuss
7281. Guinness records
7282. The original signatories of the Fédération Internationale des Echecs (C.N. 7251)
7283. Réti study
7284. Brilliancy-prize game
7285. Cartoons and comic strips
7286. Moscow, 1935 (C.N. 7266)
7287. Literary fund (C.N. 7277)
7288. Gossip’s application
7289. Moscow, 1936
7290. Alekhine at the piano
7291. ‘Not publishable for legal reasons’
7292. Who?
7293. Pensioners pawnpushing
7294. MacDonnell v Amateur
7295. Robert G. Wade (C.N.s 7269 & 7274)
7296. Tediouſneſs

<87> October 2011

7297. Mate in four (C.N. 5923)
7298. Café de la Régence
7299. Samuel Loyd
7300. R.G. Wade and Modern Chess Openings (C.N. 7295)
7301. Moscow, 1936 (C.N. 7289)
7302. Winawer at Nuremberg, 1883
7303. Chess and insanity (C.N.s 6494 & 7260)
7304. Café de la Régence (C.N. 7298)
7305. Wellmuth and Dubois
7306. A perfectly played game
7307. MacDonnell v Amateur (C.N. 7294)
7308. Steinitz and brilliancy
7309. Kingpin
7310. An unknown Nimzowitsch v Marshall game
7311. Who? (C.N. 7292)
7312. Mieses v Billecard
7313. Jakob/Jacques Mieses
7314. ‘Mrs Marza’
7315. ‘The most brilliant chessplayer in the West’
7316. Réti study (C.N. 7283)
7317. Modern Chess Openings (C.N.s 7295 & 7300)
7318. McDonnell/MacDonnell
7319. Maurice Billecard (C.N.s 4798 & 7312)
7320. From the Philippines
7321. Modern Chess Openings (C.N.s 7295, 7300 & 7317)
7322. Hudson v Harrwitz
7323. Botvinnik’s family
7324. Maurice Billecard (C.N.s 4798, 7312 & 7319)
7325. Alain White Collection (C.N.s 6678 & 6703)
7326. Bird v Lasker
7327. Jakob/Jacques Mieses (C.N. 7313)
7328. MacDonnell on Steinitz
7329. Sultan Khan
7330. Fort Knox Variation
7331. Magazine grumbles
7332. Bird v Lasker (C.N. 7326)
7333. Poluphloisboioist (C.N. 7328)
7334. 1 d4 d5 2 e3
7335. Autographs
7336. Schaken
7337. Interview with Capablanca in 1931
7338. Poluphloisboioist (C.N.s 7328 & 7333)
7339. Southsea, 1949
7340. 1 d4 d5 2 e3 (C.N. 7334)

<88> November 2011

7341. Schulder games
7342. Recommended booksellers (C.N.s 4737, 6147 & 6659)
7343. Capablanca and Ed Hughes (C.N. 7337)
7344. Wade v Bennett (C.N. 7270)
7345. Bobby Fischer Against the World
7347. Reshevsky playing blindfold
7348. Reshevsky and Point Count Chess
7349. Schulder games (C.N. 7341)
7350. A. Rothman (C.N. 4930)
7351. Chicago, 1937
7352. Who?
7353. Miles on Kasparov
7354. Hastings, 1895 group photograph (C.N.s 4663, 5832, 5836 & 5841)
7355. Mark Taimanov’s chess library
7356. AVRO, 1938 photographs (C.N.s 6640 & 7191)
7357. A. Rothman (C.N.s 4930 & 7350)
7358. Pillsbury’s place of birth
7359. Tarrasch translations
7360. The first sockdolager
7361. Baloney
7362. Taubenhaus inscription
7363. Morphy against the Devil
7364. Boden’s Mate (C.N. 7341)
7365. Correspondence chess postcard
7366. More postcards to Josef Richter
7367. Who? (C.N. 7352)
7368. Popert (C.N. 7364)
7369. La Bourdonnais v McDonnell
7370. Randomized chess
7371. Memories of Pillsbury
7372. London, 1922 cartoons (C.N. 3938)
7373. Boden’s Mate (C.N.s 7341 & 7364)
7374. Marshall correspondence game
7375. Tarrasch translations (C.N. 7359)
7376. N.N. v Crépeaux
7377. Hungarian team
7378. Who?
7379. Letter written by Labourdonnais
7380. Chess Features (C.N.s 2849 & 3560)
7381. N.N. v Crépeaux (C.N. 7376)
7382. G.S. Spreckley
7383. Letter written by Labourdonnais (C.N. 7379)

<89> December 2011

7384. Punch cartoon
7385. Six-move game
7386. Morphy against the Devil (C.N. 7363)
7387. Gutmayer v Swiderski
7388. Fischer and the House of Representatives
7389. Pasadena, 1932
7390. Cased image (C.N. 6018)
7391. Gutmayer and Lasker (C.N. 7387)
7392. More diagram trouble
7393. New York, 1857
7394. New York, 1857 (C.N. 7393)
7395. Prokofiev
7396. From Billy Wilder
7397. Who? (C.N. 7378)
7398. Randomized chess (C.N. 7370)
7399. Morphy against the Devil (C.N.s 7363 & 7386)
7400. Keres before AVRO, 1938
7401. An old problem
7402. Hitler v Napoleon
7403. Who? (C.N.s 7378 and 7397)
7404. An old problem (C.N. 7401)
7405. Gutmayer’s games against Swiderski and Lasker (C.N.s 7387 & 7391)
7406. Boden’s mate
7407. Pillsbury gamelet
7408. N.N. v Morphy
7409. Gutmayer on Capablanca
7410. Paul Ferret
7411. Oslo, 1936
7412. Punch cartoon (C.N. 7384)
7413. Jutta Hempel
7414. Weil/Weill/Wiel, etc. (C.N.s 4751, 4755, 4760 & 6954)
7415. Morphy picture
7416. Schiffers
7417. Paul Ferret (C.N. 7410)
7418. Knight promotions
7419. Morphy novel (C.N. 5240)
7420. Faulkner and Morphy
7421. ‘Unknown composer’
7422. ‘Telemachus Brownsmith’
7423. ‘Checkmate’ by M.B. Critchlow
7424. Schiffers (C.N. 7416)
7425. G.H. Diggle on B.H. Wood
7426. Amsterdam v London
7427. More plagiarism
7428. Simultaneous exhibition
7429. Photographs published by Delaire

<90> January 2012

7430. High Life
7431. MacDonnell v Boden
7432. The illusion of equality
7433. Forgotten brilliancy
7434. Anthony Andrews
7435. Knight promotions (C.N. 7418)
7436. Réti v Alekhine, Baden-Baden, 1925
7437. 1 d4 d5 2 e3 (C.N.s 7334 & 7340)
7438. High Life (C.N. 7430)
7439. Huxley St John Brooks (C.N.s 3417 & 7012)
7440. Counter-attack (C.N.s 5090, 5148 & 5545)
7441. Cartoons
7442. Capablanca v Alekhine and 5-5
7443. Shakespeare
7444. Postcard
7445. Forgotten brilliancy (C.N. 7433)
7446. A debt of gratitude
7447. Knight tours (C.N.s 4937 & 4969)
7448. Crown v Korn
7449. ‘A Game of Chess’
7450. ‘The Small Green Idol’
7451. Study composers
7452. Berne, 1923
7453. ‘Bunk’
7454. Paul Whiteman
7455. Marshall v Janowsky
7456. Psychology
7457. High Life (C.N.s 7430 & 7438)
7458. In Russian
7459. Bonjour Blanc (C.N. 4939)
7460. Medley and time
7461. In the Good Old Days
7462. Leo Tolstoy
7463. New York, 1936
7464. Short stories by Raymund Allen (C.N.s 7438 & 7457)
7465. Neville Chamberlain
7466. Frank Sinatra and chess
7467. Elaine Saunders/Pritchard (1926-2012)
7468. Réti studies
7469. Crown v Korn (C.N. 7448)
7470. Oxbridge photographs
7471. Breyer
7472. Steinitz stuck
7473. Under Waterloo Bridge
7474. Leftwards and rightwards
7475. Chess astray
7476. Simultaneous display
7477. Poltergeists
7478. Śliwa at the 1964 Olympiad
7479. Francisco Lupi (C.N.s 4388 & 5551)
7480. Paris, 1924
7481. Cable match
7482. Nellie Showalter
7483. Frederick M. Edge
7484. Study composers (C.N. 7451)
7485. Nellie Showalter (C.N. 7482)
7486. Otto von Bismarck’s mother (C.N. 4908)
7487. Lightning win
7488. Marshall v Showalter match
7489. Hastings, 1934-35
7490. More photographs from the Illustrated London News
7491. Mitzi Mayfair
7492. Signed by Richard Nixon
7493. Thomas Hyde
7494. ‘All those books’
7495. Alekhine memorabilia
7496. Capablanca at the Imperial Chess Club

<91> February 2012

7497. Capablanca v Tartakower
7498. Simultaneous display (C.N. 7476)
7499. ‘Landstatter-Amateur’
7500. Spassky victory
7501. Birdie Reeve
7502. Alekhine’s world championship preparation
7503. Tartakower blindfold (C.N. 6562)
7504. Queen sacrifice
7505. Mervyn Stewart
7506. Bobby Fischer in Argentina
7507. Sid Caesar
7508. Belgium v the Netherlands
7509. Reconstruction
7510. 1929 world championship match
7511. Sir Umar Hayat Khan
7512. Visitors welcome
7513. Posters and advertisements
7514. F.M. Edge letters
7515. Arthur Kaufmann (C.N. 6232)
7516. Valentine card
7517. Who?
7518. Arthur Conan Doyle
7519. Trevangadacharya Shastree (C.N.s 4703 & 4715)
7520. Alistair Cooke
7521. Bobby Fischer in Argentina (C.N. 7506)
7522. A ‘celebrated saying’/‘famous maxim’?
7523. The Wallace murder
7524. George Bernard Shaw
7525. Fritz Van Seters
7526. Arthur Conan Doyle (C.N. 7518)
7527. Grünfeld v Tartakower
7528. Chail, 1925
7529. Daniel Starbuck
7530. Lessing v Jaffe
7531. Reshevsky and Chaplin
7532. The Wallace murder
7533. Advertisement (C.N. 7513)
7534. Havana, 1949
7535. Six Graves to Munich
7536. Problem-solver

<92> March 2012

7537. In Memoriam (C.N. 7497)
7538. Lessing v Jaffe (C.N. 7530)
7539. P.S. Abell
7540. Who? (C.N. 7517)
7541. Capablanca v Sergeant
7542. Fischer v Gligorić
7543. Fischer v Gligorić (C.N. 7542)
7544. A challenge
7545. The Edge libel case (C.N. 7483)
7546. A letter from Henry Adams (1838-1918)
7547. Reinfeld book
7548. Botvinnik v Model
7549. Caricature
7550. Capablanca speaks (C.N. 6862)
7551. Medicine Men
7552. Fischer v Gligorić (C.N.s 7542 & 7543)
7553. Boncourt
7554. Hans Frank
7555. A challenge (C.N. 7544)
7556. Fischer v Gligorić (C.N.s 7542, 7543 & 7552)
7557. Capablanca on Lasker, Tarrasch and Teichmann
7558. St Petersburg, 1914 (C.N. 4926)
7559. Sarapu playing blindfold
7560. Kemeri, 1937
7561. Alekhine v Reshevsky
7562. Eliza Campbell Foot (C.N. 7158)
7563. Alekhine v Vallés
7564. Taylor v N.N.
7565. Agnes Stevenson (C.N. 6548)
7566. Hastings, 1929-30
7567. An Alekhine interview
7568. Nimzowitsch v Alapin (C.N.s 6784, 6789, 6799, 6822 & 6835)
7569. Reinfeld book (C.N. 7547)
7570. Nuremberg, 1896
7571. Pillsbury in 1905
7572. Rubinstein book
7573. Who?
7574. The hedgehog formation
7575. Rude book reviews
7576. Caricature (C.N. 7549)
7577. Blackburne miniature

<93> April 2012

7578. Lombardy
7579. Punch cartoon
7580. Allegro chess
7581. Ozols
7582. Capablanca at San Sebastián, 1911
7583. 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Be2
7584. Rubinstein (C.N. 7572)
7585. Three games
7586. Who? (C.N. 7573)
7587. Capablanca at San Sebastián, 1911 (C.N. 7582)
7589. The Fischer v Matulović match
7590. Maurice Billecard (C.N.s 4798, 7312, 7319 & 7324)
7591. Frank Hollings
7592. Eliza Campbell Foot (C.N.s 7158 & 7562)
7593. Blackburne miniature (C.N. 7577)
7594. Agnes Stevenson (C.N. 7565)
7595. Meissonier
7596. Jacqueline Ward
7597. Who?
7598. John W. De Arman (C.N. 7572)
7599. Meissonier (C.N. 7595)
7600. Val Zemitis (1925-2012)
7601. Munich Olympiad, 1936
7602. New York, 1927 (C.N. 3716)
7603. Three games (C.N. 7585)
7604. Morphy v de Rivière (C.N. 4164)
7605. Golmayo v Walbrodt
7606. Self-mate and sui-mate
7607. Cross-check
7608. Max Fleissig blindfold game
7609. Saint-Amant’s death (C.N. 300)
7610. Saint-Amant in the Illustrated London News
7611. Steinitz and who? (C.N.s 3463 & 5173)
7612. Further pictures
7613. Steinitz v Zukertort world championship match
7614. Sculpture
7615. On-line archives
7616. Not seeing (C.N. 6539)
7617. Vidmar v Důras
7618. Mate in 11
7619. Dummy pawn (C.N. 5791)
7620. ‘Economy of force’
7621. Motto
7622. Graf v Spielmann
7623. Trilingual blindfold exhibition
7624. Rapid transit games
7625. Nottingham, 1936
7626. The ‘Schwabinger Gambit’
7627. Openings chart
7628. Sargent v Pillsbury
7629. Alekhine in Paris, 1941
7630. Match in Paris
7631. Mate in 11 (C.N. 7618)
7632. Rodrigo Flores
7633. Capablanca in London
7634. Alekhine in Paris, 1941 (C.N. 7629)
7635. On-line archives (C.N. 7615)

<94> May 2012

7636. Sculpture (C.N. 7614)
7637. Seconds
7638. Steinitz v von Bardeleben
7639. Steinitz and 1 d4
7640. Veteranitis
7641. King’s-side attack
7642. Alekhine in Paris, 1941 (C.N.s 7629 & 7634)
7643. For solving
7644. From Zurich to Copenhagen
7645. ‘The Mozart of chess’
7646. Nimzowitsch in Copenhagen (C.N. 4307)
7647. The Italics are Mine (C.N. 5415)
7648. Pillsbury’s umbrella (C.N. 5209)
7649. Monte Carlo, 1902 (C.N. 7159)
7650. Aphorisms and observations
7651. Morphy positions (C.N. 7408)
7652. Lipschütz’s death in Hamburg
7653. Steinitz and 1 d4 (C.N. 7639)
7654. Steinitz photographs
7655. Translating Fischer
7656. Najdorf v Che Guevara (C.N.s 4803 & 4809)
7657. Lipschütz’s death in Hamburg (C.N. 7652)
7658. Capablanca v Lasker footage
7659. Freud on Spassky v Fischer
7660. For solving (C.N. 7643)
7661. Max Fleissig blindfold display (C.N. 7608)
7662. The Mozart of chess (C.N. 7645)
7663. London, 1972 (C.N.s 6081 & 7659)
7664. Lasker in Baltimore
7665. Lasker on chess prodigies
7666. Advice on castling (C.N. 7578)
7667. Richard Strauss
7668. L. Pachman and C. Freud (C.N.s 6081, 7659 & 7663)
7669. The rattle of the tumbrils
7670. Mate-in-three problem by Alekhine?
7671. Najdorf v Che Guevara (C.N.s 4803, 4809 & 7656)
7672. Tal’s early childhood
7673. Annotational clichés
7674. Walbrodt’s height (C.N.s 5832, 5913 & 7570)
7675. Max Fleissig blindfold display (C.N.s 7608 & 7661)
7676. Richard Strauss (C.N. 7667)
7677. Bogo/Nimzo-Indian (C.N. 2839)
7678. Team match
7679. Morphy v Busserolles (C.N.s 7408 & 7651)
7680. Soviet casualites
7681. ‘Won by a Lady’
7682. Mate-in-three problem by Alekhine? (C.N. 7670)

<95> June 2012

7683. Sämisch blindfold game
7684. Judd v Mackenzie
7685. R.P. Michell (C.N. 5061)
7686. Prince Dadian of Mingrelia
7687. Russian photographs
7688. Thomas Hood and chess (C.N.s 5392 & 6524)
7689. More Najdorf claims
7690. Sämisch blindfold game (C.N. 7683)
7691. Always lucky (C.N. 5448)
7692. Anderssen games
7693. First move by the white king
7694. Warren v Selman
7695. Steinitz caricature
7696. Judd v Mackenzie (C.N. 7684)
7697. Water and poison
7698. First move by the white king (C.N. 7693)
7699. Clive James and chess
7700. Thirteenth labour
7701. First move by the white king (C.N.s 7693 & 7698)
7702. Pillsbury and memory
7703. Capablanca v Burde
7704. Capablanca photograph
7705. Politicking
7706. Tandem chess
7707. Men of the Time
7708. A letter from Gordon Crown
7709. Simultaneous exhibition
7710. Pillsbury and memory (C.N. 7702)
7711. Vera Menchik
7712. Steinitz v von Bardeleben (C.N. 7638)
7713. Pillsbury and memory (C.N.s 7702 & 7710)

<96> July 2012

7714. Taubenhaus loss
7715. A tall story
7716. Pillsbury and memory (C.N.s 7702, 7710 & 7713)
7717. Warren v Selman (C.N. 7694)
7718. Strongest first move (C.N. 1219)
7719. Alekhine ‘champion of Europe’
7720. Taubenhaus loss (C.N. 7714)
7721. Vera Menchik
7722. Arthur Ransome
7723. No surprise
7724. Alekhine v Bogoljubow with Lasker
7725. Ernst Klein (C.N.s 5202, 5214, 5281, 5326 & 5510)
7726. Botvinnik and the musicians
7727. Capablanca photograph
7728. Wiener Schachzeitung
7729. Malevolent match captains
7730. The Novotny and Plachutta themes in practical play
7731. Stefan Zweig and chess (C.N. 6940)
7732. Ernst Klein
7733. Photographs
7734. The Novotny and Plachutta themes in practical play (C.N. 7730)
7735. Mein System
7736. Babar’s Picnic
7737. Blackburne Shilling Gambit (C.N.s 3786, 6470 & 6479)
7738. Emanuel Lasker in Chicago
7739. Sigmund Freud
7740. Mate-in-three problem by Alekhine? (C.N.s 7670 & 7682)
7741. Potter on De Vere
7742. Capablanca in Bradford

<97> August 2012

7743. A reminder
7744. Stefan Zweig
7745. Philidor and pawns (C.N.s 5560, 5762 & 5826)
7746. A question of attribution
7747. Soviet film
7748. Nimzowitsch and Müller (C.N.s 5552 & 5582)
7749. Nimzowitsch and Carlsbad, 1929
7750. Losing with grace
7751. Books on Fischer and Nimzowitsch
7752. Fischer in Yugoslavia (C.N. 7589)
7753. Soviet film (C.N. 7747)
7754. Vajda v Rosselli del Turco
7755. Chess in Singapore
7756. Chess Fundamentals
7757. Philidor chess men (C.N.s 3446, 3591 & 3652)
7758. Vajda v Rosselli del Turco (C.N. 7754)
7759. Averbakh’s memoirs
7760. Pillsbury on Hastings, 1895
7761. Post-mortem analysis
7762. The Game of Chess
7763. Flores v Palau
7764. Chess and bridge
7765. G.H. Mackenzie in India
7766. The Pritchards
7767. Best games

<98> September 2012

7768. Front covers
7769. The bad bishop
7770. Tarrasch quote (C.N. 7762)
7771. Warren v Selman (C.N.s 7694 & 7717)
7772. G.H. Mackenzie’s death
7773. Fischer photographs
7774. Paul M. List
7775. Sir George Thomas
7776. Chessical
7777. Chesser
7778. Michael Frayn
7779. Grandmaster
7780. Sir George Thomas (C.N. 7775)
7781. Koltanowski tournament book
7782. World records
7783. Bethlehem Hospital
7784. Photographs of the masters
7785. Double blindness
7786. Chess and ballet
7787. Anglo-Soviet radio match
7788. Two Schlechter games
7789. Giuseppe Stalda
7790. Man Machine
7791. Benko Gambit (C.N.s 3957, 3967, 5457 & 5461)
7792. Misidentification
7793. Two Schlechter games (C.N. 7788)

<99> October 2012

7794. Graves of Steinitz and Lasker
7795. Zukertort v Steinitz
7796. Alekhine simultaneous games in France
7797. Thomas v Klein (C.N. 7732)
7798. Assiac inscription
7799. Reinfeld quote (C.N.s 3599, 3625 & 4313)
7800. ‘Every chess master was once a beginner’ (C.N. 6725)
7801. Tartakower, Keres and Fischer
7802. Keres photographs
7803. Bust of Capablanca (C.N. 6583)
7804. Blackburne Shilling Gambit (C.N.s 3786, 6470, 6479 & 7737)
7805. Where are the bad players?
7806. Four queens
7807. Cheating
7808. Schulten v Morphy (C.N. 6079)
7809. König inscription
7810. Rubinstein in Antwerp
7811. Rubinstein and witchcraft
7812. Gyula Breyer (C.N. 7471)
7813. Sozin and the Meran Defence
7814. Lipschütz
7815. 1921 world championship match
7816. Open to doubt
7817. Andrei Borisovich Yumashev (1902-1988)
7818. In the past
7819. Best annotators (C.N. 2543)
7820. Steinitz inscription
7821. L. Tauber
7822. Labourdonnais’ death-mask (C.N.s 3397, 5149 & 5176)
7823. Word-play
7824. István Abonyi
7825. S. Popel
7826. The Dragon Variation (C.N. 5135)
7827. A little skit
7828. My 61 Memorable Games (Bobby Fischer)

<100> November 2012

7829. My 61 Memorable Games (Bobby Fischer)
7830. Léonard Tauber (C.N. 7821)
7831. When was Nimzowitsch born? (C.N.s 1894, 1931, 2879 & 3506)
7832. Nimzowitsch and tobacco
7833. Interview with Bogoljubow (C.N. 5274)
7834. Who?
7835. Criticism of draws (New York, 1889 play-off)
7836. Tartakower’s date of birth
7837. A better move
7838. Oliphant (C.N.s 5408, 5416, 6895 & 6949)
7839. Alekhine on Keres and Fine as challengers 7840. Who? (C.N. 7834)
7841. A better move (C.N. 7837)
7842. Fischer v Najdorf
7843. Sozin and the Meran Defence (C.N. 7813)
7844. Nimzowitsch signature
7845. Interview with Bogoljubow (C.N.s 5274 & 7833)
7846. Modern Chess Preparation
7847. Thelonious Monk
7848. Sozin and the Meran Defence (C.N.s 7813 & 7843)
7849. Air castles
7850. 1 e4 c5 2 Bc4 e6 3 Nc3 Nc6 4 d3 a6
7851. Steinitz v Chigorin cable match
7852. 1 e4 and 1 d4
7853. Value of the pieces (C.N.s C.N. 4897 & 4902)
7854. Demoralization
7855. A disputed draw
7856. Tartakower witticisms
7857. Opatija, 1912
7858. Williams v Staunton (C.N. 7854)
7859. Deacon (C.N. 7854)
7860. Reversed photographs
7861. An interview with Rey Ardid
7862. Capablanca in Prague
7863. Opatija, 1912 (C.N. 7857)
7864. Milan Vidmar
7865. Charles Jaffe
7866. Reversed photographs
7867. Dallas, 1940

<101> December 2012

7868. Spanish bibliography
7869. Carlos Torre Repetto
7870. Tartakower’s poetry (C.N.s 3787, 3833, 3863, 4089, 4278 & 4486)
7871. New York, 1911
7872. Of all the drugs
7873. ‘Excellent’
7874. Charles Dickens
7875. Kurt Richter’s Kombinationen
7876. Capablanca dressed for tennis (C.N.s 4114 & 5549)
7877. Nellie Showalter
7878. Hamburg, 1910
7879. Hastings, 1895 pen portraits
7880. ‘Alekhine’s Gun’
7881. Seesaw
7882. ‘Purely coincidental’
7883. Chess Amateur
7884. Amateur
7885. The height of chessplayers and other details
7886. Edward Lasker
7887. Los Angeles
7888. Who?
7889. ‘Purely coincidental’ (C.N. 7882)
7890. Of all the drugs (C.N. 7872)
7891. Alexey Kim
7892. Simpson’s-in-the-Strand
7893. Andrés Segovia and Capablanca
7894. Identification poser
7895. Humans and machines
7896. Paul Rudolf von Bilguer
7897. The ‘Bellón Gambit’
7898. ‘Purely coincidental’ (C.N.s 7882 & 7889)
7899. Identification poser (C.N. 7894)
7900. Differing opinions
7901. Two pawns
7902. Who? (C.N. 7888)
7903. Capablanca in Kiev (C.N. 7893)
7904. Gibaud v Lazard
7905. Frederick M. Edge’s imprisonment (C.N.s 7483 & 7545)
7906. Knight mate
7907. Translating Fischer
7908. Ebensee, 1933
7909. Kurt Richter’s Kombinationen (C.N. 7875)
7910. F.D. Yates

<102> January 2013

7911. Two pawns (C.N. 7901)
7912. My 61 Memorable Games
7913. Rosanes v Anderssen
7914. Alekhine’s Gun (C.N. 7880)
7915. Ebensee, 1933 (C.N. 7908)
7916. ‘The Swiss Gambit’
7917. Anderssen and Alekhine (C.N. 4353)
7918. Early Flohr brilliancy
7919. Rosanes v Anderssen (C.N. 7913)
7920. Hamburg, 1910
7921. Monosson v Fauque
7922. Rosanes v Anderssen (C.N.s 7913 & 7919)
7923. Kurt Richter
7924. Black and Marshall
7925. Mrs I.L. Rice
7926. A 1942 brilliancy
7927. Gibaud v Lazard (C.N. 7904)
7928. Anderssen and Alekhine (C.N.s 4353 & 7917)
7929. 90%
7930. Walcker (C.N. 7926)
7931. Psychology
7932. Schiffers v Chigorin
7933. Santasiere on Chigorin
7934. A.W. Fox v B. Lasker
7935. Capablanca and Boleslavsky
7936. A poem by José Camino Nessi
7937. A statement by Alekhine
7938. Hans Berliner
7939. Nimble expurgation (C.N. 6832)
7940. Slonimsky
7941. The Ponziani Opening
7942. Chigorin and love
7943. Dus-Chotimirsky v Lasker
7944. Poetry anthology by Berger
7945. Scotch Game
7946. US championship, New York, 1936
7947. Memorably bad games
7948. Schiffers v Chigorin (C.N. 7932)
7949. Euwe v computer
7950. Promotion to a bishop
7951. Fahrni in Augsburg
7952. Steinitz and anti-Semitism
7953. 90% (C.N. 7929)
7954. Punctuation
7955. For solving

<103> February 2013

7956. Chapman v Coates
7957. Misidentification
7958. Chess as a detective
7959. Found
7960. Reinfeld on chess myths
7961. Rubinstein trap
7962. Henrique Mecking (C.N. 4851)
7963. F.M. Edge
7964. Sozin and the Meran Defence (C.N.s 7813, 7843 & 7848)
7965. Colourful descriptions
7966. Brilliant terminations
7967. Double sacrifice
7968. Two Knights’ Defence
7969. Steinitz and anti-Semitism (C.N. 7952)
7970. For solving (C.N. 7955)
7971. Semmering, 1926
7972. Alekhine’s Gun (C.N.s 7880 & 7914)
7973. Alekhine abused
7974. Pronunciation of Alekhine’s name (C.N.s 4284, 4289 & 4304)
7975. Semmering, 1926
7976. R.D. Blackmore
7977. US Presidents
7978. Quiz question
7979. Greek gift
7980. Introducing a beginner
7981. Further photographs from Wiener Bilder
7982. Guibert (C.N. 7979)
7983. The Immortal Game (Piazza Riforma, Lugano, 1968)
7984. Kieseritzky/Kieseritsky
7985. Lasker quotation
7986. Fool’s mate

<104> March 2013

7987. Fischer and his predecessors
7988. Quiz question (C.N. 7978)
7989. Royal walkabout
7990. Capablanca v Riumin (C.N. 7981)
7991. Fool’s mate (C.N. 7986)
7992. R.D. Blackmore (C.N. 7976)
7993. Sultan Khan in Plymouth
7994. Dogmas and guiding principles
7995. A tableau (C.N. 3127)
7996. Englisch v Winawer, London, 1883
7997. A rare French term (C.N. 3495)
7998. A tableau (C.N.s 3127 & 7995)
7999. A horrible shock
8000. Lasker at Carlsbad, 1923
8001. Lasker v Nimzowitsch
8002. Pillsbury National Correspondence Chess Association pamphlet
8003. Hypermodern chess
8004. Alexander v Reshevsky
8005. For solving (C.N.s 7955 & 7970)
8006. ‘Can you beat Capablanca’s time?’
8007. Tournament draws
8008. Alekhine’s tournament record
8009. Alekhine’s wives
8010. Lugansky on Alekhine
8011. Nat Halper
8012. Arvid Kubbel
8013. An article about Marshall
8014. ‘The Black Death’
8015. Journalism
8016. Kieseritzky/Kieseritsky (C.N. 7984)
8017. H. du Bourblanc
8018. A Keres saying

<105> April 2013

8019. A diagram after every move
8020. Arvid Kubbel (C.N. 8012)
8021. Steinitz on tournaments
8022. Marshall’s birth-date (C.N. 8013)
8023. Charosh v L. Jaffe, New York, 1936 (C.N. 3619)
8024. Last-round losses
8025. Alekhine’s wives (C.N. 8009)
8026. Automaton
8027. Chinese
8028. Quiz question
8029. H. du Bourblanc (C.N. 8017)
8030. Capablanca v Steiner
8031. Practice and study
8032. Lawson translated into French
8033. Robert Byrne (1928-2013)
8034. Misidentification
8035. Two Dake losses
8036. Dallas, 1957
8037. Life is like a game of chess
8038. Robbins v Showalter
8039. Hastings, 1895 problem-solving competition
8040. Too short
8041. George Mathews
8042. Samuel Reshevsky (C.N. 8034)
8043. Alekhine photograph
8044. The ‘Lucena Position’ (C.N.s 5536 & 6786)
8045. Interviews in Izvestia
8046. Zurich, 1959
8047. Capablanca v Enrique Corzo
8048. Sleeping it off in Brighton
8049. Dake v Alekhine
8050. Two Lasker queries
8051. Jacqueline Piatigorsky

<106> May 2013

8052. Marshal Tito (C.N. 5293)
8053. Zeist
8054. Alekhine’s French citizenship
8055. Saint-Amant v Staunton
8056. Signatures (C.N. 8028)
8057. Welsh newspapers
8058. Alekhine’s French citizenship (C.N. 8054)
8059. Naturalization records
8060. Alekhine notebooks
8061. Sultan Khan
8062. Signed photograph of Ossip Bernstein
8063. Nicolai Gedalia (C.N.s 3622, 3630 & 3638)
8064. Pasadena, 1932
8065. Sultan Khan’s signature (C.N. 8061)
8066. Nicolai Gedalia (C.N.s 3622, 3630, 3638 & 8063)
8067. Combinations and sacrifices
8068. Bernard Levin (C.N. 3662)
8069. The Stonewall
8070. Guynebans
8071. US Presidents (C.N. 7977)
8072. Appearance
8073. Fake photograph
8074. Alekhine’s wedding in 1934
8075. On and on
8076. The Stonewall (C.N. 8069)
8077. Hammond v N.N.
8078. Grace Wishaar
8079. Copying

<107> June 2013

8080. Steiner and Flohr
8081. Berne, 1932 (C.N. 8065)
8082. St Louis, 1941
8083. What should be the result?
8084. Steiner and Flohr (C.N. 8080)
8085. Russner v Walcker (C.N.s 7926 & 7930)
8086. Hirst v Smith
8087. Cotlar (C.N.s 3581, 3584, 3613, 3665 & 6085)
8088. Translating Fischer (C.N. 7907)
8089. FIDE archives
8090. Overstepping the time-limit
8091. Botvinnik and Smyslov
8092. Fischer inscription
8093. The Winchester Whisperer
8094. St Louis, 1941 (C.N. 8082)
8095. Early magnetic chess sets
8096. C.R.M. Talbot
8097. Chess and bridge
8098. The End Game
8099. The plagiarism continues
8100. The Spectator again
8101. Journalism
8102. Smyslov and Reshevsky in the 1945 USA v USSR radio match
8103. Odds games
8104. Fake chess photograph
8105. Who was K. Nadzhmetdinov? (C.N. 3755)
8106. Znosko-Borovsky
8107. 1 e4 Nf6 (C.N. 8103)
8108. Dealing with plagiarists and swindlers
8109. Jacqueline Piatigorsky
8110. The Immortal Game
8111. J. Polgar v Angelova
8112. The ‘English Chess Association’

<108> July 2013

8113. Tintin by Hergé
8114. Emil Kemeny
8115. Monte Carlo, 1903
8116. Alekhine games
8117. Lasker v Sandberg
8118. Tartakower blindfold
8119. Kevitz odds game
8120. Impurities
8121. What should be the result? (C.N. 8083)
8122. Zukertort’s death
8123. Wikipedia (continued)
8124. Three knights
8125. Spassky v Fischer, 1972
8126. Prince Leopold (C.N.s 4044, 4066 & 4558)
8127. Blackburne v Gifford, The Hague, 1874
8128. Quiz question
8129. Fiske, Hazeltine and the Chess Monthly
8130. Wikipedia (C.N.s 8122 & 8123)
8131. Drawing-room skirmish
8132. Cohn
8133. W. Cohn v Swiderski
8134. The Kings of Chess
8135. Spassky v Fischer, 1972 (C.N. 8125)
8136. Icelandic Chess Federation programme (Spassky v Fischer match)
8137. Quiz question (C.N. 8128)
8138. Chess Masters in Action (C.N.s 6587 & 6596)
8139. Psychiatry, Lunacy, and Chess
8140. Marshal Tito (C.N.s 5293 & 8052)
8141. National championship
8142. More of the same
8144. National championship (C.N. 8141)
8145. Unsafe
8146. The Prisoner (C.N. 8143)
8147. Cornered
8148. Kottnauer v Lang
8149. Kostić in Uruguay
8150. The Prisoner (C.N.s 8143 & 8146)
8151. Uncomfortable questions
8152. Matches and tournaments (C.N. 5792)
8153. Ortueta v Sanz
8154. Foretaste
8155. The Art of Annotation by A. Njubeu
8156. Smyslov
8157. The End Game (C.N. 8098)
8158. More Koltanowski
8159. Ortueta v Sanz (C.N. 8153)
8160. Kottnauer
8161. Euwe on Nottingham, 1936
8162. Tartakower at Nottingham, 1936
8163. Tartakower on Capablanca
8164. Other times
8165. Nottingham, 1936 (audio and newsreel material)
8166. Tartakower’s trip to Nottingham (C.N.s 8161 & 8162)
8167. Tartakower v Capablanca (C.N. 8162)
8168. Alderman Derbyshire (C.N. 6163)
8169. Margate, 1936
8170. My System
8171. Alderman Derbyshire (C.N.s 6163 & 8168)
8172. Who?

<109> August 2013

8173. From the Marshall Chess Club
8174. ‘The most shattering experience’
8175. ‘Yanowsky v Toriran, Canada, 1953’ (C.N. 8116)
8176. Lipnitsky v Smirnov (C.N. 8160)
8177. Karpov v Korchnoi, Baguio City, 1978
8178. Photographs from the 1920s
8179. The gentle art of swindling
8180. ‘The most shattering experience’ (C.N. 8174)
8181. Lipnitsky v Smirnov (C.N.s 8160 & 8176)
8182. Capablanca at the Café de la Régence, 1922 (C.N.s 4257 & 8178)
8183. Good players are always lucky (C.N.s 5448 & 7691)
8184. Ståhlberg v Capablanca, Margate, 1936 (C.N. 8169)
8185. Royal Literary Fund (C.N.s 7277, 7287 & 7288)
8186. Showalter v Beckner
8187. Amaurosis scachistica
8188. ‘A Chess Talk with Lasker the Champion’
8189. Ståhlberg v Capablanca, Margate, 1936 (C.N.s 8169 & 8184)
8190. Simultaneous display by Sultan Khan
8191. Stormy petrels
8192. Botvinnik spoke out
8193. Chess in the Daily Mail
8194. White and Black
8195. Who? (C.N. 8172)
8196. Influential books
8197. Tarrasch v Vogel
8198. Arthur Tartakower
8199. Ernest Harrod
8200. Stolen and marred in the stealing
8201. Film footage
8202. A.J. Mackenzie
8203. Alekhine in the Netherlands
8204. Szachy wojenne 1939-1945 War chess
8205. Réti v Capablanca, New York, 1924
8206. The gentle art of swindling (C.N. 8179)
8207. Golombek v Price
8208. Photographs (C.N. 8204)
8209. Excelsior
8210. Excelsior (more over-the-board examples)
8211. The hedgehog formation (C.N. 7574)
8212. Gold coins
8213. Five queens
8214. Capablanca v Price/Baca-Arús
8215. A baby’s smile
8216. Enliveners and grief savers
8217. Réti v Capablanca, New York, 1924 (C.N. 8205)
8218. Counter-attack (C.N. 3038)
8219. Passenger lists
8220. Arthur Tartakower (C.N. 8198)
8221. A baby’s smile (C.N. 8215)
8222. From hand to hand
8223. Alekhine article
8224. Evelyn Waugh
8225. Internet booksellers
8226. My 60 Memorable Games
8227. Morphy, fishing and the Indian Problem
8228. Sämisch at Büsum and Lidköping
8229. The local Derby
8230. Boris Kostić in Mexico
8231. Youngest magazine editor
8232. Buschke, Bigelow, Lasker and Fine
8233. Differing views (C.N.s 6242 & 6567)
8234. The Prisoner (C.N.s 8143, 8146 & 8150)
8235. Nice, 1925 (C.N. 3989)
8236. Lasker’s Manual (C.N. 8232)
8237. Sämisch at Büsum and Lidköping (C.N. 8228)
8238. Max Fuller (1945-2013)
8239. Instructive
8240. Whimsy
8241. Büsum, 1969 (C.N.s 8228 & 8237)
8242. Lidköping, 1969 (C.N.s 8228 & 8237)
8243. Barry v Hymes
8244. Capablanca in 1905
8245. C.P. Dutt (C.N.s 3429 & 8239)

<110> September 2013

8246. Women
8247. Tony Miles’ three rooks
8248. 2x2
8249. Nimzowitsch and Lasker
8250. Piece sacrifice anticipated (C.N. 4079)
8251. Capablanca’s alleged income
8252. New York, 1931
8253. ‘A cable’ (C.N. 8248)
8254. Spot the chess master
8255. Sämisch in 1969 (C.N.s 8228, 8237, 8241 & 8242)
8256. The Wyvill formation
8257. Duplication
8258. Alekhine’s death
8259. Royal Literary Fund (C.N.s 7277, 7287, 7288 & 8185)
8260. Lasker on the Great War
8261. Stephen Fry
8262. Article on simultaneous chess in The Times
8263. Ambidexterity
8264. Elmars Zemgalis
8265. Carl Walcker (C.N.s 7926 & 7930)
8266. Dawid Przepiórka
8267. ‘A cable’ (C.N.s 8248 & 8253)
8268. The Wyvill formation (C.N. 8256)
8269. ‘Telemachus Brownsmith’ (C.N. 7422)
8270. Spot the chess master (C.N. 8254)
8271. Ståhlberg v Capablanca (C.N.s 8169, 8184 & 8189)
8272. Agatha Christie (C.N.s 4082, 4083 & 4105)
8273. Fine’s challenge (C.N. 6165)
8274. Chess and snooker (C.N. 7699)
8275. Feature articles
8276. Copying (Christian Hesse)
8277. Fox v Clerc
8278. Unmoved pawns
8279. Korchnoi’s name deleted from a match book?
8280. Jacob Bronowski
8281. Isolani (C.N.s 5047, 5083 & 5107)
8282. Excelsior (C.N.s 8209 & 8210)
8283. Alekhine in the Netherlands (C.N. 8203)
8284. Alekhine's French citizenship (C.N.s 8054 & 8058)
8285. F.M. Edge
8286. Book trends
8287. A joke
8288. Mini-chess
8289. Queen’s knight’s pawn (C.N.s 5827, 5865, 6021, 6669 & 6829)
8290. Steinitz interview
8291. Alekhine in the Netherlands (C.N.s 8203 & 8283)
8292. Alekhine in Rotterdam, 1933
8293. Penalty moves (C.N.s 5381, 5384 & 5435)
8294. Simultaneous display in Newcastle
8295. Berger v Wimmer
8296. Charousek and the Handbuch
8297. USCF postcard (C.N. 8277)
8298. Past grand master
8299. Donner
8300. Lacking the Master Touch
8301. Alekhine and cats (C.N.s 4794 & 5575)
8302. Jacob Bronowski
8303. Magnus Smith
8304. Donner (C.N. 8299)
8305. Pablo Morán’s library (C.N. 4393)
8306. Fischer v Reshevsky
8307. Cartoon
8308. ‘News’
8309. Columnists
8310. A holiday from The Times
8311. Livshits
8312. Donner (C.N.s 8299 & 8304)
8313. Guinness World Records
8314. A holiday from The Times (C.N. 8310)
8315. Donner and women
8316. ‘I’d rather have a pawn than a finger’
8317. Parodying Harry Lauder
8318. Berger v Wimmer (C.N. 8295)
8319. Copying by Christian Hesse (C.N. 8276)
8320. Pulitzer’s problem
8321. Walter Pulitzer
8322. Pointed out by Pillsbury
8323. Over the border
8324. An interview with Gunsberg

<111> October 2013

8325. An unusual queen offer
8326. Observations on Euwe
8327. Immigration cards
8328. Sacrifice
8329. Announced mates
8330. The Fischer v Matulović match
8331. Tarrasch quote
8332. Smyslov and computers
8333. Pointed out by Pillsbury (C.N. 8322)
8334. Announced mates (C.N. 8329)
8335. Man-eating tiger (C.N. 8326)
8336. Alekhine’s French citizenship (C.N.s 8054, 8058 & 8284)
8337. The episode of the fainting lady
8338. Back-rank tricks (C.N.s 3359 & 3516)
8339. The ‘Magnus Smith trap’ (C.N. 8303)
8340. Walter Pulitzer (C.N.s 8319, 8320 & 8321)
8341. Draw (C.N. 4666)
8342. Steinitz sketch
8343. Euwe v Fine, Nottingham, 1936 (C.N. 5394)
8344. FIDE Congress, Amsterdam, 1954
8345. Marshall v Whiting (C.N. 6963)
8346. H.E. Bird
8347. Naughty
8348. Kennedy on Staunton and Buckle
8349. An Alekhine note
8350. Simultaneous games
8351. Announced mates (C.N.s 8329 & 8334)
8352. 10 Nd2
8353. Crime and punishment
8354. Who?
8355. Al fresco
8356. ‘A humorous contrast’
8357. 10 Nd2 (C.N. 8352)
8358. Lasker’s last recorded game
8359. Intellect gone wrong
8360. Announced mates (C.N.s 8329, 8334 & 8351)
8361. Who?
8362. Bird and Northrop
8363. Man Ray and Alekhine (C.N. 6191)
8364. Lightning chess writers
8365. From Lasker
8366. Man Ray and Marcel Duchamp
8367. Announced mates (C.N.s 8329, 8334, 8351 & 8360)
8368. Sneak openings
8369. Who? (C.N. 8361)
8370. Agatha Christie
8371. A new website
8372. Bust of Lasker
8373. Smothered mate by Rosenthal
8374. Article about Reshevsky
8375. Endgame theory
8376. Kasparov on Short
8377. His Spiteful Reverence
8378. Aliens
8379. Prins on Capablanca
8380. Lost Battle

<112> November 2013

8381. Announced mates (C.N.s 8329, 8334, 8351, 8360 & 8367)
8382. Samuel Reshevsky and Julius Rosenwald
8383. Chess for younger readers (C.N.s 6323 & 6329)
8384. Korchnoi’s name deleted from a match book? (C.N. 8279)
8385. Rat Opening/Defence
8386. Sneak openings (C.N. 8368)
8387. Keres v Petrov
8388. Capablanca v Phillips
8389. Korchnoi’s name deleted (C.N.s 8279 & 8384)
8390. Aliens (C.N. 8378)
8391. Ajedrecista
8392. Nimzowitsch v Hofer
8393. Dus-Chotimirsky v Penin
8394. Aliens (C.N.s 8378 & 8390)
8395. Repetition
8396. Alekhine games
8397. Botvinnik on the world championship
8398. A German proverb?
8399. Observations by Botvinnik
8400. Oversights
8401. James Mavor’s reminiscences
8402. The Berlin Defence
8403. A Zugzwang position
8404. An enticing riddle
8405. Gusev v Auerbach
8406. The laws of chess in the Handbuch
8407. A German proverb? (C.N. 8398)
8408. An early Koltanowski game
8409. World championship seconds
8410. Questions to Petrosian
8411. Isaac Boleslavsky and Igor Bondarevsky
8412. Matches compared
8413. Bulging bookshelves
8414. Aaron Sayers
8415. Maxim
8416. Who?
8417. Aaron Sayers (C.N. 8414)

<113> December 2013

8418. Tartakower blindfold game
8419. The Rice Gambit
8420. Nimzowitsch’s lamentation (C.N.s 5019 & 6718)
8421. Feature articles
8422. An ending published by Lasker
8423. Caro-Kann Defence
8424. Repetition
8425. Drawn positions
8426. An ending published by Lasker (C.N. 8422)
8427. Who? (C.N. 8416)
8428. Capablanca in San Francisco
8429. An ending published by Lasker (C.N.s 8422 & 8426)
8430. Leonhardt and blindfold chess
8431. Learn Chess Fast!
8432. Sergiu Samarian
8433. The first Cuban grandmaster
8434. Matches against Kasparov
8435. Development
8436. Views on Fred Reinfeld
8437. Caïssa front-cover cartoons
8438. Chess for Laughs
8439. The Incredible Adventures of Chessman
8440. Development (C.N. 8435)
8441. New York, 1927 banquet
8442. Reshevsky article
8443. Keene v Ritson Morry
8444. Internet booksellers (C.N. 8225)
8445. Canadian photographs
8446. Fred Reinfeld (C.N. 8436)
8447. Learn Chess Fast! (C.N. 8431)
8448. Morphy beats Anderssen
8449. ‘Genug des Stumpfsinns, Remis!’ (C.N. 8437)
8450. The Kalashnikov Variation
8451. Nimzowitsch v Alapin
8452. Development (C.N.s 8435 & 8440)
8453. ‘Ideal development’
8454. The knight’s move
8455. Another proverb
8456. The Kalashnikov Variation (C.N. 8450)
8457. Sketches and photographs
8458. Mrs Pillsbury (C.N.s 4246 & 5576)
8459. Milan Vukcevich
8460. Discovering Chess

<114> January 2014

8461. Charles Krauthammer
8462. Alekhine’s passport
8463. Celia Neimark
8464. Lord Louis Mountbatten cartoon
8465. The knight’s move (C.N. 8431)
8466. Alexander’s books
8467. Grandmasters
8468. Morphy in Paris
8469. E.T. Fellowes
8470. Last words (C.N.s 4704, 4705, 4713 & 5076)
8471. Die graphotranszendentale Schachpartie
8472. Grandmasters (C.N. 8467)
8473. New York Clipper
8474. Alekhine and Euwe
8475. Games and quotes
8476. World championship match book
8477. Grandmasters (C.N.s 8467 & 8472)
8478. Carlos Torre
8479. Bernhard Horwitz’s paintings
8480. Capablanca: rule-changes and variants (C.N.s 5618, 5619 & 6838)
8481. Simultaneous displays in the Soviet Union
8482. Discovering Chess (C.N. 8460)
8483. Original publisher expunged
8484. Babson and Pollock
8485. Babson
8486. The Budapest Defence
8487. Bernhard Horwitz’s paintings (C.N. 8479)
8488. An interview with Alekhine
8489. World championship match stakes
8490. Capablanca v Hamilton
8491. Hastings, 1919
8492. Dutch footage
8493. The Kalashnikov Variation (C.N.s 8450 & 8456)
8494. McFarland chess books
8495. Book recommendations
8496. Alekhine and Landau in tandem
8497. Soviet archives
8498. Smith v Rosebault
8499. Rosenthal v Capablanca
8500. Prague, 1931
8501. ‘Ideal development’ (C.N. 8453)
8502. The knight’s move (C.N.s 8431 & 8465)
8503. Simultaneous games
8504. 500 Master Games of Chess
8505. FIDE championship
8506. Horowitz on Schlechter
8508. Thorold v Fenton
8509. Fifty-move limit
8510. The need for sources
8511. Playing chess well
8512. Thorold v Fenton (C.N. 8508)
8513. Tal v Spassky blitz game

<115> February 2014

8514. Zukertort blindfold display
8515. Capablanca v Alfred C. Thomas
8516. An instructive and amusing ending
8517. Janowsky v N.N.
8518. Jasnogrodsky and Albin
8519. Four-pawn boxes
8520. Translations wanted
8521. O’Kelly and Rubinstein
8522. Three pawns against a knight (C.N. 8516)
8523. Early rook moves
8524. Levenfish on Rotlewi
8525. Einstein
8526. Novel
8527. Keeble problems
8528. Convict, vagabond and chessplayer
8529. Christian Hesse
8530. McFarland chess books (C.N. 8494)
8531. Karl Portius
8532. The knight’s move
8533. White v Ballou
8534. Three pawns against a knight (C.N.s 8516 & 8522)
8535. Serper on his ‘evergreen’ game
8536. Paul Limbos
8537. Nimzowitsch v Sämisch, Carlsbad, 1929
8538. Alekhine and alcohol
8539. Fischer and Boys’ Life
8540. Barcelona, 1929
8541. S. Rubinstein v H.M. Phillips
8542. Riley v Russ (C.N. 8534)
8543. Filipino chessplayers
8544. S. Rubinstein v H.M. Phillips (C.N. 8541)
8545. The Maróczy Bind
8546. One harmonious whole
8547. Felixstowe, 1949 (C.N.s 8534 & 8542)
8548. My System
8549. Harold Meyer Phillips (C.N.s 8541 & 8544)
8550. Advice from Emanuel Lasker
8551. An old mystery
8552. An alleged Morphy episode
8553. Hassberg problem
8554. Eugène Chatard (C.N. 8470)
8555. 6 h4 in the French Defence
8556. Mannheim, 1914
8557. An old mystery (C.N. 8551)
8558. More on Soldatenkov v Durnovo
8559. Stories
8560. Euwe March
8561. Pawnence
8562. Hassberg problem (C.N. 8553)
8563. Oldest chess author
8564. ‘The Immortal Blindfold Game’
8565. Fischer v Dely
8566. ‘Officially a grand master’
8567. N. Schwartz (C.N. 8564)
8568. Kostić’s tour of the United Kingdom, 1921-22
8569. Early Fairhurst games
8570. Rodolfo De Witt
8571. Schönmann v Heinicke, Hamburg, 1952
8572. Goethe
8573. A nineteenth-century skirmish
8574. Carlsbad, 1911 (C.N. 8524)
8575. N. Schwartz (C.N.s 8564 & 8567)
8576. Rodolfo De Witt (C.N. 8570)
8577. A nineteenth-century skirmish (C.N. 8573)

<116> March 2014

8578. ‘Perhaps the greatest sacrificial artist of all time’
8579. Attributed to Spielmann
8580. Vidmar and Nimzowitsch
8581. Tramp at Anchor
8582. Chess and machinery
8583. Early Fairhurst games (C.N. 8569)
8584. Shipman v Kevitz
8585. Kevitz v Fine
8586. ‘The Little Capablanca’ (C.N.s 6365 & 7054)
8587. A nineteenth-century skirmish (C.N.s 8573 & 8577)
8588. Kevitz v Fine (C.N. 8585)
8589. The Quaade Gambit (C.N.s 8573, 8577 & 8587)
8590. Steinitz games
8591. Seeking reliable information
8592. Consultation game (C.N. 8308)
8593. The Metropolitan Chess League in 1895
8594. ‘An insidious pitfall’
8595. The tree of chess knowledge
8596. Confusion
8597. Chess Skirmishes (C.N. 8573)
8598. A 1941 photograph
8599. The 1937 New York City mayoral election
8600. The Duke of Brunswick at the Opera
8601. Mysterious understatement
8602. Chess and baseball (C.N.s 3044 & 3055)
8603. Attributed to Spielmann (C.N. 8579)
8604. New feature articles
8605. First place after a poor start
8606. Quotability
8607. Stalemate and deadlock (C.N. 7116)
8608. Checking
8609. Chess and baseball
8610. The Emir Abdullah
8611. Comparisons between Morphy and Rosenthal
8612. Book dedications
8613. Capablanca v Bogoljubow, Moscow, 1925
8614. Capablanca photograph
8615. Zugzwang
8616. Zukertort’s burial
8617. Blindfold win by Kostić
8618. Mieses in Basle
8619. Mieses v Voellmy
8620. Cook problem

<117> April 2014

8621. Dictionary definitions
8622. Spassky in 1972
8623. Promotion power
8624. ‘Plain talk’
8625. Alekhine’s Gun (C.N.s 7880, 7914 & 7972)
8626. Promotion power (C.N. 8623)
8627. Promotion power (C.N.s 8623 & 8626)
8628. Dickens and Hoyle
8629. Richard Réti’s birth record
8630. Move order
8631. Julien Gracq
8632. English
8633. Translations of English-language problem books
8634. Bobby Fischer Triumph and Despair
8635. Historical notes
8636. British Pathé
8637. ‘A promising young amateur’
8638. Fischer training games in 1992
8639. Snowball game
8640. Legall queen offer
8641. Lasker v Marshall world title match
8642. María Teresa Mora
8643. Lasker signatures
8644. Lasker illustration
8645. Boris Kostić in Australia
8646. Legall queen offer (C.N. 8640)

<118> May 2014

8647. The Drowser
8648. A missed win
8649. Subsequent matches
8650. Asztalos v Herland (C.N. 5927)
8652. Double check
8653. Vienna, 1857
8654. High praise
8655. Double check (C.N. 8652)
8656. The 1921 world championship match
8657. Meran, 1924 and 1926
8658. Jünger and Rotlewi
8659. A very rare predilection
8660. Emanuel Lasker
8661. Landau v ten Kate
8662. Untimely death notices
8663. Tarrasch and New York, 1924
8664. Landau v ten Kate (C.N. 8661)
8665. Ernst Jünger (C.N. 8658)
8666. Tarrasch and New York, 1924 (C.N. 8663)
8667. World championship games played in private
8668. Landau v ten Kate (C.N.s 8661 & 8664)
8669. Tartakower’s wit
8670. Sultan Khan
8671. New Chronology
8672. Heaven (C.N.s 5600 & 6813)
8673. Seconds
8674. Susan Polgar

<119> June 2014

8675. Kasparov and New Chronology (C.N. 8671)
8676. Nimzowitsch v N.N.
8677. Tartakower v Colle
8678. Kasparov and New Chronology (C.N.s 8671 & 8675)
8679. A new low
8680. Bronstein v Khasin
8681. The co-author who came from nowhere
8682. Sammy Greenberg
8683. Enrique Sánchez of Walthamstow
8684. References to chess in language courses
8685. Spassky in Ottawa
8486. Lipschütz
8687. ‘The father of modern chess’
8688. Brooklyn Daily Eagle
8689. Capablanca: rule-changes and variants (C.N.s 5618, 5619, 6838 & 8480)
8690. FIDE presidential campaigns
8691. Alleged Philidor portrait (C.N.s 3431 & 3448)
8692. Sam Loyd
8693. Citations
8694. Jean-Louis Preti
8695. Defining a chess combination
8696. For deciphering
8697. Henry Chadwick (1824-1908)
8698. Philidor chessmen
8699. The Pillsbury attack
8700. Alekhine v Wreford Brown

<120> July 2014

8701. Elo ratings
8702. The Pillsbury attack (C.N. 8699)
8703. FIDE presidential campaigns (C.N. 8690)
8704. Bernstein v Mieses, Coburg, 1904
8705. Nineteenth-century British players
8706. Mathew Brady
8707. Capablanca v Fonaroff
8708. Capablanca v Zirn
8709. Pin and counter-pin
8710. Peter Mark Roget (C.N.s 4283 & 4288)
8711. The Pillsbury attack (C.N.s 8699 & 8702)
8712. Fidel Castro on chess
8713. Correspondence chess
8714. Video of Najdorf interview
8715. A missed opportunity
8716. Nimzowitsch on pinned pieces
8717. Morphy’s memory
8718. Misplaced knight
8719. Benko v Lombardy
8720. The strength of the fianchetto
8721. Fischer caricature
8722. A mysterious book (C.N.s 3087, 4991 & 5004)
8723. Schlechter v Riedhof
8724. Fischer caricature (C.N. 8721)
8725. The Tinsleys
8726. Bombs
8727. Without comment
8728. A.G. Laing
8729. Sammy Rubinstein v Leonard Barden
8730. ‘The pin is mightier than the sword’ (C.N.s 3599, 3625, 4313 & 7799)
8731. Nullification
8732. Trompowsky and Ruth
8733. Photographic chess boards
8734. Schlechter in Prague (C.N. 8723)
8735. A helpful maxim?
8736. ‘A glorious scramble’
8737. Yates
8738. Rules of thumb
8739. William Winter on Edward Tinsley
8740. William Winter and Sir James Barrie (C.N. 8739)
8741. London, 1937 (C.N. 8736)
8742. High praise from Lasker
8743. Year of birth
8744. London, 1937 (C.N.s 8736 & 8741)
8745. Buenos Aires, 1939
8746. Meek v Milner-Barry
8747. ‘Bernstein v Capablanca’
8748. William Winter and Sir James Barrie (C.N. 8740)
8749. In a fog
8750. Pomar on Alekhine
8751. Misplaced knight (C.N. 8718)
8752. The Wallace murder case
8753. Alistair Cooke
8754. About to resign
8755. Endgame study

<121> August 2014

8756. Chess Olympiads
8757. El gambito de dama
8758. Folkestone Olympiad, 1933
8759. N.N.
8760. A remark rarely heard
8761. Child of Change
8762. Menchik v Laing
8763. 1972-2012
8764. Colle’s forename (C.N. 2382)
8765. Marshall Chess Club
8766. Rook endings
8767. Stephen Fry
8768. ‘Fair & Square’ (C.N. 8651)
8769. Who? (C.N. 7994)
8770. David Pritchard on players and books
8771. Cartoons
8772. Mars v Earth
8773. The internees (C.N. 3540)
8774. The Menchik sisters
8775. Recommended booksellers (C.N.s 4737, 6147, 6659 & 7342)
8776. ‘Bubonic plagiarist’
8777. The Fried Liver Attack
8778. Fischer caricature (C.N. 8724)
8779. Fraser v Steinitz
8780. A study by Ernst Holm (C.N. 8755)
8781. The first world championship
8782. Irving Chernev
8783. Politics
8784. Fraser v Steinitz (C.N. 8779)
8785. 1982 cartoon featuring Karpov
8786. FIDE group photographs
8787. Tactics
8788. Zukertort
8789. ‘Was I frightened?’
8790. The Mark Twain of the chess world
8791. Adjectives for Kasparov
8792. A study by Ernst Holm (C.N.s 8755 & 8780)
8793. Nimzowitsch manuscript
8794. Diggle on E.S. Tinsley
8795. Marshall v Dyckhoff
8796. A study by Ernst Holm (C.N.s 8755, 8780 & 8792)
8797. Problems
8798. Radio talk in 1926 (C.N. 8725)
8799. Colour photograph of Marshall
8800. Klein v Dayot
8801. Desloges (C.N. 8659)
8802. Samuel Tinsley
8803. Mate after six more moves
8804. Beauty and thought
8805. Reinfeld and Nimzowitsch
8806. Masters’ comments on each other
8807. Willaert v O’Kelly
8808. Mate after six more moves (C.N. 8803)

<122> September 2014

8809. Prokofiev v Edward Lasker
8810. Mate after six more moves (C.N.s 8803 & 8808)
8811. Blindfold game by Palitzsch
8812. Gebhard v Tarrasch
8813. Loyd quotes
8814. Two positions published by Lasker
8815. August Konrad Haida at Marienbad, 1925
8816. Friedrich Palitzsch (C.N. 8810)
8817. Morphy’s opponents (C.N. 8705)
8818. ‘The threat is stronger than the execution’
8819. Indian openings
8820. Morrison v Watts (C.N. 8814)
8821. Marienbad, 1925 (C.N. 8815)
8822. Corzo v Gelabert
8823. Prokofiev v Edward Lasker (C.N. 8809)
8824. Gerald Abrahams
8825. Ettlinger v Capablanca
8826. Bibliographies and sources (C.N. 8110)
8827. More on bibliographies
8828. Wood on Tartakower and du Mont
8829. Cartoons and inscriptions (C.N. 8771)
8830. Ortueta v Sanz (C.N.s 8153 & 8158)
8831. Alfred K. Ettlinger (C.N. 8825)
8832. White Death
8833. Tactics and strategy
8834. Further jottings on bibliographies and sources
8835. Blackburne in Scotland
8836. ‘Genug des Stumpfsinns, Remis!’ (C.N.s 8437 & 8449)
8837. Obituary of Julius du Mont
8838. Steinitz versus God
8839. Wood on Tartakower
8840. The consultation game that never was
8841. Victory by James Rivkin over Capablanca
8842. A much esteemed player
8843. 1 b4
8844. Alfred K. Ettlinger
8845. Chess Exemplified
8846. Szabó v Roycroft
8847. Ortueta v Sanz (C.N.s 8153, 8158 & 8830)
8848. The erstwhile art of chess annotation
8849. Without comment
8850. Chess Exemplified (C.N. 8845)
8851. Guinness World Records 2015
8852. The mystery in ten murders
8853. A tribute by Lord Dunsany to T.R. Dawson
8854. Immortal games
8855. Indian openings
8856. New books received
8857. Double sourcelessness
8858. Rook and pawn ending
8859. The value of pieces
8860. Alekhine’s Gun (C.N.s 7880, 7914, 7972 & 8625)
8861. Chess Exemplified (C.N.s 8845 & 8850)
8862. The Immortal Game (C.N. 8854)
8863. The Stevens principle

<123> October 2014

8864. Stephen Fry
8865. S.J. Stevens (C.N. 8863)
8866. Voltaire, Rousseau and Philidor
8867. Symmetry
8868. A radio broadcast by Alekhine
8869. The soul of chess
8870. Botvinnik v Bronstein
8871. Quaffing cognac or vodka
8872. Instructions To Young Chess-Players
8873. A mass of contradictory information
8874. The Neo-Sveshnikov
8875. Black to move
8876. Peak age
8877. Laing v Mieses
8878. Tarrasch v Meiser (C.N. 8875)
8879. Tschigorinsky
8880. A one-stringed fiddle
8881. The following gamikin and gamekin
8882. New in Chess
8883. Players and spectators
8884. Ernest Kim
8885. The value of the pieces
8886. Ernest Kim (C.N. 8884)
8887. The BBC Genome Project
8888. Frans Gunnar Bengtsson (1894-1954)
8889. Portraits and Reflections
8890. Avoiding impetuosity
8891. Goethe (C.N. 5901)
8892. Accepting correction
8893. The New York Times
8894. What is a skewer?
8895. Ad libitum
8896. Tschigorinsky (C.N. 8879)
8897. Depictions of Staunton
8898. Maxim about P-KB4 (C.N. 5857)
8899. J.C.J. Wainwright

<124> November 2014

8900. From imprudence to ignominy
8901. Hanham v Pollock, Nottingham, 1886
8902. More theft
8903. Compilation of political articles by Kasparov
8904. The value of pieces (C.N. 8885)
8905. Staunton
8906. Morphy v Jones
8907. Thomas Paine and Robespierre (C.N.s 6361 & 6374)
8908. Abrahams quotes
8909. Alastair Sim (1900-76)
8910. Morphy v Jones (C.N. 8906)
8911. Manin v Sorkin
8912. Abrahams quote (C.N. 8908)
8913. Abrahams v Golombek (C.N. 8842)
8914. ‘Instant books’
8915. Morphy v Jones (C.N.s 8906 & 8910)
8916. New York, 1924
8917. Chicago, 1933
8918. Nationalism
8919. Grievance
8920. Steinitz and God
8921. A Spassky book
8922. Eye patches
8923. A flood of letters
8924. Morphy v Jones (C.N.s 8906, 8910 & 8915)
8925. Awkward squares
8926. Tournament in 1935-36 with 700,000 participants
8927. Artwork
8928. Best Chess Openings
8929. Eye patch (C.N. 8922)
8930. Less docility
8931. Sleep
8932. Chess nuts
8933. The Micawbers of Chess
8934. Broad sweeps
8935. Magnus Carlsen’s early chess reading
8936. Chess nuts (C.N. 8932)
8937. Russia Today
8938. Tal in Stockholm
8939. Skak Skole (C.N. 8935)
8940. Carlsen and silhouettes
8941. Tartakower on Prague, 1931
8942. Tells of
8943. Firefighting (C.N. 8927)
8944. Fischer book by Luis Matos
8945. ‘The most brilliant termination extant’
8946. Bronstein v Bronstein (C.N. 8931)
8947. An exceptionally difficult quiz question

<125> December 2014

8948. Capablanca photograph
8949. Capablanca v Fonaroff
8950. Alekhine and brandy (C.N. 8947)
8951. Thomas Olsen (C.N.s 7209 & 8950)
8952. Chess columns
8953. Reshevsky’s determination
8954. 1 e4 (C.N. 7852)
8955. Queen’s knight’s pawn (C.N.s 5827, 5865, 6021, 6669, 6829 & 8289)
8956. Who?
8957. Rich As A King
8958. Scientist/monk/beast of prey (C.N.s 6587, 6596 & 8138)
8959. 3...Bb4 not even mentioned
8960. British newspaper reports of the 1920s and 30s
8961. Wildhagen books
8962. The ‘big red book’
8963. Correspondence chess trick (C.N. 8942)
8964. Alekhine on Euwe
8965. Who?
8966. Who? (C.N. 8965)
8967. A.G. Laing (C.N.s 8728, 8762 & 8877)
8968. Paul Morphy and Queen Victoria
8969. Gómez
8970. Domination (C.N.s 7209 & 8950)
8971. ‘Chess has been a minor factor in my life’
8972. 2 Bg5
8973. Lasker in Montevideo
8974. Who? (C.N.s 8965 & 8966)
8975. Ströbeck, Taimanov v Ólafsson, and the Gambit Chess Rooms
8976. ‘One of the finest combinations ever played’
8977. A familiar old position
8978. B.H. Wood
8979. Chess in the London Evening Standard
8980. Lasker and photographs
8981. Chernev’s forename
8982. Caricatures in The Graphic (London, 1922)
8983. Capablanca v S. Bernstein, Brooklyn, 1928
8984. Ströbeck (C.N. 8975)
8985. Rook and pawn ending (C.N. 8858)
8986. Chess Tactics
8987. Bohemia
8988. Fine v Horowitz match
8989. Chernev’s forename (C.N. 8981)
8990. Kotov (C.N. 8986)
8991. P.H. Clarke (1933-2014)
8992. ‘One of the finest combinations ever played’ (C.N. 8976)
8993. A familiar old position (C.N. 8977)
8994. Kmoch on Tartakower
8995. Coming next ...
8996. The greatest sports event in history
8997. Staunton and the world championship title
8998. Another certainty
8999. Chessy words
9000. Alekhine in Trinidad
9001. Hartston quote
9002. A nineteenth-century grammar lesson
9003. Sources
9004. Front-page headline
9005. Alekhine in Trinidad (C.N. 9000)
9006. Hanham v Ryan
9007. Firefighting (C.N.s 8927 & 8943)
9008. Contradictory versions
9009. Puzzles by Sam Loyd
9010. Fischer quote (C.N. 5534)
9011. Announcements
9012. Contradictory versions (C.N. 9008)
9013. Chess is Chess (C.N. 8980)
9014. Colle v Capablanca
9015. Puzzles by Sam Loyd (C.N. 9009)
9016. Gambit Chess Rooms (C.N. 8975)
9017. Barden bibliography
9018. Tartakower v Rey Ardid, Paris, 1934
9019. Tartakower v Rey Ardid, Sitges, 1934
9020. Hastings
9021. Thomas v Capablanca, Ramsgate, 1929
9022. A party trick
9023. Baarn, 1944
9024. Jeremy Thorpe and Peter Clarke

<126> January 2015

9025. Chess history as she is written
9026. Carlsbad, 1929
9027. Isaacs v Buerger
9028. The back rank
9029. A statement by Alekhine? (C.N.s 3896 & 3898)
9030. Who? (C.N. 8956)
9031. Announcements (C.N. 9011)
9032. A party trick (C.N. 9022)
9033. Fischer and Castro
9034. Brian Eley
9035. Ormond v Ginsburg
9036. An old poem
9037. World championship photographs
9038. Copyright on chess games
9039. Over-potted biography
9040. A Game of Chance
9041. Mannerism
9042. Luces y Sombras del Ajedrez Argentino
9043. Benko composition
9044. A familiar old position (C.N.s 8977 & 8993)
9045. ...b5 in the King’s Gambit Accepted
9046. Carlsen v Anand match book
9047. The Burn Manoeuvre
9048. Record length
9049. Efim Bogoljubow
9050. ...b5 in the King’s Gambit Accepted (C.N. 9045)
9051. Brilliance
9052. A neglected draw
9053. Olga Menchik
9054. Punctuation
9055. A neglected draw (C.N. 9052)
9056. Szabó v Dake
9057. Simple Chess
9058. Attacking and defending
9059. My 60 Memorable Games
9060. A neglected draw (C.N.s 9052 & 9055)
9061. Magazine advertisement
9062. The match of the century that never was
9063. Kolisch
9064. A long game
9065. Emanuel Lasker at the chessboard
9066. Openings and Morphy
9067. More photographs from the Illustrated London News
9068. A long game (C.N. 9064)
9069. Misidentification
9070. Tartakower v Atkins
9071. Patron saint of chess
9072. Icelandic book on Karpov
9073. Katarina Beskow
9074. Championship confusion
9075. His and hers

<127> February 2015

9076. Reuben Fine and the Second World War
9077. Miss Fatima
9078. Katarina Beskow (C.N. 9073)
9079. G.H. Diggle
9080. Picasso and Duchamp
9081. Memory
9082. Peter Griffiths
9083. En passant
9084. Steinitz and the king
9085. Live chess broadcasts on the Internet
9086. Birth and death dates
9087. Swedish photograph site
9088. Menchik advertisement
9089. Caruana’s games in the 2014 Sinquefield Cup
9090. Brilliancy prizes (C.N. 9051)
9091. Casual remarks and bad plans
9092. Tylor v Thomas
9093. Diggle study (C.N. 9079)
9094. Both stood up (C.N. 4360)
9095. Morphy and shoes
9096. Paris, 1872
9097. Timman v García
9098. Draw!
9099. Diggle study (C.N.s 9079 & 9093)
9100. Euwe and Richter
9101. Faithfully Yours
9102. 1930s photographs
9103. 15 February 1985
9104. Capablanca Memorial Tournament, Havana, 1963
9105. Punch cartoons
9106. Wood and Golombek
9107. Punch on Hastings, 1949-50
9108. Nicolas Rossolimo
9109. Books by James Plaskett
9110. Helms and Santasiere
9111. Kotov, Kots, Kotsch and Koz
9112. En prise
9113. A gift of the gods
9114. Blitz tournament
9115. What should White play?
9116. Bogoljubow v Alekhine (C.N. 9115)
9117. An epidemic
9118. Kotov, Kots, Kotsch and Koz (C.N. 9111)
9119. Fischer v Petrosian (C.N. 9114)
9120. Master the Game of Chess
9121. Capablanca on stalemate
9122. Clare Benedict Challenge Cup, 1955
9123. Fischer in Montreal
9124. Caption competitions
9125. Charles Joliet (C.N. 5378)
9126. Twitter (C.N. 9085)
9127. Na1
9128. Moskou 1949
9129. Romark
9130. Lipke playing blindfold
9132. Vladimir Savon
9133. F.M. Edge

<128> March 2015

9134. Alekhine detained at the Spanish border
9135. ‘A unique knight fork’
9136. von Gottschall v N.N.
9137. Golmayo v Loyd
9138. The most exquisite tortures
9139. Capablanca in Kansas City
9140. ‘Skalitzka’
9141. Spassky v Fischer, 1972
9142. Karpov’s predictions
9143. ‘Old Baldhead Alekhine’
9144. The top five
9145. Chandler problem (C.N. 9141)
9146. Mary Kenny on Bobby Fischer
9147. 1972 cartoon by Jak
9148. Puzzle book
9149. L’art de faire mat
9152. Nardus
9153. How to become Chess Champion
9154. ‘Chess is life’
9155. The Ginzburg-Fischer interview
9156. (C.N. 9151)
9157. Simultaneous exhibition in Haarlem
9158. Punctuation
9159. Aristide Gromer
9160. L’art de faire mat (C.N. 9149)
9161. Renaud, Kahn and Alekhine
9162. Reykjavik, 1972
9163. The French Defence
9164. White moves first (C.N.s 5447 & 5454)
9165. Spielmann
9166. The English Opening
9167. The ‘big red book’ (C.N. 8962)
9168. Louis Paulsen
9169. Cambridge, 1950
9170. Simultaneous exhibition in Haarlem (C.N. 9157)
9171. Thomas Jefferson (C.N. 8071)
9172. The Mozart of chess (C.N.s 7645 & 7662)
9173. ‘Destroyed in an air-raid’
9174. Faithfully Yours (C.N. 9101)
9175. Benjamin O. Johnson
9176. Capablanca photograph
9177. Marshall v Rosenthal
9178. An incorrigible plagiarist
9179. A bad plan (C.N. 9091)
9180. International grandmaster
9181. Simultaneous exhibition in Haarlem (C.N.s 9157 & 9170)
9182. Aristide Gromer (C.N. 9159)
9183. Bierwirth v Jaffe
9184. Ken Neat
9185. Castling and philosophizing
9186. Kesten
9187. Youthful Reshevsky
9188. Marshall v Rosenthal (C.N. 9177)
9189. W.H. Pratten and E. Bogoljubow
9190. My 61 Memorable Games
9191. L’art de faire mat (C.N.s 9149 & 9160)
9192. Introduction by Alekhine (C.N. 3977)
9193. D.J. Richards
9194. Victory by James Rivkin over Capablanca (C.N. 8841)
9195. Pawn chains
9196. Kesten (C.N. 9186)
9197. Redness
9198. Tartakower in the air
9199. Marshall and Gladstone

<129> April 2015

9200. Steinitz’s date of birth
9201. A bad plan (C.N.s 9091 & 9179)
9202. The Death’s Head Chess Club
9203. Grandmasters
9204. Reshevsky v Edward Lasker
9205. Psychological tests on the prodigy Reshevsky
9206. Arthur Lloyd James
9207. Claude Bloodgood
9208. Frank J. Marshall and John Lemberry
9209. Tony Miles and Othello
9210. The Royal Game read by Frazer Kerr
9211. Purdy quote
9212. The highest praise
9213. Fischer and Reid
9214. Alekhine on genius and mathematics
9215. ‘Old Baldhead Alekhine’ (C.N. 9143)
9216. Folkestone, 1933 (C.N.s 5777 & 5974)
9217. Znosko-Borovsky (C.N.s 5227 & 5451)
9218. The Ginzburg-Fischer interview (C.N. 9155)
9219. Fischer and Reid (C.N. 9213)
9220. Philidor’s Defence
9221. Kasparov on Short (C.N. 8376)
9222. Bloodgood (C.N. 9207)
9223. Bruce Hayden (C.N. 4478)
9224. Ties
9225. A losish game
9226. Bruce Hayden (C.N.s 4478 & 9223)
9227. A saying (C.N. 4326)
9228. Marshall in Portland
9229. Capablanca in London (C.N. 7633)
9230. Opening speeches
9231. Submitting problems
9232. Spot the co-authors’ blunder
9233. World chess champion
9234. Juan Reid (C.N.s 9213 & 9219)
9235. Purdy’s interruption
9236. Atkins v Blackburne
9237. Miss Fatima
9238. Saunders v Thomas
9239. Eighteenth-century chess clubs
9240. Ernst Klein
9241. Spot the co-authors’ blunder (C.N. 9232)
9242. Alcohol
9243. Tartakower in the air (C.N. 9198)
9244. Chess and women
9245. The dark side of Fischer
9246. Submitting problems (C.N. 9231)
9247. Terminology
9248. Jacob Bronowski
9249. Schoolboy notebook
9250. Pion coiffé (C.N. 6093)
9251. Kasparov on Short (C.N.s 8376 & 9221)
9252. The dark side of Fischer (C.N. 9245)
9253. Fischer and knight-odds for women players
9254. Chess and women (C.N. 9244)
9255. A queen sacrifice by Capablanca
9256. Annotational clichés
9257. New York, 1924 tournament book
9258. Alekhine and Capablanca

<130> May 2015

9259. Korchnoi and Karpov
9260. Long and wrong
9261. Desler v Eliskases
9262. Threats
9263. Capablanca in 1905
9264. The House of Commons v Canberra
9265. Young v Janowsky
9266. Hastings, 1929-30
9267. Mr and Mrs Prim
9268. Fischer interview in 1972
9269. Buenos Aires Olympiad, 1939
9270. Boris Eliacheff v N.N.
9271. Pillsbury’s correspondence (C.N. 3598)
9272. Theta
9273. Kasparov, Leko and Kramnik
9274. Two words
9275. The greatest players, past and present
9276. Louis Paulsen
9277. Samuel Reshevsky and Joseph Schwarz
9278. An old task
9279. Exploiting a weak back rank
9280. The Encyclopaedia of Chess by Anne Sunnucks
9281. Harry Benson on Bobby Fischer
9282. Pestic v Bernstein
9283. A composite picture
9284. How To Get Better At Chess
9285. Open and close games
9286. Exploiting a weak back rank (C.N. 9279)
9287. Staunton in oils
9288. A problem composed in 1949
9289. Wartime film archives
9290. Two more newsreel reports
9291. Rules on women’s participation in chess tournaments
9292. 1 h4
9293. Stefan Zweig and Alistair Cooke
9294. Dissertation
9295. F. Le Lionnais
9296. Lasker and Blackburne
9297. 1 h4
9298. Negative comments about the Ruy López
9299. Bird, Blackmar and Buckley
9300. A problem composed in 1949 (C.N. 9288)
9301. Stamma
9302. An old task (C.N. 9278)
9303. A better move (C.N.s 7837, 7841, 8738 & 8890)

<131> June 2015

9304. The chamber music of chess
9305. Negative comments about the Ruy López (C.N. 9298)
9306. Blackmar Gambits (C.N. 9299)
9307. Capablanca and simultaneous chess
9308. Capablanca in Brazil
9309. A better move (C.N.s 7837, 7841, 8738, 8890 & 9303)
9310. Playlets
9311. Equality
9312. F. Le Lionnais (C.N. 9295)
9313. The chamber music of chess (C.N. 9304)
9314. David Hooper
9315. Capablanca v Delmar
9316. Alekhine and canoeing
9317. Tsar Nicholas II and the first five grandmasters
9318. Vasily Filatov (pretender)
9319. Tarrasch quote
9320. Gallica
9321. Bosco and his trained dogs
9322. Stamma (C.N. 9301)
9323. The 50-move rule
9324. Physical death
9325. Photographic archives (1)
9326. Beyond the ken of women
9327. Sonnet to chess
9328. Ivanchuk
9329. Lasker and 1 e4
9330. ‘Desperation’
9331. Montgomery’s chess set
9332. The Evans Gambit
9333. Bogoljubow and the Nazis (C.N. 4821)
9334. Two Knights’ Defence (C.N. 7968)
9335. The 50-move rule (C.N. 9323)
9336. Lipschütz
9337. Correspondence chess
9338. The dark side of Fischer (C.N.s 9245 & 9252)
9339. Tartakower v Füster
9340. ‘The Little Capablanca’ (C.N.s 6365, 7054 & 8586)
9341. World championship match conditions
9342. Photograph collection
9343. Looking and seeing ahead
9344. Irremediably weak (C.N.s 9244 & 9254)
9345. The Kasparov-Karpov rivalry
9346. Inadequate obituaries
9347. Grimshaw v Steinitz
9348. Openings knowledge
9349. Simultaneous displays
9350. Anderssen games (C.N. 7692)
9351. Scientific American
9352. Capablanca v Fine, AVRO, 1938
9353. Leonard Vaux
9354. Sonnet to chess (C.N. 9327)
9355. Problems and studies
9356. An old task (C.N.s 9278 & 9302)
9357. A remark ascribed to Teichmann
9358. Löwenthal on Morphy
9359. Cartoons by Harrison
9360. Openings knowledge (C.N. 9348)

<132> July 2015

9361. Spassky v Karpov, 1972
9362. Abelard
9363. Photographic archives (2)
9364. A Lasker story
9365. Nimzowitsch game
9366. Capablanca in Portland
9367. Games played in secret
9368. Norway Chess 2015
9369. Tarrasch, sea air and other explanations (C.N.s 5517, 5707 & 5724)
9370. ‘Friedman’
9371. Capablanca in Portland (C.N. 9366)
9372. Capablanca v Trenholm (C.N. 9371)
9373. Sämisch blindfold brilliancy
9374. A thousand years
9375. A knight on e6
9376. From a book review by Potter
9377. ‘Never miss a check’ (C.N.s 6416, 6432 & 9094)
9378. Women composers
9379. A Tarrasch principle
9380. A.G. Laing (C.N.s 8728, 8762, 8877 & 8967)
9381. Böök
9382. A Tarrasch principle (C.N. 9379)
9383. Wild West chess
9384. Comparing Lasker, Capablanca and Alekhine
9385. Kasparov on chess and women
9386. Chess by telephone
9387. The Myers Openings Bulletin
9388. The 2002 Prague Agreement
9389. Pillsbury in Chicago
9390. Footage
9391. Spassky v Fischer, Reykjavik, 1972
9392. Chess in New Orleans, 1847
9393. Paul Morphy at Spring Hill College
9394. The Book of Chessmen
9395. Fleissig v Schlechter (C.N.s 1128, 6665 & 6668)
9396. A Zukertort loss
9397. Gallery
9398. Tayan
9399. Borochow v Fine
9400. Najdorf v Cortlever

<133> August 2015

9401. The dark side of Fischer (C.N.s 9245, 9252 & 9338)
9402. A claim of pre-eminent ignorance
9403. Steinitz’s early years (C.N. 9200)
9404. Møller Attack (C.N. 6780)
9405. Chess by telephone (C.N. 9386)
9406. Fleissig v Schlechter
9407. Paul Morphy at Spring Hill College (C.N. 9393)
9408. Richard Cobden on Paul Morphy
9410. Fleissig v Schlechter
9411. Christian Hesse
9412. Richmond, 1912
9413. George Bernard Shaw (C.N. 5627)
9414. A Blackburne bon mot
9415. Blackburne v Earnshaw
9416. Photographic archives (3)
9417. Edward Lasker and Go
9418. On-line research
9419. ‘Worthy of preservation’
9420. Schlechter v Perlis
9421. Seven Days in Bamberg
9422. Photograph collection
9423. Réti v Alekhine
9424. Dutch photograph collection
9425. Nimzowitsch’s charm
9426. Lasker and Reshevsky (C.N. 9204)
9427. Carl Walcker (C.N.s 7926, 7930, 8085 & 8265)
9428. Philip Gibbs and David Davies
9429. World championship contests
9430. Nimzowitsch on the king’s role
9431. The Caro-Kann Defence
9432. Alekhine
9433. Another set of chess photographs
9434. Capablanca book by Miguel A. Sánchez
9435. Chess in Singapore (C.N.s 7755 & 7766)
9436. Mental decline
9437. Nineteenth-century British players (C.N.s 8705 & 8817)
9438. E.B. Osborn (C.N.s 4189 & 5570)
9439. Tolstoy and chess
9440. Books about leading modern chessplayers
9441. Moreau, Moriau, etc.
9442. Berliner Tageblatt
9443. Schlechter v Perlis (C.N. 9420)
9444. A tribute to Anderssen by Steinitz
9445. Match record
9446. Another Fischer game
9447. Capablanca v Karff
9448. A Damascus blade cutting a silk cushion
9449. Walter Penn Shipley Scrapbooks
9450. Koltys Coments
9451. Sacrifice or blunder?
9452. Edgar Pennell
9453. Capablanca’s high blood pressure
9454. ForteanTimes

<134> September 2015

9455. Photographic archives (4)
9456. Capablanca v Karff (C.N. 9447)
9457. Biographies and autobiographies
9458. Mr and Mrs Pillsbury
9459. Christian Hesse
9460. Johner v Stalda
9461. D.J. Morgan
9462. Lee and Gossip
9463. Shipley, Lasker and Pillsbury
9464. Johann Maelzel
9465. Duchamp and Le Lionnais
9466. Tsar Nicholas II
9467. Photographic archives (5)
9468. Unlovely words
9469. Mate in two
9470. Petrosian
9471. Petrosian v Fischer, 1971
9472. Nineteenth-century players (C.N.s 8705, 8817 & 9437)
9473. Photographic archives (6)
9474. Accusation of fraud
9475. The Grandmaster title
9476. A chess quiz and related questions
9477. Copenhagen, 1946
9478. Ortvin Sarapu
9479. Capablanca and Reshevsky
9480. Halprin v Pillsbury
9481. Guinness World Records
9482. Photographic archives (7)
9483. Mate in two (C.N. 9469)
9484. 1 e4 Nc6
9485. Bibliographies
9486. Fischer v Bustos
9487. Chess play and chess history
9488. Photographic archives (8)
9489. Boomerang combination
9490. Monte Carlo, 1903
9491. C.J.S. Purdy on Sam Loyd
9492. The Laws of Chess
9493. Rc6, Sc6 and Nc6
9494. A 1928 group photograph
9495. Error and perfection
9496. Accusation of fraud (C.N. 9474)
9497. Photographic archives (9)
9498. Boomerang combination (C.N. 9489)
9499. A 1928 group photograph (C.N. 9494)
9500. Players and Pawns
9501. Misconceptions about chess (C.N. 9495)
9502. Reinfeld on Purdy
9503. Koltanowski
9504. The Hague, 1928 (C.N.s 9494 & 9499)
9505. Lasker v Schlechter
9506. Chessy words
9507. Photographic archives (10)
9508. Jottings on a wonderful study
9509. Zukertort v Blackburne

<135> October 2015

9510. St Louis, 2015
9511. ‘According to Wikipedia ...’
9512. Jottings on a wonderful study (C.N. 9508)
9513. Speyer/Speijer v Lasker match
9514. Rotlewi, Alekhine and Euwe
9515. Capablanca v Spielmann, New York, 1927
9516. A suggestion for David Smerdon
9517. Photographic archives (11)
9518. Petrosian (C.N. 9470)
9519. Le secret de Morphy by Edgard Tchélébi
9520. Tsar Nicholas II
9521. Problem by Dawid Przepiórka
9522. Prague, 1931 (C.N. 6154)
9523. Comparative Chess
9524. Photograph collections
9525. Blackburne v Mackenzie (C.N. 5935)
9526. Bird and Buckle
9527. Bird, Gunsberg and Blackburne
9528. Marshall v Lasker, Paris, 1900
9529. Edgard Tchélébi (C.N. 9519)
9530. A letter from Korchnoi
9531. Spassky v Fischer, 1972 and vox populi
9532. Endgame
9533. Photographic archives (12)
9534. Lasker v Capablanca, St Petersburg, 1914 (C.N. 7846)
9535. A win by Dr G. Marseille
9536. Small magazines (C.N.s 6132 & 6181)
9537. Gibaud v Lazard
9538. How many people play chess?
9539. Overstepping the time-limit
9540. Zukertort v Blackburne
9541. Capablanca v Thomas
9542. Weston-super-Mare, 1922
9543. Small magazines (C.N.s 6132, 6181 & 9536)
9544. Nimzowitsch explained
9545. Winter is Coming by Garry Kasparov
9546. How Life Imitates Chess
9547. Books on Spassky
9548. ‘Mozart symphony’
9549. Gossip
9550. Korchnoi and castling
9551. Liège, 1930
9552. Fink v Kapper
9553. Capablanca in Argentina
9554. Olga Menchik
9555. Chess Personalia
9556. Buckle, not Bird (C.N. 9526)
9557. Photographic archives (13)
9558. Capablanca in Paris
9559. Hoit v Amateur
9560. Mate in six
9561. Magazines
9562. Euwe and van Steenis (C.N. 9548)
9563. New York, 1889
9564. Whitman v Capablanca
9565. Verdoni
9566. Alekhine in Montreal
9567. Generalities
9568. A book on Fischer in Icelandic
9569. Tal on annotating
9570. Verdoni (C.N. 9565)

<136> November 2015

9571. Purdy and Fischer
9572. Reshevsky in 1917
9573. Who?
9574. Verdoni (C.N.s 9565 & 9570)
9575. The Grandmaster
9576. The knight
9577. Europeana
9578. Mate in six (C.N. 9560)
9579. Feuerstein v Fischer
9580. Picked up on tape
9581. Verdoni (C.N.s 9565, 9570 & 9574)
9582. Who? (C.N. 9573)
9583. Scholarship
9584. Chess for children
9585. Capablanca in 1913
9586. Reinfeld and Purdy (C.N. 9502)
9587. Reserving options
9588. Stamma (C.N. 9301)
9589. Rosenthal v Zukertort match, 1880
9590. Photographic archives (14)
9591. Icelandic database
9592. Book reviews
9593. Combination
9594. Squares
9595. Verdoni (C.N.s 9565, 9570, 9574 & 9581)
9596. Capablanca in 1911
9597. A choice of en passant captures
9598. H.B. Daly (C.N.s 5578 & 9597)
9599. Barry v Mieses
9600. My 61 Memorable Games
9601. Primus inter pares
9602. Sacrificing the opponent’s pieces
9603. Fischer move by move
9604. Extraordinarily subtle strategy
9605. Photograph collection
9606. Photograph captions
9607. Reinfeld on Tartakower
9608. A capture with check
9609. Mason on changing the rules
9610. Mason and Reinfeld

<137> December 2015

9611. An appreciation of James Mason
9612. James Mason’s death
9613. Jutta Hempel
9614. Books with hardly any words
9615. James Mason’s death (C.N. 9612)
9616. Lewis Carroll
9617. Capablanca in Paris (C.N. 9558)
9618. The Ultimate Chess Playing Guide
9619. Lewis Carroll (C.N. 9616)
9620. Marshall’s swindles
9621. Purdy on teaching
9622. Averbakh v Purdy
9623. Kolisch
9624. Book reviews
9625. The knight
9626. Photographic archives (15)
9627. A brilliancy by Helms
9628. Mark Dvoretsky
9629. Massimo Bontempelli
9630. A famous Capablanca quote (C.N. 6172)
9631. The knight
9632. A brilliancy by Helms (C.N. 9627)
9633. Alekhine v Padulli (C.N. 9629)
9634. A composition in Lasker’s Manual of Chess
9635. Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam (C.N.s 9245, 9338 & 9401)
9636. Book reviews
9637. Joseph Goebbels (C.N.s 3718, 3804 & 4381)
9638. A composition in Lasker’s Manual of Chess (C.N. 9634)
9639. Busted
9640. San Remo, 1911
9641. Reikiavik
9642. A poem by Paul Saladin Leonhardt
9643. Trenchard v Leonhardt
9644. Averbakh v Purdy (C.N. 9622)
9645. Fischer and the world championship
9646. The genesis of Nottingham, 1936
9647. A quote attributed to Bogoljubow and Chigorin
9648. F.J. Marshall as a problem-solver
9649. Advertisements
9650. Notation
9651. A Menchik v Yates billiards match
9652. The value of the pieces
9653. Notation (C.N. 9650)
9654. Marshall in 1944 (C.N. 9648)
9655. ‘Once, the story goes ...’
9656. The two Jans
9657. Janowsky and Womersley
9658. Comoros stamps
9659. Notation (C.N.s 9650 & 9653)
9660. A composition in Lasker’s Manual of Chess (C.N.s 9634 & 9638)
9661. Shinkman

<138> January 2016

9662. Watson v Green brilliancy
9663. President Warren G. Harding
9664. Golubev composition
9665. The Polish Defence (C.N. 4014)
9666. Castling incident (C.N. 9644)
9667. Alexander McDonnell and hypermodernism
9668. Philidor’s legacy
9669. Hastings, 1897
9670. Myths exploded
9671. Schlechter, Abonyi, Tartakower and Réti
9672. The first ten moves, Reshevsky and Horowitz
9673. Thomas Pruen (C.N. 9668)
9674. Cunning as a fox
9675. Noah’s Ark Trap
9676. Teichmann v Rolland
9677. Flohr and Zlín
9678. Tartakower and risk
9679. One of the most original games
9680. Eugene Henry
9681. The Immortal Game
9682. Alekhine’s Defence
9683. To lose against a female
9684. Did Lasker deliberately play badly?
9685. London chess clubs
9686. Cordingley
9687. Paintings by Carslake Winter Wood
9688. Hermann Helms and the Brooklyn Daily Eagle
9689. Tabia/Tabiya
9690. Golubev position (C.N. 9664)
9691. Bauer v Porges
9692. A cramped position
9693. Space
9694. Mr and Mrs Pillsbury (C.N. 9458)
9695. Benjamin Franklin and chess
9696. A novel featuring Bohatirchuk
9697. White to move and win
9698. A model chess magazine
9699. Tabia/Tabiya (C.N. 9689)
9700. Laurens v Ferris
9701. The most poorest thing
9702. Purdy on Fischer v Stein
9703. Blackburne on a study by Horwitz and Kling
9704. The two Jans (C.N. 9656)
9705. Prague, 1942
9706. Inscription by Gufeld to Flohr
9707. Horatio Caro
9708. A letter from Rudolf L’hermet
9709. Eight question marks for a move

<139> February 2016

9710. The First World War
9711. Tidskrift för Schack
9712. Bauer v Porges (C.N. 9691)
9713. Purdy on Logical Chess Move by Move
9714. Tabia/Tabiya (C.N.s 9689 & 9699)
9715. Spielmann’s tournament performances
9716. The Classical Era of Modern Chess(C.N. 8856)
9717. Colonel Moreau (C.N.s 9441 & 9490)
9718. Chigorin
9719. Corn
9720. Sokolov book
9721. A German publication
9722. Frederick Orrett
9723. Postage stamps
9724. Purdy blindfold game
9725. Frederick Orrett (C.N. 9722)
9726. Wartime censorship
9727. The inventor of Kriegspiel (C.N.s 3487, 3496 & 6415)
9728. Alekhine and Elaine Saunders
9729. The ‘Gentlemen’s World championship’
9730. Schachnovelle
9731. Madness
9732. The Dublin Defence
9733. A novel featuring Bohatirchuk (C.N. 9696)
9734. A Morphy episode
9735. Purdy in New Zealand (C.N. 9724)
9736. ‘Freak’ openings
9737. Milan Matulović and j’adoube
9738. 1 O-O
9739. Ostend, 1906
9741. A trap in the Ruy López
9742. Ernest Kim (C.N.s 8884 & 8886)
9743. Michael Neckermann
9744. Chess Budget biographical articles (C.N. 9611)
9745. Bogoljubow’s ‘book’
9746. Lasker in Switzerland
9747. Hedinger v Henneberger
9748. Chess Budget biographical articles (C.N.s 9611 & 9744)
9749. Swindle
9750. Wartime censorship (C.N. 9726)
9751. Frederick Orrett (C.N. 9722)
9752. Michael Neckermann (C.N. 9743)
9753. The Vera Menchik Club (C.N. 3433)
9754. Alleged limitations
9755. Fire
9756. Ernest Kim (C.N.s 8884, 8886 & 9742)
9757. Chess in Paris
9758. A would-be Tartakower v Schiffers game
9759. Philidor in London
9760. No champion of the world
9761. Spassky v Fischer, 1972
9762. Spassky v Fischer match cartoons
9763. Chess Budget biographical articles (C.N.s 9611, 9744 & 9748)
9764. A sense of history
9765. Tarrasch in Geneva
9766. Bethge v X
9767. William W. Wheaton
9768. Fotoleren
9769. Icelandic photographs
9770. Marshall’s gold coins game
9771. An unexpected move
9772. Koltanowski inscription

<140> March 2016

9773. Ballard v Fagan
9774. Superior skill at chess
9775. 1972 world championship match books
9776. Steinitz’s daughter (C.N.s 3189 & 6545)
9777. An unexpected move (C.N. 9771)
9778. Alekhine and cats (C.N.s 4794, 5575 & 8301)
9779. Mrs Fagan
9780. The decline of English chess
9781. A characteristic of chess
9782. Perpetual check
9783. The direct cause of failure
9784. Mating finish
9785. Down v Stevens
9786. Hanham v Pollock, Nottingham, 1886 (C.N. 8901)
9787. Photographic archives (16)
9788. 1 O-O (C.N. 9738)
9789. Une petite combinaison
9790. F.M. Edge (C.N. 9133)
9791. Record numbers of wins
9792. My System
9793. Judy/Stella
9794. The Classical Era of Modern Chess (C.N.s 8856 & 9716)
9795. Zukertort, Halford and the Brown brothers
9796. Chigorin v Pillsbury, Paris, 1900
9797. ‘Was This Game Rigged?’
9798. Judy/Stella (C.N. 9793)
9799. ‘Wonderfully ingenious’
9800. A.S.M. Hutchinson
9801. Anderssen v Dufresne
9802. Fischer’s greatest pleasure
9803. Clock management
9804. Fred Brown and 1 g4 (C.N. 9795)
9805. Fischer’s 29...Bxh2
9806. Covering moves
9807. L.S. Penrose v T.H. Tylor
9808. The Giuoco Pianissimo
9809. Fischer’s 29...Bxh2 (C.N. 9805)
9810. Lost On Time
9811. Frederick Orrett (C.N.s 9722 & 9751)
9812. Fischer’s 29...Bxh2 (C.N.s 9805 & 9809)
9813. The best book for beginners (C.N. 4017)
9814. Fischer and his friends
9815. The 1972 world championship match
9816. Giving the game a character
9817. Prominent Swiss chessplayers
9818. India
9819. The 1956 Candidates’ tournament
9820. The fianchetto
9821. Lasker on genius
9822. ‘A bad opening’
9823. Photographic archives (17)
9824. Schloesser v Amateur
9825. ‘In the forefront of the forward march’
9826. Intuition
9827. Found
9828. Swindle (C.N. 9824)

<141> April 2016

9829. Leading players
9830. Gunsberg and Steinitz
9831. Fischer, Capablanca and Golombek
9832. Pillsbury
9833. Reshevsky on the 1972 world title match (C.N. 9812)
9834. Golombek on ghost-writing
9835. Purdy v Golombek on Botvinnik v Tal
9836. Perhaps the most daring sacrifice
9837. Did Lasker deliberately play badly? (C.N. 9684)
9838. Chess play and chess history (C.N. 9487)
9839. A curious Kasparov ‘autobiography’
9840. Gunsberg v Sheppard
9841. Munich, 1936 and Maróczy
9842. Czerniak v Capablanca
9843. Capablanca and Znosko-Borovsky
9844. Marienbad, 1925
9845. A.C. Vázquez
9846. An interview with Emanuel Lasker
9847. Wormald and Worrall
9848. ‘Sir Thomas’
9849. Vera Menchik
9850. Photographs of Rubinstein in Palestine
9851. Czerniak v Capablanca (C.N. 9842)
9852. Kasparov on Kasparov (C.N. 9839)
9853. The art of citation
9854. Rubinstein in Palestine (C.N. 9850)
9855. The Giuoco Pianissimo (C.N. 9808)
9856. Richard Roberts
9857. Resignation
9858. The post mortem
9859. Pawn sacrifices
9860. Wallace v Forsyth
9861. BxRP (C.N.s 9805, 9809 & 9812)
9862. Dermot Morrah
9863. A Primer of Chess
9864. An interview with Zukertort
9865. A knight on e6 (C.N.s 3514 & 9375)
9866. The Berlin Defence
9867. Resignation (C.N. 9857)
9868. A Primer of Chess (C.N. 9863)
9869. A giveaway
9870. A whetstone
9871. BxRP (C.N.s 9805, 9809, 9812 & 9861)
9872. Nameless
9873. Alekhine and Capablanca fake photograph
9874. A knight on e6 (C.N.s 3514, 9375 & 9865)
9875. Phillips v Ascher
9876. Ten thousand
9877. Grace in defeat
9878. Adeler v Choinatzky
9879. The fascination of chess history
9880. Fischer’s reign
9881. Liverpool, 1923

<142> May 2016

9882. New York, 1987
9883. Adeler v Choinatzky (C.N. 9878)
9884. Christopher Nicole
9885. Photographic archives (18)
9886. Bled, 1959
9887. Honourable uncertainty
9888. Alexander on Alekhine
9889. Rudolf L’hermet (C.N.s 9697 & 9708)
9890. Hans Frank
9891. Chess for pleasure only
9892. Keres on film
9893. Keres book
9894. Steinitz and Tarrasch
9895. Sam Loyd and money
9896. Taubenhaus v Vázquez match (C.N. 9887)
9897. A bishop ending
9898. W.N. Potter on chess and women
9899. Mate with two knights
9900. Reinfeld on Alekhine
9901. The Maróczy Bind (C.N. 8545)
9902. A bishop ending (C.N. 9897)
9903. Quiz question
9904. Austrian postage stamps
9905. Brodsky v Mieses
9906. Bust of Capablanca (C.N.s 6583 & 7803)
9907. London, 1927
9908. Alekhine v Sánchez (C.N.s 5436 & 5440)
9909. Joseph Brown
9910. Edouard Pape (C.N. 4119)
9911. Capablanca in 1921
9912. Fischer-Spassky chit-chat
9913. Nimzowitsch and tobacco
9914. Lasker and Réti
9915. Lengthy Reinfeld annotations
9916. Quiz question (C.N. 9903)
9917. The Lasker brothers
9918. Barcelona archives
9919. Müller v W.H.
9920. Hanging pawns (C.N.s 5725, 5731, 5740 & 6559)
9921. Further photographs from the Israel National Library (C.N.s 9914 & 9917)
9922. John Lewis Partnership Gazette (C.N. 9772)
9923. Blindfold exhibitions by Louis Paulsen
9924. Alekhine’s vase
9925. Buenos Aires, 1931
9926. The Belgian Times
9927. EG
9928. Purdy on Barden
9929. Trouble over gambits and sacrifices
9930. Two rooks and a knight
9931. Dissected chessboard puzzle
9932. Iberia
9933. Mar del Plata, 1942
9934. Capablanca and Camelot (C.N. 7164)
9935. Two rooks and a knight (C.N. 9930)
9936. Iberia (C.N. 9932)
9937. A Capablanca lecture
9938. Voltaire and chess
9939. DuBois, White and Braithwaite
9940. Arturo Pomar
9941. Hanging pawns
9942. Potter’s retirement
9943. Sea-warfare chess/minefield chess
9944. Pictures of Capablanca and Alekhine, Buenos Aires, 1927 (C.N. 4814)
9945. Caissa
9946. A clear win
9947. The hedgehog formation (C.N.s 7574 & 8211)
9948. Spassky v Fischer match cartoons
9949. Reshevsky in 1930
9950. Chess Secrets
9951. Frederick Orrett

<143> June 2016

9952. The best way to refute a gambit (C.N. 9929)
9953. Shelby Lyman on Fischer
9954. Pictures of Capablanca and Alekhine, Buenos Aires, 1927 (C.N.s 4814 & 9944)
9955. Photocopies
9956. Bower, Capablanca and Wren
9957. Hastings, 1895
9958. Caissa (C.N. 9945)
9959. Fischer v Taimanov
9960. Fischer/Barden interview (C.N. 9831)
9961. Edouard Pape (C.N.s 4119 & 9910)
9962. The Chess Amateur and Punch
9963. Tom Thumb (C.N.s 3931 & 4323)
9964. The threat is stronger than the execution
9965. Rousseau
9966. Editors, players and problemists
9967. ‘We don’t do research’
9968. A Tinsley letter to Helms
9969. Blitz chess
9970. Preferred pieces
9971. 1955 championship of Argentina
9972. Pictures and documents on-line
9973. Tom Thumb (C.N.s 3931, 4323 & 9963)
9974. The Evening Telegram
9975. Teed composition
9976. Alekhine v Bogoljubow
9977. Euwe v Bogoljubow match, Carlsbad, 1941
9978. Madrid, 1943 tournament
9979. Korchnoi and Anti-Chess
9980. Karpov on Korchnoi and chess writers
9981. Fantasy
9982. Elephants
9983. Bruno Bassi (C.N.s 7124 & 9982)
9984. Fischer/Barden interview (C.N.s 9831 & 9960)
9985. Persitz v Fischer, London, 1960
9986. C.J.S. Purdy on Florencio Campomanes
9987. ‘Suicide on the Chessboard’
9988. Morphy piano elegy
9989. Arthur Mailey (C.N. 9976)
9990. Frequent bad play by a genius
9991. Fischer v Taimanov (C.N. 9959)
9992. Persitz v Fischer, London, 1960 (C.N. 9985)
9993. Golombek on chess problems
9994. Zugzwang
9995. Deschapelles
9996. Ozols v Basta
9997. Photographic archives (19)
9998. Deschapelles (C.N. 9995)
9999. The simplest and clearest book for beginners
10000. Marcel Duchamp
10001. Karpov on chess writers (C.N. 9980)
10002. Ozols v Hanks
10003. President James A. Garfield
10004. Kasparov v Korchnoi, Pasadena, 1983
10005. My System and piracy
10006. Frederick Orrett

<144> July 2016

10007. Photographic archives (20)
10008. Quiz question
10009. Au voleur... (Philippe Dornbusch)
10010. Wikipedia
10011. From Herman Steiner’s archives
10012. Rook endings (C.N.s 5498, 5585, 5726 & 5822)
10013. Zukertort’s monodrama
10014. ‘I once heard a story’
10015. The Game of the Century (C.N. 10008)
10016. From Herman Steiner’s archives (C.N. 10011)
10017. Tarrasch, sea air and sleep
10018. Bird, Gunsberg and Blackburne (C.N. 9527)
10019. ‘Suicide on the Chessboard’ (C.N. 9987)
10020. Bled, 1931
10021. Nimble expurgation (C.N. 6832)
10022. Capablanca’s defeat by Alekhine
10023. Roll-call of world chess champions
10024. H.E. Atkins and mathematics
10025. Half a minute per move
10026. Philidor engraving
10027. Dolo Falk (C.N.s 4623 & 6341)
10028. Reuben Fine and the world championship
10029. Paulsen v Morphy (C.N. 7120)
10030. Nedēļa
10031. Hypermodern players
10032. Tournament in 1935-36 with 700,000 participants (C.N. 8926)
10033. Allowing mate
10034. Bishops of opposite colour
10035. Seeing ahead
10036. Geiger composition (C.N. 7418)
10037. Lawrence v Fox
10038. The Great Jewish Chess Champions
10039. Five hours’ silence
10040. Pomar on Alekhine
10041. Starbuck miniatures
10042. Alekhine v Prat (C.N. 7040)
10043. The Manual
10044. Le Lionnais (C.N. 9295)
10045. Frederick Orrett
10046. Philidor

<145> August 2016

10047. Atpūta
10048. Chess-Nuts
10049. A. de Rivière v M. Wyvill
10050. Capablanca’s resignation letter (C.N. 10022)
10051. Alekhine’s Defence
10052. Sacrifices
10053. Rubinstein in Burnley
10054. Alekhine and cats (C.N.s 4794, 5575, 8301 & 9778)
10055. Boris Karloff
10056. Max Pavey (C.N. 10016)
10057. Philidor: engraving (C.N. 10026) and death (C.N. 10046)
10058. Opening nomenclature
10059. Photographic archives (22)
10060. Palle Ravn
10061. Seeing ahead (C.N. 10035)
10062. Ilmar Raud
10063. Kasparov v Korchnoi, Pasadena, 1983 (C.N. 10004)
10064. Alexander on Réti
10065. Henry Albert Reeves
10066. The English Opening (C.N. 9166)
10067. ¿Juguemos al ajedrez?
10068. Monticelli v Horowitz
10069. Name-dropping
10070. Philidor engraving (C.N.s 10026 & 10057)
10071. William Harris
10072. Chess Results
10073. Syracuse, 1934 (C.N. 10068)
10074. Two types of player
10075. Backward pawns
10076. Monticelli v Horowitz (C.N.s 10068 & 10073)
10077. How to castle
10078. Staunton’s Handbook
10079. Hamburg, 1910
10080. Hastings, 1895
10081. How to castle (C.N. 10077)
10082. Frederick Orrett
10083. Opening busts (C.N. 10065)
10084. Busts!
10085. Nazi articles
10086. Long and wrong (C.N.s 9260 & 10037)
10087. Boden
10088. Boden on gambits
10089. A site for chess bibliophiles
10090. Ostend, 1936

<146> September 2016

10091. Simultaneous display
10092. Strenuous amusements
10093. C.G. Watson
10094. Ludwig Bauer
10095. Sea air (C.N.s 5517, 5707, 5724, 9369 & 10017)
10096. Photographic archives (23)
10097. Capablanca in Paris, 1922
10098. Players named Smyslov (C.N. 5606)
10099. Tal’s opponent
10100. Norman Willem van Lennep
10101. Freemasons
10102. Frank Melville Teed
10103. Constant paroxysms of laughter
10104. Tilburg website
10105. Monticelli v Horowitz (C.N.s 10068, 10073 & 10076)
10106. Wyke Bayliss v Norman van Lennep
10107. Charousek and the Handbuch (C.N. 8296)
10108. Keres webpage
10109. Alekhine in Buenos Aires
10110. Guinness World Records
10111. A correspondental game
10112. Unnamed author
10113. Alekhine in Buenos Aires (C.N. 10109)
10114. Alekhine playing blindfold
10115. Norman van Lennep (C.N.s 10100 & 10106)
10116. Excuses for losing
10117. Alekhine photograph
10118. Asleep at the board
10119. Oldest chess photograph (C.N.s 5977 & 5985)
10120. Mieses and the triumph of youth
10121. Paul Keres
10122. Jutta Hempel (C.N.s 1171, 1293, 7413 & 9613)
10123. ‘The Latvian Gambit’
10124. Atpūta (C.N. 10047)
10125. Fischer v Karpov, 1975
10126. Moral strength
10127. Mark Dvoretsky (1947-2016)
10128. Jutta Hempel (C.N.s 1171, 1293, 7413, & 10122)
10129. Penalty move (C.N. 5381)
10130. Moreau
10131. Mistaken identity
10132. The Orsini Gambit
10133. Morphy move by move
10134. Edward Lasker
10135. Frederick Orrett
10136. Irving Chernev and radio broadcasts

<147> October 2016

10137. The Pirc Opening
10138. Games with the same opening
10139. John Herbert White (1880-1920)
10140. An offer on eBay
10141. FIDE decision
10142. Modern Chess Openings (C.N. 10139)
10143. Morphy v Bottin
10144. Net Film
10145. Emery Gondor (C.N. 8457)
10146. A mysterious composition (C.N.s 145, 187 & 2705)
10147. Picture-tampering (C.N.s 3757 & 3901)
10148. The feminine touch in chess
10149. Norman van Lennep (C.N.s 10100, 10106 & 10115)
10150. České Budějovice, 1927
10151. Alekhine in Buenos Aires (C.N.s 10109 & 10113)
10152. An Alekhine quip (C.N. 5044)
10153. The greats
10154. Gromer
10155. Jean Dufresne
10156. Philippe Ambroise Durand
10157. Durand and Maizelis
10158. Alekhine position
10159. A portrait of Koltanowski by Grob
10160. Utter uselessness
10161. Lasker’s Manual
10162. Birdie Reeve
10163. From former times
10164. Gloria Velat (C.N. 10163)
10165. Burgess v Nixdorff
10166. Lasker’s Manual (C.N. 10161)
10167. Brighter chess
10168. Political leaders and self-knowledge
10169. A moss-grown trap
10170. Luck
10171. Annotations
10172. Two Alekhine notes
10173. ‘Known on the Continent as ...’
10174. Journalistic longevity
10175. Photographs at a Finnish website
10176. Two Alekhine notes (C.N. 10172)
10177. Henry Edward Bird
10178. Alan Bennett (C.N.s 6663 & 6670)
10179. John Finch
10180. An alleged Anderssen remark
10181. How to castle (C.N.s 10077 & 10081)
10182. Annotations (C.N. 10171)
10183. Florence Gleason v Alekhine
10184. Alekhine in a Clive James poem
10185. Frederick Orrett
10186. Journalistic longevity (C.N. 10174)
10187. Curt v Bixby
10188. Constantine Rasis
10189. New York, 1924
10190. Photographic archives (24)

<148> November 2016

10191. Vera Menchik by Robert B. Tanner
10192. Another book on Vera Menchik
10193. Psychology
10194. An old challenge
10195. Curt and Bixby (C.N. 10187)
10196. Capablanca and Gedroiz
10197. Chessy words
10198. An old challenge (C.N. 10194)
10199. Walter Pulitzer
10200. The Quarterly for Chess History
10201. Prince Gedroiz (C.N. 10196)
10202. Excellent resigning chances
10203. Reshevsky in 1931
10204. Journalistic longevity (C.N.s 10174 & 10186)
10205. King hunt
10206. Chernev and Reinfeld (1949)
10207. Norman Whitaker’s offices
10208. Estimates
10209. N.W. Banks v H. Steiner (blindfold)
10210. Picture-tampering (C.N.s 3757, 3901 & 10147)
10211. Capablanca (New York, 1916)
10212. Access to game-scores
10213. William Winter
10214. St Gallen, 1943
10215. The knight’s move
10216. More Purdy quotes
10217. Portraits by Grob
10218. The rules of chess and Harry Golombek
10219. FIDE and pasta
10220. Drawless matches
10221. Fast play in a world championship game
10222. R.C. Griffith
10223. Pérez v Najdorf, Torremolinos, 1961
10224. Woodshifters, woodpushers, etc.
10225. Capablanca v de Vries
10226. Carlsbad
10227. Reshevsky Teaches Chess
10228. ‘I understand chess as well as Fischer does’
10229. Medieval chess pieces
10230. Mieses v N.N.
10231. Mark Taimanov (1926-2016)
10232. Early Western references to Mark Taimanov
10233. Amateurs
10234. Frederick Orrett
10235. Réti v Alekhine, Baden-Baden, 1925
10236. Photographic archives (25)

<149> December 2016

10237. A fake Karjakin v Carlsen photograph
10238. Donald Byrne v Bobby Fischer
10239. Little Footsteps
10240. An age conundrum
10241. A prediction about how Fischer would die
10242. Young Taimanov
10243. My 60 Memorable Games
10244. A book review by Fischer
10245. An age conundrum (C.N. 10240)
10246. Clive James
10247. Alan Tabelin and Sir George Thomas
10248. Richard Teichmann
10249. Resignation (C.N. 10233)
10250. Alekhine at the 1939 Olympiad in Buenos Aires
10251. Draws and scoring systems (C.N. 6671)
10252. ‘Three pieces are a mate’
10253. Henry/Harry Eckstrom
10254. Hastings, 1895 (C.N. 7354)
10255. Gordon of Cluny vs the Duke of Mortemart, 1721
10256. Bobby Fischer at Poughskeepie, 1963
10257. An interview with Curt von Bardeleben
10258. du Mont
10259. Pérez v Najdorf, Torremolinos, 1961 (C.N. 10223)
10260. Lasker playing bridge
10261. FIDE awards
10262. Hungarian photographs
10263. Copying and incompetence
10264. 28 Bxh7
10265. Rudolf Spielmann and the King’s Gambit
10266. Chance
10267. Dayton v Pearsall
10268. Dayton on a Lasker simultaneous display
10269. Nice, 1931
10270. The Summer Girls
10271. Bird in Albany
10272. The Pittsburg(h) Trap/Variation
10273. Owen Dixson
10274. Frederick Orrett
10275. Chessboard Magic!

<150> January 2017

10276. Material considerations
10277. Pistyan, 1922
10278. Picture-tampering (C.N.s 3757, 3901, 10147 & 10210)
10279. Grandmasters
10280. Capablanca
10281. Reinfeld on Capablanca (C.N.s 473 & 5036)
10282. Puzzle (C.N. 10245)
10283. Rune Litzberger
10284. Bobby Fischer’s Games of Chess
10285. Early Keres
10286. Pillsbury v Newman (C.N. 10272)
10287. Hoffer and Mason
10288. Menchik v Mandleberg
10289. Botvinnik in Hastings
10290. Antonín Kvíčala v N.N. (C.N.s 2924 & 6385)
10291. The Sphere
10292. Lajos Steiner
10293. Staunton’s ‘devilish bad games’
10294. Letters in Lawson’s book on Morphy
10295. Botvinnik in Hastings (C.N. 10289)
10296. Capablanca v Ribera
10297. Tal in Stuttgart, 1958 (C.N. 4266)
10298. Secret chess contests
10299. Vlastimil Hort
10300. Bernstein v Maróczy, Ostend, 1906
10301. A novel prize
10302. The Graphic
10304. Torre and Amaro
10305. Botvinnik book
10306. Attacking the base of a piece chain
10307. The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
10308. Capablanca v Ribera (C.N. 10296)
10309. Budapest, 1921
10310. Fischer in Reykjavik
10311. Fisher v Roberts
10312. General Eurico Gaspar Dutra
10313. Beatrice Wood and Marcel Duchamp
10314. 1 h4
10315. A poem by A.C. White
10316. Znosko-Borovsky and Capablanca
10317. Article by Esther Singleton
10318. Rubinstein and Norman
10319. Two old stories
10320. B.H. Wood and his daughter
10321. Jacob Bernstein
10322. The Nimzowitsch threat/execution story
10323. Carl F. Jaenisch
10324. Edward Lasker and Claude E. Shannon
10325. 6x6 chess
10326. Bernstein v Maróczy, Ostend, 1906 (C.N. 10300)

<151> February 2017

10327. The Mac Lopez
10328. Carl F. Jaenisch (C.N. 10323)
10329. George Alan Thomas
10330. Havana, 1913
10331. Pillsbury blindfold games
10332. Candidates’ tournament, Yugoslavia, 1959
10333. Taffs and Penrose
10334. Thomas v W.J. (C.N. 10329)
10335. Emanuel Lasker
10336. Highland Queen whisky
10337. Capablanca on R.H.V. Scott
10338. Identification
10339. Spassky v Fischer, 1972 (C.N. 9761)
10340. Comments by Spassky
10341. Réti
10342. Pillsbury (C.N. 10331)
10343. Carl Walbrodt
10344. Full of holes
10345. Larsen in Denver, 1971
10346. Manila Interzonal, 1976
10347. Elaine Saunders
10348. The last knight (C.N. 10265)
10349. ‘Something like’ (C.N. 10345)
10350. Highland Queen whisky (C.N. 10336)
10351. ‘National Chess Day’
10352. Berthold Englisch
10353. Staunton’s ‘devilish bad games’ (C.N. 10293)
10354. Changes
10355. Men/people who will pick a pocket
10356. A Lasker quote
10357. Assiac
10358. H. Rinck v two amateurs
10359. Zonal tournament, 1957-58
10360. Assiac (C.N. 10357)
10361. Spoken English

<152> March 2017

10362. Photographs from The Tatler and The Bystander
10363. Euwe v Alekhine match, 1937
10364. En passant (C.N.s 3139 & 9083)
10365. Soldatenkov (C.N.s 6138 & 6144)
10366. Taffs (C.N. 10333)
10367. Arthur John Curnock (C.N.s 9022 & 9032)
10368. Another selection of photographs
10369. Photographs by G.B. Wood
10370. Soldatenkov (C.N. 10365)
10371. Smyslov v Botvinnik, Moscow, 1944
10372. Marianne Allwright
10373. Mate with two knights
10374. Mährisch-Ostrau, 1933
10375. Ilmar Raud (C.N.s 4905, 4944 & 10062)
10376. ‘One of the finest combinations ever played’ (C.N.s 8976 & 8992)
10377. Roberto the Robot
10378. Chess Openings Theory and Practice
10379. E.A. Michell and R.P. Michell
10380. Monosson v Fauque (C.N. 7921)
10381. Fischer v Grant
10382. Purdy on annotating
10383. Capablanca and the Sicilian Defence (C.N. 10344)
10384. Kmoch and Capablanca
10385. Hans Frank
10386. Fischer v Grant (C.N. 10381)
10387. Spassky v Korchnoi
10388. Le Havre, 1966
10389. Kasparov
10390. Schack i Sverige
10391. Bismarck Speaks
10392. Edward George Spencer-Churchill (1876-1964)
10393. Planning
10394. Letters written by Alexander McDonnell
10395. An interview with Blackburne
10396. Emanuel Lasker in Hamburg
10397. The Immortal Problem
10398. Morphy and Alekhine
10399. Photographic archives (26)
10400. Schuster v Carls
10401. Boomerang combination (C.N.s 9489 & 9498)
10402. The Immortal Problem (C.N. 10397)
10403. Sources for compositions

<153> April 2017

10404. Rovner v Guldin
10405. Suzana Makai (C.N. 10399)
10406. Rare queen sacrifices
10407. A quote attributed to Bogoljubow and Chigorin (C.N.s 5063 & 9647)
10408. Paradoxes regarding Réti
10409. An alleged contradiction by Réti
10410. More Lasker games
10411. Keres move by move
10412. The Staunton-Morphy affair
10413. Capablanca at AVRO, 1938
10414. The first modern grading system
10415. Winning a won game (C.N.s 2424 & 5349)
10416. A statement by Alekhine? (C.N.s 2104, 3896, 3898 & 9029)
10417. Books on the endings
10418. ‘The Greatest Tragedy in Chess History’
10419. From former times (C.N. 10163)
10420. Memory
10421. Capablanca v the Allies
10422. When in doubt ...
10423. Simultaneous displays by Morphy (C.N.s 6424 & 6496)
10424. An Alekhine letter
10425. Indian Openings
10426. Kmoch on Lasker
10427. A cartoon by Cozens
10428. Mihail Marin on the world championship
10429. Multiple sacrifices
10430. The Rou manuscript
10431. Insatiable futility
10432. Emanuel Lasker in the Netherlands

<154> May 2017

10433. Deep Thinking by Garry Kasparov
10434. Lasker and Steinitz (C.N. 10426)
10435. Quotes about Lasker
10436. Translating Nimzowitsch
10437. Another prodigy
10438. English and French quotations
10439. Fiske and hoaxes
10440. Age
10441. Maróczy games
10442. Capablanca and living chess (C.N. 4092)
10443. P-KB4 and P-KR4 (C.N. 10422)
10444. The Bxf7+/...Bb4+ theme
10445. Carlo Turchi
10446. Double Chess (C.N. 5619)
10447. The Bxf7+/...Bb4+ theme (C.N. 10444)
10448. H.T. Buckle
10449. Kestler v Pesch
10450. The Bxf7+/...Bb4+ theme (C.N.s 10444 & 10447)
10451. Spassky v Fischer, Reykjavik, 1972
10452. Stoltz v Capablanca
10453. Jottings about Coles on Nimzowitsch
10454. Complete
10455. R.N. Coles (C.N. 10453)
10456. A photograph
10457. ‘A remarkable position’
10458. Staunton
10459. W.H.K. Pollock (1859-96)
10460. The Bxf7+/...Bb4+ theme (C.N.s 10444, 10447 & 10450)
10461. Howard Staunton and acting
10462. Punctured vanity
10463. ‘The father of hypermodern chess’
10464. Morphy and Steinitz
10465. 1895 photographs
10466. Staunton and acting (C.N. 10461)

<155> June 2017

10467. Reuben Fine
10468. Jerzy Giżycki
10469. Villeneuve-Esclapon
10470. Reuben Fine (C.N. 10467)
10471. Fine’s doctorate
10472. Jerzy Giżycki (C.N. 10468)
10473. Problem prodigies
10474. Fischer v Moore
10475. Nullification (C.N. 8731)
10476. Herman Steiner
10477. The Capablancas
10478. Reshevsky and Black
10479. From former times (C.N.s 10163 & 10419)
10480. Chess Springbok
10481. Gleanings from Chess Springbok
10482. The Raubitschek brothers (C.N.s 7139 & 7155)
10483. An interview with Pillsbury
10484. A Pollock miscellany
10485. Villeneuve-Esclapon (C.N. 10469)
10486. Frank Marshall photographs
10487. Alexander v Kashdan
10488. Pillsbury’s single bishop mate (C.N. 2940)
10489. Tartakower on Rubinstein
10490. Eugene Morphy and Sammy Reshevsky
10491. Lasker in Aachen
10492. William Beverley’s knight’s tour
10493. Chessy words
10494. Land and Water
10495. Helmut Dantine and chess
10496. Mate with one bishop
10497. Gerald Abrahams on the 1972 Spassky v Fischer match
10498. From former times
10499. Conrad Veidt (1893-1943)
10500. New York, 1915
10501. The Pillsbury Bind
10502. The Immortal Game
10503. Morphy v the Duke and Count
10504. De Vere
10505. Lasker on the Immortal Chess Problem

<156> July 2017

10506. Daniels
10507. Games played by Daniels
10508. New York, 1915
10509. Walbrodt’s height (C.N.s 5832, 5913, 7570 & 7674)
10510. Chessy words
10511. Edinburgh, 1926
10512. Pillsbury and Lasker
10513. Alekhine in Tarragona
10514. A letter from A.J. Seitz to Hermann Helms
10515. Words
10516. An analytical oversight
10517. Paul Schmidt (1916-84)
10518. A letter from Shipley to Capablanca
10519. A letter from Shipley to Capablanca (C.N. 10518)
10520. Low cunning
10521. W.H.K. Pollock (C.N.s 10459 & 10484)
10522. Painting
10523. Chess shop in Prague
10524. Howard Staunton
10525. The act of criticism
10526. Chess Personalia
10527. An attacking king
10528. Portrait of Staunton
10529. Neglected
10530. Pistyan, 1912
10531. Capablanca in Dublin
10532. Letters from Seitz to Helms (C.N. 10514)
10533. Chess in the Dutch East Indies
10534. Capablanca in Dublin
10535. Beautiful but unfortunate
10536. Short on Fischer
10537. Little effort

<157> August 2017

10538. The BCM
10539. A brilliancy prize game
10540. Fine on Capablanca
10541. Early Smyslov studies
10542. John Gilbert
10543. An inscription by Botvinnik
10544. Blumberg (C.N.s 10518 & 10519)
10545. Austrian postage stamps
10546. Emanuel Lasker and hypnosis
10547. Neglected books (C.N. 10529)
10548. Henry Blumberg (C.N.s 10518, 10519 & 10544)
10549. A late Lipschütz game
10550. Quotes about Lasker
10551. Staunton problems
10552. John Carson Rather
10553. A ‘new’ Zukertort book
10554. Breyer
10555. Thirty years and three days
10556. Serafino Dubois
10557. A deciphering task
10558. Hamburg, 1930
10559. Gangster Chess
10560. As Réti ‘once’ said ...
10561. Scarce books on Fischer
10562. Mrs Pillsbury (C.N. 9458)
10563. Breyer and sources (C.N. 10554)
10564. Fauber on Breyer
10565. ‘Probably unprecedented’
10566. Horowitz on Anderssen
10567. Singapore Chess
10568. The Rookie
10569. Capablanca and sport
10570. A deciphering task (C.N. 10557)
10571. The Quarterly for Chess History
10572. Pillsbury on the Dutch Defence
10573. Argentinian chess portraits
10574. Books and magazines

<158> September 2017

10575. Smothered mate
10576. Cheapo
10577. Pillsburial
10578. F.W. Womersley
10579. The BCM
10580. Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess
10581. Charousek and the Handbuch (C.N.s 8296 & 10107)
10582. A remark ascribed to Capablanca
10583. Aristotle and Confucius
10584. Cheapo (C.N. 10576)
10585. Pillsbury v Jacobs
10586. Kaufmann and Alekhine
10587. Mr and Mrs Blackburne
10588. Aristotle
10589. ‘Interred’
10590. Réti book
10591. 14...Ng5
10592. Curt von Bardeleben (C.N. 5999)
10593. Fink v Gruer
10594. Réti book (C.N. 10590)
10595. 14...Ng5 (C.N. 10591)
10596. Guinness World Records
10597. Isaacs v Buerger (C.N. 9027)
10598. Photograph caption
10599. Herman Steiner and William Primrose
10600. Louis Persinger
10601. Games and matches
10602. Beginner’s Guide to Chess
10603. Herman Steiner and William Primrose (C.N. 10599)

<159> October 2017

10604. Alekhine photographs
10605. Combinations
10606. Albert Whiting Fox (C.N. 2169)
10607. Louis Persinger (C.N. 10600)
10608. Endgame studies
10609. Bad Pistyan, 1912 group photographs (C.N.s 3447 & 6233)
10610. Budapest, 1921
10611. Leslie Starke cartoon
10612. Casablanca (C.N. 10495)
10613. F.D. Yates and the BCM
10614. Another Fox brilliancy
10615. William Lombardy (1937-2017)
10616. Capablanca’s hand
10617. Rev. Roger John Wright
10618. White to move
10619. White to move (C.N. 10618)
10620. ‘The Immortal Blindfold Game’ (C.N.s 8564, 8567 & 8575)
10621. Alekhine photographs (C.N. 10604)
10622. Small books on Fischer’s games
10623. Combination
10624. Oxbridge photographs (C.N. 7470)
10625. Karpov quote
10626. White to move (C.N.s 10618 & 10619)
10627. Vidmar and Pirc
10628. Harold Lommer
10629. Karpov quote (C.N. 10625)
10630. Eliot Hearst and Karl Burger (C.N.s 10576 & 10584)
10631. Values

<160> November 2017

10632. Nicolas Rossolimo and judo
10633. Ray Charles
10634. Fischer and Lombardy
10635. A rusty nail
10636. An inscription by Smyslov
10637. Louis Persinger
10638. Ernest Hemingway
10639. 16 computations a second
10640. L. Verkhovsky
10641. Steinitz and Chigorin
10642. Capablanca games
10643. L. Verkhovsky (C.N. 10640)
10644. The BCM (C.N.s 10538, 10579 & 10613)
10645. Pillsbury blindfold game
10646. Steinitz and Chigorin (C.N. 10641)
10647. L. Verkhovsky (C.N.s 10640 & 10643)
10648. Capablanca in Buenos Aires
10649. Napoleonic drawing
10650. Small books on Fischer’s games (C.N. 10622)
10651. Walter Slezak (1902-83)
10652. Capablanca v Horner
10653. A common question
10654. Heidenfeld and Kreymborg
10655. Marshall in New Orleans
10656. James A. Leonard

<161> December 2017

10657. Immortal games
10658. Problem by Frank Janet
10659. Chess in New Orleans
10660. Marshall v Tarrasch photograph
10661. Breyer and sources (C.N. 10563)
10662. The parentage of Alexander McDonnell
10663. Defences
10664. Immortal games (C.N. 10657)
10665. Havana, 1952
10666. The Hand
10667. Dufresne game
10668. Chess masters on film
10669. Smyslov
10670. Dufresne game (C.N. 10667)
10671. The Evans Gambit (C.N.s 10667 & 10670)
10672. Chess logos
10673. Vladimir Nabokov and ‘Wilhelm Edmundson’
10674. Jaffe and Alekhine
10675. Harrie Grondijs (C.N. 10439)
10676. The most remarkable tactical conception
10677. Fischer and the big red book
10678. A check
10679. Ipsomania
10680. Sir George Thomas
10681. A Reshevsky column
10682. Fischer and the big red book (C.N.s 8962, 9167 & 10677)
10683. Shakespeare and chess
10684. Steinitz on Horwitz

<162> January 2018

10685. A publicity ballyhoo
10686. Fischer and the big red book (C.N.s 8962, 9167, 10677 & 10682)
10687. Two correspondence games
10688. Misogyny
10689. A peculiarity
10690. An article by Napier
10691. Genova v Modena (C.N. 10687)
10692. Primo Levi (1919-87)
10693. ‘Humorous problems’
10694. Lasker in Pilsen
10695. Grand Masters of the Chess World
10696. Problem by Frank Janet (C.N. 10658)
10697. Chess and intellect
10698. Primo Levi (C.N. 10698)
10699. Napier on chess books
10700. David Joseph
10701. The Philidors
10702. Mysterious rook moves
10703. Peacetime and wartime
10704. Mysterious rook moves (C.N. 10702)
10705. Emanuel Lasker and poker
10706. A miniature
10707. Wilhelm Therkatz (C.N. 6723)
10708. A tall problemist
10709. A musical
10710. Gold v White
10711. Problems by Janowsky
10712. Claude Bloodgood (C.N.s 9207 & 9222)
10713. Lasker v Janowsky
10714. Illa and Capablanca
10715. Emanuel Lasker’s early years
10716. Tarrasch v Lasker
10717. Lasker v Janowsky (C.N. 10713)
10718. Lasker in Buenos Aires
10719. Capablanca in Buenos Aires (C.N.s 10648 & 10714)
10720. Llandudno, 1895

<163> February 2018

10721. Capablanca in San Francisco, 1916
10722. A miniature (C.N. 10706)
10723. A mysterious book (C.N.s 3087, 4991, 5004 & 8722)
10724. Emanuel Lasker in 1886-88
10725. A study by Wolfgang Heidenfeld
10726. Capablanca and Lasker, Moscow, 1925
10727. Emanuel Lasker in 1886-88 (C.N. 10724)
10728. Judy/Stella (C.N.s 9793 & 9798)
10729. Chess in Argentina
10730. Vienna, 1898
10731. St Petersburg, 1895-96
10732. Fischer and Kasparov
10733. Alekhine playing blindfold
10734. A tall problemist (C.N. 10708)
10735. Judy/Stella (C.N.s 9793, 9798 & 10728)
10736. Hippocrates
10737. Two correspondence games (C.N.s 10687 & 10691)
10738. Judy/Stella (C.N.s 9793, 9798, 10728 & 10735)
10739. Capablanca v Morse
10740. Eliot Hearst (1932-2018)
10741. An antidote to scaccocentricity
10742. Chess in Argentina (C.N. 10729)
10743. Vienna, 1908
10744. Capablanca in New Orleans (C.N. 10739)
10745. Endgame studies
10746. Capablanca in New Orleans (C.N.s 10739 & 10744)
10747. Stormy petrels (C.N. 8191)
10748. Lasker v Janowsky (C.N.s 10713 & 10717)
10749. Chess in Argentina (C.N.s 10729 & 10742)

<164> March 2018

10750. Fischer and women
10751. Tempi
10752. Grünfeld and Gereben
10753. The Sunday Express
10754. Morphy v Paulsen, New York, 1857
10755. Spencer/Silberberg/Silverberg
10756. Emanuel Lasker and draughts/checkers (C.N.s 4630 & 4662)
10757. Spielmann brilliancy (C.N. 10752)
10758. Early recognition of Smyslov (C.N. 6516)
10759. Curiosities
10760. Zukertort, Pillsbury and Bernstein
10761. Emanuel Lasker and the Café Kaiserhof tournament
10762. Lasker’s combination against von Heydebreck
10763. Lasker and the Breslau, 1889 tournament
10764. Budapest, 1928 and other footage
10765. Steinitz’s decline
10766. A note by Santasiere
10767. Blumin v Stephens
10768. Trompowsky and Alekhine
10769. The English mind
10770. Books on Nigel Short
10771. Tarrasch quote (C.N.s 4868, 4877 & 5121)
10772. Champion of Europe
10773. Under-rated
10774. Books on Nigel Short (C.N. 10770)
10775. Reshevsky in simultaneous play
10776. Janowsky and Maas
10777. Two endgames
10778. Tempi (C.N. 10751)
10779. Tenner v Feldman
10780. Ortueta v Sanz
10781. The Rice Gambit (C.N. 6857)
10782. Ortueta v Sanz (C.N. 10780)
10783. Two endgames (C.N. 10777)
10784. Peter Winston

<165> April 2018

10785. Howard Staunton and the Earl of Carlisle
10786. Helms brilliancies
10787. Helms v Tenner (C.N. 10786)
10788. American deans
10789. The Rice Gambit (C.N.s 6857 & 10781)
10790. A Punch cartoon
10791. Other deans (C.N. 10788)
10792. Eddie Mair
10793. The Sunday Express (C.N.s 10700, 10745 & 10753)
10794. The Daily Express
10795. Where was Hermann Helms born?
10796. Helms v Roething
10797. Otto Roething
10798. Teichmann’s king march
10799. Theta (C.N.s 3780 & 9272)
10800. McConnell v Pillsbury
10801. Games by Lord Dunsany and Sir John Simon
10802. Quiz question
10803. Arthur Koestler
10804. Otto Roething (C.N. 10797)
10805. Which move has just been played? (C.N. 10802)
10806. Torre v N.N.
10807. Elaine Saunders
10808. Fischer and the big red book (C.N.s 8962, 9167, 10677, 10682 & 10686)
10809. Earlier appearances sought
10810. At the end of the 1927 world championship match
10811. Blackburne games

<166> May 2018

10812. Capablanca’s hand (C.N. 10616)
10813. Bierwirth v Roething
10814. Photographs from L’Echiquier
10815. Why contributors contribute
10816. Mason v Winawer
10817. Addresses
10818. C.S. Kipping (C.N. 10814)
10819. Staunton v Harrwitz, 1846
10820. Capablanca v Stewart
10821. Paul Morphy Cup
10822. The 1927 world championship match (C.N. 10810)
10823. Hartston quotes
10824. Lasker and Steinitz
10825. The Rice Gambit (C.N.s 6857, 10781 & 10789)
10826. Lasker’s Manual of Chess
10827. Fischer cartoon
10828. Bent Larsen and 1 b3
10829. Simultaneous displays by Carlos Torre
10830. Capablanca in New Orleans
10831. Jeremy Gaige
10832. Character
10833. Capablanca v LeRoy Smith
10834. Rogelio Caparrós
10835. Bent Larsen and ties (C.N. 10828)
10836. Photographs from L’Echiquier (C.N. 10814)
10837. Purdy on Zugzwang
10838. Zugzwang
10839. Evgeny Vasiukov (1933-2018)
10840. Hartston quotes
10841. 25 years ago
10842. Alekhine at the piano (C.N. 7290)
10843. Legal cases
10844. Good and bad bishops (C.N. 7769)
10845. Nimzowitsch on the radio
10846. Capablanca in Philadelphia (C.N.s 10820 & 10833)
10847. The usefulness, or otherwise, of chess
10848. Legal cases (C.N. 10843)
10849. Mason and Morphy
10850. Pseudo-intellectualism

<167> June 2018

10851. Capablanca v Snowden
10852. I. Gunsberg v T.H. Moore
10853. Blackburne in Newcastle
10854. J.H. Blackburne v H.W. Hawks (C.N. 8294)
10855. Golombek
10856. Interviews
10857. The Rice Gambit (C.N.s 6857, 10781, 10789 & 10825)
10858. The Lasker v Schlechter title match conditions
10859. Alekhine smoking story (C.N. 5169)
10860. Princess Tatiana Wiasemsky/Wiazemsky (C.N.s 7633 & 9229)
10861. Chess Personalia
10862. 1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5
10863. Dawid Janowsky
10864. Janowsky on Rubinstein
10865. Norwegian chess history
10866. Patreon
10867. A drawn game
10868. Register of visitors
10869. Janowsky’s final days (C.N. 10776)
10870. Pillsbury odds game
10871. Zollner v Heywood
10872. Further games by George C. Heywood
10873. Obituary of G.C. Heywood
10874. Games played by H.J.R. Murray
10875. Chess cartoons
10876. Philidor
10877. Zollner games
10878. Hitler and Lenin (C.N. 4055)
10879. The Portuguese Opening
10880. The quality of justice
10881. Chess and bridge
10882. Louis Zollner
10883. Philip H. Williams
10884. The Hector of Chess
10885. Torre in Boston (C.N. 10829)
10886. The Portuguese Opening (C.N. 10879)
10887. London, 1922
10888. Nelson v van Lennep
10889. Teichmann v N.N.
10890. The Irish Gambit
10891. ‘The father of modern chess’ (C.N. 8687)
10892. California photographs
10893. Sussex Chess Association
10894. Another Punch cartoon
10895. Hieronymus Fischer
10896. The Chess Album (C.N.s 10882 & 10883)
10897. The Portuguese Opening (C.N.s 10879 & 10897)
10898. An important figure

<168> July 2018

10899. Yugoslav photographs
10900. Nicifor v Kramer
10901. Alekhine in Almería
10902. Golombeks
10903. A.G. Condé
10904. Grandmasters
10905. The 1953 Candidates’ tournament
10906. Greed
10907. Unexplained
10908. The Marshalls
10909. Capablanca v Marshall, New York, 1918
10910. Capablanca v Marshall, New York, 1918 (C.N. 10909)
10911. Chaos in a miniature
10912. A mysterious composition (C.N.s 145, 187, 2705 & 10146)
10913. Budapest, 1896
10914. Capablanca v Marshall, New York, 1918 (C.N. 10909)
10915. Tartakower on Schlechter
10916. Swedish photographs
10917. Pillsbury v Thompson
10918. Tartakower on bizarre openings
10919. Oldest chess photograph (C.N.s 5977, 5985 & 10119)
10920. Queen offer on b6
10921. Chess enthusiast and mathematician
10922. Capablanca v Jaynes
10923. FIDE politics: a basic question
10924. E. Palkin (C.N. 10909)
10925. Charles Jaffe
10926. Newspaper cuttings
10927. Najdorf in Israel
10928. Alekhine’s articles
10929. The complexity of chess
10930. Consultation games
10931. Chess Fever (C.N.s 3987 & 3992)
10932. Abe Turner
10933. Ruy López
10934. Kostić’s memory (C.N. 6331)
10935. Kurt Burger (C.N.s 10576, 10584 & 10630)
10936. Koltanowski
10937. Behind the French lines

<169> August 2018

10938. Correspondence between Capablanca and Prokofiev
10939. Ulrich Geilmann
10940. Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle
10941. A Bowl of Cherries (C.N. 10932)
10942. Multiple playing sessions
10943. F.N. Jaynes (C.N. 10922)
10944. Philipp Hirschfeld
10945. Correspondence between Capablanca and Prokofiev (C.N. 10938)
10946. Bjelica and Alexander
10947. Goldberg v Keres
10948. Marshall and Reshevsky
10949. Emanuel Lasker and Shakespeare
10950. Fischer and women (C.N. 10750)
10951. A famous game revisited
10952. Capablanca in Buffalo
10953. Zollner v Heywood (C.N. 10871)
10954. Editorial opinions
10955. Hastings, 1895 (C.N. 9957)
10956. Talk of a Botvinnik v Fischer match
10957. Correspondence between Capablanca and Prokofiev (C.N.s 10938 & 10945)
10958. Bobby Fischer and Henry Kissinger
10959. Misattribution
10960. Hastings, 1922
10961. Alekhine and the openings
10962. Ghosts (C.N. 3229)
10963. Universities’ cable match
10964. Zollner v Heywood (C.N.s 10871 & 10953)
10965. Nineteenth-century portraits (C.N. 3478)
10966. Camille Moriau (C.N. 9441)
10967. W.H. Cozens and J.R. Schroeder
10968. White to move
10969. Correspondence between Capablanca and Prokofiev (C.N.s 10938, 10945 & 10957)
10970. Chess and women
10971. General amusement
10972. A.B. Hodges’ father-in-law
10973. Chielamangus
10974. A diablerie
10975. CHESS
10976. Interviews with Fischer and Spassky in 1972
10977. Lasker’s voice
10978. Front-page news and advertisement
10979. Theory and practice
10980. George Koltanowski
10981. Photographs from L’Echiquier (C.N.s 10814 & 10836)
10982. Maxwell Bukofzer
10983. Purdy on Spassky v Fischer
10984. Proposed reform of the stalemate rule
10985. Gerald Abrahams
10986. Capablanca in Buenos Aires, 1914 (C.N. 10951)
10987. Fischer’s royalties
10988. Eley v Pachman (C.N. 7663)

<170> September 2018

10989. Possible Fischer events
10990. Juniors
10991. Capablanca in 1909
10992. Resignation
10993. ‘Book of the Year’
10994. Chess and war
10995. Hans Müller
10996. The Wallace murder case
10997. Resignation (C.N. 10992)
10998. Alekhine in San Francisco
10999. The grandmaster title
11000. A simultaneous display by Josef Krejcik
11001. Castling the adversary’s queen
11002. Scheveningen, 1923
11003. FIDE politics: a basic question (C.N. 10923)
11004. Pitiful
11005. The choice of openings
11006. A simultaneous display by Josef Krejcik (C.N. 11000)
11007. White to move
11008. Victor Rush
11009. Los Angeles, 1940
11010. Grossmeister
11011. The Wallace murder case
11012. Josef Krejcik (C.N.s 11000 & 11006)
11013. Morgan on Chernev
11014. London, 1927
11015. 1 d4 Nf6
11016. Morphy v Anderssen (C.N. 9519)
11017. Alekhine’s château (C.N.s 4250, 4251, 4262 & 4345)
11018. Records
11019. Nice, 1974
11020. Lasker v Euwe
11021. Alekhine v Capablanca
11022. Incomplete
11023. Kasparov interview for learners of Russian
11024. The Predecessors series (C.N. 9839)
11025. Maróczy in conversation
11026. Chess and politics
11027. Marshall v Chernev
11028. A 1934 chess cartoon
11029. A very scarce periodical
11030. Ludwig Steinkohl
11031. Krishnamachari/Krishnamachariar (C.N. 11020)
11032. Press-room analysis
11033. A reference to Steinitz
11034. Krishnamachari/Krishnamachariar
11035. A famous game revisited (C.N. 10951)
11036. One move deep

<171> October 2018

11037. Castling twice
11038. The catastrophe of chess play
11039. Purdy on Capablanca
11040. The Bordell case
11041. Heidenfeld v Kerins (C.N. 11037)
11042. Mecking
11043. Moshe Czerniak
11044. An old ending
11045. Possible Fischer events (C.N. 10989)
11046. Chess is what you see
11047. Another Pillsbury problem (C.N.s 702, 3751 & 9458)
11048. Good and bad bishops (C.N.s 7769 & 10844)
11049. Euwe v Donner
11050. Tom Driberg and John Rety
11051. A legal judgment on the educational value of chess
11052. Tartakower v N.N.
11053. Quotes by Fenton and Golombek
11054. Flohr on Capablanca (C.N.s 11039 & 11043)
11055. The Bordell case
11056. Plagiarism in CHESS
11057. Endeavour and Poirot
11058. Fischer v Bolbochán
11059. Déjà vu
11060. Fenton and Cubison
11061. R.D. Yates (C.N.s 4425 & 11046)
11062. Scientist/monk/beast of prey (C.N.s 6587, 6596, 8138 & 8958)
11063. Copenhagen, 1946 (C.N. 9477)
11064. Responsibilities
11065. W.H. Cubison (C.N. 11060)
11066. Draughts/checkers
11067. Planning
11068. Ernest Kim (C.N.s 8884, 8886, 9742 & 9756)
11069. William H. Cubison (C.N.s 11060 & 11065)
11070. A new book on Emanuel Lasker
11071. Sty-nits
11072. Kurt Landsberger
11073. Ludwig Steinkohl (C.N. 11030)
11074. Jackson Whipps Showalter
11075. Bird and Buckle
11076. Reading
11077. Aaron Alexandre
11078. My 60 Memorable Games and Modern Chess Brilliancies (C.N. 11058)
11079. Colle and Menchik
11080. The Slav Defence
11081. Capablanca in Paris (C.N. 6481)

<172> November 2018

11082. Calvi (C.N.s 1827 & 1836)
11083. Fischer and the FBI
11084. American chess masters
11085. Fischer film
11086. P.N. Izmailov
11087. William Winter and Lilliput
11088. Chess shirts
11089. Chess metaphors
11090. Adolf Anderssen
11091. A Canadian chess film
11092. Buenos Aires Olympiad, 1939
11093. Chess shirts (C.N. 11088)
11094. Lasker v Tarrasch, 1908
11095. Lasker v Capablanca, 1921
11096. Fischer caricature (C.N.s 8721, 8724 & 8778)
11097. Computer pairings
11098. The Rossolimo Variation of the Sicilian Defence
11099. The graves of Capablanca and Alekhine
11100. Fischer caricature (C.N.s 8721, 8724, 8778 & 11096)
11101. Miss Cotton
11102. The parentage of John Cochrane
11103. Another Fischer photograph
11104. Miss Cotton (C.N. 11101)
11105. Faster or easier wins
11106. John Cochrane (C.N. 11102)
11107. Miss Cotton (C.N.s 11101 & 11104)
11108. Kurt Richter
11109. Kurt Lüdecke (C.N.s 3449, 3453, 3456, 3541 & 3761)
11110. Leipzig, 1960
11111. Miss Cotton (C.N.s 11101, 11104 & 11107)
11112. When in doubt ... (C.N.s 10422 & 10443)
11113. FIDE federations
11114. Birdie Reeve
11115. Belgrade, 1970
11116. Under-water chess
11117. A large chess display
11118. The Mozart of Chess
11119. Lasker and Reshevsky
11120. The number of chessplayers
11121. Ceremonial opening moves
11122. Comins Mansfield’s letter to Adolf Hitler

<173> December 2018

11123. Openings monotony
11124. Charosh v L. Jaffe (C.N.s 3619 & 8023)
11125. The 1930 Spanish championship
11126. Carlsen v Caruana e-book
11127. Journalistic folly
11128. Brin-Jonathan Butler (C.N. 11084)
11129. The Australian Nimzowitsch
11130. A new Lasker book
11131. Reinfeld and Chernev on Steinitz
11132. Fairy chess
11133. Chess and draughts/checkers
11134. Oversights
11135. Chess maxims
11136. Steinitz brilliancy
11137. Alekhine v Euwe (C.N. 11134)
11138. Rudolf-Spielmann-Platz
11139. Lasker v Tarrasch, 1908
11140. Lasker v Janowsky, 1909
11141. ‘An Unhonoured Genius’
11142. Stuffing, guts and dents
11143. Guillermo Puiggrós
11144. Pawn sacrifices (C.N. 9859)
11145. Lasker v Tarrasch, 1908
11146. The Corkscrew Counter-Gambit
11147. The number of chessplayers
11148. Underpromotion
11149. Gamelets
11150. EEC/EU chess events
11151. Equality
11152. CHESS The Musical
11153. David Robb
11154. Vassily Soldatenkov
11155. Janowsky on Emanuel Lasker
11156. How to pronounce Nimzowitsch
11157. Zukertort in Cincinnati
11158. Thomas v Macdonald
11159. Was Alexander McDonnell a soldier?
11160. A blindfold miniature by John Warcup Cornforth

<174> January 2019

11161. Courtesy
11162. Fraser v N.N. (C.N. 11149)
11163. Bonar Law v Aurbach
11164. Humour in the opening
11165. 64
11166. Psychology
11167. ‘Before the death of Alekhine in 1946’
11168. Vogue
11169. Reshevsky v Fischer
11170. Léonard Tauber (C.N.s 7821 & 7830)
11171. On board the Llangibby Castle
11172. Intellectual gymnastics
11173. An unidentified figure
11174. Bird v Lasker
11175. Opposite-coloured bishops
11176. Modern chess and the good old days
11177. Alekhine v Alexander
11178. ‘The Immortal Lightning Game’
11179. Lasker on development
11180. Chigorin engraving (C.N. 5686)
11181. Johannes Metger (C.N. 11141)
11182. ‘The Immortal Lightning Game’ (C.N. 11178)
11183. Meyer v Hirschfeld
11184. De mortuis
11185. Opposite-coloured bishops (C.N. 11175)
11186. Barry Martin on chess history
11187. Hutagalung and Purdy
11188. Opposite-coloured bishops (C.N.s 11175 & 11185)
11189. Chess bibles
11190. V.P. v A. Aurbach
11191. Unsound combinations
11192. Pilnik v Najdorf
11193. Alekhine v Capablanca
11194. Mastery
11195. Lasker in fiction
11196. The number of chessplayers (C.N. 11147)
11197. Newspaper chess columns
11198. Past and present
11199. Reshevsky’s date of birth
11200. Reshevsky with Marshall and Hodges
11201. A dog-fight
11202. L. Lindheimer
11203. Costumes for living chess
11204. The antidote for the poison in gambits
11205. Hönlinger v Eliskases
11206. Oskam v Reyss

<175> February 2019

11207. Double bishop sacrifice (C.N. 2673)
11208. Rude book reviews
11209. ‘Known on the Continent as ...’ (C.N. 10173)
11210. Bent Larsen and 1 b3 (C.N. 10828)
11211. Double bishop sacrifice (C.N.s 2673 & 11207)
11212. Norman Tweed Whitaker (C.N. 11184)
11213. Whitaker in Chess Life & Review
11214. Chess in Hastings
11215. ‘The greatest annotator who ever lived’
11216. G.W. Medley
11217. Spielmann on Masters of the Chess Board
11218. L. Lindheimer
11219. Buenos Aires, 1927
11220. Pilnik v Ólafsson
11221. Capablanca’s influence on Benko
11222. Fischer v Benko, and simultaneous displays
11223. Lugano, 1968
11224. Oskam v Reyss (C.N. 11206)
11225. Réti on Morphy
11226. The Termination
11227. Translations
11228. Réti on Capablanca
11229. Paranoia
11230. Chess in Hastings (C.N. 11214)
11231. Hastings photographs
11232. The Quarterly for Chess History
11233. Ortueta v Sanz, Madrid, 1933
11234. A dog fight (C.N. 11201)
11235. The origins
11236. Alekhine and the 1936 Olympiad in Munich
11237. Living chess at Kalamazoo
11238. Who?
11239. Lasker and psychology
11240. Unfulfilled hopes
11241. An interview with Emanuel Lasker
11242. A three-mover by Valentín Marín

<176> March 2019

11243. Spassky v Fischer, 1972
11244. Who? (C.N. 11238)
11245. A problem by Bernard (C.N. 11242)
11246. A game against Death
11247. Guerra Boneo v De Witt (C.N. 8576)
11248. Isidor Gunsberg
11249. James Mortimer
11250. Further information about James Mortimer
11251. A three-mover by Mortimer
11252. The dead and the living
11253. A three-mover by Mortimer (C.N. 11251)
11254. Anderssen and Anderssen
11255. The Evans Gambit
11256. The death of James Mortimer (C.N. 11250)
11257. Three-movers (C.N.s 11242 & 11245)
11258. Masters of the past
11259. Śliwa v Bronstein
11260. Capablanca and Alekhine
11261. Knights of the Round Table
11262. Calder-Smith v Katz
11263. Potter and the Encyclopaedia Britannica
11264. The death of James Mortimer (C.N.s 11250 & 11256)
11265. Facts, non-facts and interpretations
11266. More Capablanca photographs
11267. Bobby Fischer and Barbra Streisand (C.N. 4966)
11268. Pillsbury in hospital
11269. Exceptional games
11270. Facts, non-facts and interpretations (C.N. 11265)
11271. Articles by Juan Corzo
11272. Capablanca’s memory
11273. James Mortimer
11274. Prague, 1905
11275. Levitzky v Marshall

<177> April 2019

11276. Press coverage of Nottingham, 1936
11277. Emanuel Lasker and London, 1922
11278. Buenos Aires, 1927 (C.N. 11219)
11279. Dishonesty
11280. Advice from Alekhine
11281. Goldschmied v Preinhälter
11282. ‘Sing a song of Staunton’ (C.N. 11279)
11283. George H. Derrickson
11284. Emanuel Lasker and London, 1922 (C.N. 11277)
11285. Pulcherio and pulchritude
11286. How to pronounce Nimzowitsch (C.N. 11156)
11287. Louis Paulsen
11288. Sämisch v Whitaker match (C.N. 11213)
11289. Gheorghiu v Quinteros (C.N. 7261)
11290. F.W. Womersley
11291. Charles Henry Stanley (C.N.s 3503 & 4955)
11292. Howell v Tietjen
11293. Lasker v Schlechter
11294. Morphy and checkers
11295. Posters and advertisements
11296. Capablanca playing simultaneously (C.N. 7704)
11297. Sketches of Capablanca and Alekhine
11298. Kostić v Zollner
11299. Albin v Réti
11300. Timothy Whitworth (1932-2019)
11301. Chick Evans with Alekhine and Edward Lasker
11302. Florin Gheorghiu
11303. Another Capablanca sketch
11304. David Andrew Mitchell
11305. Lasker v Schlechter
11306. Chick Evans with Alekhine and Edward Lasker (C.N. 11301)
11307. Bogoljubow v Alekhine
11308. Ortvin Sarapu (C.N.s 9477 & 11063)
11309. A 1936 game
11310. Fred Reinfeld
11311. The Capablanca v Corzo match
11312. Vienna, 1895-96
11313. James Cooper Warner

<178> May 2019

11314. Emanuel Lasker and draughts/checkers
11315. Fred Reinfeld
11316. Hereford, 1885
11317. Links to Cuban publications
11318. Caras y Caretas
11319. Staunton and Harrwitz
11320. Blindfold display by Carl Schlechter
11321. John Wisker
11322. Morphy and checkers (C.N. 11294)
11323. Adolf Anderssen v Lionel Kieseritzky
11324. Drawn endgame (C.N.s 3379 & 3516)
11325. Morphy letters
11326. Books about Capablanca
11327. How to learn chess
11328. Goulding Brown
11329. Staunton and Harrwitz (C.N. 11319)
11330. The Club Argentino de Ajedrez
11331. Letters from Jacques Mieses to D.J. Morgan
11332. Filiberto Terrazas v Fidel Castro
11333. Lasker v Janowsky matches
11334. Relationships (C.N. 4960)
11335. A composition by Keres
11336. Capablanca and Gedroiz (C.N.s 10196 & 10201)
11337. Capablanca speaking on his 50th birthday
11338. Yates and Schlechter
11339. Alekhine’s vase (C.N.s 3697 & 9924)

<179> June 2019

11340. Correspondence between Capablanca and Bonar Law
11341. The Club Argentino de Ajedrez (C.N. 11330)
11342. Frank Marshall consultation game
11343. H. du Bourblanc (C.N.s 8017 & 8029)
11344. Spelling
11345. A composition by Keres (C.N. 11335)
11346. Chess play and problems
11347. Frank Marshall consultation game (C.N. 11342)
11348. Napoleon Bonaparte
11349. The Club Argentino de Ajedrez (C.N.s 11330 & 11341)
11350. The Sibyl
11351. An article by Tartakower
11352. Old age
11353. G.H. Diggle
11354. Rubinstein at Budapest, 1926
11355. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N.s 5667, 5697, 6312 & 7724)
11356. Qh6
11357. When was the Immortal Game played?
11358. Prince Gedroiz/Gedroits (C.N.s 10196, 10201 & 11336)
11359. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N.s 5667, 5697, 6312, 7724 & 11355)
11360. Collusion (C.N. 4634)
11361. Alekhine and cats (C.N.s 4794, 5575, 8301, 9778 & 10054)
11362. Erling Tholfsen v Leo Edward
11363. Emanuel Lasker and draughts/checkers (C.N. 11314)
11364. The Immortal Game (C.N. 11357)
11365. Ostend, 1907
11366. David James Thouless
11367. Chess as a game or science (C.N. 11348)
11368. An article by Juan Corzo
11369. Photographs from La Nación
11370. An interview with Curt von Bardeleben (C.N. 10257)
11371. Caricatures
11372. Mutilated game-score (C.N.s 4075, 4084 & 4093)
11373. Alekhine’s death
11374. Zurich, 1934
11375. Mate with an en passant capture
11376. Grünfeld v Alekhine, Carlsbad, 1923
11377. Moscow, 1925
11378. An alleged Mieses v Post position
11379. Havana, 1966
11381. Anderssen v Kieseritzky
11382. Mate with an en passant capture (C.N. 11375)
11383. Tournaments in Gijón
11384. Erling Tholfsen and Leo Edward (C.N. 11362)
11385. Smyslov’s first chess book
11386. Nimzowitsch v Ståhlberg match
11387. Salo Flohr (C.N.s 6319 & 6327)
11388. Golombek v Fazekas

<180> July 2019

11389. An alleged Mieses v Post position (C.N. 11378)
11390. Hastings, 1954-55
11391. Withers v Justice
11392. John Cochrane (C.N. 11102)
11393. US accounts for the 1935 Olympiad
11394. Reinfeld on annotating
11395. A Pleci story
11396. The altar of topicality
11397. Lasker v Capablanca in 1906
11398. George Henry Mackenzie and James Parker Barnett
11399. Alekhine’s date of birth
11400. Draw offers
11401. Keys and key-moves (C.N. 5294)
11402. Carlsbad, 1929
11403. Dutch players (C.N.s 5408 & 5416)
11404. Cased image (C.N.s 6018 & 7390)
11405. A Countess from Hong Kong
11406. Frank James Marshall
11407. Lasker v Schlechter
11408. Threats
11409. G.H.D. Gossip
11410. Alekhine in the Second World War
11411. Incorrigible writers about chess
11412. Alexander McDonnell
11413. Capablanca and Caparrós
11414. Claims about Alekhine (C.N. 11410)
11415. The two-mover
11416. Misattribution
11417. Fast chess
11418. Combinations
11419. Masters and cats
11420. Alekhine v Euwe match, 1926-27
11421. The knight move
11422. Non-Spielmann quote (C.N. 11411)
11423. Immortal
11424. Elijah Williams
11425. ‘Presumably’
11426. Saidy on the front cover of Chess Life
11427. An old joke
11428. When was Labourdonnais born?
11429. Paul Truong

<181> August 2019

11430. Resigning (C.N. 6884)
11431. Exact dates
11432. Claims about Alekhine (C.N.s 11410 & 11414)
11433. Staunton and Harrwitz (C.N. 11319)
11434. Karl Hamppe
11435. Non-chess books by Gerald Abrahams
11436. Statistics
11437. The 1921 world championship match in Havana
11438. L. Kieseritzky
11439. Berlin, 1897
11440. Euwe in Cuba, 1947
11441. The Nimzo-Indian Defence (C.N.s 7677 & 11156)
11442. Notes by Steinitz
11443. Kings of the Chessboard
11444. Grandmasters
11445. Photographs of Capablanca
11446. William Joyce (1906-46)
11447. Capablanca and Marshall
11448. The Giuoco Piano
11449. Pointed out
11450. Leonard Barden
11451. Ming Ming
11452. Speeches (C.N. 9230)
11453. Simultaneous display by Marshall (C.N. 11447)
11454. The Ruy López (C.N.s 9298 & 9305)
11455. Bognor Regis, 1955
11456. Kasparov’s Predecessors books
11457. Prince Gedroiz/Gedroits (C.N.s 10196, 10201, 11336 & 11358)
11458. Pal Benko (1928-2019)
11459. Grünfeld’s grave (C.N. 5733)
11460. Pillsbury v Conen
11461. Schlechter photograph
11462. Shinkman composition

<182> September 2019

11463. ‘Supposed to have been composed ...’
11464. Ming Ming (C.N. 11451)
11465. Difficult to identify
11466. Opening theory
11467. Opening nomenclature
11468. A letter from Ernst Falkbeer
11469. 3...g5 in the Ruy López
11470. Mohammed Naguib
11471. Neologisms
11472. Dale Brandreth (1931-2019)
11473. Basic checking
11474. Records
11475. George VI
11476. Nardshir
11477. ‘Can Black win?’
11478. Grandmaster
11479. Pulped
11480. Interviews in Izvestia (C.N. 8045)
11481. A Thomas Cook tour
11482. 3...g5 in the Ruy López (C.N. 11469)
11483. Adolf Zinkl’s grave (C.N. 6685)
11484. Interviews in Izvestia (C.N.s 8045 & 11480)
11485. Annotating and crediting
11486. Fines
11487. Die Bühne
11488. The Grünfeld Defence
11489. Capablanca cartoon
11490. Venice, 1949

<183> October 2019

11491. Lucy Knox (1756-1824)
11492. When was Labourdonnais born? (C.N. 11428)
11493. Hans Müller’s grave
11494. H.L. Brooke
11495. Ortueta v Sanz
11496. A letter from the Princess of Wales
11497. Lasker at Nottingham, 1936
11498. Frank Wilson Wynne
11499. A new Capablanca work
11500. H.L. Brooke (C.N. 11494)
11501. Sir Umar Hayat Khan
11502. Frank Wilson Wynne (C.N. 11498)
11503. The Dragon Variation
11504. Glasgow Weekly Herald
11505. Emanuel Lasker
11506. A constant struggle
11507. Frank Wilson Wynne (C.N.s 11498 & 11502)
11508. Alekhine v Evensson
11509. Repetition of position?
11510. Remarks attributed to Emanuel Lasker
11511. The Leopold Löwy overcoat story
11512. Repetition of position? (C.N. 11509)
11513. Israeli photograph collection
11514. Who?
11515. Luck
11516. The rook
11517. The Vančura position
11518. Reuben Fine
11519. Gabriel Wood
11520. Leopold Löwy (C.N. 11511)
11521. Georg Marco
11522. The rook (C.N. 11516)
11523. Krotki v South
11524. Staunton medallions
11525. Lasker, Janowsky and Nardus
11526. Who? (C.N. 11514)
11527. Leopold Löwy (C.N.s 11511, 11520 & 11521)
11528. Overcoats (C.N. 11511)
11529. The Max Lange Attack

<184> November 2019

11530. The Moves That Matter
11531. Capablanca caricatures
11532. Leopold Löwy (C.N.s 11511, 11520, 11521 & 11527)
11533. Richard Réti (C.N.s 4834, 4856 & 5335)
11534. Sourceless quotes
11535. Fiction
11536. A constant struggle (C.N. 11506)
11537. Morphy v the Duke and Count
11538. Lipke playing blindfold (C.N. 9130)
11539. Levenfish book (C.N. 8520)
11540. Guinness World Records
11541. Morphy v the Duke and Count (C.N. 11537)
11542. F.M. Edge
11543. Fischer in Münster
11544. Retracting moves in simultaneous displays
11545. F.D. Yates
11546. H.G. Wells
11547. Niels Lie and Arne Desler
11548. Schoolboys
11549. Capablanca v Kalantarov
11550. Halprin
11551. Alexander Halprin
11552. Bishop takes pawn
11553. Death at the board
11554. P.H. Williams
11555. Rapid transit tournament
11556. ‘Book of the year’
11557. Harry Golombek
11558. Golombek’s grandmaster title
11559. Vázquez on Capablanca
11560. Further Capablanca items
11561. Bird and Mackenzie in Bristol
11562. Fischer and the Hedgehog
11563. Capablanca pictures
11564. Hands (C.N.s 10616 & 10812)
11565. Vladimir Simagin
11566. Fast chess (C.N. 11555)
11567. Lasker playing Laska
11568. Staunton ‘the Bird’
11569. Botvinnik’s columbarium
11570. Leopold Löwy (C.N.s 11511, 11520, 11521, 11527 & 11532)
11571. Group photograph (C.N.s 7727 & 11563)
11572. Lasker in Weston-super-Mare
11573. Danish photographs
11574. Capablanca and Valderrama (C.N.s 7727, 11563 & 11571)
11575. J.H. Zukertort’s alleged accomplishments

<185> December 2019

11576. J.H. Zukertort’s alleged accomplishments (C.N. 11575)
11577. Alekhine and Capablanca in St Petersburg
11578. What should White play?
11579. Octogenarians
11580. Vladimir Simagin (C.N. 11565)
11581. Alekhine and Capablanca in St Petersburg (C.N. 11577)
11582. What should White play? (C.N. 11578)
11583. Writing
11584. The 1910 world championship match
11585. Tal and Lasker
11586. Bleak House
11587. A.E. van Foreest
11588. Death at chess
11589. A surfeit of news
11590. A scarcity of news
11591. Dimitrije Bjelica
11592. Kurajica in Sarajevo
11593. Rude reviews (C.N.s 7575, 9376 & 11208)
11594. Örebro, 1938
11595. Capablanca and Fonst
11596. Capablanca v Kalantarov
11597. Alekhine and Capablanca in St Petersburg (C.N.s 11577 & 11581)
11598. Capablanca and Finis Barton
11599. Hands (C.N.s 10616, 10812 & 11564)
11600. Nonagenarians
11601. Vienna
11602. Alekhine at the French ladies’ championship
11603. Nonagenarians (C.N. 11600)
11604. Capablanca and Fonst (C.N. 11595)
11605. Capablanca v Kalantarov (C.N. 11596)
11606. Capablanca and Finis Barton (C.N.s 3454 & 11598)
11607. Alekhine in Paris
11608. Capablanca in 1912
11609. Boris Kostić in Havana
11610. Kleczyński and Rubinstein
11611. A long Australian game
11612. Strategy and tactics
11613. Alekhine at the French ladies’ championship (C.N. 11602)
11614. Renaud and Crépeaux
11615. Georges Renaud
11616. Alekhine in Paris (C.N. 11607)
11617. Puzzles
11618. Daniel Harrwitz
11619. Lajos Steiner on Gyula Breyer
11620. Milan Vidmar
11621. A flash-light tournament
11622. Daniel Harrwitz (C.N. 11618)
11623. Anderssen v Harrwitz (C.N.s 6987 & 6993)
11624. Harrwitz’s defeat of Morphy
11625. Zukertort v Strauss
11626. Capablanca at the House of Commons
11627. Capablanca v Judge Bryn Roberts
11628. Capablanca in Chess Pie
11629. Cigarette card
11630. Alekhine and Tartakower
11631. Analysis
11632 ‘The Mozart of Chess’
11633. ‘Edward Herley’
11634. ‘All rook endgames are drawn’ (C.N.s 5498, 5585, 5726, 5822 & 10012)
11635. The Castillo del Príncipe, Havana (C.N. 5789)
11636. ‘Edward Herley’ (C.N. 11633)
11637. Coinages
11638. A fortress
11639. Ortueta v Sanz
11640. Vladimir Korolkov
11641. FIDE flag
11642. Best-played game
11643. W.E. Rudolph (C.N. 11638)
11644. Games & Puzzles

<186> January 2020

11645. An ingenious problem
11646. Edward Lasker
11647. Ernest Kim (C.N.s 8884, 8886, 9742, 9756 & 11068)
11648. An ingenious problem (C.N. 11645)
11649. Capablanca v Judge Bryn Roberts (C.N. 11627)
11650. An old problem
11651. Blackburne v Daly
11652. FIDE flags (C.N. 11641)
11653. A short story about Alekhine
11654. Fischer’s final years
11655. Charles Dickens
11656. Reuben Fine’s addresses
11657. Ossip Bernstein
11658. Sergei Belavenets (C.N. 4938)
11659. A book list
11660. Charles Tomlinson
11661. Alekhine’s vase (C.N.s 3697, 9916, 9924 & 11339)
11662. A painting of Capablanca
11663. A study by Korolkov (C.N. 11640)
11664. Another Capablanca book
11665. Oslo, 1939
11666. Robert B. Long
11667. van Vliet v N.N.
11668. Důras v Thomas
11669. Daley/Daly (C.N. 11650)
11670. Folkestone, 1933
11671. Heidenfeld v Roele
11672. Alekhine’s father
11673. Fischer on Purdy
11674. Premature resignation
11675. Thinking
11676. Blindfold play by Flesch (C.N.s 3583 & 5941)
11677. Books on Capablanca by M.A. Sánchez
11678. Modern-looking
11679. The trébuchet
11680. A 1945 chess set
11681. Chess and the Law
11682. Capablanca at the House of Commons (C.N. 11626)
11683. The Laskers
11684. Emanuel Lasker and draughts/checkers
11685. A ‘funny game’ between Euwe and Kostić
11686. P.H. Williams’ three-move miniature
11687. Camille Moriau (C.N. 9441)
11688. Purdy quote (C.N. 9211)
11689. Deceptively tricky
11690. Capablanca and Kostić (C.N. 11266)
11691. Another ingenious composition
11692. Annotations by Rubinstein (C.N.s 1705, 1843, 1910, 3120, 3124 & 3516)
11693. Parliament
11694. Another ingenious composition (C.N. 11691)
11695. The Evening Standard
11696. Autographs
11697. A Teed brilliancy
11698. Albert Whiting Fox
11699. The 1964 Interzonal tournament, Amsterdam
11700. C.J.S. Purdy

<187> February 2020

11701. A girl prodigy
11702. Chernev and Purdy
11703. Platz v Fulop
11704. Emanuel Lasker and the 1924 and 1927 New York tournaments
11705. Purdy’s year of birth (C.N. 4924)
11706. C.J.S. Purdy and Errol Flynn
11707. Ghostwriter
11708. Harrie Grondijs (C.N.s 10439 & 10675)
11709. Prize for the ‘best recovery’
11710. Alekhine and Capablanca in St Petersburg (C.N.s 11577, 11581 & 11591)
11711. Frank J. Marshall
11712. Marshall photographs
11713. A Chinese proverb (C.N. 8037)
11714. FIDE diplomas
11715. Book publishing activity in the 1940s
11716. Money and book/magazine sales
11717. Further photographs
11718. H. Rose
11719. J.W. Showalter’s year of birth (C.N.s 5706, 6972 & 11074)
11720. C.W. Kahles
11721. Bobby Jones and chess
11722. Fischer in Cuba
11723. Max Romi/Romih (C.N.s 5162 & 5537)
11724. Schottländer’s mate
11725. Hans Kmoch and his family
11726. Commemoration of Marcel Duchamp
11727. C.W. Kahles (C.N. 11720)
11728. Queen sacrifice
11729. Staunton’s hypermodernism
11730. Thomas Edison’s son
11731. Capablanca in Cárdenas
11732. Arturo Pomar
11733. An identification challenge
11734. Mozart
11735. A Big Churchman’s
11736. Arthur Ford Mackenzie
11737. Bibliographies
11738. Chester Fox
11739. Simultaneous blindfold match
11740. An identification challenge (C.N. 11733)
11741. A further Alekhine photograph
11742. Buenos Aires, 1939
11743. Steinitz in New Orleans
11744. Arthur Ford Mackenzie (C.N. 11736)

<188> March 2020

11745. F.D. Yates
11746. Simultaneous blindfold match (C.N. 11739)
11747. What connection?
11748. Observations by General Congdon
11749. José Pérez/Perez Mendoza
11750. Rolando Illa (C.N. 10714)
11751. Capablanca in San Francisco
11752. The death of Adolf Albin
11753. Albin’s grave
11754. The Marshall Gambit
11755. Caricatures
11756. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N.s 5667, 5697, 6312, 7724, 11355 & 11359)
11757. Capablanca photographs
11758. Passmore v Lawrence
11759. What connection? (C.N. 11747)
11760. Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N.s 5667, 5697, 6312, 7724, 11355, 11359 & 11756)
11761. Chess laws in New Zealand
11762. Alexander Kotov
11763. Chess Notes
11764. José Pérez/Perez Mendoza (C.N. 11749)
11765. A forthcoming book on Capablanca
11766. Capablanca at the Marshall Chess Club
11767. Swedish chess personalities
11768. Bath, 1939
11769. A miscellany of photographs
11770. Alekhine in 1927
11771. Pawn sacrifices (C.N.s 9859 & 11144)
11772. Pronunciation
11773. The board (C.N. 4389)
11774. The 50-move rule
11775. Sitzfleisch (C.N. 4316)
11776. T. Khrennikov
11777. Edward Lowe
11778. Olga Capablanca and Mikhail Botvinnik (C.N. 4950)
11779. Tartakower in the Great War (C.N. 8198)
11780. ‘Shortest game on record’ (C.N. 4963)
11781. Further letters
11782. The first move
11783. Béla Bartók
11784. Letters from Edge to Fiske
11785. Alejandro Guerra Boneo (C.N. 4777)
11786. Najdorf and Terrazas
11787. The Falkirk Herald
11788. Teodoro Terrazas Elizondo (C.N. 11786)
11789. Cases conjuguées (C.N.s 6004 & 6011)
11790. Kujoth v Fashingbauer
11791. Chess in China
11792. Najdorf v N.N. (C.N. 11786)
11793. Figurine notation (C.N.s 3724 & 8766)
11794. Rolando Illa (C.N.s 10714 & 11750)
11795. Noah’s Ark Trap
11796. Arthur Koestler (C.N.s 3266, 3509, 3580, 6511 & 10803)
11797. T. Khrennikov (C.N. 11776)
11798. Rapid play

<189> April-December 2020

11799. A scarce monograph on Nigel Short
11800. Magazine references
11801. Letters from Frank Skoff
11802. The Duke of Wellington
11803. The Club Capablanca, Havana
11804. H.J.R. Murray’s books
11805. A projected book on the Polgar sisters
11806. 1 Nf3 d5 2 b4 f6
11807. Capablanca’s US education (C.N. 6378)
11808. Drawings of Capablanca and Alekhine
11809. The Duke of Wellington (C.N. 11802)
11810. Staunton Street
11811. Vienna, 1922 poster
11812. Rafael Blanco (C.N.s 3471 & 3475)
11813. Capablanca film (C.N.s 1484, 3986 & 4303)
11814. Emanuel Lasker
11815. The Daily Mirror
11816. Samuel Reshevsky
11817. An interview with Lim Kok Ann
11818. R.N. Coles
11819. A quiz question
11820. C.N.
11821. Alessandro Sanvito (1938-2020)
11822. Small chess sets
11823. Harry Golombek (1911-95)
11824. Harry Golombek (C.N. 11823)
11825. Kings of the Castle
11826. Réti’s loss to Alekhine (C.N. 2681)
11827. Problemists’ inscriptions
11828. Inscribed books
11829. Articles by Juan Corzo
11830. A Tartakower remark
11831. A lecture by Pal Benko
11832. Titles
11833. Eddingfield v Capablanca
11834. The conclusion of the 1987 world championship match
11835. Rubinstein Junior
11836. Letters from Edge to Fiske (C.N. 11784)
11837. Morphy and Edge
11838. The debate
11839. G.H. Diggle
11840. Quiz questions
11841. A new Pillsbury monograph
11842. William Davies Evans
11843. G.H. Diggle

<190> January-November 2021

11844. Warren Goldman
11845. Euwe and Capablanca
11846. Prokofiev
11847. ‘Suicide on the Chessboard’ (C.N.s 9987 & 10019)
11848. Chess problems on the radio
11849. The Queen’s Retreat
11850. Nazi chess
11851. Barry v Pillsbury (C.N.s 4582 & 6979)
11852. A win by Hugh Myers with 1 e4 c5 2 a4
11853. Capablanca v E.S. Tinsley
11854. Edge, Morphy and Staunton
11855. John Townsend on F.M. Edge
11856. Letters (1986) from the FIDE General Secretary
11857. Tuesday
11858. Capablanca and Shipley in Philadelphia
11859. The denazification of Bogoljubow
11860. The Immortal Game
11861. Double chess (C.N.s 5619 & 10446)
11862. Manuel Márquez Sterling (C.N. 5908)
11863. The 1978 world championship match
11864. Incorrigible
11865. Pomar and Franco
11866. D.J. Morgan and Newsflash
11867. Janowsky v Corzo
11868. Brian Eley (C.N. 9034)
11869. W. Hatton Ward (C.N. 5653)
11870. Staunton and London, 1851
11871. The Immortal Game
11872. William Hartston
11873. Nicolas Rossolimo
11874. Simultaneous displays
11875. Charles Jaffe
11876. Jackie Coogan and Sammy Reshevsky
11877. D.J. Morgan and Newsflash (C.N. 11866)
11878. Capablanca in Havana, 1909
11879. William Winter
11880. Hungarian chess photographs
11881. Cuban chessplayers
11882. The Capablanca Project
11883. Where Staunton lived (C.N.s 3979 & 3984)
11884. A forgotten figure
11885. Notation (Hebrew)
11886. Blackburne photographs
11887. Coldwell v Marshall
11888. Capablanca’s lectures (C.N. 8693)
11889. William Winter (C.N. 11879)
11890. Kuhn v Gajdos
11891. A strange manoeuvre (C.N. 2114)
11892. A masters’ association
11893. James Mason/Patrick Dwyer
11894. Frank Marshall
11895. 1 b4
11896. Midshipman John Cochrane
11897. Brooklyn Chess Club
11898. Munich, 1936 Olympiad
11899. James Mason/Patrick Dwyer (C.N. 11893)
11900. Nona Gaprindashvili
11901. Was Bogoljubow a hypermodern player? (C.N.s 653, 8003 & 10031)
11902. Bogoljubow on Alekhine
11903. Goniff/Ganef/Gonim/Ganeff (C.N. 6513)
11904. José Antonio Gelabert (C.N.s 4232 & 11609)

<191> January-December 2022

11905. A recording of Emanuel Lasker’s voice
11906. Buckle and Korchnoi
11907. Additions
11908. The early life of James Mason
11909. Lasker volume three
11910. As incorrigible as ever
11911. Daniel Fiske
11912. William Fraser
11913. Translation difficulties
11914. Winning a won game
11915. Augusto de Muro
11916. Blackburne v Schlechter
11917. Rashid Nezhmetdinov
11918. Disarray at the 1939 FIDE General Assembly (C.N. 11915)
11919. Michel van Gelder
11920. Not Only Chess
11921. Arthur Kaufmann
11922. Prodigies
11923. Florin Gheorghiu (C.N. 10096)
11924. ‘History’
11925. Disarray at the 1939 FIDE General Assembly (C.N.s 11915 & 11918)
11926. Morphy’s death

<192> February-October 2023

11927. Further Fischer material
11928. Capablanca on Ståhlberg
11929. Castling
11930. Lady Edith Margaret Thomas (C.N.s 5690, 9848 & 10680)
11931. N.T. Whitaker
11932. Vladimir Nabokov
11933. Petra Leeuwerik and Victor Korchnoi
11934. The Staunton chessmen
11935. Disarray at the 1939 FIDE General Assembly (C.N.s 11915, 11918 & 11925)
11936. Luc Winants
11937. Alekhine
11938. A complex study (C.N. 1831)
11939. Simultaneous exhibitions by Staunton and Morphy
11940. Spanish website
11941. Questions about Fischer’s My 60 Memorable Games
11942. Mikhail Tal
11943. Elaine Saunders
11944. Blanco and Lasker
11945. Charles Thomas Stanley
11946. The first Spanish chess champion
11947. Lasker and Capablanca in their final years
11948. Early 1920s photograph
11949. An Alekhine page
11950. Tony Miles
11951. The Manhattan Chess Club
11952. Players named Smyslov
11953. Maurice Benyovszky
11954. Horatio Bolton
11955. Folke Rogard and Fedor Bohatirchuk
11956. Projected Botvinnik book
11957. Simultaneous displays by Emanuel Lasker
11958. Rafael Blanco (C.N.s 11812 & 11944)
11959. Abrahams v Thynne
11960. Fedor Bohatirchuk (C.N. 11955)
11961. US chess clubs
11962. Marshall’s golden move
11963. US chess clubs (C.N.s 11951 & 11961)
11964. Grabill v Mugridge
11965. Capablanca chess
11966. Herman Melville
11967. ‘Grandmaster’
11968. Good-quality pictures sought
11969. Hoffer v N.N.
11970. Olson v Altmann
11971. ‘Chess is not for the faint-hearted’
11972. Morphy’s puzzling words

<193> January-December 2024

11973. Announced mates
11974. Cyril Pustan (1929-77)
11975. The most spectacular queen sacrifice
11976. Alekhine and Capablanca
11977. Staunton and religion
11978. Cecil De Vere
11979. Copying
11980. Chess clubs
11981. Menchik v Mieses (C.N. 3687)
11982. Georg Marco
11983. J. Baca-Arús
11984. Anything is good enough
11985. Backward moves and empty squares
11986. Rupert Brooke’s notebook
11987. Samuel Reshevsky
11988. Preparation
11989. Steinitz and Séguin
11990. The Thomas family
11991. Difficult to visualize (C.N. 11985)
11992. Staunton and Morphy
11993. Staunton correspondence
11994. Excuses
11995. Photographs
11996. Staunton and Morphy (C.N. 11992)
11997. Rook ending note
11998. A difficult rook ending
11999. Chess Book Chats
12000. My System
12001. The Pride and Sorrow of Chess
12002. A remark by Purdy (C.N.s 10171 & 10182)
12003. The Club Argentino de Ajedrez (C.N.s 11330, 11341 & 11349)
12004. Hanging
12005. Announced mates (C.N. 11973)
12006. Vienna, 1922
12007. Cheating
12008. The spite check
12009. The last mistake but one (C.N. 11998)
12010. The Orthodox Defence
12011. Fischer on Alekhine
12012. T.A. Krishnamachariar
12013. Ian Brady, Graham Young and Peter Sutcliffe
12014. Announced mates (C.N.s 11973 & 12005)
12015. Rossolimo’s brilliancies
12016. Alekhine’s gun (C.N.s 7880, 7914, 7972, 8625 & 8860)
12017. Sourcing
12018. Reversed images
12019. The Star of David
12020. Chess literature
12021. References to chess in language courses (C.N.s 8684 & 11023)
12022. Stalwarts
12023. Electronic resources
12024. Cramling v Pérez
12025. Mate in 90 moves (C.N.s 10035 & 10061)
12026. Chess and poker
12027. EG
12028. Anderssen v Schallopp
12029. A pawn
12030. Thousand Islands, 1897
12031. Letters and numbers
12032. Auguste d’Orville
12033. Ordinal numbers
12034. Images
12035. Samuel Reshevsky’s birth-date
12036. Harry Golombek at university
12037. Brad Darrach v Bobby Fischer
12038. Davide Nastasio (C.N. 11979)
12039. Verendel
12040. Lady Jane Carew
12041. The initiative
12042. Capablanca’s Endgame Technique
12043. Figurehead romanticism
12044. Miron James Hazeltine
12045. John William Showalter (C.N. 4484)
12046. Jackson Whipps Showalter
12047. Grimshaw v Steinitz
12048. Raymond Keene
12049. Brad Darrach v Bobby Fischer (C.N. 12037)
12050. W.H. Cozens
12051. ISM
12052. Ne5 against the French Defence
12053. Exchange and trade
12054. Sacrifices
12055. To fidate
12056. Horrwitz, Horwitz, Harrwitz, Horowitz ...?
12057. Ayala (C.N. 12052)
12058. First problem
12059. G.H.D. Gossip
12060. Media coverage
12061. The Carlsbad pawn formation
12062. The minority attack
12063. Wikipedia
12064. Alekhine and property (C.N. 2605)
12065. A challenge
12066. Brad Darrach v Bobby Fischer (C.N. 12049)
12067. Soviet photographs
12068. Cheltenham v Sochi
12069. Art or science
12070. Sayings
12071. Heathcote and Chigorin
12072. Capablanca interview
12073. Saint-Amant
12074. Heathcote and Chigorin (C.N. 12071)
12075. Winning and drawing
12076. Stalemate
12077. Moscow, 1925
12078. Games compared
12079. From behind
12080. The Hague, 1928
12081. Przepiórka v von Scheve

Current column (2025)

12082. When did Steinitz become world champion?
12083. ‘Tournament champion’
12084. Cohn v Chigorin
12085. Mexico
12086. Anti-Turton
12087. Ordinal numbers (C.N. 12033)
12088. Robert Hübner
12089. The writings of Robert Hübner
12090. Keres v Alexander
12091. Staunton and Saint-Amant
12092. Howard L. Dolde
12093. The death of T.W. Barnes
12094. S.S. Boden
12095. A bishop ending
12096. The Monrad system
12097. A worthy opponent
12098. Lasker on the Ruy López
12099. Simultaneous displays by Lasker
12100. The three shortest ever chess book reviews
12101. Wallace, Liverpool and Rubinstein
12102. Duchamp and Le Lionnais
12103. Backgammon
12104. Quote-pruning
12105. The Real Paul Morphy (C.N. 12018)
12106. Abraham v Janine
12107. Praeceptor Germaniae
12108. Kostić v Caruso
12109. Chess and music
12110. Hunting
12111. The Chess Wheel
12112. Notation
12113. Streets
12114. Definitive
12115. Alekhine v Vidal
12116. Staunton world champion
12117. Staunton and friendship
12118. ‘Abraham v Janine’ (C.N. 12106)
12119. Alekhine in Who’s Who (C.N.s 741 & 9316)
12120. Marshall by John Hix
12121. Skittles games between Capablanca and Kostić
12122. Capablanca and Kostić in Buenos Aires
12123. Newspapers online
12124. Newspapers online
12125. A knight on K6
12126. Abraham v Janny (C.N.s 12106 & 12118)
12127. Another Staunton obituary
12128. The Menchik sisters
12129. Levitzky v Marshall, Breslau, 1912
12130. Edgar Pennell and the skewer

Latest update: 20 March 2025.

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