Chess Photograph and Signatures

Edward Winter

Mark A. Wieder (Midland Park, NJ, USA) sends this group photograph, with an invitation to readers to identify as many figures as possible.


Larger version



This difficult exercise will need to be taken gradually. In the photograph Leonard Barden (London) identifies: B. Rabar (standing in the front on the left, with dark glasses); A. Matanović (seated on Rabar’s left); A. Fuderer (seated two places to Matanović’s left); B. Milić (second man from the right standing at the back); V. Pirc (seventh man from the right standing at the back).

What correlation is there between the photograph and the signatures? The latter include B. Kažić, W. Unzicker, H. Golombek, M. Vidmar Jr., R. Wade, A. Fuderer, M. Vidmar, A. Matanović, C. Roodzant, A. Beni and J.H. Donner.


Goran Tomić (Herceg Novi, Montenegro) informs us that the photograph was taken in Opatija in 1953 (international tournaments for men and women held concurrently):

‘Standing from left to right are: J. Nikolac, B. Rabar and B. Kažić. In front of them, seated, are M. Bertok, A. Fuderer and B. Kićović. Seated third from the right is J. Velimirović (with her young son Dragoljub), and behind her is V. Nedeljković. Standing behind her in the back row and in the dark jacket is D. Kićović. Third on Kićović’s left is B. Milić, and third on his right is Pirc. Four places to the right of Pirc is I. Buljovčić.

I received this information from Dragan Kićović. Moreover, Vojin Vujošević has informed me that the woman standing third from the right, with her hands clasped in front of her is Tilka Vuković (later Tilka Miličić).

Some of the above names were given in C.N. 6448, but I believe that the first player seated on the left is not A. Matanović but M. Bertok.’

We are also grateful to Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada), who identified the occasion as Opatija, 1953.


Correction: On 20 June 2010 Vojin Vujošević (Toronto, Canada) informed us that Tilka Miličić (Vuković) is standing fifth, not third, from the right.

Leonard Barden identifies the signatures as follows (in vertical rows):

First: N.N., B. Kažić, N.N., N.N., Ing. M. Vidmar, R. Wade, A. Fuderer, C. Benini, M. Nagy;

Second: W. Unzicker, H. Golombek, M. Lazarević, G. Porreca, N.N., Dr M. Vidmar;

Third: N.N., V. Nedeljković, J. Velimirović, M. Udovčić, A. Matanović, L. Bačić, V. Pirc, N.N.;

Fourth: N.N., C. Roodzant, F. Heemskerk, A. Beni, J.H. Donner, L. Timofejeva, N.N., S. Bussers.


An addition on 14 March 2010 from Mr Barden:

‘Seated from the right in the photograph are S. Bussers, N.N., J. Velimirović, D. Velimirović, C. Benini and M. Karff.’

Latest update: 26 March 2025.

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