A 1928 Chess Photograph

Edward Winter

In July-August 1928 the International Team Tournament (Olympiad) and the Olympic Amateur Championship were held in The Hague. A meeting of the FIDE General Assembly took place there on 1 August 1928.

John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA) presented this photograph in C.N. 9494:

the hague

Larger version

Key: 1 Manuel Golmayo de la Torriente; 2 Damián Reca; 3 Roberto Grau; 4 Miklós Bródy; 5 Ion Gudju; 6 Hans Müller; 7 Luis Argentino Palau; 8 Baldur Hönlinger; 9 Vladimirs Petrovs/Vladimir Petrov; 10 Arthur Dunkelblum; 11 Karel Treybal; 13 Robert Crépeaux; 14 Louis Betbeder; 15 Erik Andersen; 16 André Chéron; 18 Marcel Duchamp; 22 Jacques Mieses; 23 Valentín Marín; 24 Luis (Lluís) Cortés; 25 Josef Rejfíř; 27 János Balogh; 28 Stefano Rosselli del Turco; 29 Henri Weenink; 30 André Muffang; 31 Alexander Rueb; 33 José Aguilera or I.E.W. Gemzře; 34 Carlos Hugo Maderna; 35 Antonio Sacconi; 36 Gösta Stoltz; 37 Siegfried Reginald Wolf; 38 Norman Tweed Whitaker; 45 Willem Schelfhout; 47 Hermanis Matisons/Herman Mattison; 48 Erik Jonsson; 49 Wilhelm Hilse; 50 Max Blümich; 51 I.O. Pedersen; 52 Max Euwe; 53 Ernst Jacobson; 55 Emmanuel Sapira; 57 Paulin Frydman; 59 Dawid Przepiórka; 60 Carl Carls; 61 Holger Norman-Hansen; 62 Karl Ruben; 63 Anatol Tschepurnoff; 64 George[s] Koltanowski; 65 Lajos Steiner; 66 Josef Lokvenc; 67 Oskar Naegeli; 68 Moriz Henneberger; 69 Isaac Kashdan; 70 Erwin Voellmy; 71 Erling Tholfsen; 72 Herman Steiner; 74 Gideon Stĺhlberg; 75 Albert Becker; 76 Heinrich Wagner; 77 Mendel Chwojnik; 79 Franz Apscheneek (Fricis Apšenieks); 81 Angel Ribera.


Acknowledgement to Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada) for the names of many figures. Argentinian players (2, 7 and 34) have been identified by Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA), and two Romanian players (4 and 27) by Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore). Moreover, the photograph has been discussed by Etienne Cornil (Braine-L’Alleud, Belgium), Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) and Joaquim Travesset y Barba (Barcelona, Spain), who have jointly submitted the identities of the players numbered 10, 13, 24, 33, 55 and 81. Player 63 has been identified by Claus Montonen (Helsinki). The players 49 and 50 have been identified by Peter Anderberg (Harmstorf, Germany). We are also grateful to Carlos Drake (Buenos Aires) and Ola Winfridsson (Săo Paulo, Brazil). The latter has confirmed that player 15 is Erik Andersen and adds that player 48 is Erik Jonsson and player 53 is Ernst Jacobson (and not Kornél Havasi, as previously believed). Mark Erickson (Richland, WA, USA) notes that player 38 was identified as Norman Tweed Whitaker by John Hilbert on page 113 of his monograph on Whitaker. Per Skjoldager (Fredericia, Denmark) has identified the person number 51 as the I.O. Pedersen (delegate on behalf of the Danish Chess Federation) and player 61 as Holger Norman-Hansen. Moreover, he feels 90% certain that the player 33 is I.E.W. Gemzře and not, as another correspondent suggests above, José Aguilera. Players 9 and 47 have been identified by Astrid Honold (Berlin).


The photograph was taken outside the Ridderzaal in The Hague (the venue described on page 362 of the October 1928 BCM). Bruce Monson (Colorado Springs, CO, USA) has informed us that the photograph was in the personal archives of Herman Steiner but was later owned by Steiner’s friend and student, Jacqueline Piatigorsky.

Richard Forster (Zurich) provides from his collection a photograph of seven Swiss chess figures in The Hague, at the same location (the Ridderzaal):


From left to right: Moriz Henneberger, Erwin Voellmy, William Rivier, Oskar Naegeli, Walter Michel, Fritz Gygli, Walter Henneberger


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Copyright: Edward Winter. All rights reserved.