Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
8080. Steiner and Flohr
Bruce Monson (Colorado Springs, CO, USA) wonders what can
be established regarding the photograph below, from Herman
Steiner’s archives, beyond identification of Steiner on
the left of the foursome and Salo Flohr on the right.

Calle Erlandsson (Lund, Sweden) has
commented that the typewritten list does not fully
correspond to the signatures. Rudy Bloemhard (Apeldoorn,
the Netherlands), the owner of the card, has now posted
it on his website,
with all the signatures identified individually.
8082. St Louis, 1941
From Jacqueline Piatigorsky’s archives John Donaldson
(Berkeley, CA, USA) has forwarded this photograph taken at
the US Open tournament in St Louis, 1941:
Mr Donaldson has identified a number of the figures, and
with readers’ assistance we hope to build up a full key.
Dan Scoones (Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada), Martin
Weissenberg (Savyon, Israel) and Luc Winants (Boirs,
Belgium) suggest that the players between Steiner and
Flohr are Vasja Pirc and Karl Gilg, and that the
photograph was taken during the tournament in Štubňanské
Teplice, 1930.
For photographs of Pirc and Gilg, see C.N.s 4052, 4532
and 6131.
8085. Russner v Walcker (C.N.s 7926
& 7930)
Denis Teyssou (Paris) provides an extract from Alekhine’s
comments on the 1942 brilliancy between Russner and
The source is Alekhine’s notebooks (C.N. 8060).
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Nc3 Bb4 4 Bc4 O-O 5 d3 c6 6 Nxe5 d5
7 exd5 cxd5 8 Bb3 d4 9 a3 Qe7 10 f4 dxc3 11 axb4
11...Bg4 12 White resigns.
‘Hirst v Smith’ and ‘England, 1943’ is the only
information provided regarding this miniature on page 30
of 1000 Best Short Games of Chess by Irving
Chernev (New York, 1955). We note from page 162 of the
July 1943 BCM that it was a correspondence game
(BCCA being the British Correspondence Chess
8087. Cotlar (C.N.s 3581, 3584, 3613,
3665 & 6085)
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) quotes from the
obituary of Ovsey Cotlar on page 235 of the
September-October 1952 issue of Caissa (Buenos
Aires), which states that he had recently died in that
city at the age of 73:
‘Falleció recientemente en esta capital, el maestro
ruso Ovsey Cotlar, ampliamente conocido por sus
investigaciones sobre la defensa Lasker del gambito de
dama y del sistema Rubinstein del Ruy López, trabajo
éste que engalanó en su oportunidad las páginas de Caissa. Pese a su
avanzada edad de 73 años, era dable esperar aún otros
aportes a la teoría, por lo cual es más sensible su
We have been looking further at the two editions of
Parviz M. Abolgassemi’s French translation of My 60
Memorable Games (i.e. with and without the
revisions of Chantal Chaudé de Silans).
Although Mr Abolgassemi could translate statements such
as ‘White wins a pawn’ without incident, Fischer’s more
colourful phrases were beyond him. One example, from
game 45 (after 27 Be5):
‘Bisguier slumped and his chest collapsed ...’
‘Besguier se penche tout à coup ...’
The revised edition made more of an effort:
‘Bisguier s’affaissa et courba les épaules ...’
Various names are misspelled in both French editions
(e.g. Bryn, Spielman, Kmotch and Anderson), and a proper
French translation of Fischer’s book is more than 40
years overdue.
In a letter dated 9 July 1945 to the Schweizerische
Schachzeitung (November 1945 issue, page 169) the
FIDE President, Alexander Rueb, reported that a fire had
destroyed the Federation’s archives and much else:
‘Nous avons survécu, ma femme, mes trois fils et
moi. Mais un désastre, le 3 mars 1945! Chassés de la
van Speykstraat, la Fédération néerlandaise et moi
avions transporté nos biens ailleurs en janvier
1944, mais 15 mois plus tard le quartier fut la
proie des flammes. Tout l’inventaire de la
Fédération, sa précieuese bibliothèque, ses
collections et ses souvenirs ont péri! En outre, les
archives de la FIDE, mon étude d’avocat ... l’oeuvre
de ma vie! Heureusement, ma collection privée
d’études est sauvée. Je n’ai pas perdu courage et
reprendrai l’oeuvre de la FIDE aussi tôt que
possible. Mon adresse: 43 Riouwstraat, La Haye.’
8090. Overstepping the time-limit
Timothy J. Bogan (Chicago, IL, USA) asks which leading
masters have sustained the fewest losses on time (in
tournament and match games). Documentation from readers
will be much appreciated.
To start with Capablanca, the paragraph below comes from
page 55 of Wonders and Curiosities of Chess by
Irving Chernev (New York, 1974):
‘Capablanca, who has been credited with the quickest
sight of any master who ever lived (“His speed in play”,
says Fine, “was incredible in the early years. What
others could not discover in a month’s study he saw at a
glance.”), once lost a tournament game on time limit.’
(The Fine quote comes from page 111 of his book The
World’s Great Chess Games (New York, 1951); Fine
wrote ‘earlier’, not ‘early’.)
Chernev’s paragraph concerned Riumin v Capablanca,
Moscow, 1935. A second game which the Cuban lost by
exceeding the time-limit was in Arnhem on his 50th
birthday, against Alekhine in the AVRO, 1938 tournament.
A passage by Harry Golombek about Botvinnik also comes to
mind, from page 143 of the June 1958 BCM. It
described the conclusion of game 15 in that year’s Smyslov
v Botvinnik world championship match:
‘... absorbed in calculations as to how to obtain the
win, he [Botvinnik] quite forgot about his clock and
forfeited the game on time, a result that was received
in stunned silence by the audience. The saddest part of
it all was that even when he exceeded the time-limit he
had a won ending, since he possessed two very powerful
bishops and could create a remote passed pawn. He told
me immediately afterwards that this was the first
occasion in his life on which he had lost a game on
For the loser’s own comments, see, for instance, page 244
of Botvinnik-Smyslov Three World Chess Championship
Matches: 1954, 1957, 1958 by M. Botvinnik (Alkmaar,
‘As I sat there, absorbed in these thoughts, great was
my astonishment when the chief arbiter Ståhlberg came
over to our table and announced that Black had lost on
time. Having two-three minutes for a couple of moves, I
had simply forgotten all about the clock and had
exceeded the time limit ...’
V. Smyslov, M. Botvinnik and G. Ståhlberg (Chess Review,
July 1958, page 203)
Regarding Carl Schlechter, see page 241 of Kings,
Commoners and Knaves.
8091. Botvinnik and Smyslov
Below is an article by G.H. Diggle from page 69 of Chess
Characters (Geneva, 1984). It was originally
published in the June 1981 Newsflash.
‘The nine world championship matches (Russians only)
which spanned the ’50s and ’60s did not greatly excite
the outside world, which accepted Soviet Chess as
unapproachable in stature by the rest of mankind, and
regarded all Russian grandmasters as “Dinosaurs” with
unpronounceable names. Moreover, as international
rivalry and politics were “out”, the Press had nothing
to report but chess, which was, of course, fatal. Worse
still, the combatants were good friends and good
sportsmen, and so of “unfortunate incidents” and
“embarrassing moments” there was complete dearth in the
land. It is true that, for the first time in chess
history, the matches were great public spectacles in
themselves, staged in magnificent concert halls with the
contestants spotlighted on platforms before audiences
running into thousands. But some press reports at the
time were so “overwhelming” that they ended up as
masterpieces of anti-climax – the Badmaster misquotes
from his “Munchausen” memory: “Hours before play
commenced, the great opera hall was filled with
great-grandmasters, grandmasters and international
masters; outside in the snow, hundreds of masters and
candidate masters, unable to obtain admission, listened
to a running commentary broadcast by Grandmaster
Ponderovsky. After ten moves a draw was agreed upon. ‘A
true grandmaster epic’, as Ponderovsky sardonically
But any person so unreasonable as to prefer fact to
fantasy should refer to the BCM for 1954, 1957
and 1958, where full accounts of the three great
Botvinnik-Smyslov matches are given by “H.G.”, who acted
as judge throughout all three. Botvinnik then aged 42
(Smyslov was ten years younger) just retained his title
in the first match, a magnificent struggle full of
collapses and comebacks ending 12 games all, lost it in
the second (9½-12½) and regained it in the third
(12½-10½). The fighting quality of both masters can be
gauged from the fact that of the whole aggregate of 69
games, only four “grandmaster draws” can be traced, and
three of these were at the end of the second match, when
Botvinnik clearly had no chance of catching up. The
audience (apart from the “grandmaster element”) are
described by H.G. as “keener and more knowledgeable than
spectators in other countries” and varied from “much
beribboned soldiers of high military rank” to the
“average artisan”. They were an impartial crowd, though
in the 14th game of the third match, when Botvinnik by
winning after 68 moves established a 9-5 lead and almost
ensured regaining the title, the crowd invaded the
playing arena in their delight that “the old man had
done it again”. Yet in the very next game Botvinnik,
with a winning ending, completely forgot the clock and
(for the only time in his whole career) lost on
time-limit, thereby (as it turned out) postponing his
final victory for another fortnight.
No fewer than 13 of the games lasted exactly 41 moves,
owing mainly to resignations without resuming play,
after the opening of sealed envelopes the “shrewd
contents” of which doubtless resembled those which
“stole the colour from Bassanio’s cheek”.’
From one of our copies of Izbrannyye partii by
V. Smyslov (Moscow, 1952):
The Winchester Whisperer
Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea, England) has
forwarded a chess item from The Winchester Whisperer,
a clandestine
magazine produced by conscientious objectors in
Winchester Prison, England during the Great War.
The scans were provided by the library at Friends House in
London, and Mr McDowell comments:
‘There are no clues as to the identity of “Knight
Errant”. He rather overestimates the quality of the
problem. Some information about the source of the
composition is given in the WinChloe database: “Eduard
Petsch-Manskopf, Schachprobleme 1915”.’
8094. St Louis, 1941 (C.N. 8082)
John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA) provides a partial
key, drawn up with assistance from Walter Shipman and
David Cohen:
‘Seated from left to right: N.N., Herman Steiner,
Reuben Fine, George Sturgis, L. Walter Stephens,
Weaver Adams, Boris Blumin (subject to confirmation)
and Hermann Helms.
Standing sixth from the left, Erich Marchand. On
the far right, Joseph Rauch and Bruno Schmidt.’
A few snippets, in reverse chronological order:
- Chess Pie, 1927, page 40 (Wondersigns Ltd.
- American Chess Bulletin, May-June 1926, page
‘An Antwerp inventor is seeking a market for a new
magnetic chess board which, he suggests, will be
specially useful when traveling. “The chess board,
as it now exists”, he says, “is a great disadvantage
when by the least knock given to the game table the
figures fall or go back, especially in trains or
boats, where the natural shocks unceasingly trouble
the game, with the greatest inconvenience to the
spectators.” He proposes to provide the “figures”
(Anglice pieces) with magnetic bases, while his
board has a covering of thin steel. The idea looks
attractive. – The Australasian.’
‘G.E. Owen wishes to know if anyone can inform him
of his father’s invention, a magnetic chess board.
He was a dentist, and resided at 24 Compton Terrace,
Islington, from 1863 to 1883, and died at 11 Dalmeny
Road, Tufnell Park, in 1886.’
On page 170 of the June 1920 issue W.O. Woodfield
‘The invention referred to is apparently No. 1,992
(1868), the abridged specification of which reads,
“To hold the pieces in their places upon the board,
each square is fitted with a magnet, and each piece
with a disc of sheet iron, or vice versa.”
Provisional protection only was granted to this
- The Cincinnati Commercial, 4 March 1882:
‘A Berlin inventor has lately produced an iron
chess board and chess men. In the men are concealed
small magnets which cause them to adhere to the
board to prevent displacement by the jar of railroad
or steamboat traveling.’
C.R.M. Talbot
A game played at the St George’s Chess Club and published
on page 79 of the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1850:
Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot – H.G. Cattley
London, 1850
Petroff Defence
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Nc3 Bc5 4 Bc4 d6 5 d3 h6 6 Be3 Bb6 7
Qd2 Bg4 8 h3 Bxf3 9 gxf3 Nbd7 10 O-O-O a6 11 d4 exd4 12
Bxd4 Bxd4 13 Qxd4 Ne5 14 f4 Nxc4 15 Qxc4 b5 16 Qc6+ Nd7 17
Nd5 O-O 18 Rhg1 Nf6 19 Qc3 Kh7
20 Rxg7+ Kxg7 21 Rg1+ Kh8 22 Nxf6 c5
23 Rg7 Kxg7 and White mates in three moves.
This was one of two wins by Talbot which were given on
pages 73-74 of the February 1890 BCM following his
death, and a note after 19...Kh7 included the remark ‘The
mate now administered is a gem of the first water, and
worthy of the greatest players’. The same issue (pages
46-47) reproduced Talbot’s obituary from The Times
of 18 January, together with a note on his chess activity
by William Wayte. In The Times the following
observations had appeared:
‘Mr Talbot has gained the honour of being Father of the
House of Commons after an experience which is almost
unprecedented, for he has sat for the same constituency
for no less than 59 years. His mother, Lady Mary, after
his father’s death married Sir Christopher Coles, who
was returned in 1820 for the county of Glamorgan. Sir
Christopher kept the seat till 1830, when Mr Talbot
himself stood as a Liberal, and was returned for the
seat which he had ever since held. That Mr Talbot’s
voice was never heard in the House of Commons is the
more remarkable, because he was in point of fact a
clever and ready speaker.’
Page 290 of the August 1882 BCM mentioned
regarding Talbot’s political career that he was ‘the only
member who dates from the unreformed Parliament’. The game
against Cattley was also given on page 281 of the July
1898 BCM (with the artistic enhancement 22...b4).
See too Chess and the House
of Commons.
8097. Chess and bridge
From Michael Clapham (Ipswich, England):
‘An addition to your list of authors of works on
both chess and bridge
is Hugh Baron Bignold (1870-1930), who edited the Australian
Chess-Annual (Sydney, 1896) and conducted the chess
column in the Sydney Morning Herald from 1895
to 1911. He also wrote Auction Simplified, a
26-page book published in Sydney in 1922.’
Has any reader seen the 1950 production
(Pulitzer Prize Playhouse) The End
Game? The short story by John P. Marquand was
published on pages 24-25 and 145-179 of the March 1944
issue of Good Housekeeping, and also appeared on
pages 144-194 of his anthology Thirty Years
(Boston, 1954).
An illustrative excerpt from page 155 of Good
8099. The plagiarism continues
In a series
articles at the website of the Streatham &
Brixton Chess Club, Justin Horton has reported on the
conduct of Raymond Keene. The latest
exposé of plagiarism concerns the game Alekhine v
Rubinstein, Carlsbad, 1923, which Mr Keene published in The
Spectator of 4 May 2013 with annotations lifted from
volume one of Kasparov’s My Great Predecessors
8100. The Spectator again
Raymond Keene’s latest chess column in The Spectator
(22 June 2013, page 66), available
online, reveals another handy method of avoiding
exertion. The column features the game Ivanchuk v Anand,
Linares, 1998, without mentioning that the annotations
merely repeat, word for word, what Mr Keene was paid for
writing in his column on page 60 of The Spectator,
21 March 1998.
For example:
The Spectator
The Spectator
Addition on 28 June 2013: Pablo Byrne (London)
points out a third occurrence in The Spectator of
the same annotations to the Ivanchuk v Anand game, on page
58 of the 5 May 2012 issue.
8101. Journalism
As mentioned in C.N. 4218, on page 12 of his book Secrets
Grandmaster Chess (London, 1997) John Nunn reported
that in a 1966 newspaper his name came out as ‘Jimmy
Nunn’. (‘My opinion of the accuracy of journalists took a
nose-dive and has been going down ever since.’)
It could have been worse. From page 71 of Il lessico
degli scacchi by Yuri Garrett (Brescia, 2012):

From Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore):
‘The October 1945 Chess Review published
extensive reports (including many fine photographs)
on the USA v USSR radio match. The account (pages
5-11) by Kenneth Harkness, the match director, and
the games section (pages 12-15) gave detailed
information on the time consumed by Smyslov and
Reshevsky in their two games:

Above: Smyslov v Reshevsky, round one
(from pages 8 and 12).
Above: Reshevsky v Smyslov, round two (from
pages 10 and 14).’
On the subject of the time consumed, we add an excerpt
from page 267 of The World’s a Chessboard by
Reuben Fine (Philadelphia, 1948):
Fine wrote similarly on page 246 of his book The
World’s Great Chess Games (New York, 1951), but a
comment by Irving Chernev on page 96 of The Golden
Dozen (Oxford, 1976) may be noted:
Finally, from page 24 of One Hundred Selected Games
by Mikhail Botvinnik (London, 1951):
Reshevsky annotated the two games on pages 14-15 of
the November 1945 Chess Review. Notes by Smyslov
can be found on pages 105-110 of volume one of Smyslov’s
Best Games (Olomouc, 2003).
Chess Review,
October 1945, page 8.
Myron Samsin (Winnipeg, Canada) writes:
‘Page 4 of Byrne J. Horton’s Dictionary of
Modern Chess (New York, 1959) states that
Alekhine’s Defence “can be traced to the 1862
International Handicap Tournament of London”.
Two games between Anderssen and Pearson in that
event did indeed begin 1 e4 Nf6, but White was
giving the odds of his queen’s knight. Is it correct
to assign an opening name from standard chess to a
similar sequence played at odds? I am inclined to
think not, because the tactics and themes are
Our preference is not to use opening names for odds
games. That, at least, avoids the inconsistency which
arises in, for instance, the concluding part of Morphy’s
of Chess by Philip W. Sergeant (London, 1916).
Games played at the odds of the queen’s knight which
began 1 e4 e6 are headed ‘French Defence’, but no
opening heading appears when 1 e4 e6 occurred in a game
in which Black offered the odds of his f-pawn. Another
encounter in which Morphy gave the odds of pawn and move
began 1 e4 d6, for which it might be difficult to
suggest a suitable opening name.
8104. Fake chess photograph
We summarize, firstly, what has been established so far
regarding the fake
Alekhine-Capablanca photograph, supposedly taken
during the 1927 world championship match in Buenos Aires.
The picture of Capablanca was on page 14 of the ‘1.
Extra-Ausgabe’ of Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten,
published in late 1925 or early 1926:
The shot of Alekhine was taken at Semmering, 1926 and was
published on page 8 of Wiener Bilder, 28 March
1926 (C.N. 7971).
A crude juxtaposition of the two pictures, with reversal
of the Capablanca one, gives this:
When the fake photograph appeared in the book on the 1927
world title match edited by Alekhine’s brother, Alexei,
i.e. Match na pervenstvo mira Alekhin-Capablanca
(Kharkov, 1927), it was described as taken on the first
day of the match. To date, that has been the earliest
known publication of the picture.
Now, however, Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) has
found that it had been printed on page 358 of Ilustrirani
Slovenec, 30 October 1927:
8105. Who was K. Nadzhmetdinov? (C.N.
Dan Scoones (Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada) writes:
‘As noted in C.N. 3755, the May 1943 issue of Chess
Review reported that K. Nadzhmetdinov was the winner
of the 1939 championship of Uzbekistan. Unfortunately,
there is no record of that event on the RUSBASE
website, but there is a link
to the crosstable of the 1939 USSR Kolkhoz (Collective
Farm) Championship. In that event the Uzbek player K.
Nadzhmetdinov finished in a tie for second place with
Kiselev. Another website (КАРЛУША НА ЛУНЕ) has
a report on the tournament; the page appears to cite
archival material from the magazine Shakhmaty v
SSSR, but I do not have the 1939 issues.’
Below is the tournament report, followed by our
correspondent’s English translation:
соревнование, проводимое с 1939.
I турнир колх. шахматистов СССР состоялся 16-30 авг.
1939. Он явился результатом большой подготовительной
работы на местах. Игра происходила в Москве, на
территории Всесоюзной сельскохо-зяйств. выставки. 10
республик послали своих представителей.
Звание чемпиона завоевал туркм. колхозник Ташли
Тай-лиев, выигравший в финале все партии. 2-3. Киселев
(РСФСР) и Наджметдинов (Уз. ССР) – по 7; 4. Хилько
(УССР) – 5; 5. Богатырев (БССР) – 4½; 6-7. Акопян (Арм.
ССР) и Рахимов (Тадж. ССР) – по 4; 8. Шмидт (Аз. ССР) –
2½; 9. Цулукидзе(Груз. ССР) – 2; 10. Чотыев (Кирг. ССР)
– 0.’
traditional event first held in 1939.
The first USSR tournament of collective farm
chessplayers was held on 16-30 August 1939. It was the
culmination [literally, result – D.S.] of an
enormous amount of preparatory work in the field. Play
took place in Moscow, on the grounds of the All-Union
Agricultural Exhibition. Ten republics sent their
The title of champion was won by the Turkmenistan
collective farmer Tashli Tailiev, who won all his games
in the final. Other scores: 2-3. Kiselev (RSFSR) and
Nadzhmetdinov (Uzbek SSR) – 7 points; 4. Khilko (Ukraine
SSR) – 5 points; 5. Bogatyrev (Belorussian SSR) – 4½
points; 6-7. Akopian (Armenian SSR) and Rakhimov
(Tadzhik SSR) – 4 points; 8. Schmidt (Azerbaijan SSR) –
2½ points; 9. Tsulukidze (Georgian SSR) – 2 points; 10.
Chotyev (Kirghiz SSR) – 0 points.’
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) reports
that a photograph of Eugène Znosko-Borovsky appeared on
the front page of the Evening
Telegraph and Post (Dundee, Scotland), 27
November 1936:
From page 93 of the February 1937 BCM:
Jerry Spinrad (Nashville, TN, USA) notes that pages
210-211 of the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1862
published a game which began 1 e4 Nf6 and was not played
at odds:
Berwick Chess Club – Edinburgh Chess Club
Correspondence, November 1860-15 November 1861
Alekhine’s Defence
1 e4 Nf6 2 e5 Ng8 3 d4 e6 4 Bd3 c5 5 Nf3 cxd4 6 O-O Nc6
7 Re1 d6 8 Bb5 d5 9 Nxd4 Bd7 10 c3 Bc5 11 Be3 Bxd4 12
Bxd4 Nge7 13 Bxc6 Bxc6 14 Qd3 O-O 15 f4 Nf5 16 Nd2 Qh4
17 Rf1 a6 18 a4 f6 19 exf6 gxf6 20 Rf3 h6 21 Nf1 Qh5 22
Rh3 Qf7 23 Ng3 Qh7 24 Nxf5 exf5 25 Qe2 Rae8 26 Rg3+ Kh8
27 Qh5 Re4 28 Qh4 Rxd4 29 cxd4 h5 30 a5 Be8 31 Re1 Qd7
32 Rge3 Bg6 33 Qg3 Bf7 34 Re7 Qb5 35 Qc3 Bg6 36 Qc5 Qxc5
37 dxc5 Rb8 38 Rd1 Be8 39 Rxd5 Bc6 40 Rxf5 Rd8 41 Rxf6
Rd1+ 42 Kf2 Rd2+ 43 Kf1 Resigns.
From T.R. Dawson’s column on pages 620-621 of the
December 1936 BCM:
‘“Warned Off.” Die Schwalbe (November, page
628) reports that an Italian “composer”, E. Battaglia,
is definitely guilty of seven new plagiarisms in
1935-36, and should be barred from competing in any
tourneys. There have been a few admitted and
persistent plagiarists in the past, but I do not
recall quite such a blatant public notice as the
above. Usually in this country problem-editors
exchange private opinions about the occasional
misguided swindlers of the kind and quietly drop
8109. Jacqueline Piatigorsky
Luc Winants (Boirs, Belgium) writes:
‘There is an article about Jacqueline Piatigorsky by
Robert Cantwell on pages 22-27 of Sports
Illustrated, 5 September 1966. The photograph
of her with Fischer and Spassky on page 27 would seem
to be little known.’
Courtesy of John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA) we
reproduce below a photograph of Jacqueline Piatigorsky
during her ten-move win against Willa W. Owens in the 1951
US Women’s Championship in New York. For the game-score,
see C.N. 5436.
The picture comes from Mrs Piatigorsky’s archives and
was taken by a fellow participant, Nancy Roos, who was a
professional photographer.
From Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore):
‘It appears that one of the most “popular” books
using chess history as an overall theme is David
Shenk’s The Immortal Game (New York, 2006),
subtitled “A History of Chess or How 32 Carved
Pieces on a Board Illuminated Our Understanding of
War, Art, Science, and the Human Brain”. I find it
exceedingly disappointing in terms of sourcing, as
it strikes me as very amateurish, if not downright
What to make of the dozens of references to
notoriously inaccurate websites? The endnotes on
pages 287-313 indicate virtually no use of primary
sources (the meat of any serious book dealing with
history in general) or of reliable secondary
Below are just a few examples of the kind of
“authorities” upon whom the text relies (the numbers
in brackets refer to the pages where the
corresponding endnotes appear):
- Page xvi (287-288): the alleged game between
Einstein and Oppenheimer is given as a certainty
despite the lack of trustworthy sources (as
documented in C.N.s 3533, 3667, 3691 and 4133). An
endnote offers no source for the game, merely
sending the reader to “an animated version” at a
highly undependable website,;
- Page 7 (288): a list of historical religious
leaders who attempted to ban chess is sourced to a
web article by Bill Wall;
- Page 23 (294): for details about Adolf
Anderssen’s life the reader is referred to another
online article by Bill Wall;
- Page 35 (294): for a problem by a ninth-century
Arab composer we are again sent to a Bill Wall
- Page 92 (300): Bill Wall is once more the
source for names of members of the
eighteenth-century American intellectual elite who
played chess;
- Pages 114-115 (303): Samuel Rosenthal’s own
words on chess and war are cited, but the endnote
credit is incomplete at best: “From obituary in a
French newspaper, September 1902”;
- Page 115 (303): we are referred to a link to prove that Rosenthal “won
the first French chess championship in 1880”; the
same pages state that Rosenthal “managed to beat
legendary players” and that “
database has all actual games”;
- Page 143 (305): a number of chessplayers
allegedly suffering from mental illness are
listed; sourcing includes links to the webpages of
Bill Wall and;
- Page 149 (305): Charles
Krauthammer is cited as a “writer, psychiatrist,
and serious chessplayer”. In his chess-related
writings he has often recycled clichés related to
the game’s history (see, for instance, his Time
essay and the discussion in your Steinitz
God article);
- Page 164 (306): the statement “When the Germans
captured France in 1940, Alekhine agreed to write
about and play chess on their behalf in order to
protect his family’s assets” is sourced to a Bill
Wall webpage;
- Page 168 (306): details of the USA v USSR 1945
radio match are sourced to another Bill Wall
- Page 173 (307): the statement that “After a
tournament in Yugoslavia in 1970, he [Fischer] was
able to recall instantly every move from each of his
22 games – totaling more than a thousand” is
credited to a Fischer profile on a webpage;
- Page 174 (307): a statement by Henry Kissinger
(“I told Fischer to get his butt over to Iceland”)
is credited to Rene Chun. In the same paragraph, the
author notes that “It is, however, still a matter of
dispute whether Fischer actually took Kissinger’s
- Page 175 (307): details of Spassky’s chess career
are attributed to a Wikipedia entry;
- Page 226 (312): Kieseritzky’s death details are
sourced to a Bill Wall page.
Other deeply unimpressive sources include websites
like, and, as well as individuals like
Larry Parr and Andrew Soltis.’
8111. J. Polgar v Angelova
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 g6 4 O-O Bg7 5 c3 e5 6 d4 exd4 7
cxd4 Nxd4 8 Nxd4 cxd4 9 e5 Ne7 10 Bg5 O-O 11 Qxd4 Nc6 12
Qh4 Qb6 13 Nc3 Bxe5 14 Rae1 Bxc3 15 bxc3 Qxb5 16 Qh6 Qf5
17 Qxf8+ Resigns.
Concerning Judit Polgar’s victory over Pavlina Angelova
at the 1988 Olympiad in Thessaloniki, shortly afterwards
(on 14 January 1989) Richard Reich (Madison, WI, USA)
wrote to inform us that the whole game had been given on
page 44 of The Anti-Sicilian: 3 Bb5(+) by Y.
Razuvayev and A. Matsukevitch (London, 1984), which
mentioned ‘Levchenkov-Eganian, USSR, 1978’:
This was reported in the January-February 1989 issue of Chess
Notes (C.N. 1806). See too page 200 of Kings,
Commoners and Knaves.
Can readers find documentation to corroborate, and expand
upon, the reference ‘Levchenkov-Eganian, USSR, 1978’?
8112. The ‘English Chess Association’
The English Chess Federation is the game’s
official body in England, but there is a question long
overdue for discussion and clarification within English
chess circles:
is the ‘English Chess Association’?
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.