Chess Notes
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7099. Capablanca in Bromley
Daniel King (London) has sent us a copy of a typescript
report by Jean Raoux on Capablanca’s simultaneous
exhibition in Bromley, England on 20 December 1919:
‘Mr H.G. Wells, in “Personal Matters”, says that there
is no remorse like chess remorse. Every devotee of the
game knows that well, and Mr Bernard Shaw, in the mouth
of Jack Turner, might even cynically add that remorse of
a moral character is light in comparison with that
affecting one’s own estimation of personal intellectual
excellence. A game of chess is never won from the
loser’s point of view, he only failed to win himself
through some mistake, obviously due to a momentary
mental aberration. “Why on earth did I do this?”or “Why
did I not do that?” is a devasting thought, which 39 of
the 42 players who opposed the Cuban master harboured on
their way home from the Central Hall on Saturday
The meeting was opened by the Mayor of Bromley,
Alderman W.L. Crossley who, in a felicitous little
speech, extended a hearty welcome to Señor Capablanca.
Chess, he understood, had evolved westwards from India,
possibly even from China. When it actually came to
Bromley he could not say, a very long time ago,
certainly. He himself had been one of the first members
of the old Bromley Chess Club, and as such felt all the
more pleased to receive one of the greatest of modern
chess masters.
Responding to this address of welcome, Señor Capablanca
expressed in a few words his great pleasure at so
cordial a reception. His ambition was to foster chess
wherever and whenever possible and he would like to
think that his visit would have this result in Bromley.
Mr J.S. Holloway then proposed a vote of thanks to his
Worship the Mayor for so kindly lending the distinction
of his presence at this meeting, calling upon Alderman
F. Gillett, Deputy-Mayor, to second his motion.
Alderman F. Gillett readily endorsed the motion in a
witty speech, and ended by also tendering, on behalf of
all present, the best thanks of the chess-playing public
to Mr Holloway for his untiring and very successful
efforts in promoting chess in the district.
Mr Holloway, speaking again, gave some particulars
about the display and the rules to be observed. Some
strong players had been pitted against Señor Capablanca.
Mr Chapman (many times champion of the county), Mr
Germann (also an ex-champion of Kent), and Mr Lorch; not
omitting the British lady champion, Mrs Holloway.
Preliminaries being over, the Cuban master set to his
task in grim earnest. Perfectly cool and collected,
without any apparent effort, he passed from board to
board, giving his moves almost at once, looking far less
concerned, with 42 players to contend with, than any one
of his opponents did. As usual, he was partial to the
ultra-modern and classical Ruy López and Queen’s Pawn
openings, with here and there a “Vienna” or a Centre
Gambit to relieve the monotony. All of them he treated
very carefully. His plan of campaign was obviously to
avoid complications and intricate positions and to see
first his own safety. This policy is not adopted for the
sole convenience of simultaneous play, but actually
constitutes his style, such as will consistently be
recognized as Capablanca’s, no matter whether he meets
his great rival, Lasker, or amateurs of moderate
strength. He hankers not after brilliancies and
spectacular combinations.
Many people in this country will remember Marshall’s
performances, and will notice the contrast between the
two great experts. Marshall is the fighter, as ready to
receive blows as to inflict them, risking his king for a
brilliant finish, ingenious, clever, and at times
sublime, scoring almost fantastic victories and also
tasting ignoble defeats. The strain of the struggle is
clearly written on his eagle features, his inevitable
cigar is a poem in itself. Capablanca does not seem to
fight, but rather to demonstrate, with frigid
exactitude, the error of his opponent’s conceptions and
concludes a three or four hours’ contest apparently as
fresh as when he started. He caters for the student of
chess, yet he is remarkably popular with all grades of
players. The average amateur might prefer to watch a
display by a Chigorin, a Marshall or a Nimzowitsch, as
being more exciting, hence more entertaining, but
whereas he will feel that those masters rely on great
imaginative powers – which he himself lacks – and that
they are therefore outside his imitative scope,
Capablanca gives him the impression that nothing is
easier than chess, and that by assimilating his style he
can improve his own play considerably. But can he hope
to acquire this wonderful intuition into the far ahead
possibilities of the game which enables Capablanca to
detect a win in an apparently even position? Here lies
the characteristic beauty of his style and its
justification. Once the win is detected, however remote
it may be, nothing else matters, other chances he does
not trouble about. From a winning position Tarrasch
would want to exact the utmost he thinks it
mathematically capable of; Capablanca is content to get
from it the narrowest necessary margin to score.
Both the two great schools, the scientific and the
imaginative, can claim Capablanca, but not without
reservations. The scientific school seeks truth in chess
by accumulation of knowledge, the imaginative by ever
higher inspiration. Both have had and have their
exponents, but both have failed to convince the
unprejudiced player of their exclusive excellence. One
cannot imagine Capablanca fraternizing unreservedly with
the uncompromising orthodoxy of a Tarrasch, and yet less
still with the unconventional methods of a Marshall.
That he has actually founded a new school, as some
people are prone to proclaim, is exceedingly doubtful.
At least, it would have but few adepts, for Nature
seldom blends in the one same man a mathematician and a
poet. Morphy left no school, no player could follow its
teaching. He would have been a leader of supermen, but
mere mortals could but admire him as we admire
Capablanca today.
Capablanca’s steady way of proceeding made it unlikely
that any quick results would be attained. One of the
earliest was on Mr Th. Germann’s board, where the master
had been in difficulties from quite early in the game
through accepting a proffered pawn in the centre.
Pushing his attack in a very energetic manner, Mr
Germann compelled Capablanca’s resignation on the 23rd
move, finishing neatly with a sacrifice of a rook. The
game is given below. Mr Chapman lost the exchange, from
which there was no recovery, in spite of a very gallant
fight. Mr Lorch seemed to have good drawing chances all
through the game, but finally succumbed. He had at least
the satisfaction of being the last to hold out.
Mr H. Holliday, member of the Bromley Chess Club, was
playing well, and secured for himself the distinction of
a draw. It is to be regretted that he did not take down
the score of the game. The only other draw the master
had to concede to was to Mr J.H. Whicker, jun. of the
Sydenham and Forest Hill Chess Club. Messrs Holliday and
Whicker are both young and enthusiastic players, and
their success in staving off defeat at the hands of so
formidable an opponent will no doubt urge them on to
further efforts.
The final score was thus: Señor Capablanca won 39, lost
1, and drew 2. Really a magnificent exploit, which was
deservedly very warmly applauded.’
The conclusion of the typescript:
The Capablanca v Germann has been quite widely published.
Our archives contain the reports on the display published
in The Chronicle and the Bromley Mercury
of 24 December 1919. All 42 of Capablanca’s opponents were
named, and the latter newspaper had this illustration:
See also pages 346-354 of Capablanca in the United
Kingdom (1911-1920) by V. Fiala (Olomouc, 2006),
which gave a second game-score from the display, the quick
defeat of Major Richard Whieldon Barnett MP.
Jean Raoux was the Secretary of the Bromley Chess Club at
the time of Capablanca’s display. Below is his obituary on
page 14 of the January 1931 BCM (a few pages after
Barnett’s death notice):
7100. 4 g4 in the Caro-Kann Defence
When was the so-called ‘Bayonet Attack’ in the Caro-Kann
Defence (1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 Bf5 4 g4) first played
and/or discussed in print?
4 g4 occurred in Réti v Sterk, Debrecen, 1913, but
Marshall’s name was mentioned in a note to that move in
the game M. Levine v A.E. Santasiere, Metropolitan League
match, 11 March 1922:
‘This is an innovation suggested by Marshall, the idea
being either to drive back the bishop with loss of time,
or to hinder the development of the king’s side, as in
the present instance.’
Source: American Chess Bulletin, March 1922, page
Regarding the Marshall
gold coins story, Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore)
‘As Owen Hindle observed in C.N. 2148, pages 61-62
of Marshall’s Chess “Swindles” stated that the
book’s notes to the Levitzky v Marshall game were
reprinted from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle
(without any date being given). Marshall’s readers
were left to assume that the key words at the end
(“After the game a number of enthusiastic spectators
presented Mr Marshall with a handful of gold pieces,
saying the game had given them great pleasure”) had
been written by Hermann Helms, the chess editor of the

Pages 61 and 62 of Marshall’s
(New York, 1914)
In fact, the game – with the same annotations as in
the Marshall book – had appeared on page 3 of the 8
August 1912 issue of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle,
with the notable exception that Helms made no mention
of gold pieces:

Thus, the comment about gold on page 62 of Marshall’s
Chess “Swindles” seems to be an addition by Marshall
The game was also published in the New York
Sun, 18 August 1912, page 8, with annotations but no
gold coins story. The score appeared too in the New
York Evening Post of 21 August 1912 with
Emanuel Lasker’s annotations, in a report from Berlin
dated 9 August. Lasker made no mention of gold.
Page 8 of the 25 August 1912 issue of the New
York Sun had the following about Levitzky:
“The Liverpool veteran Amos Burn in speaking about
the Breslau international tournament gives the
following information about the Russian player
‘One of the most interesting players of the
lesser-known masters at the tournament is Levitzky,
who lives on the borders of Siberia. Far from
civilization, he has scarcely any opportunities for
practice, or he would take a very high place among
the world’s chess masters. He is undoubtedly a
player of great natural talent. He has played a few
games with Alekhine,who competed at Carlsbad last
year, and who recently won the tournament at
Stockholm. Alekhine had a majority of one in his
games with Levitzky, but, of course, has much better
opportunity for practice. Levitzky is 35 [sic]
years old, tall, with yellow hair and beard. Knowing
only a few words of German, he talks very little at
Breslau, but in any case he is a silent man and of a
particularly retiring disposition.’”
When the Levitzky v Marshall game was published on
page 16 of the 25 May 1942 issue of the New York
Post (H.R. Bigelow’s column) it was prefaced as
“Here is the Levitzky-Marshall game which so pleased
the spectators in the 1912 International Tourney at
Breslau that they made a collection of gold (yes, we
said ‘gold’) pieces for our Frank right after its
Finally, with regard to Al Horowitz’s statements in
All About Chess that Caroline Marshall denied
knowledge of the existence of any “gold coin shower”,
the photograph and caption on page 68 of the March
1959 Chess Review may be noted:’
7102. Last round at Nottingham
This article by the Badmaster, G.H. Diggle, comes from
pages 76-77 of Chess Characters (Geneva, 1984),
having previously appeared in the November 1981 Newsflash:
‘The BM was a spectator at the last round of the famous
Nottingham, 1936 tournament. Botvinnik and Capablanca
were leading with 9½ points each, and neither could
possibly be equalled by any other competitor unless he
lost. Both in fact were fully expected to win, “Capa”
with White against Bogoljubow (whose score was 5) and
still more Botvinnik against Winter (whose score was 2
consisting of 9 losses and 4 draws) though he had
produced such fine chess in some of his games that his
play could have almost brought an action for libel
against his score. The hours of play on the final day
were 9.30 to 1.30 and then 3 p.m. to the finish of the
last game. As often happens, not much fur was flying for
the first two hours or so, but then the “Capa-Bogol”
game livened up considerably. About noon “Capa” won the
exchange in a complex position; but then came a
sensation which brought everyone to his board – the
great Cuban had made a palpable oversight enabling Black
to massacre almost all the white pawns, and exposing the
white king, in his denuded state, to a raking crossfire
from two powerful bishops. He seemed almost in a mating
net, and though he ingeniously kept afloat until the
interval, “Capa” was still in a position of extreme
danger. It is unlikely that he took much lunch, for the
BM espied him through the open door of a “Players Only”
anteroom standing at a chessboard and analysing (by
himself, of course) for all he was worth. On the
resumption he got into smoother water and finally
scraped a draw by returning at the right moment the
exchange he had won at the outset. And so the relieved
“Capa” and his jolly, friarlike opponent, shook hands.
In all this excitement, Botvinnik v Winter had been
practically forgotten, but it now emerged that they had
also agreed to a draw (whether during the interval or
immediately after, the BM cannot remember). The
resulting equal first (Capablanca 10 Botvinnik 10)
pleased and satisfied everybody. For the former it was
the culmination of a great career, and at the same time
it turned Botvinnik (whose modesty had made an immensely
favourable impression on everyone) into a national hero
at home. As for Winter, he had been so much expected to
lose to the “all-conquering Russian” that he was
considered to have done well in “tenaciously holding him
to a draw” and thus (as everyone saw it) enabling the
popular Cuban veteran to share the honours with the
equally popular rising star of the Soviet Union.
But later, when Botvinnik v Winter came to be
annotated, both J.H. Blake (BCM) and A. Alekhine
(tournament book) pointed out that Winter had done more
than “tenaciously hold his own”. He had obtained, if not
a clear win, such a considerable advantage that the draw
really provided Botvinnik rather than Capablanca with
the vital half-point. At this a few cynics (knowing
Winter’s left-wing views) “shot out their lips and shook
their heads, saying ...”. But at this period the Chess
World was not cursed with “political awareness” to
anything like the extent it is now; and all who knew
Winter knew also that in his eyes chess probity would
always take precedence over “leftist loyalties”. In
fact, he had had an exhausting tournament dogged by
ill-luck and handicapped by Press work – two rounds
earlier he had thrown away a win against Capablanca –
and he was probably still under the influence of this
and unwilling to risk a repetition of the disaster.’
7103. Alexander v Marshall (C.N.s 3508,
5262, 6624, 6653 & 6747)
C.N. 3508 opened a discussion of an Alexander v Marshall
game (‘Cambridge, 1928’), the main point of interest being
this position:

After 1 Rf4 exf4 2 gxf4 dxc3 Black controls g1, and the
winning line was therefore given as 1 Na4 bxa4 2 Rf4 exf4
3 gxf4, after which 4 Rg1+ leads to mate.
Not until C.N. 6747 could a source from the 1920s be
presented, but now the full details of the game have been
found by Alan Smith (Manchester, England):
Conel Hugh O’Donel Alexander – E.T. Marshall
Cambridge University v Lud-Eagle match, 1 December 1928
Vienna Game
1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Bc5 3 Bc4 d6 4 d3 Nc6 5 f4 Nf6 6 Nf3 O-O 7
f5 Na5 8 Bg5 c6 9 a3 b5 10 Ba2 Qb6 11 Qe2 Nb7 12 Nh4 a5 13
Bxf6 gxf6 14 Rf1 Be3 15 Qh5 Bf4 16 Nd1 Nd8 17 g3 Be3 18
Ke2 Bc5 19 Qh6 d5 20 Nc3 d4 21 Rf4 exf4 22 Na4 f3+ 23 Nxf3
Qa7 24 Nxc5 Bxf5 25 g4 Bg6 26 Nxd4 Qxc5 27 Nf5 Bxf5 28
gxf5 Ne6 29 c3 Qe7 30 fxe6 fxe6 31 Rg1+ Kh8 32 Bxe6 Rae8
33 Bf5 Rg8 Drawn.
Sources: The Observer, 16 December 1928, page 25,
with details concerning the match in The Times, 3
December 1928.
In the fourth round of Scheveningen, 1913 Yates scored
a point against Breyer by forfeit, because of Breyer’s
failure to appear (tournament book, page x). A more
detailed account was given by L. Hoffer on page 270 of The
Field, 2 August 1913:
‘An unpleasant incident occurred in Breyer appearing
after his clock had run one hour, and the game was
scored to Yates under the rules. Heer Weisfelt (hon.
sec.) telephoned to the hotel in time, and the message
came that Breyer had gone out long ago. It turned out
afterwards that he mistook Alekhine for Breyer – there
is such a likeness between them – so nothing could be
done but to let the clock run. Breyer said afterwards
that he would never stay with Alekhine in the same
hotel. Not to be idle, he challenged Yates to a game
for a stake of 10 florins, which Yates immediately
accepted; it was not finished when time was called.’
Hoffer, who died on 28 August 1913, was present in
Scheveningen. In the same column he wrote:
‘Among the visitors was M. Nardus, who generously
offered to supply The Field with his sketches
of the players at the chessboard. Although sketching
at lightning speed, and under great difficulties, the
players themselves shifting their positions constantly
and the spectators standing in front of the artist, so
that he could only catch occasional glimpses of the
subjects, he succeeded, nevertheless, in completing
five pictures (see page 301), the others to follow au
fur et à mesure, as he said, when they are
The five sketches by Léonardus Nardus:
Leopold Hoffer
Gyula Breyer
Jacques Mieses
Rudolf Loman
Georg Olland
7105. N.N. v Nimzowitsch (C.N.s 6962
& 6969)
We have now obtained a copy of the column by Brian Harley
(page 25 of The Observer, 25 March 1928):
From Graham Clayton (South Windsor, NSW, Australia)
comes this photograph on page 5 of the New York
Tribune, 30 December 1908:
Concerning the event in question, see pages 10 and 344
of Shady Side: The Life and Crimes of Norman Tweed
Whitaker, Chessmaster by John S. Hilbert (Yorklyn,
Tresling v Benima, Winschoten, 1896, a famous
five-queens game, was given on pages 177-178 of The
Chess Companion by Irving Chernev (New York,
1968). The item was reproduced from ‘Chernev’s Chess
Corner’ on the inside front cover of Chess Review,
February 1950:
The game was also discussed in D.J. Morgan’s Quotes and
Queries column on page 105 of the April 1962 BCM:
Can a reader send us copies of what was published in
the nineteenth-century volumes of the Dutch magazine?
For now, we can give only the game’s appearance on pages
172-173 of the July 1913 Tijdschrift van den
Nederlandschen Schaakbond:
Larger version
Below is Tresling’s obituary on page 115 of the April
1939 Tijdschrift van den Koninklijken Nederlandschen
7108. Nimzowitsch circa 1916
We are grateful to Per Skjoldager (Fredericia, Denmark)
for permission to reproduce a photograph of Aron
Nimzowitsch (circa 1916):
Mr Skjoldager informs us that he received the portrait
from Mr Rolf Littorin. It appears on page 21 of the new
chess catalogue of McFarland & Co. Inc., in connection
with the forthcoming publication of Aron Nimzowitsch
On the Road to Chess Mastery, 1886-1924 by Per
Skjoldager and Jørn Erik Nielsen.
From page 29 of The Chess Scene by D. Levy and
S. Reuben (London, 1974):
Corroboration provided by the co-authors for these
statements: zero. See also, for instance, page 127 of Grandmasters
of Chess by Harold C. Schonberg (Philadelphia and
New York, 1973).
The concluding paragraph of C.N. 3179 (see page 280 of
Chess Facts and Fables) may be recalled:
‘No chess event requires greater caution by
historians than the Lasker v Schlechter match. As
shown by magazine and newspaper reports of the time,
the regulations evolved between late 1908 and early
1910, but, as far as we know, they were never
published in a final, consolidated form.’
Anyone wishing to make a careful analysis of such
questions as whether Schlechter had to win the match by
two points and whether the world title was at stake
should evidently begin by studying existing accounts of
the controversy. We list below the main items that come
to mind, many of which cite material published in
- D.J. Morgan’s Quotes and Queries column in the BCM:
June 1974, page 206 (B. Cafferty);
October 1974, page 379 (J.M. Brown, E. Winter, R.
January 1975, page 26 (W. Heidenfeld);
April 1975, pages 162-163 (D. Brandreth);
August 1975, page 353 (W. Heidenfeld and E.A. Apps).
- A far more extensive discussion evolved in CHESS:
July 1975, pages 294-295 (W. Heidenfeld);
August 1975, pages 327-328 (D. Hooper, W. Heidenfeld);
September 1975, pages 357-358 (R.E. Gill, A. Penrose, W.
Heidenfeld, H. Fraenkel);
November 1975, pages 48-49 (K. Whyld);
March 1976, pages 180-191 (E.A. Apps, W. Heidenfeld,
C.D. Robinson, D. Hooper);
June 1976, pages 283-285 (E.A. Apps, H. Lyman);
September 1976, pages 380-381 (K. Whyld, W. Heidenfeld).
- Lasker v Schlechter: the last word by E.A.
Apps (Sutton Coldfield, 1976). A four-page pamphlet
whose text was similar, though not identical, to Apps’
article of the same title in the June 1976 CHESS.
- ‘Späte Nachlese zum Wettkampf Lasker gegen
Schlechter’ by U. Grammel in Deutsche
Schachzeitung, January 1977, pages 37-41.
- Chess Notes: C.N.s 39, 81, 1308, 1762, 3179,
4144 and 5855.
- ‘The Lasker-Schlechter Match’ by L. Wright in The
South African Chessplayer, November-December
1985, pages 135-140.
The South African Chessplayer, February 1986,
page 26 (K. Whyld).
- ‘The Lasker-Schlechter Match: A New Look at the
Published Evidence’ by L. Blair in Chess Horizons,
November-December 1988, pages 52-62. A shorter version
appeared on pages 48-55 of the February 1990 BCM.
- Carl Schlechter! Life and Times of the Austrian
Chess Wizard by W. Goldman (Yorklyn, 1994),
pages 428-452.
- New in Chess, 8/1994, page 59 (comments by H.
Ree on Goldman’s book).
New in Chess, 1/1995, pages 5-6 (L.
New in Chess, 3/1995, pages 5-6 (D. Brandreth).
- ‘Lasker-Schlechter 1910 New Evidence from Viennese
Sources’ by M. Ehn in New in Chess, 6/1995,
pages 85-93.
New in Chess, 8/1995, pages 7-8 (L. Blair).
- ‘Lasker-Schlechter 1910 Neue Fakten aus Wiener
Quellen’ by M. Ehn in Schach Report,
8/1995, pages 71-74 and 9/1995, pages 69-72.
7110. The greatness of chess
What can be discovered about the author and exact
original publication of the text below?
Chess Amateur, May
1920, page 222
American Chess Bulletin,
July-August 1920, page 140.
Peter de Jong (De Meern, the Netherlands) has supplied
the items requested. Firstly, page 268 of the December
1896 Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond:
Pages 110-112 of the May 1897 issue of the Dutch
On page 16 of Comparative Chess (Philadelphia,
1932) Frank Marshall referred to Zukertort as ‘a former
champion of the world’ (see page 297 of A Chess
Russell Miller (Vancouver, WA, USA) draws attention to
this passage on page 5 of the Sedalia Weekly Bazoo
of 5 February 1884:
We note that the text quoted from the Southern
Trade Gazette, which also referred to a 12-board
blindfold exhibition by Zukertort in Louisville on 26
December 1883, ended as follows:
‘When Mr Lovenhart opened 1 P-KKt4 the doctor
waited a full minute before he made his reply. A
bystander suggested that Zukertort was not thinking of
the game but merely trying to form a mental image of the
man who would open a game in that manner.’
7113. Unidentified compositions
With the caption ‘White to play and win’ this position
was on page 103 of Lasker’s Chess Primer (London,
(When the book was reissued as How To Play Chess
the diagram was on page 100.) No composer was named by
Lasker, and no solution was indicated. (It is mate in 11
moves.) However, thanks to Harold van der Heijden’s
endgame study database the missing information is easily
found: the composition was by Josef Hašek (published on
page 10 of the January 1928 Deutsche Schachzeitung).
A more difficult case is ‘Task Eight’ in Lasker’s book
(page 100 and page 96):
Again, there was nothing but a caption, which asked how
the reader would win as White. Apart from the fact that a
slightly similar position is on page 36 of Lasker’s
Manual of Chess (London, 1932), all we can add is
that the composition was discussed inconclusively in
‘Evans on Chess’ on page 25 of the January 1976 Chess
Life & Review:
John Blackstone (Las Vegas, NV, USA) points out this
letter on page 11 of the New York Evening Post,
5 October 1910:
‘My dear Blackburne,
I notice with a great deal of pleasure the movement
which has been set on foot to commemorate the
completion of 50 years of chess life in your career,
and I want to add my personal good wishes to the many
that will pour in upon you as the brilliant and
much-loved representative of British chess. Your style
of play, which to my mind should be cultivated much
more than it is, has always appealed to me, and I
believe I have profited much by a study of your famous
games. Whether I have lost or won I have thoroughly
enjoyed the games we have had together and both
because of your standing in the chess world and my own
regard for you I value as such the privilege of having
met you so often face to face across the chequered
Regretting my inability to greet you personally on
this auspicious occasion and hoping you may long
survive in the interest of the cause you espoused and
for the gratification of your man [sic],
friends and admirers I remain yours very sincerely
(Signed) Frank J. Marshall
New York, 29 September.’
The result of the jubilee testimonial for Blackburne
was announced on page 322 of the August 1912 BCM:
‘A New Morphy Game?’
At the Chess Archaeology website an intriguing article
has just been posted: ‘A
New Morphy Game? Found by Nick Pope, Introduced by
John S. Hilbert.’
7116. Stalemate and deadlock
From page 2 of the October 1915 Chess Amateur:
‘Not Stalemate but Deadlock in describing the War
Many newspapers, magazines, journals and books have, on
various occasions, alluded to the situation in the
Dardanelles and in France as that of a “stalemate”,
painfully illustrating the truth of the adage how
dangerous a thing is a little knowledge. No-one with any
real familiarity with chess would use the expression
stalemate in describing the war in either of its areas,
which would convey the idea that it was all over and a
draw had resulted. A deadlock perhaps at one time would
have been a correct definition, but a stalemate is a
climax, a finality, and is absolutely misleading. The
Germans in this awful contest would jump at a stalemate,
but their opponents have got some good “moves” to spring
upon them at the psychical moment, when the Kaiser will
be effectually checkmated – a totally different matter
to being stalemated.’
William Winter
This caricature comes from page 193 of the 14 January
1939 CHESS, which reproduced it in a review of Time
and Space, the ‘official organ of the Workers’
Chess League’ and ‘a bright new chess magazine with
pronouncedly Left tendencies’. William Winter was named
as ‘the editor and author of much of the matter’,
although the entry in Betts’ Annotated Bibliography
names the editor as E. Klein, also stating that the
magazine ran for 23 issues, from August 1938 to June
Having no copies of Time and Space, we should
be grateful to hear of any particularly interesting
material it may contain.
What exactly is known about the rapid transit event
held on the occasion of the St Petersburg, 1914
From page 158 of the July 1914 American Chess
‘Although the chief prize at St Petersburg eluded him
by the narrowest of margins, José R. Capablanca,
besides taking the second prize, did not come away
empty-handed with regard to minor honors, which
included the first Rothschild prize for brilliancy,
first prize in a rapid transit tourney, in which Dr
Lasker was also a participant, as well as a fine
record in simultaneous exhibitions, of which he gave
three. ...
In the rapid transit tourney Capablanca had the
satisfaction of making a score of 5½ out of a possible
6 points, with Dr Lasker, Dr Tarrasch and Alekhine
among the competitors. It is not the first time,
however, that he has worsted the world’s champion in
this style of chess.’
7119. Mackenzie ‘chess champion of the
Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) sends an article from
the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News which
was published on page 20 of the New Zealand Chess
Chronicle, 25 October 1887. The first paragraph:
The writer was G.A. MacDonnell, and the article was
included on pages 27-30 of his book The Knights and
Kings of Chess (London, 1894):
See also C.N. 3968. Steinitz took up the ‘chess champion
of the world’ affair in the International Chess
Magazine, starting on page 264 of the September 1887
issue, and there resulted a number of public exchanges
with Mackenzie.
Below is a portrait of Mackenzie from page 33 of the
October 1888 Chess Monthly:
Front cover of The
Modern Chess Instructor by W. Steinitz
As is well known, though not always mentioned by
annotators, in his famous win against Louis Paulsen at
New York, 1857 Morphy overlooked quicker mates at moves
22 (...Rg2), 23 (...Be4+) and 24 (...Bg2+). The second
and third of these are, of course, the same mating line.
It is worth recalling the discussion in such popular
books as Chernev’s The Bright Side of Chess
(pages 120-122) and The Chess Companion (pages
231-233). In the latter work the discovery of 22...Rg2
was credited to Zukertort, and it was stated that
23...Be4+ was ‘pointed out by Bauer’. Many other books
say the same. On the other hand, page 71 of Morphy
Chess Masterpieces by F. Reinfeld and A. Soltis
(New York, 1974) referred to 22...Rg2 as ‘the beautiful
four-move win discovered by Steinitz’. (The annotations
were by Reinfeld, having previously appeared on page 327
of the November 1954 Chess Review.)
So, was it Zukertort or Steinitz who first pointed out
22...Rg2, and where exactly did Bauer comment on the
On pages 171-173 of the February 1887 Chess Monthly
an article by Zukertort was published under the title
‘The Morphy-Paulsen End-Game’:
Steinitz, for his part, gave the game on pages 48 and
51 of part one of The Modern Chess Instructor
(New York, 1889). Without offering details he asserted
that it was he who had ‘first discovered’ 22...Rg2
(‘though it was afterward claimed by another player now
deceased’). Steinitz made no mention of Bauer’s
What was the exact chronology of the analytical
findings by Steinitz, Zukertort and Bauer in the Paulsen
v Morphy game?
Pillsbury in 1905
Further to the feature article Pillsbury’s Torment,
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) draws attention to a report
on pages 1 and 2 of the Boston Journal of 1 April
Harry Nelson Pillsbury
How far back is it possible to trace the quote
attributed to Pillsbury ‘Chess is what you see’? The
following comes from page 479 of the January 1898 American
Chess Magazine:
7123. Englisch v Tarrasch
Javier Asturiano Molina (Murcia, Spain) enquires whether
the game-score of Englisch v Tarrasch, Frankfurt am Main,
1887 has been lost.
We have never seen the game. Played on the morning of 22
July, it is absent from the tournament book.
In C.N. 732 Jeremy Gaige (Philadelphia, PA, USA) wrote:
‘What became of the Bruno Bassi collection? The
magazines are in a library in Sweden, but what
became of archival material and indexes he cited in
his letter in the July 1950 BCM, page 231,
where he also mentioned his unpublished Dictionary
of Chess History and Biography (what a loss that
that work has apparently never surfaced)?’
Gaige was writing in 1984, and we recall no further
particulars about the Bassi collection. Below is the BCM
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5 4 Bc4 d6 5 O-O Bg4 6 h3 h5 7
hxg4 hxg4 8 Nh2 g3 9 Ng4 Nf6 10 Nc3 Rh4 11 Ne3 fxe3 12
dxe3 g4 13 Qd4 Bg7 14 e5 Nc6 15 Qf4 Nxe5 16 Qxg3 Nh5 17
Qf2 Nf3+ 18 gxf3 g3 19 Qd2 Rh2 20 Qd5 Rh1+ 21 Kg2
21...Nf4+ 22 exf4 Rh2+ 23 Kg1 Bd4+ 24 Qxd4 Qh4 25 White
This game comes from page 327 of the August 1916 Chess
Amateur. Concerning the occasion, the only
information provided is that the players were ‘Mac R.’
and ‘Hart’. The magazine’s source was the Boletín de
Ajedrez (Mexico).
7126. ‘Chess is what you see’ (C.N.
Jerry Spinrad (Nashville, TN, USA) sends this report from
page 2 of the Ogden Standard Examiner, 16 December
From Bo Sjögren (Märsta, Sweden):
‘The Bassi collection (or, rather,
what is left of it) is indeed in a Swedish library,
the Royal Library (“Kungliga biblioteket”, KB). A
brief description is available on-line.
The description does not mention an archive or an
index, but it is there; for some time it was included
by mistake in the Frans G. Bengtsson collection, but I
understand that this has now been corrected.
As the link above mentions, there was an article
about Bassi and his collection on pages 50-52 of the
2/1957 issue of Tidskrift för Schack. The
archive is mentioned in very positive terms (my
“In addition to this large book collection, Dr Bassi
has also compiled an opening and historical card index
consisting of 40,000 written cards. This chess archive
has been systematized using a simple but brilliant
method, invented by him, and which, despite the
enormous amount of material, makes everything easily
7128. Thomas on Lasker and Capablanca
C.N. 761 quoted a remark by Sir George Thomas on page 242
of the September 1951 BCM:
‘... It is my firm conviction that either Lasker or
Capablanca at his best, and with no more modern
equipment than he possessed at that time, could have
given the odds of the latest technique to any player of
From page 308 of the July 1920 Chess Amateur:
After correction of a couple of obvious errors in the
Forsyth notation the position, it will be noted, is the
same as the one given on page 25 of the 19 December 1908
issue of the Chess Weekly (which did not mention
Graham Clayton (South Windsor, NSW, Australia) has
found this game between R.A. Hart and C.C. Lee on page 3
of the Sunday Times (Perth, Western Australia),
15 February 1903: 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5 4 Bc4 d6 5
O-O Bg4 6 h3 h5 7 hxg4 hxg4 8 Nd4 Qf6 9 c3 Nd7 10 Qxg4
Ne5 11 Qe2 g4 12 d3 g3 13 Bxf7+ Qxf7 14 Rxf4, after
which the newspaper stated that (according to its
source, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle) Black now gave
mate in 12.
We have traced the game on page 21 of the 30 November
1902 edition of the Eagle. The heading reported
that it was ‘played by correspondence between R.A. Hart
of Baton Rouge, La and C.C. Lee of Boston, Mass., in the
Middleton counter gambit tournament’.
from the Bibliothèque nationale de France
In C.N. 5875 Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) provided a link
to a photograph of Chigorin at the website of the
Bibliothèque nationale de France. He now points out three
further pictures from the same collection:
On Alekhine’s left is Tartakower, whose opponent that
day (11 February) was Znosko-Borovsky. The man standing
between Tartakower and Znosko-Borovsky is the tournament
director, Alphonse Goetz. Mr Urcan comments that by
zooming in it is even possible to read the time on
Alekhine’s watch.
- Two shots of Tartakower giving a simultaneous
exhibition in 1932.
This position was published on the front cover of a
book. Which move did White play and what was the title
of the book?
Chess Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.