Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
7384. Punch cartoon
This cartoon was discussed on pages 151-154 of The
Knights and Kings of Chess by G.A. MacDonnell
(London, 1894).
1 f4 e5 2 fxe5 d6 3 exd6 Bxd6 4 g3 Qg5 5 Nf3 Qxg3+ 6
hxg3 Bxg3 mate.
Labelled ‘N.N. v Du Mont’ and dated 1802, this game is
often given unquestioningly in chess databases. (It is
in the nature of most chess databases that they give
unsubstantiated, dubious or inaccurate material
unquestioningly. Careful corrective work would surely be
a better use of anybody’s time than, for instance,
involvement in those inconsequential yet pestilential
‘discussion groups’.)
But what is the truth about the above game? For now, we
merely note that a similar finish appeared on page 649
of 500 Master Games of Chess by S. Tartakower
and J. du Mont (London, 1952):
7386. Morphy against the Devil (C.N.
The Editor of Virginia Chess, Macon Shibut
(Vienna, VA, USA), authorizes us to reproduce an article
by John T. Campbell which was published on pages 1-2 of
the magazine’s November-December 1994 issue:
Our correspondent has also provided the
picture in colour:
From page 109 of The Basis of Combination in Chess
by J. du Mont (London, 1938):
A similar position (with Black’s queen’s-side pawns on
a6 and b5) was on page 52 of Modern Chess Tactics
by L. Pachman (London, 1970).
The complete game, played in a Leipzig chess café,
appears to be lost, but Gutmayer gave the conclusion
(with a position lacking a white rook) on pages 263-265
of the third edition of his book Der Weg zur
Meisterschaft (Berlin and Leipzig, 1919):
On pages 115-116 of his book Turnierpraxis
(Berlin and Leipzig, 1922) Gutmayer also included the
position, with even more errors:
As a postscript, we wonder what is known about the
Gutmayer v Lasker game in the second Turnierpraxis
diagram above. To begin with, which Lasker was Black?
7388. Fischer and the House of
In the United States in March 1986 the House of
Representatives passed a Resolution, sponsored by Charles
Pashayan, which recognized Bobby Fischer as the world
chess champion. Siegfried Hornecker (Heidenheim, Germany)
provides a link to the record of the Resolution.
The recent publication by Caissa Editions
of Pasadena 1932 International Chess Tournament by
Robert Sherwood, Dale Brandreth and Bruce Monson (Yorklyn,
2011) prompts us to reproduce a letter from Capablanca to
Henry MacMahon (which is referred to on page ii, and whose
full text was transcribed on pages 232-233 of our book on
the Cuban):
The picture purportedly depicting Morphy, with an
unidentified opponent, was the subject of an article by
Enoch Nappen on page 25 of the June 1986 Chess Life.
Shortly after posting C.N. 7387 we saw the Lasker game
on pages 259-263 of Gutmayer’s book Der Weg zur
Meisterschaft (Berlin and Leipzig, 1919). Gutmayer
gave the first 28 moves, with the heading ‘Gutmayer u.
Genossen – Dr. Em. Lasker’. On page 70 of The
Collected Games of Emanuel Lasker by K. Whyld
(Nottingham, 1998) the consultants were named as
Schlesinger and Thalheim, and the occasion was given as
Berlin, 28 February 1896. Gutmayer’s book was not
mentioned, and the source was specified as ‘Daniuszewski
manuscript [Lothar Schmid]’. Christian Sánchez (Rosario,
Argentina) notes that the game-score is in a number of
databases, dated 6 March 1896, and that on page 116 of
Gutmayer’s Turnierpraxis (C.N. 7387) the diagram
was incorrect. The latter point is also made by Peter
Anderberg (Harmstorf, Germany), who adds that the
complete game-score was published on pages 113-114 of
the 12 April 1896 issue of Deutsches Wochenschach.
It was one of three consultation games played
simultaneously at the Café Kaiserhof in Berlin on 28
February that year.
We add that Gutmayer also gave the game, naming
Schlesinger and Thalheim, on pages 121-122 of his book Die
Offensive am Schachbrett (Innsbruck-Mühlau, 1916).
Below is another example of Gutmayer’s output, from
pages 20-21 of his book Der fertige Schach-Praktiker
(Leipzig, 1923):
In the Capablanca v Réti game (London, 1922) neither
player overlooked that the Cuban’s king was in check. It
was on e1, and the white rook was on c1, not a1. Black
had a pawn on b5.
Nor is the Hartlaub position correct; the black rook
did not move to an empty square but captured a white
rook on d2. The full game (Traube v Hartlaub, Hanover,
26 November 1913) was given on pages 54-55 of Dr.
Hartlaubs Glanzpartien by Friedrich Michéls
(Leipzig, 1923):
New York, 1857
From our brittle edition of Frank Leslie’s
Illustrated Newspaper, 31 October 1857 (page 344):
7394. New York, 1857 (C.N. 7393)
These sketches appeared on page 345 of the 31 October
1857 issue of Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper:
Larger versions of section one and section two
There are many brief references to chess in Sergei
Prokofiev Soviet Diary 1927 and Other Writings
translated and edited by Oleg Prokofiev (London, 1991).
See pages 30, 79, 85, 122, 127, 168, 232, 247, 272 and
From page 272:
‘... I went to New York to be followed shortly by the
Chicago Opera Company, which, after several
postponements, gave a single performance of the Oranges
on 14 February 1922. Owing to these changes in the
date of the performance I happened to have a piano
recital as well on the day of the opening. Since I was
to conduct the opera that evening I followed
Capablanca’s advice and spent the time between the
recital and the opera taking a hot bath and resting.’
See too the feature article Sergei Prokofiev and Chess.
7396. From Billy Wilder
The readers’ letters section of the November 1944 Chess
Review included the following:
The front cover to which he was referring:
Page 2 identified the group as comprising ‘Mrs E.S.
Jackson, Jr., Mrs G. Shainswit and Mrs A.S. Pinkus, wives
of three of the contestants at the Ventnor City tourney’.
Correct answers have been received from Leonard Barden
(London) and Mike Salter (Sydney, Australia). Before
revealing the name, we add a photograph of the mystery
figure in more familiar company:
7398. Randomized chess (C.N. 7370)
Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) notes a comment about
randomized chess on page 365 of Paul Rudolf von Bilguer’s
Handbuch des Schachspiels (Berlin, 1843), to the
effect that the advantage of openings knowledge could be
neutralized by Nieveld’s method of drawing lots to
determine the array, although it tended to lead to
uninteresting games:
‘Den Vortheil, welchen Jemand aus dem Studium der
Eröffnungen erlangt hat, kann man auch auf die vom
General Nieveld in seiner Supériorité aux Echecs
empfohlene Weise paralysiren. Die Officiere werden
nämlich hinter den Bauern gleichförmig auf die erste
und achte Reihe, aber in einer durch das Loos
bestimmten Ordnung postirt. Es scheint, als sei diese
Methode bei den Holländern häufig in Gebrauch,
obgleich sie, wie die indische, offenbar den Nachteil
hat, gewöhnlich uninteressante Spiele herbeizuführen.’
The Handbuch then gave this specimen game from
page 62 of the 15 August 1842 issue of Le Palamède:
van der Hoeven – Aaron Alexandre
Mannheim, 1842
1 Qb2 f6 2 d3 Nh6 3 e4 Nf7 4 Bf3 c6 5 Bc3 Kg7 6 Nd2 d6 7
Ne2 Rf8 8 h4 h5 9 Rd1 Nh6 10 Nc4 b5 11 Ne3 e5 12 d4 Bc7 13
Bg2 Bd7 14 Rd3 a5 15 Ke1 b4 16 Bd2 c5 17 d5 a4 18 Nc4 a3
19 Bxh6+ Kxh6 20 Qc1+ Kg7 21 c3 Na6 22 Nd2 bxc3 23 Nxc3
Nb4 24 Re3 f5 25 f3
25...f4 and wins.
A further article is ‘The Devil and Paul Morphy –
Again’ by Bradley Ewart on pages 26-27 of Chess Life,
June 1986.
The above photograph of Paul Keres was published
opposite page 16 of Analysen van A.V.R.O.’s
wereld-schaak-tournooi by M. Euwe (Amsterdam,
From page 82 of CHESS, 14 November 1938 comes a
comment written by Paul Keres to B.H. Wood shortly
before the tournament began:
‘It will be an achievement not to be last.’
An old problem
‘What is the smallest number of moves in
which White can mate?’
7402. Hitler v Napoleon
An item on pages 178-179 of A Chess Omnibus noted
that C.J.S. Purdy attempted to make light of Hitler in a
satirical one-act play ‘Hell Hitler’ in “Among These
Mates” (Sydney, 1939), a book which he published
under the pseudonym Chielamangus. The dramatis personae
were Shade of Napoleon, Shade of Hitler, and Satan, and
the play was founded on a spoof Hitler v Napoleon game: 1
e4 e5 2 Bc4 Bc5 3 Nf3 d6 4 d3 Be6 5 Bxe6 fxe6 6 Be3 Nd7 7
Bxc5 dxc5 8 Nbd2 Ne7 9 O-O O-O 10 Nc4 Ng6 11 c3 Qf6 12 Qb3
Nf4 13 Ne1 Qg5 14 Kh1 Rf6 15 Qxb7 Raf8 16 Qxc7 R8f7 17 Rg1
Qh4 18 Qc8+ Nf8 19 Ne3 Qxh2+ 20 Kxh2 Rh6+ 21 Kg3 Ne2+ 22
Kg4 Rf4+ 23 Kg5 Rh2 24 Qxf8+ Kxf8 25 Nf3 Kg8 26 Nxh2 h6+
27 Kg6 Rf5 28 exf5 Nf4 mate.
This score was based on the famous brilliancy F. Herrmann
v H. Hussong, Frankfurt, 1930 published on pages 314-315
of the October 1930 Deutsche Schachzeitung,
October 1930, and, with Alekhine’s notes taken from Denken
und Raten, on pages 340-342 of the December 1930
issue of Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten:

Below, from Purdy’s book, is the illustration on page 6
and the conclusion of the play on page 11:
In conclusion, we add the following from page 8 of the
October 1944 Chess Review:
7403. Who? (C.N.s 7378 and 7397)
The two photographs featured G.S.A. Wheatcroft (1905-87),
our source being Twelfth Chess Tournament of Nations
by Salo Flohr (Moscow, 1957).
Wheatcroft received an extensive obituary in The
Times (5 December 1987, page 10). Headed ‘Authority
on taxation law’, it stated that ‘his many books on the
subject are of outstanding quality and unrivalled
reputation’. Chess was mentioned only in one brief
paragraph of the obituary:
‘Wheatcroft was a skilled chess player and represented
England at Stockholm, in 1937. He was also a fine bridge
From page 27 of “Among These Mates” by
Chielamangus (Sydney, 1939):
And from page 79:
7405. Gutmayer’s games against Swiderski
and Lasker (C.N.s 7387 & 7391)
In the line of duty we have been browsing further in the
books of Franz Gutmayer. Some additional references for
the record:
Gutmayer v Swiderski (position only):
- Der Weg zur Meisterschaft (Leipzig, 1913),
page 92;
- Die Geheimnisse der Kombinationskunst (Leipzig,
1914), page 17;
- Der Weg zur Meisterschaft (Berlin and Leipzig,
1919), not only pages 263-265 as previously noted but
also the title page and page 217;
- Die Geheimnisse der Kombinationskunst (Leipzig,
1922), page 74;
- Der Weg zur Meisterschaft (Berlin and Leipzig,
1923), title page.
Gutmayer et al. v Emanuel Lasker (position only):
- Die Geheimnisse der Kombinationskunst (Leipzig,
1914), pages 38-39;
- Die Geheimnisse der Kombinationskunst (Leipzig,
1922), page 22.
1) Schulder v Boden:
Black played ...Qxc3+
2) MacDonnell v Boden:
Black played ...Qxf3
Regarding the first diagram, our
article on Boden’s
Mate commented:
‘Page 76 of The Art of Attack in Chess by V.
Vuković (Oxford, 1965) gave the position before
14...Qxc3+ (minus the black rook on e8), stating that it
came “from the game Macdonell [sic]-Boden
(1869)”. That was amended to “Schulder-Boden, London,
1853” on page 76 of the algebraic edition edited by John
Nunn (London, 1998). Vuković’s reference to MacDonnell v
Boden was evidently based on confusion with another
familiar brilliancy by Boden (20...Qxf3) which was also
given in the Tartakower/du Mont book (see pages
248-249). Unsurprisingly, there are discrepancies
regarding that game too. For instance, page 31 of Combination
in Chess by G. Négyesy and J. Hegyi (Budapest,
1965) dated it 1830, the year in which MacDonnell was
We wonder whether Vuković’s mistake was due to copying
from Gutmayer, who frequently published the two queen
sacrifices. In the list below an asterisk indicates that
the games were confused:
- Die Schachpartie (Leipzig, 1913): ‘Macdonnell v
Boden’ ...Qxc3+ game on page 174*;
- Der Weg zur Meisterschaft (Leipzig, 1913):
‘Macdonnell v Boden’ ...Qxf3 position on page 42;
- Die Geheimnisse der Kombinationskunst (Leipzig,
1914): ‘– v Boden’ ...Qxc3+ position on page 102;
- Rätsel und Reichtümer der Eröffnung (Leipzig,
1915): ‘Macdonnell v Boden’ ...Qxf3 position on page
102; ‘Macdonnell v Boden’ ...Qxf3 game on pages 198-199;
- Der fertige Schach-Praktiker (Leipzig, 1921):
‘Macdonnell v Boden’ ...Qxc3+ position on page 28*;
- Die Geheimnisse der Kombinationskunst (Leipzig,
1922): ‘Macdonnell v Boden’ ...Qxf3 position on page 15;
‘– v Boden’ ...Qxc3+ position on page 114;
- Turnierpraxis (Berlin and Leipzig, 1922):
‘Macdonell v Boden’ ...Qxc3+ position on page 35*.
Wanted: early sightings of the MacDonnell v Boden game in
The only Pillsbury game in 666 Kurzpartien by
K. Richter (Berlin-Frohnau, 1966) is dated 1900 without
any identification of the opponent or venue: 1 e4 e5 2
Nc3 Nc6 3 f4 d6 4 Nf3 a6 5 Bc4 Bg4 6 fxe5 Nxe5 7 Nxe5
Bxd1 8 Bxf7+ Ke7 9 Nd5 mate. See page 88.
As is well-known, Pillsbury’s opponent (Black) was
named Fernández, but where was the game played? There
are databases which give ‘Germany’ or ‘Paris’. Page 23
of L’art de faire mat by G. Renaud and V. Kahn
(Monaco, 1947) had the venue as Hanover; see too pages
13-14 of the English edition, The Art of the
On the other hand, the information from Renaud and Kahn
about the occasion and exact date (a 12-board blindfold
display on 16 March 1900) corresponds to what appeared
in La Stratégie, 15 May 1900, page 133, and the
Wiener Schachzeitung, January 1902, page 11.
Both magazines stated that the game was played in
Havana, and Pillsbury was indeed there in March 1900.
From page 231 of the June 1900 BCM:
On page 134 of his book Die Geheimnisse der
Kombinationskunst (Leipzig, 1914) Franz Gutmayer
blundered yet again, by indicating that Pillsbury lost
the game:
In reply to 1 c3 Black is said to have won with
1...Rxe4 2 Qxe4 Ng3 3 Qxd4 Ne2+ 4 Kh1 Qxh2+ 5 Kxh2 Rh8+
6 Bh6 Rxh6+ 7 Qh4 Rxh4 mate.
Further details are unknown to us, although the
position has been widely published. See, for example,
page 403 of Paul Morphy Sein Leben und Schaffen
by Max Lange (Leipzig, 1894) and page 431 of Paul
Morphy by Géza Maróczy (Leipzig, 1909).
The four editions (1898, 1913, 1919 and 1923) of Der
Weg zur Meisterschaft by Franz Gutmayer gave the
position as ‘Bousserolle’ or ‘Bonserolle’ v Morphy. See
also page 57 of Die Geheimnisse der
Kombinationskunst (Leipzig, 1922). A blindfold win
by Morphy (as White) against A. Bousserolles is known
(the conclusion is on the above-mentioned page of
Maróczy’s book), but on what basis did Gutmayer identify
White in our diagrammed position?
Before the Gutmayer books are cleared away, we add some
examples of his treatment of Capablanca’s games:
- Pages 281-282 of Rätsel und Reichtümer der
Eröffnung (Leipzig, 1915) gave the Cuban’s game
against Spielmann at San Sebastián, 1911 but named
Spielmann as the winner (White);
- Page 99 of Der fertige Schach-Praktiker
(Leipzig, 1923) stated that Capablanca’s victory
against Sir George Thomas (Hastings, 1919) was played
in New York;
- Page 69 of Der Weg zur Meisterschaft (Berlin
and Leipzig, 1923) gave a position in which Capablanca
defeated ‘Blackebrond’ (Blackburne);
- Page 99 of the same book was just one of a number of
places where Gutmayer wrongly claimed that Marshall
missed a quick mate against the Cuban (see C.N. 6655).
Franz Gutmayer
Paul Ferret
The latest addition to Chess
Prodigies concerns Paul Ferret, with a game he
played in Paris in 1912 at the age of ten.
Referring to the Oslo tournament of September 1936, won
by Fine ahead of Flohr, Dan Scoones (Port Coquitlam, BC,
Canada) asks whether a collection of the games has ever
We believe not, although all but one of the victor’s
games are on pages 115-117 of Reuben Fine by
Aidan Woodger (Jefferson, 2004).
Below is the report published on page 280 of the
October 1936 issue of Schackvärlden:
The full text of G.A. MacDonnell’s
description of this cartoon by Harry Furniss is
available now in A Chess
Divan in the Strand.
7413. Jutta Hempel
Alain Biénabe (Bordeaux, France) has submitted this
photograph of Jutta Hempel, who was born in Flensburg on
27 September 1960:
After the prodigy was first mentioned in C.N., over 25
years ago, Ludwig Steinkohl (Bad Aibling, Federal Republic
of Germany) contacted her father, Hermann Hempel of
Flensburg, who replied with two long letters giving
details of her career. C.N. 1293 presented the following
summary, in our translation from the German:
Aged five: 5 June 1966: draw against the Altmeister
Chr. Andersen, and also scored a draw against the Danish
Jugendmeister Fin Bertelsen. 14 August: lost
against H.-J. Hecht.
Aged six: 27 November: at Streichmühle played 12
games simultaneously, scoring 9½ out of 12. November
1966-March 1967: won the Open Junior Championship of
Flensburg (Stadt und Land). ‘Jugendmeisterin’
with 7½ points out of 9. March 1967: simultaneous
exhibition, scoring 9 out of 10. June 1967: simultaneous
games in Flensburg against the Stadtmeister
Zimmerman and Ipsen. Scored 1½ out of 2. 13 August 1967
at the ‘Chess Promotion Days’: a) blindfold game which
ended in mate on the 46th move. (This was the only
blindfold game she played; she gave up on the advice of
Brinckmann and others.) b) six-board simultaneous
display ‘ohne Fehler’. The arbiter was Ludwig
Rellstab. c) victory over the Baden master Dr W.
Lauterbach. d) victory over the Stadtmeister W.
Hoff from Winsen/Luhe.
Aged seven: Score of 1-1 against Günter Knuth,
a Stadtmeister from Oberhausen. 1-0 against
Frank Olle. 13 November 1967 at Süderbrarup: played
against 22 players in the Schleswig-Holstein Land
League. Won six, lost one. The remaining games were
adjudicated drawn after midnight. 20-23 November 1968:
victory in a problem-solving competition, in only 16
seconds, ahead of Lederer (25 seconds).
Aged nine: Easter 1970. International tournament
in Flensburg. Scored 1-1 against Jens Enevoldsen of
In C.N. 1293 we added:
Mr Hempel gives details of his daughter’s subsequent
performances, but it is her early achievements that
interest us most. He stresses that no girl aged five-six
has matched her chess strength, but he resists the
description ‘Wunderkind’. The last time she
played was on 2 June 1979, at the Flensburg Lightning
Tournament, in which she came first without losing a
game. That year she went on to further education in
Kiel, in accordance with her own belief, ‘First study,
find a profession and then perhaps start playing again’.
As she was interested in Business Studies she spent two
and a half years as an employee in a Danish bank, after
which she continued as a student in Kiel until the end
of 1985. In the New Year she started work at the Land
Bank in Kiel. On 6 June 1986 she married, and is now
called Hempel-Nissen. Today she says: ‘A woman cannot
earn a living from chess. But if I have children I will
teach them to play, because chess has been a great help
to me with everything.’
7414. Weil/Weill/Wiel, etc. (C.N.s 4751,
4755, 4760 & 6954)
From Rod Edwards (Victoria, BC, Canada):
‘C.N.s 4755 and 4760 mentioned the connection
between Gottlieb Weil and Cambridge, as well as noting
that he was a teacher of German. He would appear to be
the person referred to on several occasions in Bell’s
Life in London well before his matches with Captain
Kennedy in Brighton.
The issue of 7 July 1844 (page 2) said of the
Cambridge Chess Club that “They possess one very
first-rate player in M. Vieile, professor of German in
the University. Few players in England come up to this
gentleman, who plays also remarkably well without seeing
the chess board”. The 28 July 1844 issue (page 2)
mentioned “Mr Vial, professor of German,
Cambridge”, and the 8 December 1844 issue (page 2)
stated: “Since the circumstance of M. Viel taking
up his residence at Cambridge, the club is strengthened;
this gentleman being well known as one of the best
players in London. The Cambridge Club do not authorize
us to say this.” Then the 8 June 1845 Bell’s
Life in London (page 2) said of the Cambridge Chess
Club that “With such players as Professor Weil
and the Messrs. Deighton, a first-rate body of players
might surely be formed”. The 16 November 1845 issue
(page 3) reported: “There is a chess club at
Cambridge. Apply to Mr Deighton, the worthy University
publisher, or to Mr Viell, the German professor.”’
Ross Jackson (Raumati South, New Zealand) points out
that pages 621-624 of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine,
March 1888 had an article ‘Chess in America’ by Henry
Sedley, with this picture of Morphy on page 621:
For the original oil painting, see page 233 of Paul
Morphy The Pride and Sorrow of Chess by David
Lawson (New York, 1976).
Submitting this cutting from page 7 of the Sheffield
Independent, 6 November 1899, Olimpiu G. Urcan
(Singapore) asks what is known about the claimed health
troubles of Emanuel Schiffers (1850-1904):
A photograph of Schiffers from opposite page 48 of the
Hastings, 1895 tournament book:
Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) has forwarded
the Ferret game as published on page 20 of the 1-15
March 1912 issue of La Rennaissance Echiquéenne,
together with the photograph inserted before page 1:
Knight promotions
A five-star book just published is The Art of the
Endgame by Jan Timman (Alkmaar, 2011). Chapter five
is entitled ‘Knight Promotions’, and we became
particularly interested in the pair of compositions on
pages 82-83:
‘Herland, Deutsches Wochenschach,
1913. White to play and win’
1 a6 Bg1 2 a7 h2 3 a8(N) h3 4 Nb6 cxb6 5 c7 b5 6 c8(N) b4
7 Nd6 exd6 8 e7 d5 9 e8(Q) and wins.
‘F. Fritz. White to play and win’
1 h4 Ka5 2 h5 Ka4 3 h6 b4 4 h7 b5 5 h8(N) a5 6 Ng6 fxg6 7
f7 g5 8 f8(N) g4 9 Ne6 dxe6 10 d7 e5 11 d8(N) and wins.
Regarding the latter composition, Timman commented:
‘It is unclear when this study was made. In the
database it has been adorned with the label “source
Who was F. Fritz? He should certainly not be mixed up
with Jindřich Fritz ...’
The main historical issue raised by Timman is whether
Sigmund Herland was the first to compose such a study, in
1913, or whether the Fritz position antedated it. We offer
some jottings.
The Herland study was published on page 128 of the 6
April 1913 Deutsches Wochenschach, with the
solution on page 247 of the 13 July 1913 issue.
We note furthermore that the endgame database of Harold
van der Heijden has the following study by Hugo Geiger of
Munich from page 38 of the February 1920 Deutsche
When the solution was given on page 139 of the June 1920
issue it was remarked that the third promotion to a knight
was not necessary, because 11 d8(Q) would win too:
The Geiger position was also discussed, without
identification of him, in T.R. Dawson’s ‘Endings’ column
on page 218 of the May 1938 BCM:
From page 262 of the June 1938 issue:
Dawson returned to the study on page 310 of the July 1938
As regards the ‘fatal flaw’, the key point is whether the
white king is on b1 or c1. The van der Heijden database
has both versions, but who first proposed the improvement
of placing the king on b1?
The position by L.A. Hulf which was mentioned by Dawson
in the June 1938 BCM had appeared on page 299 of
the 14 April 1938 CHESS, in Hulf’s ‘End Games’
The solution was given on page 369 of the 14 June 1938
7419. Morphy novel (C.N. 5240)
Matt Fullerty’s novel about Paul Morphy, The Knight
of New Orleans, has been published recently, a
556-page hardback. Its introductory pages describe Emanuel
Lasker as ‘World Chess Champion for 27 years (1894-1918)’
and Louis Paulsen as ‘Swedish-American’; in rapid
succession there are also references to ‘Amserdam’ and
‘aritocrats’ and a misattribution to ‘Grandmaster [sic]
Rudolph [sic] Spielmann’ of the
book/magician/machine quote, which dates from the
nineteenth century (see C.N. 4156). From an initial skim
of the novel itself we noted off-puttingly frequent
misspellings of French words and expressions, and the book
has taken a low place in our reading pile.
Also added to the reading pile is Faulkner’s Gambit
(subtitle: Chess and Literature) by Michael Wainwright
(New York, 2011). It ‘examines the chess structures,
motifs, and imagery in William Faulkner’s only novella,
situating this critically neglected work within both a
historical and literary context’. A central thesis is
that Faulkner’s character Gavin Stevens in Knight’s
Gambit was inspired by Paul Morphy.
A letter from Richard Teasdel of Cardiff on page 342 of
the August 1933 BCM:
From page 145 of A Century of British Chess by
Philip W. Sergeant (London, 1934):
‘The [Westminster] club rapidly grew to have a
membership of two hundred; and in 1868 it was resolved
to publish a magazine, The Westminster Chess Club
Papers – to give it its full title at the start,
which was shortened after the first year to The
Westminster Papers. This was to be “a Monthly
Journal of Chess, Whist, Games of Skill, and the
Drama”, price sixpence, and appeared in April. Hewitt
and Boden were at the beginning in general control,
and Duffy was the chess editor; though on the cover of
the third number there appeared the statement, in some
archaic style of humour, “Edited by Telemachus
Has any explanation for the particular pseudonym ever
been offered?
The frontispiece of British Chess by Kenneth
Matthews (London, 1948):
7424. Schiffers (C.N. 7416)
Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) provides two quotes from
the Deutsche Schachzeitung. Firstly, from the
November 1899 issue, page 349 (with a reference to the
third occurrence of a nervous illness):
‘Aus St. Petersburg. Der Schachmeister E. Schiffers
ist wiederum (zum dritten Mal) von einer schweren
Nervenkrankheit befallen, so dass sich eine
Überführung in eine Heilanstalt als nothwendig
erwiesen hat.’
Secondly, from the September 1900 issue, page 285 (a
report on Schiffers’ recovery):
‘Aus St. Petersburg. E. Schiffers ist
erfreulicherweise von seiner Nervenkrankheit wieder
vollkommen hergestellt.’
Our correspondent adds that Schiffers’ obituary on pages
28-29 of the January 1905 Deutsche Schachzeitung
made no mention of his illness, whereas pages 56-57 of the
February 1905 BCM quoted a lengthy tribute in the
St Petersburg Zeitung of 17 December 1904 which
included the following:
‘The news of the death of the great Russian chess
master came upon us with no surprise. Early in the
spring, E. Schiffers injured himself by a fall; he was
never entirely able to overcome its effects, and on 29
November (12 December) death put an end to his
‘In later years a deep melancholy impaired his mental
elasticity, and he felt then the disfavour of Caissa. He
became a man of solitude, and the cares of life weighed
heavy on him.’
For the German text, which was written by Hans Seyboth,
see pages 464-465 of the 25 December 1904 issue of Deutsches
Below is a tribute to Schiffers (with an incorrect year
for his death) from pages 74-75 of the Chess Budget,
12 December 1925:
There follow two articles by the Badmaster, originally
published in Newsflash and reproduced on,
respectively, page 111 of Chess Characters
(Geneva, 1984) and pages 26-27 of volume two of Chess
Characters (Geneva, 1987).
March 1984:
‘From his small corner in Newsflash the BM
wishes to add (to those from more eminent voices) his
congratulations to the Editor of CHESS on his
recent award [the OBE]. This could not have come at a
more fitting time, as shortly he will have completed
50 years’ continuous Editorship of his Magazine,
certainly a record for this country, and possibly only
equalled abroad by Hermann Helms (1870–1963), the late
famous Editor of the American Chess Bulletin.
Many British Editors of the past, through narrower and
far less hectic periods, have handled their news
adequately, skilfully assessing and supplying what
their readers wanted; but the Chess World was rotating
more slowly then, and the “forthcoming events”
(Hastings, Margate or Scarborough, British
Championship, etc.) came round at leisurely intervals
like Easter, August holidays and Christmas. But no
previous British Editor has stayed at the helm for
virtually half a century – and a half century
beginning with a great War which dried up all chess
organization, followed afterwards by a monsoon of a
revival and a flood of new events, and ending, after
the further stimulus of a famous World Championship
Match in 1972 (brilliantly covered at Reykjavik for CHESS
by the Editor himself), with a vast chess population
explosion and a chess calendar undreamt of in former
days. 1939-45 was a hand-to-mouth struggle for all
periodicals – paper rationing was one grim aspect, and
in July 1943 Wood had to announce, under the heading “CHESS
Torpedoed”, that at least 350 copies sent to America
“had ended up at the bottom of the Atlantic” and
appealed to home readers as an act of kindness “to
spare their copies and return them for despatch as
free replacements” – a much less strange request then
than it sounds now.
The BM well remembers when CHESS was first
launched upon an “Establishment” and a public rather
set in their ways. The new Editor had “ideas”, and was
at times an outspoken critic of (“Est-il possible?”)
the British Chess Federation. There was much muttering
by Metropolitan Methuselahs about “that fellow Wood”,
and to have entered the sacred portals of the City of
London Club brandishing the latest colourful copy of CHESS
would have been like walking into White’s or Boodle’s
in St James’s Street wearing a red tie. But after five
decades the “enfant terrible” has now become
an Elder Statesman himself, and though he allows
generous space in his pages for healthy controversy he
lets others do the fighting, confining himself to a
few kindly ringside comments (in brackets) at the end
of each “contest”. In some respects, he challenges
comparison with the great Howard Staunton – both
fearless writers, both tremendous workers and
organisers, sometimes against heavy odds and
periodical ill-health – but there is one vital
difference. Staunton in his later years became
obsessed with the past and obstinately refused to keep
up with the times; Wood has throughout swum joyfully
along with them.’
September 1985:
‘This month marks the completion of CHESS
volume 50, and of B.H. Wood’s unbroken editorship. A
sketch of the Magazine in War and Peace appeared in
“Badmaster” for March 1984, but the Editor’s many and
varied services to chess have rather obscured his
playing career, which spanned from Worcester, 1931
(BCF Major Open Reserves) to Aberystwyth (British
Championship) 30 years after, with only occasional
appearances later. There was indeed one striking
“afterglow” (Hastings “Challengers”, 1963). Forty
applications had been received and the strongest ten
selected; but there was a last-minute defection and
Wood, aged 53 and out of practice, was “press-ganged”
into playing. To his own astonishment he ended equal
first with Brinck-Claussen (Denmark) and A.R.B.
As a Tournament player he has been subject to as many
vicissitudes as an Editor, but one remarkable and
consistent feature of his pre-War play in his younger
days (whether he did well or badly) was the almost
total absence of drawn games. Both at the Yarmouth,
1935 and Nottingham, 1936 Major Opens he came seventh
with identical scores (+5 –6 =0); previously at
Hastings (Major D, 1933-34) he was first (+6 –2 =1)
and again in 1934-35 equal first (Major B) with J.J.
Doyle (+7 –1 =1).
In the British Championship itself (12 competitors)
he was equal sixth (Bournemouth, 1936) with a score of
+4 –4 =3, and equal tenth (Harrogate, 1947), where he
scored +3 –6 =2. Then came what in the opinion of H.G.
(Encyclopedia, 1977) was his “finest hour” –
the British Championship, 1948. He opened by defeating
William Winter in 24 moves (the first game to finish),
in the second round he beat R.H. Newman (the ex-Army
Champion), who tried to win a drawn game, with the
usual result, in the third he won against Ritson Morry
by some fine and exact endgame play, and in the fourth
against his formidable namesake, G. Wood; an excellent
pen and ink sketch by B. Feig of the two
“Woodshifters” playing this game is to be found in the
BCM, 1948, page 346. Far from running out of
steam at this point, Wood went on to beat Alexander in
56 moves, making a clean score so far of five wins. In
the sixth round he encountered the wily “H.G.” and
lost a pawn early on, but fought back tenaciously and
drew a rook and pawn ending after 76 moves. He then
out-combined Dr Aitken, and his score stood at six and
a half, still without a loss. But next he had to meet
that notorious wrecker of score leaders, Gerald
Abrahams, who up to now had had a wretched tournament,
with one draw and six losses, but was always at his
most deadly when seemingly prostrate. A tremendous
battle ensued, and Wood went down on the 70th move.
Nothing daunted, he then held Sir George Thomas to a
draw after again being a pawn down in a rook and pawn
ending, only to lose in the next round to Milner-Barry
after sealing at the second adjournment a decisive
mistake in a difficult ending when subsequent analysis
showed he had a win. Of his ten games just played,
three had taken over 70 moves and only two under 50.
His score was now seven, and he would have led the
field but for the one man he was due to meet in the
final round – the redoubtable R.J. Broadbent (score:
seven and a half).
Wood, though Black, played for a win. By vigorous
tactics he broke through on the king’s side and had a
won game on the 27th move; but through sheer stress
and excitement he rejected winning the exchange (and
the Championship) for “a quicker way”– with a flaw in
it, and thus ended equal second in the august company
of Sir George, “H.G.” and Milner-Barry. Next
year the “Swiss System” was introduced, but 1948 was
indeed a worthy finale to the old “all-play-all”
regime. And though Wood was destined never to win the
Championship, he was British Correspondence Champion
for 1944/45. One of his best correspondence games (v
Wallis) is given in Reinfeld’s British Chess
Masterpieces (published in 1950).’
Below is the sketch of G. Wood and B.H. Wood referred
to in the second article.
7426. Amsterdam v London
In the nineteenth century, games were seldom annotated at
length, but an exception occurred in 1853, in the opening
number of the British Chess Review: pages 22-28
discussed a correspondence game between Amsterdam and
London, with notes by Greenaway and Medley.
Amsterdam – London
Correspondence, July 1851-November 1852
Scotch Gambit
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 exd4 4 Bc4 Bc5 5 c3 Nf6 6 e5 d5 7
Bb5 Ne4 8 cxd4 Bb6 9 Bxc6+ bxc6 10 Nc3 f5 11 h4 O-O 12 Bf4
c5 13 Kf1 Rb8 14 Na4 cxd4 15 Nxd4 Qe8 16 b3 c5 17 Nc2 d4
18 Rc1 Ba6+ 19 Kg1 Bb5 20 Na3 Bxa4 21 bxa4 Bc7 22 f3 Nc3
23 Qc2 Bxe5 24 Re1
24...Bxf4 25 Rxe8 Rfxe8 26 Kf2 Re2+ 27 Qxe2 Nxe2 28 Kxe2
Re8+ 29 Kf2 d3 30 Rd1 d2 31 Kf1 Bg3 32 Nc2 Re1+ 33 Rxe1
dxe1(Q)+ 34 Nxe1 Bxe1 35 Kxe1 Kf7 36 White resigns.
Page 28 of the British Chess Review
commented that it was ‘perhaps the most brilliant game on
record, ever played by correspondence’. In contrast, when
the magazine’s editor, Daniel Harrwitz, gave the game on
page 133 of his Lehrbuch des Schachspiels (Berlin,
there was a single two-word note – ‘nicht gut’ –
to a move (9 Bxc6+) which had received no comment in the British
Chess Review.
See too pages 49-51 of volume one of Correspondence
Chess Matches Between Clubs 1823-1899 by Carlo
Alberto Pagni (Turin, 1994) and pages 44-46 of Correspondence
in Britain and Ireland, 1824-1987 by Tim Harding
(Jefferson, 2011).
C.N. 6919 mentioned the work of fiction
Paul Morphy: Confederate Spy by Stan Vaughan
(Milwaukee, 2010). Now Rick Kennedy (Columbus, OH, USA)
informs us that, as related on his webpage,
he has noted cases of plagiarism. For example, page 63 has
the following:
‘... an undigested cube of rock, and whoever designed
it failed to realize that when plumbed down beside the
delicate Moorish palaces upon which it encroached, it
could only look ridiculous.’
Mr Kennedy found the identical passage (except for
‘plumped’ and ‘encroaches’) on page 227 of Iberia
by James A. Michener.
As a small test of our own we opened the Morphy book at
random and found, on page 113, whole chunks of text lifted
by S. Vaughan from the website
Exploring Toledo.
[Addition on 2 August 2013: the above Toledo link is not
currently working.]
7428. Simultaneous exhibition
A poser for readers comes from Harrie Grondijs (Rijswijk, the Netherlands): in
this photograph taken in Szczawno-Zdrój in 1957 who is
giving the simultaneous exhibition?
The picture is owned by Ina Orbaan and comes from the
collection of her brother Constant (1918-90), who was a
participant in the second Przepiórka Memorial Tournament
held in Szczawno-Zdrój in 1957.
The second fascicule of Les échecs
modernes by Henri Delaire, publication of which
was announced on pages 167-168 of the June 1915 issue of
his magazine, La Stratégie, has a number of
scarce photographs, although they are under 2.5cm in
width. Three examples:
Isidor Gunsberg
Harry Nelson Pillsbury
Emanuel Lasker
The Lasker picture is similar to a well-known shot:
Is it possible to find better copies of the photographs
which were given in Les échecs modernes?
Chess Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.