Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
10750. Fischer
and women
On the topic of Chess and
Women and, in particular, Bobby Fischer’s views
(C.N.s 9218 and 9253), Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) notes
a remarkable interview
with Fischer (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).
10751. Tempi
Wanted: early sightings of the rule-of-thumb suggestion
about the material value of three tempi. Examples from the
‘Ebenso kann man einen Bauern gleich drei Tempi
schätzen.’ Page 311 of Das Schachspiel
(Berlin, 1931). From page 219 of The Game of Chess
(London, 1935): ‘A pawn can be valued at three tempi.’
‘Wir wissen, daß in offener Stellung drei Tempi
ungefähr einen Bauer ersetzen.’ Page 45 of Richtig
Opfern! (Leipzig, 1935). From page 93 of The
Art of Sacrifice in Chess (London, 1935): ‘We
know that in an open position three tempi are
approximately equal to a pawn.’ From page 85 of the
Reinfeld/Horowitz revision (New York, 1951) of J. du
Mont’s translation: ‘We know that in open positions,
three tempi are approximately worth a pawn.’ Although
the volume by Reinfeld and Horowitz was an extensive
rewrite, it was used in the ‘21st Century Edition’
(Milford, 2015) without any mention of them.
Grünfeld and Gereben
The remark by Spielmann about tempi quoted in the
previous item came from his annotations to a game which he
won at Sopron, 1934:
Original edition of Richtig
Opfern! by Spielmann (1935), page 44
Translation by du Mont
(1935), page 91
revised/rewritten edition by Reinfeld and Horowitz
(1951), page 84
As is well known, Ernő/Ernst Grünfeld of Sopron (1907-88)
changed his name to Ernő Gereben, and in the Spielmann
game either Grünfeld or Gereben may be used, as long as no
impression is given that the player was the E.
Grünfeld (1893-1962). That impression was given when the
game appeared, with Spielmann’s notes, on pages 224-225 of
the December 1934 Chess Review ...
... and when Irving Chernev presented the conclusion on
pages 167-168 of Combinations The Heart of Chess
(New York, 1960):
In a report on Sopron, 1934 on page 264 of the September
1934 Wiener Schachzeitung the confusion was
referred to by Spielmann himself:
‘Der Soproner Meister Ernő Grünfeld hat sich wacker
gehalten, darf aber nicht mit dem Wiener Großmeister
Ernst Grünfeld verwechselt werden, wie dies einer
Wiener Tageszeitung passiert ist.’
The most detailed account of the Grünfeld/Gereben
name-change known to us is on pages 11-13 of Ernő
Gereben by Gottardo Gottardi (Kecskemét, 1991).
10753. The
Sunday Express
If a reader has access to December 1921 editions of the Sunday
Express it will be appreciated if the reference in Test
Tube Chess shown in C.N. 10700 can be looked into,
given that 27 December 1921 was not a Sunday.
10754. Morphy v
Paulsen, New York, 1857
In the final round of the New York, 1857 tournament,
Morphy defeated Louis Paulsen +5 –1 =2. According to the
Lange, Maróczy and Sergeant monographs on Morphy, the
dates of the eight games were as follows: First: 29
October; Second: 30 October; Third: 2 November; Fourth: 4
November; Fifth: 6 November; Sixth: 8 November; Seventh: 8
November; Eighth: 10 November.
Hans Renette (Bierbeek, Belgium) writes:
‘My particular interest is in the dates of the
concluding games between Morphy and Paulsen. The
York, 1857 tournament book is rather vague and not
altogether trustworthy. On page 68 of Paul
Morphy The Pride and Sorrow of Chess (New York, 1976)
David Lawson stated that the sixth game was played on
3 November, and page 71 gave 6 November and 10
November as the respective dates of the seventh and
eighth games. There was no explanation for the gaps in
the schedule.
The New
Picayune of 13 November contains a quote from
the New York Courier and Enquirer of 6
November which reported that the final game had been
played on 5 November:
‘The chess congress was virtually brought to a close
last evening by Paul Morphy winning the decisive game,
the fifth, from Mr Paulsen [the eighth game is
meant, i.e. Morphy’s fifth victory – H.R.]. Mr
Paulsen was suffering from a severe catarrh yesterday,
and might with great propriety have requested a
postponement of the contest; but he fought gallantly
and yielded gracefully.”
The New
York Times reported on 7 November:
“At the chess congress Mr Morphy has won five games
in the last section of the Grand Tournay, entitling
him to the first prize.”
Which newspapers of the time allow the games to be
dated precisely, beyond all doubt?’
Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada) draws attention to his
Chess Scotland webpage on a mysterious figure, Ralph
Spencer (‘formerly Rolf Silberberg’ and also named
Our correspondent wonders whether Ralph Spencer was the
Silberberg who participated in a tournament in Paris in
Deutsche Schachzeitung,
August 1938, page 234.
10756. Emanuel
Lasker and draughts/checkers (C.N.s 4630 & 4662)
Alan Smith (Stockport, England) submits this game between
Alfred Jordan and Emanuel Lasker from the Newcastle
Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate, 21 September
1895, page 11:
Spielmann brilliancy (C.N. 10752)
Spielmann’s original text on pages 235-238 of Magyar
Sakkvilág, September-October 1934 has been supplied
by the Cleveland Public Library:
10758. Early
recognition of Smyslov (C.N. 6516)
From page 104 of the November-December 1940 American
Chess Bulletin, in a report on that year’s USSR
championship in Moscow:
‘The play of the youthful Smyslov is of unusual
profundity, originality and versatility. He invites
complications and preferably selects difficult systems
of defense. When opportunity offers, he is capable of
giving a display of fireworks on the chessboard.’
Page 105 of the November-December 1940 American Chess
Below is the article’s appearance in The Pawn,
nearly 30 years earlier (page 29 of the second volume):
Acknowledgement for the page from The Pawn: the
Cleveland Public Library. Readers will note for themselves
the article’s many defects.
John W. De Arman, or DeArman, was discussed in C.N.s 7572
and 7598.
10760. Zukertort,
Pillsbury and Bernstein
Jan Kalendovský (Brno, Czech Republic) provides the
following illustrations:

Source: Das
interessante Blatt, 5 November 1885, page 6.
This picture of Zukertort is a much better version of the
one shown in C.N. 8514.

Harry Nelson Pillsbury
Source: Österreichs
Illustrierte Zeitung, 28 September 1902, page
892. The website has the incorrect date 28 August 1902.
Our correspondent also draws attention to an interview
with Ossip Bernstein on pages 4-5 of the Neues
Wiener Journal, 3 November 1925.
10761. Emanuel
Lasker and the Café Kaiserhof tournament
Richard Forster (Zurich) writes:
‘In June 1889 Emanuel Lasker won a tournament at the
Café Kaiserhof in Berlin. From a biographical note in
the Chess Monthly, April 1890, page 226:
“His first success dates from June 1889, when he won the
first prize in a tournament at the Kaiserhof, Berlin,
without losing a single game.” In an interview with
the Berliner Schachzeitung (the issues of 1
and 16 April 1896, pages 3-7 and 18-21) Lasker
mentioned that he had won every game in a tournament
organized among students at the Café Kaiserhof, that
each participant paid one Thaler and that the winner
was to take everything: “Um jene Zeit wurde von
mehreren hiesigen Studenten ein Turnier im Café
Kaiserhof veranstaltet, in der Weise, dass jeder
Teilnehmer einen Thaler einzuzahlen hatte und der Sieger
den ‘Pot’ gewinnen sollte. Hierbei gewann ich sämmtliche
Partieen und damit den Preis.” Lasker’s victory in
all the games in the Kaiserhof tournament is confirmed
by a report in Deutsches Wochenschach, 8 April
1894, page 116, which mentioned that Karl Holländer
came second.
Describing the success on page 20 of Emanuel
Lasker Biographie eines Schachweltmeisters (Berlin,
1952) Jacques Hannak mentioned a “Winterturnier”
at the Kaiserhof, in the years 1888-89. Ken Whyld, on
page 14 of The Collected Games of Emanuel Lasker
(Nottingham, 1998), even referred to “the annual
tournament of the Kaiserhof café in Berlin, in 1888-89”.
This is in contrast to the earlier reports which point
to a rather shorter event, with Deutsches
Wochenschach in 1894 even calling it a “preparation
tournament” for the summer 1889 Breslau congress. Does
any reader have more information on the event?’
Lasker’s combination against von Heydebreck
Page 239 of Deutsches Wochenschach, 14 July 1889
gave this ending won by Lasker against Dr von Heydebreck
at the Café Kaiserhof:
After 1...a5 2 Rd7 Rb1 White was unable to take the queen
because of 3...Nf2+ 4 Nxf2 Rxg1+ 5 Kxg1 Re1 mate, and
Black went on to win after 3 Rdd1 Rxd1 4 Rxd1 Nxc3.
Richard Forster comments:
‘It has been speculated by later writers that this
ending was played in the 1889 Kaiserhof tournament.
However, in an 1896 interview with the Berliner
Schachzeitung (C.N. 10761) Lasker not only called it
a tournament among students but also described Dr von
Heydebreck as one of his most frequent opponents in
those days at the Café Kaiserhof. The philologist Dr
Wilhelm Adolph von Heydebreck (1840-99) was
approaching his 50th year at the time of the game; how
likely is it that he played in the tournament?’
Lasker and the Breslau, 1889 tournament
A third contribution from Richard Forster:
‘According to page 49 of the Breslau, 1889
tournament book, a group picture was arranged,
featuring almost all the participants in the congress,
and the photographer offered to take portraits of the
masters free of charge. Lasker apparently availed
himself of the opportunity, and courtesy of Bernhard
Schmid (Lothar Schmid Collection, Bamberg) the
portrait can be shown here:

However, the Breslau, 1889 group photograph seems
elusive. Has it ever been published?
The tournament was Lasker’s first official
appearance, and he won the Hauptturnier after
a play-off. An article on page 267 of Deutsches
Wochenschach, 10 August 1890 reported on the
well-known incident with von Bardeleben in the Berlin,
1890 tournament; during that game Lasker left the
tournament hall for a long time. In its discussion of
the circumstances, the article also stated that Lasker
had to be reprimanded in Breslau for not entirely
correct behaviour (“... wegen eines nicht ganz
korrekten Verhaltens eine Rüge zugezogen hat”). Is
any information available on that alleged incident in
Budapest, 1928 and other footage
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) notes that a search for sakk
on the Magyar
Világhíradók website provides film coverage of Budapest,
1928 (notably featuring Capablanca) ...
... as well items with footage of Maróczy, Réti,
Rubinstein and Tartakower.
10765. Steinitz’s
Rhoda A. Bowles writing in Womanhood, 1901, page
‘In the case of Steinitz, I had it from his own lips
that it was the knowledge that his crown of success had
passed to a younger generation that mainly contributed
to the undoubted bad health from which he suffered for a
considerable period prior to his passing away. To lose
his pre-eminence meant the loss of his means of
livelihood, and his privations were for many years much
more acute than was ever publicly made known. He lived
to a good age notwithstanding, and if his faculties
failed quite at the last it was but a natural end in the
Further comments on Steinitz by Rhoda A. Bowles, from
pages 25-26 of The Year-Book of Chess, 1907 by
E.A. Michell (London, 1907), are given in Steinitz v von
10766. A
note by Santasiere
This position is from a game between Howard D. Grossman
and Donald MacMurray in the New York State Championship,
published on page 75 of the July-August 1938 American
Chess Bulletin:
Black played 42...Bg7, which occasioned this
idiosyncratic note from Anthony
‘Did ever you see two bishops so impotent? – it’s a
good thing that Janowsky did not live to see it – you
know, he did have a violent temper!’
Blumin v Stephens
A complete game annotated by Santasiere is shown here
from pages 108-109 of the November-December 1940 American
1 Nf3 d5 2 d4 Bf5 3 c4 e6 4 Qb3 b6 5 e3 Nf6 6 Ne5 Qd6 7
Nc3 c6 8 Bd2 Be7 9 Be2 O-O 10 Rc1 Nbd7 11 f4 Ne4 12 Nxe4
Bxe4 13 O-O Nxe5 14 fxe5 Qd7 15 Qa4 dxc4 16 Qxc4 Rac8 17
Qa4 Rc7 18 Rf4 Bd5
19 e4 b5 20 Qa5 Bxa2 21 d5 exd5 22 Bg4 Qd8 23 Qxa2 dxe4
24 Rd1 Qd4+ 25 Kh1 Qxe5 26 Rdf1 Qd5 27 Qa5 Bd6 28 Rf5 Qd3
29 Rd1 Rd7 30 Rg5 f5 31 Bc3 Qe3 32 Bxf5 Qxg5 33 Bxd7 Qf4
34 Be6+ Kh8
35 Bxg7+ Kxg7 36 Qxa7+ Kh6 37 Qg1 e3 38 Bg4 Be5 39 Bf3 c5
40 Rd5 Bd4 41 Rh5+ Kg7 42 Qb1 h6 43 Rh3 Qf5 44 Qe1
44...Qxh3 45 gxh3 Rxf3 46 Qe2 Rf2 47 Qxb5 e2 48 Qd7+ Kf6
49 Qd8+ Kf5 50 Qc8+ Ke4 51 Qa8+ Kd3 52 Qa6+ Kc2 53 Qg6+
Kxb2 54 Qb6+ Kc2 55 Qg6+ Kc1 56 Qxh6+ Kd1 57 Qh5
57...Rf1+ 58 Kg2 Rg1+ 59 Kf3 e1(Q) 60 Kf4+ Kd2 61 White
From page 9 of the January 1941 American Chess
See too page 116 of the May 1941 Chess Review,
which had a biographical note on Stephens, a photograph of
him and his win over Blumin.
10768. Trompowsky
and Alekhine
An addition to the small number of photographs of Octávio Trompowsky is
noted by Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA), in Xadrez
Brasileiro, May 1939, page 63:
Our correspondent also mentions a photograph of Alekhine
on page 83 of the June-July 1939 issue of the Brazilian
The above are the best-quality scans that we are able to
show, with the assistance of the Cleveland Public Library.
Regarding Alekhine v Joaquim Valladão Monteiro, see C.N.
3270 (Chess Facts and Fables, pages 18-19). Further
information about Valladão Monteiro is in C.N.s 3884,
3887, 4173 and 5799.
10769. The
English mind
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére has also provided these cuttings
from the Observer, 8 January 1939, page 22, and 22
January 1939, page 21:
The entries were reproduced, with a few textual
discrepancies towards the end, on pages 35-36 of Chess
Pieces by Norman Knight (London, 1949):
10770. Books on
Nigel Short
Sean Robinson (Tacoma, WA, USA) expresses disappointment
at the small number, and low quality, of books about Nigel
Short, notwithstanding his stature as the only British
player to contest a world championship match in the modern
There is certainly a significant gap in the market.
Although our shelf has monographs on Short published in
Argentina, Germany, Hungary, Spain, the United Kingdom and
the United States, they are mostly booklets, and only the
79-page volume from Hungary, which covered the period
1990-95, came out after 1993.
Tarrasch quote (C.N.s 4868, 4877 & 5121)
The conclusion of Fischer v Geller, Skopje, 1967 on page
365 of Fischer’s My 60 Memorable Games (New York,
The observation by Tarrasch, discussed in C.N.s 4868,
4877 and 5121, was given too in The Chess Wit and Wisdom of
W.E. Napier:
‘I knew Dr Tarrasch pleasantly at Monte Carlo, 1902.
One day the fates had gone against me, malevolently, I
felt, in a game against a man I had counted on beating.
I got, by way of spur, this vitamin from the Doctor: “In
these tournaments it is never enough to be a connoisseur
of chess; one must also play well.”’
Source: the introduction to item 72 of unit one of Napier’s
Background of Chess-Play (New York, 1934), the
inside front cover of the September 1956 Chess Review
and page 143 of Paul Morphy and The Golden Age of
Chess (New York, 1957 and 1971).
Regarding Tarrasch’s text in Dreihundert
Schachpartien (discussed in the earlier C.N. items),
a book review on page 51 of the February 1910 BCM
gave this translation:
‘I perceived that it did not suffice to be a good
player if one did not play well.’
The earliest occurrence of the remark that we can now
cite is in L. Hoffer’s biographical article on Tarrasch on
pages 354-355 of the Chess Monthly, August 1889:
‘He was, however, unsuccessful in a small tournament at
Leipzig in December last, von Bardeleben and Riemann
dividing first and second. As Dr Tarrasch told us at
Breslau, this contretemps had a salutary effect;
and he found “that it is not enough to be a good player,
but that one must also play well”.’
10772. Champion
of Europe
Alekhine gained the title ‘chess champion of Europe’ by
winning the Munich, 1942 tournament. From page 134 of the
report in the October 1942 Deutsche Schachzeitung:
‘Das Turnier um die Europäische Meisterschaft ist
ausgegangen, wie man es erwartet hat: Aljechin hat
neben dem Weltmeistertitel nun auch die Europäische
Meisterschaft heimführen können.’
The creation of that title is well documented in the Deutsche
Schachzeitung and Deutsche Schachblätter of
1942, but what can be said about a claim that Alekhine had
acquired a similar title in the 1920s? Below is a comment
by Edgard Colle in a report on Hastings, 1925-26 on page 9
of the January 1926 issue of L’Echiquier:
‘Il est clair qu’avant le commencement du tournoi,
la victoire d’Alekhine ne faisait aucun doute – tout
au plus pouvait-on se demander si le sympathique
champion d’Europe accorderait une ou deux nullités à
ses adversaires, parmi lesquels seul le Dr. Vidmar
était de taille à l’inquiéter.’
An observation by A.E. Santasiere on page 65 of the
July-August 1940 American Chess Bulletin:
‘Shainswit is one of America’s strongest players –
consistently under-rated.’
George Shainswit’s appearance on the front cover of the
August-September 1943 Chess Review:
Books on Nigel Short (C.N. 10770)
Michael Allard (Bowie, MD, USA) notes a book with
extensive treatment of the games of Nigel Short and Jan
Timman: The Way to Linares’ Summit by Alexander
Kulagin (Würzburg, 1993).
10775. Reshevsky
in simultaneous play
From a report entitled ‘Rzeschewski at Hampstead’ on page
47 of the Chess Amateur, November 1920:
‘When thinking over his moves Rzeschewski whistles
softly to himself and rapidly twirls a pawn in his
fingers, even pressing it into his cheek in more
absorbed moments. He does not complete his round
quickly, for he likes to make several moves at each
board, and waits for the replies, sometimes turning back
to a board where the situation is especially exciting.
When he has an advantage in the endgame, he moves at a
great rate, but in emerging from the opening into the
middle game he is slow. The most noticeable general
point in his strategy is the employment of the KB on the
diagonal KR1 to QR8, either by the fianchetto
development or by B-K2, followed by B-B3.’
Janowsky and Maas
Page 70 of The Big Book of World Chess Championships
by A. Schulz (Alkmaar, 2016) states that Dawid Janowsky
‘died, only 56 years old, alone and completely penniless’.
At the time of his death, aged 58, Janowsky’s
circumstances were indeed dire, but the financial support
of A.J. Maas is not to be forgotten. From page 553 of L’Echiquier,
January 1927:
‘Le maître Janowski vient de mourir, samedi, 15
janvier, à la clinique de Hyères où, grâce à la
générosité de M. A.J. Maas, le grand maître a pu être
entouré de tous les soins que nécessitait une maladie
For photographs of Maas, see C.N. 3606 and (a group
picture also featuring Janowsky) C.N. 4023.
John Keeble wrote an obituary of Maas on pages 413-414 of
the October 1933 BCM:
10777. Two endgames
These two endgame positions will be discussed in a future

White to move
Black to move.
Tempi (C.N. 10751)
Regarding suggestions that the value of a pawn may be
three tempi, Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) draws
attention to the following, on page 137 of the Deutsche
Schachzeitung, May 1866:
This comes from an article entitled ‘Synthetische
Grundlage zur Theorie des Schach’ by Eugen von
Tenner v Feldman
Oscar Tenner – J. Feldman
Manhattan Chess Club Championship, New York, 1939-40
French Defence
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bd3 c5 5 Nf3 Nc6 6 Be3 cxd4 7
Nxd4 e5 8 Nxc6 bxc6 9 exd5 Nxd5 10 Qf3 Bb4 11 O-O O-O 12
Qe4 f5 13 Qxe5 Re8 14 Qd4 Bd6 15 Nxd5 Be5 16 Qa4 cxd5 17
Bb5 Re6 18 Rad1 Bb7 19 c3 Rg6
20 f4 d4 21 Rf2 Qh4 22 fxe5 Qh3
23 Bg5 Rxg5 24 Bc6 Bxc6 25 Qxc6 Rf8 26 Qe6+ Kh8 27 Qe7
Sources: American Chess Bulletin, March-April
1940, page 48, and Chess Review, April 1940, page
10780. Ortueta v
Page 586 of L’Echiquier, 8 August 1934:
On the Ortueta v Sanz
mystery Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada) writes:
‘Page 200 of the July 1933 Deutsche
Schachzeitung gave the result of the tournament in
Madrid in which the Ortueta v Sanz game may have been
If that was indeed the tournament, it is remarkable
if the full game was not published earlier than 1936.
The 11 April 1934 edition of the Neues Wiener
Journal, page
7, referred to involvement by the police after a
report of Ored Karlin’s disappearance from a Budapest
The 13 January 1935 edition of the Estonian
publication Esmaspäev, page
8, discussed the endgame:
As with the Tagesbote article (C.N. 8830),
it appears that Karlin suggested that the position was
from one of his own games. Soon afterwards, however,
the writer noticed the feature on page 356 of the
December 1934 Wiener Schachzeitung which
credited it to the Ortueta-Sanz game.
The position in the Tagesbote column of 14
April 1934 shows white pawns on a2, b2, g2, f3 and e4
(no pawn on h2). L’Echiquier, 8 August 1934,
page 586, the Deutsche Schachblätter, 15
August 1934, page 249, and the Wiener
Schachzeitung, December 1934, page 356, had white
pawns at a2, b2, g2 and h2, as did the above column in
The story about Karlin disappearing from the
Budapest hotel and the two newspaper reports
suggesting that he claimed the endgame as his own seem
to raise doubts about his character. However, that has
to be set against comments made by Anders Wigren to
Tim Krabbé in item 396 in the latter’s Open
Chess Diary.’
10781. The
Rice Gambit (C.N. 6857)
Concerning the Rice Gambit
match between Emanuel Lasker and Carl Schlechter, C.N.
6857 showed a report in the Deutsche Schachzeitung
that the result was +3 –0 =2 in favour of Schlechter.
Now, Hans-Georg Kleinhenz (Munich, Germany) points out
that a column by Schlechter on page 1055 of the Allgemeine
Sport-Zeitung, 23 August 1908 stated that he won the
match +4 –0 =2:
Our correspondent adds that a complete run of
Schlechter’s column is available online.
10782. Ortueta v
Sanz (C.N. 10780)
From Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina):
‘The international tournament in Madrid in 1933 was
played from 22 to 28 May in the Casino Militar (Centro
Ejército y de la Armada). The participants were
Ored Karlin (Sweden), Willy Kocher (Switzerland) and
the Spanish players Vicente Almirall (the winner),
Lotario Añón, Alfonso Cadenas, Martín de Ortueta, José
Sanz and Ramón Tramoyeres. Sources: the Madrid
newspapers Luz, 24 May 1933, page
14, El Sol, 24 May 1933, page
8, and subsequent issues. The main prizes were:
500 pesetas, 300 pesetas and 200 pesetas. The event
was covered by the local press and particularly Luz
and El Sol. The Luz chess columnist
was José Sanz himself, and the reporter in El Sol
was Pedro Sánchez de Neyra y Castro, Marquis of Casa
Alta, who was the arbiter of the tournament.
No incident occurred until the last round. Sanz
simply wrote about his game: “Sanz ½ Karlin ½.
Interesting theoretical variation in the Cambridge
Springs. White needs a win to take second place, but
all the variations lead to a draw.” Source: Luz,
30 May 1933, page
14. However, on page
8 of El Sol, 1 June 1933 Casa Alta
inserted a position (shown below) from that
Sanz-Karlin encounter, and wrote that Karlin would
have a won game after ...h3 but played differently and
only drew. Insinuating some kind of collusion, Casa
Alta reported that the next day he even confronted
Karlin and asked for an explanation. Karlin replied
that he “had a headache”.

Sanz answered the accusation (that “the Swedish
master gave away the draw”) in his column by noting
that Karlin had previously offered a draw twice and
that he had refused. The feud continued over the
following weeks.
Meanwhile, two matches with a purse were arranged,
also at the Centro Cultural del Ejército y
de la Armada: Karlin v Almirall and Ortueta v
Sanz. In El Sol of 4 June 1933, page
10 Casa Alta replied to Sanz’s response and gave
the latest scores in the two matches. For Karlin v
Almirall he stated that the first game was won by
Karlin and the second was drawn; the third game was
being played on 3 June. The score of the Ortueta v
Sanz match was reported as a victory by Ortueta in the
first game, followed by two draws. The former contest
ended in a tie 2½-2½, as stated by ABC on 7
June 1933, El Sol on 8 June 1933, and Luz
on 9 June 1933. The dates of play were probably 1-5
In El Sol, 11 June 1933, page
10 Casa Alta presented the Ortueta-Sanz ending
without any moves (adding that this win by Sanz was
followed by a victory by Ortueta, the last game of the
match so far), and he also continued his argument with

Karlin left Madrid on 10 June for Saragossa, where,
on 11 June, he played Ramón Rey Ardid. Sources: El
Sol, 13 June 1933, page
6, and El Mundo Deportivo, 18 June 1933,
In El Sol, 18 June 1933, page
10 Casa Alta reported that the Ortueta-Sanz
match had been suspended when the score was 2½-1½ and
gave a game in which Ortueta (Black) won in 36 moves.
There is a discrepancy in the match score as given in
Casa Alta’s columns.
Sanz presented the finish to his famous game,
starting some moves before the combination and showing
a knight on b6 instead of a bishop, in Luz, 26
June 1933, page
The famous combination occurred in an actual game
between Ortueta and Sanz. It was the penultimate
game in a public match, played in the first week
of June 1933 at a renowned club in Madrid.
On 11 June 1933 Casa Alta published a key
position preceding the combination, either because
he was a witness or because he had a reliable
source. Although the issue of the combination’s
authenticity arose later, Casa Alta did not
question it, notwithstanding the fact that he was
in the midst of a feud with the winner, Sanz.
- Karlin was playing (a match against Almirall) at
the same place and at the same time.’
10783. Two
endgames (C.N. 10777)

White to move
On page 137 of Womanhood, 1903 Rhoda A. Bowles
‘In passing through Paris on his return journey from
Vienna, Mr Pillsbury naturally looked in at the Café [de
la] Régence, where all French chessplayers meet. He saw
a game given up as a draw by Taubenhaus, who was
conceding the odds of a knight to an amateur; but the
eagle eye of Pillsbury caught the glimpse of a win for
White and he “dug it out” ...’
Page 207 recorded that W.B. Dixon and Alfred Gunsberg
had sent the solution: 1 Rxb8+ Kxb8 2 b6 f4 3 Kf3 f5 4
Kxf4 d4 5 Ke5 d3 6 Kd6 d2 7 a7+ Kb7 8 a8(Q)+ Kxa8 9 Kc7
d1(Q) 10 b7+ Ka7 11 b8(Q)+ Ka6 12 Qb6 mate.
The second position in C.N. 10777 is from the game Réti v
L. Steiner, Berlin, 1928:
Black played 26...Bxc3 and won, but an even better line
was 26...Bb4, as André Chéron pointed out on page 965 of L’Echiquier,
July 1928:
26...Bb4 was also given on pages 219-220 of the July 1928
Deutsche Schachzeitung:
‘Wie Meister Grünfeld mitteilt, fand B. Hönlinger,
daß Steiner in der abgebildeten Stellung mit
26...La5-b4 (statt Lc3:) noch schneller entscheiden
konnte, da dieser Zug eine Figur gewinnt ...’
Peter Winston
Source: Chess Life, April 1968, page 140.
Notes Archives
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