Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
11745. F.D. Yates
Concerning the forenames of F.D.
Yates (see, in particular, C.N.s 7910 and 11545), we
wonder when the now-discredited form ‘Frederick Dewhurst
Yates’ first appeared in print, i.e. what antedates the
obituary by P.W. Sergeant on pages 525-528 of the December
1932 BCM, which had two occurrences on the first
See too the heading of a letter from W.H. Watts on page
Simultaneous blindfold match (C.N. 11739)
The Curnock v Lawrence match was the subject of negative
comment by Louis van Vliet, as reported on page 175 of the
Chess Player’s Chronicle, 26 June 1895:
From page 8 of van Vliet’s Sunday Times chess
column, 16 June 1895:
11747. What
What is the connection between the game below and a world
chess champion?
Observations by General Congdon
From a letter contributed by James Adams Congdon to the
June 1888 International Chess Magazine, pages
‘Chess is a great science, beautiful, fine art, and an
honorable profession. Hence, its masters are justly
entitled to rank intellectually with the greatest
Musicians, Painters, Poets, Orators, Mathematicians,
Scientists, Statesmen and Warriors. I hope to live to
see the time when they will be equally honored and
It is not a question of the rich paying the poor, but
of the enjoyers paying for their enjoyment.’
11749. José
Pérez/Perez Mendoza
C.N.s 4591 and 10718 had the above photograph of Emanuel
Lasker with a leading Argentinian chess figure, and a
number of items have referred to the latter’s 599-page
book El Ajedrez en la Argentina (Buenos Aires,
From page 493:
His entry on page 324 of Chess Personalia by
Jeremy Gaige (Jefferson, 1987):
However, as will be seen from Pérez Mendoza’s obituary on
pages 138-139 of the June 1937 issue of Caissa
(acknowledgement: the Cleveland Public Library), the date
17 April 1905 referred not to his birth but to the
founding of the Club Argentino de Ajedrez, and the final
paragraph stated that he died at an advanced age:
In El Ajedrez en la Argentina, ‘Perez’, and not
‘Pérez’, was the preferred spelling, and we have consulted
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) on the matter. He
points out that under rules dating from 1820 such
patronymics as Fernandez, Perez and Sanchez did not take
an accent, and that it was not until 1874 that the Real
Academia Española revised its position and began to
recommend accents on such names, which is the general
usage today.
11750. Rolando
Illa (C.N. 10714)
Immediately after the obituary discussed in the previous
item, the June 1937 issue of Caissa (page 139)
recorded the death of Rolando Illa:
Page 180 of the August 1911 American Chess Bulletin:
Capablanca in San Francisco
In the 1980s we acquired a poor-quality photostat of a
report on Capablanca’s visit to the Mechanics’ Institute,
San Francisco in part two of the San Francisco
Bulletin, 13 April 1916.
The copy below – better, but a fine version of the
photograph is still being sought – has been sent to us by
John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA):
A report by E.J. Clarke on pages 100-101 of the May-June
1916 American Chess Bulletin
11752. The death
of Adolf Albin
From Michael Lorenz (Vienna):
‘Adolf Albin died on 22 March 1920 (and not 1
February 1920, as commonly stated) in the
Rothschild-Spital in Vienna (where his wife Caroline,
née Samueli, had died on 21 February 1887 of
tuberculosis, and where Georg Marco also died, in
1923). The hospital was at Währinger Gürtel 97, and
not 95 as stated on this postcard:
This is the entry for Albin in the 1920 Totenbeschauprotokoll:
His death on 22 March was also recorded on page 6 of
the Neue
Presse, 30 March 1920:
The final
address of Albin was Paltaufgasse 26 in Vienna’s
16th district. I took this photograph on 14 May 2019:
Albin’s heir was his only son, David Albin, who, in
1920, was living in Sofia, employed by the Bulgarian
paper manufacturer Kniga.’
How did the claim arise that Albin died on 1 February
11753. Albin’s grave
Michael Lorenz writes:
‘Adolf Albin is buried in Vienna’s Jewish cemetery
at gate 4 of the Zentralfriedhof, group 6, row 13,
number 45. The grave has no headstone but is between
the two headstones in the foreground of this
photograph, which I took on 24 May 2019:
The left-hand stone, number 46, is that of Chaim Ber
Löwenheck, who died on 24 March 1920; the right-hand
one, number 44, is that of Marie Aschenberger, who
died on 26 March 1920. This was the burial area for,
mainly, poorer members of Vienna’s Jewish population.
Albin’s wife is buried in another grave in the old
Jewish cemetery, at gate 1 of the Vienna
Zentralfriedhof, together with their daughter, Fanny,
who committed suicide in 1896. It seems evident that
Adolf Albin was due to be buried there too, but the
existence of a family grave was not realized in 1920
because he left no will. His son, David Adolf, was
born in Bucharest in 1874, and Fanny was born in 1877,
also in Bucharest.’
11754. The
Marshall Gambit
From page 8 A of the Philadelphia Inquirer, 6
March 1938, in Walter Penn Shipley’s ‘Chess and Checkers’
The Battell v Marshall game, played in the Marshall Chess
Club Championship, is in databases (the bare score was
published on page 7 of the January-February 1938 American
Bulletin), but the highlighted comment by Shipley
about the Marshall
Gambit pre-1918 is noteworthy.
A set of caricatures published on page 18 of Nieuwsblad
het Noorden, 1 November 1937, during the Euwe v
Alekhine world championship match:
11756. Alekhine v
Bogoljubow (C.N.s 5667, 5697, 6312, 7724, 11355 &
C.N. 5667 showed this photograph, taken in Berlin in
1929, on page 191 of Grandmasters of Chess by
Harold C. Schonberg (Philadelphia and New York, 1973):
Suggesting that the unidentified man may have been Otto
Conrad, Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada) provides these
- Schach-Echo, June 1936, page 129:
- Deutsche Schachblätter, 1 November 1937, pages
321-323. ‘Deutsche Turniertafeln’ (Post and
- Deutsche Schachzeitung, February 1938, pages
33-35 (‘Die deutschen Turniertafeln’), and March
1938, pages 65-67 (‘Die Deutschen Turniertabellen’
by Conrad).
- Deutsche Schachblätter, 15 July 1938, page 216:
a group photograph which appears to include Conrad
(standing third from the left):

- Bad Oeynhausen, 1938 tournament book, page 8: a new
pairing system attributed to Conrad and Post. (See also
page 79.)
- Deutsche Schachblätter, April 1942, page 51:
death notice:
Capablanca photographs
From Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore):
‘C.N. 7815 reproduced the above photograph from page
175 of Grandmasters of Chess by Harold C.
Schonberg. It was taken not during the 1921 world
title match against Lasker but at New York, 1918. From
page 3 (photogravure section) of the 22 December 1918
edition of the Baltimore Sun:
In C.N. 9911 I contributed the picture below from
page 394 of Cine-Mundial, June 1921:
It too was taken at New York, 1918, being a cropped
version of the picture given by me in C.N. 10910 from
the photogravure section (unnumbered page) of the Baltimore
Sun, 1 December 1918:’
11758. Passmore v
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 d4 exd4 5 O-O Bc5 6 e5 d5 7
exf6 dxc4 8 Re1+ Be6 9 Ng5 Qd5 10 Nc3 Qf5 11 g4 Qg6 12
Nce4 Bb6 13 f4 O-O-O 14 f5 Bxf5 15 gxf5 Qxf5 16 Rf1 d3+ 17
Kh1 dxc2 18 Qxd8+ Rxd8 19 Rxf5 Rd1+ 20 Kg2 Rg1+ 21 Kh3
gxf6 22 Rxf6 Be3 23 Rxf7 Rxc1 24 Ne6 Rd1 25 Rc1 Bxc1 26
Rxc7+ Kb8 27 N4c5 Bf4 and wins.
Wanted: details of the occasion, and confirmation of
White’s identity. S. (Samuel) Passmore was a
familiar figure at the time.
11759. What
connection? (C.N. 11747)
The quiz question about a connection between the above
game and a world chess champion was inspired by a
contribution from Ian Tregillis (Santa Fe, NM, USA), who
forwarded page 1 of the United States Gazette
(Philadelphia), 30 January 1827 (a column by ‘Kuthar’):
1 e4 e6 2 Nc3 d5 3 Qf3 Nf6 4 Bd3 c5 5 b3 Bd6 6 exd5 exd5
7 Nxd5 Nxd5 8 Qxd5 O-O 9 Bb2 Nc6 10 a3 Be6 11 Qe4 g6 12
O-O-O Qd7 13 h3 Bf5 14 Qf3 Bxd3 15 Qxd3 Rae8 16 Nf3 a6 17
g4 b5 18 c4 bxc4 19 Qxc4 Rb8 20 Kb1 Qb7 21 Qc3 Nd4 22 Nxd4
Be5 23 Qxc5 Bxd4 24 Qxd4 f6 25 Qc4+ Kg7 26 Ka2 Rfc8 27 Qa4
Rc2 28 b4 Qd5+ 29 Qb3 Qe4 30 Rhe1 Qc6 31 Rc1 Rxc1 32 Rxc1
Qd6 33 Rd1 a5 34 b5 a4 35 Qxa4 Qd5+ 36 Qb3 Qc5 37 d4 Qg5
38 a4 Qf4 39 Qg3 Qe4 40 Qxb8 Qd5+ 41 Ka1 Resigns.
The notation to the game, in which Black played first, is
unusual, the squares being counted vertically: h1 = 1; h8
= 8; a1 = 57; a8 = 64.
The same configuration was shown differently on page 96
of Chess: Man vs Machine by Bradley Ewart (London,

Ewart gave the game, concluding with 38 a4 Qf4 39 Qg3
Resigns, on page 106, dating it 30-31 January 1827.
From page 76 of The Turk, Chess Automaton by
Gerald M. Levitt (Jefferson, 2000):

The transcriptions 38 h4 and 39 Qc3 are incorrect.
Although Levitt stated that the game was played on 30
January 1827, that is the very date of publication in the
Gazette, which, moreover, specified that it was
played over two days.
Some information about the winner is on pages 76 and 86
of the Levitt book.
The game was also published, up to 39 Qg3 and with
annotations, on pages 57-59 of the American Chess
Magazine, 1847 (‘Played many years ago at
Philadelphia, and won by a Lady of the celebrated
Automaton Chess Player’). See too pages 446 and 464 of the
New York, 1857 tournament book (‘Mrs Fisher’). The
Fischer/Fisher discrepancy has yet to be clarified.
The best response to C.N. 11747 came from Eduardo Bauzá
Mercére (New York, NY, USA), who added that the column
about the defeat of the Turk/Schlumberger was reproduced
shortly afterwards (exact date unavailable) in the New
York Spectator, duly credited to the Philadelphia
Alekhine v Bogoljubow (C.N.s 5667, 5697, 6312, 7724,
11355, 11359 & 11756)
Peter Anderberg (Harmstorf, Germany) identifies the man
standing between Alekhine and Bogoljubow as P. Matzdorff,
a board member of the Berliner Schachgesellschaft, as
shown in this photograph on page 13 of Das
internationale Schachmeisterturnier zur Hundertjahrfeier
der Berliner Schachgesellschaft by Kurt Richter
(Berlin, 1928):
11761. Chess laws
in New Zealand
Ross Jackson (Raumati South, New Zealand) points out news
items in the chess column of the Otago Witness, 20
July 1899, page
48, and 4 October 1905, page
‘It is surprising to note that provisions such as
the touch-move rule and the possibility for a pawn
reaching the eighth rank to remain a pawn were
officially still in force in New Zealand until the end
of September 1905.’
Alexander Kotov
Yuri Kireev (Moscow) has forwarded a photograph which he
took in March 2019 of the memorial to Alexander Kotov at
the Kuntsevsky Cemetery, Moscow:

Chess Notes
Owing to other commitments, it will be necessary for us
to curtail the posting of new C.N. items as from the end
of March 2020. Thereafter, additions to the main C.N. page
and to feature articles will be possible only
This announcement is made already now for the sake of
good order, and for the particular benefit of any
correspondents who are currently preparing a submission.
All C.N. pages, including the feature articles, will
remain openly viewable online.
11764. José
Pérez/Perez Mendoza (C.N. 11749)
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) notes that much
information about José Pérez/Perez Mendoza is in chapter
seven (pages 185-211) of the book mentioned in C.N. 9042,
Luces y Sombras del Ajedrez Argentino by Juan
Sebastián Morgado (Buenos Aires, 2014). In an article
entitled ‘Apuntes sobre mi vida’ page 200 includes
his statement that he was born in Buenos Aires on 10
November 1855.
11765. A
forthcoming book on Capablanca
From Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore):
‘I am currently finalizing a pictorial biography of
Capablanca, comprising some 450 high-quality
photographs, illustrations and cartoons of the Cuban,
many of them little-known and recently unearthed in
archives and other sources. I shall be very grateful
for assistance from private collectors, historians and
researchers who can provide further such images not
readily accessible in the standard digital
repositories or on the Internet.’
Anyone able to assist is invited to contact Olimpiu G. Urcan
direct by e-mail.
By way of example, our correspondent shares a picture
discovered in morgue archives of the New York Sun
and digitized upon request. It was taken during a
simultaneous display (+28 –1 =3) on 14 December 1936 at
the Marshall Chess Club, New York:
11766. Capablanca
at the Marshall Chess Club
In connection with the photograph in the preceding C.N.
item, we give the report on pages 156-157 of the
November-December 1936 American Chess Bulletin:
Capablanca’s win over John C. Rather is also on page 166
of The Unknown Capablanca by David Hooper and Dale
Brandreth (London, 1975). As mentioned in C.N. 521, Mr
Rather told us that he was aged 16 at the time, and below
is an extract from his letter to us, dated 16 June 1983:
Swedish chess personalities
Bath, 1939
From page 383 of the September 1939 BCM:
The October 1939 issue (page 443) reported:
11769. A
miscellany of photographs
Alt om Skak by Bjørn Nielsen (Odense, 1943)
includes several good photographs from unspecified British
sources, examples being the portraits of Elaine Saunders
(C.N. 7467) and P.J. Quinlivan (C.N. 11548).
Two further shots, from pages 11 and 16 respectively:
The Getty Images website has other photographs of the Royal
School, Guildford and of living
chess (Hurlingham).
Some further portraits from the Danish book:
Page references: Lundin, page 109; Kaila, page 219;
Danielsson, page 234; Tornerup, page 349; Mora; page 476.
Alekhine in 1927
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has found this feature about
Alekhine on an unnumbered page of the 8 December 1927
edition of the Argentinian magazine Atlántida:
Our correspondent adds, further to C.N.s 11564 and 11599,
a September 1927 picture of Alekhine’s hand (reference
AR_AGN_DDF/Consulta_INV: 61887 from Argentina’s Archivo
General de la Nación, courtesy of the Ministerio del
Interior, Obras Públicas y Vivienda):
11771. Pawn
sacrifices (C.N.s 9859 & 11144)
‘A pawn sacrifice may be more brilliant than a queen
sacrifice ...’
Source: Australasian Chess Review, November 1936,
page 314, from the introduction to Reshevsky v Vidmar,
Nottingham, 1936.
From page 327 of the Australasian Chess Review,
December 1936:
The pronunciation of Alekhine’s name has been discussed
in C.N.s 4284, 4289, 4304 and 7974.
11773. The
board (C.N. 4389)
An early occurrence of the rule that the h1 and a8
squares should be light-coloured is shown from page 266 of
the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1842:
11774. The
50-move rule
From the document referred to in the previous item (page
269 of the magazine), a provision regarding the 50-move rule:
Guy Haworth (Reading, England) notes that a 50-move
requirement was mentioned in Libro de la invención
liberal y arte del juego del axedrez by Ruy López
(Alcalá, 1561), page
11775. Sitzfleisch
(C.N. 4316)
The Oxford English Dictionary has now added two
pre-D.H. Lawrence citations:
Nineteenth-century occurrences of the term in a chess
context are still welcomed. Steinitz used it in his
‘Personal and General’ column on page 177 of the June 1888
issue of the International Chess Magazine:
‘... a British scholar and a gentleman, who now resides
on this side of the ocean, has once before castigated
the “Sitzfleisch” of a German chess editor in the pages
of the London Chess Monthly.’
From page 235 of the August 1888 edition, also in the
‘Personal and General’ column:
‘Here is our poor patient from New Orleans again with
his “Sitzfleisch” on public exhibition, showing that the
coagulation of revengeful blood to his head has been
somewhat relieved.’
11776. T.
Martin Weissenberg (Savyon, Israel) sends a photograph
from page 98 of Russia’s Great Modern Pianists by
Mark Zilberquit (Neptune, 1983) which features the
composer and pianist Tikhon Khrennikov (1913-2007):
11777. Edward Lowe
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘The naturalization papers of Edward Lowe (Löwe),
who won a match receiving pawn and two against
Staunton, are in the National Archives at Kew
(reference HO 1/153/6014). A few biographical details
can be gleaned, and a naturalization certificate,
dated 30 November 1868, is referred to.
A declaration was made on 23 November 1868 by four
referees, three of whom were solicitors, who “vouched
for his loyalty and respectability”. They stated that,
to the best of their belief, he was “by birth an
Austrian”, born in Prague “on or about 10 September
1794”; that he had resided at 14 and 15 Surrey Street
for more than 20 years, was married, and had one
child, then 35 years of age.
On 28 November 1868 Lowe himself made a declaration
explaining why his referees were solicitors;
presumably, this was in reply to a query by the
authorities. He said that he had never had occasion to
avail himself of the assistance of a solicitor, and
that he had known John Jubilee Spiller, one of the
solicitors, personally as a friend for over 20 years.
Page 87 of my book Notes on the life of Howard
Staunton commented that John Jubilee Spiller had
been, at one time, the employer of Thomas Beeby, the
author of the controversial 1848 pamphlet An
Account of the Late Chess Match Between Mr Howard
Staunton and Mr Lowe, and it was suggested that
Spiller and Beeby had remained close friends, Spiller
having signed the marriage register as a witness to
Beeby’s wedding.
Lowe’s statement that he had never used a solicitor
is interesting. As mentioned on page 89 of my book, he
had had his estates sequestrated in 1840 and had later
incurred a spell in a debtors’ prison, obtaining his
release by petitioning the Court for the Relief of
Insolvent Debtors. Page 6 of the Berkshire
Chronicle of 28 April 1855 reported on a civil action
that he brought in the Court of Common Pleas in which
he was represented by the chessplaying barrister,
Joseph Brown (C.N. 9909), who won the case for him.
Did Lowe do all this without using a solicitor?
The National Probate Calendar gives 25 February 1880
as Lowe’s date of death, at Surrey Street, his
personal estate being under £4,000.’
11778. Olga
Capablanca and Mikhail Botvinnik (C.N. 4950)
C.N. 4950 reported that Capablanca’s widow gave us the
above photograph. No details were available, but we now
note the following on page 52 of the ICCA Journal,
March 1984:
‘TF’, we believe, is Tom Fürstenberg.
11779. Tartakower
in the Great War (C.N. 8198)
Further information about Savielly Tartakower during the
Great War is in the 1915 volume of the Wiener
Schachzeitung: January-February, page 20; May-June,
pages 109-110; July-August, pages 183-184. As mentioned in
C.N. 7728, the periodical is available online at the ANNO website.
Wiener Schachzeitung, May-June
1915, page 109
‘Shortest game on record’ (C.N. 4963)
From page 208 of the April 1928 Chess Amateur:
Further letters
C.N. 6133 reproduced a letter dated 28 March 1928 to
Capablanca from Carl Laemmle, the President of the
Universal Pictures Corporation, which showed the Cuban’s
‘Villa Gloria, 4th Ave.,
Buena Vista, Marianao,
Havana, Cuba.’
Two further letters of which we have copies:
The recipient appears to be the Dutch journalist George
Nypels (1885-1977), the then Vienna
correspondent of the Algemeen Handelsblad.
11782. The first
‘No first move can be bad.’
Source: pages 165-166 of the March 1927 Chess Amateur.
In the Games Department, conducted by Charles R. Gurnhill,
it was a comment about 1 Nf3 in the game A. Teller v G.M.
Norman, Hastings, 4 January 1927.
11783. Béla
Martin Weissenberg (Savyon, Israel) shares these
photographs taken by him at the Budapest home (1932-40) of
Béla Bartók, which has been a memorial house since 1981:
11784. Letters
from Edge to Fiske
A transcription of this letter, together with information
about the context, was given in C.N. 3396 (see pages
337-338 of Chess Facts and Fables) and has now
been added to our feature
article on correspondence sent by F.M. Edge to D.W.
Concerning Edge’s assertion, at the top of the fourth
page, that in the most recent edition of the Illustrated
News ‘Staunton is again at his old, dirty tricks’,
below is the start of the 5 November 1859 column, page
There follows another letter, of which we acquired a copy
from Dale Brandreth, who had obtained much archive
material from David Lawson:
It is intended that other letters will be added to the
above-mentioned feature article in due course.
For extensive background information and commentary, see
Edge, Morphy and Staunton.
11785. Alejandro
Guerra Boneo (C.N. 4777)
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) provides this
cutting (precise source unclear) about Alejandro Guerra
The final paragraph reports that a friend accidentally
shot him dead.
Najdorf and Terrazas
Also from Mr Sánchez:
‘On pages 111-112 of Jaque mate (Barcelona,
1972), a book originally published in 1965, Kurt
Richter gave a game with a brilliant finish played by
M. Najdorf in an undated simultaneous display:

1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 f4 Nc6 4 fxe5 Nxe5 5 d4 Ng6 6 e5
Ng8 7 Nf3 d6 8 Bd3 dxe5 9 dxe5 Bc5 10 Qe2 Bg4 11 Ne4
Bb6 12 Bg5 Qd5 13 Rd1 Qa5+ 14 c3 Nxe5 15 Bb5+ Kf8 16
Nxe5 Bxe2 17 Nd7+ Ke8 18 Nb8+ c6 19 Nd6+ Kf8 20 Nd7
As his source Richter named the Tidskrift för
Schack, 1964. The game is on pages 134-135 of the
June issue:

Although Böök’s article above stated that the game
was played in Buenos Aires in 1942, pages 366-367 of Ajedrez
Español, December 1944 had the heading “Argentina,

On another matter, the list of subscribers’ names on
page 367 is of interest because it includes Teodoro
Terrazas Elizondo, who features in the Sabadell mystery. The
maternal surname, Elizondo, is further evidence that
the non-standard spelling “Elizando” on his club card
(C.N. 4015) was wrong:

Another Terrazas (Filiberto) has been discussed in
several C.N. items, concerning his well-known game
with Fidel Castro,
and C.N. 11332 showed an article by him on pages
322-323 of the November 1966 edition of the Cuban
periodical Jaque Mate:

In that C.N. item you wrote:
“Luke McCullough (Mitchell, SD, USA) asks whether
White’s 17th move was really c8(Q), and not cxd8(Q)+.
Firstly, we confirm that the improbable-looking 17
c8(Q) was given, although with a check sign, in our
source, which was the November 1966 issue of the Cuban
magazine Jaque Mate.”
Thus either the “+” sign is to be omitted or “8”
should be an “x”.
Terrazas presented a more candid account of the
event when interviewed by Félix Contreras, and his
remarks on page 52 of the magazine Cuba,
December 1966 included the following:
“In the second game, I have a large advantage over
Fidel and I offer him a draw, but he does not accept.
We play on. Eventually, Fidel beats me. I lose, and he
says jokingly, ‘This man let me win’.”
The above photograph is on page 66 of Cuba,
and the issue has many interesting mini-interviews
with participants in the Havana Olympiad.’
11787. The Falkirk
Under the title ‘Attempts to strip Lasker’, C.N. 3272
quoted this paragraph by A.J. Neilson in the Falkirk
Herald (14 February 1917, page 4) which was
reproduced on page 162 of the March 1917 Chess Amateur:
C.N. 3272 is on page 211 of Chess Facts and Fables
and in Patriotism,
Nationalism, Jingoism and Racism in Chess.
The frontispiece to the August 1909 BCM:
Below are further extracts from his Falkirk Herald
- 11 August 1915, page 4 (and reproduced on page 320 of
the September 1915 BCM):
11788. Teodoro
Terrazas Elizondo (C.N. 11786)
Miquel Artigas (Sabadell, Spain) sends the notice
published on page 10 of Diari Sabadell, 17 June
2010, which records that Terrazas died in Barcelona on 8
June 2010 at the age of 95 and confirms the spelling
Elizondo rather than Elizando:
11789. Cases
conjuguées (C.N.s 6004 & 6011)
Philippe Frit (Toulouse, France) writes:
‘The contribution of Dawid Przepiórka to the theory
of corresponding squares has been pointed out several
times. In the introduction to his series of articles
published in 1922-23 in Shakhmaty about “King
manoeuvres in pawn endings”, Nikolai Grigoriev
mentioned the names of only three predecessors or
contemporaries who had become interested in the theory
of corresponding squares (“теорию соответствия”):
Dawid Przepiórka, Franz Sackmann and Siegbert
Shakhmaty issue 3, September 1922, page 51 (see
lines 6-8)
Transcription: Повидимому, уделяли им свое
внимание люди с именем в шахматном мире, как, напр.,
Пшепюрка, Закман н наконец д-р Тарраш.
Translation: Famous people in the field of
chess have apparently paid attention to it, examples
being Przepiórka, Sackmann and finally Dr Tarrasch.
In 1932, the book by Marcel Duchamp and Vitaly
Halberstadt Opposition et cases conjuguées sont
réconciliées (Opposition and Sister Squares are
Reconciled) mentioned a lecture given by Przepiórka
at the Munich Chess Club in June 1908. The precise
nature of the date and place, as well as the title (“A
mathematical method applied to practical play”) and
the content of the lecture, suggest that Duchamp
and/or Halberstadt actually attended it or obtained
their information from a direct witness. Przepiórka is
said to have explained in detail a method of solving
the Lasker-Reichhelm study using the concept of
corresponding squares. According to Duchamp and
Halberstadt, Tarrasch was convinced by Przepiórka’s
ideas and gave similar lectures in Germany.
Opposition et cases
conjuguées sont réconciliées,
1932, page 2 (English and German versions)
As indicated by Harrie Grondijs (C.N. 6011), the
lecture by Przepiórka was reported in the Akademisches
für Schach.
The lectures by Przepiórka and Tarrasch were also
confirmed by Walter Bähr in 1936, on page 42 of his
book Opposition und kritische Felder
(“Opposition and critical squares”). Bähr specifies
dates and/or places: 1908 for Przepiórka, and Berlin
1913 for Tarrasch. He even adds the name of Lasker
(Berlin) in between, potentially suggesting a lecture
by the reigning world champion during that period.
According to Bähr, those lectures dealt with the
studies by Locock and by Lasker-Reichhelm. More
importantly, the method presented is said to use
labelled squares.
Opposition und
kritische Felder, 1936, page
In 1925, in his book Contributo alla teoria dei
finali di soli pedoni, Rinaldo Bianchetti refers more
precisely to an article published in 1909 by
Przepiórka in the Berliner Lokalanzeitung [sic]
describing a new kind of opposition (“una nuova
specie di opposizione”) which made it possible to
tackle certain studies, such as those by Locock and
Lasker-Reichhelm, which were intractable within the
rules of classical opposition alone.
Contributo alla teoria
dei finali di soli pedoni,
1925, page 53
Nonetheless, Bianchetti’s numerous mistakes and
approximations regarding dates and names, as well as
his occasional tendency to extrapolate and rewrite
history, require his output to be treated with
caution. A more reliable source about what was
supposedly published by Przepiórka is probably the
article by Johann Berger which Bianchetti also quotes,
as does Harrie Grondijs. In that article, published in
the April 1909 issue of the Deutsche
Schachzeitung (pages 115-119), Berger indicates that
in a lecture given by Przepiórka in Munich, the
Lasker-Reichhelm study was presented and subsequently
discussed in the Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger.
However, Berger gave no exact reference regarding the
German newspaper. He did, though, summarize
Przepiórka’s idea, which consisted of using a
mathematical method of bijective relations between
squares, i.e. based on the one-to-one correspondence
between squares (“eindeutige Beziehung”); it is
simply a matter of corresponding squares, as Mr
Grondijs pointed out. According to Berger, this method
was presented by Przepiórka as the only valid one, as
opposed to empirical methods which come up against an
excessively large number of variants to analyze,
whereas the rules of opposition are of no practical
use here. Berger rejects this idea, which he
criticizes quite fiercely.
Later in his article, on page 118, Berger refers to
both Przepiórka and Tarrasch, leaving in passing a
doubt about the actual author(s) of the Berliner
Lokal-Anzeiger article. On the same page, Berger also
mentions a diagram with numbered squares used by
Przepiórka to solve the study. That diagram, which
Berger found unnecessary and unjustified, was not
included in his Deutsche Schachzeitung
From the foregoing the idea emerges that Dawid
Przepiórka was one of the first to understand the
correct method of dealing with the Locock and
Lasker-Reichhelm studies. The question therefore is
what appeared in the Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger
between June 1908 (the date of Przepiórka’s lecture in
Munich) and April 1909 (the date of Berger’s article
in the Deutsche Schachzeitung).
I have found the article in question in the 21
August 1908 edition of the Entertainment Supplement of
the Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger (Unterhaltungs-Beilage
Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger). The diagram in the
left-hand column corresponds to Lasker’s study as
modified by Reichhelm, although Lasker is the only
author cited here. The exact title of the article is “Eine
mathematische Methode in ihrer Anwendung auf das
praktische Schachspiel” (“A mathematical method
applied to chess practice”), which is very close to
the title of Przepiórka’s lecture mentioned by Duchamp
and Halberstadt (“Mathematische Methode in der
Praxis des Schachspiels”).
The sole author of the article seems to be Siegbert
Tarrasch, who ran the weekly chess column in the Berliner
Lokal-Anzeiger, but in the first paragraph Przepiórka
is duly credited for the method presented, which, as
stated, was the subject of a lecture he gave in
Transcription: Wie unlängst der wohlbekannte
Schachmeister David [sic] Przepiórka in einem
Vortrage zu München auseinandersetzte, muß man
vielmehr zur Lösung dieser Aufgabe eine mathematische
Methode anwenden: das Prinzip der eindeutigen
Translation: As the famous chess master David
[sic] Przepiórka recently explained during a
lecture in Munich, it is rather necessary to apply a
mathematical method to solve this problem: the
principle of bijective relation [i.e. one-to-one
relation or correspondence].
This explains why Berger’s criticisms were directed
at both Przepiórka and Tarrasch. Furthermore, Berger
quotes almost word for word a passage that can be
found at the beginning of the second paragraph of the
right-hand column. This establishes that the article
which I have traced in the Berliner
Lokal-Anzeiger is indeed the one referred to by
Berger, Deutsche Schachzeitung, April 1909, page 115
Tarrasch, Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, 21 August 1908 (right-hand column,
second paragraph)
The interesting part of the article is, of course,
the description of the method used to determine the
pairs of corresponding squares.
Firstly, Tarrasch identifies the two points of
penetration by the white king, i.e. the b5 and h5
squares. He then stresses that to prevent the invasion
via h5 it is sufficient for the black king to stay one
file to the left of the white king’s file. Next, he
identifies the different pairs of corresponding
squares starting from the mutual Zugzwang
position Kc4/Kb6 and then extending, step by step, to
adjacent squares, in a way similar to what can be
found in any modern book.
Importantly, each pair of squares is numbered (from
1 to 5), and the result is displayed as a second
diagram showing the pawns but not the kings. That
makes the Tarrasch article the oldest known
publication presenting the solution to the
Lasker-Reichhelm study using a diagram with labelled
Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, 21 August 1908
Until now, this achievement has been attributed to
C.E.C. Tattersall, whose book A Thousand End
Games (volume one, 1910) published the solutions to
the studies of Locock and Lasker-Reichhelm as diagrams
with squares marked with letters to indicate the
correspondence. Bianchetti and Duchamp-Halberstadt
agreed about Tattersall being first:
Contributo alla teoria
dei finali di soli pedoni,
1925, page 53
Opposition et cases
conjuguées sont réconciliées,
1932, page 3
The position published by Tattersall is
reversed from left to right compared to the original
one. I do not know why.
Tattersall, volume one of A Thousand End Games, 1910, page 154
One further question: who first noticed the
relationship between the studies of Locock and
11790. Kujoth v
From pages 15-16 of Wonders and Curiosities of Chess
by Irving Chernev (New York, 1974):
The game N.N. v Bruening was discussed in C.N. 4638.
Regarding Kujoth v Fashingbauer, we have received the
following from Mark Erickson (Richland, WA, USA):
‘Andrew Soltis’s “Chess to Enjoy” column on pages
12-13 of the April 2009 Chess Life, entitled
“The Hoax is on You”, included the famous miniature
Kujoth v Fashingbauer, Milwaukee, 1950 (1 e4 c5 ... 10
b6 “and Black resigned on move 16”) and stated:
“When the game was published, some Europeans laughed
at the rather obvious hoax ...” (Soltis cast
particular doubt on Black’s name.)
The letters column on page 6 of the August 2009 Chess
Life printed a reply from Kujoth. He reported that
his book Chess is an Art had two games against
John Fashingbauer, and he made some odd statements:
- “The second game, involving ten-consecutive-pawn
moves in the Wing Gambit ...” In fact, that was the
first of his two games against Fashingbauer given in
Chess is an Art (ten-pawn-move game: 1950, game
39; the other game: 1951, game 40);
- Without consulting Kujoth, a columnist named
Averill Powers had truncated the well-known game
from 28 moves to ten in his column, entitled “The
Game of Kings” in the Milwaukee Journal of
21 May 1950. Kujoth also asserted, without further
explanation: “I have just completed a
discussion with Myron Katz, attorney at law in
In his response on the same page of the August 2009
Chess Life, Soltis gave a 28-move version of the
Sicilian Defense game supplied by Kujoth (“his
original handwritten score of the game”). The issues
of Chess
Life can be read online.
Nonetheless, in his own book, Chess is an Art,
published much earlier, Kujoth himself had stated that
Black resigned at move ten. From pages 106-107:

Moreover, in his Introduction to the book Kujoth
referred approvingly to two works, by Chernev and
Sokolsky, which had given the ten-move version.
Why did Kujoth change his position in 2009, denying
that the game had lasted only ten moves?’
The title page of the book referred to by Mr Erickson:
We have this edition (where the games against
Fashingbauer, numbers 37 and 38, are on pages 47-49):
The 21 May 1950 Milwaukee Journal column has yet
to be found.
11791. Chess in
‘There are now estimated to be about 100,000
international chess players in China.’
Christian Rau (Rüsselsheim, Germany) comments that that
sentence in an article on pages 6-7 of the November 1979 CHESS
which was quoted in C.N. 9538 (see too How Many People Play
Chess?) could be misinterpreted. It is not a
reference to players of international standard;
‘international chess’ is the precise translation of the
Chinese term (国际象棋) for the ordinary English word ‘chess’.
Najdorf v N.N. (C.N. 11786)
Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea, England) notes that
the Najdorf miniature was published on page 211 of Chess
On! by Reuben Fine (New York, 1945). Two exclamation
marks were awarded to 16 Nxe5, and three to 18 Nb8+.
Although the heading was ‘Buenos Aires, 1942’, the
previous page stated that the game was ‘played by Najdorf
in Argentina last year’.
Figurine notation (C.N.s 3724 & 8766)
An early occurrence of the figurine notation in an
English-language publication:
Source: page 551 of the March 1912 Chess Amateur.
The Post v Wegemund game, presented with obvious
notational errors at moves 10 and 17, was played in the
1908 Berlin championship and had been published on, for
instance, page 137 of Deutsches Wochenschach, 18
April 1909.
11794. Rolando
Illa (C.N.s 10714 & 11750)
From an unnumbered page in the 22 November 1912 edition
of Fray Mocho, a weekly publication in Argentina:
Noah’s Ark Trap
Two citations further to those catalogued in the Factfinder:
- Page 31 of E.A. Michell’s The Year-Book of Chess,
1908 (London, 1908) had an editorial footnote
concerning the line (1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bg5
Nbd7) 5 cxd5 exd5 6 Nxd5 Nxd5 7 Bxd8 Bb4+:
‘Known in England as “Noah’s Ark”.’
- Annotating a synthetic game on pages 463-464 of the
December 1911 BCM, C.D. Locock described 8...c5
‘A creditable attempt at “Noah’s Ark”.’
Position after 8 Ba4
The task set by Locock on page 426 of the November 1911 BCM:
‘White gave the odds of Q and QR. The game began 1 P-K4
P-K3 2 P-Q4 P-Q4, and White effected a pure mirror mate
on his 23rd move. In the final position all Black’s
forces were en prise, and none of White’s. No
captures were made on either side.’
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Ne7 4 f4 g6 5 Nf3 Bg7 6 Bb5+ Nd7 7
Ne5 a6 8 Ba4 c5 9 O-O O-O 10 Nb5 Bh8 11 Nc7 Kg7 12 Nc4 Kf6
13 e5+ Kf5 14 g4+ Ke4 15 f5 Rg8 16 f6 h5 17 Rf5 h4 18 Rh5
Rg7 19 Rh6 Qe8 20 Nd6+ Kf3 21 g5 c4 22 c3 Nc5
23 Bd1 mate.
Arthur Koestler (C.N.s 3266, 3509, 3580, 6511 &
Martin Weissenberg (Savyon, Israel) draws attention to
the obituary of Koestler by David Pryce-Jones, entitled
‘Chess Man’, on pages 25-28 of Encounter, July-August
11797. T. Khrennikov (C.N. 11776)
Courtesy of the Russian National Museum of Music, Olimpiu
G. Urcan (Singapore) forwards a better copy of the
photograph in C.N. 11776:
11798. Rapid play
Page 291 of the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 16
December 1891 provides this addition to Fast Chess:
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.