Chess Notes
When contacting
us by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
11799. A scarce
monograph on Nigel Short
Nigel Short (Athens) informs us:
‘This poor-quality image is the only one that I
have. It appears that the book was a games collection,
Nigel Short by R.A. Ziatdinov (Tashkent, 1993),
and that most of the copies were destroyed in a flood,
although about 100 were sent to Turkey.’
We shall be glad to hear from any reader who has the
Addition on 9 April 2020:
Reporting that he has a signed copy of the Ziatdinov
book, Rudy Bloemhard (Apeldoorn, the Netherlands) has sent
us a selection of images, including the following:
Mr Bloemhard adds:
‘There is no reference to a publisher or an ISBN
number. The book, published in 1993, is 96 pages long
and contains about 350 unannotated games.’
Magazine references
Readers may appreciate the opportunity to follow up on
some of the references in Chess Articles in Periodical
Literature by Horace E. McFarland (St Louis, 1928):
11801. Letters
from Frank Skoff
A paragraph from our feature article Edge, Morphy and Staunton:
The Staunton-Morphy-Edge debate in Chess Notes
continued until the magazine closed down in December
1989, and summarizing here the multiplicity of points
discussed would be an impossible task. The contributions
– often of outstanding quality – did not always make for
easy reading, but there can be little doubt of the
material’s importance for all future writers on the
nineteenth-century trio. For ease of reference, the
numbers of the C.N. items in the debate are: 840, 881,
943, 957, 1012, 1031, 1124, 1149, 1172, 1228, 1269,
1270, 1358, 1416, 1417, 1439, 1440, 1480, 1499, 1569,
1570, 1633, 1642, 1643, 1669, 1700, 1722, 1757, 1758,
1818 and 1932. Moreover, Skoff submitted a 16-page
letter dated 17 November 1989 which arrived too late to
be included in the final issue of the magazine; copies
were made available upon request to interested readers.
Frank Skoff fully accepted that procedure.
Now, we give his 16-page letter as a PDF file, together
with a one-page follow-up letter which he wrote on 20
November 1989 after seeing a preview of a comment by us in
C.N. 1932.
Not all the C.N. items listed above are on-line, which
means that parts of Frank Skoff’s letters will be unclear.
However, there is no lack of clarity in his overall
stance: strong criticism of certain British chess writers
for inaccuracy and bias over the Edge-Morphy-Staunton
controversy, with Kenneth Whyld singled out for
11802. The Duke
of Wellington
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘In an article entitled “Celebrated Chess-Players”,
reproduced from the Chess Record, page 30 of
the January 1880 American Chess Journal had
the following:
“The Duke of Wellington was a chessplayer of more
than the moderate skill of his great rival, Napoleon.”
Howard Staunton had replied to a correspondent as
follows in the Illustrated London News, 29
March 1845, page 208:
The Iron Duke had been a subscriber to William
Greenwood Walker’s A selection of games of chess,
actually played in London, by the late Alexander
McDonnell ... (London, 1836), his name being listed
as such on page 279.’
Can anything be added regarding the Duke of
Wellington’s chess activities?’
11803. The
Club Capablanca, Havana
Below are two photographs of the Club Capablanca (calle
Infanta 54, Havana) taken by Bernardo Alonso García, the
copyright owner, and sent to us in 1994 by Armando Alonso
Lorenzo (Prov. Ciego de Avila, Cuba):
H.J.R. Murray’s books
We have a copy of a 19-page typescript by H.J.R. Murray dated 1940,
‘My Chess Books, etc.’:
11805. A
projected book on the Polgar sisters
A two-page letter to us from Rogelio Caparrós (Elizabeth,
NJ, USA) dated 2 January 1992 was chiefly about his
planned book on Alekhine but included one paragraph on
another project:
‘I have already finished a collection of 432 games
of the Polgar sisters, with a diagram per game. Some
diagrams have been inserted at the crucial points,
replacing to a certain point an annotation.’
He gave a sample page of the intended work, which was
entitled Las Maravillosas hermanitas Polgar:
11806. 1 Nf3 d5 2
b4 f6
On the subject of chess
punctuation, three exclamation marks at move two
were awarded by Reuben Fine on page 58 of Chess
Marches On! (New York, 1945):
When Fine’s annotations had appeared on pages 8-10 of the
January 1942 Chess Review, 2...f6 received only
two exclamation marks.
The date ‘1942’ is an error. Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New
York, NY, USA) notes this report on page 17 of the Brooklyn
Eagle, 15 December 1941:
Fine was also incorrect to state that nobody seemed to
have thought of 2...f6 before Levy played it in that game.
Databases have a loss by Santasiere to Harry Fajans,
which, Mr Bauzá Mercére points out, was annotated by
Santasiere on page 14 of the January-February 1941 American
Chess Bulletin:
Our correspondent adds that a report on the tournament,
the Marshall Chess Club Championship, on page 21 of the New
York Times, 13 January 1941 recorded that the
Santasiere v Fajans game had been adjourned. He refers too
to page 195 of the October
1942 Chess Review, where Edward Lasker
annotated a win over Santasiere with 2...f6 in the New
York State Championship in Cazenovia, August 1942. The
first note mentioned Fine’s January 1942 article.
Capablanca’s US education (C.N. 6378)
An advertisement on page 16 of the South Orange
Record, 22 April 1903:
Drawings of Capablanca and Alekhine
Page 3 of Crítica, 17 September 1927:
11809. The
Duke of Wellington (C.N. 11802)
Jerry Spinrad (Nashville, TN, USA) forwards this cutting
from page 2 of Bell’s Life in London, 19 March
The final, general sentence is notable:
‘Chess is peculiarly the poor man’s recreation, since
it furnishes more relaxation, at less cost, than any
other game whatever.’
Staunton Street
Mr Spinrad also sends, on the topic of Street Names with Chess
Connections, a lengthy report on page
5 of Lloyd’s Weekly London Newspaper, 21
December 1856 which suggested, ten lines from the bottom
of the second column, that a London street be named after
Howard Staunton.
London does indeed have a Staunton
Street, but since when?
11811. Vienna,
1922 poster
C.N. 6369 mentioned that many chess-related images are
available at the website of the Österreichische
Nationalbibliothek in Vienna.
Further to C.N. 11725, which referred to Hans Kmoch’s
brother Ladislaus, James Bell Cooper (Vienna) notes that
the Library has a poster
by L. Kmoch on the Vienna, 1922 tournament:
Rafael Blanco (C.N.s 3471 & 3475)
It will be appreciated if a reader can provide a
good-quality version of an article by Bernardo G. Barros
about the chessplayer and artist Rafael Blanco on pages
455-456 of the Cuban magazine El Fígaro, 1911. We
have only a faint photostat:
Capablanca film (C.N.s 1484, 3986 & 4303)
The carelessly-produced video-cassette case:
Below is a photograph reproduced from a full-page article
about the film on page 9 of the Cuban newspaper Juventud
Rebelde, 6 March 1988:
11814. Emanuel
Just received: volume two of Emanuel Lasker
edited by Richard Forster, Michael Negele and Raj
Tischbierek (Berlin, 2020):
The publisher’s
webpage presents an extract from this superb volume,
as well as ordering details; the book will also be
obtainable from McFarland
Company, Inc. Information about volume one (2018)
and the 2009 German-language tome is given in our feature
From the private archive of Christian Wohlfarth (Berlin)
we reproduce with the Editors’ permission a photograph of
Lasker playing Go which is on page 164 of volume two:
The caption states that Lasker’s opponent was Felix
Dueball, at whose residence the picture was taken on 7
March 1930. His eldest son Fritz is standing, and the man
seated in the centre is Kurt Rosenwald.
11815. The Daily Mirror
A new feature article has just been posted: Chess
in the Daily Mirror.
11816. Samuel Reshevsky
The early years of Samuel Reshevsky are the subject of
our latest
11817. An
interview with Lim Kok Ann
There follows an interview by Giam Choo Kwee with Lim Kok
Ann which the latter sent us in September 1986:
This 1968 photograph of Giam Choo Kwee and Lim Kok Ann
comes from the private archives of Choong Liong On and is
reproduced courtesy of Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore):
Regarding the picture, see too page 99 of the book Singapore
Chess (C.N. 10567).
11818. R.N.
C.N. 10455 included an autobiographical summary which
R.N. Coles sent us on 4 April 1979, and here we add a
biographical note by his brother Jack which was forwarded
by Graham Smith (Guildford, England) on 28 September 1983:
11819. A quiz
Name the person who has written all the following:
- on his website, a brief review of Kings, Commoners
and Knaves which said little about our book but
suggested, with no particulars, that we were ‘starting
to draw up a hit-list’, that we might be sued for libel
by Raymond Keene, and that our reputation was for
‘objectivity (bordering on pedantry)’;
(In his magazine he published a different version of
the review, but still with only one specific reference
to our book’s contents: ‘The “Knaves” of his title
would seem to include Ray Keene and Eric Schiller but
I had to smile at his exposure of the latter’s cheap
and unfounded remark about one of my books in the item
on page 271.’)
- on a dedicated webpage, an attempt at personal mockery
of us through pictorial ‘Austin Winters’ items (a spoof
of the first Austin Powers film). They were soon
- on his website, a review of an issue of the magazine Kingpin,
with about one-third of the entire review consisting of
muddled comments about our having a Forum in Kingpin
while also writing the C.N. column. The Forum ...
‘... looks very like Chess Notes, especially the (I
won’t say undeserved) attacks on Ray Keene and Eric
Schiller without which no article by Edward Winter
would these days be complete. I am far from defending
the hack-work of these guys but it is making Winter
sound like a vinyl LP stuck in a groove. I also see
that he is at the same lark on the Inside Chess
(The above ignored, inter alia, the fact
that in a personal message we had already told him
regarding Raymond Keene: ‘I invite you to note how
often his name has even been mentioned in C.N. since
my column began in New in Chess about a year
and a half ago. Answer: not once.’ Further details
will be provided in due course on this point, and
all the others in the present C.N. item.)
- on a correspondence chess website, the untrue
pronouncement that we had been sacked as a Chess Café
- in an on-line column, this assessment of C.N.:
‘The kind of historical-biographical chess writing
which essentially consists of snippets (even if they
are arranged into “threads”) cannot in the end make
any great contribution to chess history, consisting as
it largely does of minor corrections to the record, a
bit of debunking, a lot of hobby-horse-riding, some
settling of scores and the occasional answer to
readers’ questions’;
- in a publication, a claim that ‘the piecemeal work of
Edward Winter, whose column “Chess Notes” has
transferred to web publication, is chiefly reliant on
editing readers’ input’;
- in correspondence with another chess historian, these
statements: ‘I am unwilling to use Edward Winter’s
column as a conduit of information because he never
gives me any credit for data that I have occasionally
supplied in response to his queries, nor does he mention
my books if he can help it.’ The correspondence
contained no corroboration of these statements about us,
which are untrue;
- on a discussion forum, two posts about Eric Schiller,
again referring to page 271 of Kings, Commoners and
Knaves. The posts included the following: ‘the
Winter article (and usually I don’t agree with Winter)
is right on the money about Schiller’s carelessness when
it came to his so-called literary efforts which are
mostly of little merit’ and ‘I knew immediately that
what Schiller wrote was a disgraceful and intellectually
dishonest lie. Nothing since ever caused me to change my
mind about him.’ Our own ‘page 271 criticism’ of Eric
Schiller was written in 1993; the two posts on the
discussion forum (obituary section) were written just a
few days after Eric Schiller’s death;
- in one of his books, a declaration that C.N. ‘benefits
from a network of contributors worldwide, happy to do so
in exchange for having their books promoted or just
“seeing their name up in lights”’;
- on the same page of that book, an observation that
C.N. ‘does not engage in systematic research of the kind
this author believes should be the main aim of a chess
historian’, and that ‘the world of the chess historian
would be well served if Mr Winter decided to return to
the production of major contributions to chess
literature’, as opposed to C.N.;
- on a discussion forum, this assertion (on 15 September
2020): ‘I haven’t for many years contributed to Chess
Notes because of Winter’s many and unfair attacks on my
work.’ Persistently challenged on the forum to
substantiate those words, he remained silent.
Addition on 30 October 2020: Answer.
11820. C.N.
One or two new feature articles are in the pipeline, and
further batches of C.N. items will also be posted shortly.
Over the past four months, material has been added direct
to about 250 feature
We no longer sell books or magazines, but items from our
collection can be acquired from two respected
international dealers: SchachSchneider
and Antiquariat
11821. Alessandro
Sanvito (1938-2020)
Following the recent death of Alessandro Sanvito, one of
the chess world’s most highly-respected historians, an
excellent account of his bibliographies of Italian chess
literature has just been posted on Michael Clapham’s Chess Book
Chats website.
11822. Small
chess sets
New editions of the book Guinness
Records are no longer monitored here but, as
mentioned in C.N. 11540, the Guinness company has a
database which includes many chess-related exploits. One
of them, dated 2020, is headed ‘Smallest
chess set’.
For purposes of comparison, below is C.N. 377 (written in
A report in the Tribune de Genève of 1 February
1983 says that five students at the Ecole d’ingénieur de
Genève (Philippe Cantin, Jean-Marie Croisier, Robertino
Noventa, David Ribaut and Marc Schmidt) have made what
is thought to be the smallest chess set in the world.
The peg-in board measures 8 mm by 8 mm; the size
including the border frame is 12 mm x 12 mm. Each square
is 1 square mm, the pawns are 1.5 mm high, while the
tallest piece, the king, measures 2.5 mm. An actual game
can be played with it. Four hundred hours of work went
into it, and the Livre des records is now doing
its research to try to establish whether this is indeed
a world record.
The chess set was referred to on the front page of the
Geneva newspaper, and the detailed report, by Jean-Noël
Cuénod, was on page 9:
Harry Golombek (1911-95)
Golombek’s English-language Wikipedia entry currently
gives Lambeth as his place of birth and death. In the Oxford
of National Biography (an entry written two decades
ago by Professor William D. Rubinstein) a precise address
in the London Borough of Lambeth was supplied for his
birth: 200 Railton Road, Brixton. The Dictionary
also specified that Golombek died in the Dawn House
residential home, South Park Crescent, Gerrards Cross,
Below is a paragraph from a letter that Golombek
wrote us on 26 February 1972:
11824. Harry
Golombek (C.N. 11823)
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘The address of Harry Golombek’s birth, as quoted
from the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,
is slightly different from that of the Golombek family
home listed in the 1911 census, when H.G.’s age was
given as one month. The census entry (National
Archives, RG 14 2098) was written and signed by the
chessplayer’s father, Barnet Golombek, a 33-year-old
dealer in gas fittings, who was recorded as being of
Russian nationality and born at Zambrov [sic].
The address specified was 200 B, Railton Road, Herne
Hill, [London], S.E., and the census shows that 200
Railton Road was a separate household.
H.G.’s mother, Emma, was also stated to be of
Russian nationality, and there were two other
children, Abraham and Rosy.’
11825. Kings
the Castle
A programme not yet mentioned in Chess and Television is
Kings of the Castle, narrated by Paul Jennings,
produced by Robert Toner and broadcast
on BBC-2 on 22 July 1978. We have this BBC
Enterprises flyer:
Three years later, on 3 October 1981, a documentary
same title was transmitted by BBC-2 ahead of the
world championship match in Merano.
11826. Réti’s
loss to Alekhine (C.N. 2681)
As it would not otherwise be on-line, C.N. 2681, from
July 2002, is reproduced here:
Pages 89-90 of L’Echiquier, May 1926 gave the
game Alekhine v Réti, Semmering, 1926. Our copy is
inscribed in ink by Réti, who added in pencil three
proposed improvements to his play: 8…Kh7, 15…a5 and
21…f5. Only the second of these suggestions was
mentioned in Alekhine’s On the Road to the World
Championship 1923-1927.
Problemists’ inscriptions
The above was sent to us on 14 April 1984 by Robert
Sinnott (Norwell, MA, USA), who wrote:
‘It is a copy of Schuster’s Problems (L/N 2588)
which he presented to Sam Gold (L/N 2458) with an
inscription in Hungarian. Dr Gold subsequently passed
the book along to Otto Wurzburg (L/N 2727) with his
inscription in English. So now we have three
problemists involved in the same book.’
He added that in 1972 Alice Loranth of the Cleveland
Public Library gave him a translation of Zsigmond
Schuster’s Hungarian text:
To Dr Sam Gold, to my enthusiastic and esteemed
comrade, to the outstanding problemist of our country,
as a token of my gratitude, unlimited admiration and
highest esteem.’
Inscribed books
Notwithstanding the first paragraph of C.N. 11820, some inscribed copies of our
books are still available.
11829. Articles
by Juan Corzo
Three articles by Juan Corzo y Príncipe about the 1927
world championship match have been given from Carteles:
9 October 1927, page 17 (C.N. 11260); 20 November 1927,
page 24 (C.N. 11271); 18 December 1927, page 25 (C.N.
Now, Yandy Rojas Barrios (Cárdenas, Cuba) has submitted a
fourth one, on pages 24 and 27 of the Cuban magazine’s 23
October 1927 edition:
Our Cuban correspondent has also provided 16 articles by
Corzo which Carteles published between 28 November
1937 and 4 December 1938. They are being added direct to
our feature article Immortal
but Unknown.
11830. A
Tartakower remark
On 22 April 1997 Mark Saylor, an editor at the Los
Angeles Times, asked whether we had a source for a
quote attributed, he believed, to Tartakower:
‘Chess ennobles man, for it is filled with
Nothing was found, but now Richard Forster (Winterthur,
Switzerland) notes that the remark (‘Das Schachspiel
veredelt den Menschen, da es voller Enttäuschungen ist’)
was the fourth in a list of observations by Tartakower on
pages 353-355 of the December 1927 Deutsche
Acknowledgement for the above scans: the Cleveland Public
11831. A
lecture by Pal Benko
Continuing to browse through old correspondence files, we
see a letter dated 26 September 1988 from George Stern
(Woden, Australia), He enclosed his chess column on page
14 of the Canberra Times, 17 March 1985, featuring
‘a capsule autobiography of Pal
Benko, which I recorded when he was in Canberra in

We have shown the column to John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA,
USA), who comments:
‘This is an interesting article, albeit with several
inaccuracies. It is possible that Benko’s memory
betrayed him, but much more likely that the reporter
got the details wrong.
It appears to violate Fischer’s dictum that friends
not speak about him to the press. Benko was a faithful
adherent to this rule, which partly explains why he
and Fischer remained friends until the end of
Fischer’s life.
The probable explanation for Benko making an
exception is that at the time of the lecture he had
not been in contact with Fischer since the late 1970s
and likely thought he never would be in contact again.
Material which David DeLucia has shared in his books
makes it clear that Fischer’s correspondence with
Benko and Gligorić stopped around 1978 and did not
resume until the early 1990s. Benko in 1985 had no way
of knowing that Fischer would reach out to him again.
It is curious that the article mentions 1975 as the
time of the last meeting between Benko and Fischer.
This is likely wrong as Benko played in the 1978 US
Championship held in Pasadena at Ambassador College,
which was run by the Worldwide Church of God. The
venue was close to where Fischer was living at the
time. Kavalek, Lombardy, Zuckerman and Christiansen
are all known to have had contact with Fischer during
the 1978 US Championship. It is possible that Benko
and Fischer did not meet during the event, but it
seems much more likely that they did.
The details surrounding Benko’s defecting from
Hungary and settling in the United States are also
bungled, and it seems hard to believe that he would
get them wrong. His last event under the Hungarian
flag was not the 1957 Dublin Zonal (held from 12 May
to 1 June) but the 1957 Reykjavik Student Olympiad
(11-26 July). It was only after that tournament that
he applied for asylum at the US Embassy.
One point that I had not realized until today is how
long Benko spent in Iceland – he was still there in
October 1957, when he participated in a 12-player
round-robin tournament in Reykjavik, finishing second,
half a point behind Olafsson, but ahead of Ståhlberg
and Pilnik.
Benko’s first event in the United States may well
have been his match against Ken Smith at Dallas in
1957 (30 November-18 December) alongside the main
event. In the second bulletin for Dallas, 1957 page 2
states: “Paul [sic] Benko, who came to
Dallas with the hope of playing in the tournament, has
found some competition. He was challenged to a
seven-game match by Ken Smith, the only master in the
South.” Benko won 5½-1½.
Pal Benko: My Life, Games and Compositions (pages
81-82) mentions that Benko initially planned to defect
after the 1957 Dublin Zonal but, upon reflection,
preferred to do so in Reykjavik. In between the two
events he spent over a month in Luxembourg giving
One suspects that Fischer never saw the Canberra
Times article.’
Grandmasters has citations for various possible
titles beyond the level of ‘grandmaster’: ‘World Master’,
‘Supermaster’, ‘Supergrandmaster’ and ‘Greatgrandmaster’.
Eddingfield v Capablanca
Firstly, for ease of reference, C.N. 4996 is reproduced:
From page 172 of the July-August 1916 American
Chess Bulletin:
After giving the game in an article about the Cuban on
pages 56-58 of the 5/1987 New in Chess we
‘Either this was the most
incompetent game of Capablanca’s life or else,
infinitely more probable, E.S. Harvey took the moves
down incorrectly. Perhaps an ingenious reader can
suggest how they could be amended to make sense.’
Some attempts at reconstruction have been undertaken,
but we wonder whether it is possible to find out more
about the game in the local press of the time.
Nothing has yet been found on the archival front.
As regards the game-score, on 1 February 1994 Stephen
Berry (London) wrote the following letter after we had
enquired whether he could resolve the puzzle:
On 8 January 2001 we took the matter up in Richard
Forster’s ‘Puzzles and Mysteries’ column at the Chess
History Center (no longer available on-line), and Dan
Heisman responded on 29 January 2001:
‘Well, with a little license and dozens of tries over
an hour or so, I managed to come up with a score that
makes some sense. But it assumes some rotten
scorekeeping, or at least illegible handwriting (I would
love to see a photo of the original score).
The first key is that ...f5 does not make sense, and
later leads to all kinds of problems – I don’t think
Capablanca dropped a piece as was possible in many of
the actual lines. So what did Capablanca do? Rc6 is a
nice move, and blocks all those Qxd7 and Qxb6 lines (and
in descriptive, R-B6 could easily be misread as P-B5).
But then why did Capablanca play Rxc2 leaving the N en
prise? Answer: a pair of missing moves: ...h6 and
Qd3 (this explains ...g5 later also and the lack of
White back rank threats).
So now what about R-R5? That is probably Q-R5. That
leaves one last puzzle – on Nc4, how come no Nxe3 next
move? Because White was losing and not a good
scorekeeper, he omitted Rd3 and Rcc2, the logical
So the game was possibly: 1 d4 d5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 e3 c5 4
dxc5 e6 5 b4 a5 6 Ba3 axb4 7 Bxb4 Na6 8 Bb5+ Bd7 9 Bxa6
Rxa6 10 Qe2 Qa8 11 Nb5 Bxb5 12 Qxb5+ Nd7 13 a3 Rc6 14
Nf3 Bxc5 15 O-O h6 16 Qd3 O-O 17 Rfe1 Rfc8 18 Nd4 Bxd4
19 exd4 Rxc2 20 h3 Nb6 21 Re3 Qa4 22 f3 Qa6 23 Qf1 Qxf1+
24 Kxf1 Rb2 25 Be7 Rcc2 26 Bh4 Nc4 27 Rd3 g5 resigns.
Now here’s the kicker: No matter what the correct
score, in the late opening Capablanca missed a
brilliancy: 11...Rxa2! 12 Nc7+ Kd8 13 Nxa8 Rxa1+ wins,
as 14 Kd2? Ne4+ 15 Kd3 loses to Bb5+. Found by friend
Fritz6, who aided in confirming the logic of Capa’s
In a post later the same day Richard Forster commented
that 15...h6 looked a little artificial, and he added:
‘I suggest the transposition 15...O-O 16 Qd3 h6, as the
pawn move makes more sense here (to prevent 17 Ng5 Nf6
18 Bc3 with some attack).’
The game-score thus tentatively proposed, incorporating
that transposition, is 1 d4 d5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 e3 c5 4 dxc5 e6
5 b4 a5 6 Ba3 axb4 7 Bxb4 Na6 8 Bb5+ Bd7 9 Bxa6 Rxa6 10
Qe2 Qa8 11 Nb5 Bxb5 12 Qxb5+ Nd7 13 a3 Rc6 14 Nf3 Bxc5 15
O-O O-O 16 Qd3 h6 17 Rfe1 Rfc8 18 Nd4 Bxd4 19 exd4 Rxc2 20
h3 Nb6 21 Re3 Qa4 22 f3 Qa6 23 Qf1 Qxf1+ 24 Kxf1 Rb2 25
Be7 Rcc2 26 Bh4 Nc4 27 Rd3 g5 28 White resigns.
11834. The
conclusion of the 1987 world championship match
In addition to Leonard Barden’s detailed coverage of the
final game of the Kasparov v Karpov title match in Seville
on page 6 of the Guardian, 21 December 1987, the
newspaper had this front-page report by Paul Ellman:
Page 12 of the same edition published an unsigned leading
The items shown above prompted letters from George
Botterill and Jon Levitt on page 8 of the Guardian,
24 December 1987:
Paul Ellman, the Guardian’s correspondent in
Spain, died on 24 February 1988, aged 43. His obituary was
on page 35 of the 26 February 1988 edition.
Rubinstein Junior
C.N. 909 (see pages 121-122 of Chess Explorations)
reported on an interview with Akiba Rubinstein’s son Sammy
conducted on our behalf by Karl De Smet (Brussels).
As mentioned in C.N. 1019, Mr De Smet subsequently (on 9
June 1985) sent us Paul Clément’s chess column in La
Libre Belgique, 1 June 1985. It included a win by
Sammy Rubinstein against Pierre Moulin (Championnat
francophone de Belgique, Brussels, May 1985):
1 e4 g6 2 d4 Bg7 3 Nc3 d6 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 Bg5 h6 6 Be3 O-O 7
h3 b6 8 Qd2 Kh7 9 O-O-O Bb7 10 e5 Ne4 11 Nxe4 Bxe4 12 Bd3
Bxd3 13 Qxd3 Nc6 14 e6 fxe6 15 h4 Nb4 16 Qe4 Rf6 17 a3 d5
18 Qg4 Nc6 19 h5 g5 20 Ne5 Nxe5 21 dxe5 Rf5 22 f4 gxf4 23
Bxf4 Qe8 24 g3 c5 25 Qe2 Rc8 26 c4 d4 27 Qe4 Qc6 28 Qd3
Kh8 29 Qd2 Qa4 30 g4 Qxc4+ 31 Kb1 Rf7 32 Bxh6 Bxe5 33 Rc1
Qb5 34 Rce1 c4 and Black won.
Another victory by Sammy Rubinstein, against Gilles
(Brussels, 1980), was given in C.N.s 1940 and 1961. See
pages 66-67 of Kings, Commoners and Knaves.
Letters from Edge to Fiske (C.N. 11784)
The series of letters
Edge to D.W. Fiske continues with the following,
dated 30 August 1858:
11837. Morphy and
As a complement to Edge,
Morphy and Staunton and Edge
Letters to Fiske, we have been building up our
latest feature article with extensive further material: A Debate on Staunton, Morphy
and Edge.
Since the first appearance of the Oxford Companion to
Chess by D. Hooper and K. Whyld, in 1984, particular
attention has been paid to this section of the Paul Morphy
entry on page 217:
In the revised edition of the Companion (1992)
Edge had his own entry, and the highlighted quote was on
page 120:
The full text of the Edge letter in question was
published in C.N. 1358 (March-April 1987 issue), and our
introduction commented:
The first thing to note is that, contrary to the
impression given by the Companion, the letter is
not addressed to Morphy himself, but to Fiske.
A transcription of the full text is given in the first
two above-mentioned feature articles, and here we
reproduce the relevant part:
‘I shall watch over Morphy until he leaves Europe, and
when he leaves I can say – “What you are outside of
chess, I have made you. Your tremendous laziness, but
for me, would have obliterated all your acts. I have
taken your hundreds of letters out of your pockets
even, and answered them, because you would have
made every man your enemy by not replying. I made you
stay and play Anderssen, when you wanted to leave. I
nursed you when ill, carrying you in my arms like a
child. I have been a lover, a brother, a mother to you;
I have made you an idol, a god – and now that you are
gone, I never –– but I will not finish. I say this to
you, Fiske, but I have said nothing of it in my book;
there Morphy is all in all, the Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and the end; all that is great, magnanimous,
true, noble and sublime, and Morphy will not open its
pages without a blush, or close them without a sigh. –
Burn this letter, Fiske, and forget the contents. – Yrs.
very truly
Fred’k Edge –’
11838. The debate
For the time being, we are still focusing on the
Staunton-Morphy-Edge topic, and have just posted a supplementary
article, as well as some additions to the debate
11839. G.H. Diggle
Our tribute to G.H. Diggle, who died aged 90 at Brighton
General Hospital on 13 February 1993, was published on
page 46 of CHESS, June 1993 and is also on pages
205-206 of Kings, Commoners and Knaves, as well as
in C.N. 4337.
In a letter dated 3 March 1993, Anthony Diggle informed
us of his father’s physical decline in the final weeks and
‘The flesh may have been weak, but the spirit was
willing right to the end: he remained in full
possession of his faculties until the last week, when
exhaustion finally overtook him.
His letter to you on 4 February was, I believe, his
last. As you know, never for one moment did he lose
interest in any matter to do with chess. The
acknowledgement of his last birthday in “Quotes and
Queries”, BCM, December 1992 itself
acknowledged his pointing out of an error in the
Spassky-Fischer notes to Game 2 in their recent
rematch, as no doubt you saw. Naturally he followed
keenly the Short-Timman match, predicting correctly
that Short would win.’
G.H. Diggle regularly sent us cuttings of the Daily
Telegraph chess column of Nigel Short, whose writing
he held in high regard.
Below are the last two letters that we received from
G.H.D. The second one was written nine days before he

11840. Quiz
Source: Millennium
Book edited by Sachin Singhal (New Delhi,
2003). The chess questions (755-794) are on pages 78-82.
11841. A
new Pillsbury monograph
C.N.’s references to new chess literature are largely
confined nowadays to drawing attention to lesser-known
publications. Our latest acquisition is Между Морфи и
Фишером. Гарри Пильсбери by M. Sokolov (Moscow,
William Davies Evans
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘The genealogical website has recently
put on-line many Welsh parish registers. In the
baptism register of Stainton (modern spelling:
Steynton), Pembrokeshire, is to be found an entry
dated 21 September 1814 relating to the (adult)
baptism of William Davies Evans. The entry notes that
he was previously baptized privately at St Dogwells on
20 February 1790. His parents are entered as John and
Mary Evans, the abode as Castlepill, his father’s
occupation being farmer, and the baptism was conducted
by William Lloyd, the curate of Burton.
The next entry in the Steynton register is the
baptism on the same day, 21 September 1814, of a
younger brother, Robert Joseph Evans, who was
previously baptized privately on 26 February 1808. The
other particulars are the same. Neither of the two
entries gives a date of birth.’
11843. G.H.
Further material is regularly being added to our recent
feature article G.H.D.
Diggle, the Chess Badmaster. Among the latest
additions is the following comment in a letter to us dated
17 March 1992, when he was aged 89:
‘Dr Nunn’s article in New in Chess [in the
1/1992 issue, concerning the 1991 English Championship]
was one of the best I have read for a long time; he
depicts the shoddy discomfort of the Knockout
Tournament brilliantly and with a quiet underlying