Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
7743. A reminder
A reminder should hardly be necessary, but readers are
requested not to help themselves to whatever they please
on the Chess Notes pages.
The level of misappropriation can be remarkable. For
instance, our feature article Books about Fischer
and Kasparov has frequently been lifted en bloc,
sometimes even without attribution.
We wonder too when a certain Canadian grandmaster will
remove from his website our copyrighted material,
including the 2,000-word article A Catastrophic Encyclopedia.
Nor does Chess Notes exist to offer a free scanning
service for photographs (some of which we have acquired at
considerable expense) to individuals who lack the relevant
archive resources of their own.
Finally, it is regrettable that discoveries and other
information presented in Chess Notes (including valued
contributions from correspondents) are often re-posted by
people in a way which suggests that they themselves
unearthed the material.
Attention to these elementary points of fair play will be
much appreciated.
7744. Stefan Zweig
From Oliver Beck (Seattle, WA, USA):
‘An assessment of Stefan Zweig’s chess ability can
be found in Ernst Feder’s contribution to Stefan
Zweig: A Tribute to his Life and Work edited by
Hanns Arens (London, 1951), page 130. In an essay
entitled “Stefan Zweig’ s Last Days” Feder describes
visiting Zweig on the eve of his suicide. Finding him
increasingly melancholic, and unaware that he and his
wife were planning to end their lives shortly after
his departure, Feder suggested a game of chess:
“At the time I didn’t know ... why his wife gave him
a long astonished look when he agreed to play a game
of chess with me. I suggested this because I hoped
that the game he enjoyed so much would divert him from
his gloomy thoughts. In itself it was no pleasure to
be his opponent on the black-and-white board. I am a
poor player myself but he knew so little about chess
that I had difficulty in wangling an occasional win
for him.”’
The question raised in C.N. 5826 (when the exact
wording ‘Pawns are the soul of chess’ first appeared in
print) remains open.
Below are two citations from the 1860s, the first of
which does not name Philidor:
Beadle’s Dime Chess
Instructor by Miron Hazeltine (New York, 1860),
page 44.
The Life of Philidor
by George Allen (New York and Philadelphia, 1865),
page 31.
On page 7 of Basic Chess Endings (Philadelphia,
1941) Reuben Fine built on the remark:
‘The pawn, as Philidor put it, is the soul of chess,
and we can add that in the ending it is nine-tenths of
the body as well.’
7746. A question of attribution
A position from Yates v Alekhine in the first round of
the New York, 1924 tournament:
Yates played 29 Bd5, and on pages 17-18 of the tournament
book (New York, 1925) Alekhine wrote:
‘Losing a piece. What follows is sheer desperation.’
The continuation was 29...c6 30 Rxg7 Kxg7, and White
resigned after Black’s 35th move.
It was later found that White could have played 30 Nh4,
but when was the discovery made?
Below is what appeared on page 332 of The Personality
of Chess by I.A. Horowitz and P.L. Rothenberg (New
York, 1963):
The matter was taken up by Sheldon McDonald of
Connecticut on page 16 of the January 1978 Chess Life
& Review, in the ‘Ask the Masters’ column, and a
reply from Ken Rogoff followed:
The Complete Book of Chess was the new title of
the Horowitz/Rothenberg work when it was reissued in 1969.
The co-authors’ text leaves the reader to infer that they
found 30 Nh4, but such was not the case. Horowitz’s
magazine, Chess Review, had the following on page
291 of the December 1938 issue:
The solution on page 301 (also with incorrect move
numbers throughout):
Nowadays the possibility of 30 Nh4 is regularly
mentioned, though without attribution to Marshall or
anyone else. See, for instance, page 43 of the second
volume of the Chess Stars work on Alekhine (Sofia, 2002).
For his part, Alekhine annotated the game briefly on pages
73-74 of La Stratégie, April 1924 (notes
reproduced from Le Canada) and on page 99 of Wiener
Schachzeitung, April 1924, but neither set of notes
has anything of relevance to the play under discussion
7747. Soviet film
Gerhard Thoma (Dornbirn, Austria) draws attention to the
1972 Soviet film Гроссмейстер, which can be
watched online.
Many masters appear, including Petrosian, Korchnoi, Tal
and Kotov.
Our correspondent mentions too the observation by Milan
Novković that some of the over-the-board action is based
on the spectacular draw between Alatortsev and Kholmov in
the 1948 Soviet championship in Moscow.
From page 3 of Carlsbad International Chess
Tournament 1929 by A. Nimzowitsch (New York,
‘In this tournament, I played with a greater ease and
confidence than usual. The explanation for this is
that three months before the tournament began I
undertook a strict program of Müller’s exercises. This
in turn led to a kind of healthy optimism, which
dispelled all my lingering fears and worries, and
thereby also dispelled the little psychological crises
which formerly used to hobble my successful career.’
To supplement readers’ imagination, we reproduce a
photograph of J.P. Müller from page 79 of his book Mein
System (Copenhagen and Leipzig, 1904):
C.N. 1199 quoted some comments by Nigel Short on pages
40-41 of the 2/1986 New in Chess during an
interview with Bert van de Kamp, in reply to the
question ‘Do you have a teacher in chess, someone whose
ideas have had a big influence on you?’:
‘I always liked Nimzowitsch – until recently. I got
this book about Carlsbad, 1929 [IV. internationales
Schachmeisterturnier Karlsbad 1929], played
through all his games and they were really bad. I
thought: If this is what he played like, on average,
then he wasn’t a very good player. You can take any
player in the world and show their best games and make
them look brilliant. Nimzowitsch is not as original as
people thought he was. Many of his ideas were
extensions of earlier ideas of Steinitz. Actually, I’m
more impressed with modern players. I’m still stunned
by Fischer and more so recently. Look at his results,
my goodness. He has been winning tournaments with a
hundred per cent score. How is it possible? And when
you play through his games they all look so easy. In
1972 he didn’t behave very well, but I liked him.’
Losing with grace
An article by the Badmaster, G.H. Diggle, which was
published in the March 1981 Newsflash and on page
66 of Chess Characters (Geneva, 1984):
‘That incorrigible chess satirist, W.R. Hartston,
dealing with “etiquette for chessplayers on losing”,
recommends (Soft Pawn, page 41) that resignation
should be accompanied by “a pertinent congratulatory
message” and gives as a textbook example for our
guidance: “I hope that makes you happy, you smug
bastard.” An alternative worth consideration (which the
BM once actually overheard in a League Match) is “Fancy
losing to you”, bringing home to the “bastard”
that he was not only smug but incredibly lucky.
Chess history records many instances of gracious
conduct in adversity. In 1859 the illustrious Henry
Thomas Buckle, whose stature earned him a “special
licence” as a “disagreeable man”, visited the Boulogne
Chess Club, where he was invited to play a total
stranger (who was, in fact, Thomas Winter Wood, an able
player and the father of Mrs W.J. Baird, the lady
problemist of the 1890s). “What odds shall I give you?”,
growled the great man brusquely. Observing Winter Wood’s
raised eyebrows, Buckle barked out “Never play
otherwise” and peremptorily removed his KBP, adding:
“I’ll give you pawn and move”. After several exchanges
Buckle found himself still a pawn down without
compensation, whereupon he abruptly announced: “I don’t
feel well – I’ll give it up.” Winter Wood remarks that
the great historian was indeed in poor health at the
time, and died three years later. [See page 12 of the
January 1898 BCM.]
Coming down to resignations at Badmaster level,
Monsieur Leduc, a knight player of the Café de la
Régence in the 1830s, ended up in a dead drawn position
with king against king and pawn, but his opponent (a
cantankerous person ignorant of the principles of the
opposition) insisted on playing on. After a great deal
of ill-natured banging of kings to and fro at a furious
rate, the inevitable happened, and poor M. Leduc thumped
his unfortunate monarch onto the wrong square. “There”,
brayed the triumphant ignoramus, “I told you I would
win.” “You have won”, shrieked M. Leduc, “because you do
not know how to play.”
The Badmaster, though an experienced resigner, must
admit that on one occasion he himself “turned nasty”.
His opponent was an exuberant foreign youth from an
Eastern clime and the BM, after playing (as he always
does) a rook below his real strength, was on the verge
of yielding up the ghost with his usual sepulchral
grace, when his antagonist presumptuously came to his
assistance: “I sink dis is where you give it in. I haf
two lovely passed pawns – is it not goodbye?” “Young
man”, rejoined the outraged BM, “I have given you no
Power of Attorney to resign games on my behalf.”
Needless to say, this brilliant shaft was completely
wasted on the obtuse visitor, who broke into a beaming
smile: “Oh, velly good, sir. Velly good indeed. You
lose, and yet (how say you it?) you pull good sporty
crack, yes?”’
7751. Books on Fischer and Nimzowitsch
Two books just received present a stark contrast.
A Psychobiography of Bobby Fischer by Joseph G.
Ponterotto (Springfield, 2012) shows little discernment
between good chess sources and bad ones, although neither
type can be blamed for the particular carelessness in the
appendices on pages 163-171. For example, it is stated
that the second Fischer v Spassky match was in 2002, and
that the birth-year of Fischer’s mother and of Paul Morphy
was 1949.
Aron Nimzowitsch On the Road to Chess Mastery,
1886-1924 by Per Skjoldager and Jřrn Erik Nielsen
(Jefferson, 2012) comes in the best traditions of
McFarland hardbacks. It is supremely well researched.
7752. Fischer in Yugoslavia (C.N. 7589)
From Kiril Penušliski (Skopje, Macedonia):
‘I have found some further information about the
Fischer v Matulović match (Belgrade, 1958) in Politika.
Although it was Yugoslavia’s premier daily newspaper
at the time, it brought out only one edition per day,
which meant that its reports were always a day old. As
a starting-point for my research I consulted the
collection of Fischer games published by Šahovski
Informator (Belgrade, 1992). Page 48 gives the only
known game from the Fischer v Matulović match (the
first game), but it also provides a score-table of the
contest (Fischer lost the first game and won games two
and four, whereas the third game was drawn) and
supplies dates (20-26 July 1958). The previous page
has the two games of the Fischer v Janošević match
(both draws), also played in Belgrade, but with only
the year indicated (1958).
I went through the complete run of Politika
for July and August 1958. The July issues have a great
deal of news about the Student Olympiad, and the
August editions include a number of reports on the
Portorož Interzonal tournament. Here, I focus on the
items in Politika which concern Fischer’s
matches against Matulović and Janošević. A couple of
the copies that I was able to make are rather blurred,
but they should serve for identification purposes.
Unfortunately, Politika gave none of the
missing game-scores from the Matulović match.
10 July 1958:
A short feature concerning the arrival of Fischer
(and his sister) in Belgrade, from Moscow. The article
presents him as the youngest participant in the
Interzonal tournament and gives a brief biography. It
recapitulates on his trip to Moscow (where he played
some blitz games and gave simultaneous displays) and
“Until the Interzonal tournament begins, Fischer
will be playing a few matches in Yugoslavia, but he
has stated that he wants to play as few games as
possible so that he does not tire before the start of
the Interzonal tournament in Portorož.”
13 July 1958:
This issue carried an article by M. Radojčić, who
had met Fischer some three years earlier, in New York.
There is a particularly interesting passage, in the
section entitled “Does not want publicity”, concerning
Fischer’s preferences for the forthcoming matches with
Yugoslav masters (at the top of the second column):
“He informed the Yugoslav Chess Federation that while
he is here he does not wish to play any public matches
in front of an audience, and he is very pleased that
he found complete understanding.
‘I feel very good in Belgrade, certainly better
than anywhere else on this trip. I love the sun and
the warmth – everything is like the climate that I
am accustomed to.’
Why does he not want to play public matches?
‘I would like to be as well prepared as possible
for the tournament in Portorož, and not to be
physically tired. Matches played in front of an
audience are too exhausting, and there is too much
unnecessary nervousness. Besides, I would not like
to play too much chess. I would like to play about
six serious games, one every other day, in some
quiet place, without much noise. Two games have
already been arranged with Janošević, the next two
most probably will be with Matulović, and the last
two I should like to play with Ivkov, if he has the
time and is available. The rest of the time I have I
would like to spend on physical training, sports
like tennis and swimming if it is possible.’”
These comments seem to tally with Ivkov’s statement
(on page 24 of his 1993 book Povratak Bobija
Fišera) that he was invited to play a match with
Fischer in 1958.
The last paragraph of the Radojčić
article has an interesting statement concerning
“I was convinced that underneath Bobby’s child-like
appearance there is a strong, logical mind when I
asked him how it was that he had been one of the very
few who predicted that Botvinnik would win his return
match with Smyslov.
‘A player of Botvinnik’s calibre would not be
playing a return match if he was not convinced of
his own strength and of victory. Botvinnik must have
known that in case of defeat his chess career would
have been finished, and even more so as he refuses
the notion that he is a chess professional. That is
why I believed in his strength ...’”
16 July 1958:
Fischer visited the Serbian junior championship
tournament and played five blitz games; two with
Trivunac, and three with Bauer. He won all five games.
19 July 1958:
This edition carried two items of relevance to the
Fischer matches. The first (above) is the publication
of both games from the Fischer v Janošević match, in a
special children’s section of the newspaper. This is
significant as it provides us with a terminus
ante quem for that match. Moreover, the following
day, 20 July, Janošević was playing in the Serbian
The second item (above) is a brief report that
Matulović defeated Fischer in “an unofficial game”.
There is a short description with a reference to the
opening (a Sämisch King’s Indian Defence) and an
indication of a possible error on Fischer’s part (the
exchange of a knight which opened up a line for
White’s attack). The report says that Fischer resigned
at move 42, whereas the game-score in the Šahovski
Informator book on Fischer ends “41 Bh3 1:0”.
26 July 1958:
This is just a brief note stating that the fourth
game of the Fischer v Matulović match has been
adjourned, with Fischer standing better and holding
winning chances. It also reports that Matulović played
the French Defence, achieved the better position and
turned down a draw offer. However, in time-trouble he
played poorly, so that in the adjourned position
Fischer had three pawns for the exchange and winning
27 July 1958:
A report that Fischer defeated Matulović when the
fourth game was resumed the previous day. As expected,
Fischer easily exploited his advantage, advancing his
pawns to the seventh rank and forcing Matulović to
resign at move 50.
The preceding two items confirm Ivkov’s statement on
page 56 of his above-mentioned book that Fischer won
one game convincingly and one with some luck.
It can also be concluded that the dates for the
Matulović match (20-26 July 1958) given in the
Šahovski Informator book on Fischer are wrong. The
match started on 18 July and ended on 26 July. If we
take into account Fischer’s statement as to when the
games were to be played (every other day) and the fact
that the first game lasted 41 or 42 moves and did not
require adjournment, whereas the fourth game started
on 25 July and was played over two days, we have the
schedule. The first game was played on 18 July,
after which there was a free day. The second game was
begun on 20 July. Either the second game or the third
exceeded 40 moves and was played over two days. The
fourth game was played on 25 and 26 July.’
7753. Soviet film (C.N. 7747)
Regarding the 1972 film Гроссмейстер Javier
Asturiano Molina (Murcia, Spain) quotes from pages 83-84
of Chess is my Life by Victor Korchnoi (London,
‘In 1972 I happened to do some acting, in a
professional studio, for a film. This was a film about
chess, and was called Grossmeister
(Grandmaster). It told of a boy who became a
grandmaster, and I played the role of his trainer. The
very fact that a film about chess was made was a good
thing. But the film itself turned out to be rather poor.
It was not by accident that I was praised as being the
best actor in the film. After all, I was playing in a
professional company, among some really talented actors.
It can happen that way; if the script is primitive, then
even the actors have no means of expressing themselves.
Nevertheless, the film was a success among chessplayers
in the USSR and in Eastern Europe.’
Some jottings are offered on a game which used to be
fairly well-known, and especially to opening
Arpád Vajda – Stefano Rosselli del Turco
Nice, 12 March 1931
Queen’s Gambit Declined
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 d5 4 Nf3 Nbd7 5 e3 c6 6 Bd3 dxc4
7 Bxc4 b5 8 Bd3 a6 9 e4 c5 10 e5 cxd4 11 Nxb5 Nxe5 12
Nxe5 axb5
13 O-O Qd5 14 Qe2 Rb8 15 Bg5 Bd6 16 f4 Bxe5 17 fxe5 Nd7
18 Rxf7 Kxf7 19 Qh5+ g6 20 Rf1+ Nf6 21 Rxf6+ Ke8 22
Bxg6+ Kd7 23 Bd3 Kc7 24 Rf4 Bd7 25 Be7 Rbc8 26 b4 Kb6 27
Bc5+ Rxc5 28 bxc5+ Qxc5 29 Qe2 Bc6 30 h3 Rg8 31 g4
The game’s appearance on page 98 of the May-June 1931
issue of Československý Šach:
There was scrutiny of Vajda’s opening play in the
article ‘Eine Neuerung in der Meraner Variante’
by L. Rellstab on pages 14-18 of Ranneforths
Schachkalender 1932. Below are the first two
Our particular interest, though, is the note to White’s
20th move in the Czech magazine, which states that in
this position ...
... instead of 20 Rf1+ it was simpler to play 20 Bxg6+,
one variation being 20...hxg6 21 Qxh8 Nf8 22 Qf6+ Kg8 23
Rf1 and wins.
However, in that line Black has a straightforward, if
uncommon, way of staying a piece ahead:
21...Qxg2+ 22 Kxg2 Bb7+.
This was pointed out by a reader of Chess Review,
J.J. Leary of Philadelphia, on page 229 of the October
1938 issue in connection with a game between Polland and
Kashdan which followed Vajda v Rosselli del Turco until
move 15. It had been annotated by Fred Reinfeld on pages
186-187 of the August 1938 Chess Review.
David Polland – Isaac Kashdan
Boston, July 1938
Queen’s Gambit Declined
1 c4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6 3 Nc3 d5 4 d4 c6 5 e3 Nbd7 6 Bd3 dxc4
7 Bxc4 b5 8 Bd3 a6 9 e4 c5 10 e5 cxd4 11 Nxb5 Nxe5 12
Nxe5 axb5 13 O-O Qd5 14 Qe2 Rb8 15 Bg5 Be7 (‘A pretty
way of losing is 15...Bd6 16 f4 Bxe5?? 17 fxe5 Nd7 18
Rxf7!! Kxf7 19 Qh5+ g6 20 Bxg6+ hxg6 21 Qxh8 and 22 Rf1+
butchers Black (analysis by Vajda)’ – Reinfeld.) 16 f4
O-O 17 Rf3 h6 18 Rh3 Bb7 19 Rf1 Rfc8 20 Bxf6 Bxf6 21 Ng4
Kf8 22 Nxf6 gxf6 23 Rxh6 Ke7 24 b3 Rc3 25 Rh5 f5 26 Rxf5
Qxg2+ 27 Qxg2 Bxg2 28 Re1 Bh3 29 Rxb5 Rg8+ 30 White
The moves in Reinfeld’s note were misnumbered, and
‘Vadja’ was given instead of Vajda. The misspelling and
analysis were corrected when the Polland v Kashdan game
was published on pages 59-60 of Reinfeld’s Year Book
of the American Chess Federation (New York, 1939):

Had Reinfeld been correct to suggest in Chess
Review that Vajda himself missed 21...Qxg2+ in
7755. Chess in Singapore
From Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore):
‘A team of researchers is working on a potential
chess history of Singapore (1945-2012) and is
particularly interested in finding more information
about Pat Aherne, Michael Davis and J.C. Hickey, three
foreign players active in Singapore and Malaya in the
David and Elaine Pritchard spent several years in
Singapore during that decade and appear in a
photograph with some of the leading players of that
David Pritchard sent me the picture without a
caption, but I believe that it was taken during the
Hollandsche Club Chess Invitational tournament in
January 1955 and that he is playing Baris Hutagalung
of Indonesia in the last round. Standing on the right
are H.A.J. Pronk (a Singapore-based Dutch player) and
Elaine Pritchard. The man on the far left is Tay Kheng
Hong, a Chinese-born Singaporean player, and next to
him is Lim Kok Ann (1920-2003), one of the pioneers of
post-1945 Singapore chess and a highly respected
person here.’
In 2006 there was an edition of Chess
Fundamentals revised
by Nick de Firmian which purported to improve on the
text by giving the reader less Capablanca and more de
Now, Emereo Publishing has brought out ‘The original
classic edition’ of Capablanca’s work:
All the diagrams have been dropped, and the book is
therefore unusable. For instance:
7757. Philidor chess men (C.N.s 3446,
3591 & 3652)
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘I have looked up the “representation” of the design
in the National Archives (BT 43/57, page 135). The
design was registered with the Board of Trade under
the Ornamental Design Act of 1842. An illustration of
the design, approximately five inches by five inches,
has been mounted in the record book. It carries the
registration number 69599 and the words “THE PHILIDOR
CHESS MEN”, with the pieces printed in red. In most
respects it is the same as the illustration in C.N.
3446, but it has no portrait of Philidor.
At the bottom is printed “M. & N. HANHART
IMPT.”. The Post Office London Directory for
1851 (page 774) shows that Hanhart, Michael & N.,
were lithographic printers, draughtsmen, and printers
in colours, at 64 Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Unfortunately, the appropriate register for Class 2
(Wood) designs (BT 44/6) does not begin until 13
January 1851 (registration number 75737), the early
pages being deficient. The “representation” submission
is not dated, but it seems safe to conclude that it
was made after 8 February 1850 (the date of
registration number 67245) but before 13 January 1851
(the date of registration number 75737).
My search has not identified the owner of the
design. During 1851 Sarah Ann Graydon registered three
chessmen designs, registration numbers 76039, 76317
and 76779 (see BT 44/6 and BT 44/8). The earliest of
her addresses in the register (BT 44/8), 32 Store
Street, is only about 300 yards from the premises of
the printers of the Philidor design at 64 Charlotte
Street. Some brief observations about her appeared on
page 109 of my book Notes on the life of Howard
Lonnie Kwartler (Chester, NY, USA) points out that in
the note to move 20 page 98 of the May-June 1931 issue
of Československý Šach gave in this position
... the line 20 Bxg6 Kg8 21 Bf7+ Kg7 and now 22 Qh6+
instead of 22 Bh6 mate.
Simon Spivack (London) informs us that
he has been studying Centre-Stage and Behind the
Scenes by Yuri Averbakh (Alkmaar, 2011), comparing
it with the original Russian, and that he is posting regular
reports on his findings.
Yuri Averbakh, Chess
Review, November 1952, page 324
7760. Pillsbury on Hastings, 1895
John Blackstone (Las Vegas, NV, USA) draws attention to
Pillsbury’s account of Hastings, 1895 in an interview on
page 6 of the New York Times, 29 September 1895:
‘The competing masters received me very kindly at
Hastings ... especially Chigorin, Tarrasch and Steinitz,
and their attitude toward me did not change at all after
I had won the championship. When I had beaten Gunsberg
in the final round I was applauded, and Tarrasch,
Chigorin and Steinitz left their tables and
congratulated me on my victory. I appreciated the honor
I felt strong as a bull when I left New York and,
though I did not expect to win the championship, I
thought I would be one of the first three at the end. I
had not had sufficient practice, but I believed my
studies and theories would aid me. I have a good
knowledge of the openings, and I know how to take to
aggressive movements in the middlegame stage, and I can
handle the endgame very fairly. So I thought I had a
good chance. I don’t know whether I would win another
important tournament, but I don’t see any reason why I
should not duplicate my success, for I now have
additional and valuable experience and practice.
I was a little nervous when I was scheduled to play
with Chigorin in my first game. I considered it hard
luck, but during the progress of the game this feeling
wore off and changed to mortification when I had to
resign the game. I still feel sore on that point. I
boiled with rage, but it stimulated me greatly for the
subsequent battles. Chigorin plays a fine, dashing game.
He is still unable to speak more than a dozen words of
English. Owing to his splendid physique I hold him to be
the strongest member of the Hastings team.
Lasker has greater analytical knowledge, but his body
is too feeble to stand the strain of a long tournament.
If advancing years have impaired Steinitz’s powers of
crossboard play he is still as keen an analyst as ever.
My game with him was the hardest I had to play in the
tournament, but Tarrasch gave me a good deal of trouble.
So did Tinsley.
I feel Chigorin to be the strongest player alive, so
far as match playing is concerned. I should not feel at
all troubled if I had to meet either Steinitz, Lasker or
Tarrasch in a set match. I fancy my chess is as good as
theirs, and if I should not beat either of them I feel
pretty certain of not being disgraced. Neither would I
fear Chigorin, as I have a good deal of confidence in
There was but one player at the tournament who was
younger than myself. He was Schlechter of Vienna. He is
called the draw master, and he is certainly ingenious in
forcing strong players to break with him on even terms.
He was unfortunate at Hastings, for a series of
combinations forced him to draw some games he had well
in hand.
Vergani was the weakest player of the lot. He is the
first Italian who has engaged in an international
tournament in 32 years.
English chess men, of course, hoped Blackburne would
win, and when they realized that he was defeated I think
they preferred that the championship would go to a
native-board American. The trouble with them is that
they get to a certain point and then stand still.
English masters could not afford to give odds to
first-class amateurs. British women, on the other hand,
are doing much better than American women. They have
established chess clubs, and the game is becoming very
popular among them.
I think physical training a good thing for a
chessplayer before entering a tournament.
Steinitz still wants to play Lasker. He considers
himself champion de jure and Lasker champion de
facto, but I have left it to the Hastings Chess
Club to decide who is champion, and I shall not hesitate
to play him whoever he may be. The Hastings Club has
already offered a purse for such a match. I shall not
challenge the winner of the Lipschütz-Showalter match to
be played here. I shall not claim any title, but shall
simply stick to business. Then if I can get any I shall
go to St Petersburg in November to play in the
quintangular tournament ...
I owe my success ... to the application of certain new
theories which I had evolved about the game. I studied
them a year and a half and found, when the time came,
that they were practical. As a matter of fact, I
consider myself more advanced in theory than in
If I go to St Petersburg in November I will probably
remain in Europe until Spring, when there will be
another tournament at Hastings.’
7761. Post-mortem analysis
Rick Lahaye (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) asks about the
origins of post-mortem analysis at the chess board, i.e.
masters’ oral exchanges immediately after their game. Have
there been key moments in the past which helped make the
practice commonplace?
As ever, documentary references will be gratefully
Page 446 of The Game of Chess by Edward Lasker
(Garden City, 1972) referred to ‘a remark which the
great German master Siegbert Tarrasch made some
threescore years ago’:
‘To win a pawn in the opening is usually a dangerous
What more is known about that observation?
In the algebraic edition, typeset and edited by John
Nunn (London, 1997), see page 351.
The back cover describes the book as ‘one of the
longest established, yet still most innovative,
introductory chess manuals’, ‘Lasker’s masterwork’ and
‘the definitive chess teaching manual’. We are, though,
struck by the relative lack of publicity accorded to any
of the editions published between 1972 and 1997.
Below is the inscription in our copy of the original US
Flores v Palau
Regarding the game Flores v Palau, Buenos Aires, 1927
(C.N. 7632), page 182 of Flores’s posthumous autobiography
Mis ańos de ajedrez (Santiago, 2009) refers to our
article The Chess Prodigy
Rodrigo Flores and states that the game was sent
surreptitiously to L’Echiquier by somebody, much
to Palau’s annoyance:
‘Una de [mis mejores partidas] es la que jugué
contra Luis Palau, en 1927, con ocasión del match
Capablanca-Alekhine. La misma que alguien envió
subrepticiamente a la revista L’Echiquier, lo
que provocó la molestia del maestro argentino que,
espero, habrá sabido perdonarme.’
Our list of authors of books on both chess and bridge currently
stands as follows: G. Abrahams, P. Anderton, J.
Enevoldsen, M. Golmayo, K. Harkness, P. Lamford, S.
Landau, Emanuel Lasker, J.C.H. Macbeth and S. Novrup.
From our collection:
7765. G.H. Mackenzie in India
From page 245 of the May 1891 BCM, in an obituary
of G.H. Mackenzie:
‘He had hardly been 12 months in Germany when his
thoughts were diverted from mercantile pursuits by an
invitation to join the German legion, a British force
then being enrolled for service at the Cape. The idea of
a military life seems to have captivated him entirely,
for he returned to Scotland shortly afterwards and in
May 1856 purchased a commission in the 60th Rifles (the
King’s Royal Rifle Corps). He joined the second
battalion, then under orders for the Cape, but had
hardly arrived out when the regiment received instant
orders to India. Here it served during an important part
of the Mutiny, but having been strengthened by the
addition of two new battalions, Mackenzie received his
lieutenancy in the new division, and was ordered home to
join it. This was a great disappointment, as may be
supposed, and the fact that this new company was
stationed in Dublin and in the midst of the best society
was but a small consolation.
We cannot find evidence that Lieut. Mackenzie practised
chess in India, but on his return to Dublin he joined
the Library Club, and quickly became one of the
strongest of its small circle of players.’
As regards the reference to India in the latter paragraph
above, Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) points
out the following on page 190 of Turf, Field and Farm,
23 March 1877:
George Henry Mackenzie – Moheschunder Bonnerjee
Calcutta, circa 1857
Evans’ Gambit Accepted
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bxb4 5 c3 Be7 6 d4 exd4
7 O-O d6 8 cxd4 Nh6 9 Bxh6 gxh6 10 Nc3 Bg4 11 Qb3 O-O 12
Kh1 Bxf3 13 gxf3 Nxd4 14 Qd1 Bf6 15 Rg1+ Kh8 16 f4 c6 17
Qh5 Ne6 18 e5 dxe5 19 Rad1 Qa5 20 Qxh6 Bg7
21 Rxg7 Nxg7 22 Rg1 Rg8 23 Ne4 exf4 24 Ng5 Resigns.
From Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) comes this photograph
of David and Elaine Pritchard, sent to him by their
daughter, Wanda Dakin:
The picture was taken in Singapore in the mid-1950s.
Best games
As indicated in the Factfinder
under ‘Best games’, several C.N. items have dealt with
masters’ nominations for their greatest over-the-board
encounters. The players quoted so far are A. Alekhine, J.
Barry, J.R. Capablanca, E. Colle, M. Euwe, J. Finn, E.
Grünfeld, A.B. Hodges, C. Howell, Ed. Lasker, Em. Lasker,
G. Maróczy, F.J. Marshall, J. Mieses, W.E. Napier, A.
Nimzowitsch, D. Przepiórka, A. Rubinstein, J. Sawyer, R.
Spielmann, S. Tartakower, Sir George Thomas, M. Vidmar, W.
Winter, F.D. Yates and E. Znosko-Borovsky. See part
one and part
two of our Chess Explorations article on this topic,
as well as the ‘favourite games’ list in C.N. 5650.
Nikolaos Alimpinisis (Rethymno, Greece) suggests
expanding the citations to include nominations by
contemporary or recent players regarding their best and/or
favourite games. All references will be gratefully
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.