Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
7768. Front covers
C.N.s 2397 and 2419 (see page 314 of A Chess Omnibus,
as well as a Chess
Explorations article) gave examples of publishers’
inability to spell an author’s name. Peter Holmgren
(Stockholm) now adds this specimen:
A famous Staunton position, from his eighth match-game
against Elijah Williams, London, 1851:
Staunton (White) played 14 Bxf6 Qxf6 15 cxd5 exd5 16
On page 155 of Better Chess (London, 1997)
William Hartston wrote after 16 d4:
‘Envisaging this pawn move, White first exchanged his
black-squared bishop to ensure that it would not
become bad (though it was another 50 years before
anyone came up with the concept of a “bad bishop”).’
When were the concept and the term ‘bad bishop’ first
recorded in print?
7770. Tarrasch quote (C.N. 7762)
C.N. 7762 asked about a remark attributed by Edward
Lasker to Siegbert Tarrasch:
‘To win a pawn in the opening is usually a
dangerous thing.’
Per Skjoldager (Fredericia, Denmark) notes that on page 294
of the October-November 1913 Wiener Schachzeitung
Nimzowitsch attributed to Tarrasch the following
‘Die Annahme des Gambits ist prinzipiell verfehlt,
weil gefährlich.’
Concerning the Warren v Selman correspondence brevity
(1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5 3 dxe5 Ne4 4 a3 d6 5 exd6 Bxd6 6 g3
Nxf2 7 White resigns), Harrie Grondijs (Rijswijk, the
Netherlands) writes:
‘The game appears to have been played by J. (Jan)
Selman Senior after all, and not by his younger
brother John. In Spirit, a recreational
house magazine for the staff of the BPM (Bataafse
Petroleum Maatschappij), John Selman Junior, an
employee, conducted a column from October 1937 until
the War years (taking it up again after the War).
Before October 1937 he was on the editorial board of
the magazine, and in the chess corner
(“Schaakhoek”) in the January 1937 issue the
following appeared (with the game misdated 1933):

In the early 1930s both of the Selman brothers
studied and/or worked in Amsterdam and even played
for the same club team. In a letter dated 25
February 1940 in my possession Selman Junior wrote:
“In the past when my eldest brother and I were
members of the same chess club in Amsterdam, next to
each other in the same team, this caused
considerable confusion ...”
I now believe that the miniature games 127 and 128
given by Fernschach in 1931 (where White was
named as A.M. Warren in the latter) were played by
Jan Selman Senior.’
Lev Pisarsky (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) notes that secondary
sources make a range of claims about the cause of G.H.
Mackenzie’s death, on 14 April 1891 at the age of 54,
including heart disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis and
We wish to build up a set of citations from the press
of the time. Firstly, here is a brief news item from the
previous year (New York Times, 27 April 1890):
‘New Orleans, LA, 26 April. George H. Mackenzie, the
champion chessplayer, is a very sick man, probably
dying of consumption. He is in the piney woods of St
Tammany, hoping for benefit from an atmosphere
impregnated with salt and turpentine.’
Mackenzie’s demise was reported in the 15 April 1891
edition of the New York Times (page 2):
‘Capt. George H. Mackenzie, the chessplayer, was
found dead last evening in a room on the second floor
of the Cooper Union Hotel, at St Mark’s Place and
Third Avenue. He was last seen alive when he went to
the room Monday night [13 April]. He was then ailing,
and the impression was that he was consumptive, but no
anxiety was felt about him until five o’clock
yesterday afternoon, when it was remembered that he
had not been seen during the day. It was found that
the key of his room was inside the door, and after
much rapping it was thought that he was unconscious or
dead, and the room was entered.
Capt. Mackenzie was dead in bed, and the immediate
cause of dissolution is supposed to have been
pneumonia, the result of a neglected cold. His recent
convivial habits are supposed to have contributed to
exhaust his vitality. His body was taken to a First
Avenue undertaker’s, and a few friends looked at it
last night. Arrangements for the funeral will be made
About $140 were found on the body, and when a
committee of the Manhattan Chess Club, of which he was
an honorary member, called at the hotel, they were
told that the Coroner would take charge of the
Later in the report it was stated:
‘During another visit to Havana he was prostrated by
fever, and after returning to New York he caught a
violent cold. His constitution being already enfeebled
by malaria, the cold developed into consumption, and
he steadily grew worse.
He went South for his health, and there gave several
brilliant exhibitions in playing blindfold games, and
also in playing simultaneous games. He was too weak to
take part in the Sixth American Chess Congress and
International Tournament, and that fact preyed heavily
upon him.’
With regard to the possibility of suicide, the
following appeared on page 2 of The Sun (New
York), 29 April 1891:
7773. Fischer photographs
Wayne Komer (Toronto, Canada) points out a webpage with
many high-quality photographs
Fischer by Carl Mydans.
Information about Paul M. List (1887-1954) is sought by
Javier Asturiano Molina (Murcia, Spain).
As ever, the best starting-point is Jeremy Gaige’s Chess
Personalia, and below is the entry in the
privately-circulated 1994 edition:
The last of the items listed is on page 348 of the
November-December 1911 Wiener Schachzeitung:
We also give the biographical note on page 19 of The
Anglo-Soviet Radio Chess Match by E. Klein and W.
Winter (London, 1947):
The previous page had this photograph of him:
Another shot appeared opposite page 163 of the June
1953 BCM:
The following year (October issue, page 324) his death
was recorded briefly:
‘Dr Paul List, the British Lightning Chess
Championship winner a year ago (though he could not
hold the title because he was not a naturalized
Briton), died in London at the age of 66. A player of
master strength, Dr List left his native Russia for
Germany in the 1920s, and began on his second exile in
1938 when he sought refuge in this country from
There was a two-page article ‘Dr Paul List; In Memoriam
by Mrs Stephanie List’ on pages 156-157 of CHESS,
24 December 1954. Only the first two paragraphs had any
biographical information:
‘Paul List, born in Russia in 1887, was driven out
when the Revolution came. In Germany, with the help of
chess and the many friends he made, he built up a
chess centre in Berlin which became famous. In one
very interesting event there, he scored a dual success
as organizer and participant. This was a simultaneous
display which he gave, together with Emanuel Lasker.
Each made alternative moves without consultation. Two
against 42. He gave lectures, took part in
tournaments, published a weekly chess column until
Hitler put a stop to it.
In 1938 he came to England, where he tried once again
to build up a new existence. With the help of old and
new friends, he succeeded again in creating a place
for himself in this haven of refuge and beloved
country. It gave him great pleasure to win the British
Lightning Chess Championship in 1953, when already a
very ill man.’
From page 157 of CHESS, 24 December 1954:
Our final illustration comes from the Berlin, 1926
tournament book:
Sir George Thomas
This article by G.H. Diggle comes from page 71 of Chess
Characters (Geneva, 1984), having originally
appeared in the August 1981 Newsflash:
‘Sir George Thomas, the centenary of whose birth was on
14 June, made his first début at the Tunbridge Wells
Congress in 1902, where he tied in the “First Class”
with R.P. Michell and G.E. Wainwright. He progressed
steadily, winning the City of London Championship for
the first of many times in 1913 and becoming British
Champion in 1923. But (strangely at first sight) his
chess strength increased if anything after he had
reached middle age. There was a reason for this.
Previously he had devoted his leisure to chess,
badminton and lawn tennis. When anno domini
began to reduce his prowess in the two active games (in
both of which he was an “international”) he gave all his
attention to chess, and thus culminated at an age when
(in his case) he could still stand the physical strain
of long tournament sessions. His greatest achievement
was at the age of 53 when (having in 1934 again won the
British Championship) he was equal first at Hastings,
1934-35 against a tremendous opposition, the scores
being Thomas, Euwe and Flohr 6½ each, Capablanca (if you
please) 5½ only, Botvinnik and Lilienthal 5 each. In a
wonderful spurt Sir George defeated Capablanca in 53
moves, Botvinnik in 60, and Lilienthal in 30, though his
win against the Cuban was a little overshadowed by
Lilienthal, who also defeated him by a famous queen
sacrifice. At the end of the penultimate round everyone
eagerly hoped (and expected) to see Sir George end up a
clear winner – with a score of 6½ he was half a point
ahead of Dr Euwe and a full point or more clear of “the
field” and he had only his old friend Michell (who had
had an unsuccessful tournament) to meet in the last
round. There can be no doubt that Michell would have
liked to “go easy”, but such were the rigid principles
of both players that he went all out for a win and got
it. At the prize-giving Dr Euwe referred to
“characteristic British sportsmanship” and Flohr
“expressed a wonder whether any other country could have
furnished such an example”.
The BM had the opportunity of observing Sir George in
1944-45 both at the West London and Lud-Eagle Clubs. He
seemed rather a shy man, with a horror of being treated
with anything like undue deference either as a chess
master or as a Baronet. Once when the BM merely held a
door open for him he almost panicked: “No no no. You
first.” Over the board, he was the quietest of men,
except on one solitary occasion. The London Championship
tournament of October 1945 (the first in this country
since the end of the War) had attracted the press.
Scarcely had the opening moves in the first round been
made when hooded cameramen with crouching stance and the
evil mien of medieval executioners appeared from
nowhere, encircled the combatants, and blazed away with
their flashlights for a full minute. Just as the blitz
seemed all over, and the torturers in full retreat, one
of them turned on Sir George (presumably as the most
distinguished competitor) and honoured him by
“discharging a second barrel”. Whereupon the Baronet was
distinctly heard to “use a big, big D” but, recovering
immediately, he bestowed a sheepish grin on his
opponent, and quietly “returned to his muttons”.’
Sir George Thomas
7776. Chessical
An addition just made to Chessy
Words is the occurrence of ‘chessical’ in a letter
from George Walker which was published on page 27 of the Liverpool
Mercury, 24 January 1840:
‘Away with all flimsy excuses; they are not chessical.’
The letter has been found by Rod Edwards (Victoria, BC,
Although the oldest citation of ‘chesser’ currently
available dates from 1875, the word’s appearance on page
41 of the Westminster Papers a few years later
(1 July 1878, page 41) is also of interest. The passage
concerns that year’s Paris tournament:
‘There are several names missing from the roll call,
and one, the absence of which excites universal regret
– Louis Paulsen, the victor of last year’s tourney at
Leipzig, and probably the greatest player of the day.
No-one will hesitate to approve Herr Paulsen’s
determination to forego the pleasant but somewhat
unprofitable honours of chess championship for the
discharge of important duties, for to this cause his
absence is ascribed and not, we are happy to say, to
any infirmity of health or purpose. For those
afflicted with the latter development of the sick
phase, if there are any such, we have all the sympathy
that is usually felt for persons whose sufferings
begin the night before the battle, and we entertain a
sanguine hope that these will be greatly mollified
when the fray is over. We should be sorry to jest
about the delicate organizations in which chess genius
is usually found, but as a well-known chessplayer
observed a few days ago:
“We envy not the Chesser’s skill,
His case is hard, the truth to tell –
He can’t play well, because he’s ill,
Or’s ill because he can’t play well.”’
Michael Frayn
Bradley J. Willis (Edmonton, Canada) quotes from
paragraph 275 of Constructions by Michael Frayn
(London, 1974):
‘[A small insanity of my own occurred] when I was still
at school, and playing a great deal of chess. I began to
see people in the street as being in chess relationships
to each other. That man standing second in the bus queue
and that bus-inspector standing level with the stop on
the opposite side of the pavement, I would realize with
anxiety, were a knight’s move away from each other; if
the man didn’t move he would be taken. Then I would
notice, with relief, that he was in fact covered by the
woman in the shop doorway, on the diagonal from him. Did
the bus-inspector look like a knight? No – I just knew
he was, from the fact that he was standing a knight’s
move away from his victim. Did I see the pavement laid
out in squares? Is this how I knew it was a knight’s
move? No – I knew it was a knight’s move because it was
a knight threatening the man.’
Relatively early occurrences of the term ‘grandmaster’
continue to be welcomed. The following, submitted by
John Blackstone (Las Vegas, NV, USA), was written by
Gunsberg on page 6 of The World, 16 January
7780. Sir George Thomas (C.N. 7775)
Regarding the above photograph given in C.N. 7775, Kari
Tikkanen (Iisalmi, Finland) notes that it shows the game
Koltanowski v Thomas in the Hastings, 1935-36 tournament.
We reproduced the picture from page 273 of CHESS,
7 July 1956, but page 236 of the magazine’s 14 February
1936 issue had more:
The above-mentioned Koltanowski v Thomas game was
played in January 1936, in the seventh round of
Hastings, 1935-36, and it appeared on page 42 of
Koltanowski’s book Torneo internacional de Hastings
1935-1936 (Barcelona, 1936).

The Koltanowski touch is
reflected in, for instance, the book’s references to
Buenger, Friffith, Gensberg, Golombeck, Gross, Michel,
Pire, Rubistein, Tartalkower, Vitmar, Womorsly, Wonorsly
and even, on page 32, Koltanowki.
7782. World records
Guinness World Records 2013 has three entries
concerning chess. Page 106 offers a reprise of an
old item about Karjakin (the youngest grandmaster), and
page 197 refers to Kasparov’s loss to Deep Blue in 1997.
True to the Guinness
tradition, page 109 has a light feature on the
Cotswold Olimpicks of 1612, a competition involving this
‘range of rather curious disciplines’: dancing, chess,
cockfighting, jumping in sacks, pike drill, shin kicking,
spurning the barre and hay bale racing.
7783. Bethlehem Hospital
Further to The
Cambridge v Bedlam Chess Story Olimpiu G. Urcan
(Singapore) draws attention to an illustration published
on page 308 of the Illustrated London News, 31
March 1860 as part of a report entitled ‘A Visit to the
Royal Hospital of Bethlehem’.
Mr Urcan also points out the Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo
website. A search for ‘Schach’ yields many
photographs of chess masters past and present. We note,
for instance, a 1921 shot of Samuel Reshevsky boxing
against the Hollywood prodigy Jackie Coogan.
7785. Double blindness
A game in which, on consecutive moves, each player
overlooked the possibility of being mated on the spot:
Karl Vill – J.B. Meyenborg
New York, 1 January 1902
Ruy López
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 O-O d6 6 d4 Bd7 7
Nc3 Be7 8 Kh1 O-O 9 d5 Nb8 10 Qd3 Bxa4 11 Nxa4 Nbd7 12 c4
Rb8 13 Nc3 b6 14 b4 Qc8 15 Bg5 Re8 16 Nh4 h6 17 Bd2 Nh7 18
Qg3 Bxh4 19 Qxh4 Qd8 20 Qg3 Kh8 21 f4 Rg8 22 f5 f6 23 Qg4
Qe8 24 Rf3 Qf7 25 Rh3 Ndf8 26 Re1 Rc8 27 Ree3 c6 28 a3
cxd5 29 exd5 Qc7 30 Ne4 Qxc4
31 Nxd6 Qxg4 32 Nf7 mate.
The game was found by Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York,
NY, USA) on page 5 of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 12
January 1902.
Javier Asturiano Molina (Murcia, Spain) asks for
information about ‘Le ballet des échecs’, a work
mentioned, for instance, on page 23 of The
Encyclopedia of Chess by Harry Golombek (London,
7787. Anglo-Soviet radio match
A photograph on page 67 of The Anglo-Soviet Radio
Chess Match by E. Klein and W. Winter (London,
More information is sought about the circumstances in
which these games were played (at the Associazione
Scacchistica Milanese):
A. Noto – Carl Schlechter
Milan, 6 June 1901
Sicilian Defence
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 Nc3 Nc6 4 d4 cxd4 5 Nxd4 Nf6 6 Nxc6
bxc6 7 e5 Nd5 8 Ne4 d6 9 c4
9...dxe5 10 cxd5 exd5 11 Ng3 h5 12 h4 g6 13 Be2 Bg7 14
Qc2 Bd7 15 Bg5 Qb6 16 O-O O-O 17 Rfe1 e4 18 Rad1 Qxb2 19
Qxb2 Bxb2 20 Nxe4 f6 21 Be3 Be5 22 Nc5 Bc8 23 Bf3 Rb8 24
Rb1 Bf5 25 Rxb8 Rxb8 26 Rd1 Rb2 27 g3 Kf8 28 a4 Ke7 29
a5 Kd6 30 a6 Bc8 31 Kg2 Rb5 32 Rc1 d4
33 Ne4+ Kc7 34 Bf4 Bxf4 35 gxf4 f5 36 Nf6 c5 37 Be2 Ra5
38 Bc4 Kd6 39 Re1 Ra4 40 Bb5 Resigns.
Source: Deutsche Schachzeitung, June 1901,
pages 173-174.
Vincenzo Noto – Carl Schlechter
Milan, 6 June 1901
Nimzowitsch Defence
1 e4 Nc6 2 d4 e5 3 d5 Nce7 4 Nf3 d6 5 c4 f5 6 Nc3 Nf6 7
Bd3 h6 8 Qc2 f4
9 Bxf4 exf4 10 e5 dxe5 11 Nxe5 Qd6 12 Bg6+ Nxg6 13
Qxg6+ Ke7 14 Nf7
14...Bf5 and wins.
Source: Schweizerische Schachzeitung, October
1901, page 8.
Giuseppe Stalda
From page 23 of Keres’ Best Games 1932-1936 by
Fred Reinfeld (New York, 1937):
‘It has often been observed that certain players are
far better at correspondence play than at over-the-board
play. A very good example is the Italian player Stalda,
who is probably one of the strongest correspondence
players in the world, although he has never
distinguished himself in a regular tournament.’
In C.N. 1243 (see page 161 of Chess Explorations)
W.D. Rubinstein drew attention to a booklet published in
Madras in the mid-1980s, Karpov’s Best Games by
V. Ravi Kumar (or Ravikumar). From the author’s
introduction, entitled ‘Karpov “The Man Machine”’, a few
sentences (to use that noun loosely) were quoted:
‘He was awarded the Chess Oscar for his outstanding
achievements in Chess. A honour which he won many
times in succession Karpov is a Solid Positional
Master but if the situation warrants he can glar
himself to a tactical Genious. In the chapters that
follows of his selected Games from 1980 to 1984 are
annotated with my own notes for your entertainment.’
Also regarding the introduction, it remains to be
discovered on what grounds the author attributed this
remark to Botvinnik:
‘Anatoly Karpov is unquestionably the strongest chess
player of the century.’
7791. Benko Gambit (C.N.s 3957, 3967,
5457 & 5461)
Further to a correspondent’s remark in C.N. 5461 that
Black’s sacrifice of a queen’s-side pawn for pressure on
the opened files occurred in Nimzowitsch v Capablanca, St
Petersburg, 1914, Gerd Entrup (Herne, Germany) points out
the game Viakhirev v Romanovsky, as annotated on pages
xxvi-xxvii of Emanuel Lasker’s Der internationale
Schachkongress zu St. Petersburg 1909 (Berlin,
1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 d3 d6 5 f4 Nc6 6 f5 (‘Schwarz
ein schwieriges Problem zu lösen. Wie soll er dem
drohenden Lc1-g5 begegnen und zugleich das ihn
einschnürende Zentrum sprengen? Wäre d6-d5 möglich, so
bestände keine Gefahr; aber Weiß hat den Punkt mehr als
ausreichend gesichert.’) 6...Na5 7 Qf3 Nxc4 8 dxc4
c6 9 Bg5
9...b5 (‘Schwarz löst die Aufgabe in mutiger Weise. Er
opfert zwei Bauern, um an den schwachen Punkt des
Gegners, e4, gelangen zu können.’) 10 cxb5 Qa5 11
bxc6 Rb8 12 Bd2 (‘Wenn 12 Ta1-b1 Sf6xe4 13 Df3xe4
Tb8xb2.’) 12...Qb6 (‘Sehr gut. Wenn nun 13 Sc3-a4
Dxc6 14 Sxc5 Dxc5. Schwarz bedroht neben dem c- und
b-Bauern auch e4 durch Lb7.’) 13 Nge2 Qxc6 14 b3 Bb7
and Black eventually won (at move 43).
A case of misidentification concerning the Pomar v
Bernstein photograph given in C.N. 6573 occurs on page
68 of Arturo Pomar. Una vida dedicada al ajedrez by
Antonio López Manzano and Joan Segura Vila (Badalona,
Gene Gnandt (Houston, TX, USA) notes an account of
Schlechter’s visit to Italy on page 189 of the 8/1901 Nuova
Rivista degli Scacchi:
‘Alcune città d’Italia, tra cui Milano e Venezia,
hanno avuto il piacere nel passato Giugno di
ospitare l’illustre maestro Carlo Schlechter di
Vienna, reduce da i suoi trionfi e avventure di
Montecarlo. A Venezia la mancanza in quella città
del presidente del Circolo comm. Vergara, e
dell’avv. Salvioli, ha portato la non lieta
conseguenza che il valente scacchista non ha potuto
ricevere l’accoglienza che si meritava. Ad ogni modo
sappiamo che ha giocato con molti dilettanti di
quella città e ha giocato con rara facilità, non
disdegnando rompere una lancia con avversari a lui
ben inferiori. Una qualità questa ben preziosa in un
maestro di primo rango. Il gioco dello Schlechter fu
trovato addirittura meraviglioso, e sebbene egli per
avventura nei giorni in cui fu in Venezia non abbia
potuto trovare alcun avversario degno di stargli a
fronte, pure ha saputo dimostrare egualmente quelle
splendide qualità di giocatore che fanno di lui uno
dei primissimi campioni moderni. In Milano invece
egli colse un momento più propizio. Giocò alcune
belle partite col V. Noto, e potè essere festeggiato
in modo più degno del suo nome.’
We add that according to page 8 of the October 1901 Schweizerische
Schachzeitung the 1 e4 Nc6 game in C.N. 7788 had
previously appeared in the Eco degli scacchi
Chess Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.