Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
9710. The First
World War
Chess and the Code-Breakers,
which focuses on the Second World War, prompts Vladislav
Tkachiev (Moscow) to ask for information about chess
figures who made a contribution, in whatever capacity, to
the war effort of any country during the period 1914-18.
9711. Tidskrift
A run of this magazine is available online.
9712. Bauer
v Porges (C.N. 9691)
Jan Kalendovský (Brno, Czech Republic) reports a
reference to J.H. Bauer and play at the Café français in
Prague on page 474 of the Allgemeine Sport-Zeitung,
29 May 1884:
9713. Purdy
on Logical Chess Move by Move
The above passage about Logical Chess Move by Move
by Irving Chernev comes from page 80 of the March-April
1967 Chess World. It was omitted from page 65 of The
Search for Chess Perfection II by C.J.S. Purdy
(Davenport, 2006) and from page 147 of The Chess
Gospel According to John edited by R.J. Tykodi and
Bob Long (Davenport, 2010). In both books its place would
have been just before the paragraph beginning ‘In this
series ...’.
9714. Tabia/Tabiya
(C.N.s 9689 & 9699)
Dan Scoones (Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada) draws attention
to the discussion on page 10 of Вопросы современной
шахматной теории by Isaac Lipnitsky (Moscow, 1956):
The diagrams mentioned by Lipnitsky in the penultimate
paragraph were on page 11:
See too pages 12-13 of the English translation (by John
Sugden), Questions
Modern Chess Theory (Glasgow, 2008).
Spielmann’s tournament performances
From page 79 of Modern Master-Play by F.D. Yates
and W. Winter (London, 1929), in the section on Rudolf
‘A curious feature of his record is the unevenness of
his performances. He himself maintains that he plays as
consistently well in tournaments where he has been less
successful as in those which he has won, and he explains
the difference in the results by what may almost be
termed the luck of the game. If this really exists it is
more applicable to the case of an attacking player,
since he commits his whole game to an onslaught, the
outcome of which it is in many cases impossible to
9716. The
Era of Modern Chess (C.N. 8856)
Wanted: references to authoritative reviews of the
594-page book The
Classical Era of Modern Chess by Peter J.
Monté (Jefferson, 2014).
As a small example of the book’s contents, below is a
chart on page 22:
9717. Colonel
Moreau (C.N.s 9441 & 9490)
Until now, no portrait of Colonel Moreau has been
available, but Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has found the
photograph below, reproduced here courtesy of the London
Borough of Hackney Archives (photograph reference number
D/S/1/3 no.3):
C.N. 1106 (see pages 192-193 of Chess Explorations)
noted W.H. Watts’ remark that at Hastings, 1895 he ‘had
expected Chigorin to be a great burly Russian, but found
him in fact a small jerky man, no bigger than Steinitz’.
An addition from page 10 of the Columbia Chess
Chronicle, 10 January 1889 (with an underestimation
of his age):
‘On Wednesday, 9 January, Mr Tchigorin arrived in New
York. Mr Tchigorin is in the diplomatic service of
Russia. He is about 36 years old, short in stature and
compactly built. He has black hair and flashing black
9719. Corn
To Chess Corn Corner many
additions from the Columbia Chess Chronicle could
be made, but one extract will suffice, from page 145 of
the 12 May 1888 issue:
Sokolov book
Ivan’s Chess Journey by Ivan Sokolov (Ghent, 2016)
shows no sign of involvement by anybody of English mother
9721. A German
From page 24 of Bobby Fischer Goes to War by
David Edmonds and John Eidinow (London, 2004):
At the start of an article entitled ‘The Mystery of the
Chess Spectator’ on pages 80-83 of the 1/2016 New in
Chess Mr Edmonds has rightly dispensed with his
claim about a ‘book ... containing three hundred blank
Another chess poser is why any writer would use the words
‘It is said that there was once ...’, and especially on a
matter where the facts have been clearly established.
Our latest feature article, A
Fictitious Chess Book, brings together the series of
C.N. items about the German publication.
9722. Frederick
Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea, England) has sent us
over 30 illustrations by Frederick Orrett (1858-1939), and
we begin by showing his depiction of Eugene Henry (C.N.
J.H. Blackburne (with, in the background, que
instead of qui) and F.J. Marshall:
Further material provided by Mr McDowell will be shown in
future items.
In the early twentieth century, Orrett’s artwork was
often in the BCM. Examples: April 1905, page 142;
September 1905, frontispiece (see C.N. 3694); October
1905, page 438; January 1906, frontispiece; November 1908,
page 477; November 1910, page 484. Below is page 263 of
the June 1908 BCM:
Page 8 of the Falkirk Herald, 19 August 1908
reported that ‘a short sketch and photo of Mr Orrett’ had
been published in the Liverpool Weekly Courier,
but we have yet to find that item. The discussion of
Orrett’s work on page 84 of the February 1909 BCM
was reproduced in C.N. 9680.
A number of sketches and cartoons by Orrett were
published in Chess Chatter & Chaff by Philip
H. Williams (Stroud, 1909), including the illustration
shown at the beginning of The
Chess Seesaw. Below is page 377 of the September
1908 Chess Amateur:
Orrett was also a problemist, and the composition below
comes from page 10 of the Falkirk Herald, 20
November 1935:
Page 15 of the Falkirk Herald, 29 April 1938
reported on Orrett’s 80th birthday:
His death was announced on page 7 of the Manchester
Evening News, 9 October 1939:
The most detailed obituary found was on page 10 of the Falkirk
Herald, 18 October 1939:
On page 14 of its 20 December 1939 edition the Falkirk
Herald gave another problem by Orrett. [Addition
on 8 February 2016: see, however, C.N. 9725.]
Mate in three.
T.R. Dawson noted Orrett’s death on page 68
of the February 1940 BCM:
9723. Postage stamps
Vitaliy Yurchenko (Uhta, Komi, Russian Federation)
informs us that his collection of postage stamps includes the
9724. Purdy
blindfold game
Blindfold games by C.J.S. Purdy are scarce, but one can
be given here, from pages 257-258 of the 10 September 1936
issue of the Australasian Chess Review. It was
played during his tour of New Zealand, in a six-board
blindfold exhibition. As we do not have a complete run of
the magazine in the mid-1930s, any further details which
may have been published in another issue will be
Cecil John Seddon Purdy (blindfold) – W.H. Joyce
Christchurch (date?)
‘Caro-Kann (in effect)’
1 d4 e6 2 c4 Nf6 3 Nc3 c6 4 e4 d5 5 e5 Nfd7 6 cxd5 cxd5 7
Nf3 a6 8 a4 Bb4 9 Bd3 Qc7 10 O-O Bxc3 11 bxc3 Qxc3 12 Ba3
Qa5 13 Qb3 Nc6 14 Rfc1 Qd8 15 Bd6 Qb6 16 Qa3 g6 17 Rab1
Qa7 18 a5 f5
19 Bc2 Nxd4 20 Nxd4 Qxd4 21 Ba4 h6 22 Rc7 Qh4 23 Rbxb7
Qd8 24 Bxd7+ Bxd7 25 Rxd7 Qxd7 26 Rxd7 Kxd7 27 Be7 Rhb8 28
h4 Rb7 29 Qd6+ Kc8 30 Qd8 mate.
Frederick Orrett (C.N. 9722)
From Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea, England):
‘The first of the two problems in C.N. 9722 is
certainly not original, being a version of a famous
simplification of Loveday’s Indian problem from 1845
(Johann Berger, Akademisches Monatsheft für
Schach, 1927):
Mate in three.
Key: 1 Bc1, followed by 2 Rd2.
The second problem is by Walther Freiherr von
Holzhausen, Deutsche Schachzeitung, September
1902, page 286. I think that it is clear from the Falkirk
Herald of 20 December 1939 that it was not a problem
by Orrett, but was one that he had solved.’
Wartime censorship
From page 77 of the December 1915 Chess Amateur:
9727. The inventor
of Kriegspiel (C.N.s 3487, 3496 & 6415)
The entry on Michael Henry Temple in the unpublished 1994
edition of Chess Personalia by Jeremy Gaige:
Oxford Men can be viewed online,
and below is Temple’s entry:
From page 10 of the Yorkshire Post and Leeds
Intelligencer, 27 October 1928:
David Garnett, the sexton of St Andrew’s Church, Ferring,
informs us that the Isle
Man Parish Registers record that he was the son of
Charles and Hannah Maria Temple and was baptized in
Onchan, Isle of Man on 20 April 1862. His death was
briefly reported on page 17 of The Times,
Saturday, 27 October 1928:
‘Mr Michael Henry Temple, author, journalist and
naturalist, died on Thursday, at Ferring, Sussex, at the
age of 66. The eldest son of Mr Charles Temple, of
Douglas, Isle of Man, he went up to Keble College,
Oxford, and took his degree in 1884. In 1886 he was
called to the Bar by the Inner Temple. He was at one
time on the staff of the Globe, and was known
for his studies of Nature and rural life.’
Mr Garnett, who has taken three photographs of the
cemetery in St Andrew’s Church, adds that the gravestone
inscription reads:
‘In bright memory of Michael Henry Temple, barrister at
law 1921-1923, resident in Ferring 1927-1928, born March
28th 1862, died October 25th, 1928.’
9728. Alekhine and
Elaine Saunders
C.N. 3817 (see too Chess
Prodigies) quoted from page 190 of CHESS, 14
February 1938 a remark by Alekhine about Elaine Saunders:
‘She is a genius.’
An addition from page 8 of the Daily Telegraph and
Morning Post, 24 January 1938:
9729. The
‘Gentlemen’s World championship’
From page 151 of the June 1957 Chess World:
9730. Schachnovelle
A very free French-language adaptation of Stefan Zweig’s story in
comic-strip form has been produced by Thomas Humeau under
the title Le
joueur d’échecs (Paris, 2015):
9731. Madness
On the other side of the title page of Le joueur
d’échecs (C.N. 9730) there is only this:
The customary English version of the remark attributed to
Korchnoi is ‘No chess grandmaster is normal; they only
differ in the extent of their madness’. That wording can
be found, for instance, on page 13 of Essential Chess
Quotations by John C. Knudsen (Osthofen, 1998), a
booklet with no sources. How far back can the observation
be traced, in any language?
9732. The
Dublin Defence
David McAlister (Hillsborough, Northern Ireland) sends a
game published on page 3 of the Belfast News-Letter,
6 September 1888 with this heading:
1 e4 Nc6 2 Bc4 Ne5 3 Bb3
3...f5 4 d3 Nf6 5 Qe2 fxe4 6 dxe4 d6 7 Nf3 Bg4 8 h3 Bh5 9
Nbd2 Qd7 10 Qe3 c6 11 Nxe5 dxe5 12 O-O Qd4 13 c3 Qxe3 14
fxe3 O-O-O 15 Bc2 Bg6 16 Nc4 Bxe4 17 Bxe4 Nxe4 18 Nxe5 Rd5
19 Nf3 Ng3 20 Re1 e6 21 e4 Rd3 22 Bf4 Bc5+ 23 Kh2 Nh5 24
Be5 Rhd8 25 Bd4 Bxd4 26 cxd4 Nf4 27 Rad1 c5 28 Rxd3 Nxd3
29 Re3 Nxb2 30 dxc5 Rd3 31 Re2 Na4 32 Rc2 h6 33 e5 Kc7 34
Kg3 Kc6 35 Kg4 Nxc5 36 Kf4 Kd5 37 Re2 g5+ 38 Kg3 Ne4+ 39
Kh2 Nc3 40 Rb2 b6 41 a3 Re3 42 Rb3 Nd1 43 Rb5+ Kc4 44 a4
Rd3 45 Rb1 Nc3 46 Re1 Kb4 47 a5 Kxa5 48 Ra1+ Na4 49 Kg3
Kb4 50 Kg4 a5 51 Ra2 Kb3 52 Rf2 Nc5 53 Kh5 Ne4 54 White
The players were not identified, the score was without
notes, and no other information was provided, either about
the occasion or to explain the term ‘Dublin Defence’.
From page 96 of The Nimzovich Defense to 1. e4
by Hugh E. Myers (Yorklyn, 1995):
The Popov v Ermenkov game on pages 156-157 was played in
the FIDE Zonal tournament, Warsaw, 1979.
9733. A
novel featuring Bohatirchuk (C.N. 9696)
We now also have the Russian original (Moscow, 2005):
9734. A
Morphy episode
Concerning a detailed Morphy
page which includes the ‘Statement of Rev. R.R.
Harrison’ from pages 4-5 of the Columbia Chess
Chronicle, 3 January 1889, the following is to be
noted from page 35 of the magazine’s 24 January 1889
9735. Purdy
in New Zealand (C.N. 9724)
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) reports that
the blindfold game in Christchurch between Purdy and Joyce
given in C.N. 9724 was played on 13 January 1936 and that
a report was published on page 13 of the Christchurch
Press the following day. Extensive information about
Purdy’s 1935-36 tour of New Zealand is available via the
website of the National
New Zealand, and our correspondent has sent this
11 December (afternoon): blindfold simultaneous
exhibition +2 –1 =3 (New Zealand Herald, 12
December 1935, page 14);
11 December (evening): simultaneous exhibition
+17 –4 =10 (New Zealand Herald, 12 December
1935, page 14);
12 December: simultaneous exhibition +22 –2 =4 (New
Zealand Herald, 14 December 1935, page 17);
13 December: blindfold simultaneous exhibition +6
–0 =0 (New Zealand Herald, 16 December 1935,
page 12);
13 December: consultation game against Hamilton
team; Purdy won in 20 moves (New Zealand Herald,
16 December 1935, page 12);
18 December: simultaneous exhibition +16 –1 =1 (New
Zealand Herald, 19 December 1935, page 12);
23 December: blindfold simultaneous exhibition +4
–0 =3 (New Zealand Herald, 24 December 1935,
page 12);
26 December to 6 January: New Zealand
championship. Purdy was entitled to win any of the
prizes, but not the New Zealand title, as he was
born in Egypt and had not been a resident of the
Dominion during the previous six months (Wellington
Post, 24 December 1935, page 16). Leading final
scores: 1 Purdy, 12/13 (lost to Gyles); 2 A.W. Gyles
11 (won the championship), 3-4 Ian Burry and D.I.
Jones, 8½; 5 J.A. Erskine 8.
7 January (afternoon): blindfold simultaneous
exhibition +2 –0 =4 (draw with Joyce); (Wellington
Post, 8 January 1936, page 11);
7 January (evening): simultaneous exhibition +13
–2 =4;
8 January (afternoon): first match-game with
Gyles (adjourned);
8 January (evening): simultaneous exhibition +20
–1 =5;
9 January (afternoon): won the adjourned game and
the second game with Gyles; (evening) simultaneous
exhibition +9 –1 =2;
11 January (afternoon): Purdy-W.D. Khoury 1-0
(first match-game) (Christchurch Press, 13
January 1936, page 10);
11 January: simultaneous exhibition +17 –2 =5 (Christchurch
Press, 13 January 1936, page 10);
13 January: blindfold simultaneous exhibition +4
–1 =1 (Christchurch Press, 14 January 1936,
page 13);
14 January: W.D. Khoury-Purdy (second
15 January (afternoon): Purdy-W.D. Khoury 1-0
(third match-game); (Christchurch Press, 15
January 1936, page 15);
15 January (evening): simultaneous exhibition +14
–3 =6 (Christchurch Press, 15 January 1936,
page 15).’
Mr Bauzá Mercére adds that although no game-scores have
been found, two photographs from the tour can be shown:
New Zealand Herald, 12 December
1935, page 10
Christchurch Press, 13 January
1936, page 16.
‘Freak’ openings
From page 208 of Chess World, September 1957:
‘Many players imagine that “freak” openings are bad.
But if you are White, they do no worse than put you in
the position of Black, and are usually better than that,
as moves like P-QB3, etc. are apt to become useful later
on. Black should try to prevent that happening, but this
is often difficult. Eccentric first moves for Black are
less to be recommended.’
9737. Milan
Matulović and j’adoube
From Harry Golombek’s column on page 26 of The Times,
2 December 1967, with regard to the touch-piece and j’adoube
‘It seems hardly credible, but it was by an abuse of
this custom that a player, an international grandmaster
at that, was able to take a move back in the recent
Interzonal Tournament at Sousse. In the ninth round, the
Yugoslav player, Matulović, in sore straits against the
Hungarian Bilek, played a move that would have lost out
of hand. After he had played the move he said “Ich
spreche j’adoube”, and while I doubt whether the
French Academy would approve of this blend of German and
French, the intention was quite clear. He wished as it
were to make a retrospective adjustment. He took the
losing move back, replaced it by another much better
move, and eventually got away with a draw. His opponent,
Bilek, protested three times to the arbiter, who,
however, not having heard or seen the first part of this
incident, ordered him to continue play. Poor Bilek, and
fortunate Matulović, who very nearly qualified for the
Candidates’ event as a result of this ill-earned half
point. His fellow Yugoslavs, who witnessed the whole
affair, are it seems much alarmed lest Matulović employs
similar tactics in their next championship tournament.’
The above was quoted on pages 99-100 of the Christmas
1967 CHESS with this strangely-worded editorial
‘Chess is perhaps the only game in which matches at
such a high level as this do not have one referee
detailed to watch every game, so that incidents like
this can go unpenalized.’
In this position from Matulović v Bilek, Sousse, 26
October 1967 White played, in quick succession, 38 Bf3, 38
Be2 and 38 Kg1.
Below, from page 8 of the January 1968 BCM, is an
extract from Harry Golombek’s report on the tournament:
On page 64 of the March 1968 BCM a follow-up item
appeared in News from Overseas section (edited by
Golombek was not in Sousse at the time of the Matulović v
Bilek game. He wrote on page 5 of the January 1968 BCM
(concerning the tournament in general):
‘The chief arbiter was the Czechoslovak master Sajtar,
and he was assisted by Diaconescu (Romania), Philippe
(Austria) and two Tunisians. As a matter of fact,
Sajtar, like myself, was engaged in the FIDE Congress at
Venice during the earlier part of the tournament and he
only arrived at the end of October, his place up to then
as chief arbiter having been taken by Diaconescu. I
arrived at the beginning of November and spent my first
few days not only acquiring the official information as
to what had taken place but finding out from the players
all the action that had taken place behind the scenes as
well (of which there was plenty).’
We have three books on the Sousse tournament, but only
one of them provides information on the Matulović-Bilek
incident. From pages 72-73 of Interzonal Chess
Tournament Sousse 1967 by R.G. Wade (Nottingham,
‘Matulović-Bilek was a highly interesting game marred
by an unpleasant dispute. On move 38 the Yugoslav
champion Matulović is alleged to have taken back a move,
then to have assured his opponent that he had said “j’adoube”
and made another move. The only person present who
accepted Matulović’s explanation was the Romanian judge,
who semed [sic] more intent on the players
passing the time control; Bilek stopped his clock three
times to protest and each time the tournament judge
immediately re-started it – equivalent to waving play on
in football! It would be an undesirable extension of
control of chess tournaments if – in time – an umpire is
placed at every table, though in some events, e.g. the
Capablanca Memorial Tournament, a scoring steward is
placed by every table.’
In this incident even Matulović’s Yugoslav colleagues
did not side with him. This is not the only example of a
move being taken back during the tournament! Byrne
states that a player (not a qualifier nor Matulović)
took back a move in that player’s game with Byrne after
completing the move, but Byrne did not protest. He would
not identify the player to those curious like myself.
Was the strongest move taken back?’
The full score of the Matulović v Bilek game: 1 e4 c5 2
Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 e5 6 Ndb5 h6 7 b3 Bc5 8
Nd6+ Ke7 9 Nf5+ Kf8 10 Bc4 Bb4 11 Bd2 Qa5 12 Qf3 d5 13
exd5 Nd4 14 Nxd4 exd4 15 Nb1 Bxd2+ 16 Nxd2 Bg4 17 Qf4 Re8+
18 Kf1 Qc3 19 Rb1 Qxc2 20 f3 Bf5 21 Qxd4 Qxa2 22 Ra1 Bd3+
23 Bxd3 Qxd2 24 Qc5+ Kg8 25 Bc4 g6 26 Qf2 Qc3 27 Rd1 b5 28
Be2 Re3 29 g3 Kg7 30 Kg2 a6 31 d6 Rhe8 32 Rhe1 Nd7 33 f4
Qb4 34 f5 g5 35 f6+ Kg8 36 h3 Qc3 37 Kf1 Qc6 38 Kg1 Qe4 39
Rd2 Re6 40 h4 Rxf6 41 Qg2 Qxg2+ 42 Kxg2 Rfe6 43 hxg5 hxg5
44 b4 R3e4 45 Kf1 Rf6+ 46 Kg2 Rfe6 47 Kf1 Rf6+ 48 Kg2 Rfe6
49 Kf1 Rf6+ 50 Kg1 Rfe6 Drawn. Pages 78-79 of Wade’s book
had the game with this note after 38 Kg1:
‘Matulović is alleged to have played first 38 B-B3,
withdrawn the move, said “Ich spreche j’aboube”
[sic], and played as in the text.’
Page 186 was entitled ‘Matulović-Bilek’ and quoted from
the above-mentioned Golombek material in the January and
March 1968 BCM. (Wade explained that ‘the
following important information on this incident has
appeared since the earlier comments were written’.)
Page viii of Wade’s book had this list:
‘Referees: P. Diaconescu IJ – Principal Referee 15-31
October; J. Sajtar IJ – Principal Referee 1-20 November;
R. Phillip IJ; B. Ben Cheikh IJ and S. Annabi.’
Concerning ‘Phillip’, Golombek put ‘Philippe’ in the BCM
(see above). Chess Personalia by Jeremy Gaige has
an entry for an International Arbiter named Robert A.
Philipp (1895-1970).
C.J.S. Purdy commented on the Matulović-Bilek affair on
page 139 of Chess World, September-October 1967:
Coverage of the Sousse Interzonal in Chess Review
was dominated by Fischer’s withdrawal, but in an article
entitled ‘The Fischer Affair’ on pages 42-45 of the
February 1968 issue, Petar Trifunovich wrote:
‘The arbiters did not shine in this tournament, as was
proved by several examples. The most characteristic and
worst example occurred in the game Matulović-Bilek, in
which the rule of “touch-move” got a new explanation. A
good part of the Fischer Affair must be charged against
them because they did not act with authority and in
On pages 328-329 of the November 1968 Chess Review
Gligorić’s ‘Game of the Month’ column was devoted to
Matulović v Fischer, Vinkovci, 1968, and after 29...Qd1 he
‘The moment is ripe for resignation. But Matulović is
known for his “hobby” of adjourning, as long as is
possible, to make his tournament standing look better
“on paper”.’
The Review added an editorial footnote:
‘There are some other quaint tales about Milan
Matulovich, such as his polygot “Ich sage j’adoube”
at Sousse whereby he is now known as “J’adoubovich
The nickname was mentioned not only by Golombek on page 8
of the January 1968 BCM (see above) but also in
an article entitled ‘I Was There’ by D. Bjelica on pages
49-50 of the February 1968 Chess Life. It claimed
that Matulović’s response was, ‘All is fair in chess and
We seek documented instances of Matulović, Bilek and the
arbiters giving their respective versions of the case,
e.g. in articles or interviews.
It is often affirmed that the Sousse game was not the
only occasion when Matulović took back a move. From pages
123-124 of The Chess Scene by David Levy and
Stewart Reuben (London, 1974):
‘Many spectators had witnessed Matulović’s move
retraction but the controller was unwilling to make a
decision against Matulović without having seen it
himself. Bilek should have refused to play on, but the
game was continued and eventually drawn. Matulović could
not understand why, at its conclusion, Bilek refused to
shake hands with him. Having got away with it once,
Matulović pulled the same stunt against Bilek a few
months later – and got away with it again!’
With respect to that last sentence, a similar claim in
similar words, and similarly unsubstantiated, was written
by Larry Evans in an article dated 25 August 2003 which
was republished on page 288 of This Crazy World of
Chess (New York, 2007):
‘A few months later, as fate would have it, Matulović
got away with the same stunt against the same opponent!
Thenceforth his colleagues dubbed him J’adoubovic.’
As shown above, the nickname had already been given to
Matulović shortly after the episode in Sousse. Evans also
mentioned the matter on page 19 of the November 1999 Chess
Life, but merely quoted from a book whose title he
gave as ‘The Oxford Encyclopedia Of Chess’.
David Levy referred to Matulović again in a report on the
Lone Pine tournament on page 415 of the July 1975 Chess
& Review:
‘The tournament list should also have included the
well-known Yugoslav grandmaster Milan Matulović, known
best for his tactics of taking back moves (e.g. against
Bilek at the Sousse Interzonal in 1967), and for his
selling of points.’
Levy then gave an alleged example of the latter charge.
As regards the allegation that Matulović retracted moves
in other games, the following comes from a column by
Golombek in The Times of 8 May 1976, page 14:
‘... Matulović, known as grandmaster Jadoubović for the
skill with which he adjusted his pieces against Bilek on
two notorious occasions.’
When was the second notorious occasion?
Further claims were made on pages 260-261 of Winning
with Chess Psychology by Pal Benko and Burt Hochberg
(New York, 1991):
Chess Review,
January 1968, page 24
Chess writers being what they are, it is difficult to
find an account of the 1967 Matulović v Bilek controversy
in secondary sources which does not have elementary
mistakes. For instance, page 24 of The World of Chess
by A. Saidy and N. Lessing (New York, 1974) stated that
the game was played in 1970 and added:
‘The astounded Bilek was too stunned to protest and
Matulović went on to win the game.’
The two editions of the ‘Chess Addict’ book by M.
Fox and R. James (London, 1987 and 1993) – see pages 160
and 225-226 respectively – also asserted that ‘Matulović
went on to win’. Page 2 of The Batsford Encyclopedia
of Chess by N. Divinsky (London, 1990) stated that
the game was played ‘at the Suisse interzonal’.
9738. 1 O-O
Miron James Hazeltine – N.N.
Correspondence game (undated)
(Remove White’s king’s knight and king’s bishop.)
1 O-O e5 2 e4 Bc5 3 a3 d5 4 b4 Bb6 5 exd5 Nf6 6 c4 Bd4 7
Ra2 O-O 8 d3 Bg4 9 Qb3 h6 10 Nd2 c6 11 Ne4 Nxe4 12 dxe4
Qb6 13 Qg3 h5 14 h3. Black now discontinued the game.
Source: a letter from Hazeltine on pages 131-132 of the Brooklyn
Chess Chronicle, 1 May 1883.
Ostend, 1906
Hayoung Wong (Bayside, NY, USA) sends the following:
Page 253 of Chess Tournament Crosstables,
volume two by Jeremy Gaige (Philadelphia, 1971)
Page 74 of Chess
Results, 1901-1920 by G. Di Felice, (Jefferson,
C.N. 6671 mentioned an earlier, briefer
instance of duplication. The excellence of Gaige’s
research has been acknowledged in the Preface to each book
in the Di
Felice series. C.N. 3594 criticized the absence of
sources in the first volume, Chess Results, 1747-1900
(Jefferson, 2004), a defect corrected as from Chess
Results, 1941-1946 (Jefferson, 2008).
v Smyslov, Moscow, 1938
Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) provides an extract from
page 7 of Národní politika, 29 July 1938:
The report states that on 14 July 1938 Salo Flohr scored
+1 –3 =4 in a simultaneous exhibition with clocks against
first-category players.
64 Be5 Qe4 65 Qa1 Re7 66 Bg3 Rd7 67 Qf6 Rg7
68 Qc3 Qc2 69 Qb4 Rxg3 70 Kxg3 b2 ‘and White gives
perpetual check’.
Smyslov was aged 17.
9741. A trap in
the Ruy López
A familiar trap in an unfamiliar game:
Source: Schweizerische Schachzeitung, December
1947, page 200.
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 Qe2 b5 6 Bb3 Be7 7
O-O d6 8 a4 b4
9 Qc4 O-O, and Black resigned on move 17.
The game was played in the Tournoi principal I
in Neuchâtel in July 1947. The crosstable was published on
page 124 of the August-September 1947 Schweizerische
Schachzeitung, and this brief report was on page 347
of CHESS, September 1947:
9742. Ernest
Kim (C.N.s 8884 & 8886)
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) forwards an article from
page 29 of Revista de Șah, February 1959:
Mr Urcan (who wonders whether a similar report can be
found in Soviet chess literature of the time) has provided
this translation from the Romanian:
‘“So It’s Not Propaganda ...”
In an earlier issue of our magazine we reported on the
stupefying case of precocity involving little Ernest Kim
of Tashkent, who, at only five, has the ability of a
second-category player. Cheerful and intelligent, Kim
adores chess, celebrates wildly when he wins and bursts
into tears when he is compelled to resign.
Visitors to Tashkent do not pass up the opportunity to
see Ernest Kim, who is now a veritable attraction point
for the city. A group of American journalists who
recently visited the Soviet Union manifested such a
wish. Of course, they were introduced to little Kim.
Unconvinced by the small, sun-tanned face before him, a
“Michigan Telegraph” editor challenged him to a
game. The chessmen were set up on the board, and after
15 moves the journalist was checkmated. Congratulating
his opponent, the American editor exclaimed, “So it’s
not propaganda ...”
And now here is a game by little Ernest Kim, played
against Suvorov, a second-category player from Tashkent.
Beforehand, the second-category player imprudently
declared publicly that he “will quit chess if he loses
this game”. Here is how Kim forced him to deal with a
very unpleasant dilemma:
Ernest Kim – Suvorov 1 e4 e6 2 Nc3 d5 3 Nf3 Bb4 4 exd5
Bxc3 5 dxc3 exd5 6 Be2 Nf6 7 O-O Qe7 8 Re1 Be6 9 Bg5
Nbd7 10 Qd4 b6 11 Ne5 c5 12 Qa4 O-O 13 Nxd7 Bxd7 14 Bxf6
gxf6 15 Bb5 Qd6 16 Bxd7 a6. At this point Black could
have resigned, but his hazardous statement before the
game made him continue to seek salvation, in vain. 17
Qg4+ Kh8 18 Bf5 Rg8 19 Qh5 Rg7 20 Rad1 Rag8 21 g3 Qd8 22
c4 d4 23 c3 Qd6 24 Re4, and now Black resigned.’

9743. Michael
From Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada):
‘In 1946 a match took place in Berlin between
members of the Soviet and American military
administrations. The Soviet team won 10-0, and on top
board Isaac Lipnitsky defeated Lieutenant Neckermann.
Was this the Michael Neckermann who played in the 1939
New York congress and participated in Marshall Chess
Club events in 1942 and 1943? Further information
about him would be appreciated.’
Our correspondent notes the coverage of the 1946 team
match on pages 13 and 14 of the monograph on Isaac
Lipnitsky by Vadim Teplitsky (Bat Yam, 1993):
Chess Budget biographical articles (C.N. 9611)
C.N. 9611 quoted from an article about James Mason by
W.H. Watts in the Chess Budget. The magazine had
many such biographical features, but how many? Below is a
list of the articles in our incomplete run, and additions
will be welcomed:
J.W. Showalter, 11 November 1925, pages 44-45;
D. Janowsky, 21 November 1925, pages 50-51;
S. Tarrasch, 28 November 1925, pages 60-61;
A. Burn (obituary), 5 December 1925, pages 66-68;
E. Schiffers, 12 December 1925, pages 74-75;
J. Mason, 19 December 1925, pages 82-84;
J.H. Blackburne, 2 January 1926, pages 90-92;
B. Englisch, 9 January 1926, pages 97-98.
Bogoljubow’s ‘book’
From pages 162-163 of The World’s Great Chess Games
by Reuben Fine (New York, 1951):
‘After that [i.e. after Bogoljubow’s greatest period,
specified as 1925-31] he could not hold his own against
the new masters. “The young people have read my book”,
he would wail in his jovial manner. “Now I have no
In a column reproduced on page 50 of The Chess Beat
(Oxford, 1982) Larry Evans wrote:
‘He [Bogoljubow] blithely explained away his steady
losses to the new generation: “The young demons have
read my book. Now I have no chance.”’
A paragraph about Bogoljubow from page 216 of Impact
of Genius by R.E. Fauber (Seattle, 1992):
‘He left as a literary legacy a single volume, Klassiche
Schach [sic], which featured the games of
the hypermoderns. When his results declined in the 1930s
he lamented that he had trouble with the rising
generation. “They have all read my book”, he
Bogoljubow wrote a number of books, including three
volumes of Klassische Schachpartien (Berlin and
Leipzig, 1926, 1926 and 1928). Our set includes this card:
Has any such Bogoljubow ‘my book’ story been related by a
dependable writer?
9746. Lasker in
Several online databases indicate that Emanuel Lasker
won a 21-move brilliancy (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nf6 4
O-O Bc5 5 Nc3 d6 6 d4 exd4 7 Nxd4 Bd7 8 Nb3 Bb6 9 Bg5 Ne5
10 a4 Bxb5 11 axb5 h6 12 Bxf6 Qxf6 13 Nd5 Qd8 14 Nd4 O-O
15 Nf5 Kh7 16 Ra3 f6 17 Rg3 Rf7 18 Nf4 Qd7 19 Qh5 Rh8 20
Ne6 Rg8 21 Nfxg7 Resigns) against Henneberger and Rivier
in a simultaneous exhibition in Zurich in 1919. In
reality, the venue was Berne, and only one other game was
played concurrently.
Lasker’s annotations in Vossische Zeitung were
reproduced on page 211 of the October 1919 Deutsche
The heading stated that the game (against Walter
Henneberger and William Rivier) was played in July. The
correct date, 7 June 1919, was given when extensive
annotations from the Basler Nachrichten appeared
on pages 6-8 of the January 1920 Schweizerische
Schachzeitung. The heading specified that Lasker
played one other game at the same time, also against two
Fred Reinfeld discussed the Lasker v Henneberger and
Rivier game (accurately putting ‘Berne, 1919’) on pages
25-29 and 106-112 of Chess Mastery by Question and
Answer (London, 1940). In his Evening
Standard column of 30 December 2015 Leonard
Barden reported that it was ‘the first book which really
improved my own chess’ and that it ‘is still a worthwhile
Hedinger v Henneberger
A specimen of Walter Henneberger’s attacking play (as
Black against Rudolf Hedinger, Lucerne, 9 January 1943)
comes from page 22 of the Schweizerische Schachzeitung,
February 1943:
The game was also praised on page 74 of the March 1943
issue of Ajedrez Español:
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 Nc6 4 g3 Bb4+ 5 Bd2 Qe7 6 a3 Bxd2+
7 Qxd2 e5 8 dxe5 Nxe5 9 Nxe5 Qxe5 10 Bg2 O-O 11 Nc3 d6 12
Rc1 c6 13 O-O Be6 14 b3 Rad8 15 e4 Qa5 16 Qb2 Ng4 17 Rcd1
Qh5 18 h3 Nh6 19 g4 Bxg4 20 hxg4 Nxg4 21 Rfe1 f5 22 Re2
fxe4 23 Nxe4 d5 24 cxd5 cxd5 25 Nc3 d4 26 Ne4 Qh2+ 27 Kf1
Ne3+ 28 Rxe3 dxe3 29 Rxd8 Rxd8 30 fxe3 Rd1+ 31 Kf2 Qg1+ 32
32...Rd8 33 Nf2 Rf8+ 34 Kg3 Qe1 35 Bxb7 Qxe3+ 36 Kg2 Rd8
37 Ne4 Rd3 38 Qf2 Qh3+ 39 Kg1 Rd1+ 40 White resigns.
9748. Chess
Budget biographical articles (C.N.s 9611 &
Hans Renette (Bierbeek, Belgium) reports that during a
visit to the Royal Library in The Hague he made copies of
the following articles by W.H. Watts in the Chess
W. Steinitz, 29 September 1924, pages 4-5;
R. Charousek, 6 October 1924, pages 12-13;
H.E. Bird, 27 October 1924, pages 40-41.
Further additions to the list are sought.
9749. Swindle
‘The term “swindle” in chess is so widely used that we
have to tolerate it. But it carries the implication we
always fight against, i.e. that a player in a
theoretically winning position has a sort of moral right
to the game; if he fails to see through his opponent’s
resourceful play, he says he was “swindled”.
Showing that he hasn’t a moral right to the game is
just what the authors are really doing – and doing very
Source: Chess World, January 1957, page 22, in a
brief notice regarding Chess Traps, Pitfalls, and
Swindles by I.A. Horowitz and F. Reinfeld (New York,
1954). Purdy’s item began: ‘This is the best book on traps
Wartime censorship (C.N. 9726)
Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea, England) draws
attention to page 41 of All Change Here! by P.H.
Williams and R. Gevers (Stroud, 1919):
Frederick Orrett (C.N. 9722)
Also courtesy of Mr McDowell, we present a further
selection of illustrations by Frederick Orrett (Edward
Nathan Frankenstein, Jacques Mieses and Carslake
Michael Neckermann (C.N. 9743)
Dan Scoones (Coquitlam, BC, Canada) notes that according
to page 187 of Shakhmaty v SSSR, August-September
1946 Lipnitsky’s opponent was D. Nekkerman:
9753. The Vera
Menchik Club (C.N. 3433)
From page 10 of Curious Chess Facts by Irving
Chernev (New York, 1937):
See too pages 6-7 of Chernev’s Wonders and
Curiosities of Chess (New York, 1974).
Max Euwe mentioned the Club on page 110 of the April 1953
Chess Review:
‘We know that Vera included in her list of victims the
names of a number of reputable masters forced, in one
contest or another, to bite the dust.
It has more than once been suggested that these losers
band themselves together to form a “Menchik” Club,
pressing me, as a two-time loser (Hastings, 1930-31 and
Hastings, 1931-32), to become its president. These plans
have remained plans.’
For reasons undisclosed, the account of the Club on page
237 of Impact of Genius by R.E. Fauber (Seattle)
asserted that Vera Menchik ‘outraged the male players by
accepting an invitation to the great Carlsbad, 1929
On pages 18-19 of Women in Chess (Jefferson,
1987) John Graham stated that at Carlsbad, 1929 Becker
‘jokingly suggested that if anyone lost to her they would
be inducted into the Vera Menchik Club’. Graham concluded:
‘Menchik did not have a good result in the tournament,
and finished in a tie for last place with Vasja Pirc,
Gideon Stahlberg and others.’
In reality, Vera Menchik finished alone in bottom place
at Carlsbad, 1929, three points adrift. Neither Pirc nor
Ståhlberg played in the tournament.
Our latest feature article is The Vera Menchik Club.
Alleged limitations
‘But being female does have its limitations. Since, in
Australia anyway, women do not seem to have the same
natural ability as men, they can never be serious
threats in a mixed tournament, no matter how hard they
may study and prepare.
However, as long as a woman does realize the limited
heights that her chess can ever reach, then she can
certainly find chess a most interesting pastime in an
atmosphere where there is definitely no unfair bias
against women.’
Those were the concluding paragraphs of an article ‘“Only
Old Fogeys Play Chess”’ by Daphne Hewson on pages 103-104
of Chess World, May-June 1967. Purdy added an
editorial note:
‘Miss Hewson’s second-last paragraph has no
demonstrable scientific basis. The only boys who get
good at chess are those who study it. Teach chess to
more girls of around nine or ten, well before they get
too interested in boys and inundated with homework at
secondary school, and you’ll get results.’
9755. Fire
From page 2 of the New
York Sun, 10 January 1889:
The report was reproduced on page 11 of the Columbia
Chess Chronicle, 10 January 1889.
9756. Ernest
Kim (C.N.s 8884, 8886 & 9742)
Dan Scoones (Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada) sends the front
cover of the 8/1958 issue of Shakhmaty v SSSR:
Our correspondent adds a translation of the note on the
inside cover:
‘In the Tashkent Pioneer Palace. Six-year-old
third-category player Ernest Kim in play against the
second-category player Khurshid Muratov. The chess group
director G. Shakh-Zade is spectating.’
9757. Chess
in Paris
Mr Scoones also draws attention to the chess
content (reports and photographs) in La russie
illustrée/Иллюстрированная Россия, and
particularly in the issue dated 11 February 1928.
Readers should have little difficulty in identifying the
board position in the front-cover photograph of Alekhine.
9758. A would-be
Tartakower v Schiffers game
Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) asks about this
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 c3 d5 4 Bb5 dxe4 5 Nxe5 Qd5 6 Qa4 Ne7
7 f4 Bd7 8 Nxd7 Kxd7 9 O-O Nf5 10 b4 a5 11 Kh1
11...axb4 12 Bxc6+ bxc6 13 Qxa8 Bc5 14 Qxh8 Ng3+ 15 hxg3
Qh5 mate.
Our correspondent observes that page 10 of 200
megnyitási sakkcsapda by Emil Gelenczei (Budapest,
1958) stated that the players were Tartakower and
Schiffers, no date being specified. On pages 36-37 of 300
miniaturas by A. Roizman (Barcelona, 1975) the
heading, also without a date, was ‘NN-Schiffers’. There
are databases which give the game as ‘Tartakower v
Schiffers, Poland, 1910’, even though Emanuel Schiffers
died in 1904. As noted on pages 141-142 of the
September-October 1935 issue of Les Cahiers de
l’Echiquier Français, the game had been published in
Pitfalls of the Chessboard by E.A. Greig (where the
opening moves were 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 c3 d5 4 Qa4 dxe4 5
Nxe5 Qd5 6 Bb5 Ne7) without any date or players’ names.
The same move order was on pages 96-97 of Emanuel Lasker’s
Common Sense in Chess (London, 1896), where the
game appeared with the bare information that Black was ‘a
fine Liverpool player’.
Mr Thimognier has raised an intriguing matter. First of
all, we reproduce, concerning what Lasker wrote, an
extract from page 903 of Amos Burn A Chess Biography
by Richard Forster (Jefferson, 2004):
Below is the relevant part of the 1925 edition of Gesunder
Page 65 of the algebraic edition of Common Sense in
Chess (Milford, 2007) amended the game heading to
‘N.N. vs. Rutherford. Liverpool, 1800s’.
Analysis on page 213 of Play the Ponziani by D.
Taylor and K. Hayward (London, 2009) awarded an
exclamation mark to 10 d4, adding: ‘Tartakower’s 10 b4?
runs into Schiffers’ 10...a5!; e.g. 11 Kh1 axb4 12 Bxc6+
bxc6 13 Qxa8 Bc5 14 Qxh8 Ng3+ 15 hxg3 Qh5 mate’.
Regarding Tartakower, mention may be made of analysis on
page 180 of Die Hypermoderne Schachpartie (Vienna,
See too page 196 of 500 Master Games of Chess by
Tartakower and du Mont (London, 1952).
Page 133 of the eighth edition of Modern Chess
Openings (London, 1952) gave the line 10 b4 a5 with
the footnote ‘Black wins (Swinnerton-Dyer)’. The same page
referred to a game between Swinnerton-Dyer and Barrett,
Cambridge, 1949 in another variation of the Ponziani
Opening. On page 75 of the ninth edition of Modern
Chess Openings (London, 1957) the note after 10 b4
a5 became ‘Black wins (Schiffers). The threat is 11...PxP
and 12...B-B4ch’.
The 15-move game was the subject of a short story, ‘The
Wiener Dog Gambit’ by Brent Haywood, on pages 34-35 of the
February 1985 Chess Life. Prizes were offered to
readers able to identify ‘which two famous masters really
played this miniature’, and the result was published on
page 57 of the May 1985 issue:

Tartakower, Schiffers, Vienna and 1908 were also referred
to in a letter from Robert Probasco on page 7 of the May
1985 Chess Life, but why? As noted above,
Schiffers died in 1904.
Philidor in London
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘Contemporary newspaper reports of the death of
Philidor acknowledged the assistance he received from
an “old and worthy friend”. There were variations in
the words used, but the following statement from the Kentish
Weekly Post of 4 September 1795 was typical:
“For the last two months he was kept alive merely by
art, and the kind attention of an old and worthy
George Allen discussed briefly the identity of the
“old and worthy friend” on page 109 of The Life
of Philidor, Musician and Chess-player (Philadelphia,
1863), but without arriving at a convincing answer:
“In a letter received after the preceding sheet had
been printed, Mr Lewis (the eminent English
Chess-author and player) kindly answered some
inquiries of mine, by saying: ‘Who “the old and worthy
friend” was, I know not. I always understood from
Sarratt that a Mr Crawford, a very rich man,
patronised Philidor, taking a lesson – or being supposed
to take a lesson – daily, and giving him carte
blanche to dinner, whenever it suited him.’”
A more telling remark, not mentioned by Allen, had
previously been made by George Walker in the “To
Correspondents” column on page 2 of Bell’s Life
in London of 15 November 1840:
“Sir A. Carlisle, just dead, was a staunch friend of
Philidor’s, when the latter was on his death bed.”
The expression “kept alive merely by art” suggests
skilful medical attention. Anthony Carlisle
(1768-1840) was a prominent surgeon. The
Dictionary of National Biography notes that in 1793
he was appointed Surgeon at Westminster Hospital,
where he continued to work for the rest of his life,
being knighted in 1820. His death in Langham Place,
London, was reported on page 3 of the Morning
Post of 6 November 1840, and he was buried in Kensal
Green Cemetery on 10 November.
Carlisle was a long-term resident of Soho Square,
and George Walker and his father had lived at 17 Soho
Square. A brief examination of rates assessments and
land tax returns shows that they were both in Soho
Square during the years 1819 to 1821, so it is
possible that the Walkers knew Carlisle.
On page 127 of his Chess & Chess-Players
(London, 1850) George Walker blamed “the mighty and
the rich” for the poverty of Philidor’s last days:
“Alas ! for England ! the mighty and the rich
suffered Philidor to die, if not in actual need of
life’s necessities, at least without those comforts
which gold can supply, to soothe down the harsh
asperities of utter destitution! Philidor died almost
literally in a garret. During his last hours, he was
chiefly indebted for support to the assiduities of one
kind friend …”
Walker says nothing here of Anthony Carlisle’s
involvement. Although Walker’s main thrust above
concerned Philidor’s poverty, it is perhaps worth
reflecting that he could not have mentioned that
Philidor was attended by a surgeon who later became
eminent without detracting from his argument.
Walker’s final sentence tends to suggest that
support came from one person alone. That is reinforced
by a remark by George Allen on page 44 of The
Life of Philidor: Musician and Chess-Player
(Philadelphia, 1858):
“When among Englishmen were the sick-bed wants of a
stranger, even less beloved than Philidor, known and
ministered to by one friend and by one friend alone?”
On pages 42-43 of the same book George Allen
countered Walker’s accusation by pointing out that ...
“... ‘the garret of Philidor’ (which was no garret)
is not pretended to have been any other than such
modest apartment as he had chosen to occupy through
the whole of his last residence in London. There was
not, therefore, the same reason for removing Philidor,
during his sickness, as existed in the case of poor La
Philidor’s “modest apartment” was in Little Ryder
Street, which was a very short walk from the chess
club at Parsloe’s on St James’s Street. Letters
presented by Marcelle Benoît in Philidor,
musicien et joueur d’échecs (Paris, 1995) suggest
that his last known residence was at 10 Little Ryder
Street. However, in the Chess Stalker Quarterly,
June 2012, in an article entitled “Sleuthing
Philidor’s Grave”, Gordon Cadden
reported on page 9 that he had found Philidor’s
address entered as 8 Little Ryder Street in a burial
ledger for St James’s Chapel of Ease, Hampstead Road.
In 1795, rate books for Little Ryder Street did not
show house numbers, which makes it harder to identify
the principal occupiers, who are assumed to include
Philidor’s landlord. Both 8 and 10 were on the south
side of Little Ryder Street, the occupiers of which
were listed in an assessment for the Poor Rate
(Collector’s Book), dated 18 April 1795 (Pall Mall
Ward, parish of St James’s Westminster, Westminster
Archives, D116, ff. 35-36). The entry below has been
Little Ryder Street South
Alexander Oswald 20
Thos Williams 24
Wm Fry 22
Wm King 14
Elizth Alexander 22
Chas Wadlow 15
Clement Baker 10
Raymond Baux 16.
The figures represent the gross annual rentable
values of the properties in pounds. Insurance records
of Sun Fire Office, held at London Metropolitan
Archives, indicate that on 30 December 1791 Elizabeth
and Janet Alexander, of “10 Little Rider Street”,
milliners, were insured. That seems to identify “Elizth
Alexander” in the above list as the occupier of No.
10. A similar insurance record, dated 25 November
1796, names Thomas Williams, gentleman, of “8 Little
Rider Street” as the insured, while in a Westminster
coroner’s jury, on 13 August 1794, Thos. Williams, of
Little Ryder Street, was described as a haberdasher.
Another insurance record, dated 26 March 1799,
associates William Fry, gentleman, with the address “9
Little Rider Street”, his wife a trimming maker; and
another, dated 19 November 1791, gives Fry’s address
as “Little Rider Street”, his wife a mantua and
trimming maker. It is clear that in the above Poor
Rate list the occupiers of the south side of Little
Ryder Street appear in ascending order starting with
7. The only entry which remains in doubt is the one
for “Wm King”, who could have occupied either part of
No. 9 or part of No. 10.
From this it seems that Philidor resided “through
the whole of his last residence in London” either at
10 Little Ryder Street with Elizabeth Alexander, a
milliner (or possibly with William King), or at No. 8
with Thomas Williams. A milliner or a haberdasher
might easily have taken on a lodger, as did John
Maynard, a bookseller, who had Carmine Verdone lodging
with him, as was reported in C.N. 9595.
Finally, in the same column on page 2 of Bell’s
Life in London of 15 November 1840 the following
interesting exchange with a different correspondent
was inserted:
“EZ – Are there any chess players living who have
played with Philidor? – Yes: Sir Griffin Wilson, and
Sir W. Alexander, and doubtless many others. It is 45
years since Philidor’s death.”
Sir William Alexander (1755-1842), of Airdrie, was
Chief Baron of the Exchequer at Westminster. A few
weeks later, in the same newspaper, dated 13 December
1840, he was reported as having contributed five
pounds to the De La Bourdonnais fund in a list of
donors printed on page 1. His will was proved on 21
July 1842 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PROB
9760. No
champion of the world
From a letter entitled ‘The Universality of Chess’ by
Miron Hazeltine on pages 61-62 of the Brooklyn Chess
Chronicle, 1 January 1883:
‘There is now, happily, no champion of the world – no
King of Chess. In the best interests of chess may there
never be another.’
9761. Spassky v
Fischer, 1972
C.N. 9641 referred to a play in Spanish concerning the
1972 world chess championship match. Another work is Einvígid
by Arnaldur Indriðason (Reykjavik, 2011). We also have the
translations of the novel from Icelandic into German and
French, Duell (Cologne, 2014) and Le duel
(Paris, 2014).
Spassky v Fischer match cartoons
Of all the books on the 1972 Spassky v Fischer match, the
one in our collection with the most cartoons is Skákeinvígi
aldarinnar by Guðmundur Daníelsson (Reykjavik,
1972). A small sample (from pages 16-17, 103 and 163):
Although mainly a prose account of the Reykjavik match,
the book concludes with annotations to the games (pages
9763. Chess
Budget biographical articles (C.N.s 9611, 9744
& 9748)
Henk Chervet of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague
has supplied these additions:
H.N. Pillsbury, 10 November 1924, pages 56-57;
C. Schlechter, 17 November 1924, pages 63-64;
M.I. Chigorin, 24 November 1924, pages 72-73;
R.P. Michell, 20 March 1926, pages 179-180;
J.J. Löwenthal, July-August 1926, pages 212-213.
9764. A
sense of history
‘The historical treatment is the best; nobody can
understand modern methods in chess without first
understanding just what older ideas they replaced and
why they replaced them.’
Source: an article (‘A Page of Hints’) by C.J.S. Purdy, Chess
World, March 1957, page 80. He was discussing Chess
from Morphy to Botwinnik by Imre König (London,
1951), ‘an important treatise on position play’.
9765. Tarrasch in
Siegbert Tarrasch’s prize-winning game against Edgard
Colle, Meran, 14 February 1924:
1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 c6 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 Bg5 Be7 6 e3 Nbd7 7
Bd3 dxc4 8 Bxc4 b5 9 Bd3 a6 10 O-O c5 11 Qe2 c4 12 Bc2 Bb7
13 e4 O-O 14 e5 Nd5 15 Qe4 g6 16 Qh4 f6 17 exf6 Bxf6 18
Ne4 Bxg5 19 Nexg5 Qe7 20 Rae1 Rf6 21 g3 Re8 22 Nd2 Nb4 23
Be4 Bxe4 24 Ndxe4 Rff8 25 Nd6 e5 26 Nxe8 Rxe8 27 dxe5 Nd3
28 Re2 h5 29 f4 Qc5+ 30 Kg2 Nf6 31 h3 b4 32 Nf3 Qc6 33 Kh2
34 f5 Nxe5 35 Nd4 Qd5 36 Rxe4 Ng4+ 37 Rxg4 hxg4 38 Qxg4
Re4 39 Qxg6+ Resigns.
The position after Black’s 12th move had arisen in a
forgotten game which Tarrasch played in Geneva on 5 April
1920 against an unnamed group of the strongest members of
the city’s chess club:
1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bg5 Be7 5 e3 c6 6 Bd3 Nbd7 7
Nf3 dxc4 8 Bxc4 b5 9 Bd3 a6 10 O-O c5 11 Qe2 c4 12 Bc2 Bb7
13 Rad1 O-O 14 e4 Re8 15 e5 Nd5 16 Ne4 f6 17 exf6 gxf6 18
Bc1 Nf8 19 Ne1 f5 20 Ng3 Bg5 21 f4 Bh6 22 Qh5 Qf6 23 Qh3
Qg6 24 Nh5 Nf6 25 Nxf6+ Qxf6 26 Nf3 Bg7 27 Ne5 Rad8 28
Rfe1 Ng6 29 Be3 Qh4 30 Qg3 Bd5 31 Rd2 Qxg3 32 hxg3 Nf8
33 g4 Bxe5 34 fxe5 fxg4 35 Kf2 Rc8 36 Rdd1 Rc7 37 Rh1 g3+
38 Kg1 Ng6 39 Rh3 Rf7 40 Rxg3 Kg7 41 Bg5 Rg8 42 Bf6+ Kf8
43 Rf1 Ke8 44 Rf2 Kd7 45 Ra3 Ra8 46 Rg3 Rg8 47 Kf1 Kc6 48
Ke1 a5 49 Rg5 a4 50 a3 Ra7 51 Rg3
51...b4 52 axb4 Kb5 53 Ra3 Kxb4 54 Bg5 Kb5 55 Bd2 Ne7 56
Bxh7 Rxg2 57 Rxg2 Bxg2 58 Rg3 Bd5 59 Rg7 Nc6 60 Rxa7 Nxa7
61 Ke2 Nc6 62 Bc3 Nb4 63 Ke3 a3 64 bxa3 Na2 65 Kd2 Ka4 66
Bb1 Kxa3 67 Bxa2 Drawn.
Source: Schweizerische Schachzeitung, June-July
1920, pages 86-89. The times were given as White 6½ hours
and Black 5½ hours.
9766. Bethge
v X
Information is wanted about this game from page 89 of the
June-July 1920 Schweizerische Schachzeitung:
1 Bg3 Bxg3 2 Rf7 Be5 3 Qf2 Bg3 4 Qd4 Be5 5 Qf2 Rg2 6 Rf8+
Bb8 7 Qb6 Qb7 8 Bxd5 Bxd5 9 Rxb8+ Kxb8 10 Qd8+ Ka7
11 Qa8+ Kxa8 Stalemate.
William W. Wheaton
From Robert John McCrary (Columbia, SC, USA):
‘In Chess and
Baseball William R. Wheaton has already been
mentioned as a pioneer in the birth of modern
baseball, as well as organized chess. He may also be
the first documented umpire. On pages 21-22 of A
Game of Inches by Peter Morris (Chicago, 2010) the
entry on the history of umpires has Wheaton as the
first name listed. After briefly referring to the
Olympic Ball Club of Philadelphia (which played town
ball, a baseball variant, in 1838) the entry reads:
“The Knickerbockers’ rules outlined a similar role
for the umpire. William R. Wheaton officiated during a
game of 6 October 1845, that appears in the club’s
It then adds that Wheaton was one of three umpires
in a game between the New York Ball Club and the
Brooklyn Club on 23 October 1845.’
Thomas Höpfl (Halle, Germany) points out that the Dutch
website Fotoleren
has many chess photographs.
Icelandic photographs
Aðalsteinn Thorarensen (Reykjavik) has sent us a pair of
Icelandic Chess Federation links (one and two)
including a rich selection of photographs taken during the
1972 Spassky v Fischer match.
Marshall’s gold coins game
Concerning the famous
Marshall game, below is the first paragraph of an
article (‘Shower of Gold’) by C.J.S. Purdy on pages
110-111 of Chess World, July-August 1967:
‘Most players know about the game Levitzky-Marshall,
Breslau, 1912, when a move by Marshall inspired the
German onlookers to shower the board with gold pieces.
We disbelieved this story until we asked somebody to ask
Marshall personally if it were true. Marshall said yes.’
9771. An
unexpected move
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bb6 5 b5 Na5 6 Be2 d6 7
O-O Ne7 8 d3 f5 9 Nc3 c6 10 a4 O-O 11 d4 fxe4 12 Nxe4 d5
13 Ng3 e4 14 Ne5 Be6 15 c3 Rc8 16 Bg4 Bxg4 17 Qxg4 Qd6 18
Nh5 Nf5 19 Bf4 Qe6 20 f3 cxb5 21 fxe4 dxe4 22 Bg3 Rc7
23 Nc4 Nxc4 24 Bxc7 Nce3 25 Qf4 Bxc7 26 Qxc7 Nxf1 27 Rxf1
g6 28 Rxf5 gxh5 29 Rg5+ and wins.
The game was played by J.A. Porterfield Rynd against J.
Morphy and G.D. Soffe and was published, with annotations
by the winner but no indication of the venue or date, on
pages 125-127 of the Irish Chess Chronicle, 1
December 1887.
Koltanowski inscription
From one of our copies of A Primer of Chess by
J.R. Capablanca (London, 1935):
What is known about the John Lewis Partnership
Gazette in connection with chess?
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.