Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
10989. Possible
Fischer events
An article by Frank Draper on page 11 of the Evening
Standard, 8 March 1973:
From our file of Evening Standard cuttings we
present a montage of some articles by Leonard Barden:
The players are Neil Carr (4 January 1977), Julian
Hodgson (11 May 1974), Simone Leberman (7 January 1974),
David Norwood (1 August 1977), Nigel Short (28 December
1977, 30 December 1977 and 3 January 1978) and Jonathan
Speelman (12 December 1972).
Capablanca in 1909
A better version of the illustration in C.N. 3742 from
page 12 of the Topeka Daily State Journal, 7
December 1909:
10992. Resignation
After 31 Be2, was Black justified in resigning?
‘Book of the Year’
The English Chess Federation’s webpage ‘Book
the Year 2018 shortlist’ miscopies one title,
transforming Karjakin into ‘Kajarkin’. (A panel member’s personal
webpage goes further, with ‘Kajarkan’.) Nothing is
disclosed about the contest’s conditions, such as
eligibility in terms of date of publication, or about the
three judges’ imagined credentials. The inclusion of S.
Tkachenko’s book on Alekhine indicates that proper
historical standards are not a requirement.
Chess and war
A sketch on page 297 of the Illustrated London News,
9 March 1940:
The picture was reproduced on page 161 of CHESS,
April 1940.
10995. Hans Müller
Which are the best sources for information about Hans
Müller, including his non-chess activities? A paragraph
from page 992 of L’Echiquier, March-April 1935:
‘Ce qui est curieux dans le cas de Hans Müller (né
en 1896), c’est qu’il est en même temps maître
d’escrime, de skis et de lawn-tennis et qu’il a, en
outre, publié des travaux intéressants sur la
graphologie, la microscopie et sur la philosophie
Below is an autobiographical note on pages 121-122 of Deutsche
Schachblätter, 15 April 1938:
A portrait of Müller on page 122:
10996. The
Wallace murder case
There is a reference to the Wallace
murder case in Evil Under the Sun by Agatha Christie (first
published in 1941). The passage, at the start of chapter
five part five, is shown below from page 71 of a Christie
anthology published by Hamlyn, London in 1970. The two
police officers and Hercule Poirot have just questioned
Kenneth Marshall, the murder victim’s husband:
An on-line search reveals a mention of Wallace in Agatha
Christie’s posthumous novel featuring Miss Marple, Sleeping
‘And Wallace, a quiet man whom the jury insisted did
kill his wife, though the sentence was quashed on
Resignation (C.N. 10992)
After 31 Be2 Black resigned on the grounds that a
decisive march by the white king to b8 is unpreventable.
The game, played by correspondence in Berlin between the
Café Kaiserhof and the Café Royal, was published on pages
50-51 of the February 1899 Deutsche Schachzeitung:
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bb5 Bc5 5 O-O O-O 6 Nxe5
Bd4 7 Nf3 Bxc3 8 dxc3 Nxe4 9 Re1 f5 10 Bc4+ Kh8 11 Bd5 d6
12 Nd4 Nxd4 13 cxd4 Nf6 14 Bg5 h6 15 Bxf6 Qxf6 16 Qe2 c6
17 Bb3 Bd7 18 Qe7 Rad8 19 Qxf6 Rxf6 20 f4 Rff8 21 Re7 Bc8
22 Rae1 d5 23 Rc7 Rd7 24 Re7 Rxc7 25 Rxc7 Rd8 26 h4 h5 27
c3 Kh7 28 Bd1 Kg6 29 b4 a6 30 Kf2 Re8 31 Be2 Resigns.
From page 13 of Schachjahrbuch für 1899. II. Theil
by Ludwig Bachmann (Ansbach, 1900):
Richard Forster (Zurich) writes:
‘The best line may be 31...Rh8 32 Bf3 Kf6, and now
if 33 Ke2 then 33....g6 34 Kd2 Rg8 35 Kc2 Ke6 36 Kb3
Kd6 37 Rh7 b6. The computers suggest 33 a4 g6 34 b5,
which wins a pawn and probably gives very good winning
chances, but the game is not yet over.’
10998. Alekhine
in San Francisco
From page 16 of the San Francisco Chronicle, 28
February 1924:
The reference to ‘blindfolded’ in the heading is not to
be taken literally. Regarding the number of games played,
a chart of Alekhine’s exhibitions in Canada and the United
States from November 1923 to April 1924 on page 154 of the
July-August 1924 American Chess Bulletin specified
32 (+24 –3 =5), figures also given on pages 217 and 771 of
the Skinner/Verhoeven volume on Alekhine. The full chart
was reproduced on page 3 of Alekhine in the Americas
by J. Donaldson, N. Minev and Y. Seirawan (Seattle, 1992).
A curiosity about Alekhine and Neo-Chess from page 7 of
the San Francisco Examiner, 29 February 1924:
10999. The
grandmaster title
An observation by W.A. Fairhurst on page 134 of the April
1955 BCM:
‘Many players will agree that there are too many
international masters and far too many so-called
grandmasters. Lasker, Capablanca and Alekhine could be
considered of such high rank amongst the masters of the
past that they were entitled to such a distinction as
grandmaster, but it is doubtful if there is a single
player living at present worthy of this title.
Botvinnik, Keres, Smyslov and Reshevsky are all fine
players but they have not that superiority over some of
the other leading masters which entitles them to be
described as “grand”. In addition to these four there
are apparently 37 other grandmasters, and this makes the
distinction almost meaningless.’
11000. A
simultaneous display by Josef Krejcik
From page 191 of The Even More Complete Chess Addict
by Mike Fox and Richard James (London, 1993):
The phrase ‘according to Chess’ takes the reader
The following is on page 12 of Josef Krejcik’s book Mein
Schach (Berlin, 1955):
Krejcik states that his hosts had induced him to drink
alcohol before the exhibition but places the performance
at Whitsun (zu Pfingsten). That undermines the
‘worst birthday present in chess history’ claim, given
that he was born on 22 January 1885.
Can information on the display be found in any 1910
Regarding poor results in simultaneous exhibitions, see
too C.N. 2816 (on page 71 of Chess Facts and Fables)
and C.N. 6451.
Castling the adversary’s queen
The subsequent item on page 191 of the Fox/James book
mentioned in C.N. 11000:
Below is the relevant part of page 103 of Chess
Pieces by Norman Knight (London, 1949):
The passage in Strathmore had been disinterred by
Philip H. Williams on
page 281 of the June 1908 Chess Amateur (also with
a comment about nestling behind):
Scheveningen, 1923
From page 189 of CHESS, May 1940, in an article
entitled ‘Last-Round Surprises’ by S. Tartakower (pages
Maróczy annotated his loss to Oskam on pages 101-102 of
the Scheveningen, 1923 tournament book published by
Bernhard Kagan:
1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 e3 e6 4 Bd3 c5 5 c3 Be7 6 Nbd2 O-O 7
Ne5 Nbd7 8 f4 Ne8 9 O-O f5 10 g4 Ndf6 11 g5 Ne4 12 h4 Bd7
13 Qf3 b5 14 Qh3 c4 15 Bc2 b4 16 Ndf3 bxc3 17 bxc3 Nxc3 18
h5 Nd6 19 Ng6 Re8 20 Ba3 Nce4 21 Nfe5
21...Nc8 22 Rab1 Bxa3 23 Rb7 Nb6 24 Nxd7 Nd6 25 Nxb6 axb6
26 White resigns.
However, according to pages 104-105 of the tournament
book it was another game, Johner v Fick, which won the
prize for the first game to end in the final round:
1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 e3 Nf6 4 Nf3 Bg4 5 cxd5 Nxd5 6 e4 Nf6 7
Nc3 e6 8 Be3 Be7 9 Qc2 Bxf3 10 gxf3 Qa5 11 Rg1 g6 12 O-O-O
b5 13 Kb1 Nbd7
14 d5 exd5 15 exd5 exd5 16 Nxd5 Nxd5 17 Rxd5 a6 18 Bh3 f5
19 Qc6 [Kf7 and Black resigns].
In the exchanges on d5 a pair of moves was missing from
the tournament book, and our game-score above follows what
appeared on page 3 of the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant,
4 August 1923, which discussed both games:
11003. FIDE
politics: a basic question (C.N. 10923)
C.N. 10923 suggested a basic question to ask anybody
aspiring to lead FIDE:
If you are elected FIDE President, what are the main
specific changes that the chess world will see A) after
one year, and B) after four years?
The question has been put to Arkady Dvorkovich by
Macauley Peterson in a ChessBase
11004. Pitiful
Mention of Arkady Dvorkovich in C.N. 11003 prompts
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) to point out these Twitter
exchanges involving Nigel Short and Raymond Keene:
Raymond Keene’s inability to recognize Arkady Dvorkovich
is as pitiful as his pride in the defilement of the
Simpson’s-in-the-Strand chessboard (as shown on a Kingpin
11005. The choice
of openings
‘The lower the level of play, the less it matters what
opening is chosen ...’
C.H.O’D. Alexander, BCM, July 1955, page 216.
11006. A
simultaneous display by Josef Krejcik (C.N. 11000)
Peter Anderberg (Harmstorf, Germany) notes pages 36-37 of
Krejcik’s book Artige und unartige Kinder der
Schachmuse (Leipzig, 1925), which refers to an
11-board simultaneous display (Whitsun, 1910) on peg chess
sets (11 losses):
Our correspondent remarks:
‘This text is part of the section “Aus meinem
Leben: Dichtung” (“From my Life: Poetry” ), so the
entire story seems to be fictitious.’
White to move
This position will be discussed in the next C.N. item.
11008. Victor Rush
From pages 282-283 of the August 1915 BCM:
Rush lived until 1951, and a brief obituary is on page
118 of the April 1951 BCM.
This cutting is from Brian Harley’s column in the Observer,
7 April 1935, page 31:
The initial position was shown in C.N. 11007:
Mate in seven: 1 Qxh6 gxh6 2 Ne7+ Kf8 3 Rg8+ Kxe7 4 Nd5+
Ke6 5 f5+ Kxd5 6 c4+ Kc6 7 d5 mate.
11009. Los
Angeles, 1940
From the Los Angeles Times, 8 September 1940,
Part L, page 12:
The participants in the tournament were Borochow, Fine,
Steiner and Woliston. Page 244 of Reuben Fine by
Aidan Woodger (Jefferson, 2004) observed:
‘Fine had a relatively easy time in this tournament
(which is erroneously dated 1941 in his autobiography,
and hence several other sources).’
11010. Grossmeister
An unusual instance of the term ‘Grandmaster’ to
describe a problemist occurs at the start of the obituary
of Karl Kockelkorn on page 248 of Schachjahrbuch 1914
II. Teil by Ludwig Bachmann (Ansbach, 1914):
11011. The
Wallace murder case
A passage from Chess and
the Wallace Murder Case, where we referred to books
by Robert F. Hussey and Jonathan Goodman:
On page 171 Hussey wrote: ‘Barrister Abrahams states:
“The judge ... summed up strongly for acquittal.”’ He
did indeed, and it is perhaps surprising to find the
following on page 309 of Goodman:
‘A few years before his death, in an interview with a
Liverpool Echo reporter, he [Mr Justice Wright,
who took the title Lord Wright of Durley] said:
“Never forget that Wallace was a chessplayer. ... I
should say that, broadly speaking, any man with
common sense would have said that Wallace’s alibi
was too good to be true, but that is not an argument
you can hang a man on.”’
Lord Wright died in 1964, but no precise source for the
Liverpool newspaper interview was supplied by Goodman.
Now, Gerard Killoran (Ilkley, England) provides the
article, which was by Robert Jackson and was published on
page 8 of the Liverpool Echo and Evening Express,
27 November 1958:
11012. Josef Krejcik (C.N.s 11000
& 11006)
Harry Golombek’s review of Mein Abschied vom Schach
on pages 323-324 of the November 1955 BCM:
Since Golombek singled out the ‘portraitures’, the full
set is shown here, on pages 18-22 of Krejcik’s book:
Morgan on Chernev
Immediately after the review of the Krejcik book (C.N.
11012), page 324 of the November 1955 BCM had an
assessment by D.J. Morgan of Chernev’s 1000 Best Short
Games of Chess:
London, 1927
From page 188 of CHESS, May 1940, below is a
further extract from the article by Tartakower referred to
in C.N. 11002:
In the first paragraph, the word ‘previous’ is
inapposite; Tartakower v Réti was the last-round game.
Against Colle, Nimzowitsch was White, not Black; he
annotated the game on pages 73-76 of Die Praxis meines
Systems (Berlin, 1930).
Having annotated his win over Réti, Tartakower discussed
the aftermath of the London, 1927 tournament on page 201
of his first volume of Best Games (London, 1953).
In CHESS, Tartakower stated that a telegram was
sent to Buenos Aires, whereas his book had the phrase
‘contemplated sending ... a challenge to Buenos Aires’. On
page 270 of the French edition, Tartacover vous parle
(Paris, 1953), the wording was ‘envisageait ... de
lancer à Buenos-Aires un défi’.
11015. 1 d4 Nf6
A remark by Tartakower on page 37 of the Wiener
Schachzeitung, April 1923:
Morphy v Anderssen (C.N. 9519)
White to move
Regarding this position (a variation given by Tartakower
and du Mont), C.N. 9519 showed Edgard Tchélébi’s
observation on page 232 of Le secret de Morphy
(Limoges, 1960) that White can play 14 Ne6 Qe8 15 Nc5+
dxc5 16 Nxf6+.
We add now that Tchélébi had given similar analysis on
page 80 of the February 1955 BCM:
Alekhine’s château (C.N.s 4250, 4251, 4262 & 4345)
Bob Kane (London) notes another website
at which accommodation in Alekhine’s
château in St Aubin-le-Cauf can be booked. One
photograph at the website is of a room
with a chess set.
11018. Records
‘On 17 July 2013, Garry Turner (UK) attached 161
clothes pegs to his face on the set of Rekorlar
Dünyasi in Istanbul, Turkey.’
A photograph of Mr Turner’s head, virtually hidden by the
attachments, takes up much of page 93 of Guinness
World Records 2019 (London, 2018). The book has
scores, if not hundreds, of similar items, and especially
in the gross ‘Food Feats’ section.
In our annual doleful duty,
we note that the 2019 edition has an index entry for
clothes pegs but not for chess. However, the latter is
mentioned twice in the ‘Stop Press’ section on pages
Following on from the latter item, we seek detailed
information about the rook in the playing area of the 1974
Olympiad in Nice.
Europe Echecs, 5
July 1974, front cover
The photograph was also on page 155.
Europe Echecs, 5
August 1974, front cover
(Acknowledgement for the two Europe Echecs
photographs: Cleveland Public Library)
Schachzeitung, July 1974, front cover
BCM, August 1974,
page 291
Chess Life & Review,
October 1974, page 661.
11019. Nice, 1974
From the back cover of the Nice, 1974 Olympiad bulletins:
Major chess events often have, understandably, a logo
(C.N. 10672), but any possible reason for a mascot is hard
to discern.
Lasker v Euwe
Noting that Emanuel Lasker was 67 when he defeated Euwe
at Nottingham, 1936, José Carlos Santos (Porto, Portugal)
asks whether any even older player has ever beaten a
reigning world champion under standard tournament or match
We add that Lasker’s famous win was discussed on pages
23-24 of the January 1937 Australasian Chess Review
in an article by T.A. Krishnamachari. Its title,
‘Cross-Attack’, is a seldom-seen technical term.
This photograph of T.A. Krishnamachari (also:
Krishnamachariar) is taken from an article about him by
T.R. Dawson on pages 31-32 of the January 1940 BCM.
See too C.N. 3391 on pages 220-221 of Chess Facts and
Fables, and the entry on pages 214-215 of Indian
Chess History 570 AD-2010 AD by Manuel Aaron and
Vijay D. Pandit (Chennai, 2014).
Alekhine v Capablanca
The Dover reprint of the New York, 1924 tournament
book included a few post-1924 photographs, including this
The phrase ‘meet for a game’ appears to be captionese,
but is any more information available regarding the
11022. Incomplete
No volume entitled Complete Book of Chess History
is ever likely to be published, for obvious sound reasons,
but the word ‘complete’ is widely tolerated in the titles
of beginners’ chess books.
Cardoza Publishing, Las Vegas has just brought out a new
edition of Complete Book of Beginning Chess by
Raymond Keene. As shown in Cuttings
and on other C.N. pages, the previous edition (2003) had
innumerable factual errors, such as this double mishap on
page 241:
‘I’m not good at attention to detail’, stated Mr Keene
uncontroversially on page 17 of the November 1990 CHESS.
Since he is hopeless at chess history, the innumerable
factual errors in the 2003 edition of Complete Book of
Beginning Chess were mostly, though by no means
only, in the last 100 or so pages, in the chapters
entitled ‘The Heroes of Chess’, ‘The History of Chess’ and
‘The Best Games Ever Played’.
In the 2018 edition no textual amendments have
been made anywhere (‘Rèti’ is still the spelling passim),
that, gratifyingly, those three final chapters have been
silently removed.
There remains the logical conundrum of how the 2003 title
Complete Book of Beginning Chess could be retained
in 2018 for a new edition which is under half the weight
of its predecessor and has deleted about one third of the
content completely.
11023. Kasparov
interview for learners of Russian
An addition to C.N. 8684 concerns pages 123-131 of part
four of Читаем без проблем by N.A. Kostiuk (St
Petersburg, 2013):
Page 127 specifies the source of the interview: Аргументы
факты, 50/2003 and 3/2004.
11024. The
Predecessors series (C.N. 9839)
Have any corrected editions of Kasparov’s Predecessors
series been published?
This illustration comes from pages 46-47 of the work
mentioned in C.N. 9839: Chamo-me ... Garry Kasparov
(Lisbon, 2011), Me llamo ... Garri Kasparov
(Badalona, 2013) and Em dic ... Garri Kasparov
(Badalona, 2013).
Maróczy in conversation
On page 256 of CHESS, June 1947 B.H. Wood
reported on a conversation with Géza Maróczy at Baarn,
11026. Chess and politics
‘Your memory is regrettably short. Have you never heard
of the Bordell case ...?’
See our latest feature
11027. Marshall v
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) has forwarded a
game between Frank James Marshall and Irving Chernev
(simultaneous exhibition, Brooklyn, 6 December 1919) on
page 2 of section one of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle,
11 December 1919:
1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 Bc4 Nf6 5 Nxc3 d6 6 Qb3 Qe7
7 Nge2 Nbd7 8 O-O Nb6 9 Bg5 Nxc4 10 Qxc4 c6 11 Nf4 Qe5 12
Bxf6 Qxf6
13 Nfd5 Qd8 14 Rae1 Be6 15 f4 Rc8 16 Qa4 Bd7 17 Ne3 Qb6
18 Kh1 Be7 19 Nf5 Bxf5 20 exf5 Kf8 21 Qc2 d5 22 Nxd5 Qc5
23 Nc3 Bf6 24 Rf3 b5
25 Rfe3 Bd4 26 Re7 Bxc3 27 bxc3 Qxe7 28 Rxe7 Kxe7 29 Qe4+
Kf8 30 Qb4+ Ke8 31 Qd4 Rd8 32 Qe3+ Kf8 33 h4 h5 34 Qxa7
Rh6 Drawn.
Marshall’s other game, against Broughton and Lafleur:
1 e4 e5 2 d4 d6 3 Nf3 Nc6 4 Bc4 Nf6 5 Ng5 d5 6 exd5 Nxd4
7 d6 Be6 8 Nxe6 Nxe6 9 Bxe6 fxe6 10 dxc7 Qxc7 11 O-O Be7
12 Nc3 O-O 13 Bg5 Rac8 14 Qe2 Nd5 15 Nxd5 exd5 16 Bxe7
Qxe7 17 Rad1 Rfd8 18 c3 Rc6 19 Rd3 Qf6 20 Rfd1 d4 21 cxd4
exd4 22 h3 Rcd6 23 Qe4 Drawn.
By chance, Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has sent us the
chess column on page 8 of the Washington Post, 15
February 1920, which had the same two games and a similar
text. He adds that a report on Marshall’s display had been
published on page 2 of section one of the 8 December 1919
edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle:
11028. A
1934 chess cartoon
An addition to ‘From
Former Times (Chess)’:
Source: Chess Review, August 1934, page 133.
11029. A very
scarce periodical
Morten Lilleøren (Oslo) asks whether any reader has a run
of Erich Otto Freienhagen’s magazine of the late 1920s and
early 1930s Brief-Schach (entitled Fernschach-Courier
until summer 1928). Our correspondent has only digital
copies of some issues, and the Cleveland Public Library
informs us that it holds two original issues from volume
two, numbered 28-30 (‘Anfang August 1929’) and
31-33 (‘Ende August 1929’). Below are some of the pages
supplied by the Library:
Ludwig Steinkohl
Wanted: a biographical note on the prolific German chess
writer Ludwig Wilhelm Steinkohl. The back cover of his
book Faszination Fernschach (Düsseldorf, 1984):
Krishnamachari/Krishnamachariar (C.N. 11020)
Impressed by the article entitled ‘Cross-Attack’ shown in
C.N. 11020, Sean Robinson (Tacoma, WA, USA) asks to see
more of the Indian author’s output in the Hindu.
C.N. 3391 (page 221 of Chess Facts and Fables)
referred to the difficulty of tracing his columns and
mentioned one, ‘Adjournment Analysis’, reproduced on page
168 of CHESS, April 1949:
From page 33 of The World Chess Championship: 1951
Botvinnik v Bronstein by William Winter and R.G.
Wade (London, 1951):
11032. Press-room
Black to move
Below is the paragraph preceding the one in C.N. 11031,
from the 1951 Botvinnik v Bronstein match book by W.
Winter and R.G. Wade, pages 32-33. The writer is Wade.
Bronstein did not play 44...e5, ...h5 or ...f4, but
...fxe4. The book (page 129) had no analysis or comment at
that point in the game.
11033. A
reference to Steinitz
‘And it is in this respect that Agatha Christie repeats
her Cards on the Table triumph and, as it were,
plays and beats Steinitz with a single row of pawns.’
That review by ‘Torquemada’ of the Agatha Christie novel Appointment
Death comes from page 7 of the Observer, 1
May 1938.
Page 8 of the Linlithgowshire Gazette, 1 January
1932 published a win by the Indian:
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 h6 4 Bc4 Bc5 5 d4 Bb6 6 O-O a6 7
Bxf4 d6 8 Nc3 Nc6 9 Bxf7+ Kd7 10 Nd5 Nce7 11 Ne5+ dxe5 12
Qg4+ Kc6 13 Nb4+ Kb5 14 a4+ Ka5
15 Nc6+ Nxc6 16 Bd2+ Nb4 17 Bxb4+ Kxb4 18 c3+ Ka5 19 b4
The only information about the game is that it ‘was given
lately in La Vie Rennaise, we think, played in
11035. A famous
game revisited (C.N. 10951)
Position before 30 b3
Concerning Capablanca v Molina and Ruiz, Buenos Aires,
1914, Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) notes a
slightly earlier publication with the same annotations by
Capablanca and the same misspelling of the allies’ names,
on page 12 of the New York Sun, 31 January 1915:
11036. One
move deep
White to move
This position arose in a game won by Charles R. Gurnhill
of Sheffield. It was published on page 260 of the Chess
Amateur, June 1927, in the Games Department which he
There is no record of many, or any, Chess Amateur
readers being baffled by the position or asking why Black
did not reply 1...Rxd1+.
From page 39 of Keene On Chess by Raymond Keene
(New York, 1999):
That takes up over half of one large page. The same text
was repeated on page 39 of Raymond Keene’s Complete
Book of Beginning Chess (New York, 2003) and on
pages 40-41 of the Las Vegas, 2018 edition.
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.