Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
11530. The
Moves That Matter
Just received and to be savoured at a leisurely pace: The
Matter by Jonathan Rowson (London and New
York, 2019):
Jonathan Rowson is one of the best and cleverest chess
Capablanca caricatures
This caricature is given at the start of Glorias del
Tablero “Capablanca” by J.A. Gelabert (Havana, 1923)
and at the end of the second edition (Havana, 1924):
Yandy Rojas Barrios (Cárdenas, Cuba) writes:
‘Concerning this widely-disseminated caricature by
Conrado Massaguer, I can add that page 23 of the March
1923 edition of the magazine Social, which
Massaguer edited, had another one of Capablanca:
A colour version was on the back cover of the
January 1924 issue:
It is curious that the well-known 1922 caricature
does not appear in any edition of Social that
Leopold Löwy (C.N.s 11511, 11520, 11521 & 11527)
The heading of the document shown in C.N. 11527:
From Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada):
‘As a result of some research for my Kurt
Richter book, I noted that one of the “laws” introduced
by the Nazis was that all female Jews had to adopt the
name Sara and all males had to adopt the name Israel.
Perhaps your correspondent in Vienna, Michael Lorenz,
can clarify whether “Israel” was recorded as part of
Leopold Löwy’s name at the time of his birth or whether
it is on the document because Löwy was still considered
Jewish by the Vienna authorities even though, as Mr
Lorenz notes, Löwy had renounced Judaism in 1905.’
We have put the matter to Michael Lorenz, who replies:
‘Löwy was born with only one forename, Leopold.
Because he was considered Jewish under the 1935
Nuremberg Laws, he was forced to adopt the second
forename “Israel”. The Vienna authorities were
implementing a law of the German Reich.’
In the light of the foregoing we shall refer to the
master only as Leopold Löwy.
Richard Réti (C.N.s 4834, 4856 & 5335)
The above-referenced C.N. items discussed whether Richard
Réti was Jewish. Michael Lorenz now adds:
‘As far as is known, Réti was indeed Jewish. His
father Samuel was Jewish and was buried in his
parents’ grave in Vienna’s Jewish cemetery. He is not
listed in Anna Staudacher’s book Jüdisch-protestantische
in Wien 1782-1914 (Frankfurt am Main, 2004). Most
Viennese chess masters were born Jewish, although many
of them renounced Judaism. Prominent non-Jewish chess
masters who come immediately to mind are Feyerfeil,
Grünfeld, Hamppe, Kmoch, Krejcik, Liharzik, Marco,
Mayerhofer, Müller, Schlechter and Seidl.’
Sourceless quotes
How do such things happen?
11535. Fiction
Our latest feature article is Chess in Fiction.
11536. A constant
struggle (C.N. 11506)
C.N. 11506 asked for more information about a remark
ascribed to Jan Gustafsson:
‘Chess is a constant struggle between my desire not to
lose and my desire not to think.’
In C.N. 7203 a correspondent drew attention to a comment
by Dominic Lawson in an interview:
‘Someone once said, “Chess is a battle between your
aversion to the pain of losing, and your aversion to the
pain of thinking”.’
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) notes a passage
attributed to Adolf Albin on page 106 of Jaque Mate
by Kurt Richter (Barcelona, 1972):
We add the corresponding passage on page 96 of the second
edition of Richter’s Schachmatt (Berlin, 1958):
From page 10 of Schach-Aphorismen und Reminiscenzen
by A. Albin (Hanover, 1899):
Morphy v the Duke and Count
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) notes that
pages 225-226 of Paul Morphy, Sketch from the Chess
World by Max Lange (London, 1860) give the celebrated consultation game
as played at the Italian Opera during a performance of The
of Seville, which, in accordance with the
information provided by Fabrizio Zavatarelli in C.N. 6582,
suggests 4 November 1858.
However, we add page 210 of a later German edition of Max
Lange’s monograph, Paul Morphy Sein Leben und Schaffen
(Leipzig, 1894), where the heading had a date (October
On the basis of the 1858 documentation about Paris opera
performances which has been found so far, the statements
‘October 1858’ and ‘The Barber of Seville’ cannot
both be correct.
11538. Lipke
playing blindfold (C.N. 9130)
Philadelphia Times,
24 March 1895, page 21
The above report was shown in C.N. 9130, and now we add,
courtesy of the Cleveland Public Library, this image:
C.N. 9130 had a report on Lipke’s display in Frankfurt
from page 347 of the November 1894 Deutsche
Schachzeitung, and below is the conclusion of one of
his games, against E. Thomas, on page 18 of the January
1899 issue:
Can more specimens of his blindfold play be found?
A photograph of Lipke was the frontispiece of the January
1900 Deutsche Schachzeitung, and a biographical
note on pages 33-34 of the same issue mentioned his
ability to play up to ten games simultaneously without
sight of the board:
11539. Levenfish
book (C.N. 8520)
On the topic of books deserving an English translation,
in C.N. 8520 a correspondent nominated Izbrannye
partii i vospominanya by G. Levenfish (Moscow,
Douglas Griffin (Insch, Scotland) informs us that Quality
Chess has just published his translation of the book, with
additional material, under the title Soviet
Outcast (Glasgow, 2019).
11540. Guinness
It may be mentioned à sa décharge that the
Guinness company has, in addition to its books, a website with a
database featuring many chess-related
Morphy v the Duke and Count (C.N. 11537)
From Fabrizio Zavatarelli (Milan, Italy):
‘Morphy first dined with the Duke of Brunswick on 19
September 1858 (Lawson, page 158), which is a post
quem date. C.N. 6582 reported my findings in the
Parisian publication La presse, which
announced daily the performances in Paris theatres. My
search covered 19 September-31 December 1858.
As shown in C.N. 11537, Max Lange specified that the
famous consultation game was played during a
performance of Rossini’s The Barber of Seville
at the Italiens. There are no possible dates in
October, and the only ones in November are 4, 13 and
14; the last of those is unlikely, given the Deutsche
Schachzeitung report mentioned below. There was a
performance of The Barber of Seville on 23
December, but that has to be ruled out for the
additional reason that Morphy was ill (during his
match with Anderssen).
According to a report on pages 492-493 of the
December 1858 Deutsche Schachzeitung, Morphy
had played in consultation against the Duke and the
Count more recently than against Chamouillet and
Laroche. Although there are no extant consultation
games involving Laroche, page 2 of the Supplement
to Bell’s Life in London, 31 October 1858 published a
“game just played by Paul Morphy (blindfold) against
M. Chamouillet and the rest of the members of the
Versailles Chess Club, all in consultation”.
On page 172 of his book on Morphy, F.M. Edge wrote
regarding the Duke of Brunswick that “we were
frequent visitors to his box at the Italian Opera”,
and that on the first occasion the opera was Norma.
The relevant possible dates are 21, 23, 26 and 30
October. Norma was also performed on 9 and 28
December, but those dates seem too late in view of the
above-mentioned report in the Deutsche
To summarize, it appears that Morphy v the Duke and
Count was played either during a performance of Norma
on 21, 23, 26 or 30 October 1858 or, most probably,
during The Barber of Seville on 4 November
11542. F.M.
The edition of Bell’s Life in London referred to
in the previous item contained a brief correction:
‘We were mistaken in considering Mr Frederick Edge,
Paul Morphy’s energetic friend, an American. Mr Edge is
an Englishman, who had the honour to make Paul Morphy’s
acquaintance at the New York great Chess Congress, where
Mr E. officiated as one of the stewards.’
The previous week (page 3 of the 24 October 1858 edition)
Bell’s Life in London had stated, ‘Mr Edge is an
American merchant, travelling with Paul Morphy as his
second and friend’. That came at the end of a letter from
Edge on the Staunton-Morphy affair. For the full text, see
pages 108-112 of his book on Morphy; page 143 of Lawson’s
monograph gave only the final section. In the newspaper
and in the Edge book the spelling of his name was
‘Frederick Milns Edge’, whereas Lawson put ‘Milne’. It may
seem remarkable that Edge’s lengthy letter (approximately
1,500 words) was dated (Wednesday) 20 October and written
in Paris yet could already be included in Bell’s Life
in London on Sunday, 24 October. (Similarly, page 3
of the 10 October 1858 issue had a letter from Morphy in
Paris dated Wednesday 6 October; it had reached the
newspaper on 8 October.)
11543. Fischer in
From John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA):
‘The recent
publication of all 20 games from Bobby Fischer’s
simultaneous exhibition in Münster, Germany in 1970
resolved several mysteries and gave the chess world
over a dozen new games played by the late world
The display was previously known, although not the
exact date. The fact that it took place on 27
September 1970 makes it probable, if not 100% certain,
that the exhibition game Fischer v Andersson,
sponsored by the Swedish newspaper Expressen,
occurred the day before. The Siegen Olympiad ended on
27 September, but the last day of play was 25
September. It is conceivable, if unlikely, that the
Fischer v Andersson game was on 25 September, as
neither played in the final round of the Olympiad.
The complete set of games, both good and bad, in the
Münster display makes it clear that Fischer did not
follow the practice of some old-time masters of
considering that his move was not completed until he
had moved on the following board. In view of some of
the blunders committed by him that evening, such as 35
Rb5 against Langhanke, giving a final score of 15½-4½,
Fischer may have wished that he had.
The game against Eugen Kurz has a pretty finish with
some affinity to Fischer v Benko, US Championship,
1963-64 (17 Rg6 in one game and 19 Rf6 in the other):
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Nf3 Ngf6 6 Bg5
Be7 7 Nxf6+ Nxf6 8 Bd3 O-O 9 Qe2 c6 10 O-O-O Qc7 11 h4
b6 12 Ne5 Bb7 13 Rh3 Rad8 14 Rg3 Kh8 15 Bxf6 Bxf6 16
Qh5 h6
17 Rg6 fxg6 18 Qxg6 Resigns.
Another question is whether the Münster display is
the only one ever given by Fischer in which he took
Black (in eight of the 20 games). Most exhibitors take
White, and in this Fischer was no exception. In his
1964 exhibition tour of North America he gave over 40
displays, and in not one is there a record of him
playing a single game as Black.’
Retracting moves in simultaneous displays
From page 157 of CHESS, March 1973:
Readers related experiences and voiced opinions on pages
189, 196, 219 and 220 of the April 1973 CHESS and
on pages 229 (see C.N. 11222) and 230 of the May 1973
issue. On page 257 of the June 1973 CHESS Wolfgang
Heidenfeld contributed a letter referred to in C.N.s 9531
and 11222:
Heidenfeld’s final paragraph referred to a news item on
page 221 of the May 1973 CHESS:
F.D. Yates
C.N. 7910 drew attention to a surprising article
Stephen John Mann on the Yorkshire Chess History
website which advocated, on the basis of extensive
documentation, ‘Fred Dewhirst Yates’:
‘The popular rendering of his name as “Frederick
Dewhurst Yates” is erroneous. There seems no evidence of
any formal, official documents ever calling him
“Frederick”; instead “Fred” seems to appear throughout.
“Dewhurst” is a spelling mistake now widely copied in
the literature.’
Given that, in the seven years since C.N. 7910 carried
that item on Yates, no
historian has, to our knowledge, disputed Mr Mann’s
conclusion, it would seem appropriate for efforts to be
stepped up to eradicate occurrences of the
previously-accepted version, ‘Frederick Dewhurst Yates’.
11546. H.G. Wells
C.N. 1554 mentioned that page 5 of a 1984 book by Nicolas
Giffard, Les Echecs, attributed this quote to
Oscar Wilde:
‘Si vous voulez détruire un homme, apprenez-lui à
jouer aux échecs.’ [‘If you want to destroy a man,
teach him to play chess.’]
A correspondent in Canada, C.D. Robinson, observed in
C.N. 1566:
‘Surely this is not Wilde, but a neat compression of
two sentences in H.G. Wells’ essay “Concerning Chess”:
“You have, let us say, a promising politician, a
rising artist, that you wish to destroy. Dagger or bomb
are archaic, clumsy and unreliable – but teach him,
inoculate him with chess!” The essay has been
reprinted several times since its first publication in
1901, e.g. in Jerome Salzmann’s The Chess Reader
(pages 194-198).’
See page 380 of Kings, Commoners and Knaves.
Wells’ essay had, in fact, first appeared on page 3 of
the Pall Mall Gazette, 12 February 1895. Parts
have often been quoted, and not least his observation,
‘though we revere Steinitz and Lasker, it is Bird we
love’. Below is the full article in its original
11547. Niels Lie
and Arne Desler
From page 355 of Alt om Skak by Bjørn Nielsen
(Odense, 1943):
A ‘famous’ correspondence game between two of the
players, Niels Lie and Arne Desler, is discussed in Chess and The Prisoner.
Half of page 23 of the Nielsen book referred to in the
preceding item was taken up with this photograph:
There is no suggestion that the picture of ‘P. Quinliven’
was anything other than a random selection, from an
unknown source. In its coverage of the London League New
Year Congress, page 78 of the February 1937 BCM
reported that in Section C of the Boys’ Championship the
tail-ender, with no points, was ‘P.J. Quinlivan (who was
the youngest competitor, aged 12)’.
In the same event two years later (as reported on page 73
of the February 1939 BCM) he finished equal last,
with one point. Again his name was given as P.J.
Quinlivan, as it was too on page 6 of the Daily Herald,
3 January 1939:
Capablanca v Kalantarov
White to move
José de Jesús García Ruvalcaba (San Diego, CA, USA) asks
whether there is any hope of finding the full score of Capablanca v
Kalantarov, St Petersburg, 1913.
As an example of the Nazis’ imposition of Sara as a
second forename (C.N. 11532), Michael Lorenz (Vienna)
provides a page from the probate file of Alexander
Halprin’s widow, Mathilde Halprin, who died in Vienna on 9
October 1941:
This photograph of Alexander Halprin (1868-1921) comes
from page 101 of the 5 March 1938 issue of the Wiener
Pages 101-104 had a commemorative article on Halprin by
Ernst Weizmann, including annotations by Heinrich Wolf to
Halprin’s complex win against Carl Schlechter (Vienna,
11551. Alexander
As an addition to Graves of
Chess Masters Michael Lorenz sends two photographs
which he took on 24 May 2019:
Our correspondent writes:
‘As stated on pages 102-103 of the 5 March 1938 Wiener
Schachzeitung, Alexander Halprin was buried at “Gruppe
8, Grab 75” of the new Jewish cemetery at gate 4 of
the Vienna Zentralfriedhof. His grave is the empty
space to the left of the tree. The grave on the left
(number 76 in row 8) is that of Sofie Morgenstern, who
died on 20 May 1921 at the Rothschildspital in
Bishop takes pawn
C.N.s 9805, 9809, 9812, 9861, 9871 and 10264 have
discussed captures similar to Fischer’s 29...Bxh2 against
Spassky in the 1972 world championship match. Gerd Entrup
(Herne, Germany) now points out this position in the game
between Pillsbury and Steinitz in round 16, St Petersburg,
On page 50 of the tournament book W.H.K. Pollock wrote of
30 Bxh7:
‘A somewhat rash capture, owing to the white king being
so much exposed to attack, leading to the successful
corralling of the bishop. It was not easy to analyse,
and doubtless Mr Pillsbury, as on other occasions about
the 30th and 45th move, was short of time. As a quiet
move, 30 R-Q sq might be suggested.’
The game continued 30...g6 31 Qd4 Ng7 and was won by
Steinitz at move 100.
Death at the board
C.N. 1286 (see page 126 of Chess Explorations)
referred to two players who died during chess games: Georg
Olland (1933) and James Marshall (1926). Now, Avital
Pilpel (Haifa, Israel) informs us that Moshe Roytman has
drawn his attention to a case reported in Shaul Hon’s
chess column on page 34 of the 8 December 1972 edition of
Maariv. It concerned the inter-kibbutz team
tournament, won by Hadera with 41 points:
Mr Pilpel’s translation of the highlighted passage:
‘The tournament was stopped prematurely owing to the
sudden death of Mordechai Rudolfer of Givat Hayim
(Meuchad), who suffered a heart attack in the middle of
his last-round game. Games which had not yet been
decided were declared drawn.’
11554. P.H.
This portrait of Philip
Hamilton Williams has been forwarded by Olimpiu G.
Urcan (Singapore), courtesy of the London Borough of
Hackney Archives (photograph reference number D/S/1/3
11555. Rapid
transit tournament
There are few photographs of fast
chess events of times past, but a shot is given here
from page 38 of The Book of the Pan-American Chess
Tournament 1926 edited by Hermann Helms (New York,
The picture is also on page 91 of the American Chess
Bulletin, July-August 1926.
‘Book of the year’
Awards for the so-called
‘best chess book of the year’ have seldom merited respect
(especially in view of the judges’ lack of credentials),
but we note that there is now a FIDE Book of the
Year 2018 contest, with a short-list of three
Harry Golombek
The reference in C.N. 11548 to the London Boys’
Championship inevitably brings to mind Harry Golombek.
From his obituary,
by William Hartston, on page 12 of the Independent,
10 January 1995:
‘In 1928, Golombek played in his first London Boys’
Championship, finishing last in his section. The next
year, however, he won it, an achievement of which he
seemed never to tire of reminding his readers ...
Golombek went from Wilson’s Grammar to London
University, though there is no record of his having
completed his degree.’
Daily Herald, 7
January 1929, page 3
One of Golombek’s many mentions of the London Boys’
Champion title was quoted in C.N. 5215, from his column in
The Times, 5 July 1975, page 7:
‘... it is true that, like everybody else, I started
off as a player and that when I won the London Boys’
Championship some 48 [sic] years ago I had not
the faintest inkling that I would end up as that thing
of silk, a mere chess journalist.’
‘I was London Boy Champion and had a very quick sight of
the board’, wrote Golombek when reviewing a book about
Sultan Khan on page 175 of the June 1966 BCM.
also mentioned that ‘I was London Boy Champion’ in his
semi-autobiographical obituary of Jacob Bronowski on pages
441-443 of the December 1974 BCM.
There are contradictory accounts of Golombek’s university
studies. The entry for him in the Sunnucks Encyclopaedia
referred to his ‘graduating in languages at London
University’. The entry that he wrote about himself in his
1977 Encyclopedia of Chess stated (page 131):
‘Educated at Wilson’s Grammar School and the University
of London, he became London Boy champion in 1929 and
London University champion 1930-33.’
From the article about Golombek, by W.D. Rubinstein, in
the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography:
‘Golombek also began, but did not complete, a general
degree at King’s College, London, leaving in 1932.’
For a photograph of the young Golombek, see C.N. 6555.
11558. Golombek’s
grandmaster title
In his Independent obituary of Harry Golombek
referred to in the previous item, William Hartston wrote:
‘He was awarded the title of International Grandmaster
in 1985, which he liked to stress was not an honorary
award, but a belated recognition of his playing
achievements in the 1940s.’
Confusion sometimes arises over the status and
terminology of such a title. In keeping with Jeremy
Gaige’s usage in Chess Personalia, C.N. 1808 (see
page 196 of Kings, Commoners and Knaves) stated
that ‘in 1985 FIDE made Harry Golombek an emeritus GM’,
but in addition to ‘emeritus’ and ‘honorary’ another
possibility is ‘honoris causa’.
Page 121 of FIDE Golden book 1924-2016 by Willy
Iclicki gave a single list, without different categories,
of individuals awarded the grandmaster title in 1985.
Golombek appeared, with the forename ‘Garry’.
Some particulars are shown below from FIDE Congress,
Graz 1985 Minutes & Annexes, beginning with an
extract from page 4 of the minutes of the General Assembly
(29-31 August):
The FIDE document included a report on the meeting on
25-26 August of the Qualification Commission, whose Acting
Chairman was Eero Helme (Finland):
The relevant part of the above-mentioned list:
The documentation leaves a number of loose ends, and we
shall welcome authoritative guidance on this topic, and
not only concerning the particular case of Golombek.
Vázquez on Capablanca
Below is an article by Andrés Clemente Vázquez on page
142 of the Cuban publication El Fígaro, March
A translation of part of the article is on pages 3-4 of
our monograph on Capablanca.
11560. Further
Capablanca items
In raw scrapbook form, some Capablanca items are
reproduced from our archives:
For a translation of the interview with Capablanca, see
page 117 of our monograph on him.
A letter from Capablanca to the Argentinian master Luis
R. Piazzini:
11561. Bird
and Mackenzie in Bristol
Hans Renette (Bierbeek, Belgium) writes:
‘Some items in the Bristol Times and Mirror
shed light on a small provincial tour by Bird and
Mackenzie in 1885 (discussed on pages 353-354 of my
book on Bird) and the Englishman’s controversial
attitude to professionalism and amateurism in chess.
Bird and Mackenzie intended to visit Cardiff (as
noted in my book), though not Swansea. Instead, they
spent three days in Bristol, but without playing any
chess games. In a letter published on page 3 of the 11
September 1885 edition of the Bristol Times and
Mirror Bird complained about the lack of an
initiative to arrange games with “any chess admirers
in friendly contest”:
The same issue had a brief news report on page 5:
The President of the Bristol and Clifton Chess Club,
the Rev. J. Greene, responded on page 7 of the
newspaper’s 14 September 1885 edition, criticizing
Bird’s attitude to payment for “friendly contests”:’
11562. Fischer
and the Hedgehog
John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA) writes:
‘Bobby Fischer’s contributions include countless
opening innovations and original middlegame plans. His
pioneering use of the King’s Indian Attack is an
example of how he seamlessly combined the two, and his
wins against Ivkov (Second Piatigorsky Cup, 1966),
Myagmarsuren (Sousse Interzonal, 1967) and Panno
(Buenos Aires, 1970) are still model games half a
century later.
Fischer is also one of the founding fathers of the
Hedgehog. Ulf Andersson and Ljubomir Ljubojević played
it extensively in the 1970s and 1980s and are credited
with being its creators, but, as will be shown below,
this is not completely true.
García Soruco v Fischer, Havana Olympiad, 1966 is
credited as the game where the plan …Kh8, ...Rg8, …g5,
…Rg6 and …Rag8 was first seen, but this may not be so.
On pages 18-20 of the 1974 book Morphy Chess
Masterpieces by Fred Reinfeld and Andrew Soltis the
latter points out that Fischer may have been
influenced by Paulsen v Morphy, New York, 1857, where
Black played ...Kh8, ...Rg8 and ...g5. The pawn
structure is different, but there is some similarity.
Here is how the Hedgehog may have developed.
Both players were without sight of the board in the
game, which was played on 10 October 1857 and is on
page 30 of Hans Renette’s monograph on Paulsen.
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Bc5 4 Bb5 d6 5 d4 exd4 6
Nxd4 Bd7 7 Nxc6 bxc6 8 Ba4 Qf6 9 O-O Ne7 10 Be3 Bxe3
11 fxe3 Qh6 12 Qd3 Ng6 13 Rae1 Ne5 14 Qe2 O-O 15 h3

15...Kh8 16 Nd1 g5 17 Nf2 Rg8 18 Nd3 g4 19 Nxe5
dxe5 20 hxg4 Bxg4 21 Qf2 Rg6 22 Qxf7 Be6 23 Qxc7
Morphy now announced mate in five starting with
The next game, considered the first example of the
plan being executed in its entirety, comes from the
1966 Olympiad in Havana (Julio García Soruco v Bobby
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 a6 6
Bc4 e6 7 Bb3 b5 8 a3 Be7 9 Be3 O-O 10 O-O Bb7 11 f3
Nbd7 12 Qd2 Ne5 13 Qf2 Qc7 14 Rac1

Passive moves (a3, f3 and Rac1) by the Bolivian
Olympiad team member are just the encouragement that
Fischer needs to implement what Kasparov calls the
“compressed spring” strategy.
15 Nce2 Rg8 16 Kh1 g5 17 h3 Rg6
17...d5 is a good move, but it reduces the
tension. The text gives White more problems to
18 Ng3?
White cannot just sit tight. He had to try
something active, such as 18 Rfd1 Rag8 19 c4, with
the idea of 19...bxc4 20 Bxc4 Nxc4 21 b3.

18...d5 was again quite good for Black, but
Fischer adheres to his strategy and is soon
19 Nxe6?
This simply loses, but it is hard to suggest a
satisfactory defense.
19...fxe6 20 Bxe6 Nxe4 21 Nxe4 Rxe6 22 White
Fischer’s first try with the variation worked like a
charm, his opponent allowing him to do everything he
wanted. The second time around, matters were not so
simple. The 19-year-old Ulf Andersson was not yet a
world-class grandmaster, but he was a strong player
(rated 2480 on the July 1970 FIDE rating list, which
placed him in the top 100 players in the world at the
This game between Fischer and Andersson was played
in a hotel room in Siegen on 26 September 1970, the
day after the Olympiad ended. Fischer was paid a fee
by a Swedish newspaper, which published the game-score
a move a day over several months.
1 b3
This was not the first time that Fischer opened
with 1 b3, as he had played it a few months before
against Tukmakov in Buenos Aires. Fischer stated
that 1 e4! is "best by test" (C.N. 4423), but he had
a much better career record with 1 b3 – a perfect
4-0 score, in fact. All the games were played
against quality opponents (Mecking and Filip were
the two others) and were interesting fights in which
Fischer introduced new ideas.
1...e5 2 Bb2 Nc6 3 c4 Nf6 4 e3 Be7 5 a3 O-O 6 Qc2
6 d3 d5 7 cxd5 Qxd5 8 Nc3 Qd6 9 Nf3 Bf5 10 Qc2
Rfd8 11 Rd1 h6 12 h3 Qe6 13 Nd2 Nd7 14 Be2 Kh8?!
(14...Qg6 (Kasparov)) 15 O-O Bg6 16 b4 a6 17 Rc1
Rac8 18 Rfd1 f5 19 Na4 Na7 20 Nb3 b6 21 d4 f4 22 e4
and White soon won in Fischer v Tukmakov, Buenos
Aires, 1970.
6...d5 7 cxd5 (7 d3) 7...Nxd5 8 Nf3 Bf6 9 d3 g6 10
Nbd2 Bg7 11 Rc1 was a dream Sicilian for White in
Petrosian v Sosonko, Tilburg, 1981. Black is
actually two tempi down on normal lines in the
Scheveningen (colors reversed) as he has spent three
moves with his king’s bishop instead of one.
7 d3 Bf8 8 Nf3 a5 9 Be2 d5 10 cxd5 Nxd5 11 Nbd2 f6
Andersson supports his e-pawn with the text, but
step-by-step he is drifting into a passive position
where he will soon have no constructive plan.
Soltis suggests 11...g6 followed by ...Bg7 as
Sosonko played, but it would seem that ...g6, ...Bg7
and ...d5 in the opening save a couple moves over
12 O-O Be6 13 Kh1!!
“The exclamation points are not awarded to this move,
but rather to Fischer’s entire plan. It is the
originality of the plan that merits praise. Later,
this plan became popular in Hedgehog positions, where
(with colors reversed) White’s c-pawn is on his fourth
rank.” (Alex Fishbein on page 48 of his 1996 book
on Fischer.)
13...Qd7 14 Rg1 Rad8 15 Ne4!

If 15...h5 then 16 h3 with g4 to follow. In fact,
Black has no way to stop g4, as the noted Hedgehog
expert Sergey Shipov points out:
15...Kh8 16 g4! Bxg4 17 Rxg4! Qxg4 18 Nxe5 Qe6
19 Bg4 Qg8 20 Nxc6 bxc6 21 Rg1! with powerful
compensation for the exchange.
15...Nb6 16 g4! Bxg4 17 Nh4 f5 18 Nxf5 Qxf5 (or
18...Bxe2 19 Nf6+ Kh8 20 Nxd7 Bf3+ 21 Rg2 Rxd7 22
Nh4 Bxg2+ 23 Kxg2) 19 Bxg4 Qf7 20 d4 exd4 21 Ng5.
In both cases White is winning.
16 g4! g6?!
This unforced weakening increases the strength of
16...Nb6 17 Nfd2 Be7 (Shipov) or 17...Bd5
(Kasparov) would have offered complicated play.
17 Rg3 Bg7 18 Rag1!
“A remarkable attacking construction! The original
source, with reversed colours, was the game Soruco v
Fischer (Havana Olympiad, 1966).” (Kasparov on
page 353 of his 2004 book on Fischer in the
Predecessors series.)
18...Nb6 19 Nc5! Bc8 20 Nh4 Nd7?
Black had to sacrifice the exchange for a pawn:
20...Rd5 21 Bf3 Rxc5 22 Qxc5 Qxb3 with chances for
both sides (Shipov).
21 Ne4!

“An amazing paradox: with the board full of pieces,
practically without coming into contact with the enemy
army and not straying beyond his own half of the
board, White has imperceptibly achieved a winning
position.” (Kasparov on page 353 of his 2004 book
on Fischer in the Predecessors series.)
21...Nf8 22 Nf5! Be6 23 Nc5 Ne7 24 Nxg7! Kxg7 25
g5! Nf5 26 Rf3 b6 27 gxf6+ Kh8 28 Nxe6 Rxe6

29 d4! exd4 30 Bc4 d3 31 Bxd3 Rxd3 32 Qxd3 Rd6 33
Qc4 Ne6 34 Be5 Rd8 35 h4 Nd6 36 Qg4 Nf8 37 h5 Ne8 38
e4 Rd2 39 Rh3 Kg8 40 hxg6 Nxg6 41 f4 Kf8 42 Qg5 Nd6
43 Bxd6+ Resigns.
“This game made such a great impression on Ulf
Andersson that in the 1970s the talented Swedish
grandmaster, who is well known for his skill in defence,
became one of the main ideologists of the ‘hedgehog’
set-up and the ‘compressed spring’ method when playing
Black. That is how the chess revolution of the 1970s
began.” (Kasparov on page 354 of his 2004 book on
Fischer in the Predecessors series.)
Here, just a day after the game with Andersson,
Fischer has the opportunity to use his plan once
again, as Black against Michels in the simultaneous
display in Münster referred to in C.N. 11543. White’s
fate is similar to what would have happened to García
Soruco if he had not self-destructed with 19 Nxe6.
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 a6 6
Bd3 e6 7 Nb3 Be7 8 O-O Qc7 9 Qe2
9 Be3 Nbd7 10 f4 O-O 11 Qf3 is a popular main
9...Nbd7 10 Be3 O-O 11 f3?!
11 f4 is necessary as the text is too passive.
11...b6 12 Qf2 Bb7 13 Rfd1 Rac8 14 Rac1
White has no constructive plan.
14...b5 15 a3 Ne5 16 Kh1 Kh8

17 Bb6 Qb8 18 Rd2 Rg8 19 Rcd1 g5 20 Bd4 Rg6 21 Qf1
Rcg8 22 a4
White decides that he cannot wait forever.
22 Qe1 Bd8 23 Qf1 Bc7 followed by a break with
...d5 is another idea at Black’s disposal. If 22 Qg1
then 22...Nxd3 23 cxd3 e5 24 Be3 d5.
22...bxa4 23 Nxa4

23 Na5 had to be tried.
23...g4! 24 f4 Nxd3 25 cxd3 g3! 26 h3 e5! 27 f5
Rg4! 28 hxg4 exd4 29 Nxd4 Qf8 wins even more
24 Bxe5 dxe5 25 Nac5 g4! 26 Nxb7 Qxb7
26...Nh5! would have ended matters faster.
27 Bxa6?
27 g3 had to be played.
27...Qa7 28 Qd3 gxf3 29 Na5
As 29 gxf3 is met by 29…Nh5.
29...Ng4 30 gxf3 Qf2 31 White resigns.
In view of these games, should Fischer be considered
the father of the Hedgehog? He certainly discovered
the key setup with …Kh8, …Rg8, …g5, …Rg6 and ...Rag8.
We also know that he was very conscious of Black’s
ability to break with …d5 (or when to avoid it). What
we do not know for sure, since none of his opponents
had their c-pawn on c4 or …c5, is whether he was aware
of the …b5 break played independently or in
conjunction with …d5. It does seem likely. Less clear
is the maneuver …Bf8-e7-d8-c7, a now-standard Hedgehog
line, which came into practice only after Fischer had
stopped playing post-1972. All in all, it seems
fairest to give credit to Fischer as the originator
and to Andersson and Ljubojević for refining it.’
11563. Capablanca
This photograph, with Capablanca seated in the centre,
was given in C.N. 7727, courtesy of its owner, Ross
Part of a painting of Capablanca is visible on the wall:

Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) notes that the portrait is
by Esteban Valderrama, as shown in the 11 June 1933
edition of Diario de la Marina:
A painting of Capablanca by Valderrama dated 1938 is the
frontispiece of The Immortal Games of Capablanca
by Fred Reinfeld (New York, 1942) and is on the front
cover of the 1990 Dover edition:
Hands (C.N.s 10616 & 10812)
A further contribution from Mr Urcan concerns the
photograph of Capablanca’s hand discussed in C.N.s 10616
and 10812. Our correspondent provides page 17 of Diario
la Marina, 5 November 1927:
11565. Vladimir
Dan Scoones (Coquitlam, BC, Canada) asks which is the
fullest contemporary account of Simagin’s death, at the
age of 49, during the Kislovodsk tournament in September
1968. To open the topic, Mr Scoones forwards the brief
notice, devoid of details, in the tournament report on
page 7 of the 24/1968 issue of Shakhmaty Riga:
The front cover of the monograph on Simagin by S.B.
Voronkov (Moscow, 1981):
11566. Fast
chess (C.N. 11555)
A report on the 1943 Metropolitan Speed Championship on
pages 282-283 of the October 1943 Chess Review:
Lasker playing Laska
From the Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte,
Berlin, Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has obtained
authorization for us to reproduce this photograph of
Emanuel Lasker:
Pages 308-330 of Emanuel Lasker Denker Weltenbürger
Schachweltmeister edited by Richard Forster, Stefan
Hansen and Michael Negele (Berlin, 2009) consist of a
chapter about Laska by Wolfgang Angerstein, with the
following on page 308:
It will be noted that the identification of Lasker’s
opponent as Leo Joseph is tentative. Page 1057 gives the
source of the picture: Der Tag, 27 September 1911.
The Berlin Archives have only the Lasker part of the
11568. Staunton
‘the Bird’
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘The Satirist, or Censor of the Times was a
Sunday paper which specialized in scandal and
innuendo. Chess was discussed occasionally, but the
material needs to be viewed with great caution.
Page 4 of the 24 December 1843 issue carried the
following reply to a correspondent, “Queer Gambit”,
who, it is implied, had suspected some kind of
skulduggery in the Staunton v Saint Amant match in
“Queer Gambit. – Ever since chess became a betting
game, it is as little removed from ‘the cross system’,
as the race, the ring, the river, or running matches.
We believe the contest in the French capital to have
been a fair one, notwithstanding what ‘Queer Gambit’
has heard.”
The “cross system” refers to a method of breeding
racehorses in which strict pedigree requirements are
watered down.
Howard Staunton may have been paying the price of
newly-won fame, since, two weeks later, on 7 January
1844, he was featured again, on page 4:
“A correspondent asks us if it is true that the
English champion at chess, Mr Staunton, used to be
known in certain circles some years back by the
jocular soubriquet of ‘the Bird’. Perhaps somebody
will satisfy this curious gentleman.”
No follow-up insertions have been found.
Enlightenment is sought as to the possible
significance of the soubriquet “the Bird”, and what
the “certain circles” may have been.
The Editor was Barnard Gregory (1796-1852), who was
also the leader of a company of amateur actors called
the Shaksperians. According to Frederic Boase’s Modern
English Biography (volume 1, pages 1233-1234):
“... he libelled and blackmailed many persons,
especially Charles, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg.”
The Duke played against Paul Morphy in the
celebrated consultation game (Paris, 1858). The same
source mentions that Gregory was twice imprisoned and
that he played Hamlet at Covent Garden on 13 February
1843, “when there was a riot headed by the Duke of
Gregory also edited The Penny Satirist,
Botvinnik’s columbarium
Concerning this photograph, which he took at the
Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow in February 2019, Douglas
Griffin (Insch, Scotland) comments:
‘It shows the columbarium for Mikhail Botvinnik, his
wife Gayane Davidovna and his mother Serafima
With regard to the cremation of Max Euwe, discussed in
C.N. 4116 (see Graves of
Chess Masters), Mr Griffin notes that the Dutch
National Archive site has four
Leopold Löwy (C.N.s 11511, 11520, 11521, 11527 &

From Michael Lorenz (Vienna):
‘This is the protocol of the Magistratisches
Bezirksamt of the Leopoldstadt district, dated 4 May
1905, in which Leopold Löwy declared his intention to
renounce Judaism and to adhere to no religion. It is
the only known document where Löwy gave his profession
as "Mathematiker”.’
Group photograph (C.N.s 7727 & 11563)
Regarding this photograph, owned by Ross Jackson (Raumati
South, New Zealand), we note that the painter Esteban
Valderrama is standing on the left. On his left, next to
Capablanca, is the fencer Ramón Fonst.
11572. Lasker in Weston-super-Mare
Richard Forster (Winterthur, Switzerland) sends this
article by ‘W.H.C.’ from page 2 of the Weston Mercury
and Somersetshire Herald, 7 March 1908 (Saturday):
‘World’s chess champion at Weston
A pen portrait of Dr Lasker
Marvellous exhibition of simultaneous play
The visit which Dr Emanuel Lasker, the world’s chess
champion, paid to Weston-super-Mare on Tuesday will
undoubtedly provide a potent stimulus not only to the
local chess club, under whose auspices the visit took
place, but to chess-lovers of the district generally. Dr
Lasker’s visit embraced the giving of a lecture at
Messrs Brown Bros. Popular Café and a subsequent
exhibition of simultaneous play. Before entering upon
details, however, it may not be uninteresting if we give
a hastily penned sketch of the master and his methods as
suggested by his recent visit. Dr Lasker is of Jewish
extraction and, by way of preface, it may be mentioned
that there is considerably more in that fact than would
prima facie appear, for the championship in the
king of games has been retained in Jewish hands for no
less than 42 years, Steinitz holding it for 28 years
until 1894, while the subject of the present notice has
been champion ever since. Dr Lasker himself attributes
predominance of the Jewish genius in chess to the fact
that its rules are entirely based upon those of
self-defence in the struggle for life, of which art Jews
are adepts. The doctor is apparently some 40 years of
age, of medium height, and possessing a physiognomy
which, in addition to bewraying his nationality,
strikingly suggests mental force. Yet, clothed in a
homely tweed suit, unostentatious in deed and word,
walking from table to table with a shuffling step
begotten of tens of thousands of such rounds in
thousands of saloons, one would not for the moment
recognize in him the intellectual giant. That
recognition comes later when the pieces are on the board
and the champion sets about his work. It is then that
one looks up across the board into the dark,
short-sighted eyes peering through the steel-rimmed pince-nez
and recognizes – Lasker! Playing as he did 20 games
simultaneously on Tuesday evening the doctor afforded
little or no sign of the strain necessarily involved by
the ordeal. A momentary shifting of the unlighted cigar
between his teeth or a hand rapidly rumpling the hair at
the crown of the head were practically the only
indications of the rapidly evolved mental processes
within. Despite the necessary concentration, however, Dr
Lasker on occasion manifested his sense of humour by
such an enigmatic remark as “There’s trouble brewing
here”. Whatever elation an opponent might experience
over the momentary thought that he had placed the
redoubtable doctor in a difficult position was speedily
dispelled, however, by the subsequent discovery that the
trouble had brewed and that the victim thereof
was certainly not Lasker. The opposing players numbered
20, and an adequate idea of the champion’s genius may be
gauged from the fact that for practically the first hour
of play he visited and made his moves at each of the
tables on an average of little more than two and a half
minutes. The only player winning a game was the Rev.
T.A. Robinson, of Hewish, who adopted the Giuoco Piano
opening, and who throughout manifested initiative and
resourceful method, while Mr Hans Price effected a
meritorious draw. At 10.30 p.m. Messrs E.W. Greenway,
J.G. Kemp and F.W. Crisp alone remained in play, but in
each case the end came suddenly. The list of players
with results is as follows: won – Rev T.A. Robinson.
Drew – Mr Hans F. Price. Lost – Messrs P.H.P. Griess, F.
Price, F.W. Crisp, J. Bennett, A.W. Bottomley, Capt.
R.B. Beard, Messrs H.H. Hely, J. Grace, A.Y. Oag, M.E.
Stahl, N. Minifie, H. Shorney, J.G Kemp, E.C. Robinson,
E.W. Greenway, Rev. W. Blake-Atkinson and Master H.E.
Huntley. As already mentioned, the evening was initiated
with a lecture by the champion, in which connection be
it said that, as a lecturer, Lasker stands in absolute
contrast with the Lasker of the board. The doctor is a
cosmopolitan, and therefore a linguist of considerable
range, and while the matter of his English is perfect,
his accent is so pronounced as to present some little
difficulty to the auditor. The contrast, however, is
particularly in regard to method, for whereas at the
board he is a man of lightning intuition (we are not, of
course, referring to games of weighty issue, wherein the
proverbial thousand and one possibilities have to be
weighed and considered) as a speaker his sentences are
weighed with particular deliberation. His ideas are just
as cultured and intellectual as one would expect in a
man of his attainments, but so deliberately are they
advanced that some of their undoubted forcefulness is
sacrificed. Dr Lasker said, apart from the fact that
chess taught us many virtues in life, they might well
consider how closely chess and life were related. If
they pondered the question they would find many more
resemblances than would at first sight appear. The rule
in chess that it was played between two opponents, and
that one moved and then the other, constituted a
profoundly philosophic observation on life, and it was
the corresponding resistance we met in life that made us
conquer. No man could play a fine game of chess unless
he had a fine opponent; a fine game was a masterpiece
produced by two minds contending with each other. And in
life too the nation might be regarded as the one player,
and the man, the individual, as the other. If the nation
was a fine player so to speak – if it made fine laws and
gave adequate rewards to its men of genius – then we
found that nation producing great men. It might appear
to the observer that the man who won at chess did so by
reason of some unfathomable quality which was usually
called genius. Intrinsically that argument meant nothing
at all; it was shirking the question. And it was the
same thing in life: when a man produced anything
exceptional he was called a genius, and the thing was
considered settled. Carlyle had defined genius as “an
infinite capacity for taking pains”, but it was quite
possible that a man might labour much without commanding
success. And so it was in chess: many men studied the
game, learned everything that was to be learned, and yet
never attained the skill that others did. There was
something needed beyond industry in order to command
success, and in chess two things were required – first
of all, economy of effort and, secondly, imagination. A
fine chessplayer was so because he made his combinations
with ease, and because he had imagination for
possibilities which would otherwise be overlooked. And
it was so in life: the great artist or businessman
displayed economy in arriving at results for the
attainment of which the ordinary worker needed a great
deal of thought. After entering upon technicalities of
chess, Dr Lasker said the essential genius of the game
was capacity to see the possibilities of compensation
for pieces given – in chess well-played one could never
get the advantage without having to buy it. Those pieces
of an opponent which had a great deal of mobility and
activity generally meant a great deal of trouble, and it
was nearly a law that the best aim for the attack one
could select was those pieces of one’s opponent which
distinguished themselves by doing much. Then an attack
should also be directed on the pieces which lacked
mobility, for in chess it was untrue that one must not
knock a man when he was down; let them not only knock
him but kill him as speedily as possible (laughter).
And, to resume the parallel, he believed such things
were not altogether unknown among businessmen
(laughter). After giving other valuable advice, Dr
Lasker deprecated loss of confidence on the part of
players. He met many men who lost games simply because
they were bluffed into the belief that they were beaten;
they were impressed with a sense of danger that was
entirely unreal, made defensive moves and withdrew an
invaluable offensive piece. Moreover, a player should
never defend except with the greatest reluctance, and
unless sure that he was compelled to do so. Whenever one
made an unnecessary defence one made trouble in forcing
oneself to meet a strong attack, and being driven to
further defence; courage, hope and faith were wanted,
and the player should never defend until it was really
necessary to do so. On the contrary, he should attack to
the utmost extent he could, and ability to do this
constituted one of the great secrets of success
(applause). In concluding a highly interesting address,
and after giving further comparisons, Dr Lasker said if
we closely studied it, chess would be found an excellent
exemplar in very many ways in connection with the
occasions of everyday life.’
Lasker’s tour of England and Wales ran from late January
1908 to the beginning of May. From page 254 of the June
1908 BCM:
Danish photographs
From page 195 of Alt om Skak by Bjørn Nielsen
(Odense, 1943) two further Danish photographs:
Capablanca and Valderrama (C.N.s 7727, 11563 &
Ross Jackson (Raumati South, New Zealand) reports that he
owns a copy of Capablanca’s A Primer of Chess (New
York, 1935) inscribed to Esteban Valderrama:
Michael Clapham (Ipswich, England) possesses a large
(68cm x 52cm) print of Valderrama’s portrait, with an
indistinct inscription by the artist in the top right-hand
11575. J.H.
Zukertort’s alleged accomplishments
‘He took up Sanskrit to trace the history of chess.’
That is one of innumerable claims about J.H. Zukertort
presented sourcelessly by Andrew Soltis on pages 177-178
of Chess to Enjoy (New York, 1978). Chess
literature offers many similar assertions; see, for
instance, pages 144-145 of Wonders and Curiosities of
Chess by Irving Chernev, where it was affirmed that
Zukertort learned ‘Sanskrit in order to trace the origin
of chess’. Chernev’s introduction to the item stated:
‘The most remarkable man that chess ever produced was
Johannes Zukertort.’
The litany of boasts on Zukertort’s behalf gained
widespread attention after John Keeble published an
article on pages 401-403 of the October 1927 BCM:
The source for the ‘Chess Crichton’ section was specified
by Keeble as being the Norfolk News of 16 November
1872, and this was taken on trust by subsequent writers;
see, for instance, the Zukertort entry in the first
edition (1984) of the Oxford Companion to Chess,
as well as Jeremy Gaige’s Chess Personalia (1987).
Especially at a time when access to old newspapers was far
more difficult than it is today, it could seem reasonable
to assume that such a citation by John Keeble (of Norwich,
Norfolk) would be reliable.
However, on page 108 of the February 1999 BCM (in
K. Whyld’s Quotes and Queries column) Owen Hindle
demonstrated that the reference to the Norfolk News
was not right:
We have no information on any ‘suggestions that Keeble
might have invented the whole legend’.
Below is the complete article, by I.O. Howard Taylor,
published on page 4 of the Eastern Daily Press, 28
September 1872:
Whether anything similar about Zukertort ever appeared in
the Norfolk News, a newspaper with which I.O.
Howard Taylor was also connected, on another date (the 16
November 1872 edition published nothing) has not been
The Keeble article was discussed in an endnote on page
375 of Eminent Victorian Chess Players by Tim
Harding (Jefferson, 2012), with a reference to Owen Hindle
but without mention of the contribution that he had made
to the BCM in 1999:
Finally for now, we show part of how Jimmy Adams’
monograph on Zukertort quoted Keeble in its two editions
(1989 and 2014 – pages 20 and 21 respectively), i.e.
before and after the Norfolk News reference was
known to be wrong:
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.