When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine
sources. The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the
subject-line or in the message itself.
6014. 1...f6 (C.N.s 451 & 1250)
An addition to the games mentioned in our earlier items
(see page 92 of Chess Explorations):
Johann Nepomuk Berger – Adolf Albin
Graz, January 1881
Irregular Opening
1 e4 f6 2 d4 e6 3 Bd3 g6 4 Nf3 Bg7 5 Be3 Ne7 6 Nc3 O-O
7 Qd2 d5 8 h4 dxe4 9 Bxe4 f5 10 Bd3 Nd7 11 O-O-O Nf6 12
Bc4 c6 13 Bg5 b5 14 Bb3 b4 15 Na4 a5 16 Bxf6 Rxf6 17 h5
Ra7 18 hxg6 Rxg6 19 g3 Qf8 20 Kb1 Bh6 21 Qe1 Bg7 22 Nc5
Nd5 23 Ne5 Bxe5 24 Qxe5 Qg7 25 Rde1 Qxe5 26 Rxe5 Kg7 27
Rhe1 Kf7 28 Kc1 Rc7 29 Kd2 Re7 30 c4 Nb6
31 d5 Rg4 32 Kd3 cxd5 33 cxd5 Kf6 34 d6 Ra7 35 Bxe6
Bxe6 36 Rxe6+ Kf7 37 d7 Nxd7 38 Re7+ Kg6 39 Nxd7 Kg5 40
f4+ Kh6 41 Rh1+ Kg6 42 Ne5+ Resigns.
Source: Probleme Studien und Partien by J.
Berger (Leipzig, 1914), page 175.
Further to a correspondent’s remarks in C.N. 5998
about the signature on an engraving of Staunton, we
note that the picture was published in the Chess
Monthly Portrait Gallery on page 193 of the
March 1890 issue and that the following month (page
225) an illustration of Lasker appeared, with the same
The only artist we recall seeing credited in the Chess
Monthly was ‘Mr E. Passingham, of Bradford’ on
page 234 of the April 1889 issue. However, his work
for the Portrait Gallery bore a different signature.
In C.N. 5905 a correspondent asked about Golombek’s
claim that Réti lost two consecutive tournament games
through being preoccupied by an idea for an endgame
study which occurred to him during play.
Now, Fabrizio Zavatarelli (Milan, Italy) draws
attention to a passage regarding the February 1928
tournament in Berlin in Jan Kalendovský’s monograph on
Réti (see page 211 of the Czech original and page 374
of the Italian edition). It is stated that, after
obtaining the better game against Brinckmann in round
ten, Réti played 44 Nh5 but was informed that he had
overstepped the time-limit. He then happily explained
that the position on another board had inspired him to
conceive a beautiful study. Still preoccupied with the
study, he also lost his games against Tartakower and
Steiner. His prize money was 500 Marks lower, but he
produced the study, for which he received five Marks.
Corroboration of this account is sought.
We are grateful to Calle Erlandsson (Lund, Sweden) for
a copy of what seems to be our only chess book in
Faeroese, Føroysk telving í 20. øld by Suni
Merkistein (Tórshavn, 1997). A richly-illustrated
525-page hardback, it is available from H.N. Jacobsens Bókahandil.

A game from page 67:
Mikhail Tal – Olaf Durhuus
Simultaneous display, Reykjavik, 1 February 1964
Ruy López
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 O-O b5 6 Bb3 d6
7 c3 Be7 8 Re1 O-O 9 h3 Na5 10 Bc2 c5 11 d4 Qc7 12 Nbd2
Bd7 13 Nf1 cxd4 14 cxd4 Rac8 15 Ne3 Nc4 16 Nxc4 bxc4 17
Bd2 Rfe8 18 Bc3 Bf8 19 Qd2 Bc6 20 Rad1 exd4 21 Qxd4 Qb7
22 Nh4 Bd7 23 Re3 Rc5 24 Rg3 Rce5 25 f4 Nh5 26 Rf3
26...Rxe4 27 Bxe4 Rxe4 28 Qd2 Be7 29 Qd5 Qxd5 30 Rxd5
Nxf4 31 Rxf4 Rxf4 32 Nf3 Bc6 33 Ra5 Bb7 34 Nd4 d5 35 Nf3
f6 36 b3 cxb3 37 axb3 Kf7 38 Kf2 Bd8 39 Ra1 Bb6+ 40 Ke2
d4 41 Bd2 Rf5 42 b4 Bc6 43 Rc1 Bb5+ 44 Ke1 Ke7 45 Rc8
Rd5 46 Rg8 Kf7 47 Rb8 Bd8 48 Rb7+ Be7 49 Kd1 g5 50 Ne1
Ke6 51 Nf3 h5 52 Rb8 h4 53 Ke1 Bd6 54 Rb6 Kf5 55 Kf2 d3
56 Bc3 Be5 57 Nxe5 fxe5 58 Bd2 Rd4 59 Rb8 Rd6 60 Rf8+
Rf6 61 Rxf6+ Kxf6 62 g3 hxg3+ 63 Kxg3 Kf5 64 h4 gxh4+ 65
Kxh4 Ke4 66 Kg3 Kd4 67 Kf2 e4 Drawn.
Michael Clapham (Ipswich, England)
reports that on 19 February 2009 Swann
Galleries of New York sold this item by auction
for $2,880:

The catalogue described it as follows:
‘Portrait of early American chess master Paul Morphy
and a companion, with a chess game in progress between
them. Sixth-plate daguerreotype with delicate gilt
highlights; in a leather case. 1850s.’
6019. Who? (C.N. 6006)
This photograph of Max Romih (Massimiliano Romi)
accompanied an article by him, ‘A Strange Opponent’, on
pages 302-304 of CHESS, 17 June 1964.
Lawrence Totaro (Las Vegas, NV, USA) asks whether
evidence exists to back up this passage on page 46 of
Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin (New York,
‘The Czech master Richard Réti once played 29
blindfolded games simultaneously. (Afterward he left
his briefcase at the exhibition site and commented
on what a poor memory he had.)’
We recall that the following appeared, without any
source, on page 287 of Frank Marshall, United
States Chess Champion by A. Soltis (Jefferson,
‘In São Paulo the same year [1925] he broke the
blindfold record by playing 29 boards five days
after Alekhine had set his own record with 28 in
Paris. As the Czech master left the playing hall he
forgot his familiar green briefcase. When it was
returned to him Réti said, “Oh, thank you. I have
such a bad memory.”’
The earliest reference to Réti’s briefcase that we
can quote comes in a footnote on page 170 of Die
Hypermoderne Schachpartie by S. Tartakower
(Vienna, 1924):
On page 4 of Réti’s Best Games of Chess
(London, 1954) Harry Golombek made use of the passage:
‘To quote Tartakower again: “He forgot everything,
stick, hat, umbrella; above all, however, he would
always leave behind him his traditional yellow
leather briefcase, so that it was said of him:
wherever Réti’s briefcase is, there he himself is no
longer to be found. It is therefore evidence of
Réti’s pre-existence.”’
A different version was given by J. du Mont on page v
of Réti’s posthumous book Masters of the Chess
Board (London, 1933):
‘I can see him now, with his perennial smile on his
good-humoured features, bustling along with his
leather briefcase under his arm. It used to be a
saying amongst his friends that where Réti’s
briefcase was, there was Réti.’
Frederick S. Rhine (Park Ridge, IL, USA) cites Irving
Chernev on page 262 of 1000 Best Short Games of
Chess (New York, 1955):
‘Alvin Cass used to say, “My grandmother, when she
was a little girl, told me never to capture the
queen knight pawn with my queen”.’
6022. Fischer’s best game
Some observations by Wolfgang Heidenfeld on page 9 of
the January 1966 BCM (in D.J. Morgan’s Quotes
and Queries column):
‘In connection with the various “best game”
lists and their coupling with specific masters, it has
occurred to me that there is a slight ambiguity in the
meaning of the term “best game”. Take Fischer as an
example. The game which Fischer played best may be the
magnificent brilliancy against Donald Byrne, which he
won at the age of 13; or it may be his win against
Gligorić at the Candidates’ tournament, 1959; or again
it may be the much-advertised “game of the century” [sic]
against Robert Byrne. Yet I would call none of these
“Fischer’s best game”, because the opposition did not
play well enough. Fischer’s best game – that is the
best game in which Fischer was involved – was
undoubtedly his first-round draw against Gligorić at the
Bled tournament, 1961.’
The draw is game 30 in Fischer’s My 60 Memorable
Games. Heidenfeld annotated it on pages 145-146 of
his posthumous book Draw! (London, 1982).
How exactly did the famous 1918 encounter between
Capablanca and Marshall end? On page 90 of The
Immortal Games of Capablanca (New York, 1942)
Fred Reinfeld stated that after 35...Re3 ‘Capablanca
announced mate in five [sic]’, beginning with
36 Bxf7+.
On page 187 of My Chess Career
(London, 1920) Capablanca wrote after 35...Re3, ‘BxPch
and mate in five moves’. The Cuban also annotated the
game on page 12 of the New York, 1918 tournament book.
As mentioned in our feature article The Marshall Gambit,
the note appended to 36 Bxf7+ read, ‘White forces
checkmate in six moves’. No mate announcement was
From the report on page 14 of the New York Times,
24 October 1918:
‘At the time of the evening adjournment Capablanca
had begun to get a real hold on the position. After
resumption of play in the evening session, Marshall
did not last much longer and was finally pushed to the
wall with a forced checkmate in five moves.’
At which move was the game adjourned? As regards the
playing arrangements, page 7 of the tournament book
‘There were two sessions daily, from 2.30 p.m. to
6.30 p.m. and from 8.00 p.m. to 11 p.m. The time-limit
was 30 moves in the first two hours and 15 moves an
hour thereafter.’
Above is an inscription by Capablanca in one of our
copies of My Chess Career. Ernest Graham-Little,
a Member of Parliament, appears in the photograph given
in C.N. 5602.
6024. Symmetry
As noted under ‘Symmetry’ in our Factfinder, some C.N.
items have dealt with symmetrical openings/games, and
Pascal Losekoot (Soest, the Netherlands) asks for more
information about a miniature in C.N. 1507: 1 e4 e5 2
Nf3 Nf6 3 Nc3 Nc6 4 Bb5 Bb4 5 O-O O-O 6 d3 d6 7 Bxc6
Bxc3 8 Bxb7 Bxb2 9 Bxa8 Bxa1 10 Bg5 Bg4 11 Qxa1 Qxa8 12
Bxf6 Bxf3 13 Bxe5 Bxe4 14 Bxg7 Bxg2
15 Bxf8 Bxf1 16 Qg7 mate.
The game was given on page 43 of Program Šachového
Turnaje Memoriál Ing. V. Olexy (Brno, 1987). Karel
Traxler defeated J. Šamánek on 20 August 1900 in a
tournament at Osyky, the source being specified as Zlatá
Praha of 14 September 1900. The booklet contained
about 80 of Traxler’s games, presented by Jan
Below is the crosstable, from page 141 of the 9/1900
issue of Šachové Listy:
Sometimes (see, for instance, page 139 of Gaige’s first
volume of crosstables) the venue is given as ‘Osyky u
Lomnice’, i.e. ‘Osyky near Lomnice’. Karel Mokrý
(Prostějov, Czech Republic) informs us:
‘Osyky, which means “the aspens”, is the
old name for the village. Later, with the new language
rules, it became Osiky. The tournament in question was
one of a number of events which Ladislav
Vetešnik organized or co-organized in the village,
where he lived.’
The accounts cited in C.N. 6020 disagreed as to
whether Réti’s briefcase was green or yellow, and now
Maurice Carter (Fairborn, OH, USA) quotes from page 57
of With the Chess Masters by George
Koltanowski (San Francisco, 1972):
‘He always carried an old black briefcase filled
with reams and reams of sheets on which he had
scrawled his comments, and dozens of addressed
On the following page Koltanowski gave a game he
played against Réti, dating it 1929 instead of 1927.
6027. Lasker v Steinitz (C.N. 5020)
Can any photographs be found of Lasker and Steinitz in
Moscow during their 1896-97 world championship match?

Concerning this position from Capablanca v Thomas,
Hastings, 1919 our earlier items mentioned how
Capablanca played 29 Qa8, missing the win of a rook
with 29 Rxe8 Qxe8 30 Qa4.
From Gerd Entrup (Herne, Germany):
‘A second winning move is 29 Qb5 (and if 29...c6
30 Rxe8 Qxe8 31 Qb8, with mate to follow). The
move was given on page 262 of Kasparov’s first
“Predecessors” volume, but I believe that the
first person to find it was Klaus-Jürgen Schulz.
In his column “Der Leser ist am Zug” on page 17 of
the 10/1986 Europa-Rochade he gave the
position before White’s 29th move, and on page 28
of the 12/1986 issue he indicated two winning
moves: 29 Rxe8 and 29 Qb5.
The diagrammed position was also included in a
column by N.H. Yazgac devoted to computer-testing
of positions on page 16 of the 11/1986 Europa-Rochade.
Only 29 Rxe8 Qxe8 30 Qa4 was given as the winning
line, but on page 22 of the 8/1987 issue the
second win, 29 Qb5, was pointed out by a reader,
Klaus Kiefert of Krefeld. It had been found by his
Psion Chess computer program, and a number of
variations were provided.’
We add that on page 49 of the February 1982 Chess
Life a Texas reader, John Wayland, suggested 29
Qa7. Pal Benko replied:
‘Don’t look for a more clear-cut win than the one
given: 29 Rxe8 Qxe8 30 Qa4! Your 29 Qa7 runs into
trouble after 29...Rc1+! 30 Rxc1 (or 30 Kf2 Rxb1)
30...Rxb8.’ [The notation and move numbering have
been adapted by us.]
From Mark Thornton (Cambridge, England):
‘In rook-odds games could the odds-giver castle
with the “phantom rook”? For example, if White
gave the odds of his queen’s rook, could he play
Ke1-c1? And, if so, were the castling rules the
same as if the rook were present?’
No consensus was ever reached, as is shown by the
selection of British quotes below. Firstly, Howard
Staunton on page 35 of Chess Praxis (London,
‘When a player gives the odds of his king’s or
queen’s rook, he must not castle (or, more properly
speaking, leap his king) on the side from whence he
takes off the rook, unless before commencing the
game or match he stipulates to have the privilege of
so doing.’
On page 35 of Chess (London, 1889) R.F. Green
wrote similarly:
‘A player giving the odds of a rook may not go
through the form of castling on the side from which
the rook has been removed.’
However, in a review of the book on pages 88-89 of
the March 1890 BCM Edward Freeborough
disagreed. After stating, with respect to level games,
that castling should be described as a move of the
king and that the king should therefore be moved
first, Freeborough observed:
‘It follows logically that the fact of giving the
odds of a rook ought not to deprive the king of his
privilege of taking two steps to the right or left
as his first move.’
Page 36 of The British Chess Code (London,
1903) stated:
‘In the absence of agreement to a different effect,
a player may castle (by moving his king as in
ordinary castling) on a side from which, before the
commencement of the game, the player’s rook has been
removed, provided that this rook’s square is
unoccupied and has been unoccupied throughout the
game, and that the same conditions as to squares and
as to the king are fulfilled which are required for
ordinary castling on this side.’
The above text was quoted on page 275 of the June
1916 Chess Amateur when a revised edition of
the Code was envisaged. Comments were invited, and on
page 305 of the July 1916 issue ‘Simplex’ wrote:
‘This I think sheer nonsense. If a player gave me a
rook and wanted to castle on this rook’s side, I
should say, “No, you don’t, you can’t castle without
a castle”. Let’s have no pretence. If a player gives
a rook, let him give it totally not half. Receivers
of odds are not strong players, and to see the
nominal giver of odds move his king a couple of
squares would be disconcerting. No; if a player
gives odds let him give them without pretence.’
A contrary view was expressed by W.S. Branch on pages
333-334 of the August 1916 Chess Amateur:
‘Re Chess Laws, page 305 (July), and as to
“castling without rook”, I would say, first, that
you can’t “castle the king” – the full and proper
term, of which “castles” is an abridgment – without
a castle. The phrase should be “moving the king as
in castling”.
I believe that the right of the odds-giver to move
his king, once in a game, as in castling, has always
been upheld since “castling” was invented (sixteenth
century). It existed, as part of the “king’s leap”,
long before “castling” was invented, and long before
the rook was ever called a “castle”. The giving of
the rook as odds should not deprive the king of any
of his rights.’
Branch then gave further historical details regarding
the king’s leap. By 1916, however, the practice of
giving odds was disappearing, without any formal
resolution of the ‘phantom rook’ question.
6030. Blackburne v Tuck
Page 202 of Mr Blackburne’s Games at Chess by
P. Anderson Graham (London, 1899) gave, with sketchy
information, an eight-move extract from a blindfold game
won by Blackburne in London against a player named Tuck.
Below is the full score, from page 326 of the Chess
Player’s Chronicle, 16 October 1895:
Joseph Henry Blackburne (blindfold) – F.W. Tuck
London, 5 October 1895
Vienna Gambit
1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 f4 d6 4 Nf3 Nc6 5 Bb5 Be7 6 fxe5
dxe5 7 Nxe5 Bd7 8 Nxd7 Qxd7 9 d4 a6 10 Bxc6 bxc6 11 O-O
O-O 12 e5 Nd5 13 Ne4 Qe6 14 Qh5 f6 15 Bd2 f5 16 Ng3 g6
17 Qh3 c5 18 c4 Nb4
19 d5 Qxe5 20 Bc3 Qe3+ 21 Kh1 Qg5 22 Rae1 Nxa2 23 Be5
Bd6 24 Ne4 Qe7 25 Bxd6 cxd6 26 Nxc5 Qg5 27 Ne6 Qf6 28
Qa3 Rab8 29 Nxf8 Rxb2 30 Nd7 Resigns.
The game was played in an eight-game blindfold display
at the City of London Chess Club. The date is gleaned
from the report on page 307 of the 9 October 1895 issue
of the Chronicle. Blackburne scored +4 –0 =4,
‘completing the whole of the games in very quick time’.
Hugh Myers’ book A Chess Explorer was
published in 2002, and the following year he sent us a
copy of a handwritten 12-page supplement which
included a letter to him dated 4 March 1954 from Max
Euwe. The former world champion commented, ‘your games
are excellent and I hope to publish at least one of
them in Ch. Arch.’. Myers wrote in 2003 that
he was not sure which of his games he had submitted to
Euwe. Did any of them appear in Chess Archives?
6032. Frank Skoff (1916-2009)
With much sadness we have learned of the death earlier
this month of Frank Skoff, who was one of Chess Notes’
most valued contributors in the 1980s. He developed a
particular interest in the ‘Staunton-Morphy
controversy’, and some extracts from his writings can be
read in the Edge, Morphy and
Staunton feature article. In all, he penned the
equivalent of a small monograph on the subject.
A fine chess historian, Frank Skoff abhorred
speculation. He combined knowledge (both deep and broad)
with outstanding research skills, an ear for the English
language and an eye for cant. His contributions to Chess
Notes began 27 years ago, and our personal debt to him
is enormous.
6033. 1930 cable match
The photograph below has been received from Lawrence
Totaro (Las Vegas, NV, USA):
From page 165 of the May 1930 BCM:
Our feature article Mysteries at Sabadell, 1945
has been unable to offer a logical explanation for the
Terrazas matter, which may be summarized as follows:
- The photographic and other local evidence indicates
that at Sabadell, 1945 the forename of the player
named Terrazas was Teodoro and that he was an adult.
Terrazas at Sabadell,
- The player at Sabadell, 1945 was the 11-year-old
Filiberto Terrazas according to Pablo Morán’s book on
Alekhine, as well as testimony from Filiberto Terrazas
Above is a photograph of Filiberto Terrazas which we
have just added to the feature article, from page 143 of
With the Chess Masters by G. Koltanowski (San
Francisco, 1972). (Unsurprisingly, Koltanowski misspells
his friend’s name.) The apparent resemblance between
Filiberto and Teodoro Terrazas leaves us more puzzled
than ever.
6035. Castling with a phantom rook
(C.N. 6029)
Trevor Moore (Baughurst, England) quotes from page 47
of Chess Curiosities by Tim Krabbé (London,
‘When a player, who had conceded QR-odds, moved his
king from e1 to c1, his opponent protested, asking
what that move meant. The player said that in giving
rook’s odds, one did not lose the right to castle. By
playing Ke1-c1 he had castled with the phantom of his
In the next game, Black made mysterious bishop’s
moves: from g7 to a1, and back to g7. When White again
played Ke1-c1, Black argued that phantom castling was
out, since he had captured the rook’s phantom at a1.’
Hanspeter Suwe (Winsen in Holstein, Germany) notes that
the story appeared in an article ‘Some Chess Anecdotes’
by A.W. Mongredien on pages 352-353 of the August 1923 Chess
‘In a foreign café two excitable gentlemen were
playing chess, White giving the odds of queen’s rook.
After some opening moves White played his king from K1
to QB1.
“One square at a time”, exclaimed Black.
“Not at all!”, retorted White. “I castle queen’s
“Castle!”, cried Black. “Why, you haven’t a rook!”
“I give the odds of a rook”, loftily replied the
other, “but that doesn’t prevent my castling with the
ghost of my rook.”
Personally I thought the move, if not actually bad,
at least innocuous; but White knew its psychological
value. His adversary was so nettled at what he termed
a low-down trick that, making one mistake after
another, he speedily lost. A heated discussion ensued.
Just as a free fight seemed inevitable they started a
second game, at the same odds. Irregular scarcely
describes the opening. After some startling and costly
manoeuvres, Black succeeded in playing his bishop to
White’s vacant QR square. When, by sheer good luck, he
had got it safely away again, he leant back in his
chair and surveyed the onlookers with undisguised
I ventured to remark that I did not entirely follow
his play.
“Ah!”, he replied in an audible whisper, “Let him try
to castle now. He hasn’t even the ghost of a
Source: BCM, February 1936, page 96 (in T.R.
Dawson’s ‘Problem World’ section).
Our feature article on Philip H. Williams has
an earlier specimen of the same technique, from opposite
page 17 of his book Chess Chatter & Chaff (Stroud,
6037. Women players
Michael Ehn (Vienna) sends us from his archives a
photograph dated 1872:
From Luc Winants (Boirs, Belgium) we have received a
set of photographs published on pages 116-117 of Le
miroir du monde, 24 January 1931 (with some
aberrations in the captions). Most of the photographs
were taken at the Hastings, 1930-31 tournament.
6039. Gunsberg odds game
Heppell – Isidor Gunsberg
London, 1883
(Remove Black’s f-pawn.)
1 e4 Nc6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 Bf5 4 Nf3 e6 5 a3 Nge7 6 Nh4 Be4
7 Bg5 h6 8 Be3 g5 9 Nf3 Nf5 10 c3 g4 11 Nfd2 Nxe3 12
fxe3 Bf5 13 g3 Qg5 14 Qe2 h5 15 Bg2 O-O-O 16 Nf1 Qg6 17
e4 dxe4 18 Nbd2
18...e3 19 Nxe3 Bd3 20 Qf2 Bh6 21 Bxc6 bxc6 22 Ng2 Rhf8
23 Nf4 Rxf4 24 gxf4 Rf8 25 Rf1 Rxf4 26 Qxf4 Bxf4 27 Rxf4
Qh6 28 Rf1 Qe3+ 29 Kd1 Be2+ 30 Kc2 Qd3+ 31 White
Source: Knowledge, 16 November 1883, pages
Gunsberg wrote the chess column in Knowledge
under the pseudonym ‘Mephisto’. He reported that the
game had been played in a handicap tournament at
Purssell’s Chess Room and lasted two hours 40 minutes.
Russell Miller (Camas, WA, USA) draws
attention to the front cover of the September 2008
issue of Northwest

On page 9 Philip Peterson explained how he put together
the multiple photographs of himself. We are grateful to
Mr Peterson and to the Editor of Northwest Chess,
Ralph Dubisch, for permission to reproduce the picture
here. A colour
version is available online.
6041. Nicolas Sphicas (C.N. 4185)
The above pictures have been sent to us by Nicolas Sphicas
(Thessaloníki, Greece), who informs us that they depict
two Capablanca games (respectively, against Rubinstein
at San Sebastián, 1911 and against Flohr at Moscow,
1935). C.N. 4185 mentioned that much of our
correspondent’s other chess artwork can be viewed online.
We are also grateful for the 56-page catalogue of an
exhibition of his work at the Municipal Art Gallery of
Thessaloníki in 2008:
Further acknowledgement in connection with the present
item: Michael Syngros (Amarousion, Greece).
There cannot be many chess books more liberal with
typos than Kasparov’s Best Games by K.R.
Seshadri (Madras, 1984). The first word of the Preface
gives Kasparov’s forename as Carri, and the first two
paragraphs have occurrences of Kasperov. Overleaf, the
forename becomes Gerry. The annotations, taken from
the writings of Kasparov and others, are continually
mutilated. Here, from page 46, is part of a note to
White’s 15th move in Korchnoi v Kasparov, Lucerne
(‘Lucerene’), 1982:
‘Hewever, the problamatic ideal manouvre 21 Nc4!
suggested by Yugoslav Grandmaster Kovachevic put an
end to the theoratical arguments n favour of White.’
6043. Chess and alcohol
An addition to C.N. 5940 and, in particular, to the
Blackburne-related material cited on pages 238-239 of Kings,
Commoners and Knaves:
Source: pages 86-87 of the Chess Player’s Chronicle,
3 May 1899.
Kings, Commoners and Knaves quoted a slightly
different version of Blackburne’s interview with Licensing
World (an anti-temperance journal) and gave the
score of an 1881 game he won against a player named
Brewer. It is not clear whether this is the H. Brewer
mentioned on page 104 of the Chess Monthly,
December 1880. In this connection we also recall the
game Blackburne v Lush (Melbourne, 8 January 1885) given
on page 238 of the April 1885 issue of the Chess
Monthly and on page 286 of P. Anderson Graham’s
monograph on Blackburne.
From our archives:

In a recent article for ChessBase
we discussed faulty book covers and reproduced the above
specimen, our caption being ‘Trompovsky instead of
Now Anthony Wood (London) mentions that the spelling
‘Trompovsky’ was deliberate on the part of Julian
Hodgson, who wrote on page 8:
‘... the opening was actually named after Octavio
Siqueiro Trompowsky, one time Brazilian Champion, who
popularised it in the 1930s and 1940s. For
simplicity’s sake I have renamed the opening itself
phonetically Trompovsky ...’
The article below by the ‘Badmaster’, G.H. Diggle, is
reproduced from page 25 of our publication Chess
Characters (Geneva, 1984). It originally
appeared in the August 1977 issue of Newsflash.
‘The bilious and impecunious Badmaster, glaring
over last month’s Newsflash with a
malevolent eye, was delighted to find that the price
of Modern Chess Literature, and Books on the
Openings in particular, seems to be coming under
fire. For if the BM ever agreed to be interviewed on
Television and was finally asked, “Looking back,
Badmaster, over half a century of lost games, is
there any particular factor which you feel has had
the greatest influence on your disastrous career?”,
he would reply in ringing tones: “Buying Books on
the Openings”.
A particularly shameful instance of the BM being
let down by these treacherous tomes occurred during
the London Championship Tournament 1945. An awful
morning had dawned when the official “Order of the
Day” ran (inter alia) – “Round 6. Sir George
Thomas (White) Badmaster (Black)”. Surmising
(correctly) that his august opponent would open P-K4
and go for a quick win, the BM sat up most of the
previous night with Modern Chess Openings
(Griffith and White), selected the Petroff Defence,
distended his brainbox with all 12 columns given,
and arrived at the arena next day with the full
cargo still on board. The result was that for the
first eight moves the BM played with a precision
which confounded the critics, but then Sir George
(who had previously played like the orthodox
gentleman that he was) suddenly revealed himself (in
Marxist language) a deviationist of the basest
stamp. In short, his ninth move was nowhere to be
found. Deserted by MCO, the BM found himself
in the same plight as David Balfour in Kidnapped
when he ascended the tower in total darkness, only
to find suddenly that “the stair had been carried no
further” and that he was left to proceed on his own
into the void. This he did, and perished about the
20th move. But the most infamous part of the story
has yet to come. Of the two unworthy authors
responsible for the BM’s downfall White (like Jacob
Marley) had long been dead; but R.C. Griffith (a
most sprightly “Scrooge”) was not only very much
alive but actually a spectator at this very
tournament. Just as the BM resigned, R.C.G., who was
standing by, bestowed upon him a whimsical yet
kindly smile, which plainly said: “Never mind, young
man, you’ll know that variation another time”. He
then went away beaming all over his face. But for
his benevolent appearance and charming manner, the
BM could have “felled him like a rotten tree”.’
6047. Bogoljubow on Capablanca
Regarding Bogoljubow v Capablanca, Bad Kissingen, 1928
Irving Chernev wrote on page 238 of Combinations The
Heart of Chess (New York, 1960):
‘For Capablanca this victory must have been
especially gratifying. It proved once again that
Bogoljubow had been deluding himself when he made the
statement, “There is nothing more to fear from the
Capablanca technique”.’
Where did Bogoljubow make such a statement?
Efim Bogoljubow
Stéphane Pilawski (Liège, Belgium) notes Capablanca’s
use of ‘Joseph’ as his first forename on the marriage
licence application (C.N. 6044) and asks whether other
such occurrences can be found. We recall none.
Page 250 of David DeLucia’s Chess Library A Few
Old Friends (Darien, 2007) reproduced
Capablanca’s identity card, issued by the Belgian
Foreign Affairs Ministry and dated 17 July 1935. His
name appeared as ‘José Raul Capablanca’.
The ‘standard’ spelling of his second
forename is ‘Raúl’, but it may be recalled from The Genius and the
Princess that in a love letter (dated 30 April
1935) in our collection Capablanca signed himself
The caption to this photograph from C.N. 6038 prompts
us to reproduce two earlier items. C.N. 203 quoted the
following from page 176 of the Australasian Chess
Review, 20 July 1932:
‘In a recent number of the London Sphere
there is a fine photo of two of the players in the
London congress seated at the board with clocks and
score-sheets alongside them. Underneath is the
following priceless description:
“Concentration. W. Winter (England) and Dr S.
Tartakower (Poland) ponder their next move during
the international tournament. The clocks show how
much time each player has taken (for this is
limited by rule). The pencil and paper are used to
work out combinations before a move is made.”’
C.N. 1004 referred to a paragraph on page 247 of CHESS,
August 1940:
‘The London Evening Standard published a
picture of Norman Sortier, youngest competitor, in
play in the British Boys’ Championship. He was just
writing down a move on his pad. The bright caption
was, “He used a notebook to help him work out his
6050. Pachman v Hromádka
Efstratios Grivas (Athens) asks whether the full score
is available of a game between L. Pachman and K.
Hromádka which reached this position:
White to move
See, for example, pages 196-197 of Pachman’s Chess
endings for the practical player (London, 1983),
which stated that the position occurred ‘just before the
adjournment of a game that was important to me. It was
played in the Championships of Prague in 1944’. Instead
of the manoeuvre 1 Ne1, 2 Nf3 and 3 Nh4+, Pachman chose
1 Nxc5, to which he appended two question marks. The
game was then agreed drawn, at his proposal.
We have not found the complete game in any contemporary
source, including the 1944 volume of the Prague-based
magazine Šach.
From Roger Mylward (Lower Heswall, England):
‘Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-84) was a
theoretical physicist who made major contributions
to the development of quantum mechanics in the
first part of the twentieth century. His father
was French and his mother English; he was born and
brought up in Bristol but for most of his academic
life he was based in Cambridge. His last years
were spent in Florida. He was a member of staff at
Florida State University, where many of his papers
are held, in the Dirac Science Library.
A new biography of Dirac has been published, The
Strangest Man – The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac,
Quantum Genius by Graham Farmelo (London, 2009).
It refers on a number of occasions to Dirac’s
interest in chess.
In the 1920s “He worked all day long and
took time off only for his Sunday walk and to play
chess, a game he played well enough to beat most
students at the college chess club, sometimes
several at the same time” (pages 97-98). The
College was St. John’s, Cambridge.
In 1926, his father, Charles Dirac (with whom
Paul had a very difficult relationship), offered
to buy his son “a set of chessmen” as a
Christmas present (page 115).
Regarding the house of Peter Kapitza, a Russian
physicist, and his wife Anna (known as Rat), “Dirac
was at ease there, talking with Kapitza and Rat over
a Russian-style meal, playing chess and larking
about with their two rumbustious sons” (page
On 5 January 1955 Dirac gave a public lecture, on
subatomic particles, to thousands of
spectators at the cricket ground in Baroda, near
Calcutta in India. Part of his lecture linked
these particles to chess:
“When you ask what are electrons and protons I
ought to answer that this question is not a
profitable one to ask and does not really have a
meaning. The important thing about electrons and
protons is not what they are but how they behave –
how they move. I can describe the situation by
comparing it to the game of chess. In chess, we
have various chessmen, kings, knights, pawns and
so on. If you ask what a chessman is, the answer
would be [that] it is a piece of wood, or a piece
of ivory, or perhaps just a sign written on paper,
[or anything whatever]. It does not matter. Each
chessman has a characteristic way of moving and
this is all that matters about it. The whole game
of chess follows from this way of moving the
various chessmen ...” (pages 353-354).
The text of this lecture is included in the
Dirac papers at Florida State University.
From his wife’s first marriage Dirac had a
stepson, Gabriel Dirac, who was a mathematician.
“Dirac was close to Gabriel and went out of his
way to promote his career, often exchanging
letters with him to chew over chess problems they
had read in newspapers (G.H. Hardy had described
such problems as the ‘hymn tunes of pure
mathematics’).” (page 366).
During the Second World War, Dirac was invited
to join the Government’s research station in
Bletchley Park (page 320). He declined and
therefore missed a chance to play chess against
some of the best British players of the time.’
Robert Sherwood (E. Dummerston, VT, USA) draws
attention to this passage by Bogoljubow on page ix of
his book on the Moscow, 1925 tournament:
Our correspondent’s translation:
‘The sporting result of the tournament is as
It has been shown that advanced age does not
preclude the highest achievements. Dr Lasker, who
for the third time finished ahead of Capablanca,
must without question be considered the most
successful master of all time. His play yet again is
enterprising and almost youthfully fresh.
Further, it is apparent that Capablanca finds it
very difficult to separate himself from his dry
style of play. His technique, on the other hand, has
been at least equalled by Bogoljubow and is not
especially feared by the other masters.’
Chess Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
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