Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
7578. Lombardy
These photographs of ‘Father Lombardy’/ ‘Father Bill’
accompanied the article ‘From Lopez to Lombardy’ by Beth
Cassidy on page 229 of the August 1967 Chess Life.
It began:
‘When International Grandmaster Bill Lombardy was
ordained a Priest on 27 May by Cardinal Spellman in New
York, it marked the first time in 400 years that a world
renowned chessplayer was also a member of the Roman
Catholic Clergy.’
Lombardy himself writes on page 289 of his book Understanding
System, My Games, My Life (New York, 2011):
‘If someone were to make a list and refuse to place my
name ahead of all other ordained chessplaying Clergy,
then such a list-maker is unaware of history or the
practical appraisal of relative comparisons in strength
through games and opponents. I once saw such a list that
placed me fifth on the all-time list of strongest clergy
chessplayers. Aside from my credentials among those in
the chess clergy, I also occupied a prominent place
among the best players of my time.’
That is but the plain truth. Lombardy is on weaker ground
when, on the next page, he refers to a game supposedly
played by Pope Leo XIII. (See the references to Pope Leo
in our Factfinder.)
Pages 22-23 have Lombardy’s interestingly unconventional
views on castling, and some of his observations are
extracted here:
‘The problems posed by the decision to castle are much
misunderstood and thereby underrated.
... So, my new advice on castling: it is castling is
to be considered a waste of time wrongly expended when
there is almost always something more important to
achieve. Thus castling is a passive move that nurtures
the hope of king safety. I believe that a player who
learns how and when to delay castling will certainly
improve his/her play. Very often that cherished hope of
safety is ill founded. I therefore believe that the
maneuver of castling is the most dangerous of all moves
and the decision thus requires more attention to
delicate judgment.
Not only should one not rush to castle, but should
delay that passive maneuver for as long as good judgment
relates that there are more urgent, if only slightly
better, tasks to accomplish.’
Ross Jackson (Raumati South, New Zealand) recently
acquired this cartoon, published on page 147 of Punch,
30 September 1882:
Noting the remark by Capablanca cited in C.N. 7557
(‘were it not for the fact that I have beaten Lasker at
rapid chess, he would be considered the foremost rapid
chessplayer in the world’), Jonathan Berry (Nanaimo, BC,
Canada) writes:
‘I regret the passing of the label “Allegro” in
reference to games with a time-control of about 30
minutes. It was in minor usage, persisted in
Scotland, but eventually disappeared behind what I
regard as inferior (either less descriptive or more
ambiguous) labels: “Active”, “Action” and “Rapid”.’
In C.N. 1692 Stewart Reuben (Twickenham, England) gave
definitions of about ten names used to describe fast
chess, including ‘Allegro (Scotland)’.
Mr Berry has also forwarded us a number
of postcards from a game which he played against Karlis Ozols in the tenth
Correspondence Chess Olympiad (1983-84):
From Manuel Fernández Díaz (Estepa, Spain) comes this
photograph of Capablanca which appeared on page 192 of
the Madrid publication La Ilustración Española y
Americana, 30 March 1911:
Readers are invited to examine closely the board
7583. 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Be2
We offer a selection of references concerning the ‘Lesser
Bishop’s Gambit’, an opening to which the names of
Jaenisch, Bird, Tartakower and Crowl have been linked.
Below is part of page 221 of Jaenisch’s Chess
Preceptor (London, 1847):
Jaenisch also contributed an article entitled ‘Ueber
das eingeschränkte Läufergambit’ on pages 437-440 of
the December 1849 Deutsche Schachzeitung:
Max Lange wrote a follow-up article under the same title
on pages 365-370 of the October 1850 issue. See too ‘Das
eingeschränkte Läufergambit’ on pages 148-150 of the
March 1854 Deutsche Schachzeitung. A victory by
Max Lange (White) was given on pages 288-290 of Chess
Praxis by Howard Staunton (London, 1860).
When a game between Bristol and Dublin was published on
pages 148-150 of The Bristol Chess Club by J. Burt
(Bristol, 1883), 3 Be2 received the following note:
‘This ridiculous mode of continuing the opening is
simply third-rate play, styled by its admirers “The
Clifton Gambit”. For the credit of the Bristol Club, we
trust its sponsors will give their protégé a
more deserving title; one in accordance with its merits.
The intention of this officer, apparently, was to
reconnoitre the enemy’s position at R fifth, instead of
attacking it at B fourth.’
Bird’s involvement with 3 Be2 is well known. For
instance, he played it against Max Weiss at Bradford,
1888. When the game was published on pages 312-313 of the
October 1888 International Chess Magazine Steinitz
commented (inaccurately) on 3 Be2:
‘An oddity invented by Mr Bird. We do not think it has
any sufficient attacking merit to compensate for the P.’
Pages 41-48 of Bird’s book Chess Novelties
(London, 1895) had coverage of 3 Be2, which was called
‘The Lesser, Little, or Limited Bishop’s Gambit’. Bird
wrote: ‘There is no opening from which the writer has
derived more interesting or enjoyable games than this,
which he has played with much zest for ten years.’ In a
list of openings on page 10 the name was ‘Bird’s Little
Bishop’s Gambit’.
Tartakower’s use of 3 Be2 at New York, 1924 is also
familiar. On page 121 of the first volume of his Best
Games (London, 1953) he annotated his victory over
Yates, commenting regarding 3 Be2:
‘This resurrection of an old ill-famed variation gained
for me in the New York tournament, in addition to the
present victory, that against Bogoljubow in the very
first round of the competition.’
On pages 30-32 of the February 1953 Chess World
M.E. Goldstein (Black) annotated his win against F.A.
Crowl. The first note, to 3 Be2, began:
‘A favourite début of Tartakower and Crowl. In fact, 20
years ago Crowl played this opening so often that he was
nicknamed “the Limited Bishop”.’
A game on pages 135-136 of the November-December 1965
issue of Chess World again mentioned Crowl:
‘The Limited Bishop’s Gambit has probably never been so
minutely analysed as in the Australasian Chess
Review of 1930. At one time this opening was so
actively sponsored by Crowl that F.L. Vaughan christened
him the Limited Bishop, and this was where
“Chielamangus” [a pseudonym for Purdy] got the title for
his one-act play.’
The play had been published on pages 17-26 of “Among
These Mates” by “Chielamangus” (Sydney, 1939). Below
are pages 20 and 23:
7584. Rubinstein (C.N. 7572)
This sketch of A. Rubinstein by his son Sammy is
reproduced courtesy of John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA).
It appears on page 380 of the 2011 monograph which he
co-wrote with N. Minev (C.N. 7572).
Mr Donaldson comments to us that the latest photograph of
Rubinstein known to him was published on page 124 of the
June 1949 issue of Tidskrift för Schack. We are
grateful to Calle Erlandsson (Lund, Sweden) for the scan
7585. Three games
Marc Hébert (Charny, Canada) remarks that three games
were published on pages 115-116 of the May-June 1917 American
Chess Bulletin without any introduction or
information about the circumstances:
Abraham Kupchik – Jacob Bernstein
Ruy López
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Bxc6 dxc6 5 Nc3 Bd6 6 d4
exd4 7 Qxd4 f6 8 O-O Be6 9 Re1 Ne7 10 e5 Bxe5 11 Qxd8+
Rxd8 12 Nxe5 fxe5 13 Rxe5 Kf7 14 Bg5 Rde8 15 Bxe7 Rxe7 16
Rae1 Rhe8 17 f4 Bc8 18 Rxe7+ Rxe719 Rxe7+ Kxe7
20 Nd1 c5 21 Kf2 Be6 22 a3 b5 23 Ke3 Bf5 24 c3 c4 25 Nf2
Kd6 26 g4 Bc2 27 Ne4+ Kd5 28 Ng3 g6 29 h4 c5 30 h5 Bb1 31
g5 gxh5 32 Nxh5 Bc2 33 Ng7 a5 34 Nh5 Bg6 35 Ng3 Bf7 36 Kf3
Be8 37 Kg4 Ke6 38 Ne4 Bg6 39 Ng3 Bc2 40 f5+ Ke5 41 f6 Bg6
42 Kf3 b4 43 Ke3 bxc3 44 bxc3 a4 45 Ne4 Kf5 46 Nd6+ Kxg5
47 f7 Bxf7 48 Nxf7+ Kf6 49 Nd6 h5 50 Nxc4 Ke6 51 Nb6 h4 52
Nxa4 Kd5 53 Nxc5 Kxc5 54 Kf3 Kc4 55 a4 Kc5 56 Kg4 Kb6 57
c4 Ka5 58 c5 Ka6 59 Kxh4 Kb7 60 a5 Kc6 61 a6 Kc7 62 Kg5
Kb8 63 c6 Ka7 64 c7 Resigns.
Jacob Bernstein – Abraham Kupchik
Ruy López
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 O-O d6 6 d4 b5 7
dxe5 dxe5 8 Qxd8+ Nxd8 9 Bb3 Bd6 10 Bg5 Bb7 11 Bxf6 gxf6
12 Nc3 Ne6 13 Nd5 Be7 14 c3 Bd8 15 g3 Nc5 16 Bc2 f5 17
Nxe5 fxe4 18 Rad1 f6 19 Ng4 f5 20 Nge3 O-O 21 Ng2 a5 22
Rfe1 Kh8 23 Re2 Ra6 24 Red2 Rd6 25 Nde3 Be7 26 Nf4 Nd7 27
Rxd6 cxd6 28 Ned5 Bxd5 29 Rxd5 Nc5 30 b4 axb4 31 cxb4 Nd7
32 Rxb5 Ne5 33 Kg2 Rc8 34 Bb3 e3 35 fxe3 Ng4
36 Nd5 Bg5 37 h3 Nxe3+ 38 Nxe3 Bxe3 39 Rxf5 Rb8 40 Kf3
Bc1 41 b5 Ba3 42 g4 Kg7 43 Rf7+ Kg6 44 Ra7 Bc5 45 Bc2+ Kf6
46 Rxh7 Rxb5 47 Bb3 Rb8 48 h4 Ke5 49 Rh5+ Kf6 50 Rf5+ Kg7
51 h5 Re8 52 g5 Re1 53 Rf7+ Kh8 54 h6 d5 55 Rc7 Bf8 56 Kf4
d4 57 g6 Resigns.
Oscar Chajes – Roy Turnbull Black
Queen’s Pawn Game
1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 c6 3 Nbd2 d5 4 e3 Bf5 5 Nh4 Bg6 6 Nxg6
hxg6 7 Bd3 Nbd7 8 f4 e6 9 Qf3 Bd6 10 g3 Qe7 11 c3 O-O-O 12
b4 Kb8 13 a4 Rh3 14 Bf1 Rh7 15 h4 Rdh8 16 Bd3 Nh5
17 e4 e5 18 dxe5 Bxe5 19 fxe5 Nxe5 20 Qe3 Ng4 21 Qc5 Qe5
22 Rg1 Re8 23 Nf1 Qe6 24 Bd2 Ne5 25 Be2 dxe4 26 Be3 b6 27
Qd4 Qb3 28 Nd2 Qb2 29 Rb1 Qc2 30 a5 Nd3+ 31 Bxd3 Qxd3 32
axb6 Qxd4 33 Bxd4 axb6 34 Bxb6 Nf6 35 Bd4 Ng4 36 Ke2 g5 37
b5 c5 38 Bxc5 gxh4 39 Bd6+ Kb7 40 gxh4 Rxh4 41 c4 f5 42 c5
g5 43 c6+ Resigns.
Can any further details be found?
The photograph is of Jack Spence, from page 50 of the American
Bulletin, May-June 1949.
When submitting the photograph of Capablanca given in
C.N. 7582, Manuel Fernández Díaz (Estepa, Spain) noted
that, despite appearances, the board position does
correspond to an actual game, i.e. Capablanca v Ossip
Bernstein, with 24 Rc1 being played. Marcelo Sibille
(Montevideo, Uruguay) has also mentioned this to us.
Below is the full column (with many factual errors) on
page 192 of La Ilustración Española y Americana,
30 March 1911:
Larger version
Our latest feature article concerns the
complexities surrounding the celebrated Nimzowitsch v Alapin
7589. The Fischer v Matulović match
Referring to the 1958 Fischer
Matulović match (won by Fischer 2½-1½), Kiril
Penušliski (Skopje, Macedonia) draws attention to page 56
of Povratak Bobi Fišera by B. Ivkov (Novi Sad,
With regard to the two marked passages our correspondent
‘Ivkov attributes to Fischer (without a source) the
following remark concerning Matulović:
“He plays the strangest chess I have ever
encountered, fierce, almost wild in the daring of the
combinations in all types of positions.”
Towards the bottom of the page Ivkov states:
“Before the 1958 training match with Matulović,
Fischer – as a 15 year old – analysed 40 of
Matulović’s games. And he played four wild, fierce
games – convincingly losing one, winning one
convincingly and one luckily. And the drawn game was
not a calm between two storms.”
These comments suggest that Ivkov had seen the four
games of the Fischer v Matulović match.’
We are aware of no photographs from the match. The shot
below, taken six or seven weeks later, comes from page 323
of Chess Review, November 1958:
Hans Renette (Bierbeek, Belgium) has
found on the Archives
nationales d’outre mer website the birth certificate
of Maurice Gabriel Anthelme Billecard, who was born on 17
December 1904 in Algiers. His father was identified as
Antoine Maurice Anthelme Billecard, a 28-year-old
magistrate. That information matches the chessplayer’s
year of birth (1876) given by Jeremy Gaige in Chess
Personalia (C.N. 4798), as well as the information
about his legal profession (C.N. 7319).
Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) comments that
the availability of the chessplayer’s full forenames,
Antoine Maurice Anthelme, makes it possible to find online
further details about him, including his exact date and
place of birth: 3 August 1876 in Lure (Haute-Saône). The
next task is to discover when and where he died.
Adam Douglas (London) writes:
‘Frank Hollings was
the trading name of William Edward Redway (1866-1945),
the second proprietor of the Frank Hollings bookshop.
There never was a real “Frank Hollings”. The
antiquarian bookshop was started in 1892 by James
Francis Hollings Shepherd (born 1844), the younger
brother of the eccentric writer and bibliographer
Richard Herne Shepherd. James Shepherd used his two
middle names to create an alternative trading name for
his bookshop, as he was already in trade under his
real name as a silversmith, having founded the firm
Saunders & Shepherd (with Cornelius Desormeaux
Saunders) in 1869. From 1873 to 1902 their silver
business was conducted at Bartlett’s Passage, Holborn
Circus. As the Saunders Shepherd Group, the business
continues to this day.
Shepherd opened the Frank Hollings bookshop in 1892,
a few hundred yards west of his silversmith premises
at 7 Great Turnstile, High Holborn. He also published
single author bibliographies under that name,
beginning with Buxton Forman’s bibliography of William
Morris (1897) and followed by three more, including
his brother’s of Coleridge. The last book published by
Frank Hollings in its first incarnation was Prideaux’s
bibliography of Robert Louis Stevenson, in 1903.
Two of Redway’s brothers, George William Redway
(1859-1934) and Frank Albert Redway (1876-1916), were
also booksellers and occasional publishers. George
Redway ran an occult bookshop at 15 York Street,
Covent Garden, where his books were for a time
catalogued by the writer Arthur Machen. His youngest
brother Frank was a bed-ridden invalid, who
nevertheless operated as a bookseller in Wimbledon.
George Redway knew Richard Herne Shepherd well – he
wrote his obituary notice for The Athenaeum –
and also his younger brother James, the proprietor of
the Frank Hollings bookshop, two and a half miles away
from his own. James died in about 1905, and the Redway
family was well placed to make an early offer to buy
the business as a going concern.
When William Edward Redway took over the shop after
Shepherd’s death, he completely changed the whole
tenor of the business. Gone were the expensive
author-bibliographies aimed at wealthy Edwardian book
collectors, to be replaced by a stream of publications
on chess, beginning in 1908 with the first of three
parts of The Series of First Class Games
edited by the Hungarian-born chessplayer and
journalist Leopold Hoffer. Redway was the
chess enthusiast solely responsible for the
association of the Frank Hollings name with the game.
Redway kept the business going through the Second
World War, when the bookshop was blitzed (his own
Richmond house was bombed the same day), and he moved
the business to 69a Great Queen Street, WC2, off
Kingsway. After his death in 1945, his widow continued
the business for a couple of years before selling it
to its third and last proprietor, Arthur T. (“Dusty”)
Miller, who had worked in the bookshop since 1925.
Miller relocated the shop to 45 Cloth Fair, near
Smithfield. His interests were literary, and in 1965
he announced that the chess department was to close.
Soon afterwards he sold up altogether, and the
long-established bookshop of Frank Hollings ceased
trading in 1969. Dusty Miller took his remaining
stock, expertise and contacts to the modern rare
booksellers Bertram Rota, where he sat in the office
as a reminder of the old order until his death in
Both George and Frank Redway became innocently
tangled up with the notorious book forger Thomas J.
Wise. A good deal of biographical information about
them can be gleaned from a short book about the Wise
affair, The Firm of Charles Ottley, Landon &
Co: Footnote to an Enquiry by John Carter and Graham
Pollard (London, 1948).’
Below is the photograph mentioned in C.N. 7562, from
page 66 of the May-June 1949 American Chess Bulletin:
Jerry Spinrad (Nashville, TN, USA)
mentions a further complication: when the Blackburne
game was published in the New
York Evening Post of 19 March 1895 (page 5)
White was identified as ‘N.C.’.
Roger Mylward (Lower Heswall, England) writes:
‘The following information has
been obtained from the Genes
Reunited website.
Septimus Lawson married Mary Catherine Bradley
during the period July-September 1865 in Stockton,
County Durham. In the 1871 census, Septimus and Mary
were living with the latter’s parents (John and Agnes
Bradley) and other siblings in Stockton; they had a
four-year-old son, Thomas. In addition to her mother,
Mary had a sister named Agnes.
In the 1881 census, the Lawsons were living at 2
Queen Street, Hartlepool, with Agnes (aged eight) and
three other children. In the 1891 census, Mary and
eight children (plus a nephew, Charley Bradley) were
living at 14 Hanover Street, Hartlepool, with Agnes B.
Lawson employed as an elementary school teacher.
The 1901 census has Mary Lawson now living at 32
Mitchell Street, Hartlepool with six of her children.
Agnes B. (aged 27) was employed as an assistant
schoolmistress. Finally, the 1911 census states that
Mary Lawson (now given as a widow) was still at 32
Mitchell Street, with two of her children. Agnes
Bradley Lawson (aged 37 and single) was a school
teacher, as was her younger sister Ada Lawson (aged
It would therefore seem that Agnes Lawson was born
in 1873, as stated in Christian Sánchez’s Family
Search evidence and that she was given the family name
of Bradley rather than “Braveley”.’
7595. Meissonier
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) notes a report
on page 22 of the New York Tribune, 14 August 1892
that the painter Jean-Louis Ernest Meissonier (1815-91)
considered his chef d’oeuvre to be ‘The Chess
Mr Bauzá Mercére writes:
‘A painting of that name was one of the first by
Meissonier to be presented publicly, at the Paris
Salon in 1836. A different work with the same title
was apparently produced in 1856. To complicate
matters, there is a third chess-related painting by
him, called “Game of Chess” (“Partie d’échecs”),
dating from 1841. Which of the three pictures was
bought by Vanderbilt?’
We add a sketch of Meissonier from page 491 of Living
Leaders of the World (Chicago and St Louis,
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) is seeking information
about Jacqueline Ward, who was featured in this
photograph on page 12 of Chess Review, January
From John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA) comes another
photograph from the archives of Val Zemitis:
Larger version
7598. John W. De Arman (C.N. 7572)
The only works by J.W. De Arman mentioned in Douglas A.
Betts’ Bibliography (pages 216-217) are two
volumes of A Guide to the Chess Openings:
David DeLucia (Darien, CT, USA) reports that he has the
two books, and that neither provides biographical
information about De Arman. Jerry Spinrad (Nashville, TN,
USA) notes that the name J.W. De Arman appeared with some
frequency in old chess columns and that his openings
monographs were mentioned in Steinitz’s chess column on
page 24 of the New York Daily Tribune of 22
January 1893:
Mr Spinrad also draws attention to the references to De
Arman to be found via Google
Books, such as this paragraph on page 180 of the
August 1912 American Chess Bulletin:
‘Among the speakers at the banquet [of the Los Angeles
Young Men’s Christian Association] was J.W. De Arman of
Pasadena, and a reference was made to his projected book
to be known as Chess Classics. According to the
Los Angeles Times, the work was eulogized
and requests made for its early publication.’
Jean-Pierre Rhéaume (Montreal, Canada) remarks that
Google Books also has an entry for End Game Studies
by Henri Rinck and J.W. DeArman (‘1912 – 34 pages’). He
points out too some books listed on the WorldCat
Michael Clapham (Ipswich, England) refers to the entry
on Meissonier (four paintings) on pages 18-19 of Chess
in Art by Manfred Roesler (Davenport, 1973). It
is reproduced here with the permission of the editor,
Bob Long (Davenport, IA, USA):
From John Donaldson (Berkeley, CA, USA):
‘Valdemars (Val) Zemitis died on
22 March 2012 in Davis, California, not long before
his 87th birthday. An obituary can be found at the
California chess history website Chessdryad.
This picture of Val Zemitis with his friend Arthur
Dake (left) was taken in front of the latter’s home in
Portland, Oregon, in 1996.’
7601. Munich Olympiad, 1936
Avital Pilpel (Haifa, Israel), who conducts the Jewish
Chess History website, informs us that Moshe Roytam
has found this chess column on page 55 of Davar,
27 September 1935:
The column is available online via the Historical
Jewish Press website. Mr Pilpel comments:
‘The editor of the chess column in Davar,
Moshe Marmorosh, states that at the 1935 FIDE
Congress, the US representative, Wahrburg, demanded
that no FIDE member should be allowed to participate
in the Munich Olympiad in 1936, owing to Germany’s
anti-Semitism. This, reports Marmorosh, “led to a
heated discussion”, with “Dr Alekhine and others”
advocating “working together with Germany”. Eventually
there was a “compromise solution” whereby (as noted in
your article The
1936 Munich Chess Olympiad) FIDE would not be
officially involved but would allow individual teams
freedom of choice.’
Our article on the Munich Olympiad quoted from pages
10-11 of the minutes of FIDE’s Congress, held in Warsaw in
August 1935. The matter was also mentioned on page 446 of
the October 1935 BCM:
‘The new German C.A. is not affiliated, but a
representative was present seeking the support of the
FIDE for a team tournament at Munich next year
concurrently with the Berlin Olympiad (athletics). Some
opposition was offered on account of Germany’s
non-affiliation, but eventually on a vote it was left to
each country to take its own line on the matter.’
A more detailed account appeared on pages 140-141 of the
September 1935 Schweizerische Schachzeitung:
To summarize the Swiss magazine’s report: The FIDE
discussions were rather heated and could occasionally even
be heard in the playing hall. Germany had removed the Arierparagraph
(the ban on non-Aryans) with regard to German and foreign
participants. Nevertheless, ‘the Jewish side’ demanded
that FIDE member nations be forbidden to participate in
the Munich Olympiad. This was proposed by Wahrburg, who
received particularly strong support from Oskam and
Machtas. Rueb recommended to the Assembly that each nation
should be left to decide whether it wished to participate.
This compromise, which from the outset was strongly
supported by France (whose representative was Alekhine),
Romania, Yugoslavia, Sweden and Switzerland as the only
correct solution, was eventually accepted by ten votes to
three. Great Britain, Ireland, Czechoslovakia and Austria
abstained. A surprising and amusing point, the Schweizerische
Schachzeitung added, was that Wahrburg withdrew his
motion after it had been so clearly rejected. The magazine
considered that the FIDE delegates had averted serious
danger by finding a sensible solution to a difficult
The illustration below, which includes Richard M.
Wahrburg, comes from page 175 of the August 1935 Chess
From page 60 of the March 1927 American Chess
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore), who gave the first
photograph on page 226 of his book Julius Finn
(Jefferson, 2010), informs us that he has now acquired a
much better copy:
Our correspondent identifies the position as arising in
analysis of the third-round game at New York, 1927 between
Vidmar and Spielmann:
7603. Three games (C.N. 7585)
From John Hilbert (Amherst, NY, USA):
‘It appears that the three games were played in the
tournament of the New York State Chess Association, an
event mentioned on page 27 of the February 1917 American
Chess Bulletin:
Three other games from the tournament (Kupchik v
Jennings, Tenenwurzel v Jennings and Black v Svenson)
were published on pages 91-92 of the April 1917
Our correspondent has also found two newspaper reports:
Page 11 of the New York Sun,
26 February 1917
Page 19 of the Brooklyn
Eagle, 26 February 1917.
Luc Winants (Boirs, Belgium) has recently acquired this
publication of the Morphy v de Rivière picture (‘d’après
de M. Thompson’), on page 208 of L’Illustration,
journal universel:
Larger version
The exact date of the publication appears to be 25
September 1858.
We offer further information on a game given on pages
108-109 of Kings, Commoners and Knaves.
‘A brilliant gem’ was Steinitz’s comment on page 24 of
the New York Daily Tribune, 26 March 1893:
Celso Golmayo y Zúpide – Carl August Walbrodt
Havana, 6 March 1893
Scotch Game
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 exd4 4 Nxd4 d6 5 Bb5 Bd7 6 O-O
Nf6 7 Nc3 Be7 8 f4 O-O 9 Nxc6 Bxc6 10 Bd3 Qd7 11 Kh1
Rae8 12 h3 d5 13 e5 d4 14 Kh2 dxc3 15 exf6 Bxf6 16 bxc3
Bxc3 17 Rb1 Qd5 18 Qg4 f5 19 Qg3 Rf6 20 Qf2
20...Be1 21 Rxe1 Rxe1 22 Rb4 Rxc1 23 Bc4 Rg6 24 Qd2
24...Rd1 25 Qxd1 Rxg2+ 26 Kh1 Rd2+ 27 Qf3 Qxc4 28 White
The game was quite widely published at the time (e.g.
on page 124 of the London Chess Fortnightly, 30
March-14 April 1893, pages 136-138 of the May 1893 Deutsche
Schachzeitung and pages 291-292 of the
September-October 1893 American Chess Monthly).
A few years later it was chosen for the performance in
Berlin of a melodrama The Chess Contest at Alba
Terra. From page 105 of the American Chess
Magazine, July 1897:
The game-score was on pages 121-122 of the same issue.
7606. Self-mate and sui-mate
Steven B. Dowd (Birmingham, AL, USA), who is
writing a series of articles about Theophilus Thompson at
the Chess
Drum website, asks us about a claim concerning
Thompson on pages 204-205 of America’s Chess Heritage
by Walter Korn (New York, 1978):
‘Thompson’s determination, and speedy acquisition of
chess mastery, is astounding. He had had no formal
education, learned chess from mere observation in April
1872, and had a complete collection of first-class
problems published just one year later by the leading
chess publisher of the period.
Equally impressive is the literary taste expressed in
Thompson’s consistent use of the term “self-mate”. It
took the famous originator of fairy chess, T.R. Dawson,
of the Chess Amateur, till 1922 to achieve
legitimacy for the obviously more natural term
“self-mate” in place of the then fashionable expression
“sui-mate”. Thompson was also free of the snobism often
found in the composers’ community.’
Our correspondent comments:
‘Korn gives Thompson credit for consistent usage of
the term self-mate over sui-mate, suggesting that
Dawson brought back the term self-mate. In fact,
Thompson’s book Chess Problems (Dubuque, 1873)
consistently used the term sui-mate, as was common
then. The book contains only problems, and no text by
Thompson, and I do not know where else he would have
“consistently” used the term self-mate. What grounds
did Korn have for making the claim about Thompson?’
Readers’ assistance will be welcomed. Since Walter Korn
referred to the Chess Amateur, we mention that the
October 1919 issue (page 21) began a monthly column
entitled ‘Sui-Mates’ by Robert Burnside. Page 207 of the
April 1920 Chess Amateur announced that Burnside
had given up the column, and it was carried on, still
under the title ‘Sui-Mates’, by Duncan Pirnie from June
1920 to August 1922.
Mr Dowd also wishes to establish the first usage of the
term cross-check.
We can offer the following from page 133 of Chess:
Its Poetry and Its Prose by Arthur F. Mackenzie
(Kingston, 1887):
‘Let us now compose an attacking version of the
well-known “counter” or “cross check” idea ...’
The word recurred on page 141. See too pages xxiii and
xxxii of the collection of Mackenzie’s problems, Chess
Lyrics edited by Alain C. White (New York, 1905).
From the Westminster Papers, 1 June 1872, page
Max Fleissig – L. Rothberger
Vienna, 1872
Philidor’s Defence
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 exd4 4 Qxd4 Bd7 5 Bg5 f6 6 Bh4
Nc6 7 Qe3 Be7 8 Bc4 Nh6 9 Nc3 Nf7 10 O-O-O O-O 11 Nd5
Nce5 12 Nxe5 dxe5 13 g4 h6
14 Nxf6+ Bxf6 15 Bxf6 gxf6 16 Qxh6 Qe7 17 Rd3 Rfd8 18
g5 fxg5 19 Rg1 g4 20 Rh3 Resigns.
On the Archives
nationales d’outre mer website Hans Renette
(Bierbeek, Belgium) has discovered the death certificate
of Pierre Charles Fournier de Saint-Amant. It can be
viewed by entering ‘Fournier’ as the surname, with the
date 1872.
The document states that Saint-Amant died at three
o’clock in the afternoon on 28 October 1872. This
contradicts the previously accepted death-date (29 October
1872), which was derived from page 353 of La Stratégie,
15 December 1872.
7610. Saint-Amant in the Illustrated
London News
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) forwards this feature from
page 416 of the Illustrated London News, 28
December 1844:
Mr Urcan points out that this
photograph appeared on page 2 of the third part of the Daily
Times-Picayune (New Orleans) of 9 March 1913 (see
the pdf version).
The earlier (Cleveland) key did not identify the man
standing on the right, but now a name is provided: M.F.
The second group photograph in the newspaper article,
which features Pillsbury, is also of much interest:
A copy of good quality is sought.
We are also grateful to Mr Urcan for this series of
Cheltenham Looker-On,
21 December 1907, page 11
Devon and Exeter
Gazette, 13 March 1908, page 14
Cheltenham Looker-On,
18 October 1919, page 17
Caption: ‘Señor Capablanca, with Lieut.-Col. Ashburner
and other members on the steps of the Cheltenham Chess
P.S. Milner-Barry v A.
Alekhine (Plymouth tournament, 5 September 1938)
Western Morning News and Daily Gazette, 6
September 1938, page 11
Western Morning News
and Daily Gazette, 9 September 1938, page 5
Western Morning News
and Daily Gazette, 10 September 1938, page 10.
7613. Steinitz v Zukertort world
championship match
This article by G.H. Diggle was originally published in
the March 1986 Newsflash and appeared on page 37
of volume two of Chess Characters (Geneva, 1987):
‘One hundred years ago a famous World Championship
Match of ten games up excluding draws was played in
three sections at New York, St Louis and New Orleans. No
American nationalist pride was involved as Steinitz was
an Austrian Jew and Zukertort’s antecedents were
“shrouded in mystery”. Yet the contest convulsed the
American public, partly because it brought back the
memory of their own World Champion, whose death only 18
months earlier after years of obscurity had suddenly
blazoned forth his name once more in countless nostalgic
Obituaries. Thus when the match began at the Manhattan
Chess Club, “the same chessboard was employed upon which
Morphy fought his famous battles a quarter of a century
ago”, with “the veteran Mr Patterson, who called off the
moves for Morphy [at New York, 1857] again acting as
teller upon the present occasion”. There was a great
gathering of “eminent divines, members of the legal
profession, and men of letters”, who well remembered
Morphy’s brilliant début, and there were many hearty
handshakes between players who had not met since then,
but were again attracted by the fame of the present
masters. [BCM, February 1886, page 54.] In fact,
throughout the contest, Morphy’s shade seemed to hover
in the background, and in the final section of the
match, at New Orleans, Zukertort expressly selected for
his second Morphy’s lifelong friend and opponent C.A.
The contrast between the two masters is well portrayed
by a Reporter in The Republican: “[Steinitz is]
a fat phlegmatic little man, with a fine forehead and
mussed hair and clothes. His legs are very short,
although his circumference around the equator is rather
large, and it was a peculiar sight to watch the great
chessplayer seated upon an ordinary chair and feeling
unsuccessfully for the continent of North America with
his feet. Both men are hirsute, but Zukertort is better
groomed than Steinitz. Both have fine heads. Steinitz is
all curves, Zukertort all angles. ... Steinitz is all
solidity and adipose tissue, Zukertort all brilliancy
and nerves.” [See pages 161-162 of the February 1886 Chess
The course of the match is well known – Zukertort’s
brilliant start at New York (+4 –1 =0), Steinitz’s
recovery at St Louis, levelling the score to +4 -4 =1,
and then forging ahead at New Orleans to +7 –5 =4. Then
came the crucial 17th game, which in its general course
bears a striking resemblance to Anderssen’s sixth game
against Morphy. Like Anderssen, Zukertort was two games
behind. In both cases, they made a supreme effort to
reduce the lead, and obtained a clear win, only to
fritter it away tragically in the final stages.
Zukertort did indeed draw whereas Anderssen lost, but
(says P.W. Sergeant in Championship Chess) the
game “contributed not a little to his breakdown; or
perhaps it should be said that his play in it was
symptomatic of the coming breakdown”. For the last three
games of the match the exhausted master lost off the
reel without a struggle – a strange repetition of his
three losses at the end of his great London Tournament
of 1883, though there he was so far ahead of the whole
field that it did not matter.
It was afterwards suggested that had the whole match
been played at New York Zukertort might have won. But Dr
Lasker in his Manual had no doubt as to which
was the greater player. Zukertort “simply puts his
pieces on squares where they enjoy mobility and hopes
for complications in which to exercise his talent for
combination”. Steinitz “follows a plan”.’
Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea,
England) informs us that two years ago he was asked by
the sculptor David
Goode of Oxford for a chess position that might be
used in a projected work. From the photographs below,
kindly sent to us by Mr Goode, the challenge to readers is
to identify the position which Michael McDowell provided.
We wish to draw up a brief guide to the best websites
at which old chess magazines and newspaper columns can
be consulted.
A number of readers have made significant online
discoveries, and it will be appreciated if they, and
others, can send us links, together with a brief
descriptive paragraph or two, regarding the sites which
they have found particularly useful.
Not seeing (C.N. 6539)
C.N. 6539 quoted a paragraph from page 107 of the April
1885 International Chess Magazine:
With respect to the last sentence (and the claim of
originality), we now note a report on page 154 of the Westminster
Papers, 1 December 1873:
‘Mr Blackburne’s blindfold performance was on this, as
on previous occasions, an unqualified success. Against
ten opponents he won six games, drew three and lost but
one, after a contest of over eight hours. He came, he
did not see, but he conquered.’
From opposite page 144 of Pol stoletja ob šahovnici
by Milan Vidmar (Ljubljana, 1951):
A solving challenge:
White, to move, mates all nine kings (simultaneously)
in 11 moves.
7619. Dummy pawn (C.N. 5791)
From page 76 of the 20 September 1851 issue of the Chess
(edited by Kling and Horwitz):
The ‘Answers to Correspondents’ section in the same issue
(page 80) had the following:
‘We are of opinion that a pawn, when reaching his
eighth’s square, is entitled to become any piece the
player thinks best; and, naturally enough, if it prove
disadvantageous to become a piece, it may still remain a
pawn. (See Diagram 19.) This question among others, we
thought, should have been discussed at the Tournament.’
Another ‘answer’, on page 96 of the 4 October 1851 Chess
‘We are glad to hear that you think a pawn should also
have the privilege of remaining a pawn when reaching the
eighth square; but we hardly think it practicable as the
law now exists.’
The above composition was referred to on page 175 of the
Westminster Papers, 1 December 1873:
‘After mature consideration, we can see no utility in a
controversy about the dummy pawn. So far as we know, it
was first suggested in this country in 1851, in a
two-penny publication called the Chess Player,
and was illustrated by an absurd problem, aptly enough
baptized by the composer “Revolutionary”. The problem,
which in 1851 passed current for a tolerable joke, was
in 1862 “adduced” as a serious argument, and appears to
have convinced some worthy people that it embodied an
excellent principle. To J.M.R., who enquires, “Could not
a game be invented to show the usefulness of the
regulation?” we answer, yes; and more, the players might
be invented also. The wonder is, that the double event
has not been “managed” long ago.’
The chess column on page 36 of the 5 September 1874 Illustrated
London News referred to the ‘famous “dummy pawn”
epidemic’. A more recent curiosity is the entry on page 54
of the Dictionary of Modern Chess by Byrne J.
Horton (New York, 1959), which did not make it clear that
the dummy pawn rule had long ago become obsolete

From page 56 of Horton’s Dictionary of Modern Chess:
Bayersdorfer used the term (‘Oekonomie der Mittel’)
in the final instalment of his article ‘Britische
Vota über Preisprobleme’ on page 353 of the
November 1867 Deutsche Schachzeitung:

For originating the phrase Bayersdorfer was credited on
page 14 of Zur Kenntnis des Schachproblems
edited by J. Kohtz and C. Kockelkorn (Potsdam, 1902):

The book’s frontispiece:

An early occurrence of the English term ‘economy of
force’ was in the ‘Answers to Correspondents’ section of
the City of London Chess Magazine, February 1874
(page 24):
‘E.G. (London). Your problem is hardly up to
publication standard. The idea, like the Claimant
behind the sapling, is too plainly seen, and moreover
the construction is wanting in that elegance and
economy of force which only experience can give.’
That may be contrasted with a remark by J.H. Blackburne
on page 201 of the August 1875 issue (in a review of
Kohtz and Kockelkorn’s 101 Ausgewählte
‘The five-movers surpass anything that we have as yet
seen. We are perfectly aware that many competent
judges will not concur in this opinion. Some will
discover all sorts of flaws, or what are termed
“duals”, while others will talk about “economy of
force”, or some such equally ridiculous nonsense. But,
however, we have our own foolish ideas on problem
7621. Motto
A remark by Walter Browne in an interview with Mary
Lasher on page 10 of Inside Chess, 10 February
‘My motto is: when you win you earn, when you lose you
The two games below, played in simultaneous displays
given by Spielmann, come from pages 121-128 of Sonja
Graf’s Así juega una mujer (Buenos Aires, 1941).
The book includes Tarrasch’s annotations.
Sonja Graf – Rudolf Spielmann
Munich, 1932
Queen’s Gambit Declined
1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 c4 c6 4 Nc3 dxc4 5 a4 Bf5 6 e3 Na6
7 Bxc4 Nb4 8 O-O e6 9 Ne5 Be7 10 Qe2 O-O 11 e4 Bg6 12
Nxg6 hxg6 13 Be3 Qa5 14 f4 Qh5 15 Qxh5 gxh5 16 Rad1 Rad8
17 h3 Rd7 18 Kh1 Rfd8 19 Bb3 h4
20 f5 exf5 21 Rxf5 g6 22 Rf3 Kg7 23 Rdf1 Nh5 24 Rxf7+
Kh8 25 R1f3 Ng3+ 26 Kg1 Bd6 27 Bg5 Rxf7 28 Rxf7 Resigns.
Sonja Graf – Rudolf Spielmann
Munich, 1932
Queen’s Pawn Game
1 d4 e6 2 c4 Nf6 3 Bg5 h6 4 Bd2 Ne4 5 Nf3 Nxd2 6 Nbxd2
d5 7 e3 Be7 8 Bd3 O-O 9 O-O Nd7 10 Qe2 Nf6 11 c5 c6 12
Ne5 Bd7 13 f4 Be8 14 g4 Nd7 15 Ndf3 Nxe5 16 Nxe5 Bf6 17
f5 exf5 18 gxf5 Qe7 19 Ng4 Bd7 20 Qg2 Kh8 21 Qh3 Bg5 22
Rf3 Rae8 23 Re1 Bh4 24 Ref1 Bg5 25 Rg3 Bh4 26 Rg2 Bg5 27
Rf3 Qd8 28 b4 a5 29 a3 axb4 30 axb4 Qa8
31 Nxh6 Bxh6 32 Rxg7 Qa1+ 33 Rf1 Qxf1+ 34 Kxf1 Kxg7 35
f6+ Kxf6 36 Qxh6+ Ke7 37 Qd6+ Kd8 38 Bf5 Resigns.
The book has this photograph of Sonja Graf:
From page 63 of the London Chess Fortnightly,
14 December 1892:
‘Mr C. Moriau (City champion) gave a wonderful
blindfold performance at the Metropolitan Chess Club
on 5 December. He was opposed by six opponents, and
the games were conducted two in English, two in
French, and two in German. Mr Moriau, in the end,
scored four wins against two losses. When it is borne
in mind that Mr Moriau had to conduct the mental
operations of these six games in three distinct
notations, the whole performance must be pronounced a
wonderful mental feat.’
7624. Rapid transit games
Old specimens of fast chess
are fairly scarce. Below are three from a tournament held
at Marshall’s Chess Divan, New York on 28 April 1917. The
time-limit was 20 seconds per move, and Marshall won the
event with 5½ points, ahead of Janowsky (5), Chajes (4½),
Jaffe (4), Bernstein (3), Hodges (3), Black (2½) and
Beynon (½).
Dawid Janowsky – Jacob Bernstein
New York, 28 April 1917
Four Knights’ Game
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bb5 Bb4 5 O-O O-O 6 d3 d6 7
Bg5 Bxc3 8 bxc3 Qe7 9 Re1 Nd8 10 d4 Ne6 11 Bc1 Rd8 12 Rb1
c5 13 Bc4 b6 14 d5 Nf8 15 h3 Rb8 16 Bd3 a6 17 c4 Bd7 18
Nh2 Ng6 19 Ng4 Nxg4 20 hxg4 b5 21 g3 bxc4 22 Rxb8 Rxb8 23
Bxc4 Bb5 24 Bd3 Bxd3 25 Qxd3 Qb7 26 Bd2 Qb5 27 Qa3 f6 28
Kg2 Nf8
29 g5 Nd7 30 Qf3 fxg5 31 Bxg5 Rf8 32 Qg4 Qb4 33 Re3 Nf6
34 Qe6+ Rf7 35 Bxf6 gxf6 36 Qxd6 a5 37 Qe6 Qc4 38 Qc8+ Rf8
39 Qg4+ Kf7 40 Rb3 Qa6 41 Qd7+ Kg6 42 Rb7 Resigns.
Jacob Bernstein – Frank James Marshall
New York, 28 April 1917
Queen’s Gambit Declined
1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 c5 4 cxd5 exd5 5 Nf3 Nc6 6 e3 Nf6 7
Be2 Bd6 8 O-O O-O 9 b3 Bg4 10 Bb2 cxd4 11 exd4 Rc8 12 Rc1
Bf4 13 Rb1 Re8 14 h3 Bh5 15 Nh2 Bg6 16 Bd3 Qd6 17 Nf3 Ne4
18 Nb5 Qf6 19 Bxe4 Bxe4 20 Ra1 Bb8 21 Re1 Qf4 22 Ne5 Nxe5
23 dxe5 Qg5 24 f3
24...Rc2 25 Re2 Rxb2 26 fxe4 Rxe2 27 Qxe2 Qxe5 28 Rd1 a6
29 Nd4 Ba7 30 Qd2 dxe4 31 Kh1 Rd8 32 Nc6 Rxd2 33 Rxd2 Qa1+
34 White resigns.
Charles Jaffe – Roy Turnbull Black
New York, 28 April 1917
Queen’s Pawn Game
1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 c6 3 e3 d6 4 Nc3 Bg4 5 Be2 Nbd7 6 e4 e5 7
O-O Be7 8 Be3 O-O 9 Nh4 Bxe2 10 Qxe2 Nxe4 11 Nxe4 Bxh4 12
Nxd6 exd4 13 Bxd4 Qc7 14 Nf5 Bf6 15 Rad1 Qf4 16 Ne7+ Kh8
17 Be3 Qc7 18 Nf5 Bxb2 19 Qg4 Rad8 20 Rd4 g6 21 Bh6 Bxd4
22 Qxd4+ Qe5
23 Bg7+ Resigns.
Source: American Chess Bulletin, May-June 1917,
pages 110-113.
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has
forwarded this report, which includes an interview with
Euwe, on page 10 of the Nottingham Evening Post,
6 August 1936. A larger version of the full page is
given in our most recent feature article, Photographs of Nottingham,
7626. The ‘Schwabinger Gambit’
On page 7 of the 25 March 1893 edition of the Nottinghamshire
Guardian Olimpiu G. Urcan has found a game
illustrating ‘A new gambit, played at the Café Union,
Munich, in April last, between “Einsiedler in Schwabing”
and E. Varain, editor of the Süddeutsche
1 f4 f5 2 e4 fxe4 3 d3 Nf6 4 Nc3 d5 5 dxe4 d4 6 Bc4 c5 7
e5 Nc6 8 Qe2 Ng4 9 Ne4 Qb6 10 Nf3 Ne3 11 Bxe3 Qxb2 12 O-O
dxe3 13 Qxe3 Nd4 14 Nxc5 Nxf3+ 15 Qxf3 Qxc2 16 Rfc1 Qf5 17
Nxb7 Rb8 18 Rab1 Bxb7
19 e6 Qc5+ 20 Kh1 Qc7 21 Bb5+ Kd8 22 Rxc7 Bxf3 23 Rd7+
Ke8 24 Rd5+ Rxb5 25 Rbxb5 Bxd5 and White mates.
See ‘The Swiss Gambit’.
From page 215 of the July 1865 issue of the Chess
Player’s Magazine:
A position on page 240 of the November 1892 American
Chess Monthly:
It does not seem that the Monthly reverted to
the position, i.e. to give the conclusion (which was
presumably 1...h5+ 2 Kg3 Bh4+, etc.).
7629. Alekhine in Paris, 1941
Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) supplies this
photograph from page 1 of the Paris publication Le
Matin of 23 December 1941:
This simultaneous display at the Hôtel Meurice against
the German military was mentioned on page 677 of the
Skinner/Verhoeven book on Alekhine. There are
discrepancies, such as whether Alekhine faced 75 boards or
Mr Thimognier asks whether information, including the
full game-scores, is available concerning the match
between Savielly Tartakower and William Winter in 1938.
This brief report was on page 457 of the October 1938 BCM:
White, to move, mates all nine kings
(simultaneously) in 11 moves
This problem, by Charles Henry
Waterbury, was published in the Hartford
Weekly Times of 25 September 1875 (whose
diagram used queens rather than kings). Page 120 of the Westminster
Papers, 1 November 1875 wondered whether the
composition was solvable, but when it was given on page
140 of the 1 December 1875 issue the Papers commented:
‘Last month we did a great injustice to Mr C.H.
Waterbury and his nine king problem, by suggesting that
it was impossible of solution. We know better now, and
that our readers may suffer something with us, we give
the problem in the margin.’
On page 169 of the 1 January 1876 edition ‘H.J.C.A.’
(Henry John Clinton Andrews) observed:
‘Mr Waterbury may fairly be proclaimed the Napoleon of
chess strategy. Even the great emperor never excelled,
or even rivalled, this feat of checkmating nine hostile
monarchs at one stroke and in one pitched battle.
Metaphor apart, it must be admitted that this problem,
though eccentric, is planned and executed with masterly
skill, and I have enjoyed a rare treat in conquering its
In the same issue (page 174) Andrews was named as the Westminster
Papers’ only solver of the problem. The solution
(which had also been given in the Hartford Weekly
Times of 16 October 1875) runs:
1 Qf2+ g3 2 hxg3 Kh5 3 Ng4+ e3 4 Bxe3+ Ke4 5 Na8+ Ka7 6
Nxe5 hxg5 7 Bc1 g4 8 Bf4 Kf5 9 e4+ Kxe4 10 Qc2+ Kd4
11 Nc6 mate.
C.H. Waterbury (Scientific
American Supplement, 13 April 1878, page 1900)
For further information about Waterbury, see pages 7-10
of Brentano’s Chess Monthly, June 1882.
7632. Rodrigo Flores
Further to our feature article The Chess Prodigy Rodrigo
Flores Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) notes
regarding the Flores v Palau encounter (L’Echiquier,
December 1929, pages 541-542) that the Belgian magazine
was criticized on page 3 of the January 1930 issue of El
Ajedrez Americano for not specifying that it was a
skittles game.
Our correspondent adds a feature from Caras y Caretas,
1 October 1927:
Finally, Mr Sánchez draws attention to a posthumous
autobiography by Flores (Santiago, 2009), Mis
de ajedrez.
Addition on 8 August 2016: the above link no
longer works.
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) sends this photograph from
the fourth sheet (the photograph page) of De Sumatra
Post (Medan) of 14 May 1929:
We add that the exhibition took place at the Selfridges
department store in Oxford Street, London on 9 April
1929. From page 170 of the May 1929 Chess Amateur:
‘The ladies on Tuesday included the little Princess
Tatiana Wiasemsky, the nine-year-old grand-daughter of
Mr Gordon Selfridge. She made a good fight and was one
of the last to finish.’
Another photograph taken during the display, and also
showing ‘the little Princess’, is in our book on
Capablanca, courtesy of Mr David Butler of Selfridges:
7634. Alekhine in Paris, 1941 (C.N.
Wolfgang Franz (Oberdiebach, Germany) notes that a
better-quality version of the Alekhine photograph was on
the front cover of the February 1993 Rochade Europa:
Page 45 of the September 1993 issue gave the game
Alekhine v Seibold, dated 21 December 1942 (sic).
See page 677 of the Skinner/Verhoeven book on Alekhine.
Mr Franz also points out that the score of the
simultaneous display was +40 –4 =6 according to page 5 of
the January 1942 Deutsche Schachzeitung but +39 –
4 =7 in this report in La Gerbe of 8 January 1942:
Leonard Skinner (Cowbridge, Wales) provides the report on
page 16 of Schach-Echo, 7 January 1942:
Nothing has been found to support the statement in Le
Matin (C.N. 7629) that the Alekhine display was on
75 boards.
A new article Chess History Research
Online has just been posted. It will be expanded
shortly with further contributions from readers.
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.