Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
7683. Sämisch blindfold game
A widely-published blindfold game won by F. Sämisch
against N.N.:
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Bb4 4 e5 c5 5 Bd2 cxd4 6 Nb5 Bc5 7
b4 Bb6 8 Qg4 Kf8 9 Nf3 Nc6 10 Qf4 f6 11 exf6 Qxf6 12 Nc7
Bxc7 13 Qxc7 h6 14 b5 d3
15 Bxd3 Qxa1+ 16 Ke2 Qf6 17 bxc6 Qe7 18 Bb4 Qxb4 19 Qd8+
Kf7 20 Ne5 mate.
Wanted regarding this game-score: the oldest possible
citations from magazines and columns of the time. But when
was ‘the time’? ‘Aachen, 1943’ was the heading when the
game was published on pages 174-175 of The Joys of
Chess by Fred Reinfeld (New York, 1961), but other
books tend to give the date as 1934. See, for instance,
pages 363-364 of Irving Chernev’s Best Short Games collection,
which introduced the game as follows:
‘“Of all the modern masters that I have had occasion to
observe playing blindfold chess, it is Sämisch who
interests me the most; his great technique, his speed
and precision have always made a profound impression on
me.” So said Alekhine, himself one of the most
magnificent exponents of the art.’
Alekhine made the remark on page 19 of Auf dem Wege
zur Weltmeisterschaft (Berlin and Leipzig, 1932):
‘Von allen modernen Meistern, die ich beim
Blindspiel zu beobachten Gelegenheit hatte, gefiel mir
Sämisch am besten; seine große Technik, seine
Schnelligkeit und Sicherheit haben mir imponiert.’
The French version, from page 270 of Deux cents
parties d’échecs (Rouen, 1936):
‘De tous les Maîtres modernes que j’ai eu l’occasion
d’observer au jeu à l’aveugle, c’est Sämisch qui
m’intéresse le plus; sa grande technique, sa rapidité
et sa sûreté m’ont toujours fait une profonde
From page 193 of the Westminster Papers, 1
January 1879:
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 exd4 4 Nxd4 Bc5 5 Be3 Qf6 6 c3
Nge7 7 Bc4 Qg6 8 O-O d5 9 Nxc6 dxc4 10 Qd8 mate.
A curious, if unspectacular, specimen of what P.H.
Clarke termed a ‘mini-miniature’ on page 118 of 100
Soviet Chess Miniatures (London, 1963).
7685. R.P. Michell (C.N. 5061)
Kevin Thurlow (Redhill, England) draws attention to the entry
Michell in the register of burials in
Kingston-upon-Thames, noting that the image available via
that page states that Michell died on 19 May 1938, whereas
other sources (such as page 314 of the July 1938 BCM)
have 20 May. Moreover, Michell’s second forename is
specified in the burial register as ‘Pryce’ and not
‘Price’. (The latter spelling is sometimes seen in chess
outlets, though not, we believe, in reliable ones.)
C.N. 5061 gave two photographs of Michell, and below is
another one, published on page 314 of the July 1938 BCMand
the frontispiece to the April 1926 issue:
C.N.s 1334, 1490, 1503, 1542 and 1627 gave information
about Prince Dadian of Mingrelia, and here we reproduce
the last of those items, a contribution in 1988 from the
late John van Manen (Modbury Heights, Australia)
concerning the Prince’s family background:
‘Andre Dadian’s grandparents were: Levan
Gregorievich, Prince of Mingrelia, 1789-1846, and
his wife Marthe Zourabovna Tseretelli, whom he
married on 20 August 1820, 1792-17 August 1839.
(Something is wrong somewhere; perhaps she was his
second wife ...)
The next generation: Dawith (David) Dadian
Levanovich, Prince of Mingrelia, born on 21 January
1812, died in 1853. Married Ekaterina Alexandrovna
Chavchavadze. Children:
(1) Nicholas Davidovich, born on 4 January 1847,
died on 6 February 1903. He had a son, Nicholas,
born on 12 December 1876, who left a single daughter
and was the last male member of that family.
(2) Salome, born on 13 October 1848, died on 23
July 1913, who married on 13 May 1868 Achille Murat
(1847-1895), the grandson of Joachim Murat, general
and king of Naples.
(3) Andre Dadian (Davidovich), born on 24 October
1850, etc.
Sources of information: Burke’s Royal
Families of the World, volume I, Europe and Latin
America (1977), page 122. Almanach de Gotha
(inter alia 1900, page 394; 1905, page 395;
1927, page 497).’
Below is a photograph of the chessplaying Prince from
page 109 of the September 1898 American Chess
Additional note: photographs of the Prince were
shown in C.N. 3031.
7687. Russian photographs
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) points out some Russian
photographs (pre-First World War) at a webpage of
the Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow.
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England) comes this
passage by Hood on page 547 of the book Hood’s Own
(London, 1839):
‘It is pleasant after a match at Chess, particularly
if we have won, to try back, and reconsider those
important moves which have had a decisive influence on
the result. It is still more interesting, in the game
of Life, to recal[l] the critical positions which have
occurred during its progress, and review the false or
judicious steps that have led to our subsequent good
or ill fortune. There is, however, this difference,
that chess is a matter of pure skill and calculation,
whereas the chequered board of human life is subject
to the caprice of Chance – the event being sometimes
determined by combinations which never entered into
the mind of the player.’
Our correspondent comments:
‘Howard Staunton must have held Hood in high
esteem, since he contributed a guinea to the public
subscription for a monument to him, which was
erected at Kensal Green Cemetery on 18 July 1854,
more than nine years after his death. The long list
of subscribers can be seen in Eliza Cook’s
Journal, 5 August 1854, pages 225-229. They include
many literary and theatrical figures, such as Alfred
Tennyson, W.M. Thackeray, W.C. Macready, John Timbs,
Douglas Jerrold and Charles Mackay.’
Page 88 of Najdorf x Najdorf by Liliana Najdorf
(Buenos Aires, 1999) has a set of claims purportedly
made by M. Najdorf about his over-the-board encounters:
Can corroboration of any authoritative kind be found
for, in particular, the assertion that Najdorf played
against Churchill in a simultaneous display?
7690. Sämisch blindfold game (C.N. 7683)
Peter Anderberg (Harmstorf, Germany), Hans-Georg
Kleinhenz (Munich, Germany) and Alan McGowan (Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada) note that the game was published on page
304 of Deutsche Schachblätter, 1 October 1934:
The display, which took place in Aachen on 28 May, was
mentioned on page 190 of the 15 June 1934 issue, with the
information that Sämisch won all ten blindfold games
within five hours:
Mr Kleinhenz adds:
‘The handwritten chronicle of the Aachener
Schachverein 1856 (the organizer of the German
Championship) does not contain a detailed report of
the exhibition but mentions that some were
consultation games:
“Saemisch spielt anl. der Dt. Meisterschaft an 10
Brettern blind. Zum Teil Beratungspartien. S. gewinnt
alle Partien.”’
Furthermore, Mr Anderberg notes that the game-score was
published in Chemnitzer Wochenschach, 10 June
7691. Always lucky (C.N. 5448)
C.N. 5448 sought citations for the axiom, often ascribed
to Capablanca, that good players are always lucky.
We have found nothing published during the Cuban’s
lifetime but can offer the following:
‘As they say in New York, the good player is always
That was written by Reuben Fine on page 88 of the April
1942 Chess Review, when introducing a game between
Seidman and Reshevsky. See too page 4 of Fine’s book Chess
Marches On! (New York, 1945).
On the other hand, Fine wrote on page 131 of The
World’s a Chessboard (Philadelphia, 1948):
‘It’s better to be lucky than good, Capa used to say.’
Fine’s book The World’s Great Chess Games (New
York, 1951) had this on page 235:
‘... Capablanca’s profound observation that the good
player is always lucky’.
Three games received from Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New
York, NY, USA):
Sigismund Hamel – Adolf Anderssen
Breslau, 1874
Bishop’s Opening
1 e4 e5 2 Bc4 f5 3 exf5 Nf6 4 g4 d5 5 Bb3 h5 6 g5 Ne4 7
d3 Nc5 8 Qe2 Nc6 9 Nf3 Nxb3 10 axb3 Bb4+ 11 c3 Bd6 12
Nh4 b6 13 f4 Kd7 14 d4 Re8 15 fxe5 Nxe5 16 O-O Ng4 17
Qg2 Bxh2+ 18 Kh1
18...Kc6 19 Na3 Kb7 20 Bd2 Bd7 21 Nc2 Re4 22 Rae1 Qg8
23 Rxe4 dxe4 24 c4 Re8 25 Ne3 Nxe3 26 Bxe3 Bd6 27 Bf4
Bb4 28 Be5 Bc6 29 d5 Rxe5 30 dxc6+ Kb8 31 Ng6 Re8 32 f6
Qf7 33 Nf4 e3 34 Ne2 gxf6 35 Rxf6 Qe7 36 Qd5 a5 37 Rf7
Qe6 38 Qxe6 Rxe6 39 Rf6 Rxf6 40 gxf6 Kc8 41 Kg2 Kd8 42
Nf4 Ke8 43 Kf3 h4 44 Kxe3 Kf7 45 Nd5 Bd6 46 Kf2 h3 47
Kg1 Ke6 48 Kh1
48...b5 49 Kg1 a4 50 Nc3 Be5 51 bxa4 Bxc3 52 cxb5 Bb4
53 Kh2 Kxf6 54 Kxh3 Ke6 55 Kg4 Kd6 56 Kf4 Kc5 57 Ke4 Ba5
58 Kd3 Kb4 59 Kd4 Bb6+ 60 White resigns.
Source: Illustrated London News, 10 October
1874, page 355.
Sigismund Hamel – Adolf Anderssen
Breslau, 1874
Bishop’s Opening
1 e4 e5 2 Bc4 f5 3 exf5 Nf6 4 g4 d5 5 Bb3 Bc5 6 d3 h5 7
Be3 Bxe3 8 fxe3 Nxg4 9 Qe2 Bxf5 10 Nf3 e4 11 dxe4 Bxe4
12 Nbd2 Nc6 13 O-O-O Qe7 14 Nxe4 dxe4 15 Nd4 Nxd4 16
16...Rf8 17 Qb5+ c6 18 Qxh5+ Resigns.
Source: Illustrated London News, 14 November
1874, page 475.
Adolf Anderssen – Sigismund Hamel
Breslau, August 1874
Queen’s Fianchetto Defence
1 e4 b6 2 Nf3 Bb7 3 Nc3 e6 4 d4 Bb4 5 Bd3 Nf6 6 Bg5 h6
7 Bxf6 Qxf6 8 O-O Bxc3 9 bxc3 d6 10 Nd2 O-O 11 f4 Qe7 12
f5 exf5 13 Rxf5 Nd7 14 Qe2 Nf6 15 Raf1 Nh7 16 Qh5 Bc8
17 e5 Bxf5 18 Rxf5 Qe6 19 Rf3 Ng5 20 Rg3 f5 21 h4 Qf7
22 Bc4 d5 23 Qxf7+ Nxf7 24 Bxd5 Rad8 25 Bb3 c5 26 e6
cxd4 27 exf7+ Kh7 28 cxd4 Rxd4 29 Nf3 Rg4 30 Rxg4 fxg4
31 Ne5 Rd8 32 Nd7 Resigns.
Source: Illustrated London News, 16 December
1874, page 619.
7693. First move by the white king
Which was the first move by the white king – Kf2, Kd1 or
7694. Warren v Selman
The correspondence miniature A.M. Warren v I. Selman
(Budapest Defence) was discussed in C.N.s 905 and 933 (see
page 50 of Chess Explorations). Below is the
game’s appearance on page 71 of Fernschach,
September 1931:
From page 213 of the Westminster Papers, 1
March 1876:
The caricature was mentioned by ‘A Looker-on’ in the 15
March 1876 issue of the Chess Player’s Chronicle,
page 53:
‘Have you seen the charming portrait of “Herr Wilhelm
Steinitz”, and accompanying letterpress, which appear
in the Westminster Papers for the current
month? The likeness, though somewhat flattering, is,
in my humble opinion, admirable, and has given rise to
an incredible amount of fun among chessplayers
hereabouts, though I hear that the original somewhat
objects to it. On dit, though, of course, I do
not vouch for the fact, two actions for libel – or, I
suppose, two threats of actions – have been brought
against the Papers during the past week. But
threatened people, they say, live long.’
7696. Judd v Mackenzie (C.N. 7684)
Courtesy of Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) and
John Hilbert (Amherst, NY, USA), the other three informal
games played by Mackenzie against Judd during his visit to
St Louis are added:
Max Judd – George Henry Mackenzie
St Louis, 28 November 1878
Greco Counter-Gambit
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f5 3 d4 fxe4 4 Nxe5 Nf6 5 Nc3 d5 6 Bg5 Be6
7 f3 exf3 8 Qxf3 Be7 9 Bxf6 Bxf6 10 Qh5+ g6 11 Qe2 Qe7 12
O-O-O Nc6 13 g3 Bxe5 14 dxe5 O-O-O 15 Bg2 Qg5+ 16 Rd2 Rhe8
17 Qb5 Nxe5 18 b3 c6 19 Qc5 b6 20 Qa3 Kb7 21 Rhd1 Bg4 22
Rf1 Rd7 23 Rf4 Bf5 24 Ra4 a5 25 Rad4 Ng4 26 Kb2 Ne3 27 Qa4
Nxg2 28 Rxg2 Re1 29 Rgd2 Be6 30 Rf4 Qe5 31 Rfd4
31...c5 32 Qxd7+ Bxd7 33 Rxd5 Qf6 34 Rxd7+ Kc6
35 Rc7+ Kxc7 36 White resigns.
Source: Cincinnati Commercial, 18 December 1878.
George Henry Mackenzie – Max Judd
St Louis, 28 November 1878
Vienna Gambit
1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Bc5 3 f4 d6 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 Bc4 O-O 6 d3 c6 7
Bb3 a5 8 Qe2 b5 9 a4 b4 10 Nd1 Nbd7 11 f5 d5 12 Bg5 dxe4
13 dxe4 Qb6 14 Bxf6 Ba6 15 Bc4 Bxc4 16 Qxc4 Nxf6 17 b3
Rad8 18 Qe2 Bd4 19 Rb1 Rd7 20 Nd2 Rfd8 21 Nc4 Qc5 22 g4
Bg1 23 Qg2 Bd4 24 Qf3 Bg1 25 Qg2 Bd4 26 h4 Ne8 27 Rh3 Nd6
28 Nxd6 Rxd6 29 Rd3 Bc3+ 30 Nxc3 Rxd3 31 cxd3 Qxc3+ 32 Qd2
Rxd3 33 Qxc3 Rxc3
34 Kd2 Kf8 35 g5 Ke7 36 h5 Rh3 37 g6 hxg6 38 hxg6 fxg6 39
fxg6 Rg3 40 Rc1 Kd6 41 Rh1 Rxg6 42 Rh8 Kc5 43 Ra8 Kd4 44
Rxa5 Rg2+ 45 Ke1 c5 46 Rb5 Rb2 47 Rb7 Rxb3 48 Rxg7 Ra3 49
Rd7+ Kxe4. ‘The game was prolonged many moves, and finally
won by Black.’
Sources: St Louis Globe-Democrat, 30 November
1878 and (with annotations by Steinitz) The Field,
18 January 1879.
The third game, the brevity given in C.N. 7684, was
played on 29 November and appeared in the St Louis
Globe-Democrat,1 December 1878.
The final game:
George Henry Mackenzie – Max Judd
St Louis, 29 November 1878
Evans Gambit Declined
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bb6 5 b5 Nce7 6 Nxe5 Nh6
7 d4 d6 8 Bxh6 dxe5 9 Bxg7 Qxd4 10 Qxd4 Bxd4 11 Bxh8 Bxa1
12 c3 Ng6 13 Bf6 a6 14 b6 cxb6 15 Kd2 b5 16 Bd5 b4 17
cxb4 Bd4 18 Rc1 Bb6 19 Na3 Nf4 20 Bxe5 Nxd5 21 exd5 Bxf2
22 Nc4 Bd7 23 Rf1 f6 24 Bxf6 Ba7 25 Nd6+ Kf8 26 Be5+ Kg8
27 Rf7 Ba4 28 Rg7+ Kf8 29 Rxh7 Rd8 30 Rh8+ Ke7 31 Nf5+ Kd7
32 Rh7+ Ke8 33 Ng7+ Resigns.
Sources: St
Louis Globe-Democrat, 1 December 1878, reprinted in
Turf, Field and Farm, 6 December 1878. It was also
annotated in the Cincinnati Commercial, 18
December 1878.
7697. Water and poison
A number of websites continue to ascribe to Spielmann,
rather than Mieses, the familiar ‘water and poison’ remark
concerning Lasker, so it is worth recalling that C.N. 3161
(see pages 246-247 of Chess Facts and Fables) gave
three quotes:
1) From an article by Mieses in the Berliner
Tageblatt which was reproduced on page 16 of his San
Sebastián, 1911 tournament book:
‘Laskers Stil ist klares Wasser mit einem Tropfen
Gift darin, der es opalisieren lässt. Capablancas Stil
ist vielleicht noch klarer, aber es fehlt der Tropfen
2) The translation on pages xix-xx of the French edition
of the book:
‘Le style de Lasker pourrait être comparé à de l’eau
claire recevant une goutte de poison qui la rendrait
opaline; le style de Capablanca est peut-être encore
plus clair, mais il y manque la goutte de poison.’
3) An English version by J. du Mont on page 13 of H.
Golombek’s book Capablanca’s Hundred Best Games of
Chess (London, 1947):
‘Lasker’s style is clear water, but with a drop of
poison which is clouding it. Capablanca’s style is
perhaps still clearer, but it lacks that drop of
Chess Facts and Fables explained the
misattribution to Spielmann by reproducing page 107 of
Irving Chernev’s The Bright Side of Chess
(Philadelphia, 1948):
In C.N. 3160 (see also C.N. 4156) we commented:
‘It is evident from other parts of that chapter of
Chernev’s that when he gave, for instance, two
unattributed quotations followed by an attributed one it
was only the last of these that he intended to ascribe
to the writer named. Thus in the extract reproduced
above the “poison” quote has no more to do with
Spielmann than does the “book, magician and machine”
C.N.s 3741, 4209 and 6714 provide examples of how the
lay-out of that chapter of Chernev’s book caused other
quotes to be misascribed (to Capablanca and Napier).
Steven B. Dowd (Birmingham, AL, USA) has submitted the
correct answer (White played Kd1). The problem is by
Adriano Chicco, and we took it from page 17 of a work he
co-authored with Giorgio Porreca, Dizionario
enciclopedico degli scacchi (Milan, 1971). Before
giving the full solution from that source, however, we
wonder whether any reader has to hand the 1946 issue of
The Chess Problem (Editor: R. McClure) in which,
according to the Dizionario, the composition
first appeared.
7699. Clive James and chess
In a feature in the Daily Telegraph of 22 June
2012 entitled ‘Clive
classic quotes’ the penultimate entry is:
‘Whoever called snooker “chess with balls” was rude but
The remark is frequently cited on websites but not, from
our reading, with any source specified. We therefore point
out that it was the first sentence of an article about
snooker, ‘The Sound of the Crucible’ on pages 285-288 of
James’ book Snakecharmers in Texas (London, 1988
and 1989). The article was reproduced from page 8 of The
Observer of 6 May 1984, although the newspaper did
not include the first four sentences.
Clive James’ remarks on chess have been mentioned in
C.N.s 16, 4117 and 5315, and here we add a further one,
from his television review column on pages 26-27 of The
Listener, 6 July 1972:
‘Frank Muir and Groucho Marx unforgivably clashed with
Spassky and Bobby Fischer on the two BBC channels.
Button-punching only resulted in Frank Muir asking Bobby
Fischer questions about his film career. There was
nothing for it but to go to bed with a book of end-games
and dream through a long night in Capablanca. Groucho
threatens White Queen, played by Margaret Dumont.’
Another inscribed item in our collection:
7700. Thirteenth labour
Alex Gorbounov (Cary, NC, USA) draws attention to the
short story by Alexander Kazantsev Тринадцатый
подвиг Геракла (‘The Thirteenth Labour of Hercules’)
and asks whether it has ever been translated into other
From page 17 of the Dizionario enciclopedico degli
scacchi by A. Chicco and G. Porreca (Milan, 1971):
Alain Biénabe (Bordeaux, France) has kindly provided
the following:
7702. Pillsbury and memory
Memory Feats of Chess Masters
refers to the complex list of words which Pillsbury is
said to have learned, as related, for instance, in this
‘once’ version on pages 106-107 of The Fireside Book
of Chess by I. Chernev and F. Reinfeld (New York,
It has yet to be established when the list first appeared
in print. As regards the individual words, Paul McKeown
(Hayes, England) mentions an article dated 2002, ‘Piet
Where Are You?’
That website is referred to on page 56 of Blindfold
Chess by Eliot Hearst and John Knott (Jefferson,
2009), which indicates that the memory experiment was
conducted by Dr Threlkeld-Edwards and Professor Merriman
of Lehigh University before Pillsbury began a blindfold
exhibition in Philadelphia. The book remarks too:
‘Understandably perhaps, some of these items are
spelled differently in different sources. Also, the
exact conditions under which Pillsbury was tested are
not given consistently from source to source.’
We add that another ‘once’ version of the Pillsbury
episode was supplied by Frank Rhoden on page 66 of the
February 1971 Chess Life & Review:
‘His superb powers of memory made him one of the finest
blindfold players ever. He was once tested by a
psychologist, one Dr Maguire, before giving a 20-board
simultaneous in Philadelphia. A report of this
performance appeared in the Illinois Medical Journal
of October 1914. Pillsbury was given a list of words to
commit to memory ...’
After listing the words, Rhoden concluded:
‘Pillsbury scrutinized the list, polished off 20
opponents, and then repeated the words perfectly. For
good measure, he then repeated the list backwards.’
If a reader has access to the Illinois Medical
Journal we should like to see exactly what its
October 1914 issue contained.
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) has found an
article by Hermann Helms on page 2 of the Brooklyn
Daily Eagle of 9 June 1921 which includes the
‘In years to come, when someone other than Capablanca
will undertake the labor of publishing a complete
collection of the champion’s games, many an
interesting score, treasured for years among the chess
enthusiasts’ most prized possessions, will no doubt
come to light. The Eagle is able to print
today the details of a stubbornly fought game which
Capablanca won in a western exhibition against H.
Burde, one of the leading players in Clinton, Ia.
Mr Burde says that, after conclusion of play,
Capablanca referred to it as a “good game”. The loser
was particularly impressed by the fact that 11 of the
Cuban’s moves were made with his king’s knight.
“Capablanca’s knights”, he adds, “seem more erratic
than anybody else’s”.’
The game-score given by Helms:
José Raúl Capablanca – H. Burde
Dutch Defence
1 d4 e6 2 c4 f5 3 Nc3 c6 4 Nf3 Bb4 5 Bg5 Qa5 6 Qc2 Nf6
7 Bxf6 gxf6 8 e3 d6 9 a3 Bxc3+ 10 bxc3 Nd7 11 Be2 Nf8 12
O-O Ng6
13 Ne1 Bd7 14 Bh5 Ke7 15 f4 Rhg8 16 Nd3 Rg7 17 c5 Qc7
18 c4 d5 19 cxd5 exd5 20 Rab1 Re8 21 Rb3 Kf8 22 Qf2 Bc8
23 Ne1 b6 24 Nf3 Re4 25 Bxg6 hxg6 26 cxb6 axb6 27 Rfb1
b5 28 Rc1 Qd7 29 Rbc3 Bb7 30 Nd2 Re8 31 Nb3 Qc7 32 Nc5
Ba8 33 Na6 Qd6 34 Nb4 Rc7 35 Qf3 Re4 36 Rc5 Ree7 37 R1c3
Kf7 38 Qf2 Ke6 39 Qc2 Kf7 40 Nxd5 Resigns.
From page 29 of Famous Chess Players by Peter
Morris Lerner (Minneapolis, 1973):
Despite also appearing on page 5, the year ‘1921’ is
obviously wrong since Capablanca in the photograph is
much younger. Moreover, the picture (uncropped) had been
published on page 13 of Bohemia, 20 January
1918. The caption in the Cuban publication offered no
date but stated that the simultaneous exhibition had
been in Berlin.
An article by G.H. Diggle published in the March 1980 Newsflash
and reprinted on page 55 of Chess Characters
(Geneva, 1984):
‘In the February Newsflash the Editor refers to
the Olympic controversy and invites general comment on
“politics and sport” with special reference to chess.
The Badmaster, far too timorous and cagey a bird to
accept such a gambit as this, will confine himself to
recounting what actually took place when a boycott of a
famous international chess tournament was attempted 130
years ago. In 1851 England, as the greatest nation in
the world, staged the Great Exhibition, and Howard
Staunton, as the greatest chessplayer in the world,
proposed that England should be host country of the
First International Chess Tourney. The conception of
this idea was magnificent, and its execution by Staunton
a tremendous feat, when travel was still so slow and
inter-communication so poor. Yet the success of the
tournament was jeopardized not only by these
difficulties but by a boycott which, however, emanated
not from outside countries’ dislike of Britain but from
dislike in certain quarters of Staunton himself. For the
great man, splendid chess leader as he was, possessed
every quality except tact. His aggressive and
overbearing personality had put him at variance with the
wealthy and powerful London Chess Club. He himself was
confidently expected to win the tournament, if it came
off; and (as is now said of the Soviet Union) it was
said by his enemies that his real object in organizing
the event was to puff himself. Consequently, “the
London” would have nothing to do with it; Harrwitz
(their professional) did not compete; and out of the
much-needed £550 raised in subscriptions by Staunton’s
efforts, only two of their members subscribed (John
Cochrane then in India and their venerable honorary
member William Lewis). In the end seven foreign masters
arrived and competed with nine Englishmen not all of
their calibre, especially “Mr Mucklow, a player from the
country never before even heard of” – his very name,
indeed, suggesting a rustic crewyard. Before their
boycott, the London Chess Club had toyed with the idea
of getting the venue changed from the St George’s Club
to their own; and after the tournament (in spite of the
boycott) had run to its conclusion on 21 July 1851 they
hastily arranged a rival tournament at their own club
for foreign masters only, to which they invited
Anderssen, Deacon, Harrwitz, Horwitz, Kieseritzky,
Ehrmann, Meierhofer, Löwe and Szabo. Each player had to
play one game with every other (the very first
“American” tournament) but, rather stupidly, the Club
offered one prize only (a gold cup valued at 100
guineas). This left no inducement to players who did
badly at first to go on playing. Harrwitz, indeed, took
flight after losing one game; Kieseritzky had already
left London for Paris whither his invitation followed
him; but when the luckless French master recrossed the
Channel and again reached London, half the players had
packed in and he only got three games, losing to
Anderssen and Meierhofer and beating Szabo. Only about
20 games were played in all, and Anderssen alone played
his full quota, winning the cup with a score of 8-0-1.
To sum up, the boycott damaged but did not ruin
Staunton’s tournament, and the rival tournament was a
shambles. Will history repeat itself in 1980?’
7706. Tandem chess
Wanted: authoritative information on records for tandem
(leap-frog) chess.
In 1986 (C.N. 1107) Dragoslav Andrić (Belgrade) informed
us that he held, with Borislav Milić, the world record:
‘In the spring of 1950 at the Home of Culture in
Novi Sad we played alternately in a simultaneous
exhibition against 125 opponents, scoring 99½-25½ in
only five hours.’
Following J. Löwenthal’s death, page 69 of the Westminster
Papers of 1 August 1876 referred to
autobiographical information provided by the master to Men
of the Time. Below we reproduce his full entry on
page 665 of the ninth edition of that book, which was by
Thompson Cooper and was published in London in 1875:
The entry for Morphy on page 740:
7708. A letter from Gordon Crown
This letter was written when Crown was aged 13:
Source: BCM, March 1943, page 56.
Wanted: information about the photograph below, which
is owned by Jan Koppenaal (Noordwijkerhout, the
Larger version
Richard Reich (Fitchburg, WI, USA) has
supplied the requested article, ‘Mental States in Famous
Chess Players’ by Louis Miller, published on pages
414-418 of the Illinois Medical Journal, October
It will be noted that the article, which has a number of
obvious factual errors, mentions Pillsbury’s memorization
of words on page 415, but without any list.
7711. Vera Menchik
Leonard Barden (London) recently raised with us the
subject of Vera Menchik’s death, asking, in particular,
whether references could be found to her burial or
cremation. We are grateful to Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore)
for making a search which revealed this record in the Andrews

On the basis of the above information Mr Barden then
informed us:
‘I contacted the Streatham Park Crematorium, which
confirmed that Vera Menchik Stevenson, her mother and
her sister were cremated on 4 July 1944 and that their
ashes were scattered at a garden of remembrance, whose
reference location is known. Whether that is precise
enough for a memorial to be considered is arguable.
Their house in Gauden Road, London was destroyed, and
the policy of English Heritage, even if it could be
interested, is to put plaques only where the original
building still stands.’
From Jerry Spinrad (Nashville, TN, USA) comes this item
on page 13 of the Newark Sunday Call, 22
September 1895:
Jerry Spinrad has also found the following report on
page 3 of the Littleton Independent of 14
December 1900:

It is not possible to present a larger version here,
but, loupe à l’appui, it will be seen that the
memory display is said to have taken place ‘recently’ at
the Northampton Club in South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Our correspondent adds that the following day the same
account appeared on page 3 of another Colorado
newspaper, the Eagle County Times.
Chess Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.