Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
11389. An alleged
Mieses v Post position (C.N. 11378)
C.N. 11378 had a reference to Kurt Richter’s book Der
Schachpraktiker, and below is an excerpt from pages
95-96 of the fifth edition (Hollfeld, 1998):
Hans-Georg Kleinhenz (Munich, Germany) sends the
following from page 11 of the 1/1951 Deutsche
Schachblätter (edited by Richter and with Szabó as a
contributor) in an article entitled ‘Für und wider den
Hastings, 1954-55
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has obtained permission from
the Keystone Pictures archives for two photographs of Vassily Smyslov (Hastings,
1954-55) to be reproduced here:
Another shot of Smyslov and Unzicker was on page 169 of CHESS,
8 January 1955:
Page 184 of the 22 January 1955 issue of CHESS
had an account of these press reports by Ralph Hewins:
Daily Express, 5
January 1955, page 5
Daily Express, 7
January 1955, page 5.
J. Hudson and A. Spiller participated, respectively, in
the Major Section, Premier Reserves and in the Premier
Reserves ‘A’, each obtaining 3½ points (BCM,
February 1955, page 69).
11391. Withers v
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) draws attention
to an 1844 game published on page 291 of the Chess
Player’s Chronicle, 1845 (volume six) and, with two
brief notes, on page 37 of The Bristol Chess Club
by J. Burt (Bristol, 1883):
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 f5 4 dxe5 fxe4 5 Ng5 d5 6 e6 Nh6 7
Nc3 c6 8 f4 g6 9 h4 Be7 10 h5 Bxg5 11 fxg5 Nf5 12 g4 Ng3
13 Qd4 O-O 14 hxg6 Nxh1 15 gxh7+ Kxh7 16 Nxe4 dxe4 17
Qxe4+ Kg7 18 Bd3 and wins.
Our correspondent comments that after 18 Bd3 no mention
was made of the possible line 18...Rf1+ 19 Bxf1 Qd1+ 20
Kxd1 Nf2+ 21 Ke2 Nxe4 ...
... with an extra piece against three pawns, although
computer analysis suggests that the game should still be
won by White.
11392. John
Cochrane (C.N. 11102)
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘The Royal
website makes it possible to search the burial
register of Brompton Cemetery, and an image of the
burial entry of John Cochrane shows that he was buried
there on 8 March 1878. The address recorded was 12
Bryanston Street, Bryanston Square, and his age was
given as 77, whereas 78 was specified in the death
indexes of the General Register Office. The website
also provides a link to an aerial view showing the
location of the grave.
Does a memorial to Cochrane exist?’
11393. US
accounts for the 1935 Olympiad
Particularly detailed information regarding the US team
is on page viii of Book of the Warsaw 1935
International Chess Team Tournament by Fred Reinfeld
and Harold M. Phillips (New York, 1936):
At the time of the Olympiad, the cover price of the American
Chess Bulletin and of Chess Review was
11394. Reinfeld
on annotating
On page v of the 1935 Warsaw Olympiad book mentioned in
the previous item Fred Reinfeld wrote:
‘As I have occasion to analyse upwards of 500 games
during the course of a year, my judgment tends at times
to assume a routine or dogmatic character, and for this
reason I found Mr Phillips’ unwillingness to take
anything for granted, and his painstaking search for
hidden resources, particularly invaluable.’
11395. A
Pleci story
From an article by Jeremy
Gaige, ‘The Ethics of Chess’, on page 106 of Chess
Review, April 1961:
The story is related on, for instance, pages 82-83 of The
Chess Scene by David Levy and Stewart Reuben
(London, 1974):
No source was given, naturally, but the ease with which
anyone can fill space with such stuff is demonstrated by
this extract from a ‘Round the Chess World’ article by G.
Koltanowski on page 77 of CHESS, 14 October 1935:
The episode was also related on page 18 of Najdorf:
Life and Games by T. Lissowski and A. Mikhalchishin
(London, 2005). The conclusion:
On the strict basis of authoritative accounts, and
ideally with the game-score, how can the incident best be
summarized in a brief paragraph?
11396. The
altar of topicality
‘One cannot but deprecate this tendency to sacrifice
good work on the altar of topicality ...’
That comes at the end of a short book review by Harry
Golombek on pages 82-83 of the February 1955 BCM:
Golombek had high praise for Euwe’s book on the
Candidates’ tournament, Schach-Elite im Kampf, on
page 165 of the May 1955 BCM.
11397. Lasker v
Capablanca in 1906
Yandy Rojas Barrios (Cárdenas, Cuba) raises the topic of
the 1906 rapid transit tournament at the Manhattan Chess
Club, New York referred to by Capablanca towards the end
of Chapter II (page numbers vary) of My Chess Career
(London, 1920):
A reference to the tournament on page 35 of the February
1907 American Chess Bulletin was shown in C.N.

From page 8 of the Chicago Tribune, 20 January
On page 100 of The Unknown Capablanca by David
Hooper and Dale Brandreth (London, 1975) the semi-final
pairings against Davidson and Delmar were given the other
way round:
A later report on page 5 of the New York Evening Post,
23 January 1907:
No earlier item in the Evening Post specifically
on the December 1906 tournament has yet been found.
An assessment of Lasker and Capablanca was provided by
Walter Penn Shipley on page 9 of the Philadelphia
Inquirer, 20 January 1907:
Mr Rojas Barrios notes that in secondary sources the
tournament which brought together Lasker and Capablanca in
December 1906 is sometimes misdated April 1906, one
example being page 28 of El ajedrez en Cuba by
José Luis Barreras Meriño (Havana, 2002):
The source indicated (page 11 of the book on the Havana,
1966 Olympiad) had given no date for the rapid transit
As our correspondent also points out, the April 1906
event was at the Rice Chess Club. From pages 61-63 of the
April 1906 American Chess Bulletin:
See too page 309 of our book on Capablanca.
C.N. 6077 noted that the remark by Lasker about
Capablanca’s freedom from error, mentioned in the two
Cuban books above, was supposedly made after their
ten-game rapid transit match in Berlin in 1914. See Fast Chess.
11398. George
Henry Mackenzie and James Parker Barnett
From John S. Hilbert (Amherst, NY, USA):
‘Olimpiu G. Urcan and I are working on a biography
and game collection of George H. Mackenzie; although
it is unlikely to be published for several years, we
have already collected over 1,000 of his games.
When drafting material about Mackenzie’s play in the
United States in the first few years after the Civil
War, and in dealing with his opponents, we ran across an
Dr James Parker Barnett. Your readers may
like to see our draft account, which comes after a
description of Mackenzie’s first-round match with
Stanley at the 1866 New York Chess Club tournament:
“His most trying challenge met, Mackenzie faced Dr
James Parker Barnett in the second round. His opponent
had the benefit of Worrall resigning to him in the
first round without a game played, although Barnett
would have been favored to win against almost anyone.
Six years older than Mackenzie, Barnett was born and
raised in New York City. A product of the Morphy boom,
he started playing publicly in the late 1850s, when he
was living and practicing medicine in Brooklyn. In
1860 he made it to the final round of a chess
tournament at the Morphy Chess Rooms, but lost to the
now dead James A. Leonard. Absent from chess during
the war, Barnett returned with the 1866 New York Chess
Club tournament, and went on to play offhand and
tournament games at the Café Europa and Café
International later in the decade and into the
mid-1870s. Hazeltine, after Frank Teed told him of
Barnett’s death in 1886, remembered Barnett from his
earliest days, writing that Barnett ‘possessed the
happy combination of a lively imagination and
unflinching courage, coupled with perfect suavity of
manner whether victor or vanquished. Consequently, his
game was at once strong, steady and brilliant’.
Mackenzie himself believed, according to Alexander
Sellman, that at one point Barnett was ‘one of the
strongest players of the country’. [See endnote 1.]
Barnett received his college degree from the
University of the City of New York in 1848. He
graduated from Dartmouth Medical College in 1854. His
academic road, impressive as it was, was neither
smooth nor easy, although not because of any academic
failing on his part. Barnett was one of three children
of James Barnett, Sr, a self-made businessman who made
his fortune along New York’s East River supplying
metal services for the packet ship companies.
Barnett’s mother was Eliza Beaumont, also from New
York. In October 1850 Barnett was in his third and
final year at Columbia School of Physicians and
Surgeons when he was grilled by his professors over
his racial background, as allegations had been made
earlier by a never-identified ‘Southern gentleman’
that Columbia harbored ‘colored students’, naming
among them Barnett. Barnett was expelled subsequently
by Columbia for failure to disclose his African
‘blood’ at the time of his application. Barnett’s
father hired the grandson of John Jay, a well-known
abolitionist lawyer and Columbia graduate, to
represent the medical student in his appeal against
expulsion. According to Barnett, Sr, his son was in
fact of mixed Native-American and White ancestry,
which explained his darker complexion. This, however,
hardly explained why the younger Barnett was
apparently unaware of any such Native-American
What few facts remain are not in favor of the elder
Barnett’s allegation of his son’s supposed
Native-American ancestry. Barnett’s sister Malvina
married a prominent black abolitionist and physician,
the first to hold such a degree. In addition, although
unbeknownst to Columbia, the 1850 Federal Census as
well as the 1855 New York State Census identified
Barnett and his family as Mulatto, although later
censuses marked them as White. (Census records at the
time reflected a highly suspect, subjective
classification, as the census enumerators were left to
their own devices for assessing race.) In any event,
the appeal was futile, as Columbia had no intention of
relenting. The faculty and trustees, however, seeking
to end the litigation, offered to examine Barnett, and
subsequently found him fit to practice medicine. His
degree, despite his tested competence, was eventually
blocked by the Regents of the University of New York
on the technical, and exceedingly hypocritical,
grounds that he had failed to satisfy a lecture
requirement that, in fact, he had been barred from
completing. This dismal conclusion did not end
Barnett’s career, as he went on to earn a medical
degree from Dartmouth and practiced medicine in the
greater New York metropolitan area for the rest of his
life, respected by his friends and colleagues.” [See
endnote 2.]
“1. See Mason, p. 296. ‘possessed the happy
combination …’ New York Clipper, March 6,
1886. ‘One of the strongest players …’ Baltimore
American, April 18, 1886. See also Leonard,
Hilbert, pp. 34-37.
2. Barnett’s full name and degrees appear in the General
Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire,
1890), pp. 127, 178. The detailed and compelling
history of his fight against expulsion by Columbia’s
medical school appears in the article
‘Blurring the Lines: James Parker Barnett, Racial
Passing, and Invisible Early Black Students at
Columbia University’ by Ciara Keane (accessed June 17,
A small sketch of James Parker Barnett is on page 172 of
Brentano’s Chess Monthly, August
1881. Below we reproduce with permission a photograph of
him forwarded by Dr Hilbert and owned by the Cleveland

11399. Alekhine’s
date of birth
Pages 20-21 of the 21/1972
issue of Shakhmaty
As mentioned in C.N.s 4719, 4739 and 5782 (see When Was Alekhine Born?),
a clear copy of Alekhine’s birth certificate is sought.
The opening paragraph of our feature article:
Alekhine’s birth-date is often given as 1 November
1892, but we are aware of no authoritative book
published in the past 20 years or so which deviates from
the ‘established’ date of 31 October 1892 (Gregorian
calendar); this is the equivalent of 19 October 1892 in
the Julian calendar, the gap in the nineteenth century
being 12 days, and not 13.
Writers still go astray, and below is the poor start to a
section on Alekhine on page 78 of The Big Book of
World Chess Championships by Andre Schulz (Alkmaar,
Regarding the final sentence, no discernible purpose is
served by mentioning what Alekhine’s father ‘is supposed
to have lost on one occasion’.
11400. Draw
On the subject of draws,
C.N. 2549 (see page 359 of A Chess Omnibus) quoted
this remark on Rubinstein by L. Steiner on page 54 of the
March 1961 Chess World:
A claim about Emanuel Lasker’s practice appeared in ‘My
Encounters with Lasker’ by Ossip Bernstein on pages
202-204 of the July 1955 Chess Review:
11401. Keys and
key-moves (C.N. 5294)
From Robert John McCrary (Columbia, SC, USA):
‘On pages xxix-xxx of volume one of A Treatise
on the Game of Chess (London, 1808) J.H. Sarratt
introduced his “critical and remarkable situations, or
ends of games”, writing:
“These situations will not greatly improve amateurs,
unless they attempt to find out the method of winning
without looking at the solution; the author has
therefore deemed it eligible to insert the situations
in the first volume, and the solutions
in the second: and he earnestly recommends
amateurs to seek diligently for the proper moves,
without having recourse to the key: the
improvement which they will derive from adhering to
that system will amply compensate them for their
Our correspondent also draws attention to the word ‘key’
on page 65 of volume six (1845) of the Chess Player's
Below are the chess citations for ‘key’ and ‘key-move’ in
the online Oxford
English Dictionary:
A reference will be added in Earliest Occurrences of Chess
Carlsbad, 1929
An article by Louis Max on pages 40 and 92 of Social,
October 1929 has been submitted by Yandy Rojas Barrios
(Cárdenas, Cuba):

Apart from obvious factual errors, the article is notable
for its heavy pro-Capablanca slant.
11403. Dutch
players (C.N.s 5408 & 5416)
Rod Edwards (Victoria, BC, Canada) draws attention to
Adriaan Plomp’s article
B.W. Blijdenstein, which identifies him as the
player active in London in 1859-61, as well as Dutch
events in the 1870s, whereas the participant in Amsterdam,
1851 was W.J. Blijdenstein.
Cased image (C.N.s 6018 & 7390)
This picture was also discussed on page 37 of the October
1993 Chess Life by Frank Skoff, who concluded that
it did not feature Paul Morphy.
11405. A
Countess from Hong Kong
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has acquired permission from
Mondadori for us to reproduce a photograph taken during
the shooting of the 1967 film A Countess from Hong
Marlon Brando, Charlie
Chaplin, Sophia Loren
11406. Frank
James Marshall
‘The name of Marshall is associated with the unexpected
in chess. No-one, not even Morphy, has won more
brilliant games, many of them brought about from most
unpromising looking positions.’
Source: page 58 of Modern Master-Play by F.D.
Yates and W. Winter (London, 1929).
Lasker v Schlechter
A paragraph about Emanuel Lasker on page 97 of A
Short History of Chess by H.J.R. Murray (Oxford,
The writer of these references to 12 games, instead of
ten, in the 1910
Lasker v Schlechter match was B. Goulding Brown.
The quoted remark about ‘charming an attack out of
nothing’ was on page 218 of Lasker’s Chess Magazine,
August-September 1906, in a note to Schlechter’s 29...c5
against Rubinstein, Ostend, 1906:
Position after 29 Nf2-d1
11408. Threats
‘We can gain nothing in chess except by means of
That observation is on page 69 of How Not to Play
Chess by E. Znosko-Borovsky (London, 1931):
A dissenting note appeared in a book review by Charles De
Vide on page 73 of the April 1932 American Chess
G.H.D. Gossip
On the question of whether G.H.D. Gossip’s second
forename was Hatfield or Hatfeild, an extensive
contribution from Neil Hickman (Hardingham, England) has
been added to our feature
Alekhine in the Second World War
A wild claim on page 96 of Le grand livre des échecs
by Camil Seneca and Adolivio Capece (Paris, 1977):
‘Quand la Seconde Guerre mondiale éclata, Alekhine,
étant naturalisé français, fut appelé sous les
drapeaux et engagé dans les services secrets, surtout
parce qu’il parlait et écrivait parfaitement dix
Incorrigible writers about chess
It is now over 36 years since we queried, in C.N. 325,
the above text from page 24 of The Chess Beat by Larry Evans (Oxford, 1982),
and it is over 13 years since a correspondent, Christian
Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina), pointed out, in C.N. 4156,
that the remark had been published well before Rudolf
Spielmann’s chess career began, i.e. on page xiv of The
Games of the St Petersburg Tournament 1895-96 by J.
Mason and W.H.K. Pollock (Leeds, 1896):
Nonetheless, misattribution to Spielmann continues, and
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) notes two occurrences on
Twitter on 17 July 2019:

In the second screen-shot we have deleted the photograph
(Spielmann v Alatortsev) because, as shown in Copying, the French
website (of Mr Philippe Dornbusch) has a habit of taking
pictures and other material without permission or
acknowledgement. Even the words ‘an Austrian-Jewish chess
player of the romantic school, and chess writer’ are a
direct copy from Spielmann’s Wikipedia entry.
Further details about the misattribution of the quote to
Spielmann are given in Chess:
Need for Sources.
Alexander McDonnell
John Townsend (Wokingham, England) writes:
‘The following review of William Greenwood Walker’s
A Selection of Games of Chess, actually Played in
London by the late Alexander McDonnell, Esq.,
appeared in the Metropolitan Magazine, October
1836, page 46. The article is also in large measure a
tribute to Alexander
McDonnell, who had recently died.
“When we read this title we were struck with
consternation at the word ‘late’, for it was but a few
short months ago that we ourselves contended with Mr
M’Donnel, certainly with more profit than success.
Alas! it is no odds now what odds he gave us then, for
death, too truly, makes all things even. However, we
cannot – it would be injustice to refrain from bearing
our testimony to the gentlemanly deportment, the
urbane manners, and the high intellect of this first
of English chessplayers. The evenness of his nature
was singular; – he had neither the proud reserve of
success, nor the moroseness of disappointment. He
could not but be conscious of his superiority, but he
wore it with the most unpretending air of good-humour
that we ever beheld. He was very unlike many of his
contemporaries, greedy of the paltry gain of the
stakes, fearful to play with a competitor of
approximating excellence, or sullen and taciturn in
his manners. We are sorry to say that the besetting
sin of some, a few, of the principal chessplayers, was
a want of suavity in the general tone of their
manners, to those beneath them in skill supercilious,
of their equals jealous, of those above them envious.
But none of this could M’Donnel be, for he was, in the
most lofty sense of the word, a gentleman. But to the
work before us. The chessplaying world are much
indebted to Mr Walker for putting these very excellent
games upon record. In them the observer will see all
the variations of the most scientific plans, – the
long calculation, the sudden surprise, the
well-concealed ambush. Many of the games are
exquisite, both as to the skill of the attack and the
defence; and we conceive nothing more likely to
improve a student of chess than sitting down quietly
and playing them over on the board, con amore,
as they are set down in the work. Really, we recommend
this volume to general acceptation.”
The writer of the review, Edward Howard (died 1841),
was the sub-editor of the Metropolitan Magazine,
in addition to being a novelist. He was a member of
the Westminster Chess Club and was mentioned on page 3
of the Morning Post, 3 February 1835 in
connection with the visit to the club of the Turkish
Ambassador. Only a single game was played on the
occasion, when “the Pacha’s secretary” beat Howard “in
good style”. However, the latter was described as “a
player to whom a first-rate can give a rook”.’
11413. Capablanca
and Caparrós
From page 197 of The Games of José Raúl Capablanca
by Rogelio Caparrós (Dallas, 1994):
The same shambles was in the earlier editions of the
book, published in Yorklyn, 1991 (pages 211-212) and in
Barcelona, 1993 (page 159).
Regarding the ‘increible’ game against Eddingfield, see
C.N. 4996.
The Bird’s Opening game was discussed in C.N. 3594, which
pointed out that the version proffered by Caparrós would
mean that Capablanca missed 24 Qg8 mate, whereas it may
seem obvious that Black played 23...Bh6 and not 23...Rh6.
Position after 23 Rf3-g3
C.N. 3594 added that the only source given by Caparrós
for the game was ‘Pittsburgh papers’, but now Patsy A.
D’Eramo (North East, MD, USA) provides the chess column on
page 3 of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 10 June 1915:
Our correspondent notes that in the Bird’s Opening game
Black was C.B. Isaacson, and not ‘A.M.’ as stated by
Caparrós, and that his 23rd move was indeed given as
23...Bh6. Moreover, the Ruy López game which Caparrós also
ascribed to ‘A.M. Isaacson’ was against A.S. Jameson.
The Capablanca v Jameson game-score was included in the
coverage of the display in the American Chess Bulletin,
March 1915, pages 42-46, with ‘A. Stedman Jameson’ on page
43 and ‘A.J. Jameson’ on page 45.
The exhibition took place in the auditorium of the Brooklyn
Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, NY) on 12 February 1915. The
Bulletin reported that Capablanca ‘was on his feet
fully seven hours’, facing 84 opponents on 65 boards and
scoring +48 –5 =12. Spectators joined in the
deliberations, and ‘Capablanca, at a conservative
estimate, had opposed to him the wits of perhaps 200
persons’. For further information, and particularly on the
time consumed, see Capablanca’s
Simultaneous Displays.
11414. Claims
about Alekhine (C.N. 11410)
In the fourth item below, from page 69 of Das Spiel
der Könige by Alfred Diel (Bamberg, 1983), the
unsourced ‘Einmal’ remark about languages which is
attributed to Alekhine has no reference to French:
When C.N. 1160 discussed the book, unenthusiastically,
mention was made of the peculiar claim in the second item,
about Alekhine and the 1900 Paris Exposition.
The two-mover
‘Unfortunately the two-mover is virtually exhausted
after all these centuries.’
Source: page 33 of The Chess Beat by Larry Evans
(Oxford, 1982). The syndicated column can be viewed online
(Reno Gazette-Journal, 31 December 1977, page 13).
After C.N. 328 quoted the remark, two readers responded
in C.N. 461. R.F. Bradley (Donaghadee, Northern Ireland)
commented that the two-mover could hardly be exhausted
when such compositions as the following were appearing:
K. Braithwaite (Canada),
the Problemist, November 1982
Key: 1 Bh2. ‘This brilliant move allows the two black
king flights – with a difference. The white king is in
check to the rook’ (R.F. Bradley).
Michael McDowell (Newtownards, Northern Ireland) wrote
regarding Larry Evans:
‘His statement contains an historical inaccuracy.
The modern two-mover, in which emphasis is placed on
thematic content, dates from the middle of the
nineteenth century, when composers began to produce
problems showing definite ideas instead of the normal
collection of unrelated mates. Even up to the 1840s,
little attention was paid to the two-mover.
Alexandre’s Collection des plus beaux problèmes
d’échecs (1846) contains 2,020 problems, of which 94,
or 4.6%, are two-movers. Compare this with the FIDE
1945-55, which contains 1,981 problems, two-movers
numbering 543, or 32%. (Figures quoted from The
Two-move Chess Problem 1285-1846 by C.M. Champion,
the Problemist September and November 1969.)’
As pointed out in C.N. 348, a syndicated column by Larry Evans reproduced on
page 40 of his anthology The Chess Beat ascribed
the phrase ‘I think, therefore I am’ to Pascal.
11417. Fast chess
Page 167 of All About Chess by Al Horowitz (New
York, 1971) has a game that we have not seen in databases:
1 e4 d6 2 d4 Nf6 3 Nc3 g6 4 Bg5 Bg7 5 Qd2 c6 6 O-O-O Qa5
7 Nf3 b5 8 e5 b4 9 exf6 bxc3 10 Qxc3
10...Qxc3 11 fxg7 Resigns.
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) points out
Horowitz’s article was originally published in the Saturday
Review of the New York Times, 14 February
1969, page 14. The date and venue of the game have not
been found.
Our correspondent adds two other specimens of fast chess:
Chess Review,
October 1956, page 315
1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 f4 d5 4 fxe5 Nxe4 5 d3 Nxc3 6 bxc3 d4
7 Nf3 Nc6 8 cxd4 Nxd4 9 c3 Nxf3+ 10 Qxf3 c5 11 d4 cxd4 12
Bb5+ Bd7
13 e6 fxe6 14 O-O Qe7 15 Bg5 Resigns.
Chess Review, May
1954, page 129
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Bb4 4 a3 Bxc3+ 5 bxc3 c5 6 e3 b6 7
Bd3 Bb7 8 Nf3 O-O 9 O-O d5 10 cxd5 Nxd5 11 Qc2 f5 12 a4
Nc6 13 Ba3 Rf6 14 dxc5 Rg6 15 cxb6
15...Ncb4 16 cxb4 Nxb4 17 Bxb4 Rxg2+ 18 Kxg2 Qg5+ 19
White resigns.
Mr Bauzá Mercére notes too the reference to ‘Dr Anthony
Blasi of New York’ on page 218 of the July 1954 Chess
11418. Combinations
From the Introduction to Logical Chess Move by Move
by Irving Chernev (various editions, with different page
‘The master does not search for combinations. He
creates the conditions that make it possible for them to
Masters and cats
An excerpt from page 113 of Kings of Chess by
William Winter (London, 1954), in the chapter on Alekhine:
The ‘I am not Grand Master’ remark was discussed in C.N.
Alekhine v Euwe match, 1926-27
From page 177 of the book mentioned in the previous item.
‘It is possible that Alekhine had not fully trained for
the encounter and that he was rather too appreciative of
Dutch hospitality, but nothing can detract from the
all-round excellence of Euwe’s play.’
When did explicit references to Alekhine’s excessive alcohol
consumption begin to appear?
11421. The
knight move
An addition to The Knight
Challenge comes from page 136 of the May 1953 BCM,
in D.J. Morgan’s Quotes and Queries column:
The exact wording in A.F. Mackenzie’s book:
That comes from the section entitled ‘The Elements of
Chess’. The full explanation of the knight’s move (pages
12-14, with three diagrams) left no ambiguity.
Non-Spielmann quote (C.N. 11411)
From the Wikipedia page on Rudolf Spielmann:
Spielmann’s forename and surname are misspelled in a dire
Wikipedia article entitled ‘Romantic chess’ which
includes, for instance, a reference to ‘the 1930s when
hypermodernism began to become popular’.
In his article ‘The Romantic Art in Chess’ on pages 15-16
of the January 1969 Chess Life, Pal Benko
discussed The Immortal Game
and The Immortal Chess Problem.
Regarding the composition by K. Bayer (‘C. Meyer’) he
‘This problem excited its composer’s contemporaries no
doubt because of the sheer quantity of material
sacrificed in order to give mate with the last pawn. In
a way it resembles the classical tragedy: almost all the
“actors” die before the play is over. It is certainly an
extraordinary idea, but, for today’s taste, “how” is of
greater significance than “how much”.’
11424. Elijah
John Townsend (Wokingham, England) writes regarding
Elijah Williams:
‘Personal biography
Elijah Williams was born on 7 November 1809 and
baptized on 3 June 1810 at a Calvinistic Methodist
chapel known as the Tabernacle in Penn Street, Bristol
(National Archives, RG 4/1360), a son of Elijah
Williams and his wife Sarah, of the parish of St
Stephen in Bristol. The same register also contains
baptism entries for two siblings, Ann Baynton Williams
(1805) and Joseph Baynton Williams (1807).
Father and son were sometimes referred to as Elijah
Williams senior and junior. The occupation of Elijah
Williams senior at the time of his son’s birth is not
known. An “Elijah Williams, of the city of Bristol,
upholsterer, dealer and chapman” was declared bankrupt
in the London Gazette of 30 May 1815, page
1029, but it remains to be established whether it was
the same person.
Page 183 of Mathews’s Annual Bristol Directory
for 1836 shows that by that time the chessplayer’s
father was a landing waiter, at 15 Portland Street,
Kingsdown. It was a responsible customs job,
overseeing the landing of goods from vessels. On the
next line is an entry for Elijah Williams junior, a
surgeon, of 24 Union Street.
Williams qualified as a Licentiate of the Society of
Apothecaries (LSA), to whom I am grateful for
providing the following information from their “Court
of Examiners’ Candidates Qualification Entry Book”.
This shows that he qualified from Apothecaries’ Hall
on 16 December 1830, having been examined and
approved. He had been an apprentice by an indenture of
17 December 1824 to Messrs Henry Russ Grant and Edwin
Grant, Bristol apothecaries, for five years. His
masters also provided a testimonial of his moral
character. He had attended lectures in Chemistry, Materia
Medica and Botany, Anatomy and Physiology, Anatomical
Demonstrations, and the Principles and Practice of
Medicine, while his hospital attendance had included
nine months at St Thomas’s Hospital in London, two
courses of lectures on Midwifery and two courses of
Clinical lectures. The record also confirms his date
of birth as 7 November 1809.
His occupation was surgeon at the time of the 1841
census, when he was listed at Stokes Croft, Bristol
(National Archives, HO 107 372/2, folio 11).
His brother, Joseph Baynton Williams, was declared
bankrupt in the London Gazette of 15 October
1841, page 2558; he was described as a wholesale and
retail ironmonger, dealer and chapman, of the city of
Bristol. At other times he was a solicitor, having
been articled on 26 October 1825 to William Baynton,
of Bristol (National Archives, KB 106/11) and on 20
May 1829, for the remainder of the term, to Edward
John Horton, of Furnival’s Inn, Holborn (National
Archives, KB 106/14). A William Baynton of Clifton
appears in the list of subscribers appended to Elijah
Williams’ 1845 book Souvenir of the Bristol Chess
Club. In 1846 Joseph was in London, but spent some
time in the debtors’ prison for London and Middlesex,
as is shown by a notice regarding his insolvency in
the London Gazette of 1 May 1846, page 1620.
He eventually surmounted these financial difficulties.
By coincidence or design, Joseph’s presence in London
was close to the time when Elijah moved to the
Elijah Williams’ first marriage took place on 9
April 1844 in the church of St Mary Kirkdale, near
Liverpool, his bride being Amelia Cassin, “youngest
daughter of T. Cassin, Esq.”, and the service
performed by Rev. D. James, according to the Manchester
Courier, 13 April 1844, page 6.
Elijah Williams was described as a surgeon, of
Bristol, which suggests that he was in Kirkdale just
for the wedding rather than as part of a longer stay
in Lancashire. A Diocese of Chester marriage licence
allegation, dated 6 April 1844, indicates that Amelia
was a spinster, of the parish of Walton on the Hill,
and Elijah a bachelor. Her surname in that document
was spelt Casson.
An Amelia Cassin is to be found in the 1841 census
in the expected locality at Devonshire Place in the
parish of Everton, her age indicated in the range
30-34 (National Archives, HO 107 519/3, folio 44). In
the same household were a John Cassin, merchant –
possibly a brother – and two small children.
The marriage was soon ended by death, though not
before it bore fruit. The parish register of St Mark,
Kennington (South London) shows that a daughter, Mary
Cassin Williams, was born on 26 August 1846 and
baptized there on 11 October. In 1850, Elijah married
again as a widower, so Amelia is assumed to have died
in the intervening period. There is an entry in the
General Register Office’s index of deaths for Amelia
Williams, aged 36, in the district of Lambeth for the
December 1846 quarter (volume four, page 200), which,
if it were the correct entry, would mean that she died
only a few months after the birth of the child. Their
daughter died in St Leonards-on-Sea on 22 November
1931 at the age of 85 (National Probate Calendar).
His second marriage was recorded in the register of
St Mary’s, Lambeth, on 21 November 1850, and was by
licence. The groom was described as Elijah Williams
junior, widower, a surgeon, of 56 Walnuttree Walk, son
of Elijah Williams, gentleman, and the bride as Mary
Ann Robina Moore Hodson, a spinster, of 32 Dodington
Grove, a daughter of John Hodson, deceased, a clerk in
the Audit Office.
It is at 32 Dodington Grove, Newington, that the
couple are to be found in the 1851 census (National
Archives, HO 107 1568, folio 6). This was the Hodsons’
family home, and was headed by Williams’
mother-in-law, Mary Hodson, who lived off “funded
property”, having been born in Barbados. Williams was
described as a lodger, a non-practising surgeon. His
wife was born in Middlesex, and her age was given as
In a rare, if not unique, physical description of
Williams, he was noted by H.A. Kennedy in an article
entitled “A Desultory Ramble with the Chess-men”,
which appeared on page 47 of Charles Tomlinson’s
Chess Player’s Annual (London, 1856) as having “burly
form, light hair and eyes, and florid complexion”.
According to the General Register Office’s index of
deaths, Elijah Williams senior died in the final
quarter of 1853 in the registration district of
Bedminster, Somerset, his age given as 77 (volume 5c,
page 501). Page 8 of the Bristol Mercury, 24
December 1853 states that he died on 6 December “at
his residence at Portishead, after a long illness”.
His will (National Archives, PROB 11/2187/23)
describes him as a gentleman of Portishead, Somerset.
He named as his executors two gentlemen of Bristol,
who were instructed to hold on trust his estate, which
included freehold property on the Broad Quay and in
Portland Street, Bristol, and freehold and leasehold
property at Portishead. His daughter, Ann Baynton
Williams, was to receive the rents and profits of his
estate for her natural life. After her decease, the
rents and profits were to go to his son, Elijah
Williams, and after his death to his four
grandchildren, including Mary Cassin Williams, “share
and share alike” as tenants in common. The will,
including a codicil which was added on 15 June 1853,
was proved on 3 February 1854.
A weakness in the provisions in the will was that,
in the event of the early death of Elijah Williams
junior, his widow would not benefit; nor would the
children except in the long term, which meant that all
of them would be unprovided for. That swiftly
The tragedy of Williams’ end was reported in
“Obituary of Eminent Persons” in the Illustrated
London News, 30 September 1854, page 299. It tells
the story of his death from cholera on 8 September
1854 at Charing Cross Hospital. He had been “seized
with violent pains near Northumberland House”, which
no longer exists today, but stood then at the extreme
west end of the Strand, on the south side. He had
“walked to town”, so his last fateful journey must
have taken him from Kennington to the north side of
the Thames and thence to the west end of the Strand. A
friend advised him to go to Charing Cross Hospital.
The article, presumably by Howard Staunton, was
written sympathetically and included a plea for
charitable support for Williams’ widow:
“We urge the claims of the widow the more earnestly
because we are acquainted with her truly deplorable
The parish register of St Mark, Kennington records
the baptisms of two other daughters, Ada Ellen on 23
July 1852, the address entered as Surrey Place, born
on 4 October 1851, and Blanch Hodson, on 25 October
1854, the address given as South Street, Kennington
Common, “sd to be born 14 Novr. 1852”. A son, Elijah,
born on 18 January 1854, was baptized there on 5
November, the father’s occupation still entered as
surgeon and the address given as Hope Terrace, South
Street. Consequently, the remark in the obituary that
Williams left “a widow and four young children” can be
For the last child, Elijah, a place was obtained at
the Infant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead. He led a long and
prosperous life, becoming a chartered accountant and a
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He died at
Runfold Place, near Farnham, Surrey, on 1 February
1937 (source: National Probate Calendar). The 1901
census (National Archives, RG 13/200, folio 123) shows
that he married and had several children, so there is
every possibility that descendants of Elijah Williams
the chessplayer are alive today.
As a player and an author
An assessment of Williams’ chess career appeared in
the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1856, pages
125-128, then edited by R.B. Brien, in an article
entitled “Mr Williams as a Chess-Player”. About his
style of play it stated:
“If he had any defect in play, it was not
over-caution, but a striving for some small advantage,
which could hardly be gained without danger. He
played, in short, more for little permutations of
force and position than in the spirit of high art,
although he did not neglect greater things when they
came in his way. No-one held to an advantage more
firmly than he did, nothing generally was better than
the unflinching courage and perseverance which he
displayed under difficulties.”
The article notes his early involvement with the
Bristol Chess Club and his position as President,
mentioning that the club mustered more than 60 members
within three weeks of its formation. This springing
“into manhood almost at its birth” the author ascribes
to a national enthusiasm to obtain victory over the
French – eventually achieved by Staunton in 1843 – but
no date was attached to the club’s formation.
On page 1 of The Bristol Chess Club
(Bristol, 1883) J. Burt claimed to have “undoubted
evidence that it was formed in 1829 or 1830, under the
Presidentship of Mr Elijah Williams”. Unfortunately,
he did not mention what the “undoubted evidence” was.
In 1836 the club and several of its members, including
Williams and Withers, were listed among the
subscribers on page 280 of William Greenwood Walker’s
book A Selection of Games at Chess Actually
Played in London by the Late Alexander M’Donnell, Esq.
The birth of his first daughter, noted above, shows
that he had moved to London by the summer of 1846.
Charles Tomlinson (BCM, February 1891, page 53)
relates that “he gave up his practice for a precarious
seat in the Divan”. If that was, in fact, his
hare-brained plan, in official records, at least, he
continued to be described as a surgeon for the rest of
his life, and it was only in the 1851 census that
“non-practising” was added.
His highest achievement was in the 1851 London
tournament. After knocking out Löwenthal and Mucklow,
he played a semi-final match against Marmaduke Wyvill.
He took the first three games to stand on the verge of
a place in the final, needing just one more win, but
Wyvill, the MP for Richmond, Yorkshire, staged an
extraordinary come-back and took the next four games.
Williams’ peak had arrived and passed. Nevertheless,
by his victory in the contest to decide third place he
showed that he was capable of winning a match even
against Staunton. The subsequent “revenge” match
between them suggested that Staunton was then the
stronger of the two, even though Williams won that
second match too, on account of the three games’ start
which Staunton had conceded. Brien, in his article,
countered “a statement then published” to the effect
that Staunton lost because of ill-health to an
opponent “accustomed previously to take the pawn and
two moves” by suggesting that in printed games
Williams had not received those odds since 1845.
However, he did not question Staunton’s “ill-health”.
A description of Williams’ mode of play comes from
H.A. Kennedy in the above-mentioned article “A
Desultory Ramble with the Chess-men” in Charles
Tomlinson’s Chess Player’s Annual (London,
1856), page 47:
“Mr Williams is a player of large calibre. Tardy in
unfolding his plans, and cautious in the extreme, he,
nevertheless, marshals his forces with such ability
and judgment, as to make them present a firm, compact
front, within which no enemy finds it an easy matter
to penetrate. His manoeuvres are conducted with
soundness and precision, he has great accuracy of
calculation, and his constant practice gives him a
command of the board equalled by few.”
His two books were collections of games, Souvenir
the Bristol Chess Club (Bristol, 1845) and Horæ
Divanianæ (London, 1852). In the latter, his
hostility towards Howard Staunton is amply reflected
by the fact that Staunton was not mentioned anywhere
in the book. Williams’ involvement with the Illustrated
Magazine was referred to in C.N. 9909. In addition,
he contributed to the Bath and Cheltenham Gazette,
The Field, and The Historic Times.
Staunton blamed his defeat by Williams in the 1851
London tournament and in the return match on Williams’
excessively slow play. H.J.R. Murray, on page 84 of A
Short History of Chess (Oxford, 1963), described him
as ...
“the slowest of all players in a time of slow players
(for chess clocks had not yet been thought of)”.
In The Times of 19 April 1980, page 7, H.
Golombek remarked that Williams has ...
“good claims to be regarded as the slowest player in
the history of the game”.
C.N. 3764 quoted some remarks by Irving Chernev
about Williams’ supposed slowness. Chernev asked:
‘Was his prolonged thinking part of a plan to
infuriate his opponents? Or was it because he was
slowly evolving a new system of play?’
P.W. Sergeant alluded to “Williams’ exceedingly slow
methods” on page 77 of A Century of British Chess
(London, 1934). He made the point that Staunton had
previously shown no “ill-feeling” towards Williams and
suggested that the latter’s slow play was the sole
cause. However, one could argue conversely that the
cause was Staunton’s annoyance at being beaten.
In an advertisement for the Illustrated London
Magazine the following appeared on page 6 of the Worcestershire
Chronicle, of 13 September 1854:
“Mr Elijah Williams, the celebrated chessplayer, who
wore out Staunton, contributes annotated games of
chess and problems, which add to the former
attractions of this pictorial.”
This text must have had Williams’ agreement, and one
wonders exactly what was meant by the claim that he
“wore out Staunton”. Does it go any way towards
acknowledging slow play, or does it merely claim that
Williams endured the exertion better? Or was it a
In a letter to Bell’s Life in London, 7
December 1851, page 5, he explained that initially he
said nothing ...
“as it was quite apparent to me that Mr Staunton was
somewhat irritated by his defeat”.
Staunton’s irritability at that time is well known.
In my book Notes on the life of Howard Staunton
(pages 111-112) it was suggested that he was suffering
from accumulative stress caused by the demands made on
him by the 1851 tournament. C.N. 7858 describes an
incident from the “return match” which reflects
Staunton’s frustration or irritation, resulting in his
making an unfair annotation.
Later, Williams felt the need to respond when
Staunton persisted with his criticism, and he claimed
that he “took no more time over his moves” than
R.B. Brien, who had earlier been an ally of
Staunton, indicated in his 1856 article that he found
nothing remarkable about the speed of Williams’ play:
“The evidence, however, of those who witnessed
several of his matches is to the effect that, although
there might be an exceptional case, he was on the
whole not so very slow.”
There was also support for Williams in the Chess
Player, edited by Kling and Horwitz, volume two,
1852, page 304:
“As you observe, the unworthy efforts which have been
made to fasten upon Mr Williams the stigma of wilfully
playing a ‘slow march’, with the view of wearying out
his antagonist, cannot be too strongly reprobated. We
have had the good fortune to be present at some of the
finest chess matches of late years, and we doubt very
much whether Mr Williams’ play is any slower than that
which we observed in the matches in question.”
Nevertheless, the number of contemporary players
willing to defend Williams appears to have been
limited. If he had suffered any real injustice from
the criticism, would there not have been more
sympathizers? After all, Staunton had no shortage of
enemies during the period in question. No-one timed
the players’ cogitations, as had Harry Wilson in the
Staunton v Saint-Amant encounter in Paris, so
uncertainty remains over how slow Williams was.’
11425. ‘Presumably’
‘Staunton showed the effectiveness of the English
opening, 1 P-QB4. Actually, his greatest impact on chess
history was a negative one: by refusing to go through
with a match against Morphy, he presumably effected the
latter’s disillusionment and permanent withdrawal from
Source: page 17 of The Battle of Chess Ideas by
Anthony Saidy (London, 1972).
Saidy on the front cover of Chess Life
11427. An
old joke
A Quotes and Queries item by D.J. Morgan on page 158 of
the May 1970 BCM:
‘Overheard. “He is the Secretary of a Chess Club.” “But
what does he do?” “He reads the hours of the
last meeting.”’
A letter from Sanford V. Levinson on page 129 of the May
1955 Chess Review:
11428. When was
Labourdonnais born?
Ulvi Bajarani (Baku) asks whether the exact year, let
alone the exact day, of Labourdonnais’ birth can be
C.N. 4070 reproduced from page 202 of “Our Folder”
(The Good Companion Chess Problem Club), 1 May 1921 a
photograph of the master’s grave in London with a caption
indicating that he died on 13 December 1840, aged 43.
However, the obituary of Labourdonnais by Saint-Amant in Le
Palamède stated:
‘Labourdonnais qui était né en 1795, l’année même de
la mort de Philidor, a été comme lui mourir à Londres,
dans un état voisin de la pauvreté.’
The obituary was on pages 15-19 of the first issue of Le
Palamède following its resumption, circa
December 1841, after more than a year’s absence. An
endnote referred to prior publication of the obituary:
‘Cet article avait été publié dans les feuilles
quotidiennes en février 1841, deux mois après la mort
de Labourdonnais.’
The matter will be pursued in future items with, we hope,
readers’ assistance.
11429. Paul
From pages xviii-xix of Alpha Teach Yourself Chess in
24 Hours by Zsuzsa Polgar, Hoainhan “Paul” Truong
and Leslie Alan Horvitz (Indianapolis, 2002/2003):
It is true as a matter of public record that South
Vietnam fell in 1975.
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.