Chess Notes
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7341. Schulder games
Further to our discussion of ‘Boden’s
Mate’, as seen in the 15-move brilliancy Schulder v
Boden, below are some other games played by the mysterious
Daniel Harrwitz – Schulder
Dutch Defence
1 d4 f5 2 c4 d6 3 Nc3 e6 4 f4 Nf6 5 Nf3 Nbd7 6 e3 b6 7
Ng5 Qe7 8 Nb5 Kd8 9 Qf3 d5 10 b3 h6 11 Nh3 a6 12 Nc3 Bb7
13 Be2 c5 14 Nf2 cxd4 15 exd4 Kc7 16 cxd5 Nxd5 17 Nxd5+
Bxd5 18 Qc3+ Kb7 19 O-O g5 20 Nd3 Rc8 21 Qd2 g4 22 Ne5
Nxe5 23 fxe5 h5 24 Qd3 b5 25 a4 Be4 26 Qd2 b4 27 Bc4 h4 28
Qe2 Rc6 29 Be3 h3 30 g3 Qd7 31 a5 Be7 32 Ra4 Rhc8 33 Raa1
Bd5 34 Rfc1 Be4 35 Ra2 Qd8
36 Bxa6+ Rxa6 37 Qb5+ Rb6 38 Qxb6+ Qxb6 39 axb6 Rxc1+ 40
Bxc1 Kxb6 41 Kf2 Bd5 42 Bd2 Kb5 43 Rb2 Bd8 44 Ke2 Bb6 45
Be3 Bd8 46 Kd3 Be4+ 47 Kd2 Bd5 48 Rb1 Bb6 49 Kc1 f4 50
gxf4 g3 51 Rb2 g2 52 Kd2 Bd8 53 Ke2 Bh4 54 Bg1 Kc6 55 Ke3
Be1 56 Ra2 Bxb3 57 Ra6+ Kb5 58 Ra8 Bc2
59 d5 exd5 60 e6 Bh4 61 Kd4 b3 62 Kxd5 Kb4 63 Rb8+ Kc3
64 Ke5 Kd2 65 f5 Ke2 66 f6 Kf1 67 Bd4
67...Bg3+ 68 hxg3 h2 69 f7 g1(Q) 70 f8(Q)+ Ke2 71 Qf4 Qg2
72 Qe3+ Kd1 73 Rd8 Resigns.
Source: Chess Player, October 1852, pages 50-51,
with a correction on page 143 regarding White’s identity.
Schulder – Daniel Harrwitz
Sicilian Defence
1 e4 c5 2 c4 e6 3 b3 Nc6 4 Bb2 d6 5 g3 Nd4 6 Bg2 Ne7 7
Na3 g6 8 Nc2 Bg7 9 Nxd4 cxd4 10 d3 f5 11 exf5 Nxf5 12 Qe2
Qa5+ 13 Kd1 O-O 14 h4 Bh6 15 g4 Ne7 16 Bxd4 e5 17 Be3
17...Bxg4 18 Qxg4 Bxe3 19 fxe3 Qc3 20 Rc1 Qxd3+ 21 Ke1
Qxe3+ 22 Ne2 Qf2+ 23 Kd1 Nf5 24 Kd2 Qe3+ 25 Kc2 Qb6 26
Bd5+ Kh8 27 Kb1 Ne3 28 Qe4 Rf2 29 c5 Qb5 30 Qxe3 Rxe2 31
Qf3 Rf2 32 Qxf2 Qd3+ 33 Ka1 Qxd5 34 Qf6+ Kg8 35 Rhd1 Qe4
36 cxd6 Rf8 37 Qe6+ Kh8 38 d7 Qxh4 39 Rc8 Rd8 40 Rxd8+
Source: Chess Player, 1852, page 62.
Bernhard Horwitz – Schulder
Queen’s Gambit Accepted
1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4 3 e4 e5 4 d5 f5 5 Nc3 Nf6 6 Bg5 Bd6 7
Bxc4 O-O 8 Nf3 h6 9 Bxf6 Qxf6 10 Qe2 a6 11 a3 b5 12 Ba2 b4
13 axb4 Bxb4 14 O-O Bd6 15 Rae1 f4 16 Bc4 a5 17 h3 Nd7 18
Nh2 Nc5 19 Qh5 Kh7 20 Ng4 Bxg4 21 hxg4 g6 22 Qh3 Rab8 23
Re2 Rb4 24 Ba2 f3 25 gxf3 Nd3 26 Rd2 Nf4 27 Qg3 h5 28 Ne2
h4 29 Qh2 g5 30 Nxf4 exf4 31 Rc1 Rxb2
32 Bb1 Kg7 33 Rdd1 Rfb8 34 Kg2 a4 35 Qg1 a3 36 Qe1 a2 37
Bd3 Qd4 38 e5 h3+ 39 Kh1 Qxd5 40 Be4 Qxe5 41 Rd5 Qe7 42
Qc3+ Kg8 43 Qc4 Kh8 44 Ra1 Rb1+ 45 Rd1 Rxa1 46 Rxa1 Rb1+
47 Bxb1 Qe1+ 48 Kh2 Qxf2+ 49 Kxh3 Qg3 mate.
Source: Chess Player, 1852, pages 63-64.
Bernhard Horwitz – Schulder
Falkbeer Counter-Gambit
1 e4 e5 2 f4 d5 3 exd5 exf4 4 Nf3 Bd6 5 Bb5+ c6 6 dxc6
bxc6 7 Bc4 Nf6 8 O-O O-O 9 d4 Bg4 10 c3 Nbd7 11 b3 Ne4 12
Qc2 Ndf6 13 Bd3 Bxf3 14 Rxf3 Ng5 15 Rf1 Qc7 16 Na3 h6 17
Nc4 Nd5 18 Nxd6 Qxd6 19 Qf2 Ne6 20 Bd2 g5 21 Rfe1 Nf6 22
Re2 Kg7 23 Rae1 Rae8 24 h4 Nh5 25 Re5 f6 26 Ra5 Rf7 27 Bc4
Rfe7 28 Bxe6 Rxe6 29 Rxa7+ Kg6 30 Rxe6 Qxe6 31 c4 Ng3 32
Bb4 Qe4 33 Kh2 Qb1 34 h5+ Kf5 35 Ra5+ Kg4 36 Qf3+ Kh4 37
White resigns.
Source: Chess Player, 1852, pages 73-74.
Schulder – Simons
Philidor’s Defence
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 exd4 4 Bc4 c6 5 O-O d5 6 exd5 cxd5
7 Bb3 Nf6 8 Qxd4 Nc6 9 Ba4 Be7 10 Ne5 Bd7 11 Nxc6 bxc6 12
Bg5 O-O 13 Nc3 Rb8 14 Rae1 Rb4 15 Qxa7 Rg4 16 f4 h6
17 h3 hxg5 18 hxg4 Nxg4 19 Bxc6 gxf4 20 Bxd7 Ne3 21 Rxf4
Bg5 22 Rf3 Nxc2 23 Re2 d4 24 Rxc2 dxc3 25 Rcxc3 Qe7 26
Rcd3 Rc8 27 Rf1 Rd8 28 Rfd1 Bf4 29 Qf2 Qg5 30 g3 Rxd7 31
Qxf4 and wins.
Source: Chess Player, 1852-53, page 87.
Mr P. (‘one of the finest players of the day’) –
Sicilian Defence
1 e4 e6 2 f4 c5 3 Nf3 b6 4 d3 Bb7 5 Be2 d5 6 e5 Nh6 7 Be3
Ng4 8 Bg1 Nh6 9 Bf2 Nc6 10 O-O Be7 11 Nbd2 Rc8 12 d4 a6 13
c3 Nf5 14 Bd3 Nh6 15 h3 cxd4 16 Nxd4 Nxd4 17 Bxd4 f5 18
exf6 Bxf6 19 Qh5+ Nf7 20 Rae1 Bxd4+ 21 cxd4 Qf6 22 Nf3 g6
23 Qg4 Rc6
24 f5 gxf5 25 Bxf5 Ke7 26 Bxe6 Nh6 27 Bxd5+ Kd8 28 Qh5
Rc7 29 Re6 Qf4 30 Bxb7 Nf5 31 Re4 Ng3 32 Qd5+ Rd7 33 Qxd7+
Kxd7 34 Ne5+ Kc7 35 Rfxf4 Resigns.
Source: Chess Player, 1852-53, pages 105-106.
Frank Healey – Schulder
Philidorian Chess Rooms, London, 3 June 1859
Bishop’s Opening
1 e4 e5 2 Bc4 Qe7 3 Nc3 c6 4 Nge2 d6 5 O-O Be6 6 Bb3 g6 7
d4 Bxb3 8 axb3 Nd7 9 f4 Bg7 10 d5 f6 11 f5 gxf5 12 Rxf5
13 Ng3 Nxf5 14 Nxf5 Qf8 15 dxc6 bxc6 16 Nxd6+ Kd8 17 Be3
Kc7 18 Nf5 h5 19 Ra6 Rh7 20 Rxc6+ Kxc6 21 Qd5+ Kc7 22 Nb5+
Source: Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1859, pages
Schulder – Frank Healey
Philidorian Chess Rooms, London, 3 June 1859
King Pawn’s Opening
1 e4 e5 2 g3 f5 3 d4 exd4 4 Bg2 Nc6 5 Ne2 fxe4 6 Bxe4 Bc5
7 Bd5 Nf6 8 c4 Nb4 9 Nf4 Nbxd5 10 Nxd5 O-O 11 O-O Nxd5 12
cxd5 d6 13 b4 Bxb4 14 Qxd4 Bc5 15 Qc3 Bh3 16 Bb2 Qe7 17
Nd2 Rf7 18 Rae1
18...Rxf2 19 Rxf2 Qxe1+ 20 Nf1 Qxf1 mate.
Source: Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1859, pages
Finally, we note on pages 316-317 of the British
Chess Review, 1853 a comment about White’s fourth
move in the first game of that year’s match between
Löwenthal and Harrwitz, which began 1 e4 e5 2 f4 Bc5 3 Nf3
d6 4 b4:
‘This move, we are informed, is the invention of Mr
Schulder, a strong German amateur, with whom this
opening is a great favourite.’
A new
catalogue has just been produced by Tony Peterson of
Southend-on-Sea, England.
7343. Capablanca and Ed Hughes (C.N.
John Blackstone (Las Vegas, NV, USA) draws attention to
an article ‘Capablanca’s
Not Do in Sports’ on page 1 of the Sporting Section
of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 5 March 1922.
Regarding the Wade v Bennett correspondence
game (1942) and the prior appearance of 19 Qxg6 in
analysis, below is an article on pages 183-184 of the
September 1939 Chess Review:
7345. Bobby Fischer Against the
Graced with some exceptionally rich archive material, Liz
Garbus’s 2011 documentary film Bobby Fischer Against
the World is disgraced with some exceptionally poor
interviewees. A particular low point, with some of the
talking heads less concerned about being truthful than
noticed, is the dense sequence which seizes on the issue
of insanity:
Anthony Saidy: ‘Victor Korchnoi claimed to have
played a match with a dead man and he even provided the
Asa Hoffmann: ‘Rubinstein jumped out of the
window because the fly was after him.’
Anthony Saidy: ‘Steinitz in late life thought he
was playing chess by wireless with God Almighty – and
had the better of God Almighty.’
Asa Hoffmann: ‘Carlos Torre took all his clothes
off on a bus.’
To highlight only the Steinitz
God yarn, no scrap of serious substantiation is
available. Once again we witness the magnetic pull of
malignant anecdotitis. And since the theme is insanity, an
uncomfortable question arises: can such groundless public
denigration of Steinitz and others be considered the
conduct of a rational human being?
7346. Fine’s office
Horacio Paletta (Buenos Aires) notes a news item on page
36 of the February 1949 Chess Review:
‘Dr Reuben Fine, a clinical psychologist, announces
that he has opened an office at 72 Barrow Street, New
York City (REpublic 9-8054). He is available for
personality diagnosis and psychotherapy.’
Mr Paletta adds that this photograph appeared on the
same page of Chess Review:
‘When I was a child prodigy many years ago,
chessplayers were amazed at the ease and accuracy of
my play against the veritable giants of chessdom. To
be perfectly frank, I was no less amazed, and I have
thought about this over and over again. What was it
that I had which has been variously described as
talent or genius or the divine afflatus which enabled
me to select the proper move or line in a given
situation? The answer to this question, of course,
should prove enlightening. I discovered that I had the
happy faculty of being able to spot weak and strong
points in a position merely by a glance at its
contour. Having done so, I could go on to the next
step and enhance my strong points, while surveying my
weak ones and/or contain my opponent’s strong points
and exploit his weak ones.
I fear that I cannot account for this fortuitous
bounty. I do know, however, that the foundation of
chess logic is the perception of weak and strong
points on the board or projected a few moves from
possibility to reality. Point Count Chess
exactly coincides with my reflections on this matter.
Not only does it define the salient features, but also
it evaluates them. It is unique in the annals of chess
literature in that it is the first and only book that
does so. Indeed, it is a great stride forward in
bringing the essential ideas to the ordinary player.’
The above is Samuel Reshevsky’s Foreword to Point
Count Chess by I.A. Horowitz and Geoffrey
Mott-Smith (New York, 1960).
The diagram position comes from the game I.A. Horowitz
v A. Martin, Boston, 1938. Reinfeld’s annotations were
published on pages 183-184 of the August 1938 Chess
Review and on pages 25-26 of volume four of the Year
of the American Chess Federation (Milwaukee,
1939). From page iv of the latter publication comes this
photograph of Horowitz:
Gene Gnandt (Houston, TX, USA) draws attention to an
item about Schulder on page 300 of the August 1849 Deutsche
7350. A. Rothman (C.N. 4930)
We are still seeking biographical information about A.
Rothman, who claimed to know the entirety of Modern
Chess Openings by heart.
Below is a photograph on page 10 of the May 1944 Chess
Review, in a report on the US championship in New
Source: the frontispiece to volume three of the Year
Book of the American Chess Federation (Milwaukee,
The only clue being offered: a writer on chess history.
Miles on Kasparov
From page 12 of the August 1986 Chess Life:
But why 27 eyes or, for that matter, 28,000
eyes (in another version of the Miles quote to be found on
web pages)?
The Kasparov v Miles match took place in Basle in May
1986, and we have found Miles’ jocular/ocular remark (‘100
eyes’) in a post-match interview with Heinz Weber on page
3 of the Basler Zeitung, 23 May 1986:
Kasparov gave the figure 100 on page 188 of Child of
Change (London, 1987) and page 193 of Unlimited
Challenge (Glasgow, 1990).
Earlier, the Basler Zeitung had published
interviews with both players, and the full texts are
reproduced here:
Above: Basler Zeitung,
13 May 1986, pages 25 and 27
Above: Basler Zeitung,
15 May 1986, page 35
Above: Basler Zeitung,
15 May 1986, page 35.
Raymond Kuzanek (Hickory Hills, IL, USA) has found the
photograph on page 221 of The Sketch, 21 August
Is it possible to obtain a copy in a higher resolution?
7355. Mark Taimanov’s chess library
Mark Taimanov (Moscow) informs us that he plans to
dispose of his chess library and is seeking a buyer.
The collection consists of over 500 books plus 120
complete volumes of periodicals. To mention only some of
the categories, there are nearly 80 books on the openings,
almost 60 on the middle-game and 14 on endings. Other
categories include tournament and match books,
biographical games collections, endgame studies, year
books and memoirs. Most of the works are in Russian, but
there are also volumes in English, French, German,
Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, Serbian, Finnish and Estonian.
A number of books are inscribed by their authors.
Any readers interested in acquiring this unique
collection are invited to let us know as soon as possible,
and we shall forward their contact details to Mr Taimanov.
Below, from our archives, is a photograph taken during
the 1953 Candidates’ tournament in Neuhausen and Zurich:
Mark Taimanov and Salo
Pages 57-59 of Picture Post, 26 November 1938
had a richly illustrated article on that year’s AVRO
tournament. Below are all the photographs on pages
58-59. The first of them is 52 cm long in the magazine
and has been split here into two:
M. Botvinnik, S.
Reshevsky, R. Fine and S. Landau (‘for Capablanca’)
M. Euwe, A. Alekhine, S.
Flohr and P. Keres
A. Alekhine, M. Euwe and
J.R. Capablanca

M. Botvinnik, S. Flohr
and S. Reshevsky.
No individual photographs of R. Fine and P. Keres were
Larry Crawford (Milford, CT, USA) and Olimpiu G. Urcan
(Singapore) note the following report regarding Aaron A.
Rothman on page 33 of the New York Times, 20
December 1961:
As stated on, for instance, page 345 of the Hastings,
1895 tournament book, H.N. Pillsbury was born in
Somerville, Massachusetts on 5 December 1872, yet even
today there are occasional claims that he was born in
South Carolina.
In some old sources, Somerville was misspelled
Sommerville. See, for example, page 3 of Harry
Nelson Pillsbury. 200 partier by W. Henrici
(Stockholm, 1913) and, in particular, page 188 of Die
Meister des Schachbretts by R. Réti
(Mährisch-Ostrau, 1930). In the English edition of the
latter book, Masters of the Chess Board (London,
1933), the incorrect ‘Sommerville’ became the incorrect
‘Summerville’ (see page 100), leaving the reader to
assume that Summerville, South Carolina was meant.
The matter was raised, with a mention of Masters of
the Chess Board, by L.F. Oakley in a letter
published on page 2 of the April 1944 Chess Review.
The Editor’s reply noted that W.E. Napier, Pillsbury’s
brother-in-law, had confirmed that Somerville,
Massachusetts was the correct place. Somerville was also
stipulated on page 162 of the book discussed in C.N.s
4380 and 4397, The Pillsbury Family by David B.
Pilsbury and Emily A. Getchell (Everett, 1898).
7359. Tarrasch translations
Bradley J. Willis (Edmonton, Canada) is interested in
translations of Tarrasch’s books. Can readers assist us in
building up a comprehensive list?
Which was the first chess move to be described as a
sockdolager or sockdologer? This US slang term, meaning
‘a heavy or knock-down blow’, is commonly linked to the
name of Al Horowitz, and an early example comes in his
notes to the seventh match-game in the 1935 world
Source: Chess Review, January 1936, page 5.
There was a (non-chess) lexicographical explanation of
the word on page 31 of the February 1928 American
Chess Bulletin. On page 13 of the January 1930
issue ‘sockdologer’ appeared in a note by Charles De
Vide (Devidé) to 51...g3 in the tenth game in the 1929
match for the Italian championship between Stefano
Rosselli del Turco and Mario Monticelli:
‘The “sockdologer”. White must take, whereupon K-K5
destroys White’s last hope. Due credit should be given
the victor for his consummate skill in handling the
entire endgame.’
A photograph taken during the match, held in Florence,
was published opposite page 200 of the May 1929 issue of
M. Monticelli and S.
Rosselli del Turco
Regarding Bobby Fischer Against the World (C.N.
7345), Tony Bronzin (Newark, DE, USA) notes a remark by
Anthony Saidy on the third game in the 1972 world
championship match, which began 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3
‘In game three Bobby played an opening, a defense, he
had never played before, the Benoni ...’
An inscription in one of our copies of Traité du
jeu des échecs by Jean Taubenhaus (Paris, 1910):
7363. Morphy against the Devil
The story about Morphy against the Devil, in connection
with a picture by Moritz Retzsch, is too familiar to be
repeated here. See, for instance, pages 235 and 269 of Paul
The Pride and Sorrow of Chess
by David Lawson (New York, 1976), as well as the following
non-exhaustive list of magazine items:
- Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1844 (volume five),
pages 272-274;
- Le Palamède, September 1845, pages 397-400;
- Chess Monthly, April 1861, pages 126-127;
- Westminster Papers, 1 January 1873, page 132;
- Columbia Chess Chronicle, 18 August 1888, page
60, 8 September 1888, page 84, 22 September 1888, page
102, 29 December 1888, page 209, 3 January 1889, pages
3-5 and 24 January 1889, page 35;
- Deutsche Schachzeitung, October 1889, pages
- American Chess Magazine, August 1898, page 77;
- Chess Amateur, July 1907, page 313;
- Chess Amateur, February 1920, page 146;
- BCM, November 1932, page 481;
- CHESS, 17 September 1938, page 8;
- BCM, April 1939, page 185;
- Chess World, July 1954, page 160;
- BCM, July 1987, page 315;
- BCM, August 1993, page 443 and September 1993,
page 506.
The oldest related item in our collection dates from the
month before Morphy was born, i.e. The Saturday
Magazine of 6 May 1837. Below are the front cover
(page 169) and the text on page 170:
7364. Boden’s Mate (C.N. 7341)
As mentioned in our article on Boden’s
Mate, C.N. 292 drew attention to the similar entries
on page 35 of The Encyclopaedia of Chess by Anne
Sunnucks (London, 1970) – as well as page 54 of the 1976
edition – and on page 40 of An illustrated Dictionary
of Chess by Edward R. Brace (London, 1977):
The Horwitz v Popert game was discussed by Richard
Forster in his ‘Late Knight’ column at the Chess Café in
September 2002, reference being made to pages 167-168 of
volume two of Aus Vergangenen Zeiten by L.
Bachmann (Berlin, 1920-22):
In his column the following month Richard Forster
reported that a correspondent, Peter Anderberg, had found
the position on page 108 of the Schachjahrbuch for
1894, not 1893. That source gave the occasion as Hamburg,
1844 and included two introductory moves:
1…Qxh6 2 Rxf5 Bb8 3 Rxd5 c6 4 Rh5 Qxh5 5 Qxc6+ bxc6 6
Bxa6 mate.
That position had been given, without any venue or date,
on page 137 of the 1 May 1847 issue of the Chess
Player’s Chronicle:
The reference to the ‘late Mr Popert’ will be noted. As
regards his encounters with Horwitz, we reproduce a news
item from page 234 of the 15 November 1842 issue of Le
Finally, from pages 117-118 of the April 1847 Deutsche
Schachzeitung (an article by von der Lasa entitled ‘Das
Schachspiel in Hamburg und Altona’):

What more can be discovered about the Horwitz v Popert
game, which is purportedly the first occurrence of
‘Boden’s Mate’? In particular, what is best corroboration
available of the date 1844 and, of course, can the full
game-score be traced?
A postcard in our collection sent by Karel Husák to
Josef Richter:
7366. More postcards to Josef Richter
The postcard shown in the previous item concerned a game
played in the Fifth World Correspondence Championship
(1965-68), which was won by Hans Berliner. From the same
event, here are two more cards sent to Josef Richter:
Berliner plays 11...e7-e5.
This photograph of Henry Alexander Davidson (1905-73)
was on page 3 of the November 1944 Chess Review,
accompanying his article ‘Can a Dope Become a Denker?’.
He was referred to as ‘Capt. Henry A. Davidson, a
psychiatrist now serving in a US Army Hospital in New
Guinea – “a green inferno where the mildew rots the
chessboards and the mould slimes up the chessmen”.’
Davidson was the author of A Short History of Chess
(New York, 1949), whose dust-jacket had this
biographical note:
John Townsend (Wokingham, England) notes a passage
about Popert written by H.A. Kennedy in his article
‘Chess Chips’ on page 122 of the Chess Player’s
Chronicle, 1851 and, with some minor textual
differences, on pages 150-152 of Kennedy’s anthology Waifs
and Strays (London, 1862). Below is what appeared
in the Chronicle:
We note that according to page 143 of the May 1859 Chess
Monthly, Popert died in 1846:
7369. La Bourdonnais v McDonnell
An article by G.H. Diggle on pages 277-281 of the July
1934 BCM marked the centenary of the La
Bourdonnais v McDonnell matches; it was reprinted on pages
69-75 of The Treasury of Chess Lore by
F. Reinfeld (New York, 1951). In Newsflash in June
and July 1984 Diggle wrote a further feature on the
matches. Given on pages 3-6 of volume two of Chess
Characters (Geneva, 1987), the two parts are
reproduced below.
June 1984:
‘This month marks the 150th Anniversary of a famous
match series which (wrote R.N. Coles) “still bears
comparison with that of any later age”, when, in the
words of George Walker, “La Bourdonnais came to London
with the roses of June” and encountered the great
Irishman Alexander McDonnell in 85 games lasting all
through the Summer (La B. 46, McD. 26, Drawn 13). These
games were unevenly split between six matches, but the
conditions of play were very loose – there were no
seconds, there was no time-limit, the stakes were “very
small” and, amazing to relate, the whole splendid series
would never have been preserved for us but for one man.
William Greenwood Walker, the aged Secretary of the
Westminster Chess Club, was “little of a chessplayer”
but a fanatical “fan” of McDonnell’s, and throughout the
whole 85 games the old gentleman sat beside the English
Champion “with spectacles on nose” eagerly taking down
the moves and “scarce daring to breathe lest the
conceptions of his hero should miscarry”. George Walker
(not a relative) wrote of him: “He died full of years –
we would well have spared a better – aye – many a better
The Champions played every day of the week except
Sunday, usually from noon till 6 or 7 p.m., but never
more than one game at a sitting. Many games were
adjourned till next day. Indeed, McDonnell was (except
Williams) the slowest player this country ever produced.
“I have seen him an hour and a half”, writes George
Walker, “and even more, over a single move, and I once
timed La Bourdonnais 55 minutes”. But in those spacious
days this seems to have impressed rather than repelled
the spectators, who (even if themselves not sufficiently
advanced to appreciate the quality of the play) felt
that “this was indeed chess”, far superior to such
weasel encounters of the past as that in 1821 between
Lewis and Deschapelles, who played their three games
match “before dinner”.
The circumstances, as distinct from the conditions,
under which the matches were played strongly favoured
McDonnell. He was a very comfortably off bachelor who
held the post of Secretary of the West India Committee
of Merchants with a salary of £1,200 a year. As his
duties were to watch the progress of Bills affecting the
West Indies, he had work to do only when the Houses of
Parliament were sitting (in fact, the Palace of
Westminster was burnt down in the famous 1834 fire,
which must have occurred during the match). La
Bourdonnais, though of a noble family and heir to an old
estate – in the earlier years of his marriage he
possessed “un château, cinq domestiques, et deux
équipages” – impetuously lost all his money in a
building speculation and came down to £60 a year as
Secretary of the Paris Chess Club and what he could make
as a professional at the Café de la Régence. During the
McDonnell matches his boisterous resilience was such
that he would follow up a seven-hour struggle by playing
for half-a-crown a game against all-comers till long
after midnight.
McDonnell only lived a year after the great encounter,
being stricken with Bright’s Disease at the age of 37.
Later, in Le Palamède, La Bourdonnais wrote
handsomely about him as the greatest player he had ever
encountered (he did add, as a rather hurried
afterthought, except M. Deschapelles, but this was a sop
to his touchy old predecessor). No portrait of McDonnell
has survived and the only one of La Bourdonnais (the
frontispiece of Le Palamède, 1842) was described
by Staunton (Chess Player’s Chronicle, volume
two, page 159) as a “lithographic enormity”, though
Staunton never actually saw either of the two masters.
As many varying opinions on the actual games have been
expressed by experts, the BM (having just played through
the whole series) hopes next month to report on his
“findings”, which will no doubt stagger the Chess World
and set everybody right.’
July 1984:
‘To play through the 85 La Bourdonnais-McDonnell games,
covering just over 3,500 moves aside, is rather like
crossing the Atlantic in stormy weather, or at best
choppy seas with deceitful calms. And to annotate them,
even for an expert, must be a nightmare. Staunton
himself, who did so (Chess Player’s Chronicle,
volumes 1-3), really sums up the series in a famous note
to Game 21: “It seems utterly impossible for either
player to save the game.” Such were the complications he
encountered that even he, never afraid of deep analysis,
was sometimes driven to dodge the “heavy seas” and pick
on shallower water where he could say something when
there was nothing to be said: “The youngest player will
perceive that White would have lost his queen had he
imprudently captured the queen’s pawn.”
Both masters were of the same temperament, daring in
attack and ingenious in defence. McDonnell in particular
could always start something out of nothing. And
throughout the six matches both completely ignored the
state of the score, playing each game solely to win, and
even (there being no time-limit) to win like human
computers by seeing every variation. Though in this they
never succeeded, in some games, notably the 47th, they
came magnificently close to it. During this great
struggle, in which the middle-game “revels” begin as
early as the ninth move with every piece still on the
board, neither player misses anything throughout a
colossal mêlée lasting up to the 20th, when the
position seems to collapse under its own weight and the
two queens and two minor pieces aside perish in the
debris. But the survivors on both sides are on their
feet again in an instant, and a new phase begins – an
enthralling race between two rook-supported clusters of
passed pawns, ending in a hair-raising French victory in
53 moves. While croaking “moderns” will condemn this
game (“Wot? No logical Theme?” or “Wot? No planned
connection between the first half and the second?”), the
BM can only growl defiantly, “Let them croak!”
Of the 85 games, the following have been agreed by
generations of critics to be “the greats”: games 17, 47,
62 and 78 won by the Frenchman and 5, 21, 30, 50 and 54
won by McDonnell. To these the BM would add 15 and 40
(La B.) and 85 (McD.). The “Immortal 50th” has always
been awarded “the Oscar”, but this game was “all
McDonnell”, and there are other good candidates in which
both masters were on the top of their form. In some one
feels the wrong man won; though McDonnell lost 40 (a
King’s Gambit in which he gave up two pieces in the
first nine moves), he actually harried La Bourdonnais
with his inferior force for 22 more moves before he was
finally shaken off by the Frenchman’s knife-edge
But only 12 “Royal Battles” have been mentioned. What
of the 73 “plebeians” remaining? Many are curate’s eggs,
excellent up to more than half-way through, then addled
by blunders, McDonnell being the worse offender. But
others are rated by “H.G.” in A History of Chess
as thoroughly bad eggs throughout, and this is difficult
to dispute. In his disastrous first match McDonnell,
playing White against the Sicilian, repeatedly makes
such a crude hash of the opening that his king (with
both his rooks and bishops still unmoved) is forced to
make a fatuous excursion via KB2 to KR3, where he is
speedily run over like a stray cow on a railway line. As
for La Bourdonnais, it is hard to avoid the conclusion
that before, instead of after, he played the 58th and
83rd games, he had, as was his nightly custom, “sent
pint after pint of Burton Ale Beer into the hold”.
The whole series is given in Walker’s “Thousand Games”
– the 47th game described above also appears in
Staunton’s Laws and Practice of Chess,
Greenwell’s Chess Exemplified, R.N. Coles’ Battles-Royal
the Chessboard, and the BCM, July 1934
with notes by Sir Stuart Milner-Barry.’
7370. Randomized chess
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) submits a game
from pages 248-250 of Sissa, 1853:
Baron van der Hoeven – Spoelstra
Nijmegen, 1852
1 e3 d5 2 Bf3 f6 3 Nd3 e5 4 e4 b6 5 Bg4 dxe4 6 Bxc8 exd3
7 Bh3 dxc2+ 8 Rxc2 Qe4 9 f3 Qd3 10 Re1 Nd6 11 Re3 Qg6 12
Ng3 Nc4 13 Re2
13...h5 14 Bf5 Qg5 15 Bd3 Na5 16 b4 Nb7 17 Qc3 Nf7 18 Be3
Qh4 19 Nf1 Nfd6 20 Bf2 Qg5 21 Ng3 Qh4 22 Ne4 Qxh2 23 Nxd6
Nxd6 24 Qc6 f5 25 g3 e4 26 Bc5 Qxg3 27 Bxd6 Qxd6 28 Qxd6
cxd6 29 fxe4 f4 30 e5 f3 31 Rf2 dxe5 32 Be4 Bh4 33 Rxf3
Rxf3 34 Bxf3 Bh7 35 Bxh5 Bxc2+ 36 Kxc2 Kc7 37 Bg6 Kd6 38
Kc3 Ke6 39 d4 Be1+ 40 Kc4 exd4 41 a3 Bf2 42 Kb5 Kf6 43 Bd3
g5 44 a4 g4 45 Kc4 Ke5 46 Be2 g3 47 Bf3 Kf4 48 White
From a letter contributed by Edward M. Weeks of
Washington, DC on pages 1-2 of the April 1944 Chess
‘I lived in Boston from Nov. ’87 to Nov. ’89.
I was a member of the Boston YMCU on Boylston St. and
played chess there in the evenings. In the Fall of ’88,
Pillsbury, then a High School student, began to play
there too and at first was easy pickings for most of us.
I was a B class player, but by the Spring of ’89 he
could beat the best of the group who frequented the
chess room at the Union.
On a number of occasions Pillsbury and I walked up
over Beacon Hill together, I to my room and he on his
way to Cambridge. Several times I advised him against
letting chess get too great a hold on him as it would
interfere with his advancement in other fields.
In the late Spring of ’89, Pillsbury won a game from
one of the strongest players at the Boston Chess Club
which he played over for our small group at the
Concerning the cartoons from Tom Webster’s Annual
1923 which were shown in C.N. 3938, Olimpiu G.
Urcan (Singapore) provides information on their prior
appearance in the Daily Mail:
Daily Mail, 3
August 1922, page 9
Daily Mail, 11 August 1922,
page 9
Daily Mail, 14 August 1922,
page 9
Daily Mail, 19
August 1922, page 9 (detail from the 14 August
7373. Boden’s Mate (C.N.s 7341 &
Another specimen, with two sacrifices on c6:
Philip Corbin – Othneil Harewood
Barbados (friendly game), 1979
Sicilian Defence
1 e4 c5 2 d4 cxd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 Nxc3 Nc6 5 Nf3 e6 6 Bc4 Bb4
7 O-O Bxc3 8 bxc3 Na5 9 Bd3 Qc7 10 Qe2 Nc6 11 Ba3 Ne5 12
Nxe5 Qxe5 13 f4 Qc7 14 e5 Qxc3 15 Bd6 Ne7 16 Rac1 Qd4+ 17
Kh1 Nc6 18 f5 h5 19 fxe6 dxe6 20 Rxf7 Bd7 21 Qf3 O-O-O
22 Qxc6+ Bxc6 23 Rxc6+ Resigns.
Source: pages 72-73 of Calypso Chess by Philip
Corbin (Saint Peter, 2011).
There is much lively chess in this 441-page annotated
games collection from Caribbean Chapters Publishing. Nigel
Short’s Foreword remarks that ‘Dr Philip Corbin’s
irresistibly infectious, boyish enthusiasm permeates its
every page’.
Among the highlights are the games against Freedman
(pages 60-61), Chubinsky (pages 93-95), N.N. (pages
121-122) and Greenidge (pages 223-224). The last of these
reached a curious symmetrical position after six moves (1
b4 b5 2 e4 e5 3 Bb2 Bb7 4 Bxe5 Qe7 5 Bxc7 Bxe4 6 Qe2
The last game in Frank Marshall, United States
Chess Champion by A. Soltis (Jefferson, 1994) –
see pages 361-362 – was played by correspondence against
Ed Robson and is said to have ended ‘21 Rd1 g5! White
resigns’. However, the following was published in the
Marshall memorial issue of Chess Review
(December 1944, pages 28-29):
7375. Tarrasch translations (C.N. 7359)
The list below is confined to volumes in our collection.
Tarrasch’s Das Schachspiel (Berlin, 1931) was
translated into English by G.E. Smith and T.G. Bone as The
of Chess (Chatto and Windus, London, 1935 and David
McKay Company, Philadelphia, 1935). It was reprinted by
David McKay Company, Inc., New York in 1976 and by Dover
Publications, Inc., New York in 1987. An algebraic edition
edited by Lou Hays and David Sewell was brought out by
Hays Publishing, Dallas in 1994.
A French edition of Das Schachspiel, translated
by René Jouan, was published by Payot, Paris in 1952 under
the title Traité pratique du jeu d’échecs. The
company has reprinted it many times.
Dreihundert Schachpartien, of which Tarrasch
produced a number of editions, was the subject of an
English translation, Three Hundred Chess Games, in
two volumes published in 1959 and 1961. The translators
were Robin Ault and John Kirwan for volume one (which
included games 1-119) and Robin Ault for volume two.
(Preparation of this item has revealed that our collection
lacks volume two, and we shall be glad to hear from any
reader with a copy for sale.) Another English translation
of the book, also entitled Three Hundred Chess Games,
was by Sol Schwarz, brought out by Hays Publishing, Park
Hill in 1999. A Russian translation by V.I. Murakhveri, 300
shakhmatnykh partii, came from Fizkultura i sport,
Moscow in 1988. In 2007 Caissa Italia editore, Rome
published an Italian translation, 300 partite di
scacchi, by Alex Tonus.
Die moderne Schachpartie, of which several
editions appeared, has been translated into Russian by
V.I. Murakhveri, in two volumes, under the title Uchebnik
strategii (AST, Moscow, 2001).
Das internationale Schachturnier des Schachclubs
Nürnberg im Juli-August 1896 by Tarrasch and C.
Schröder (Leipzig, 1897) was translated into English by
John C. Owen as Nuremberg 1896 International Chess
Tournament (Caissa Editions, Yorklyn, 1999).
Tarrasch’s Das Grossmeisterturnier zu St. Petersburg
im Jahre 1914 (Nuremberg, 1914) was translated into
Swedish by Eric Uhlin as Stormästarturneringen i S:t
Petersburg 1914 (Tidskrift för Schacks Förlag,
Örebro, 1955). In 1993 Caissa Editions, Yorklyn published
St Petersburg 1914 International Chess Tournament,
translated by Robert Maxham.
We are grateful to Tony Peterson (Southend-on-Sea,
England) and Robert Sherwood (E. Dummerston, VT, USA), who
have written to us on this topic.
From pages 7-8 of Traité pratique du jeu d’échecs:
‘Le plus grand charme du jeu vient de ce qu’il
une réalisation intellectuelle et les réalisations
intellectuelles sont parmi les plus grandes
jouissances de l’existence, si même elles ne
sont pas les plus grandes. Tout le monde ne
peut écrire une pièce de théâtre, construire un pont,
voire faire un bon mot. Mais, dans le jeu d’échecs
tout le monde peut et doit créer intellectuellement et
savourer ce plaisir de choix. J’éprouve toujours un
peu de pitié pour ceux qui ne savent pas y jouer,
comme j’en ai pour ceux qui n’ont jamais connu
l’amour. Les échecs, comme l’amour, comme la musique,
ont la possibilité de donner du bonheur à l’homme.
C’est le chemin qui conduit à ce bonheur que j’ai
voulu enseigner dans ce livre.’
7376. N.N. v Crépeaux
1 f4 d5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 e3 Bg4 4 b3 e5 5 fxe5 Nxe5 6 Be2 Bxf3
7 Bxf3 Nf6 8 Bb2 Bd6 9 O-O Ne4 10 Nc3 Qh4 11 Nxd5
11...Qxh2+ 12 Kxh2 Nxf3+ 13 Kh3 Neg5+ 14 Kg4 h5+ 15 Kf5
g6+ 16 Kf6
16...Kf8 17 White resigns.
Reminiscent of Lasker
v Thomas, this well-known gamelet (‘Amateur v
Crépeaux, Nice, 1923’) is to be found, with criticism of
both sides’ play, on pages 399-400 of Echec et mat de
l’initiation à la maîtrise by Frank Lohéac-Ammoun
(Les Avirons, 2011). Han Bükülmez (Ecublens, Switzerland)
wonders whether it can be demonstrated that the game is
Although the venue is usually given as Nice, page 272 of
200 Miniature Games of Chess by J. du Mont (London,
1941) had ‘Holland, 1923’. It is by no means easy to build
up a list of early appearances of the game in print, and
readers’ assistance will be appreciated.
A photograph of Robert Crépeaux, from the September 1925
issue of L’Echiquier, was included in C.N. 3479.
He died in 1994 (see Europe Echecs, April 1994,
page 13), although Lohéac-Ammoun’s book states (page 399)
that Crépeaux ‘mourut prématurément à Paris en 1944’.
Indeed, the book’s undoubted qualities are marred by many
errors in dates and names. For instance, it is claimed on
page 33 that the famous game Capablanca v
Fonaroff was played in 1904.
7377. Hungarian team
From page 153 of the September-October 1930 American
Chess Bulletin:
Pages 182-183 of the August 1923 issue of La
Stratégie reproduced a letter written by
Labourdonnais in 1838.

Unable to scan the full document from our bound volume,
we wonder whether a reader could kindly provide a copy
for reproduction here.
7380. Chess Features (C.N.s
2849 & 3560)
C.N.s 2849 and 3560 mentioned that we possess two sheets
of stationery with Capablanca named as the editor of Chess
Features. Now, Joed Miller (HNP, HI, USA) has sent
us the following letter dated 21 October 1931 from Robert
Mayer to Bainbridge Colby (a former Secretary of State):
Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) supplies
references to three appearances of the game in print: Bulletin
La Fédération Française des Echecs, April-June
1923, page 10; the column by Gaston Legrain in L’Action
Française, 8 April 1923, page 5; Bulletin de
La Fédération Française des Echecs (July 1927,
page 22).
All three items have the same annotations by Aimé
Gibaud. Two of them state that the game was played in
January 1923 and that it had previously been published
in the periodical Le Billard Sportif (which has
not yet been found).
Below is what appeared in L’Action Française:
G.S. Spreckley
From Adrian Harvey (Edgware, England):
‘I wonder whether anyone has a picture of George
Stormont Spreckley, the Secretary of the Liverpool
Chess Club in the 1840s and a regular opponent of
Augustus Mongrédien. Spreckley was a good chessplayer
who secured victories in individual games against
quite dangerous opponents, including Harrwitz and
Williams. I had an article published on him in the
October-December 2007 issue of Kaissiber and
am currently working on an article about the short,
turbulent time he spent working as a merchant in
Shanghai during the Taiping Rebellion.’
Alain Biénabe (Bordeaux, France) has supplied a scan of
the full letter:
Larger version
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.