Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
9829. Leading
Books about Leading Modern
Chessplayers now includes 15 volumes on Magnus
Carlsen, as well as an entry for Sergey Karjakin which is
currently a blank space.
C.N. 5113 remarked concerning Isidor Gunsberg: ‘He is the
only world championship challenger on whom no book has
been written.’
Gunsberg and Steinitz
Gunsberg may also be the only person to write a premature obituary of a
player against whom he contested a world title match.
Below is a sequence of items in the Pall Mall Gazette,
of which Gunsberg was the chess editor:
12 February 1897, page 9
22 February 1897, page 9
24 February 1897, page 9
26 February 1897, page 10
8 March 1897, page 10
15 March 1897, page 9
5 April 1897, page 10.
9831. Fischer,
Capablanca and Golombek
Brian Karen (Levittown, NY, USA) asks for further
information about Fischer’s view of Capablanca’s
Hundred Best Games of Chess by Harry Golombek
(London, 1947).
C.N. 1928 (see our feature article
on the book) alluded to Golombek’s remarks on pages 13-14
of The Games of Robert J. Fischer by Robert G.
Wade and Kevin J. O’Connell (London, 1972). Below are his
exact words:
‘I have written elsewhere (in my book on Capablanca’s
games) of the apparent simplicity of Capablanca’s style
which conceals a great deal of art. The same could well
be said of most of the games of Bobby Fischer. He
himself has acknowledged this influence and I remember
some years ago in a recorded interview between him and
Leonard Barden that was broadcast on a chess programme
of the BBC how he said he had read and appreciated my
book on Capablanca, thereby at once gratifying me as an
author and confirming my already mentioned belief in the
effect Capablanca had had on Fischer.’
C.N. 7987 quoted from pages 54-55 of My Seven Chess
Prodigies by John W. Collins (New York, 1974):
‘In Bobby Fischer’s Chess Games, by Wade and
O’Connell, contributing editor Sir [sic] Harry
Golombek remarks on the influence of Capablanca on
Bobby’s style and sees a strong resemblance in the
respective strategies that run through their games. He
recalls that Bobby acknowledged the influence in an
interview with Leonard Barden that was broadcast on the
BBC, and that Bobby also said he had read and
appreciated a book on Capablanca by Golombek. The
influence and resemblance are evident, and I have always
been aware of it, recent evidence of it being in his
third and fifth games with Spassky in Iceland. But I
must say that I do not recall Bobby ever dwelling on his
admiration of Capablanca or playing over great numbers
of Capa’s games, though I assume he played over all of
them at some time.’
Golombek also referred to the radio interview in his
column (‘Fighting play of Bobby Fischer’) on page 11 of The
Times, Weekend Features, 7 January 1967. After
listing some of the American’s recent results, Golombek
‘All this, and much more, has been achieved by a style
of play marked by deep yet clear positional strategy. It
is significant in this respect that some years ago, in a
radio interview, he said that he enjoyed playing over
Capablanca’s games. A fighting player who is rarely
content with a draw, Fischer produces game after game
full of effective yet pleasing ideas. He is that rare
combination, a player who thinks for himself and yet can
learn from the practice of others.’
We have consulted Leonard Barden (London), but it is not
possible to say whether the recording and/or transcript of
his exchanges with Fischer have survived. At present, we
can only quote from Mr Barden’s ‘Chess forum’ column in
the Listener, 15 October 1964, page 607:
‘The 21-year-old United States champion Robert J.
Fischer is undoubtedly the most controversial
personality in present-day international chess.
Listeners to the Third Network chess programmes will
remember his forthright comments on other great masters
when I interviewed him during the Leipzig Olympics in
1960 ...’
See too A Fischer
Interview (responses to Román Torán’s questions in
Leipzig) and Fischer’s
Views on Chess Masters (his famous article on pages
56-61 of Chessworld, January-February 1964).
In an enthusiastic review of The Unknown Capablanca
by David Hooper and Dale Brandreth (London, 1975) Golombek
wrote on page 10 of The Times (Saturday Review),
24 May 1975:
‘... my admiration for Capablanca’s style of play
knows no bounds and my gratitude to the authors is
correspondingly great.
... I, too, have spent many years studying the games
of Capablanca and, nearly 30 years ago, published a book
on him which, so I fondly hoped, would have helped to
relieve the indigence of old age – an ever-present
thought in the mind of a chess master.’
He made a further comment (in the third person) about
his 1947 volume on page 354 of The Encyclopedia of
Chess (London, 1977):
‘Capablanca was too lazy to annotate his later games.
Golombek, a fervent admirer of his style of play,
improved his own strength of play so much after studying
Capablanca’s games that he won the British championship
almost immediately after finishing the book.’
Information is requested concerning the above picture of
H.N. Pillsbury, published on page 240 of the 1977 edition
of Golombek’s The Encyclopedia of Chess. On page
360 it was credited to Lothar Schmid. (See too C.N. 7877.)
9833. Reshevsky on
the 1972 world title match (C.N. 9812)
From page 196 of Chess An Annotated Bibliography
1969-1988 by Andy Lusis (London, 1991):
It is curious that Reshevsky had his name on the title
page of three books on the Spassky v Fischer contest. The
least familiar of them is Samuel Reshevsky’s In-Depth
Analysis of the Fischer/Spassky Chess Match, and,
contrary to the information (gleaned from Books in
Print) in Lusis’ entry, it too was dated 1972. The
title and imprint pages:
(The orange front cover had ‘Prepared exclusively for The
York Times and Bantam Books by Samuel Reshevsky’.)
The content is very similar – and often identical – to
that of the well-known 128-page book published in New York
and Edinburgh. Reshevsky’s Foreword is substantially
different, and, for instance, page 3 of the Quadrangle
Books, Inc. volume had the following:
‘Though the pre-match fireworks – cliff-hanging
negotiations, protests, demands, postponements,
disappearances – were more than anyone had expected, the
title match itself fell disappointingly short of the
titanic battle everyone looked forward to.
True, there were several excellent games but, in
general, Fischer didn’t live up to the public’s
expectations. His play lacked brilliance, though he
defended excellently. And toward the end he surprised
everyone by coasting along, accepting draws. He had
never done that before; his reputation was that of a
killer, a player who played to win, not to draw.
And Spassky? His performance seemed inexplicable. If
Fischer made bad blunders, Spassky made incredible ones.
In two games, for example, he overlooked one-move
combinations; the first forced his immediate
resignation, the second deprived him of all chances for
a victory.’
The final paragraph nonetheless stated:
‘Still, despite the blunders, despite the general lack
of brilliance, it was truly the chess match of the
century, and the one that gave the United States its
first formal world chess champion.’
How much of this was penned by Reshevsky is impossible
to know, for the reasons set out in Chess and Ghostwriting.
In a letter dated 23 July 1988 we asked Reshevsky about
published suggestions that books of his had been
ghostwritten, and he replied by postcard on 29 July 1988:
9834. Golombek on
From Harry Golombek’s column in The Times
(Saturday Review), 29 October 1977, page 11, in a
discussion of My Fifty Years of Chess by F.J.
Marshall (New York, 1942):
‘I have been told he did not in fact write the book but
that it was written for him. In any case one must assume
that even if he did not actually write the work he told
someone else what to write.
It is odd how this tradition of deputing other people
to write one’s books seems to have flourished in America
since Marshall was followed in this practice by two of
the most outstanding of his successors as United States
champion, Sammy Reshevsky and Bobby Fischer. It is also
a little odd if indeed Marshall did descend to this
practice since I gained the strong impression when I met
him that he was one of the most honest and sincere of
all grandmasters.’
Golombek’s further remarks about Marshall in that column
were quoted in C.N. 5215.
9835. Purdy
v Golombek on Botvinnik v Tal
On page 29 of Chess World, February 1960 C.J.S.
Purdy wrote:
‘If – we almost wrote “when” – Botvinnik loses the
current match, he will have the right to a return match
in 1961 ...
Tal seems generally favoured to beat Botvinnik. We
think stamina will decide in Tal’s favour ...’
And from page 73 of the May 1960 issue:
‘This was the only world title match about which we
have ever ventured a prophecy.’
On page 57 of the April 1960 Chess World Purdy
criticized Harry Golombek, under the heading
‘Extraordinary Prediction’:
‘At that stage [after the short draw in the 13th
match-game], with Tal two games ahead, Golombek
published an extraordinary prediction that Botvinnik
would hold his title. Golombek faces the alternative
prospect of becoming known as either the greatest
prophet or the greatest neck-out-sticker in chess
... One of the reasons that Golombek gives is that
Botvinnik has a better knowledge than Tal of the
openings that are being played! Here is logic to make
poor old John Hanks writhe in agony. It would be just as
sound to say one tennis player should beat another
because his service is superior.
... Golombek’s writings all tend to show that he
regards chess rather too much as a body of knowledge. If
knowledge of the openings went far, Golombek himself
would be one of the world’s best players.
Chess is primarily a skill. It’s mainly a matter of
who sees the mostest the fastest. Tal sees the mostest
the fastest of all. He would have done better still had
he played more soberly after amassing a three-point
Seeing the mostest the fastest is not the whole story.
Petrosian may be Tal’s equal there. That is technique.
After that comes the art of choosing between moves that
technique ranks equal, or as possibly equal. Petrosian,
like Capablanca, will always choose the calculable. Tal
will often choose the incalculable. Such a player
develops an intuition for chances. Tal’s intuition is
not perfect, as we see from the ninth game, below, but
many of his other games show that it is almost magical,
all the same.
Golombek’s prediction may possibly come true, but the
reasoning he bases it on is faulty. He seems to be a
Botvinnik fanatic.’
It is unclear to us which particular text or texts by
Golombek prompted Purdy’s remarks. Our reading of the
game-by-game reports by Golombek from Moscow in the BCM
and The Times is that he was even-handed and not
remotely a ‘Botvinnik fanatic’.
Chess Review, May 1960, page
Perhaps the most daring sacrifice
Black to move
In this position from the sixth match-game between
Botvinnik and Tal (Moscow, 26 March 1960) Purdy wrote
regarding 21...Nf4:
‘Perhaps the most daring sacrifice ever made in a world
championship match, for the consequences were certainly
not fully calculable. It is easy to see that Black gets
two pawns for his piece, but White retains his two
bishops and there is no crash on White’s king.’
Source: Chess World, March 1960, page 47.
9837. Did
Lasker deliberately play badly? (C.N. 9684)
An observation by Purdy on page 43 of the March 1960 Chess
‘I have never believed that Lasker played designedly
bad moves in the opening. I think he played designedly
rapid moves – to conserve time – and it naturally turned
out fairly often that they were not the best. And he
would vary from “the book” if he thought a move had a
good chance of turning out just about as good as the
“book” move.’
9838. Chess
play and chess history (C.N. 9487)
The present sequence of Purdy items ends with a paragraph
by him about Réti’s Masters of the Chess Board, on
page 20 of Chess World, January 1960:
‘How many chess books do players as a rule go through
from cover to cover? Not many. This is one. Réti’s idea
was that the chessplayer should go through the same
evolution as chess theory itself – first learn the
Anderssen and Morphy way, then learn what Steinitz
added, then Tarrasch and so on up to modern times. He
was right. He also knew that most players want moves
really explained – not strings of analysis. For all
except very advanced players, Masters of the Chess
Board is a really wonderful book.’
9839. A curious
Kasparov ‘autobiography’
Following information received from Miquel Artigas
(Sabadell, Spain), we have acquired Chamo-me ... Garry
Kasparov (Lisbon, 2011), as well as the translations
into Spanish and Catalan, Me llamo ... Garri Kasparov
(Badalona, 2013) and Em dic ... Garri Kasparov
(Badalona, 2013).
Intended for children aged nine and over, the 64-page
book was written by Manuel Margarido and illustrated by
Manuel Alves. It is part of an extensive series of
imaginary autobiographies:
The principal sources for the Kasparov text are loose
talk from the Internet (including, on pages 15-16, ‘it is
calculated that more than 600 million people throughout
the world play chess’) and his own books, which are
sometimes no less loose. The section on ‘My books’ refers
to the atrocious (our word, and not Margarido’s or
Kasparov’s) Child of Change
and to the first volume of My
Great Predecessors. The latter book, abysmal
in terms of history and scholarship, is described on page
47 as merely containing ‘some errors, later corrected’.
Would that they had been.
Kasparov’s political/agitatorial activities are covered
too, as shown by pages 54-55:
The front and back covers have Kasparov affirming that
he was the best chessplayer of all time, whereas the
book’s text puts slightly more cautious words in his
mouth. From page 44:
‘Para muitos, como te disse, fui o melhor jogador de
xadrez de todos os tempos. Já me conheces e sabes que
não vou negar essa opinião.’
Many respectable authorities have called Kasparov the
greatest player in the game’s history, but how close has
he himself ever come to making such a claim?
9840. Gunsberg v
From page 2 of the Morning Post, 6 April 1886:
(Remove White’s king’s knight.) 1 e4 b6 2 d4 Bb7 3 Bd3 c5
4 c3 e6 5 O-O Nc6 6 d5 Ne5 7 Bc2 g5 8 f4 gxf4 9 Bxf4 Ng6
10 dxe6 fxe6 11 Bg3 Bg7 12 Nd2 Nf6 13 e5 Nd5 14 Nc4 Qc7 15
Nd6+ Kd8 16 c4 Ne3 17 Qh5 Qc6 18 Be4 Qa4 19 b3 Qb4 20 Be1
Qa3 21 Qg5+ Ne7
22 Qxe7+ Kxe7 23 Bh4+ Bf6 24 Rxf6 Kd8 25 Rf8+ Kc7 26 Nb5
The newspaper’s notes were reproduced on pages 463-464 of
the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 7 April 1886, and a
news report on page 457 of the same issue of the magazine
‘A handicap tournament which has been in progress for
some time past at Purssell’s restaurant, EC, has
resulted in favour of Mr Gunsberg. Mr Fenton, who
received the odds of pawn and two moves from the winner,
was second.’
Munich, 1936 and Maróczy
An addition to The
1936 Munich Chess Olympiad is this photograph on
page 60 of Deutsche Schachblätter, 1 April 1940:
An autobiographical note by Maróczy was on page 69 of the
1 May 1940 issue:
Czerniak v Capablanca
Page 284 of our book on Capablanca gave his comments on
the game which he drew as Black against M. Czerniak in the
1939 International Team Tournament in Buenos Aires, and
C.N. 4143 had further information and a photograph.
The moves: 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nd2 d5 [As shown below, in 1943
Czerniak gave 1 d4 d5 2 Nd2 Nf6.] 3 e3 Bg4 4 f3 Bf5 5 c4
c6 6 Qb3 Qc7 7 Ne2 e6 8 Nc3 Bg6 9 e4 dxe4 10 fxe4 e5 11
dxe5 Ng4 12 Be2 Nxe5 13 O-O Nbd7 14 Nd1 Rd8 15 Qh3 Nf6 16
Ne3 Bb4 17 Nf3 Nxe4 18 Nh4 O-O 19 Nef5 Bc5+ 20 Be3 Bxe3+
21 Qxe3 Nd2 22 Rf4 Rfe8 23 Qc3 f6 24 Rd1 Bxf5 25 Nxf5 Ng6
26 Rd4 Rxd4 27 Qxd4 Rxe2 28 Rxd2 Rxd2 29 Qxd2 h6 30 h3 b6
31 b4 Ne5 32 c5 bxc5 33 bxc5 Qb7 34 Qd8+ Kh7 35 Ne7 Qb1+
36 Kh2 Qxa2 37 Qc8 Nf3+ 38 Kg3 Nd4 39 Qe8 Ne2+ 40 Kf3 Ng1+
41 Kg3 [Ne2+ 42 Kf3] Drawn.
Czerniak annotated the game on pages 234-236 of El
Ajedrez Americano, September 1943:
A follow-up analytical article was contributed by V.
Fernández Coria on pages 340-341 of the December 1943
issue of the Argentinian magazine:
Czerniak also discussed the conclusion in his book El
final. Below is what appeared (with a misprinted
date) on page 229 of the third edition (Buenos Aires,
Capablanca and Znosko-Borovsky
C.N. 2032 (see page 274 of Kings, Commoners and
Knaves and Chess
Anecdotes) discussed the old story about Capablanca
and Znosko-Borovsky writing, or talking about writing,
books on each other’s play.
From page 54 of the February 1927 Wiener
That was in a spoof issue (4/1927), comprising jokes and
parodies. See C.N. 6452 for another example, concerning
9844. Marienbad, 1925
Michel Benoit (Champs-sur-Marne, France) has forwarded
this postcard (Réti v Nimzowitsch, Marienbad, 1925):
Our correspondent notes the unidentified writer’s
reference to ‘Tartakower’ in the top line. For purposes of
comparison, below is a better version of the Marienbad,
1925 group photograph on page 8 of the 7 June 1925 Wiener
Bilder which was in C.N. 5119, with information
added in C.N. 5125:
The tournament book included the above two photographs,
as well as these:
9845. A.C.
Photographs inscribed by one master to another are
scarce. Below is the frontispiece of an 1891 book by
Andrés Clemente Vázquez:
The photograph was reproduced on page 309 of Joseph
Henry Blackburne. A Chess Biography by Tim Harding
(Jefferson, 2015), but with the inscription chopped off.
Vázquez’s book shows the difficulties facing writers and
bibliographers who seek precision. Surprisingly often,
there is a disparity between a volume’s title on a) the
front cover or dust-jacket and b) the title page. In such
cases, we consider it preferable to use the latter, but
the two may be entirely different:
A writer who opts for the front-cover version, the easier
solution in this instance, needs to bear in mind that the
word contemporáneo takes an acute accent. So,
usually, does the name Vázquez, e.g. in other books by
him. (Authors, publishers and websites reveal much about
themselves by their attention or indifference to accents.)
An oddity is the frequency with which the spelling
‘Vásquez’ or ‘Vasquez’ is seen. For example, ‘Vasquez’
occurs twice in the last paragraph of chapter one of
Capablanca’s My Chess Career (London, 1920).
‘Vásquez’ was favoured by Jeremy Gaige, as shown by the
entry in his unpublished 1994 edition of Chess
However, the above-mentioned material on pages 23 and 256
of Ajedrez en Cuba by Carlos A. Palacio (Havana,
1960) had ‘Vázquez’:
C.N. 7036 gave a picture of Vázquez, and another
illustration is shown below:
Finally, from page 35 of his 1891 book:
9846. An
interview with Emanuel Lasker
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has found an interview with
Lasker on page 3 of the South Wales Daily News, 15
November 1895:
9847. Wormald and
From Achim Engelhart (Illerkirchberg, Germany):
‘After 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 many
sources, such as pages 451 and 471-472 of Hooper and
Whyld’s Oxford Companion to Chess (Oxford,
1992), distinguish between:
5 Qe2 as the “Wormald Variation”, and
5 O-O Be7 6 Qe2 as the “Worrall Attack”.
The naming of 5 O-O Be7 6 Qe2 as the “Worrall
Attack” appears to originate from S. Tartakower, based
on confusion of the similar names of T.H. Worrall
(1807-78) and R.B. Wormald (1834-76, who was discussed
in C.N. 3974), in an article in L’Echiquier
November-December 1931, pages 1493-1496. Tartakower
called both 5 Qe2 and 5 O-O Be7 6 Qe2 “L’attaque
Worall” [sic], and on page 1494 he wrote,
after 6 Qe2:
“Voilà!! Ce coup, introduit par Worall et analysé
par Alapine, très volontiers appliqué, du reste, par
les maîtres anglais Sir Thomas et Yates ...”
Given that Tartakower quoted Schlechter’s analysis
(from page 498 of the Handbuch des Schachspiels,
eighth edition, 1916, where 5 O-O Be7 6 Qe2 was given
no name), it is likely that he simply misread the
remark on page 492 about Wormald’s recommendation 5
“Dieser Zug, der schon von Wormald, Chess World
II, S. 280 empfohlen wurde, ist bei weitem nicht so
stark als 5 O-O und deshalb in der Praxis wenig
gebräuchlich. In den letzten Turnieren hat ihn Alapin
wieder mehrfach versucht.”
Later sources (starting with page 230 of the fifth
edition of Modern Chess Openings, in 1932)
attached the name “Worrall Attack” solely to 5 O-O Be7
6 Qe2, thereby cementing Tartakower’s error. It thus
seems that T.H. Worrall had nothing to do with either
of the variations, whereas the actual inventor, R.B.
Wormald, played at least one game with 5 O-O Be7 6 Qe2
(against C. De Vere in the Glowworm Tourney, London,
1868). It was published on pages 369-370 of the
10/1868 issue of Chess World.’
9848. ‘Sir
C.N.s 9844 and 9847 both had ‘Sir Thomas’, a common ‘Sir
plus surname’ error referred to in Chaos in a Miniature.
‘Sir George A. Thomas’, ‘Sir Thomas’, ‘Sir George Thomas’
and ‘Sir G. Thomas’ all appeared on page 35 of the
February 1935 Chess Review:
The autobiographical note was given in C.N. 7088. Another
item about Sir George comes from page 133 of the May 1920
From page 99 of the April 1920 BCM:
Further information about Lady Thomas was provided in
C.N. 5690. Her husband died in 1918, and the National
Portrait Gallery, London has a fine
photograph of their son.
9849. Vera
This photograph comes from page 49 of Famous Chess
Players by Peter Morris Lerner (Minneapolis, 1973):
The caption on the previous page stated that the picture
was taking during a 20-board simultaneous display in
London in 1931. According to page 24 of the Daily
Mirror, 7 February 1931, which also printed the
photograph, the exhibition took place on 6 February.
Two other photographs from the same newspaper are
reproduced below. Can good-quality copies be found?
Daily Mirror, 24
August 1931, page 20
Daily Mirror, 17
April 1935, page 17.
Photographs of Rubinstein in Palestine
Harvard Library’s HOLLIS+ collection has photographs of
A. Rubinstein in Tel Aviv in 1931, during a simultaneous
exhibition (one of his opponents being Hayim Nahman
Bialik) and a game of living
The site also has hundreds of shots taken during the 1964
Olympiad in Tel Aviv.
Czerniak v Capablanca (C.N. 9842)
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) points out that
the conclusion of the Czerniak v Capablanca game was on
page 223 of the first edition of Czerniak’s El final
(Buenos Aires, 1941), with the correct date (1939) and a
few minor textual differences.
9852. Kasparov on
Kasparov (C.N. 9839)
Adam Ponting (Petersham, Australia) notes a ChessBase
article dated 5 April 2005 in which one of the
questions posed to Kasparov by Mig Greengard and Dylan
Loeb McClain, ‘Where would you rank yourself all-time?’,
was answered as follows:
‘I don’t like this question in general, it’s too
subjective. By most standards, number one because of the
length of my high performance and the strength of the
opposition. The greatest gap between the number one and
the rest was Bobby Fischer in 1972, but that was just
one or two years and then came Karpov. I was able to
keep up with the new generation and beat them. I was
able to stay on the cutting edge, stay on top of the
ranking for 20 years. I would say that entitles me to be
number one.’
9853. The
art of citation
From page 178 of Yearbook of Chess Wisdom by
Peter Zhdanov (Niepołomice, 2015):
9854. Rubinstein
in Palestine (C.N. 9850)
Regarding the second photograph referred to in C.N. 9850,
Avital Pilpel (Haifa, Israel) draws attention to two pages
on his Jewish Chess History website. They offer
information about (1) the venue
of the game of living chess between A. Rubinstein and M.
Marmosh (the Ha’Poel football ground in Tel Aviv, on 9 May
1931) and (2) Emanuel
(Emanueli) Luftglas, who designed the costumes.
See too the ‘Rubinstein in Palestine’ section on pages
368-371 of volume two of The Life & Games of Akiva
Rubinstein by John Donaldson and Nikolay Minev
(Milford, 2011).
9855. The
Giuoco Pianissimo (C.N. 9808)
An article entitled ‘Analytical Excursions’ by J.H.
Zukertort on pages 4-6 of the City of London Chess
Magazine, February 1874 examined the Giuoco Piano.
After 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 c3 Nf6 Zukertort
‘A very weak continuation is 5 P to Q3, which Anderssen
calls, in jest, giuoco pianissimo.’
Richard Roberts
The dust-jacket of Fischer/Spassky: The New York Times
Report on the Chess Match of the Century by Richard
Roberts, with Harold C. Schonberg, Al Horowitz and Samuel
Reshevsky (New York, 1972) had this note on Richard
The front cover of The Collier Quick and Easy Guide
to Chess (New York, 1962) included the following:
Which are the ‘several books on chess’ edited by him?
9857. Resignation
Chess literature is awash with claims that Tartakower
‘once’ wrote that nobody ever won a game by resigning, but
never once have we found proof.
The matter was raised by Daniel King (London) in C.N.
2356 and discussed in C.N. 3374 (see page 345 of A
Chess Omnibus and page 337 of Chess Facts and
Fables). The latter item quoted the following from
page 121 of Tartakower’s Die Hypermoderne Schachpartie
(Vienna, 1924), in a note to Black’s 33rd move in Maróczy
v Chajes, Carlsbad, 1923:
‘Der transatlantische Meister Chajes steht auf dem
Standpunkt, dass man durch das Aufgeben noch keine
Partie gerettet hat.’
We commented in C.N. 3374:
This may be translated as ‘The transatlantic master
Chajes is of the view that no player has ever saved a
game by resigning’, it being unclear whether Tartakower
was suggesting that Chajes himself had made the remark
in question.
9858. The post mortem
From page 35 of Chess Quotations from the Masters
by Henry Hunvald (Mount Vernon, 1972):
The observation was in an unsigned article, ‘The Chess
Championship’, on page 17 of The Times, 19 October
1937. The paragraph in question:
‘Chess above all other games lends itself to the post
mortem. It is not even necessary to have seen the
pieces moved to be able to lay down exactly what the
pundits have done wrong. Moreover, the critic,
unhampered by the “touch-and-move” rule and the ruthless
ticking of the chess-clock, is quite likely to be right.
So in clubs and cafés where this [sic] peculiar
people foregather there is frantic brandishing of
pocket-boards, dog-eared newspaper cuttings are thumbed
again and again, and neglected eggs congeal in their own
poached blood as passionate partisans proclaim, “he
should have fianchettoed his bishop”, to be answered
with, “if he had, White would have opened the rook’s
file and established his passed pawn”. For every move
there is eager canvassing of a dozen positions that
might have been, but were not, evolved; and, after the
storm and stress of debate has subsided, the “scores”
will be at last laid up in the reference books of chess,
together with a wealth of minute comment more elaborate
than is bestowed on any other text except Holy Writ.’
The full article, written after six games had been played
in the Euwe v Alekhine world title match, was reproduced
on page 247 of the November 1937 Chess Review with
this comment by Fred Reinfeld:
‘The article is remarkable for its expert knowledge of
current trends in chess, as well as for its delightfully
whimsical character ...’
At the end of the page Reinfeld added:
‘With the honorable exception of the New York Times,
the American press is heavily unaware of the match,
giving it less space than a spelling bee in Hackensack,
a marbles championship on the East Side, or a boy scout
jamboree is Oscawana.
The wretchedly skimpy treatment of the championship
match in the American press presents a lamentable
contrast to the very full and expert coverage in the
Dutch press.’
9859. Pawn
Wanted: early references to pawn offers being the best or
hardest type of chess sacrifice.
An example (‘Pawn sacrifices are the finest sacrifices
after all’) comes from A. Becker’s notes to Réti v
Tartakower, Hastings, 31 December 1926, on pages 2-4 of
the January 1927 Wiener Schachzeitung. 1 Nf3 Nf6 2
d4 d5 3 c4 e6 4 Nc3 Be7 5 Bg5 h6 6 Bxf6 Bxf6 7 e3 O-O 8
Qb3 dxc4 9 Bxc4 c5 10 dxc5 Nd7 11 Ne4 Nxc5 12 Nxf6+ Qxf6
13 Qc2 b6 14 O-O Bb7 15 Nd4 Rac8 16 Qe2 e5:
Tartakower annotated the full score in the first volume
of his Best Games collection and commented that
17...b5 was ‘one more illustration of the paradox of a
chess author that “the principal finesses in chess
conflicts are furnished by pawn moves”.’ He
concluded, ‘This is one of my best games’.
From page 56 of the February 1927 BCM:
‘The tit-bit of the round was expected to be the
Réti-Tartakower game; but the former, who was evidently
tired out by his six hours’ match-chess plus four hours’
blindfold display the previous day, did not do himself
justice. Tartakower secured an endgame advantage on the
queen-side, and playing with relentless accuracy he won
the game in 45 moves.’
9860. Wallace v
Noting a game headed ‘Mr Wallace (Sydney) – Mr Forsyth
(Dunedin)’ on page
10 of the Dunedin Evening Star, 10 March
1906, Alan Smith (Stockport, England) seeks information
about the occasion and asks whether the players were
Albert Edward Noble Wallace and David Forsyth.
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f5 3 d4 fxe4 4 Nxe5 Nf6 5 Be2 d6 6 Ng4 Be7
7 Bf4 O-O 8 Bg3 Nc6 9 Nc3 d5 10 Nb5 Ne8 11 c4 a6 12 cxd5
Bb4+ 13 Nc3 Qxd5 14 Ne3 Qxd4 15 Qb3+ Kh8 16 Rd1 Bxc3+ 17
bxc3 Qf6 18 Nd5 Qf7 19 Qb1 Nd6 20 Nxc7 Nf5 21 O-O Ra7 22
Qxe4 Qxa2 23 Bd3 Qf7 24 Bd6 Nce7 25 g4
25...Qg6 26 Bc5 b6 27 Bxe7 Nxe7 28 Qxg6 Nxg6 29 Bxg6 Rxc7
30 Bf5 Bxf5 31 gxf5 Rxc3 32 Rd6 Rb3 33 Rfd1 Kg8 34 Rd7
Rxf5 35 Rd8+ Rf8 ‘and Black wins’.
9861. BxRP
(C.N.s 9805, 9809 & 9812)
Gerd Entrup (Herne, Germany) notes the conclusion of
Botvinnik v Taimanov, USSR Championship, Moscow, 1952:
45 Bxh7 g6 46 Bg8 Rd5 47 h5 Rg5+ 48 Kf4 Rxh5 49 Ke4 Rf5
50 f4 Kd6 51 White resigns.
9862. Dermot
Leonard Barden (London) suggests that the writer of the
article discussed in C.N. 9858 may have been Dermot Morrah
We note that Morrah’s obituary on page 16 of The
Times, 1 October 1974 referred not only to his long
career with the newspaper as a journalist and leader
writer but also to his interest in chess at university.
In the 1920 varsity match mentioned in C.N. 9807 Morrah,
a student at New College, Oxford, played on fourth board,
losing to C.M. Precious of St John’s, Cambridge. He
contributed information about chess in Oxford on page 39
of the February 1920 BCM.
A Primer of Chess
Future C.N. items will dip into some of Dermot Morrah’s
chess writings (mainly book reviews), and we begin with a
correction to Capablanca’s A Primer of Chess which
he offered on page 206 of the Times Literary
Supplement, 28 March 1935:
‘... it is not true that a bishop in the centre of the
board commands just as many squares as a rook.’
The relevant passages were on pages 8 and 9 of the
London, 1935 edition of A Primer of Chess:
‘It is interesting to note that because of the nature
of the Rook’s move, it commands the same number of
squares no matter where it is put.
‘It should be noticed that because of the nature of
its movements a single B can move only over 32 of the 64
squares of the board. When in the centre of the board,
however, it commands just as many squares as the Rook,
which can move all over the board.’
The same wording appeared in the first US edition (New
York, 1935), but we also have an edition which the
American publisher, Harcourt, Brace and Company, brought
out in the 1940s, with ‘A wartime book’ on the imprint
page. Concerning the bishop, on page 9 ‘it commands just
as many squares as the Rook’ was changed to ‘it commands
just one square less than the Rook’. That amended wording
is also in the various paperback editions of A Primer
of Chess published in the United States in the
latter part of the twentieth century. Page 5 of the
algebraic version produced by Cadogan Chess, London in
1995 had ‘it commands one square less than the rook’.
9864. An interview
with Zukertort
Zukertort was sometimes called the chess
of the world, as in this brief news report on page 6
of the Chicago Tribune, 29 December 1883:
That same day, the title of world champion was also used
in an extensive interview with Zukertort. From page 8 of
the St Louis Daily Globe-Democrat, 29 December
‘Dr J.H. Zukertort, the champion chessplayer of the
world, and proprietor and editor of the Chess
Monthly, published at Liverpool [sic],
Eng., arrived in the city yesterday from Louisville on
his trip around the world ...
In conversation with the champion a Globe-Democrat
reporter elicited the following interesting facts
concerning his life as a chessplayer, his opinion of
American chessplayers and his faculty of playing
blindfolded. Said he in reference to American players
and in answer to the reporter’s question as to how
chessplayers compared with those in England:
“There are not in America”, said he, “as many
champions as in England, and the reason for this is
easy to be understood. In England employers of large
numbers of clerks have in several instances
established chess clubs for their benefit, thus
affording their employees a better kind of amusement
under better surroundings than they would be likely to
find otherwise. The expenses of such a club are
moderate and are paid by the employer. Thus with these
advantages, with such a widespread interest in the
game, it naturally follows that England is far
superior to this country in the modern development of
the game. I, however, look forward to the day when the
game will have become more popular in every large city
than it is, for it is a recreation which requires no
other stimulant than it has inherently – it exercises
the brain without injury. Candidly speaking, I believe
it is the best amusement the brain can find.”
“How is it, Doctor”, said the reporter, “that you
became so proficient in blindfold playing, and what is
your best record at such style of game?”
“My proficiency in this direction I ascribe to the
reading of chess books. In reading them so much I
discovered my ability to carry on a game as I read it,
without even looking at a board. This ability or
faculty I cultivated, and finding that I could play
one game, I tried two, which was done successfully,
keeping it up until in January 1868 I gave a public
exhibition, my first one, in which I played seven
games and afterwards nine at one time. I kept on
gradually improving, until now I have the record of
having played 16 blindfold games, the greatest number
of simultaneous blindfold games ever played by any
chessplayer. These games were played in the West End
Chess Club, of London, 11 [sic – 16] December
1876, against 16 of the strongest amateur players of
the St George’s and West End Clubs. I lost one, drew
three and won 12.”
In answer as to when he first became a player of any
prominence, the champion replied that it was in 1867,
when he was editor of the Berlin Schachzeitung,
a journal devoted to chess interests. “Do you recall any
of your more brilliant and successful engagements,
Doctor, and, if so, could you recount a few of them” was
“Yes, the recollection requires but little effort. I
am, I think, the only man living who has won two
international tournaments, the one in Paris in 1878,
in which I defeated Anderssen, the late German
champion, Capt. Mackenzie, the American champion,
Winawer, the Russian champion, and others. The other
took place in London last spring, and was the largest
chess tournament ever held, embracing in the list of
famous players such names as Mackenzie, Steinitz,
Blackburne, Chigorin, Rosenthal, Mason, Englisch,
Winawer and Sellman. I defeated Anderssen in 1871, and
was defeated by Steinitz in 1872. In 1875 I won from
De Vere and Potter, from Rosenthal in 1880 and from
Blackburne in 1881. These represent my greatest
Is it true that you have received a challenge from
“Yes, and I have accepted it with the proviso that
the contest shall take place in London upon my return
to that city and that it shall be for the
international championship and a purse of from £5 to
£500 [sic] a side.”
The Doctor is, as his name implies, a Russian, having
been born in Riga [sic], Russian Courland. He is
a man of slight physique and massive head. In height he
is but 5 feet 2½ inches, his weight is about 112 pounds
and his head fills an eight and a half hat. His face is
small, with a prominent nose, and he wears a mustache
and short, sandy beard. A pair of large, restless and
expressive eyes reflect an acute perception, together
with a very active and nervous temperament. He
articulates English very distinctly, with a slight
continental accent, and is very fluent, his sentences
being uttered with an ease and elegance that is
remarkable for a Russian. When this fact was noticed by
the reporter, he said:
“I speak or understand every language that is spoken
in Europe, excepting the Turkish. Besides English,
which was the last that I learned, I speak French,
German, Polish, Russian, Italian and Spanish. I
understand Danish and Portuguese and, of course,
speaking Russian and Polish, understand all the
Slavonic dialects, such as Czech or Bohemian, Serb or
Servian, and Bulgarian. There is no part of Europe in
which I cannot travel and understand the native, and
also make myself understood.”
“Have you enjoyed your visit to this country?”
“I have enjoyed myself splendidly. I started with a
delightful trip across the ocean and, indeed, have
enjoyed the country and mingling with the people since
I landed. I came to see the country, and not as a
chess champion, but of course do not decline the honor
of invitations to visit local chess clubs wherever I
go. I delight in the game, and also delight to meet
the devotees in this country. In New York I was
royally entertained by the Manhattan Chess Club. Two
hours after I arrived at my hotel I was at their
rooms. They complimented me with an honorary
membership. At their rooms and at the Manhattan and
Union League Clubs I played a great many offhand
games, in which I had as competitors all the leading
chessplayers excepting Capt. Mackenzie. He did not ask
me to play with him, and I, as international champion,
could not very well ask him to play with me. I also
gave exhibitions of blindfold and simultaneous
playing. In the simultaneous playing I played 24 games
against as many players, each at board. Passing from
one board to another, I would look at each and make my
move as I went along. Those who were opposed to me had
from the time I left their boards until I returned in
which to make a move. In that way the games were
played, and I won 19, drew two and lost three. The
blindfold games I played sitting in a corner with my
back to the boards. A secretary was provided for me,
and he called and recorded every move for each game.
While the games were in progress I had a mental view
of each board that enabled me to take up its game as
it came to me in turn almost the same as if I were
looking at it. The moment No. 2 was called, No. 1
would disappear from my mind and No. 2 would appear
before me mentally. I saw, as it were, the negative of
a photo. I saw a shadowy board with no color, but the
men and their positions were as distinctly before as
if I had a clear view of the board. While I am playing
blindfold games you can talk to me on any subject but
chess and it does not disturb me. There are, as
absolute facts, only two first-class blindfold players
– Mr Blackburne, the British champion, and myself. The
faculty is not a common thing among noted
chessplayers. There are others possessing it, but they
are inferior.”
“Is your ability to play blindfold games the result of
a naturally retentive memory or mental training?”
“It is both. Originally a natural faculty,
subsequently developed by training. My memory received
a very unusual training, beginning when I was only
five years old. My godfather, an old bachelor, was a
professor of mathematics, and he began training me in
mathematics before I could read or write. As a result,
when I was seven years old I knew algebraic equations
of the first degree and could demonstrate that the
square of a hypothenuse was equal to the sums of the
squares of the two other sides.
While in Washington, which I visited expressly to see
the capital of the United States, I made a call at the
rooms of the local chess club, which, I am sorry to say,
I found in a dying condition. They had card games and
chess mixed in together, and the two, in my opinion, do
not blend harmoniously. It is not that I object to cards
that I say this, for in London I play ten times as much
whist as I do chess, but I play whist at the whist club
and chess at the chess club.”
“Have you any favourite opening?”
“No, no. Book openings are to a great extent ignored
by good players. The stronger the players, the more
the book openings are discarded. In the London
tournament I played nearly all my games regardless of
book openings.”
“While in St Louis I will be at the Mercantile
Library every afternoon, ready to play offhand games
with any of your local players. Offhand games, I want
you to understand, are vastly different from set match
games in which a player settles down to play carefully
and take no chances. In playing them one will venture
moves regardless of results, and often gives an
opponent a winning position. No such ventures are made
in set games.”’
9865. A knight on
e6 (C.N.s 3514 & 9375)
An observation by Zukertort after 26 Ne6 in the
simultaneous game Steinitz v Maas, London, 5 November
‘The appearance of the knight at K6 is generally, for
the opponent, the proper signal to strike his colours.’
26 Ne6 Qe8 27 Bxc1 Rf7 28 g4 Qa4 29 g5 c2 30 gxf6 cxb1(Q)
31 Nh6+ Kh8 32 Nxf7+ ‘and mates next move’.
Source: City of London Chess Magazine, May 1874,
pages 97-98.
When the game Steinitz v von
Bardeleben, Hastings, 1895 was shown in a ‘Chess
Movies’ article on page 336 of the November 1949 Chess
Review, the following comment referred to 19 Ne6:
‘A knight at K6 is like a bone in the throat, says
For the same attribution, see I.A. Horowitz’s books How
Win in the Chess Openings (New York, 1951), page 44,
and How to Win at Chess (New York, 1968), page 50,
but where did Steinitz make the comment?
From page 212 of the first volume of Kasparov’s Predecessors
series, before 16 Ne6 in Lasker v Capablanca, St
Petersburg, 1914:
‘... the knight at e6 will be like a bone in his
Exclamation marks do not enliven clichés.
9866. The
Berlin Defence
An obsolete comment on the Berlin
Defence was provided by W.N. Potter in his notes to
a Lord v Bird game on pages 144-146 of the City of
London Chess Magazine, July 1874. After 1 e4 e5 2
Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nf6 he wrote:
‘Very rarely do we now meet with this defence. Its
appearance is as the trotting out of an old Derby
favourite years after being backed for the blue ribbon.
We confess to a sense of refreshment at any break in the
monotonous reiteration of P to QR3.’
Resignation (C.N. 9857)
Another item relevant to this topic is C.N. 9400
(Tartakower on Najdorf v Cortlever, Buenos Aires, 1939).
An addition from Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France)
is the conclusion of Cukierman v Tartakower, Paris, 1939,
annotated by the latter on pages 102-103 of La
Stratégie, July 1939:
9868. A
Primer of Chess (C.N. 9863)
Michael Clapham (Ipswich, England) reports that his copy
of Capablanca’s A Primer of Chess (London, 1935)
has this errata sheet attached to page 1:
Our copy of the book has a much shorter list:
9869. A giveaway
Even in the pre-Internet age, some people required only a
few words or lines to give themselves away in terms of
unfairness and/or inaccuracy. From page 10 of The
Collier Quick and Easy Guide to Chess by Richard
Roberts (New York, 1962):
That is the full ‘potted biography’ of Staunton. On the
same page the entry on Capablanca began:
A careful writer would have avoided ‘and uncle’, ‘23’,
‘cajoled’ and the airy assertion about women.
9870. A
From page 67 of the American Chess Review,
November 1886:
There would be little point seeking the ‘original’
quotation in the Quebec Chronicle because the
remark, by H.A. Kennedy, had been published decades
earlier, on page 305 of the Chess Player’s Chronicle,
In an article entitled ‘Hazlitt and Chess’ on pages
372-373 of the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1855
Kennedy referred back to his observation:
‘I believe the proper way to employ chess, to quote
from an article that appeared in this journal some years
back, is to make it “a whetstone on which to grind and
sharpen the higher faculties of the mind”.’
Both texts were in Kennedy’s book Waifs and Strays
(London, 1862), on pages 89 and 118 respectively.
9871. BxRP
(C.N.s 9805, 9809, 9812 & 9861)
Two additions concerning the queen’s rook’s pawn are
given below, the first being from page 55 of The Book
of Chess by George H. Selkirk (London, 1868):
Tarrasch gave an example on pages 202-203 of Das
Schachspiel (Berlin, 1931):
The position was on pages 144-145 of the English edition,
The Game of Chess (London, 1935).
9872. Nameless
The series of portraits by Frederick Orrett (C.N.s 9722,
9725, 9751 and 9811) received from Michael McDowell
(Westcliff-on-sea, England) continues with two nameless
Mr McDowell suggests that the masters depicted are Důras
and Schlechter.
Alekhine and Capablanca fake photograph
C.N. 8073 noted that the fake photograph of Alekhine and
Capablanca was on page 250 of Alekhine’s My Best Games
of Chess 1908-1937 (Russell Enterprises, Inc.,
Milford, 2013). It had already appeared on page 167 of the
same publisher’s José Raúl Capablanca by I. and V.
Linder (Milford, 2010), and it has now turned up again on
page 159 of the same publisher’s Alexander Alekhine
by I. and V. Linder (Milford, 2016):
Our feature article on the
picture mentions that it was used too on page 164 of the
Linders’ Das Schachgenie Aljechin (Berlin, 1992).
It is also in the Russian editions of their Alekhine
monograph (Moscow, 1992, page 159, and Moscow, 2006, page
171). Furthermore, it was in their Russian books on
Capablanca (Moscow, 2005, page 128, and Moscow, 2011, page
9874. A
knight on e6 (C.N.s 3514, 9375 & 9865)
From Elements of Positional Evaluation by Dan
Heisman (Coraopolis, 1990), pages 21-22:
‘There are many famous quotes on these subjects, like
Adolph [sic] Anderssen’s “Once get a knight
firmly posted on King 6 and you may go to sleep. Your
game will then play itself.”’
From Elements of Positional Evaluation by Dan
Heisman (Milford, 2010), page 28:
‘There are many famous quotes on these issues, an
example being Steinitz’s “Let me establish an
unassailable knight on K6 [e3/e6] and I can go to sleep
for the rest of the game.”’
In each case Heisman provided a sort of source:
respectively, ‘Chernev, The Bright Side of Chess,
p. 111’ and ‘Chess, Jan. 8, 1955, p. 17’. Both
those references were mentioned in C.N. 3514, but they
lead nowhere. The latter was merely a sourceless answer to
a Christmas quiz.
An addition from page 27 of How Not to Play Chess
by E. Znosko-Borovsky (London, 1931):
‘The great Steinitz used to say that if he could
establish a Kt at his K6 or Q6, he could then safely go
to sleep, for the game would win itself.’
9875. Phillips v
Page 78 of the 15 February 1885 issue of the Brooklyn
Chess Chronicle had a game ‘played last month in
Toronto between Mr Phillips, of that city, and Mr Ascher,
of Montreal’:
1 e4 e5 2 f4 Bc5 3 Nf3 d6 4 Bc4 Nf6 5 d3 O-O 6 Nc3 Ng4 7
Rf1 Nxh2 8 Rh1 Ng4 9 Qe2 Bf2+ 10 Kf1 Bb6 11 Ng5 h6 12 f5
Nf6 13 Qf3 Nc6 14 Qh3 Na5
15 Nxf7 Rxf7 16 Bxh6 Nxc4 17 Bxg7 Rxg7 18 Qh8+ Kf7 19
Qxd8 Ne3+ 20 Ke2 Rxg2+ 21 Kf3
21...Bxf5 22 Qxf6+ Kxf6 23 Nd5+ Nxd5 24 Kxg2 Ne3+ 25 Kf3
Bg4+ 26 Kg3 Rg8 27 c3 Be2+ 28 Kf2 Rg2+ 29 Ke1 ‘and Black
mates in four moves’.
9876. Ten
From page 45 of The Adventure of Chess by Edward
Lasker (New York, 1950), in a paragraph concerning the
Soviet Union:
‘Ten thousand women recently took part in preliminaries
organized for the purpose of qualifying competitors for
the national women’s title.’
Although Lasker used the word ‘recently’, the following
is on page 239 of the Australasian Chess Review,
10 September 1936:
‘Over ten thousand women are competing in the
eliminating sections of the women’s chess championship
of the USSR. Our readers will have got so used to these
staggering chess figures from Russia that comment is not
Even so, corroboration is always welcome.
9877. Grace
in defeat
‘There cannot be many men who are capable of losing a
game to a woman without turning purple with rage. We
venture to predict that as soon as men learn to accept
defeat more gracefully, more women will play chess, and
play it better. But when are men likely to start
accepting defeat more gracefully?’
Source: page 290 of The Fireside Book of Chess by
I. Chernev and F. Reinfeld (New York, 1949).
9878. Adeler
v Choinatzky
From page 41 of the March 1938 Schweizerische
The game (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Nf3
Ngf6 6 Bg5 Be7 7 Bxf6 gxf6 8 Ng3 c6 9 Be2 Qb6 10 Qd2 c5 11
O-O-O Rg8 12 Rhe1 Nf8 13 Ne4 cxd4 14 Nxd4 f5 15 Nxf5 exf5
16 Nf6+ Qxf6 17 Qd8+ Bxd8 18 Bb5 mate) had been played not
‘last month’ but nearly two years previously. It was
published on page 188 of the 15 June 1936 issue of Deutsche
The game was in the ‘Chess Caviar’ column on page 6 of Chess
Review, November 1948 and on pages 275-276 of
Chernev’s 1000 Best Short Games of Chess (New
York, 1955). In each case it was correctly headed ‘Berlin,
9879. The
fascination of chess history
‘There is no subject which presents so many interesting
and fascinating matters of inquiry to the chess lover
who has antiquarian proclivities as does the history of
the game; no subject concerning which there has been so
much unprofitable speculation, so many baseless
theories, so many misleading and deceptive statements by
those who claimed to have made the origin of the game
the special object of their research and study, and who
have assumed to speak authoritatively.’
Source: Brentano’s Chess Monthly, December 1881,
page 380.
9880. Fischer’s reign
‘This must surely be simply the stupidest remark
made about any aspect of chess in 1985.’
That observation by a correspondent, W.D. Rubinstein,
was published in C.N. 1121 (March-April 1986). It
concerned a review of The Oxford Companion to Chess
by D. Hooper and K. Whyld (Oxford, 1984) on page 33 of the
December 1985 Chess Life. The reviewer, Larry
Parr, devoted well over half his space to complaining that
the Companion was pro-Soviet, and in C.N. 1079 we
quoted a small sample, such as this:
‘But the grand prix for breathtaking mendacity must be
this entry on Garry Kasparov ...’
In C.N. 1143 Ed Tassinari (Scarsdale, NY, USA)
‘I would like especially to commend and strongly
support Professor Rubinstein (C.N. 1121) for saying
what needed to be said concerning the increasingly
ludicrous remarks of L. Parr (in general, and
specifically in his review of The Oxford
Companion to Chess). Clearly some statement must be
made regarding the deterioration in the quality (and
the almost blatant jingoism) of Chess Life
since Parr assumed the editorial position. Another
disturbing development within the Chess Life/United
Chess Federation hierarchy appears to be linked in a
way to this xenophobia and red-baiting: the sudden
concern to declare Bobby Fischer world champion, a
kind of obsessive cry to “bring back Bobby” while
vilifying Karpov and the entire Soviet chess
establishment for the behind-the-scenes chess politics
that drove Fischer from chess, presumably. Certainly
the Soviets have had more than their share of unsavory
wheeling and dealing since the advent of the existing
world championship qualifying system. But this
insidious use of the specter of Fischer seems
motivated solely by the political leanings of certain
individuals at the apex of US chess, to be wielded
like a club for whatever purposes deemed necessary.’

Also in C.N. 1143 we quoted from a Symposium on ‘The
Karpov Era’ on pages 26-34 of the March 1986 Chess Life.
For example, although Arnold Denker observed regarding
Karpov, ‘even his severest critics never questioned his
right to reign’, four pages later Charles Pashayan wrote:
‘... is it really any wonder that the World Chess
Champion Bobby Fischer remains aloof from public chess?’
And here is Lev Alburt:
‘Isn’t it time that we Americans recognize the truth:
Bobby Fischer is the reigning world champion.’
He called Kasparov ‘the new FIDE world champion’.
Chess Jottings mentions
that the contribution by Larry
Evans to the Symposium had this remark about Karpov:
‘He will go down in history as the man who avoided a
match with Bobby Fischer and then eluded him for the
next ten years.’
The issue of Chess Life (December 1985) which
contained the Companion review also published, on
page 9, a letter from Lev Alburt with the following:
‘Mr Larry Goldberg and myself were active co-sponsors
and defenders of Leland Fuerstman’s motion for the USCF
to declare Bobby Fischer the world champion.’
Alburt then mentioned ...
‘... an idea for promoting chess: why not start off
each issue of Chess Life with a small picture of
Bobby Fischer in the upper right hand corner of the
Your magazine is an excellent journal, but only a few
hundred thousand of the thirty million Americans who
play chess even know about it or, for that matter, about
the USCF. A far larger number know the picture of Bobby
Fischer. What better way could there be to attract
attention, to increase newsstand sales, and to bring
into the USCF thousands of new members?’
Reuben Fine
(frontispiece of his 1987 book The Forgotten Man:
Understanding the Male Psyche)
Another letter in Chess Life in 1985 (on page 6
of the May issue) was from Reuben
Fine. Whilst criticizing the historical
circumstances, he at least acknowledged that Karpov had
become world champion in 1975 and had retained the title
since then. Fine opined that ‘for the USSR chess is only a
footnote to politics’ and he proposed that ‘the US Chess
Federation should undertake bold and constructive action’:
‘I recommend that the United States take the
initiative of splitting up FIDE into two separate
organizations: one for the free world and one for the
communist world. The best player from each world would
then meet on as neutral soil as possible to play for the
world championship.
If it is feasible, Robert Fischer should be brought
back and declared the champion of the free world. If the
Soviet champion should then refuse to meet Fischer in a
match going to the man who first wins ten games, the
Western countries should declare Fischer the world
champion and let the two federations go their respective
Despite such contributions to Chess Life, there
has been almost universal acceptance that Kasparov became
the chess champion of the world in November 1985 when he
defeated Karpov in their second match. Seven years later,
however, further attempts were made to shunt Kasparov
aside, when Fischer played his second match against
Spassky. In Instant Fischer,
which examined six volumes on that 1992 match, we
‘The books, all written before the Kasparov-Short world
championship controversy arose, show a surprising
willingness to entertain Fischer’s claims to the world
It is, though, necessary to bear in mind, and seek
further information on, Kasparov’s ‘co-champion’ remark to
Fischer, quoted in our above-mentioned feature article
from page 282 of No Regrets by Yasser Seirawan and
George Stefanovic (Seattle, 1992).
Anybody wishing to argue that Fischer was still the world
champion in 1992 should, logically, also assert that he
remained so until his death in 2008. That would make him
the longest-reigning chess champion in history and would
mean that Kramnik, for instance, never held the title at
all. In reality, any chronicle which gives Fischer’s dates
of tenure as other than ‘1972-75’ is, at best, eccentric.
Everything, of course, goes back to FIDE’s decision to
remove the title from Fischer in 1975. Who has written the
most detailed, accurate and equitable account?
9881. Liverpool, 1923
In one of the best-known novels by Agatha Christie, Ten
Little Niggers (London, 1939) – later retitled And
There Were None and Ten Little Indians – the
marooned characters are slow to realize that the name
‘U.N. Owen’ signifies ‘Unknown’.
From page 54 of Hastings 1922/3 Margate 1923
Liverpool 1923 by A.J. Gillam (Nottingham, 1999), in
the ‘Other Sections’ part concerning Liverpool:
As so often, Gillam mysteriously omitted to specify the
source of the game, and he gave no sign of realizing that
the name ‘N.O. Bodey’ was a whimsical pseudonym.
Ten players participated in the Liverpool tournament, and
the pseudonym was in quotation marks on page 165 of the
May 1923 BCM:
The quotation marks were retained by Jeremy Gaige on
page 592 of volume four of Chess Tournament
Crosstables (Philadelphia, 1974), which duly gave a
reference to the above BCM table. Neither the
quotation marks nor the source reference appeared on page
56 of Chess Results, 1921-1930 by Gino Di Felice
(Jefferson, 2006).
Of the contemporary newspaper reports that we have seen,
none revealed the identity of ‘N.O. Bodey’. The Scotsman
of 2 April 1923, page 9, reported that the Major
Tournament included ‘a Liverpool amateur who prefers to
remain anonymous’. Page 6 of the Daily Telegraph,
6 April 1923 referred to ‘the gentleman who prefers to
play under the euphonious pseudonym of N.O. Bodey’.
Page 55 of the Gillam booklet also had a sourceless
snippet (moves 22-25) from the game between G. Abrahams
and J. Jackson, but the full score of that first-round
game can be shown here, from page 8 of the Scotsman,
3 April 1923 and page 9 of the same day’s edition of the Western
Daily Press:
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 c3 d5 4 Be2 dxe4 5 Qa4+ Bd7 6 Qxe4 Nc6
7 d4 h6 8 Be3 Qb6 9 Qc2 Rc8 10 Na3 cxd4 11 Nc4 Qc7 12 Nxd4
Na5 13 Nxa5 Qxa5 14 O-O Nf6 15 Rfe1 Bd6 16 h3 b5 17 Qd3 b4
18 c4 Ke7
19 c5 Bb8 20 Bf3 Qc7 21 g3 Rhd8
22 c6 Bxc6 23 Nxc6+ Qxc6 24 Qxd8+ Kxd8 25 Bxc6 Rxc6 26
Rac1 Kd7 27 Red1+ Nd5 28 Rc5 a6 29 Kf1 Bd6 30 Rxc6 Nxe3+
31 fxe3 Kxc6 32 Kf2 a5 33 b3 Kc7 34 e4 Be5 35 g4 Kc8 36
Ke2 Kc7 37 Kd3 Kb7 38 Kc4 Kc8 39 Kb5 Bc7 40 Kc6 f5 41 gxf5
exf5 42 exf5 Bd8 43 Re1 Kb8 44 Re8 Kc8 45 Rh8 Resigns.
Later in the tournament, the 15-year-old Gerald Abrahams
was defeated by W.H. Watts in a game which, though absent
from the Gillam booklet, was published on page 234 of the
Chess Amateur, May 1923, with notes from the Daily
Telegraph. Below is what appeared in the newspaper
on page 6 of its 6 April 1923 edition:
1 e4 c5 2 Nc3 e6 3 d3 Nc6 4 g3 Be7 5 Nf3 d5 6 exd5 exd5 7
d4 Nf6 8 dxc5 Bxc5 9 Bg2 O-O 10 O-O Bg4 11 Bg5 d4 12 Ne2
h6 13 Bf4 Re8 14 a3 g5 15 Bc1 Ne5 16 Nxe5 Rxe5 17 Re1 Qe7
18 Kf1 Re8 19 f3 Bd7 20 f4
20...Rxe2 21 Rxe2 Bb5 22 Bf3 g4 23 Ke1
23...gxf3 24 Rxe7 Rxe7+ 25 Kf2 d3+ 26 Be3 Bxe3+ 27 Ke1
d2+ 28 Qxd2 Bxd2+ 29 Kxd2 f2 30 White resigns.
The game had also been published on page 4 of the Yorkshire
Post, 5 April 1923, which wrote of Abrahams: ‘He
defends a losing game with extraordinary resource.’
As regards the Premier Tournament in Liverpool, won by
Mieses ahead of Maróczy, Sir George Thomas and Yates, we
add a further score which is absent from the Gillam
booklet, the second-round game between A. Louis and F.D.
Yates played on the morning of 2 April 1923:
1 c4 Nf6 2 d4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 f4 O-O 6 Nf3 Nc6 7
d5 Nb8 8 Bd3 e5 9 fxe5 dxe5 10 Bg5 h6 11 Be3 Qe7 12 O-O
Ng4 13 Qe2 Nxe3 14 Qxe3 Nd7 15 Rae1 a6 16 b3 Nf6 17 Kh1
Bd7 18 Nh4 Ng4 19 Qg3 Bf6 20 Nf3 h5 21 h3
21...h4 22 d6 cxd6 23 Nd5 hxg3 24 Nxe7+
24... Kg7 25 Nxg6 Nf2+ 26 Kg1 fxg6 27 Re3 Rac8 28 Be2 Bd8
29 Nxe5 dxe5 30 Rxg3 Bb6 31 Kh2 Nxe4 32 Rd1 Bc6 33 White
Source: Western Daily Press, 4 April 1923, page
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.