Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
11082. Calvi
(C.N.s 1827 & 1836)
As reported in C.N.s 1827 and 1836, our collection
includes five hardbound volumes of Ignazio Calvi’s Cours
d’échecs, which was published in Le
Palamède in the mid-1840s. The text, entirely
handwritten (though not in Calvi’s hand, Adriano Chicco
noted in C.N. 1836), amounts to 788 pages.
This is one of a large variety of items listed in our
latest feature article, Chess Books and
Magazines For Sale.
11083. Fischer
and the FBI
The FBI Vault contains a 1966-67
file on Fischer’s passport requests for travel to Cuba.
American chess masters
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) draws attention to a cartoon
feature on pages 26-27 of the November-December 2018 Playboy:
‘American Chess Masters’ written by Brin-Jonathan Butler
and illustrated by Nathan Gelgud.
The left-hand section on Morphy refers to ‘a spooky child
prodigy’ who later ‘traveled across Europe and toured
royal courts ...’ Then comes this ‘Fun’:
The treatment of Steinitz
does not even attain the ‘according to legend’ and
‘reports abound that’ level:
11085. Fischer film
Michael Clapham (Ipswich, England) has been watching the
film by Friðrik Guðmundsson Me & Bobby Fischer,
which is available on DVD:
‘It has over an hour of Fischer talking, in 2005,
about such matters as his aborted match with Karpov,
his time in prison, his views on Jews, and
pre-arranged games.’
11086. P.N.
This photograph of Piotr Nikolaevich Izmailov (1906-37)
comes from page 10 of the 1/1929 issue of Shakhmatny
Listok and has been supplied by Eduardo Bauzá
Mercére (New York, NY, USA).
A detailed biographical article by Sergei Grodzensky,
published on pages 24-26 of 64, December 1990,
related Izmailov’s arrest in 1936, execution in 1937 and
rehabilitation in 1957:
The 64 article has been forwarded by Vitaliy
Yurchenko (Uhta, Russian Federation), who adds that there
is further information about Izmailov on pages 28-44 of a
book on Siberian chess: Сибирь шахматная by R.
Kur, V. Neishtadt and K. Sukharev (Novosibirsk, 1995).
William Winter and Lilliput
Eric Fisher (Hull, England) reports that he has three
articles by William Winter in Lilliput
(November 1949, June 1950 and November 1950) and asks
whether there are any others. He has provided pages from
the June 1950 and
November 1950
11088. Chess shirts
D.J. Morgan, the ‘expert Chess Shirt researcher’
mentioned in the caption, wrote on page 268:
‘F.M. Edge (a most untrustworthy writer where Staunton
was concerned) states in his Morphy book that Staunton
was so rabid about chess that he wore shirts with
representations of the chess pieces on the breasts and
Edge’s exact words, on pages 151-152 of the New York
edition of his book and page 133 of the London edition:
‘Staunton’s literary avocations now permit him but an
hour or two weekly for chess, although formerly he lived
in the London Divan, as Harrwitz in the Régence, and was
so rabid about Caïssa that he actually wore shirts with
kings, rooks, pawns, etc. printed over the bosoms and
‘It is just possible that he did’, added G.H.Diggle in
D.J. Morgan’s column, pointing out these passages:
Chess Player’s
Chronicle, 1847, page 68
Chess Player’s
Chronicle, 1847, page 140
From page 254 of XIV. Schach-Olympiade Leipzig 1960,
published by Sportverlag Berlin:
Chess metaphors
Under the title ‘Journalistic Chess’ page 157 of the
February 1922 Chess Amateur commented:
‘Judging by the continual references to chess,
especially to chess strategy, in the daily papers, the
average journalist is much fonder of using chess
metaphors and images than he is acquainted with their
real meaning.
In our contemporary, the Daily Mail, on 19
November, two contributors availed themselves of chess
analogies with more success than is normal, though at
least one “howler” was necessary evidently.
Mr H.G. Wells, in his remarkable papers on the
Washington Conference, writes:
Mr A.E. Manning Foster in his usual Saturday article on
bridge, in a book review, under the heading “Strategy at
Auction Bridge”, writes:
The reader will be amused in spotting the obvious
blunder in these quotations, excepting which, however,
the allusions are unusually accurate.’
We have incorporated the relevant passages from the Daily
Mail (on, respectively, pages 8 and 6 of the 19
November 1921 edition). The paragraph beginning ‘Auction
bridge’ was omitted by the Chess Amateur.
11090. Adolf
Pages 39 and 183 of the new book Neumann, Hirschfeld
and Suhle by Hans Renette and Fabrizio Zavatarelli
(C.N. 11090) have two rare portraits of Anderssen, from,
respectively, an 1872 issue of the Illustrirte Zeitung
and the Lothar Schmid Collection. The former picture is
shown here courtesy of the co-authors:
11091. A
Canadian chess film
C.N. 464 (see Chess
Jottings) welcomed the film Jouer sa vie
by Gilles Carle and Camille Coudari. It can be viewed online
under its English title, The Great Chess Movie.
Buenos Aires Olympiad, 1939
From Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA):
Source: Crítica, 2 September 1939, page 11.
Chess shirts (C.N. 11088)
Gerard Killoran (Ilkley, England) sends a cutting from
page 15 of the Illustrated London News, 20
February 1847:
11094. Lasker v
Tarrasch, 1908
Page 3 of The World Chess Championship: 1951
Botvinnik v Bronstein by William Winter and R.G.
Wade (London, 1951):
Given that Lasker defeated Tarrasch +8 –3 =5, this
account seems generous to Tarrasch. As regards the quality
of play, James Mortimer expressed a different view on page
8 of the Daily Mail, 15 September 1908:
Lasker v Capablanca, 1921
Why is it so hard to find photographs of the 1921 world
championship match in Havana? There was no Cuban chess
magazine at the time, and we have yet to locate pictures
in the host country’s mainstream press.
Fischer caricature (C.N.s 8721, 8724 & 8778)

This caricature is often attributed to Fischer himself,
but in C.N. 8724 a correspondent reported that the website
of Marina Petric showed it as one of many by her late
father, Berislav Petric. The link given in C.N. 8724 is no
longer valid, and her new
webpage does not currently include the Fischer
Computer pairings
This cutting from page 1 of Chess Life, 5
September 1958 has been forwarded by Eduardo Bauzá Mercére
(New York, NY, USA):
Which was the first open tournament where all the
pairings were made by a computer?
11098. The
Rossolimo Variation of the Sicilian Defence
Position after 1 e4 c5 2
Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5
Some initial historical jottings are offered on the
Rossolimo Variation of the Sicilian Defence, played in the
2018 world championship match between Magnus Carlsen and
Fabiano Caruana.
What cannot be given for now is a comprehensive
explanation as to when Rossolimo’s name was attached to –
or, indeed, detached from – the opening. Databases have
relevant Rossolimo games from the late 1940s onwards, and
the reference to ‘around 1940’ in The Oxford Companion
to Chess by D. Hooper and K. Whyld (1984 and 1992
editions) has yet to be substantiated:
1984 edition, page 286
1992 edition, page 345
Annotating Rossolimo v Romanenko, Salzburg, 1948 on pages
647-648 of the October 1975 Chess Life & Review,
Pal Benko wrote after 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5:
‘Rossolimo usually avoided normal Sicilian patterns,
and the text was one of his favorites. Nimzowitsch
played this against Gilg in 1927, but it was Rossolimo
who, through his frequent use of it, made this system an
effective and fully respectable weapon. For a time, it
was known as “the Rossolimo Variation” and is today
commonly seen with colors reversed in the English
Opening’ [as in the game Barry v Rossolimo, World Open,
New York, 1975 which Benko annotated on page 648].
Page 181 of the Dictionnaire des échecs by F. Le
Lionnais and E. Maget (Paris, 1967 and 1974) called 1 e4
c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 ‘L’attaque hispano-sicilienne’,
and had the following on page 340:
C.N. 1230 drew attention to the obvious inaccuracy of
this text on page 1 of The Anti-Sicilian: 3 Bb5(+)
by Y. Razuvayez and A. Matsukevitch (London, 1984):
Although the Companion also mentioned Winawer v
Steinitz, Paris, 1867, that game began 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3
Nc3 Nc6 4 Bb5, as shown on pages 182-183 of the tournament
When were the moves 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 first played?
The earliest game that we have found is on pages 327-328
of the Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1845 (volume
six), a win by Elijah Williams against John Withers,
played (according to page 325) ‘very recently at Bristol’:
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nd4 4 Nxd4 cxd4 5 O-O e5 6 d3 Qb6
7 Bc4 d6 8 f4 Be6 9 Bxe6 fxe6 10 fxe5 O-O-O 11 Rf7 dxe5 12
Bg5 Nf6 13 Nd2 h6 14 Nc4 Qb5 15 Bxf6 gxf6 16 Qg4 f5 17
exf5 h5 18 Qg6 Rh6 19 Rxf8 Rxg6 20 Nd6+ Kd7 21 Rxd8+ Kxd8
22 Nxb5 and wins.
Source: XIV.
Schach-Olympiade Leipzig 1960, page 192.
11099. The graves
of Capablanca and Alekhine
Cătălin Duminecioiu (Bucharest) reports that he has
photographed the graves
of Capablanca (November 2014) and Alekhine (summer 2016):
Fischer caricature (C.N.s 8721, 8724, 8778 & 11096)
Marina Petric (Austin, TX, USA) informs us that her
father, Berislav Petric, drew a set of chess caricatures
in Belgrade and asked the players concerned, including
Fischer, to sign them. She has provided the two pictures
Berislav Petric
At our request, Marina Petric has added that her father
was born in Sarajevo on 3 May 1929. After graduating in
architecture, he emigrated to Brazil in 1964, and died in
Rio de Janeiro on 8 May 1998.
11101. Miss
From Rod Edwards (Victoria, BC, Canada):
‘In C.N. 6627 you gave the results of the Ladies’
tournament at San Remo, 1911, with “Miss Selma Cotton
(London)” coming second. There was a Helene Cotton (or
Charlotte Helene Cotton-Meirchin) who was active for
many years in England and was at Meran, 1924 (C.N.
4838). Page 147 of the April 1911 BCM gave the
name of the woman at San Remo, 1911 only as “Miss
Cotton (London)”. I am wondering where the name
“Selma” is to be found, and whether it may have been
Helene Cotton who played at San Remo, 1911 after all.’
The name ‘Selma Cotton’ appeared in connection with San
Remo, 1911 in the Deutsches Wochenschach (5 March
1911, page 86 and 26 March 1911, page 119) and, as shown
below, on page 109 of La Stratégie, March 1911:
11102. The
parentage of John Cochrane
John Townsend (Wokingham, England) writes:
‘The Inner
Temple Admissions Database indicates that John
Cochrane was admitted to the Inner Temple on 13 May
1819, the third son of the Honourable John Cochrane,
of Edinburgh, that he was called to the Bar on 29 June
1824, and that he died on 2 March 1878.
“Honourable” was applied to untitled children of
nobility. In the case of Cochrane’s father, the
Honourable John Cochrane (1750-1801) was a son of
Thomas Cochrane, the eighth Earl of Dundonald. He was
a much-travelled man, and his children were born to
several women. He was not married until 7 May 1800,
when the marriage register of St Marylebone shows that
he tied the knot as a bachelor with Selina Fitzroy
Birch, a spinster, of Pinner, Middlesex. Neither of
them lived long afterwards, and they left no surviving
issue. Selina made her will (National Archives, PROB
11/1383/378) on 24 July 1801, and it was proved on 22
December 1802. Her husband was buried at St James’s
Piccadilly on 26 October 1801. A short death notice in
the Morning Post (29 October 1801, page 4)
mentioned that he had died on 21 October at his house
in Harley Street, Cavendish Square, “two months after
the death of his beloved wife and infant son”.
The will of the Honourable John Cochrane (National
Archives, PROB 11/1407/25) was written on 27 September
1801, while he was living in Harley Street, but was
not proved until 6 April 1804. He named three
(illegitimate) sons and a daughter (Angelique
Cochrane). The first two sons were Nathaniel Day
Cochrane and James Johnston [sic] Cochrane.
Since the third son was John Cochrane, the information
corroborates that obtained from the Inner Temple
Admissions Database (see above), and that makes it
possible to identify the chessplayer as the recipient
of the following bequest:
“I give and bequeath unto John Cochrane the son of
Margaret McDougal now living at Newhaven near Leith
the like sum of one thousand pounds.”
Newhaven lies on the coast about two miles to the
north of Edinburgh. It appears from this bequest that
the chessplayer spent at least some of his early
childhood there. Nothing is otherwise known of his
mother, Margaret McDougal, although there is ample
scope for further research, and especially if she left
a will.
In 1826 John Cochrane received another gift of
£1,000, this time from the brother of the Honourable
John Cochrane, the Honourable Basil Cochrane, whose
will (National Archives, PROB 11/1718/389) contained
“And I do hereby give and bequeath the sum of one
thousand pounds Sterling to John Cochrane also the
reputed Son of my said late Brother the Honourable
John Cochrane.”
This immediately follows bequests to Nathaniel Day
Cochrane and James Johnstone [sic] Cochrane,
and therefore underlines the status of John Cochrane
as the third son. The will was made on 7 June 1824,
and probate was granted in London on 16 November 1826.
The first two sons rose to senior positions in the
navy and army respectively, while John Cochrane became
a barrister.
Also to be found in the National Archives, and not
so far examined, is a “probate inventory, or
declaration, of the estate, with account”, of Hon.
John Cochrane, deceased, of Harley Street, St
Marylebone, dated March 1810 (PROB 31/1037/285).
The age of John Cochrane the chessplayer was given
as 72 in the 1871 census (National Archives, RG
10/165, folio 48), his place of birth being entered as
Edinburgh. At that time, he was living as a lodger in
a boarding house at 32 Seymour Street, Marylebone,
described as “Barrister in Practice”. In the same
house were two women by the name of Emily Cochrane;
their ages were given as “60” and “30-40”.
Cochrane’s age at the time of his death in the March
quarter of 1878 was given as 78 in the death indexes
at the General Register Office (ref. Marylebone, vol.
1A, page 444).
With that information it may be possible to find a
baptism (or birth) record for the chessplayer during
the approximate period 1798-1800, perhaps in
Edinburgh, Newhaven or Leith. Such a search would be
assisted by the knowledge that the mother was Margaret
McDougal and the father the Honourable John Cochrane.
Cochrane was a most generous subscriber to the 1851
London tournament, as can be seen from pages xxxi and
lix of Staunton’s The Chess Tournament (1852).
In addition to his own donation of £20, he must also
have played some part in a contribution of £100 in the
name of the Calcutta Chess Club, of which he was the
President. However, he was not a rich man when he
died. His own will is referenced in the National
Probate Calendar, which shows that he died on 2 March
1878 and that his personal estate was valued at under
£200; the sole executrix was his niece, Emily
Cochrane, a spinster, and the address of both was
entered as 12 Bryanston Street, (which, incidentally,
differs from the 6 Bryanston Street given for
Cochrane’s death in the Inner Temple Admissions
Database.) This Emily Cochrane was an illegitimate
daughter of Nathaniel Day Cochrane, and was born on 13
October 1825, according to her baptism entry on 21
February 1828 in the parish register of St
Another Fischer photograph
From the plate section of International Championship
Chess by B. Kažić (London, 1974):
The caption might have added the identity of Fischer’s
chewee: William G. Addison. The position shows the end of
their game in round seven of the 1963-64 US Championship,
New York.
11104. Miss
Cotton (C.N. 11101)
Gerard Killoran (Ilkley, England) submits a game from
O.C. Müller’s column on page 8 of The Globe, 12
October 1912:
1 e4 e5 2 f4 d6 3 Nf3 Nc6 4 Bc4 Be7 5 O-O Bg4 6 c3 Bxf3 7
Rxf3 exf4 8 d4 Nf6 9 Rxf4 d5 10 Bd3 dxe4 11 Bxe4 Nxe4 12
Rxe4 Qd7 13 Bf4 O-O-O 14 a4 g5 15 Bg3 f5 16 Re1 f4 17 Bf2
g4 18 Nd2 h5 19 Ne4 h4
20 g3 hxg3 21 hxg3 Qf5 22 Kf1 f3 23 Qc2 Rh1+ 24 Bg1 Qh5
25 Nf2 Qh2 26 White resigns.
11105. Faster or
easier wins
Annotators and chroniclers often have difficulty deciding
to what extent players who miss faster or easier wins
should have such lapses pointed out. To illustrate the
theme, we present a range of observations in books by Irving Chernev.
Combinations The Heart
of Chess (New York, 1960), page 37
Denker won quickly with 34 Qd5 Kf8 35 Rxg7. The
artist/butcher remark is reminiscent of an observation by
Emanuel Lasker on page 68 of the Chess Player’s Scrap
Book, May 1907 in connection with the game Morphy
v the Duke and Count.
Combinations The Heart
of Chess (New York, 1960), page 74
Logical Chess Move by
Move, various editions, Game 27 (Chekhover v
Rudakovsky, Moscow, 1945)
The almost identical text was on pages 193-194 of The
Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played (New
York, 1965).
Another example is Paulsen
Morphy, New York, 1857:
Combinations The Heart
of Chess (New York, 1960)
The Chess Companion
(New York, 1968), pages 232-233
The next position comes from a famous brilliancy by
Capablanca (White) against Juan Corzo, Havana, 1901:
The Golden Dozen
(Oxford, 1976), page 284
Virtually the identical text had appeared on pages
175-176 of The Chess Companion.
The ‘commentator’ in question was Fred Reinfeld, in The
of Capablanca (New York, 1942). In My Chess
Career (London, 1920) Capablanca wrote:
‘Today, very likely, I would simply have played Q-Q2
and won also, but at the time I could not resist the
temptation of sacrificing the queen. At any rate, the
text move was the only continuation which I had in mind
when I played P-K6.’
From later in the same game, where Capablanca played 46
Capablanca’s Best Chess
Endings (Oxford, 1978), page 7
Neither Capablanca nor Reinfeld mentioned 46 Kg3. On
pages 228-230 of Combinations The Heart of Chess
Chernev made no adverse comment on either 29 Qxb5 or 46
A final illustration of the difficulty of avoiding
inconsistency comes from page 255 of The Chess
Companion, in the conclusion to D. Byrne v Fischer,
New York, 1956:
Our feature article
on the game shows that the future world champion’s own
small book, Bobby Fischer’s Games of Chess, made
no reference to the faster mates available at move 36
(...Rf2+) and at move 37 (...Re2+). Those lines would have
given mate just one move earlier, and their noteworthiness
is a matter of opinion. It is curious, though, that
Chernev mentioned only one of the two.
11106. John
Cochrane (C.N. 11102)
Shortly after John Cochrane’s death, a tribute
Howard Taylor was published on page 2 of the Hartford
Weekly Times, 4 April 1878. It was reproduced on
pages 30-32 of the American Chess Journal, April
1878 and, thanks to the Cleveland Public Library, we give
below the front cover and the frontispiece portrait of
Cochrane in addition to the letter itself:
11107. Miss
Cotton (C.N.s 11101 & 11104)
The obituary on page 92 of the March 1929 BCM
which was referred to in C.N. 4838:
From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘The National Probate Calendar has a 1929 entry for
Charlotte Helena Minchin Cotton, of 2 Chester Terrace,
Regent’s Park, Middlesex, spinster, who died on 9
January 1929 at 7 Osnaburgh Terrace, Regent’s Park.
Probate was granted in London on 20 February to Mary
Rose Small, widow, and Reginald Waring Cotton,
electrician, the effects amounting to £3,631 18s. 9d.
The death indexes at the General Register Office
contain an entry in the March quarter of 1929 for
Helena C.M. Cotton (ref. Pancras, vol. 1b, page 4),
the age being given as 53.
There is a corresponding birth entry for the June
quarter of 1875 for Charlotte Helena M. Cotton in the
registration district of Tiverton (Devon) (ref. vol.
5b, page 431).’
11108. Kurt Richter
No chess enthusiast should miss Kurt
Richter by Alan McGowan. It is brilliant.
11109. Kurt
Lüdecke (C.N.s 3449, 3453, 3456, 3541 & 3761)
Two photographs of Kurt G.W. Lüdecke with Adolf Hitler
were shown in C.N.s 3453 and 3761. They were from a set of
six in the plate section of Lüdecke’s book I Knew
Hitler (London, 1938), between pages 472 and 473:
Leipzig, 1960
Page 180 of XIV. Schach-Olympiade Leipzig 1960
has this photograph of the little-known player Anne Marie
Renoy-Chevrier of Monaco:
11111. Miss
Cotton (C.N.s 11101, 11104 & 11107)
The items below from L’Italia Scacchistica have
been forwarded by the Cleveland Public Library:
11112. When in
doubt ... (C.N.s 10422 & 10443)
Portsmouth Evening News,
17 September 1910, page 1
Earlier that year, a more familiar version of the ‘when
in doubt ...’ phrase had appeared in note (g) to a game
between F.D. Yates and G.A. Thomas on page 15 of the Hereford
Times, 16 April 1910:
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Nf3 Ngf6 6 Bd3
Nxe4 7 Bxe4 Nf6 8 Bd3 Be7 9 O-O O-O 10 b3 b6 11 c4 Bb7 12
Bb2 Nd7 13 Re1 Bf6 14 Re3 Re8 15 Qe2 Bxf3 16 Rxf3 e5 17
Qc2 exd4 18 Bxh7+ Kf8 19 Be4 Rb8 20 Bd5 c5 21 Kf1 Ne5 22
Rh3 Qd6 23 Qf5 Ng6 24 Rd1 Qe5 25 Qf3 Kg8 26 Rh5 Qf4 27 Qh3
Re3 28 g3 Bh4
29 Rf5 Resigns.
Some further citations:
- ‘When in doubt, move the king.’
David A. Mitchell, page 37 of Mitchell’s Guide
to the Game of Chess (Philadelphia, 1915).
- ‘When in doubt ... move a knight!’
Heading to a feature on the openings, page 279 of Chess
Review, December 1938.
- ‘When in doubt, move the king!’
Article on endgames by Jack W. Collins, page 26 of Chess
Review, December 1947.
- ‘The old adage, “When in doubt, castle” gives
spurious sanction to a special instance of the generally
sounder guide for opening play, “When in doubt,
Robertson Sillars, page 112 of Chess Life &
Review, February 1974.
- ‘This Larsenesque move (when in doubt, advance your
rooks’ pawns!) is not as silly as it looks.’
John Watson, page 100 of Secrets of Modern Chess
Strategy (London, 1998).
11113. FIDE
Dylan McClain (Richmond, IN, USA) asks how many
federations were members of FIDE at the beginning and at
the end of each President’s tenure.
Ideally, we wish to go further, with the running total of
members throughout the Federation’s history. Do readers
know whether such a list already exists?
11114. Birdie Reeve
Ulrich Schimke (Cologne, Germany) provides further
newspaper reports on Birdie
- Vaudeville News and New York Star, 16 July
1926, page 12:
‘Little Birdie Reeve is back again, playing chess
with the aplomb and confidence of an old chessplayer,
and giving some of our best players a real tussle,
though the young lady is only 16 years old. It is a
treat to watch her on the mezzanine floor of the NVA
- Syracuse Journal, 28 July 1926, page 8:
- Vaudeville News and New York Star, 30 April
1927, page 23:
‘Birdie Reeve defeated Theodore Roberts at chess on
Sunday evening, 17 April at the NVA Club, NYC. Little
Miss Reeve is a wonder child. She is not only a
renowned chess and checker player, but a lexicographer
and champion typist also.’
- Cohoes American, 24 February 1928, page 10:
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 13 December 1928, page
Under the heading ‘Planning Chess Tournament During
Chicago World Fair; Federation Has Election’, Hermann
Helms reported:
‘Directors of the National Federation of the
ensuing year were elected at the annual business
meeting held at the City Club of Chicago ...
Immediately after the directors’ meeting Edward
Lasker played 20 games simultaneously, including one
blindfold. He won 15, drew four and lost one to
Birdie Reeve.’
- Vaudeville News and New York Star, January
1929, page 12:
‘Miss Birdie Reeve[s], of the NVA Chess Club, has
achieved some fame and received considerable publicity
recently because of her ability at chess. Immediately
after the National Chess Federation annual meeting in
Chicago recently, Edward Lasker, one of America’s best
chessplayers, played 20 games simultaneously. He won
15, drew four and lost one. The only game he lost was
with Birdie Reeve[s], who is now playing vaudeville in
the Chicago territory.’
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 20 July 1933, page 2:
‘Miss Virginia Sheffield, woman champion of the
Illinois State Chess Association, ... gained her title
only recently in a tournament at the City Club in
which she scored 2½-½. Mrs H.E. Redding of Oak Park
was placed second with 2-1, ahead of Birdie Reeve,
1½-1½. Miss Lambissi was a contender.’
11115. Belgrade, 1970
Rudy Bloemhard (Apeldoorn, the Netherlands) has shown us,
from his autograph
collection, this card signed during the 1970 USSR v
the Rest of the World match in Belgrade:
Our correspondent is intrigued by one signature in
Under-water chess
CHESS, 19 March
1955, page 255
Three years later the magazine briefly reported on an
announcement by John E. Almond of San Francisco of the
‘very first world under-water chess championship’. See
C.N. 3237 on page 125 of Chess Facts and Fables.
11117. A
large chess display
Tom Braunlich (Broken Arrow, OK, USA) has found this
report on page 3 of the Daily Chieftain, 26 May
11118. The Mozart
of Chess
‘Bobby Fischer: The Mozart of Chess’ was the heading of
the chapter about him on pages 366-371 of The Jew in
American Sports by Harold U. Ribalow (New York,
The chapter took its title from Harold C. Schonberg’s New
York Times article of the previous year which is
referred to in our feature article ‘The Mozart of Chess’.
Lasker and Reshevsky
The preceding chapters of the Ribalow book mentioned in
C.N. 11118 were on Emanuel Lasker (pages 344-354) and
Samuel Reshevsky (pages 357-364). From page 344:
See too C.N. 3736. Who was Lasker’s opponent?
The number of chessplayers
An addition to How
Many People Play Chess? comes from page 379 of CHESS,
18 June 1955:
‘A correspondent queries the statement in a recent Reader’s
Digest that there are a hundred million
chessplayers in the world. We should give 20 million as
a more reasonable figure.’
11121. Ceremonial
opening moves
Martin Sims (Upper Hutt, New Zealand) asks when the
custom arose of the ceremonial first move for White being
played by a ‘celebrity’, and whether any chess regulations
are applicable to the practice.
This photograph from page 5 of the Illustrated London
News, 5 January 1963 was given in C.N. 9020. Our
correspondent remarks that a very similar shot of Sir
Arthur Bliss and Vassily Smyslov is on page 183 of The
World of Chess by Anthony Saidy and Norman Lessing
(New York, 1974).
Addition: see too our feature article on Jacob
Comins Mansfield’s letter to Adolf Hitler
Drawing attention to his article
Comins Mansfield on the website of the British Chess
Problem Society, Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea,
England) sends us an extract from pages 13-14 of Comins
Mansfield MBE: Chess Problems of a Grandmaster by
Barry Barnes (Sutton, 1976):
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.