Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
11161. Courtesy
In a letter dated 24 March 1962 John Vining of London
wrote on page 262 of the June 1962 CHESS:
Fraser v N.N. (C.N. 11149)
Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada) draws attention to his feature
on Dr James Cunningham Fraser (1825-76) at the Chess
Scotland website.
Bonar Law v Aurbach
Mr McGowan also submits a cutting about Andrew Bonar Law from the
chess column in the 19 October 1921 edition of the Falkirk
Herald, page 4:

The establishment in Paris, mentioned in C.N. 10114, was
the Café de la Rotonde au Palais-Royal.
Humour in the opening
How did this position arise?
Black to move
It comes from a game between C.J.S. Purdy and F.A. Crowl
(Melbourne, 29 December 1934 – see page
9 of the Sydney Daily Telegraph of 31
December 1934) which Purdy annotated on pages 317-318 of
the November 1936 issue of the Australasian Chess
Review under the heading ‘Humour in the Opening’.
Purdy began:
‘Little humour is to be found in the chess openings, a
field that is sacrosanct to serious-minded theorists.
The following game, however, contains a genuine piece of
sheer buffoonery (unintentional) within the first dozen
moves. Played in the fourth round of the last Australian
championship tournament (Melbourne 1934-35), it is a
disgrace to both contestants, but none the less
entertaining for that.’
The full score, with Purdy’s punctuation:
1 c4 Nf6 2 d4 e5 3 dxe5 Ng4 4 Bf4 g5 5 Bd2! Nxe5 6 e4 Bg7
7 Nc3 d6 8 Qh5!? h6 9 Be2??? Nbd7 10 Bf1!! Nb6 11 Qd1!!!
Be6 12 b3 Qd7 13 Be2! O-O-O 14 Nf3 Ng6 15 Qc2 g4 16 Ng1!!
f5 17 exf5 Bxf5 18 Bd3 Rde8+ 19 Nge2 Rhf8 20 Bxf5 Rxf5 21
O-O-O Nh4 22 Nf4 Qf7 23 g3 Nf3 24 Be3 Qf6 25 Nb1! Kb8!? 26
h3 Qa1!? 27 Nd5 Nxd5 28 cxd5 Rf7 29 hxg4 Rfe7 30 Rd3 Ne5
31 Rd4 Nc6 32 Ra4 Nd4 33 Qd2 Nb5 34 Kc2 Nc3 35 Nxc3 Qxh1
36 Bxa7+ Kc8 37 Be3 Kd7? 38 Qd3 Rb8 39 g5 Bxc3 40 Kxc3
Qa1+ 41 Kc2 b5 42 Ra7 h5 43 Qf5+? Kd8 44 Qf8+ Re8 45 Qf7
Re7 46 Qxh5 Qe5 47 Qf3 Ke8 48 Qf6 Qe4+ 49 Kb2 Kd7 50 Qd4
Qxd4+ 51 Bxd4 Re2+ 52 Kc3 Rg8 53 Be3 Rg6 54 Kb4 Rxe3 55
fxe3 Rxg5 56 Kxb5 Rxd5+ 57 Kc4 Rg5 58 e4 Kc6 59 b4 Rxg3 60
a4 Kb6 61 Ra8 Kb7 62 Re8 Rg1 63 Re7 Rc1+ 64 Kb5 Ka7 65 e5
dxe5 66 Rxe5 Kb7 67 Re7 Ka7 68 a5 Kb8 69 Re5 Rd1 70 Re6
Rd8? 71 Kc6 Rh8 72 b5 Rg8 73 a6 Rd8? 74 a7+ Kxa7 75 Kxc7
A note in the middle-game is of interest:
Position before 37 Be3 Kd7
[37 Be3] ‘White’s sealed move, virtually forced. Now, a
remarkable instance of the psychological factor in chess
is that Crowl, in spite of having an hour for private
analysis, and being certain of White’s sealed move, made
a gross blunder immediately on resuming. He had failed
to adjust himself to the fact that White had completely
recovered his lost ground. He had therefore examined
only defensive moves for White. This shows that it is
much better to recover from a bad game than to have an
equal game all the time.’
Finally, Purdy called 70...Rd8 ‘the losing move’, adding
this maxim in bold type:
‘Avoid using a rook for defence.’
11165. 64
- ‘Bobby Fischer died in Iceland of kidney failure on 17
January 2008 at age 64 – the exact number of squares on
the chessboard.’
Page 314 of This Crazy World of Chess by
Larry Evans (Las Vegas, 2009).
- ‘... he died at the iconic age of 64.’
Page 26 of Battle of Bonn by Raymond Keene
and Eric Schiller (2008).
- ‘ ... [Fischer] moved to Iceland and died there at the
iconic age of 64, the number of squares on the
Page 123 of Carlsen-Anand Match for the World
Chess Championship by Raymond Keene (New York,
- ‘Iconically, Fischer died in 2008 in Reykjavik, the
scene of his 1972 triumph, at the age of 64, the number
of squares on the chessboard.’
Page 29 of Carlsen v Caruana: FIDE World Chess
Championship, London 2018 by Raymond Keene and
Byron Jacobs (London, 2018).
- ‘Upon Fischer’s death in 2008 at the age of 64 for 64
squares of the chess board, many where [sic] sad
Page 8 of A Guide Book Of Places To Go and
People You Will See Around NY Chess by Peter
Julius Sloan (2012).
- ‘On 17 January 2008 Robert James Fischer died at the
age of 64 – one year for every square on the chess board
Page 192 of The Big Book of World Chess
Championships by Andre Schulz (Alkmaar, 2016).
- ‘He died from renal failure, after refusing medical
treatment from fear of being poisoned, at the symbolic
age of 64 (the number of squares on a chessboard).’
Page 113 of The Psychology of Chess by
Fernand Gobet (Abingdon, 2019).
How often has anyone bothered making such a point about,
for instance, Steinitz?
Below is a remark by G.H. Diggle from an article in the
December 1981 Newsflash which was reproduced on
page 78 of Chess Characters (Geneva, 1984). See
too C.N. 7805.
‘Sixty years ago there were dotted around the provinces
(either in small struggling clubs or once a week in
“private house soirées”) players with only each
other’s chess intellects to feed on who would loyally
stick to the game without improving one iota through
whole decades. ... Many of them were characters of as
great psychological interest as a Fischer or a Korchnoi;
for to imagine that “psychological motifs” and whatnot
are the exclusive monopoly of grandmasters is to fall
into the snobbish fallacy of the Sergeant Major who
(when a poor Private reported sick with a “pain in the
abdomen”) roared at him: “You ’ave a stummick! Only
orficers has abdomens!’
‘Before the death of Alekhine in 1946’
An unfathomable claim about FIDE on pages 288-289 of Who
The Strongest? by Raymond Keene, Nathan Divinsky and
Jeff Sonas (Aylesbeare, 2006):
‘Three years later [in 1993] Kasparov annihilated Nigel
Short in a match that was held outside the auspices of
FIDE, the World Chess Federation, which had shown itself
increasingly incompetent to handle events at the highest
level. FIDE soldiered gamely on with its own
championship, much as it did before the death of
Alekhine in 1946, but FIDE always had to make do without
the world’s top two players at any given time.’
11168. Vogue
Reshevsky v Fischer
The above snippet, concerning a case not yet included in
Chess in the Courts, comes
from page 296 of the October 1961 BCM, in a
section edited by Harry Golombek.
Chess Review,
September 1961, page 264
Chess Review,
October 1961, page 317
Below are five press reports:
New York Times, 15
August 1961, page 36
New York Times, 17
August 1961, page 22
New York Times, 18
August 1961, page 27
New York Times, 19
August 1961, page 15
New York Times, 10
April 1962, page 33
There were briefer reports in the New York Times
of 14 August 1961, page 20 and 16 August 1961, page 25.
The above photograph of Reshevsky, Fischer and Ferrer in
the 15 August 1961 edition is similar to the one in Chess and Hollywood.
C.N. 8923 referred to coverage of the affair in Chess
Life; an article entitled ‘The Fischer-Reshevsky
Snafu’ on page 321 of Chess Review, November 1961
provides a notable summary.
On page 137 of Endgame (New York, 2011) Frank
Brady wrote that ‘the case lingered in the courts for
years and was finally dropped’. Does a detailed account of
the full procedure exist?
11170. Léonard
Tauber (C.N.s 7821 & 7830)
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) sends this game
from page 38 of the Washington Post, 13 July 1919:
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5 4 Bc4 g4 5 O-O gxf3 6 Qxf3 Qf6
7 e5 Qxe5 8 d3 Bh6 9 Nc3 Nc6 10 Bd2 Nge7 11 Rae1 Qc5+ 12
Kh1 d6 13 Nd5 Be6 14 Rxe6 fxe6 15 Qh5+ Ng6 16 Nf6+ Kf7 17
Qxh6 Kxf6 18 Rxf4+ Ke7 19 Qg7+ Kd8 20 Bxe6 Nce7 21 Qxh8+
Nxh8 22 Rf8 mate.
This game between Léonard Tauber and Charles
d’Hersignerie had been published on pages 254-255 of La
Stratégie, November-December 1918:
As mentioned in Chess and Jews,
A. Geoffroy Dausay was a pseudonym of Alphonse Goetz.
11171. On
board the Llangibby Castle
From page 184 of the June 1930 BCM:
The picture has been mentioned (‘group photograph of team
match, 1930’) in Sultan
Intellectual gymnastics
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) has been looking into claims
that Steinitz referred to chess as intellectual/mental
gymnastics (geistige Gymnastik or intellektuelle
Gymnastik) and offers these citations for such
- Deutsche Schachzeitung, June 1866, pages
161-164 (article by V. Grimm):
- Chess Player’s Magazine, September 1866, pages
257-260 (translation of the above Grimm article):
- Illustrirte Zeitung, 8 September 1866, page
- Household Chess Magazine, 31 January 1865, page
2 (a magazine edited by Thomas Henry Hopwood):
‘It is our intention to create for our readers a
series of mental recreations or, in other words, we
have pleasure in presenting them with a complete
intellectual gymnastics,
on which the mental portion of their organization may
take full swing.
First and foremost in our mental gymnasium stands
chess, the royal game; patronized by the Emperor, who
reigns over nations, and by Genius, who, still
greater, reigns over minds.’
... Charades, draughts, riddles, novels of a chess
character, and intellectual gymnastics generally will
form additional attractions to our work, and which, we
trust, will duly contribute to the amusement of our
- Wiener Presse, 14 December 1884, page 1:
- Columbia Chess Chronicle, 24 September 1887,
page 107, quoting from J.A. Congdon (‘Gen. Gongdon’) in
the Scranton Truth:
‘Chess is considered the most intellectual of
amusements. Its tendencies are moral and refining. It
is admirable mental gymnastics.’
- Letter from Steinitz to H.M. Gorham and W.E. Lester
dated 13 April 1888, quoted on pages 95-96 of The
Steinitz Papers by K. Landsberger (Jefferson,
‘You see I am trying to recover my good humor but I
am really sincere in thinking that our mental
gymnastics offered more relief to a philosophical mind
in time of great affliction than even music or any
other art.’
- International Chess Magazine, June 1888, pages
175-176 (in Steinitz’s ‘Personal and General’ column):
‘For many enthusiastic chessplayers are, like myself,
convinced that the general cultivation of chess logic
would help to cure our age from many political,
economical and philosophical escrescences, and would
also greatly diminish such baneful excesses and
unhealthy habits as over-smoking, drinking, gambling,
etc., which are incompatible with the acquisition of
excellence in our mental gymnastics.’
- The Modern Chess Instructor by W. Steinitz (New
York, 1889), page xxvii:
‘In our time the game is becoming more widely popular
among intelligent people in different countries, and
it is almost universally recognized as a healthy
mental exercise, which in its effects on the
intellectual faculties is akin to that of physical
gymnastics on the conservation and development of
bodily strength.’
- Philadelphia Inquirer, 22 October 1893, page 21
(feature by Carl Synder which included an interview with
Steinitz). One of the world champion’s remarks:
‘Chess may be described as mental athletics. It is
the gymnasium of the mind. I believe that the mind can
be trained as easily and perfectly as the body, and I
know of no better exercise than chess. It develops,
strengthens and clarifies the brain.’
- Interview with Steinitz in the Pittsburg Dispatch,
quoted on pages 197-198 of The Steinitz Papers
by K. Landsberger (Jefferson, 2002):
‘It [chess] is a species of mental gymnastics,
which, when properly applied, should be to the hygiene
of the mind just what athletics are to the hygiene of
the body. In other words, chessplayers may help brain
workers to know how to take care of themselves.’
- Article by Steinitz in Johnson’s Universal
Cyclopædia, quoted on page 151 of The Steinitz
Papers by K. Landsberger (Jefferson, 2002):
‘The influence of the cultivation of this game
[chess] on the highest qualities of mind bears
essential resemblance to the effect of gymnastics on
the growth, increase and conservation of the physical
Mr Urcan adds:
‘I cannot provide independent corroboration of the
text which Landsberger states was in the Pittsburg
You have noted on several occasions the inadequacy
of the sourcing in his book William Steinitz,
Chess Champion (Jefferson, 1993), and the gymnastics
matter provides another example. From page 152:
The bibliographical reference ‘(34)’ leads to
nothing more precise than this on page 472:
I can at least add that pages 357-358 of the
November 1885 Deutsche Schachzeitung have a
reference to H. Bennecke and to Steinitz’s useful
letter, but there is nothing about any “intellectual
gymnastics” remark.’
11173. An
unidentified figure
The photograph below was published opposite page 208 of Hundert
Jahre Schachturniere by P. Feenstra Kuiper
(Amsterdam, 1964). For a larger version, see C.N. 4772 and
Nimzowitsch’s My System:
Concerning the ‘unknown man’ standing third from the
left, Dan Scoones (Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada) writes:
‘I believe that the same individual is in the 1937
Moscow team photograph on page 210 of Chess
Review, September 1937 which was reproduced in C.N.
7022. He was identified there as David:
The only games of his that I have traced are from
the Leningrad Semi-Final of the 11th USSR
Championship, 1939, where he tied for last place with
Solomon Gotthilf with 5½ points from 17 games.
There is confusion over his forename. The crosstable
game-file at the RusBase website do not agree,
giving G. David and Michael David respectively. This
has sown further confusion in the ChessBase database
because there is a Michael David of Israel.
The Soviet player David does not seem to have had a
particularly active or distinguished chess career, and
his appearance in group photographs of important
events is therefore rather mysterious.’
11174. Bird
v Lasker
From page 101 of Lasker’s Manual of Chess (New
York, 1927):
The text appears towards the end of the Second Book; page
numbers vary in other editions.
Jean-Pierre Rhéaume (Montreal, Canada) points out that
the game in question which began 1 f4 e5 2 fxe5 d6 3 exd6
Bxd6 4 Nf3 g5 occurred in the second Lasker v Bird match,
i.e. in 1892 and not 1890.
The score was given on pages 485-486 of H.E. Bird
by Hans Renette (Jefferson, 2016), with these notes by
Steinitz from page 22 of the New York Daily Tribune,
25 September 1892:
Notwithstanding what appears in some publications and
databases, the game continued until move 63, as reported
in many contemporary sources, such as page 5 of The
Scotsman, 31 August 1892 and page 12 of Lasker’s London
Fortnightly, 1 September 1892. The concluding moves
(after 42...Bxh1) have not been found.
Page 68 of the recent Zenón Franco book on Lasker (C.N.s
11130, 11139 and 11140) has ‘40 Bb6 Bd5! 0-1’. As regards
the opening, page 61 states:
The misspelling ‘Fromm’ is common, but the player’s name
is not in doubt: Martin From (1828-95).
Some articles on the opening:
- ‘Zur Eröffnung 1 f2-f4. From’s Gambit’ by S.A.
Sörensen, Deutsche Schachzeitung, July-August
1862, pages 200-202;
- ‘From’s Gambit’ by J.H. Zukertort, Chess Monthly,
October 1879, page 54; December 1879, pages 110-111;
January 1880, pages 141-144; March 1880, pages 213-215;
April 1880, pages 246-248;
- ‘From’s Gambit’ by C. von Bardeleben, Deutsche
Schachzeitung, July 1919, pages 132-137.
Opposite-coloured bishops
White to move
This position was analyzed by Emanuel Lasker. Can White
11176. Modern
chess and the good old days
The start of an article entitled ‘Modern Chess Dull?!’ by
Fred Reinfeld on page 32 of the Chess Review,
March 1940:
‘It is unfortunate, but true, that a sizable proportion
of amateurs find modern master chess dull. “Ah, the good
old days!” This is based on what is for the most part an
imaginary kind of chess which is supposed to have been
peculiar to any age but our own. If the good old chess
was really so interesting, we should expect it to have
flourished in the first International Tournament, held
at London in 1851. If we turn to the Book of the
Tournament, however, we discover that it is an epochal
collection of the most dreary, tedious, witless,
planless, slovenly and inept chess that has ever been
assembled between the covers of a book. Of the 85 games
in the main event, not more than five could be described
as brilliant by the most charitable man in the world;
and he would be hard put to it to find ten games that
were worth looking at.
It is impossible to retain any more illusions about the
chess of this period as one reads Staunton’s peppery
philippics against his bumble-fingered colleagues. (And
since he was much inferior to present-day analysts, he
leaves myriads of blunders untouched!)’
Reproducing the article, until the title ‘Ah, The Good
Old Days!’, on pages 96-98 of his anthology The
Treasury of Chess Lore (New York, 1951), Reinfeld
added this introduction:
‘At the time I wrote this article I was nettled by the
disparagement of modern masters which flourishes side by
side with unthinking praise for the ancients. My views
are still the same, although my approach to his [sic]
type of controversy has mellowed considerably!’
‘The Good Old Days’ was the heading to game 46 (Flohr v
Landau, Antwerp, 1930) on page 91 of Chess Strategy
and Tactics by Fred Reinfeld and Irving Chernev (New
York, 1933):
‘In every chess era the greybeards are forever
bemoaning, maliciously or mournfully, the passing of
“the good old days”. Nowadays, for example, one hears
that there is no “brilliancy” left in chess, no
sacrifices, no combinations. There is nothing left, runs
the wail, but stodgy woodshifting. For those who still
look back sadly to the flashy and trashy confetti of
so-called “immortal games”, we offer a bit of
consolation ...’
On page 181 of Great Brilliancy Prize Games of the
Chess Masters (New York, 1961) Reinfeld introduced
Flohr v Landau as follows:
‘Many years ago, when I first saw this game, it seemed
to me an effective refutation of the charge that modern
chess is much less brilliant than the old-time variety.
Now that so many years have passed, this game is no
longer “modern”, but it is still a delight to play over
and appreciate.’
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 d5 4 e3 e6 5 Nbd2 Be7 6 Bd3 Nbd7 7
O-O O-O 8 b3 c5 9 Bb2 cxd4 10 exd4 dxc4 11 bxc4 b6 12 Qc2
Bb7 13 Ne5 Qc7 14 f4 Rfd8 15 Ndf3 h6 16 Qe2 Nxe5 17 fxe5
Nd7 18 d5 Bc5+ 19 Kh1 exd5
20 Ng5 Nf8 21 Nxf7 Re8 22 Qg4 Re6 23 Bf5 Rae8 24 Bxe6
Rxe6 25 Nd6 Bxd6 26 exd6 Qd7 27 Ba3 Nh7 28 h3 dxc4 29 Qxc4
Nf6 30 Rxf6 gxf6 31 Re1 Bc8 32 Rc1 Bb7 33 Qg4+ Kh8 34 Rc7
Re1+ 35 Kh2 Qxg4 36 hxg4 Resigns.
From page 627 of L’Echiquier, 12 February 1930:
Flohr annotated his victory on pages 46-47 of Československý
Šach, March 1930:
11177. Alekhine v
‘Some of Marshall’s most sparkling moves look at first
like typographical errors.’
This well-known remark is listed in The Chess Wit and Wisdom of
W.E. Napier.
On page 194 of Great Brilliancy Prize Games of the
Chess Masters (New York, 1961) Fred Reinfeld wrote:
‘Some of Alekhine’s best combinations are so
startlingly original that they give the impression of
being oversights. In this regard, 20 P-K4! is one of his
most striking moves.’
The game was Alekhine v Alexander, Nottingham, 1936:
On page 196 Reinfeld commented regarding 20 e4:
‘This sly move looks like a blunder, as Black can now
win a pawn.’
The game continued 20...Nxe4 21 Qc1 Nef6 22 Bxf5, and
Black resigned at move 27.
11178. ‘The
Immortal Lightning Game’
From pages 306-307 of The Delights of Chess by
Assiac (New York, 1974):
Assiac had also presented the conclusion on page 202 of Chess
Treasury of the Air by Terence Tiller
(Harmondsworth, 1966):
1 e4 c6 2 Nc3 d6 3 d4 Nf6 4 Bf4 Qb6 5 Qd2 Nbd7 6 Nf3 e6 7
Bd3 Be7 8 O-O O-O 9 a4 Qc7 10 e5 Nd5 11 Nxd5 cxd5 12 Rae1
Re8 13 Re3 Nf8 14 Rfe1 Bd7 15 a5 a6 16 exd6 Bxd6 17 Bxd6
Qxd6 18 Ne5 Bb5 19 Bxb5 axb5 20 b4 b6 21 axb6 Qxb6 22 Rc3
f6 23 Ng4 Rac8 24 Rg3 Kf7 25 Nh6+ gxh6 26 Qxh6 Ke7 27 Rg7+
Kd6 28 Qf4+ Kc6 29 Re3 Qb8 30 Ra3 Kb6 31 Qd6+ Rc6 32 Qc5+
The full score of this allegedly ‘celebrated’ game is in
databases, but which is the earliest, or best, primary
11179. Lasker on
Pages 60-61 of Common Sense in Chess by Emanuel
Lasker (London, 1896):
On page 36 of Chess Treasury of the Air by
Terence Tiller (Harmondsworth, 1966) Harry Golombek quoted
the marked paragraph and contended:
‘This sentence alone contains more instruction than
many a book that we see turned out by the dozen
Chigorin engraving (C.N. 5686)
Another version of the engraving of Chigorin playing
blindfold, published on page 444 of the 23 April 1888
edition of Niva:
Johannes Metger (C.N. 11141)
The full obituary of Metger on pages 199-201 of Kagans
Neueste Schachnachrichten, January-March 1926:
The end of the Gill v Metger game-score is garbled, and
we have added 30...Qc1+: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Ng5
d5 5 exd5 Na5 6 Bb5+ c6 7 dxc6 bxc6 8 Be2 h6 9 Nf3 e4 10
Ne5 Bd6 11 f4 Qc7 12 d4 O-O 13 c4 c5 14 Be3 Rd8 15 Nc3 Rb8
16 Nb5 Rxb5 17 cxb5 cxd4 18 Qxd4 Nd5 19 Bd2
19... e3 20 Bxe3 Nxe3 21 Qxe3 Bb4+ 22 Kf1 Bd2 23 Qg3 Rd4
24 Nd3 Bf5 25 Rd1 Nc4 26 Rxd2 Nxd2+ 27 Ke1 Qc2 28 Nf2 Ne4
29 Qf3 Bg4 30 Qxg4 Qc1+ 31 Nd1 Rxd1+ 32 Bxd1 Qd2+ 33 Kf1
Qf2 mate.
11182. ‘The
Immortal Lightning Game’ (C.N. 11178)
Hans-Georg Kleinhenz (Munich, Germany) sends a report by
Lothar Schmid on pages 382-383 of Caissa (‘2.
Oktober-Heft 1952’):
Larger version
11183. Meyer v
Hans Renette (Bierbeek, Belgium) and Fabrizio Zavatarelli
(Milan, Italy) provide two games
between H.F.L. Meyer and P. Hirschfeld which are not in
their book Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle
(Jefferson, 2018).
11184. De
Wanted: examples of particularly negative chess
obituaries, whatever the level of justification.
Norman T. Whitaker, one of the game’s leading reprobates,
received little attention when he died in 1975. The
obituary by his colleague James E. Gates on page 521 of
the August 1975 Chess Life & Review was
‘Outside chess Norman was not very distinguished, being
involved in too many things at and beyond the laws he
Opposite-coloured bishops (C.N. 11175)
From pages 102-103 of Schachjahrbuch 1922 by
Ludwig Bachmann (Ansbach, 1924):
11186. Barry
Martin on chess history
Based on a very short browse, below are some extracts
from Chess Problems, Play and Personalities by
Barry Martin (Beddington, 2018).
The start of an article about Alekhine on pages 41-43:
‘... his father was a landowner, a Marshal of Nobility,
and a member of the Russian Duma. His mother was an
heiress to an industrial fortune. Alekhine became
addicted to the game of chess at the age of 11 ...’
This brings to mind page 5 of The Oxford Companion to
Chess by D. Hooper and K. Whyld (Oxford, 1984):
‘His father was a landowner, a Marshal of Nobility, and
a member of the Duma, his mother heiress of an
industrial fortune. ... Alexander became addicted to the
game at the age of about 11 ...’
Similarly, pages 194-195 (the section on Leonard Barden)
are little more than pickings from his Wikipedia entry.
Sometimes, though, Mr Martin is self-reliant. From page
‘Howard Staunton, the only English chess player ever to
have held the title of World Champion by winning against
the generally accepted World Champion, St. Amain in
Paris in 1843 ...’
Page 81 discusses St Petersburg, 1914:
‘The combatants in the main tournament were the leading
lights at that time of world chess, five of whom had
played in a pre-tournament which included 11 players to
the main tournament in St Petersburg.’
Page 269 states that Capablanca ...
‘... taught himself the game of chess at the age of
11187. Hutagalung
and Purdy
From page 35 of the February 1961 Chess Review:
Opposite-coloured bishops (C.N.s 11175 & 11185)
White to move
This position from a game between A. van Foreest and H.
Wagner in an international team match was analyzed by
Emanuel Lasker as a win for White.
W. John discussed the match on pages 121-123 of the June
1922 Deutsche Schachzeitung, with, at the bottom
of page 122, a reference to Lasker’s analytical work:
The Deutsche Schachzeitung did not give the
game-score, but it was published on pages 127-128 of Deutsches
Wochenschach, 18 June 1922:
The game is also on pages 151-152 of the June 1922 Tijdschrift
Nederlandschen Schaakbond, with a reference to
analysis by Bernstein as well as Lasker:
The pages from Deutsches Wochenschach and Tijdschrift
Nederlandschen Schaakbond are reproduced courtesy of
the Cleveland Public Library.
The full game: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Ng5 d5 5
exd5 Na5 6 d3 h6 7 Nf3 e4 8 Qe2 Nxc4 9 dxc4 Bc5 10 c3 O-O
11 Nd4 Bg4 12 Qc2 Qe7 13 Be3 Rae8 14 h3 Bc8 15 Nd2 Nh7 16
O-O-O f5 17 g3 Ng5 18 h4 Nf7 19 N2b3 Bd6 20 c5 Be5 21 Ne2
Rd8 22 Nf4 Bxf4 23 gxf4 h5 24 Qe2 Nh6 25 Qc4 Qf7 26 Qd4
Ng4 27 c4 c6 28 d6 Be6 29 Nd2 Rd7 30 b3 Rfd8 31 f3 Nf6 32
fxe4 fxe4 33 Nxe4 Nxe4 34 Qxe4 Re8 35 Qd4 Bf5 36 Rhe1 Re4
37 Qc3 Rd8 38 Bd4 Rde8 39 Be5 Rxe1 40 Rxe1 Bd7 41 Kb2 Bg4
42 Re3 Bd7 43 Qe1 Kh7 44 Bc3 Rxe3 45 Qxe3 Kg8 46 Qe5 Kh7
47 Qg5 Kg8 48 Ka3 Bg4 49 Be5 Kh7 50 Kb4 Qd7 51 Qe7 Kg8 52
Bxg7 Qxe7 53 dxe7 Kf7 54 Be5 Kxe7 55 Bb8 a6 56 Ka5 Kd7 57
Kb6 Kc8 58 Be5 Bf5 59 Ka5 Kd7. Adjudicated a win for
For ease of reference, the feature on pages 102-103 of L.
Bachmann’s Schachjahrbuch 1922 (C.N. 11175) is
repeated here:
Richard Forster (Zurich) writes:
‘The analysis in the Schachjahrbuch and in
the Dutch magazine differ, and it is possible that
Lasker gave no concrete lines himself, but showed the
general winning plan, which different editors then put
into different lines. Although both sets of analysis
lead to a win, the best result comes from combining
the two.
60 Kb6 Kc8 61 b4 Bd3 62 a4 Bxc4 63 f5 Bg8 64 f6
Be6 65 a5! Bd5
66 Bh2!
66 b5 axb5 leads nowhere, but now Black is in Zugzwang.
After the move in the Schachjahrbuch (66 Ba1),
Black could defend more tenaciously with 66...Kb8,
forcing White to go for the Zugzwang with, for
instance, 67 Bb2 Kc8 68 Be5.
66...Bc4 67 b5! axb5
67...cxb5 68 c6 bxc6 69 Kxa6 c5 70 Kb6 also wins for
White. The try 67...Kd7!? 68 bxc6+ bxc6 leads to a
technically lost position after 69 f7 Ke7 70 Kxc6 Bxf7
71 Kb6 Kd7 72 c6+! (but not 72 Kxa6?? Kc6).
68 a6 bxa6 69 Kxc6 b4 70 Kd6!
White does not need the king manoeuvre to b6 or b5
(which is given in both sets of analysis, although at
different points). Against the best defence, this
would simply lose time. The king belongs on d6.
70...b3 71 Be5 Kd8 72 c6 a5 73 c7+ Kc8 74 Bb2 a4
75 Ba3!
The important last point. If White cashes in too
early with 75 Ke7? Kxc7 76 f7 Bxf7 77 Kxf7, Black has
77...Kd6! and saves the game.
75...Bg8 76 Ke7 Kxc7 77 f7 Bxf7 78 Kxf7 Kc6
Thanks to 75 Ba3, Black does not have the square d6
for the king and must lose.
79 Ke6
White wins by picking up the queen’s-side pawns with
his king.’
11189. Chess bibles
Chess Review,
August-September 1943, page 243
A remark by Adam Hart-Davis in a tribute to Irving
Chernev on page 278 of CHESS, December 1981:
Adam Hart-Davis also related the story on page 8 of 200
Brilliant Endgames by Irving Chernev (New York,
11190. V.P.
v A. Aurbach
Page 89 of La Stratégie, April 1922:
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 e5 Nh5 5 d4 d5 6 Be2 Rg8 7
O-O g5 8 h3 Ng3 9 Re1 Be6 10 Nh2 h5 11 Bxh5 Nc6 12 c3 Qd7
13 Bg4 O-O-O 14 Bxe6 fxe6 15 Ng4 Rh8 16 Nf6 Qg7 17 Qg4 Nf5
18 Nd2 Rh4 19 Qe2 Ng3 20 Qd1 Nxe5 21 dxe5 g4 22 Nxg4 Rxg4
23 Nf3 Bc5+ 24 Nd4 Rh4 25 Kh2 Rxh3+ 26 gxh3 Nf1+ 27 Kh1
Qg3 28 Bxf4 Qxh3+ 29 Kg1 Rg8+ 30 Kf2 Rg2+ (30...Qg2 mate.)
31 Kxf1 Qh1 mate.
Unsound combinations
Taking the example of a 1932 Spielmann v Stoltz game,
C.N. 2035 (see pages 208-209 of Kings, Commoners and
Knaves) asked whether the definition of
‘combination’ should cover combinative
Not according to Emanuel Lasker, who wrote on page 153 of
Lasker’s Manual of Chess (New York, 1927):
‘A combination must be sound. An unsound
combination is no combination at all. It is merely an
attempt, an error, a failure, a nonentity.’
The remark is in the Third Book, after a
Tartakower-Alekhine position. The text in various German
editions (page numbers vary):
‘Eine Kombination muß richtig sein, sonst ist sie
nur ein Versuch, ein Fehlgriff, ein Irrtum, und
eigentlich ein Unding.’
11192. Pilnik v
‘It would not be too much of an exaggeration to say
that this game is one long combination. This is really a
way of paying tribute to White’s inexhaustible ingenuity
in conjuring up new attacking ideas.’
That was Fred Reinfeld’s introduction to Pilnik v
Najdorf, Mar del Plata, 24 March 1942 on page 202 of Great
Prize Games of the Chess Masters (New York, 1961).
Below is an early appearance of the game, on page 76 of
the May 1942 issue of the Argentinian chess and bridge
magazine Estrategia (whose four photographs of the
tournament were given in C.N. 9933):
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nf6 5 Nxf6+ exf6 6 c3
Bd6 7 Bd3 O-O 8 Qh5 g6 9 Qh4 c5 10 Ne2 Nc6 11 Bh6 f5 12
Bg5 Qb6 13 O-O cxd4 14 cxd4 Re8 15 Bc4 h5 16 Rae1 Re4 17
Nf4 Qxd4 18 Rxe4 fxe4 19 Nxh5 gxh5 20 Bf6 Qc5 21 Rd1 Kf8
22 b4 Nxb4 23 Qg3 Bg4 24 Rxd6 Nd3 25 Bxd3 Qc1+ 26 Bf1 Rc8
27 h3 Qxf1+ 28 Kh2 Qc1 29 hxg4 hxg4 30 Qxg4 Qh6+ 31 Kg3
Rc3+ 32 f3 Resigns.
‘A fascinating game, beautifully handled by White from
start to finish’, wrote Reuben Fine on pages 137-138 of
the June-July 1942 Chess Review. His article,
reproduced on pages 198-201 of Chess Marches On!
(New York, 1945), was liberal with exclamation marks, and
in one note a possible move for White surprisingly
received four:
Position after 22 Rd1-d5
The game was also annotated on pages 122-126 of The
Art of Attack in Chess by V. Vuković (Oxford, 1965).
See too pages 116-120 of the algebraic edition edited by
John Nunn (London, 1998).
Alekhine v Capablanca
The recent death of Stephen Berry brings to mind his
clever contribution to a C.N. topic 25 years ago. (See
pages 316-317 of Kings, Commoners and Knaves.)
C.N. 1973 showed this position on pages 63-64 of Turnierpraxis
by Franz Gutmayer (Berlin and Leipzig, 1922):
In C.N. 1988 Jan Kalendovský (Brno, Czech Republic) noted
the following on page 65 of Tarrasch’s book on St
Petersburg, 1914, in the sixth-round game between the two
future world champions:
Position after 27...g5 in
the above variation by Tarrasch
Mr Kalendovský commented that the above position broadly
resembled the one in Gutmayer’s book.
Further to the Tarrasch analysis, C.N. 2003 reported:
Stephen Berry (London) has ingeniously concocted a
variation (after 23...Qg4 24 f3 Qe6 25 Bxf4 Rxe1+ 26
Kf2) which results in Gutmayer’s position:
26...Rg1 (threat: 27...Qe1 mate) 27 Kg3 h6 28 Rf2 (28
Rxd6 Qe2) 28...g5 29 Bd2 Qc4 (intending 30...Qh4 mate)
30 f4 Qd3+ 31 Kg4.
For further discussion of the matter, see C.N. 3300 on
pages 292-293 of Chess Facts and Fables. In
particular, Peter Anderberg (Harmstorf, Germany) noted
that the line created by Stephen Berry was pointed out by
C. Sander on page 170 of the June 1914 Deutsche
11194. Mastery
‘Ei ole ju keegi loodud meistriks, vaid tee selle
saavutamiseni kulgeb pikaaegse ōppimise, vōistlemise,
rōōmude ja murede kaudu.’
That remark by Paul Keres on page 9 of his book Valitud
partiid 1931-1958 (Tallinn, 1961) is best known from
the English edition. From page v of Grandmaster of
Chess. The Early Games of Paul Keres translated and
edited by Harry Golombek (London, 1964):
‘Nobody is born a master. The way to mastery leads to
the desired-for goal only after long years of learning,
of struggle, of rejoicing and of disappointment.’
The remark was in large letters at the top of page 805 of
the December 1975 Chess Life & Review, in a
tribute to Keres which claimed to show the last photograph
of him (with Euwe in Amsterdam on 31 May 1975). On the
Internet the quote is customarily, if not exclusively,
found with ‘desired’, and not ‘desired-for’. That shorter
version is on page 5 of John Nunn’s edition of the book, Paul
Keres: The Road to the Top (London, 1996).
Lasker in fiction
Bob van de Velde (Amsterdam) draws attention to a passage
about Emanuel Lasker in the 2010 novel Field Grey
by Philip Kerr. Page numbers vary from one edition to
another, but the text is at the start of the chapter
entitled ‘Berlin, 1954’:
‘Most people go through life accumulating possessions.
I seemed to have gone through mine losing them or having
them taken away from me. The only thing I still had from
before the war was a broken chess piece made of bone –
the head of a black knight from a Selenus chess set.
During the last days of the Weimar Republic this black
knight had been constantly in use at the Romanisches
Café, where, once or twice, I’d played the great
Emmanuel [sic] Lasker. He’d been a regular at the
café until the Nazis obliged him and his brother [sic
– Berthold Lasker died in 1928] to leave Germany for
ever, in 1933. I could still picture him crouched over a
board with his cigarettes and cigars and his Wild West
moustache. Generous to a fault, he would give out tips
or play exhibitions for anyone who was interested; and
on his last day in the Romanisches Cafe – he went to
Moscow, and then to New York – Lasker presented everyone
who was there to wish him goodbye with a chess piece
from the café’s best set. I got the black knight. The
way I’d been played over the years I sometimes think a
black pawn would have been more appropriate. Then again,
a knight, even a broken one, seems intrinsically more
valuable than a pawn, which was probably why I tried so
hard to keep it through one adversity after another.’
11196. The
number of chessplayers (C.N. 11147)
More figures advanced in Lasker’s Manual of Chess
(New York, 1927), page 369:
‘In fact, there are a quarter of a million chess
friends who devote to chess at least two hundred hours
every year, and of these only a thousand, after a
lifetime of study, attain the end. Without losing myself
in calculations, I believe I am safe in voicing the
opinion that our efforts in chess attain only a
hundredth of one per cent of their rightful result.’
11197. Newspaper
chess columns
From page 9 (misprinted as 397) of CHESS, October
The letter was called ‘excellent’ by C.H.O’D. Alexander
on page 32 of the mid-October 1963 issue of CHESS.
Page 6 of Chess Review, January 1954 had a brief
note on T.M. Cherington:
11198. Past
and present
An addition to Chess: The
Greatest is this passage by C.H.O’D. Alexander on
pages 21-22 of Chess Treasury of the Air by
Terence Tiller (Harmondsworth, 1966):
Reshevsky’s date of birth
As mentioned on page 259 of Chess Explorations
and in C.N. 1943 (see pages 202-203 of Kings,
Commoners and Knaves), a claim emerged in the early
1990s that Samuel Reshevsky was born in 1909 and not, as
commonly accepted, in 1911.
The matter is discussed by Bruce Monson in an article
about Reshevsky on pages 46-55 of the 1/2019 New in
11200. Reshevsky
with Marshall and Hodges
From page 14 of the Boston Post, 11 November
The three-mover by A.B. Hodges which Reshevsky solved in
30 seconds (given at the end of the article):
See too pages 317-318 and 510-511 of Albert
Beauregard Hodges by John S. Hilbert and Peter P.
Lahde (Jefferson, 2008).
11201. A dog-fight
From the Sunday Times, 7 January 1962, page 38
(magazine section):
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 d6 6 Bg5 e6
7 Qd2 a6 8 O-O-O Bd7 9 f4 Be7 10 Nf3 b5 11 e5 b4 12 exd6
bxc3 13 Qxc3 Bf8 14 f5 Qa5 15 fxe6 fxe6 16 Bxf6 gxf6 17
Qxf6 Rg8 18 Bc4 Bg7 19 Qh4 Rb8 20 Bb3 Rxb3 21 axb3 Qa1+ 22
Kd2 Qxb2 23 Qxh7 Rf8 24 Rhe1 Bc3+ 25 Kd3 Nb4+ 26 Kc4 Bg7
27 Nd4 Nd5
28 Rxe6+ Bxe6 29 Nxe6 Ne3+ 30 Kc5 Qc3+ 31 Kb6 Nxd1 32
Nxg7+ Kd7 33 Ne8+ Ke6 34 Qe7+ Kd5 35 Nc7+ Kd4 36 Qg7+ Ke4
37 Qxf8 Qb4+ 38 Ka7 Qc5+ 39 Kb7 Resigns.
The game was played in round four of the Hastings
tournament, on 30 December 1961. White’s final move was
not 39 Kb8 as given in some databases. When the
‘dog-fight’, as Alexander termed it, was annotated on
pages 134-135 of CHESS, 19 January 1962, his
remark, ‘a bad game – but much more amusing than most good
ones’, was quoted together with the following:
‘A real English-style game’ (M. Botvinnik).
‘Littlewood plays the best bad chess I have ever seen.’
(L. Lindheimer).
Some complementary notes from Richard Forster (Zurich):
‘14 f5. The whole line appears to be dubious
for White. 14 Bc4 was tried in some later grandmaster
games, with modest results.
20...Rxb3. 20...Qf5 (Burger-Mednis, New
York, 1969) is a good alternative.
24 Rhe1. A new move. 24 Qh5+ Kd8 25 Qh4+
Ke8 26 Qh5+ Rf7 had led to a quick defeat for White in
Larsen-Panno, Mar del Plata, 1958. 24 Ke2 had been
tried in another earlier game, Holaszek-Minaya Molano,
The Hague, 1961; after 24...Nb4 Black still enjoys the
better game. 24 Qe4 may be relatively best.
24...Bc3+. An even stronger line is
24...Qc3+! 25 Ke2 Ne5!, as 26 Qxg7 loses to 26...Bb5+
27 Kf2 Nd3+ 28 Rxd3 Qxg7.
25 Kd3?! Objectively, 25 Ke2 was the lesser
evil, although after 25...e5 (26 Rd5) or simply
25...Bxe1 Black keeps the advantage.
25...Nb4+. The mundane 25...Bxe1 26 Rxe1
Qa3 should win quite easily as White loses the d6
26...Bg7? The third inaccuracy in a row and
quite a significant one. Firstly, 26...Rf4+ is
stronger. Retreating the knight to c6 also keeps a
clear advantage. After the game move, White could have
forced a draw by perpetual check with 27 Qh5+! Kd8 28
Qa5+ Ke8 29 Qh5+ since 29... Rf7 30 Ne5 is plainly
27...Nd5? Here the unusual 27...Na2! with
the same threat was much stronger. The point is that
unlike in the game the knight is not attacked by the
king. After 28 Re3 Bb5+ 29 Nxb5 axb5+ 30 Kd3 (30 Kxb5
Kd7!) 30...Qd4+ 31 Ke2 Nc3+ 32 Rxc3 Qxc3 33 d7+ Kd8
Black ought to win.
28 Rxe6+? 28 Qg6+ Kd8 29 Nxe6+ is indeed
better, but it is still White who must be glad that
after 29...Bxe6 30 Rxe6 Nb6+ 31 Kd3 Qd4+ 32 Ke2 Qf2+
33 Kd3 Black has no more than perpetual check.
30 Kc5. White is still lost. After 30 Kb4
Black would need to find 30...Qc3+ 31 Ka4 Rf4+!! 32
Nxf4 Qc6+ 33 Ka3 Qc5+ 34 b4 Nxc2+ with a mating attack
(35 Ka2 Qc4+).
30...Qc3+? The turning point. 30...Qe5+ 31
Kb6 Qxe6 does indeed win easily.
31...Nxd1. There is no salvation:
31...Qb4+ 32 Kxa6! Qa3+ 33 Kb5 Rf5+ 34 Qxf5 Nxf5 35
d7+ and wins. 31...Rf7 32 Qg8+ Bf8 33 d7+. Or 31...Nf5
32 Qg6+! (not 32 Nxf8? Bd4+) 32...Kd7 33 Nxf8+, etc.’
Leonard Barden’s obituary
John Littlewood (Guardian, 26 September 2009)
described him as ‘the finest UK attacking player of his
Littlewood was also praised by William Lombardy on pages
36-37 of Chess Life, February 1962. For example:
‘It is easy to see how Littlewood could beat any player
at any given time, since he does not appear to be in the
least timid about sacrificing material early in the
On page 72 of the March 1962 Chess Review Bruce
Hayden reported that on the evening of 28 December 1961
Littlewood was referred to by visiting masters as ‘der
kleine Tal’ after his spectacular, though
unsuccessful, attack against Botvinnik in the Hastings
tournament. The world champion annotated the game on pages
129-130 of CHESS, 19 January 1962.
CHESS, 25 November
1960, page 93.
11202. L.
Information is sought on L. Lindheimer, who was mentioned
in the previous item.
From page 325 of the November 1962 BCM:
A photograph on page 221 of CHESS, 28 April 1956:
11203. Costumes
for living chess
A brief item on page 268 of CHESS, 23 June 1962:
‘The German magazine Schach has an
advertisement by a Leipzig firm offering costumes for
living chess displays, “very beautiful, reasonably
Peter Anderberg (Harmstorf, Germany) notes that the
advertisement, placed by Felix Semmler, was in the May and
June 1962 issues of Schach, on pages 160 and 192
11204. The
antidote for the poison in gambits
From the inside front cover of Chess Review,
January 1954, in ‘Chernev’s Chess Corner’:
What is known about any such remark?
Hönlinger v Eliskases
The final game in Chess Strategy and Tactics by
Fred Reinfeld and Irving Chernev (New York, 1933) began as
follows, on page 99:
1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 e6 4 Nbd2 Nf6 5 g3 Nbd7 6 Bg2 Bd6
7 O-O Qe7 8 Re1 b6 9 e4 Nxe4 10 Nxe4 dxe4 11 Ng5 Bb7 12
Nxe4 Bc7 13 d5 cxd5 14 cxd5 Bxd5 15 Bg5 f6 16 Nxf6+ Nxf6
17 Bxf6 Qxf6 18 Bxd5 O-O-O 19 Bxe6+ Kb8 20 Qc2 Be5 21 Bh3
Bxb2 22 Bg2 Rhe8 23 Rxe8 Rxe8
24 Rf1 g6 25 Qb3 Rd8 26 Qe3 Qf5 27 Qe7 Rd7 28 Qe8+ Kc7
29 Qa8 Bd4 30 Qxa7+ Kd8 31 Qb8+ Ke7 32 Bc6 Be5 33 Bxd7
Bxb8 34 Bxf5 gxf5 35 Rd1 Bd6 36 Rd4 Bc5 37 Rh4 Resigns.
Strange to say, we have not seen this ‘beautifully
played game on the part of Hönlinger’ in any database. It
had appeared with the same notes, ascribed to Reinfeld
alone, on pages 13-14 of the May 1933 Chess Review.
The occasion was given as ‘Vienna, March 1933’, but below
is the heading on page 366 of the December 1932 Wiener
See too pages 88-90 of the March 1933 Deutsche
Schachzeitung, which reproduced Hans Kmoch’s
annotations from the Neues Wiener Journal.
11206. Oskam v Reyss
Oskam v Reyss, Rotterdam, 1931 is another forgotten game,
although it was even described as ‘immortal’ by Albert
Becker in the April 1932 Wiener Schachzeitung
(pages 109-110):
The ‘immortal’ reference was mentioned on page 173 of the
July 1932 Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen
1 d4 Nf6 2 e3 e6 3 Bd3 d5 4 Nd2 c5 5 c3 Nbd7 6 f4 Be7 7
Nh3 b6 8 Nf2 Bb7 9 Qf3 Qc7 10 O-O O-O 11 g4 Rfd8 12 g5 Ne8
13 Ng4 g6 14 f5 Bxg5 15 fxe6 fxe6 16 Qf7+ Kh8 17 Nf3 Nd6
18 Nxg5 Nxf7 19 Rxf7 Qd6 20 Rxh7+ Kg8 21 Nh6+ Kf8 22 Rf7+
Ke8 23 Bxg6 Nf8
24 Nh7 Rdb8 25 Rxb7+ Nxg6 26 Nf6+ Kd8 27 Nf7+ Kc8 28
Nxd6+ Kd8 29 Rd7 mate.
The game was also annotated by J.H. Blake on pages
223-224 of the May 1932 BCM.
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
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