Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
Photographic archives (20)
A further set of photographs from our collection:
Juan Manuel Bellón
Nona Gaprindashvili
Svetozar Gligorić and
Miguel Quinteros (Interzonal tournament, Leningrad,
William Hartston
10008. Quiz
Which brilliancy played in 1956 did C.J.S. Purdy annotate
under the title ‘Game of the Century? Yes and No’?
10009. Au
voleur... (Philippe Dornbusch)
Mr Philippe Dornbusch has announced his candidacy for the
post of President of the Fédération Française des
Echecs/French Chess Federation (election to be held in
December 2016), and his campaign includes a seven-point
plan to improve the Federation’s website.
This is the same Philippe Dornbusch whose own website
includes a notice ‘© Chess & Strategy -
Reproduction et diffusion interdites’ yet, as shown
in Copying, makes
indiscriminate use of other people’s material, without
acknowledgement or permission. Of late, his site has
lifted images from Chess Notes which depict, for instance,
Fischer, Spassky and Karpov, and the latest case is the
fine photograph of Michael Stean which we own (given on 21
June 2016 in C.N. 9997).
The section on Mr Dornbusch in our above-mentioned
feature article began with the observation, ‘Copying
usually goes hand-in-hand with incompetence’, and
demonstrated how he had misappropriated from C.N. 8894 a
photograph of Edgar Pennell, chopped off the caption (from
CHESS) and misidentified Pennell as Koltanowski.
That is not an isolated case. In another
article (May 2016) Mr Dornbusch gave a photograph of
Reshevsky but stated that it was Capablanca, even though
the facts are set out in our article Chess: Mistaken
Identity, where this version was presented:
Reshevsky, not Capablanca
Unaware that he should have been writing about Reshevsky,
Philippe Dornbusch added a biography of Capablanca (over
430 words). The entire text was lifted, without any
attribution, from the French-language Wikipedia
on Capablanca.
Addition on 4 July 2016: Following the appearance
of the above item, Philippe Dornbusch replaced his
quiz-question photographs of Pennell and Reshevsky by
pictures of Koltanowski and Capablanca which, in
accordance with his customary malpractice, he simply
lifted from other websites without acknowledgement. For
further details, see Copying.
10010. Wikipedia
The French edition of Wikipedia is one of many language
versions which give (on both masters’ pages) the fake photograph of Alekhine
and Capablanca:
From Herman Steiner’s archives
Bruce Monson (Colorado Springs, CO, USA) asks for
information about this photograph, which comes from the
archives of Herman Steiner (left):
10012. Rook
endings (C.N.s 5498, 5585, 5726 & 5822)
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) notes that page
108 of El Ajedrez Americano, April 1931 ascribed
to Tartakower the following remark in the transcript of a
lecture in Buenos Aires on 6 April 1931:
‘Al contrario que en los finales de peones solos
contra peones, en el final de torres y peones contra
torre y peones, la ventaja gana casi siempre.’
Our correspondent adds that this assertion (that a
material advantage will nearly always win in rook endings,
but not in pawn endings) was the opposite of what
Tartakower had said. He asked for a correction to be
published, and on page 130 of the May 1932 [sic]
issue Roberto Grau wrote concerning Tartakower:
‘Afirmó que en el final de torre y peones contra
torre y peones pasa todo lo contrario que en el final
de peones solos, ya que “la pequeña ventaja material
se neutraliza casi siempre”. (En el artículo anterior
se deslizó un error tipográfico y se dijo todo lo
contrario. El Dr Tartakower nos pidió oportunamente la
rectificación que ahora publicamos.)’
Zukertort’s monodrama
A paragraph typical of W.N. Potter’s prose style is on
page 257 of the City of London Chess Magazine,
October 1875:
‘The September monodrama at the City Club was performed
by Herr Zukertort. He came, saw – he did not take long
in seeing – and conquered. The whole affair was over in
less than three hours. There were 17 adjuncts, but they
all went home weeping save Mr Blunt, who drew his game.’
10014. ‘I
once heard a story’
Concerning How Many
Moves Ahead?, page 39 of Winning Chess
Tournaments by Robert M. Snyder (Lincoln, 2007) had
another variation:
‘I once heard a story where a reporter asked the famous
master Jose Capablanca, “How many moves do you see
ahead?” He jokingly said, “Fifty!” The reporter, not
knowing much about chess, wrote that down in his notes
and then proceeded to ask another famous master, Richard
Réti, the same question. Réti said, “One! But always the
right one.” There is something to be learned from this:
You only need to see as deep as necessary to establish
the best move for the position.’
10015. The Game
of the Century (C.N. 10008)
As a quiz question, C.N. 10008 asked which brilliancy
played in 1956 was annotated by C.J.S. Purdy under the
title ‘Game of the Century? Yes and No’.
Noting that the phrase ‘Game of the Century’ was used in
the context of prodigies’ performances, C.N. 3880 showed
part of Hans Kmoch’s article about Byrne v Fischer, New
York, 1956, from page 374 of Chess Review,
December 1956:
To answer the quiz question it is therefore tempting to
jump to the conclusion that it was the Byrne v Fischer
encounter that Purdy described as ‘Game of the Century?
Yes and No’, but the importance of not jumping to
conclusions is the theme of the present item.
The game discussed by Purdy was Smyslov v Pachman, Moscow
Olympiad, 1956: 1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6 3 d4 d5 4 cxd5 exd5 5
Bg5 c6 6 e3 h6 7 Bh4 Bf5 8 Qf3 Qb6 9 Qxf5 Qxb2 10 Qc8+ Ke7
11 Nxd5+ cxd5 12 Qc1 Qb4+ 13 Ke2 Qb5+ 14 Kf3 Qd7 15 Bxf6+
Kxf6 16 g3 Qf5+ 17 Kg2 Bd6 18 Qd1 g6 19 Bd3 Qe6 20 Rb1 Nc6
21 Rxb7 Rab8 22 Rxb8 Rxb8 23 Ne2 Kg7 24 Qa4 Ne7 25 Rb1
Rxb1 26 Bxb1 Bb8 27 Bc2 h5 28 Qb5 Bc7 29 h4 a6 30 Qb7
Resigns. From page 139 of the June 1957 issue of Chess
Purdy discussed the game in more detail, under the title
‘That “Mad” Move by Smyslov’, on page 221 of the October
1957 Chess World and on pages 240-241 of the
November 1957 issue.
As shown above, the original (June 1957) article included
this remark by Purdy about Smyslov v Pachman:
‘... one magazine calls it the game of the century, and
on its front cover, what’s more.’
Another conclusion not to be jumped to is that Purdy
never realized or corrected his mistake. A year later he
reverted to the matter in Chess World:
The relevant material in the December 1956 Chess
- Front cover: a photograph of Fischer and, to the left,
the words ‘Game of the Century (See page 370)’, that
page number being a misprint:
- Page 370: Smyslov v Pachman, annotated by Kmoch
(without, of course, any ‘Game of the Century’ claim):
- Pages 374-375: Byrne v Fischer, annotated by Kmoch
(with the term ‘Game of the Century’, as shown at the
start of the present item).
10016. From
Herman Steiner’s archives (C.N. 10011)
Dan Scoones (Coquitlam, BC, Canada) identifies Herman
Steiner’s companion as Max Pavey.
For purposes of comparison, see the photograph of Pavey
on page 5 of Chess Life, 5 January 1955.
On page 4 of Chess Life, 20 September 1957
Montgomery Major wrote:
‘Death claimed Max Pavey on 4 September 1957 at the age
of 39 after a long confinement in the Mt Sinai Hospital.
Leukemia and coronary complications “with a suspicion of
radium intoxication” were the causes ascribed for his
untimely passing.
... Max Pavey was a chemist by profession and for
several years had been manager of the Canadian Radium
and Uranium Corp. Laboratory in Mt Kisco, NY. It is
suggested that he might have been the victim of
radioactivity, according to a statement from the State
Labor Department of New York, which has brought court
action against the Canadian Radium and Uranium Corp.,
alleging laxity in reprocessing and salvaging radium.’
Was the cause of Pavey’s death ever clarified?
10017. Tarrasch,
sea air and sleep
‘The immortal Tarrasch glibly explained that his
disappointing play at the Hastings Tournament in 1895
was caused by the sea air.’
In C.N. 5724 a correspondent quoted that remark from page
10 of Why You Lose at Chess by Fred Reinfeld (New
York, 1956 and London, 1957). Below is the full section
(on pages 10-11), which includes ‘one of the most
fantastic stories in the history of tournament play’:
We note the following on pages 182-183 of Das
internationale Schachturnier zu Hastings im
August-September 1895 by E. Schallopp (Leipzig,
1896), at the end of the Tarrasch v Teichmann game:
Tarrasch’s remarks on page 42, as referred to in the
Bird, Gunsberg and Blackburne (C.N. 9527)
An uncreased copy of this photograph was published on
page viii of Hastings 1895 by Colin Crouch and Kean
Haines (Sheffield, 1995).
‘Suicide on the Chessboard’ (C.N. 9987)
Regarding Bialas v Hecht, Bad Pyrmont, 1963, Michael
Spiekermann (Menden, Germany) wonders whether the diagram
given by Chernev and, as shown above, on page 12 of the
January 1964 Deutsche Schachzeitung was correct,
i.e. whether White’s rook stood on b1 rather than a1.
Our correspondent notes that various databases have 1 e4
e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nd2 Nc6 4 c3 e5 5 exd5 Qxd5 6 Ngf3 exd4 7 Bc4
Qf5 8 cxd4 Be6 9 O-O O-O-O 10 Qa4 Kb8 11 Bxe6 fxe6 12 Nc4
Bd6 13 Be3 Nge7 14 Nxd6 cxd6 15 Rac1 Nd5 16 Bg5 Rd7 17 b4
Nb6 18 Qa3 Qd5 19 Rfd1 h6 20 Bf4 Ka8 21 b5 Qxb5 22 Rb1 Nc4
23 Qd3 Qd5 24 a4 a6 25 Nd2 Nxd2 26 Rxd2 Rf8 27 Be3 Rc8 28
Rc2 Na7 29 Rxc8+ Nxc8 30 Rc1 Ne7 31 Qh7 Nf5 32 Qg8+ Ka7 33
Rc8 Nxe3 34 fxe3 Qb3 35 Kf2 Qa2+ 36 Kg3 Qd5 37 h4 Qe4 38
Rc3 Qg6+ 39 Kh3 Qf5+ 40 Kg3 Qg6+ 41 Kh3 h5 42 Kh2 Qg4 43
Kg1 e5 44 Rc8 Qd1+ 45 Kh2 Qxa4 46 dxe5 dxe5 47 Ra8+ Kb6 48
Qe6+ Qc6 49 Qb3+ Qb5 50 Qe6+ Kc7 51 Rh8 Qc6 52 Qe8 Rd2 53
Qe7+ Rd7 54 Qe8 Kb6 55 Rxh5 Rd2 56 Qxc6+ Kxc6 57 Rxe5 b5
58 Re6+ Rd6 59 Re7 b4 60 Rxg7 b3 61 Rf7 a5 62 Rf1 a4 63
Rb1 Kc5 64 h5 Kb4
65 Kh1 a3 66 Rg1 a2 67 h6 Rxh6 mate.
What is the most reliable primary source?
The game is not in Rochaden.
Schacherinnerungen by Hans-Joachim Hecht
(Berlin, 2015), a beautifully produced 429-page hardback.
Bled, 1931
Jan Kalendovský (Brno, Czech Republic) sends a feature on
Bled, 1931 from page 340 of the 10/1931 issue of
10021. Nimble
expurgation (C.N. 6832)
C.N. 6832 (see too Patriotism,
and Racism in Chess) discussed Zahrajte si šachy
s velmistry by V. Hort and V. Jansa (Prague, 1975)
and quoted a remark by Lubomir Kavalek:
‘The publisher Olympia printed 18,000 copies and when
it was done, some censors discovered my name attached to
one of the games. They did something unbelievable: they
cut out the page with my name, printed a new one without
my name and glued it back in the book. They did it page
by page, book by book – 18,000 times.’
Karel Mokrý (Prostějov, Czech Republic) draws our
attention to an article
of his which reports that two uncensored copies of the
Hort/Jansa book are known to exist.
Capablanca’s defeat by Alekhine
Richard Jones (Bologna, Italy) raises the question of
whether Capablanca was a poor loser, and particularly in
the immediate aftermath of his match defeat by Alekhine in
As shown on pages 202-206 of our monograph on the Cuban,
his public statements about Alekhine’s victory were
generous. The conclusion of the match was discussed on
pages 348-350 and 521 of Miguel A. Sánchez’s 2015 book on
Capablanca, but a properly documented account of what
happened in Buenos Aires at the end of November 1927
remains to be written. With optimum use of source
material, the chess historian must try to show what is
certain, what is probable, what is unlikely and what is
untrue, and at every stage the reader is entitled to ask,
‘Where did that come from?’ With erratic use of source
material, Miguel A. Sánchez often makes do with a mixture
of facts, assertion, imagination and speculation.
Concerning Capablanca’s letter of resignation of game 34,
we do not know when the original first became public. One
book which reproduced it (on a page chiefly comprising the
fake Alekhine-Capablanca
photograph) was Umkämpfte Krone by R. Stolze
(East Berlin, 1986):
Correct French would have been desirable.
On page 521 of his book Sánchez characteristically
referred to ...
‘... the text, originally written in French, although
with some grammatical inaccuracies (probably because of
Capablanca’s state of mind) and later fixed ...’
10023. Roll-call
of world chess champions
On pages 6-7 of Como ser campeón en el ajedrez by
Evgueni Leonov (Mexico City, 1985) the list of world
champions includes Murphy, Ewe, Aleknine and Boltvinik.
The last two names are Eddie Fischer and Boris Karpov.
10024. H.E.
Atkins and mathematics
From page 69 of the December 1908 Chess Amateur:
‘Mr H.E. Atkins, MA, of Leicester, has been appointed
principal of the Huddersfield College Municipal
Secondary School for Boys. There were 171 candidates. Mr
Atkins received his early education at Wyggeston School,
Leicester, where he obtained a mathematical scholarship
at Peterhouse, Cambridge, in 1890. After three years’
residence he graduated as ninth wrangler in the
Mathematical Tripos. The following year he was placed in
the first class in part two of the Tripos, and in 1895
was honourably mentioned for the Smith’s prizes. During
the past six years he has held the post of mathematical
master of the Wyggeston School, having previously been
assistant master at King’s School, Canterbury, and
Northampton County Secondary School.’
10025. Half
a minute per move
A surprising remark on page 13 of How to Improve Your
Chess: Second Steps by I.A. Horowitz and F. Reinfeld
(New York, 1952):
‘When a master gives a simultaneous exhibition against
anywhere from 20 to 60 opponents, he has something like
half a minute for each move he makes.’
10026. Philidor
Aaro Jalas (Espoo, Finland) asks for particulars about
this famous picture of Philidor, and mentions, by way of
example, how it is presented in two books:
- Page 17 of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Chess Games
by David Levy and Kevin O’Connell (Oxford, 1981):
‘Philidor F.A.D. [blindfold simultaneous display],
Brühl, J.M., Wilson J. London 23 ii 1794.’
- Page 97 of Philidor. Eine einzigartige Verbindung
von Schach und Musik by Susanna Poldauf (Berlin,
2001): ‘Philidor beim Blindsimultan im
Parsloe’s am 23. Februar 1794 in Anwesenheit des
türkischen Botschafters.’
We add, firstly, that the picture is also on page 119 of
A History of Chess by Harry Golombek (London, 1976)
but with a caption placing it a decade earlier:
‘The acknowledged master of eighteenth-century chess –
Philidor playing blindfold at Parsloe’s in London in the
presence of the Turkish Ambassador on 23 February 1784.’
A similarly worded caption, also with ‘23 February 1784’,
appeared on page 131 of Pocket Book of Chess by
Raymond Keene (London, 1988). Page 23 of Blindfold
Chess by Eliot Hearst and John Knott (Jefferson,
2009) had ‘in the 1780s’, and page 78 of The World of
Chess by Anthony Saidy and Norman Lessing (New York,
1974) had ‘c. 1794’.
The correct date is 23 February 1794. The engraving was
included at the start of volume
three of the Sporting Magazine, which
covered October 1793-March 1794:
Below are two passages from, respectively, page 282 of
the February 1794 issue of the Sporting Magazine and
297 of the March 1794 edition:
10027. Dolo
Falk (C.N.s 4623 & 6341)
Tomasz Lissowski (Warsaw) has sent us page 3 of the
6/1903 edition of Das interessante Blatt:
10028. Reuben
Fine and the world championship
On page 10 of Bobby Fischer’s Conquest of the World’s
Chess Championship (New York, 1973) Reuben Fine
wrote regarding Alekhine:
‘When World War II ended, in 1945, all the leading
masters of that day, incensed by his behavior, objected
to his participation in international tournaments. The
Soviets broke the boycott by having Botvinnik challenge
Alekhine to a match for the title in 1946. Actually this
was illegal, since Keres and I had prior claims. But
Keres, born in Estonia, was a Soviet citizen, while I
was no longer so interested.’
From pages 224 of the ‘revised and expanded edition’ of
The World’s Great Chess Games by Fine (New York,
‘Legally there were various possibilities. Euwe might
have reclaimed the title, as the last official champion
before Alekhine. Or Keres and Fine could have been
declared co-champions on the basis of their joint
victory in the AVRO tournament. Or Euwe, Fine and
Reshevsky might have played a three-cornered tournament
to decide the championship. Or the free world might have
chosen a champion, and the communist world been left to
choose its own; then the two could have met for the
world championship.’
On the next page Fine wrote with respect to AVRO, 1938:
‘As indicated before, on the basis of this victory and
in light of the circumstances of international chess in
the war period, Keres and I should have been declared
co-champions for the period 1946-48, between the death
of Alekhine and the 1948 tournament.’
Finally, a comment by Fine on page 151 of Lessons
from My Games (New York, 1958):
‘Keres and I tied for first in the AVRO tournament; he
was declared winner by the tie-breaking
Sonnenborn-Berger [sic] system. Alekhine dodged a
match in his usual skillful manner. Then the war
intervened and all official chess activity stopped.’
There is a frequent lack of rigour in claims that
Alekhine ‘dodged’ opponents, and it is unimpressive to
find C.J.S. Purdy writing the following in a review of Lessons
My Games on pages 146-147 of Chess World,
September-October 1967:
‘Reuben Fine became one of the world’s greatest
players. At the time when his claims to play a match for
the world title were unanswerable, he did not get to
play a match because Alekhine, once he had regained his
title from Euwe, did everything possible to evade a
As regards possible challenges to Alekhine after AVRO,
1938, an observation on page 215 of Reuben Fine by
Aidan Woodger (Jefferson, 2004) is noteworthy:
‘Fine seems not to have made any effort at all ...’
Related feature articles:
Paulsen v Morphy (C.N. 7120)
After giving the finish of Morphy’s celebrated win at New
York, 1857 against Louis Paulsen (17...Qxf3), Fred
Reinfeld wrote on page 156 of Great Moments in Chess
(New York, 1963):
‘Beautiful, isn’t it? Géza Maróczy, the author
of a definitive book of Morphy’s games, has this closing
comment: “Morphy played the whole game faultlessly,
powerfully, and with youthful verve.”
Is this the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth? Not by a long shot.’
Reinfeld then discussed the play from move 17 onwards,
examining the quicker wins missed by Morphy.
Contrary to the impression thereby created, such
improvements had also been reported in Maróczy’s book Paul
Morphy (Leipzig, 1909 and Berlin and Leipzig, 1925),
on pages 45-46 and 30-31 respectively. See too pages 30-31
of the English-language edition by Robert Sherwood
(Yorklyn, 2012).
It is curious that despite analysing Morphy’s inferior
handling of the conclusion, Maróczy did indeed write that
Morphy had played the game faultlessly, as quoted by
Reinfeld above. Both editions of Maróczy’s book stated:
‘Morphy spielte die ganze Partie tadellos, durchwegs
kräftig und mit jugendlicher Verve.’
Conscientious annotators naturally mention the faster
wins missed by Morphy in the Paulsen game. On pages 24-26
of Duels of the Mind (London, 1991) Raymond Keene
noted none of them.
10030. Nedēļa
Jan Kalendovský (Brno, Czech Republic) sends two items
from the Latvian magazine Nedēļa:
23 April 1924, page 18
3 April 1925, page 13.
Hypermodern players
‘It seems only a few years ago that the Hypermodern
School, headed by Alekhine, Réti, Nimzowitsch,
Bogoljubow and Breyer, infused a new vitality and
profundity into the then extant chess theories.’
Source: Chess Strategy and Tactics by F. Reinfeld
and I. Chernev (New York, 1933), page 96.
The omission of Tartakower may be considered a simple
oubli. Regarding Bogoljubow, see Hypermodern Chess.
Tournament in 1935-36 with 700,000 participants (C.N.
Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) refers to page 21
of Match radial internacional de ajedrez USA vs USSR
by Arnoldo Ellerman (Buenos Aires, 1945). It quoted a
review of the match by Mikhail Botvinnik in Izvestia which
included this observation:
‘... sería suficiente mencionar que aproximadamente
700.000 jugadores participaron en el Campeonato “Trade
Union” de 1937/38.’
Allowing mate
After 48...Re5-c5, White
The winner’s annotations to this game (B.Y. Mills v
C.J.S. Purdy in round three of the Australian
Championship, Adelaide, 1946-47) are on pages 292-294 of C.J.S.
Purdy: His Life, His Games and His Writings by J.
Hammond and R. Jamieson (Melbourne, 1982), with the
following remark after 48...Rc5:
‘White can save his position only by allowing mate.’
See too pages 250-251 of the algebraic edition, The
Search for Chess Perfection (Davenport, 1997).
When Purdy’s notes originally appeared on pages 115-116
of Chess World, 1 May 1947 the comment was:
‘White can save his pieces only by allowing mate.’
The full score of what Purdy described as ‘his best game
of the tourney’ (Chess World, 1 February 1947, page
28), played on 28 December 1946: 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3
Bb4 4 e3 O-O 5 Bd3 c5 6 Ne2 d5 7 a3 cxd4 8 exd4 dxc4 9
Bxc4 Be7 10 O-O Nbd7 11 Bg5 h6 12 Bh4 Nb6 13 Ba2 Bd7 14
Qd3 Bc6 15 Rad1 Nbd5 16 Bb1 Re8 17 Nxd5 Qxd5 18 Nf4 Qb5 19
Bxf6 Qxd3 20 Nxd3 Bxf6 21 Ne5 Ba4 22 Rd2 Red8 23 Re1 Rac8
24 f4 Bxe5 25 fxe5 Rc4 26 b3 Bxb3 27 Rb2 Rc3 28 Be4 b6 29
Rd2 Bd5 30 Rd3 Rxd3 31 Bxd3 Rc8 32 Re3 g6 33 Be2 Rc2 34
Kf1 Rd2 35 Rc3 Rxd4 36 Rc8+ Kg7 37 Rc7 a5 38 Bb5 Re4 39
Be8 Kf8 40 Bb5 Rxe5 41 a4 Rf5+ 42 Kg1 e5 43 Rc8+ Kg7 44
Rd8 e4 45 g4 Re5 46 Rd6 e3 47 Kf1 Bf3 48 Rxb6 Rc5 49 White
Bishops of opposite colour
In the second round (27 December 1946) of the Adelaide
tournament discussed in the previous item, ‘Purdy, after
wriggling out of a loss against Brose, won after being two
pawns down with bishops on opposite colours’ (Chess
World, 1 February 1947).
Although the 71-move game is in databases, we have yet to
trace it in a newspaper or magazine of the time. It was
the subject of a brief report under the headline ‘Aust.
Chess Sensation’ on page 7 of the Sydney Sun, 28
December 1946:
‘Sensation developed in the second round of the
Australian chess championship when Purdy (NSW) made an
oversight against South Australian champion Brose, and
appeared certain to lose. Brose finally lost the game,
in which loss had seemed impossible.’
10035. Seeing ahead
C.N. 9074 (see too ‘How
Many Moves Ahead?’) showed an article by Vera
Menchik on page 8 of the Daily Mail, 5 August 1927
in which she wrote:
‘When, for instance, I am asked how many moves I think
ahead, I must, if I am truthful, give the same answer as
that of the celebrated Czechoslovakian player Richard
Réti: “Not even one move.”’
On page 265 of the 1 December 1947 issue of Chess
World C.J.S Purdy introduced an article by Lajos
Steiner, ‘How Many Moves Can You See Ahead?’, as follows:
‘Here is an entertaining article by the Australian
champion, dealing with a question that every chess
expert is asked ad nauseam. When a reporter
asked it of the late Vera Menchik, she replied, “Oh,
about one”. When another reporter asked it of the late
Richard Réti, his dramatic sense got the better of him
and he replied, “As a rule, not a single one”. Lajos
Steiner gives a less cryptic reply’.
In his article, published on pages 265-266, Steiner
‘How far ahead to see? It is a question that everyone
can answer for himself at the proper time, if he tries
to approach positions with an open, critical mind. And
that is the most important thing in a game of chess. It
is better if we do not waste any more space at this
juncture, and rather look at two positions.’
The diagrams given by Steiner:
White has a move which
wins immediately
White mates in 90 moves
After outlining the solution to the second position,
Steiner wrote:
‘An interesting piece of work, but the 90 moves of it
are not much more difficult to see than the single move
of the previous example.’
Steiner mentioned only that the problem was by Béla Bakay
of Budapest, and we shall welcome further particulars. It
is not one of the Bakay compositions in Ungarische
Schachproblemanthologie by György Bakcsi (Budapest,
A future C.N. item will revert to the mate-in-90 problem,
but the present item focuses on the first position. The
game (Gerald Abrahams v František Zíta, London, 14 June
1947) was played on the first day of a two-round match
between Great Britain and Czechoslovakia. From page 212 of
the July 1947 BCM:
‘Abrahams succeeded in engineering one of his typical
slashing attacks which apparently was quite sound, for
on the 26th move ... he actually had an immediate win by
a sensational queen’s sacrifice, first indicated by
Professor Penrose.’
The game was annotated by Abrahams on pages 14-18 of The
Britain by W. Ritson Morry (Birmingham, 1947). From
page 15:
Abrahams gave the position (‘The game can be finished
quickly by B-Kt5!’), mentioning neither the players nor
the occasion, on pages 70-71 of The Chess Mind
(London, 1951), although that information was added on
page 72 of the Penguin edition (Harmondsworth, 1960).
Geiger composition (C.N. 7418)
Harold van der Heijden (Deventer, the Netherlands)
answers the question in C.N. 7418 about who proposed the
improvement (white king on b1, and not c1) in this study
from page 38 of the February 1920 Deutsche
Schachzeitung: Mikhail Zinar (Ukraine), on page 137
of a book co-written with Vladimir Archakov: Гармония
Пешечного Этюда (Kiev, 1990).
10037. Lawrence v
C.N. 9260 quoted a remark by Julio Kaplan in an article
on pages 364-366 of the July 1977 Chess Life &
‘... as Lasker used to say: “Long analysis, wrong
From page 203 of Capablanca’s Best Chess Endings
by Irving Chernev (Oxford, 1978):
‘... lengthy analysis may be suspect, as Dr Lasker
once remarked.’
Citations from Lasker’s writings are still sought
regarding these ‘used to’ and ‘once’ assertions.
A well-known instance of his rebuttal of lengthy
analysis concerns the game between T.F. Lawrence and A.W.
Fox in the Great Britain v United States cable match in
April 1911. From page 59 of Chernev’s Curious Chess
Facts (New York, 1937):
Fox played 32...Ba6; Lasker pointed out
A greatly expanded account by Chernev, under the heading
‘Lasker cuts combination to one move’, is on pages 146-147
of Wonders and Curiosities of Chess (New York,
1974). Without a word of direct acknowledgement (or,
indeed, any specific source, whether primary or secondary)
pages 314-315 of The Joys
of Chess by Christian Hesse (Alkmaar, 2011)
did little more than repackage Chernev’s material. There
was, though, one original touch: Hesse’s anachronism
‘telex game’ (‘Telexpartie’ on page 300 of the
original German edition).
The opening of the Lawrence v Fox game was discussed in
C.N. 8303 (see too The
‘Magnus Smith Trap’).
The coverage in the American Chess Bulletin:
- June 1911, pages 129-131:
- August 1911, pages 171-173:
The ‘Plain Talk’ section was shown in C.N. 8624, which
mentioned that the column in the Evening Post had
not been traced. We can, though, show page 1 of the
Sporting Section of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 4
May 1911, where Hermann Helms discussed the Lawrence v Fox
game, i.e. the material reproduced in the June 1911 American
Chess Bulletin. Some of the above texts were also
given on pages 82-87 of The Year-Book of Chess, 1912
by E.A. Michell (London, 1912).
10038. The
Great Jewish Chess Champions
An item that we wrote on pages 23-24 of Kingpin,
1992 (see too page 197 of Kings, Commoners and
Who was the first to claim the title of world chess
champion? Those who thought that it might have been
Steinitz will be put right by page 23 of The Great
Jewish Chess Champions by Harold U. Ribalow and
Meir Z. Ribalow (New York, 1986):
‘Albert Alexandre, a Frenchman who claimed the world
title in 1776, was a Jew.’
The co-authors may have meant Aaron Alexandre, even
though he was only about ten at the time. Appropriately,
the book’s dust-jacket mentions that ‘the Harold U.
Ribalow Award is presented annually by Hadassah
magazine for an outstanding English-language work of
Jewish fiction’.
Another example of the book’s shoddiness is this ‘once’
dialogue on page 28:
‘Steinitz, a German Jew, was also baited by one of his
rivals, the fine player Johannes von [sic]
Zukertort who, unfortunately, was anti-Semitic. A feud
developed between the two and Zukertort once said to
Steinitz, “You are not a chessplayer, but a Jew”. The
great champion’s cutting reply was, “You, apparently,
are neither”.’
10039. Five
hours’ silence
From page 20 of the Ribalow book mentioned in the
previous item:
‘Madame Chaud [sic – Chaudé] de Silans, one of
the better female players, had this contemptuous remark
on why her own sex didn’t do better: “Women can’t play
chess because you have to keep quiet for five hours.”’
The remark had been ascribed to her by A. Soltis on page
209 of Chess to Enjoy (New York, 1978),
sourcelessly as usual.
Pomar on Alekhine
Pages 88-92 of El juzgador de AjedreZ by Eduardo
Scala (Madrid, 2014) present a previously unpublished
interview with Arturo Pomar (Barcelona, 13 November 1991).
In an exchange on page 89 Pomar spoke warmly of Alekhine:
‘– ¿Qué pensaba Alekhine del niňo prodigio, cuando
intentó instruirle en esta materia?
– El Dr. Alekhine siempre me trató con mucho
afecto. Era un poco impaciente, eso sí; alguna vez se
irritaba cuando no coincidíamos en los criterios. Era
una buena persona; se tomó con mucha resignación que
yo le entablara en el Torneo de Gijón cuando tenía 12
10041. Starbuck
Patsy A. D’Eramo (North East, MD, USA) submits some short
wins by D.F.M. Starbuck:
N.N. – Daniel F.M. Starbuck
(Black gave the odds of his queen’s rook.)
1...Nxd5 2 Nxd5 Qxb2+ 3 Kxb2 Bd4+ 4 Ka3 Bc5+ 5 Kxa4 Bd7+
6 Ka5 Ra8 mate.
Source: Detroit Free Press, 11
November 1882, page 3.
Daniel F.M. Starbuck – N.N.
Chicago (date?)
(Remove White’s queen’s rook.)
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Bc4 Qh4+ 4 Kf1 d5 5 Bxd5 c6 6 Bc4
Bg4 7 Nf3 Bxf3 8 Qxf3 Nd7 9 d4 O-O-O 10 Bxf4 Nh6 11 e5 Nf5
12 e6 fxe6 13 Qxc6+ bxc6 14 Ba6 mate.
Source: Detroit Free Press, 23
December 1882, page 3.
N.N. – Daniel F.M. Starbuck
(Remove Black’s queen’s rook.)
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 d6 3 Bc4 f5 4 Bxg8 Rxg8 5 d4 Nc6 6 Bg5 Be7
7 Bxe7 Qxe7 8 O-O fxe4 9 d5 exf3 10 dxc6 Rf8 11 Qd5 Qg5 12
g3 Qh5 13 Kh1
13...Rf6 14 cxb7 Bxb7 15 Qxb7 Qh3 16 Rg1 Qxh2+ 17 Kxh2
Rh6 mate.
Source: Detroit Free Press, 30
December 1882, page 3.
Daniel F.M. Starbuck – N.N.
(Remove White’s queen’s knight.)
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5 4 h4 g4 5 Ng5 h5 6 Bc4 Nh6 7
d4 f6
8 Bxf4 fxg5 9 hxg5 Nf7 10 g6 Nd6 11 Bxd6 Bxd6 12 g7 Bg3+
13 Ke2 Rf8 14 gxf8(Q)+ Kxf8 15 Qf1+ Kg7 16 Qf7+ Resigns.
Source: Detroit Free Press, 6
January 1883, page 3.
N.N. – Daniel F.M. Starbuck
Chicago (date?)
(Remove White’s queen’s knight and Black’s queen’s
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 f5 4 Bxc6 dxc6 5 Nxe5 Bd6 6 Qh5+
7 Nxg6 Nf6 8 Qh6 Rg8 9 e5 Rxg6 10 Qe3 Ng4 11 Qe2 Bxe5 12
f4 Re6 13 Kd1 Bd4 14 Qxe6+ Bxe6 15 White resigns.
Source: Detroit Free Press, 25
1883, page 3.
Daniel F.M. Starbuck – N.N.
(Remove White’s queen’s rook.)
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5 4 Bc4 g4 5 Nc3 gxf3 6 Qxf3
Qf6 7 Nd5 Qd8 8 O-O d6 9 d4 Be6 10 Qxf4 Nd7 11 Bd2 c6 12
Be1 b5 13 Bh4 Qc8
14 Nc7+ Qxc7 15 Qxf7+ Bxf7 16 Bxf7 mate.
Source: Detroit Free Press, 25
1883, page 3.
10042. Alekhine v
Prat (C.N. 7040)

White announced mate in ten: 22 Qh5+ Nxh5 23 fxe6+ Kg6 24
Bc2+ Kg5 25 Rf5+ Kg6 26 Rf6+ Kg5 27 Rg6+ Kh4 28 Re4+ Nf4
29 Rxf4+ Kh5 30 g3 any 31 Rh4 mate.
C.N. 7040 discussed discrepancies surrounding this
famous Alekhine victory, and more are added now.
As regards Black’s identity, we have never seen a full
name, but only ‘Prat’, with or without an initial. Our
earlier item pointed out that in the English, German/Dutch
and French editions of Alekhine’s first Best Games
book the initial was given as M., J. and N. respectively.
A fourth option, I., is in the Russian edition (Moscow and
Leningrad, 1927). Although ‘M. Prat’ is the most common
version, a misunderstanding may have arisen through M.
being an abbreviation for Monsieur (as discussed,
in another context, in C.N. 6693).
‘J. Prat’ was the name when the 22 Qh5+ finish was
published on page 415 of La Stratégie, October
1913 (reproduced in C.N. 7040). The earliest occurrence of
the full game-score that we can cite is on pages 286-287
of Shakhmatny Vestnik, 15 September 1913, shown
here courtesy of the Royal Library in The Hague:
The heading stated that Alekhine played ‘against Mr
Prat’; г-на is an abbreviation of the genitive singular
form Господина (‘Mr’).
The Royal Library has also kindly provided the item on
page 273 of the 1 September 1913 edition of Shakhmatny
Vestnik to which the 15 September issue referred:
The report that Alekhine’s exhibition in Paris comprised
16 games (+15 –0 =1) corresponds to the information on
page 360 of La Stratégie, September 1913:
As previously shown, page 415 of the October 1913 issue
of La Stratégie also gave the date of the display
as 10 September 1913. The fact that the above issue of Shakhmatny
Vestnik was, formally at least, dated 1 September is
not a stumbling-block, given the 13-day difference between
the Julian and Gregorian calendars and the inclusion of
Alekhine’s game against Edward Lasker, played on 7
September. It is, though, unclear why ‘August 1913’ was in
the heading to the Prat game on page 119 of volume one of
Complete Games of Alekhine by J. Kalendovský and V.
Fiala (Olomouc, 1992). Page 87 of Alexander Alekhine’s
Chess Games, 1902-1946 by L.M. Skinner and R.G.P.
Verhoeven (Jefferson, 1998) put only ‘1913’ (and ‘J.
Prat’), but the previous page duly referred to the
16-board display on 10 September 1913.
Although page 192 of Capablanca-Magazine, 15
November 1913 also dated the game ‘10 September 1913’,
there was a mysterious assertion that it was played in
‘Carisban, Russia’:
The English and French editions of Alekhine’s first Best
Games book stated that the simultaneous display
consisted of 20 games, which contradicts the reports in Shakhmatny
Vestnik and La Stratégie. Below are the
headings in the various editions of Alekhine’s book, in
chronological order of publication (London, 1927; Moscow
and Leningrad, 1927; Berlin and Leipzig, 1929; The Hague,
1929; Rouen, 1936):
All these books recorded that the game began 1 d4 d5 2
Nf3 Nc6 3 c4 e6 4 Nc3 dxc4 5 e3 Nf6 6 Bxc4, whereas Shakhmatny
Vestnik and Capablanca-Magazine had 1 d4 d5
2 Nf3 Nc6 3 e3 e6 4 c4 dxc4 5 Bxc4 Nf6 6 Nc3. The latter
order is not among the five versions of the game in FatBase
2000, although the CD included 1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6
3 c4 e6 4 Nc3 dxc4 5 e3 Nc6 6 Bxc4.
The lengthiest coverage of Alekhine v Prat that we have
seen is on pages 199-215 of How to Think Ahead in
Chess by I.A. Horowitz and Fred Reinfeld (New York,
1951). The worst treatment is on page 308 of The Games of Alekhine
by Rogelio Caparrós and Peter Lahde (Brentwood, 1992).
Alekhine’s brilliant conclusion beginning with 22 Qh5+ was
not even mentioned:
10043. The Manual
‘Lasker’s Manual has claims to be the most
important chess book ever written.’
Source: C.J.S. Purdy on page 240 of the November 1960 Chess
10044. Le
Lionnais (C.N. 9295)
From the archives of his father, D.J. Morgan, Professor Lord
Morgan (Oxford, England) provides a letter dated 12
September 1945 from François Le Lionnais to T.R. Dawson.
Le Lionnais wrote that on 29 April 1944 he had been
arrested by the Gestapo and deported to Dora, a
concentration camp ‘much worse than Buchenwald’.
T.R. Dawson’s address had changed from 2 Lyndhurst Road,
Thornton Heath to 31 Clyde Road, East Croydon over five
years previously, as announced on page 231 of the July
1940 BCM.
10045. Frederick
Three more portraits by Frederick Orrett submitted by
Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea, England):
Guy Wills Chandler
Godfrey Heathcote
J. Hirst Haywood
From Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore):
‘In today’s Times, page 19 of the second
section, Raymond Keene writes:
“Gordon Cadden’s historical research in the June
issue of the British Chess Magazine (see
yesterday’s column) performs a further service by
correctly establishing not just the correct location
of François-André Philidor’s grave but also the
accurate time of his death, which had previously been
mis-stated as August 24, 1795. In fact, it was August
31 of that year. Cadden’s article contains one
unfortunate error in the caption to the match between
Howard Staunton and Pierre de Saint Amant in Paris,
the contest in which Staunton developed many of
Philidor’s theories. This match, of course, took place
in 1843 not 1834 as given in the article.”
In reality, it has long been common knowledge that
Philidor died on 31 August; C.N. 6005 pointed out that
“there was doubt about the correct date until the
mid-1920s”. George Cadden’s article on pages 357-362
of the June 2016 BCM, an interesting read,
made no claim to have discovered anything new about
the date.
Raymond Keene takes nearly 50 words to point out an
obvious caption error in the BCM, but when
will he correct the many factual blunders which he
himself made in his Times and Sunday
Times columns over a mere four-day period last month?
On 15 June 2016 I wrote a brief
article cataloguing them.’
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
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