Chess Notes
When contacting
by e-mail, correspondents are asked to include
their name and full
postal address and, when providing
information, to quote exact book and magazine sources.
The word ‘chess’ needs to appear in the subject-line
or in the message itself.
8514. Zukertort blindfold display
Hans Renette (Bierbeek, Belgium) has discovered this
illustration on page 376 of Pictorial World, 22
October 1885:
As reported on pages 186-192 of the 28 October 1885 Chess
Player’s Chronicle, page 66 of the November 1885 Chess
Monthly and page 396 of the November 1885 BCM,
Zukertort won four of the eight games, the others being
left unfinished.
Although the above caption gave the date of the display
as 2 October, all three periodicals specified that it took
place the following day. The Chronicle gave all
eight game-scores, and below are Zukertort’s victories:
Johannes Hermann Zukertort – G.L. Brooks
London, 3 October 1885
Vienna Gambit
1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 f4 exf4 4 Nf3 g5 5 h4 g4 6 Ng5 Ne5 7
d4 h6 8 Bxf4 Ng6 9 Nxf7 Kxf7 10 Bc4+ d5 11 Nxd5 Kg7 12
Bxc7 Qe8 13 O-O Be6 14 h5 N8e7 15 hxg6 Nxg6 16 Nf6 Qe7 17
Nh5+ Kh7 18 Bxe6 Qxe6
19 Qxg4 Qxg4 20 Nf6+ Kg7 21 Nxg4 Be7 22 Ne5 Bf6
23 Rxf6 Kxf6 24 Rf1+ Kg7 25 d5 Rac8 26 Nxg6 Kxg6 27 d6
Rh7. The Chronicle now gave ‘28 B to R4 Resigns’.
Johannes Hermann Zukertort – Schlesinger
London, 3 October 1885
King’s Gambit Declined
1 e4 e5 2 f4 Nc6 3 Nf3 Bc5 4 fxe5 d5 5 exd5 Qxd5 6 Nc3
Qd8 7 Bb5 Bd7 8 d4 Bb6 9 Be3 Nce7 10 Bc4 Be6 11 Qe2 Nd5 12
Bg5 Nge7 13 Nxd5 Bxd5 14 Bxd5 Qxd5 15 c4 Qe6 16 c5 Ba5+ 17
Kf2 c6 18 a3 Nd5 19 b4 Bd8 20 Rhf1 Bxg5 21 Nxg5 Qf5+ 22
Nf3 Nf4 23 Qd2 Rd8 24 Kg1 g5
25 Nxg5 Rxd4 26 Qxd4 Ne2+ 27 Kh1 Qxf1+ 28 Rxf1 Nxd4 29
Nxf7 Rf8 30 Nd6+ Ke7 31 Rxf8 Kxf8 32 Nxb7 Nc2 33 Na5 Nd4
34 a4 a6 35 Nc4 Ke7 36 Kg1 Ke6 37 Kf2 Kd5 38 Nb6+ Kxe5 39
Nd7+ Kd5 40 Nb8 a5 41 bxa5 Kxc5 42 Kg3 Kd6
43 Nxc6 Nxc6 and White won.
Johannes Hermann Zukertort – Smith
London, 3 October 1885
Queen’s Pawn Game
1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 f6 3 c4 e6 4 e3 Bb4+ 5 Nc3 Ne7 6 Bd3 O-O 7
O-O Bxc3 8 bxc3 f5 9 Ba3 Rf6 10 Qb3 c6 11 Rad1 Ng6 12 Rfe1
a5 13 cxd5 exd5 14 c4 a4 15 Qc2 Be6 16 Ng5 Bd7 17 cxd5
18 e4 fxe4 19 Bxe4 Bc6 20 Bxg6 Rxg6 21 Be7 Qd7 22 Rd3 h5
23 Rf3 Qxe7 24 Rxe7 Rxg5 25 Rg3 Rxg3 26 hxg3 Resigns.
Johannes Hermann Zukertort – Kimmell
London, 3 October 1885
Evans Gambit Accepted
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bxb4 5 c3 Bc5 6 O-O d6 7
d4 exd4 8 cxd4 Bb6 9 Nc3 Nce7 10 Qb3 Be6 11 Bxe6 fxe6 12
Ng5 Nc6 13 Nxe6 Qd7 14 d5 Na5 15 Qc2 a6 16 Bb2 Nc4 17 Na4
Nxb2 18 Nxb6 cxb6 19 Qxb2 Nf6 20 Qxb6 Kf7 21 Rac1 Rac8 22
f3 h6 23 Rb1 Rb8 24 Rfc1 Rhc8 25 Rxc8 Rxc8
26 Qxb7 Rc1+ 27 Rxc1 Qxb7 28 Nd8+ Ke7 29 Nxb7 Resigns.
From page 147 of the November 1926 American Chess
The comments about Black’s 19th and 22nd moves are
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nf6 4 O-O d6 5 d4 exd4 6 e5
dxe5 7 Nxe5 Bd7 8 Nxd7 Qxd7 9 Re1+ Be7 10 c3 O-O-O 11
Bxc6 bxc6 12 Qa4 Bc5 13 cxd4 Qxd4 14 Qa6+ Kb8 15 Be3 Qb4
16 Na3 Rhe8 17 Nc2 Qb6 18 Qa4 Bxe3 19 Nxe3 Ne4 20 Rac1
Nc5 21 Qa3 Nd3 22 Rc3
22...Qd4 23 Rb3+ Kc8 24 Qa6+ Resigns.
From Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) comes
this item on page 12 of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle,
26 July 1917:
The position was given in C.N. 1108 and, when
reproduced on pages 10-11 of Chess Explorations,
caused Hans Ree to go off the rails on page 81 of the
8/1996 New in Chess.
The source specified in C.N. 1108 was page 313 of the
October 1917 BCM, which took the position from
the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. The newspaper’s
text was also given on page 240 of the November
1917 American Chess Bulletin. See too page 7 of
La Stratégie, January 1918. Furthermore, the
position was discussed extensively on pages 38-39 of
Jeugdschaak by L.G. Eggink and M. Euwe (Lochem,
1950), although White was named as Frank Marshall, and
the position was said to have occurred at the Manhattan
Chess Club in 1907.
In the domain of chess compositions the
manoeuvre leading to mate by a knight on f2 has been
known centuries. Below, for instance, is an extract from
page 8 of Découvertes
le cavalier (aux échecs) by C.F. Jaenisch (St
Petersburg, 1837):
About Lester Keene a comment by William Lombardy on page
268 of the May 1976 Chess Life & Review is
added warily:
‘Long ago there was a player at the Manhattan Chess
Club, Lester Keene by name, who customarily defended the
mate threatened at KR7 simply by playing ...P-KR3!’
The other Janowsky position given in C.N. 1108, and on
page 11 of Chess Explorations, was the
conclusion of a game also played at the Manhattan Chess
Club in July 1917. Below is its appearance on page 147
of the July-August 1917 American Chess Bulletin:
The full game has still not been found.
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) forwards a photograph (New
York, 1893) found at the Cleveland Public Library. It is
reproduced here with permission.
Nicolai Jasnogrodsky and
Adolf Albin
Four-pawn boxes
Jason Childress (Belmont, CA, USA) asks whether a name
exists for the box-like configuration (pawns on b7, c7, b6
and c6) which Nakamura had in his game against Anand in
Zurich on 31 January 2014. No established term is known to
Occasionally the ‘pawn box’ is found on the centre
squares. On page 420 of the November 1974 BCM D.J.
Morgan wrote that ‘pawn squatters have truly taken over in
this position, sent by I.D. Hunnable’ (Pachman v Fischer,
Santiago, 1959). An earlier example is Alekhine v Bešťák,
Plzeň, 1925, a game given on page 239 of the
Skinner/Verhoeven volume on Alekhine.
We recall no occurrence of such a configuration on the
sixth and seventh ranks, although a diagram on page 40 of
Schachjahrbuch 1921 by Ludwig Bachmann (Ansbach,
1923) showed a hypothetical conclusion to the game E.
Wellisch v A. Seitz, Regensburg, 19 August 1921:

The full score as given on pages 39-42 of Bachmann’s
book: 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 Bf5 4 Bd3 Bxd3 5 Qxd3 e6 6 f4
Qb6 7 Nf3 Nd7 8 O-O c5 9 c3 g6 10 Nbd2 h5 11 Ng5 Nh6 12
Ndf3 Nf5 13 Re1 Be7 14 Be3 Kf8 15 Bf2 Kg7 16 Re2 Rac8 17
Rae1 Qa5 18 a3 Qb6 19 h3 cxd4 20 cxd4 h4 21 Kh2 Rc4 22 Rd2
Qa5 23 Red1 Qc7 24 Qe2 Rc1 25 Qe1 Rxd1 26 Rxd1 Rh5 27 Nxh4
Bxg5 28 fxg5 Qc2 29 Rd2 Qb3 30 Nf3 Nb6 31 Qe2 Rh8 32 Rd3
Qb4 33 g4 Ne7 34 Ng1 Qc4 35 Qf3 Nd7 36 Rc3 Qb5 37 Rb3 Qa6
38 Be1 Rc8 39 Qd1 b6 40 Rf3 Qc4 41 Bc3 a5 42 Rf1 Nc6 43
Ne2 Nf8 44 h4 Nh7 45 Rf3 Rh8 46 Kg3 Rc8 47 Nf4 Rc7 48 Nh3
Qa6 49 Nf4 Qc4 50 Ng2 Qa6 51 Kf4 Kf8 52 h5 Ne7 53 Nh4 Kg7
54 Rh3 Qc4 55 Ng2 Qa6 56 Rd3 Qc4 57 Rh3 Qb5 58 Ne3 Qa6 59
Ng2 Qc4 60 Rd3 Qb5 61 Ne1 Nc6 62 Qf3 Ne7 63 Qh3 Qa4 64 Qh2
Qb5 65 Rf3 Qa4 66 Qd2 Qb5 67 Kg3 Nc6 68 Ng2 Ne7 69 Nh4 Qa4
70 Rf6 Ng8 71 hxg6 Nhxf6 72 gxf6+ Kf8 73 g7+ Ke8 74 Qd3
Kd8 75 g5 Qc6 76 g6 Qc4 77 Qxc4 dxc4 78 d5 exd5 79 e6
Resigns. Wellisch: ‘Auf fe folgt natürlich f7 und auf
einen anderen beliebigen Zug, z. B. Ke8 könnte nach ef+
eine Schlussstellung entstehen, die ein Unikum darstellt
und festgehalten zu werden verdient.’
Timothy J. Bogan, (Chicago, IL, USA) comments on three
books which he considers deserving of an English
- Goldene Schachzeiten by M. Vidmar (Berlin,
1961): ‘Vidmar played all the greatest players of
his time in many of the strongest tournaments of the
first half of the twentieth century. A survey of the
chess scene by a participant must be of great
interest to any student of chess history.’
- 34 mal Schachlogik by A. O’Kelly de Galway
(Berlin, 1964): ‘I remember struggling through
parts of this collection of O’Kelly’s postal games
with a German-English dictionary and being very
impressed by the exciting play and by O’Kelly’s
comments about the highest level of chess strategy.’
- Izbrannye partii i vospominanya by G.
Levenfish (Moscow, 1967): ‘Levenfish was one of
the strongest players of his time, scoring victories
over Botvinnik, Lasker, Alekhine, Korchnoi and
Smyslov though rarely traveling abroad. His memoirs
offer much of interest about the Soviet chess scene,
and I find his games fresh and sparkling with
tactics. The text is extensive and the games are
deeply annotated.’
Mr Bogan draws attention to a passage
by O’Kelly on page 32 of 34 mal Schachlogik
concerning Rubinstein’s
later years:
To summarize: During the Second World War and until
Rubinstein’s wife died, O’Kelly played several dozen games
against Rubinstein, some of which featured the
‘Symmetrical Defence’ to the Queen’s Gambit, an opening
which O’Kelly then analysed and played himself. As a
widower, Rubinstein spent his final years in an old
people’s home, no longer using a chess set but regularly
analysing without a board. He remained almost silent, as
if wishing to prepare himself for death.
A position to ponder:
White to move
8523. Early rook moves
C.N. 1745 (see page 101 of Chess Explorations)
mentioned a game which began 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 Rg8. A worthy
addition is ‘Duffre’s Defence’, which appeared in a
satirical article by R.J. French, ‘Game Preserving’, on
pages 27-28 of the October 1922 Chess Amateur: 1
e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Rg1.
Avital Pilpel (Haifa, Israel) refers to
an article
Mark Dvoretsky at the Chess Café (January 2004)
which quoted from Levenfish’s memoirs with regard to
Carlsbad, 1911:
‘A notable performance was given by young Rotlewi, who
defeated powerful opposition, including Schlechter,
Nimzowitsch, Marshall and Spielmann, in grand style.
After the 17th round, Rotlewi shared the lead with
Teichmann and Schlechter, a point and a half ahead of
their nearest rival, Rubinstein. Whispers began to be
heard among the representatives of the chess press, and
an interview appeared with this new rising “star”.
Rotlewi’s family was very poor; his clothes were clear
testimony to this unfortunate fact. City Councilman
Tietz was upset. Imagine – a prizewinner of the Carlsbad
tournament, appearing in pants which were quite
evidently those of a younger brother! Tietz gave Rotlewi
an advance against his prize, and suggested he buy some
new clothes. The next day, Rotlewi arrived in a new suit
and patent-leather shoes. With the jingle of kroner in
his pocket, he was unrecognizable.
But Tietz had done Rotlewi no favor. Having become a
dandy, the latter now partook of the pleasures of spa
life, and grew unfit for serious chess. In the latter
part of the tournament, Rotlewi suffered several losses,
ending up in fourth place.
Soon after the tournament ended, Rotlewi fell prey to
depression. Thus ended the chess career of a most
talented master.’
Mr Pilpel asks whether this account can be substantiated
from other sources.
Below is the original of Levenfish’s remarks, from page
30 of his book Izbrannye partii i vospominanya
(Moscow, 1967):
In the final paragraph the Russian text indicates that
Rotlewi fell prey to ‘a mental disorder’ rather than
Finally, a detail of Rotlewi from the Carlsbad, 1911
group photograph on pages 304-305 of the September-October
1911 Wiener Schachzeitung:
8525. Einstein
C.N.s 3533, 3667, 3691 and 4133 have touched on a game
labelled Einstein v Oppenheimer. No evidence has been
found that Albert Einstein had anything to do with it.
Over a century ago a player named B. Einstein was
occasionally mentioned in chess literature. From page 273
of the September 1910 Deutsche Schachzeitung:
The reference in the caption ‘nicht V.M. in
Barcelona’ indicated that Black was Dr V. Marín of
Valencia, and not Valentín Marín y Llovet of Barcelona.
The game below was published on pages 13-14 of the
January 1911 Deutsche Schachzeitung. Neither
player had sight of the board.
B. Einstein – W. Ahrens
Valencia, October 1910
Giuoco Piano
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 O-O d6 5 h3 Nf6 6 c3 O-O 7
d4 exd4 8 cxd4 Bb6 9 Nc3 Kh8 10 a3 Nh5 11 Ng5 g6 12 Nxf7+
Rxf7 13 Bxf7 Qf6 14 Bb3 Bd7 15 e5 dxe5 16 dxe5 Nxe5 17 Nd5
Qc6 18 Re1 Rf8 19 Nxb6 Qxb6 20 Rxe5 Qxf2+ 21 Kh1 Ng3+ 22
Kh2 Nf1+
23 Qxf1 Qxf1 24 Bd2 Qxa1 25 Bc3 Rf6
26 Re1 Resigns.
Chess authors often write fiction, but
Jeremy Silman has done so intentionally with a novel, Autobiography
Goat (Los Angeles, 2013):
From page 16 of The Book of the Second Annual
Chess Congress Hyères, 1926 (Hyères, 1926):
Information is sought about, in particular, the ‘F’
problem. Where had it appeared previously?
8528. Convict, vagabond and chessplayer
Our latest feature article
discusses a strong chessplayer who was sentenced to death,
had his sentence commuted to life imprisonment, eventually
secured release and became a vagabond and author. The
article includes his account of playing against Sir George
Thomas when the latter visited Parkhurst Prison in 1935 to
give a simultaneous display.
8529. Christian Hesse
C.N.s 7083, 8276 and 8319
drew attention to Christian Hesse’s inaccurate plundering
of our work, and in C.N. 8276 we commented:
‘Naturally, other writers and researchers are also the
victims of Hesse’s unconscionable approach.’
An entry dated 13 December 2013 in Tim Krabbé’s Open
Chess Diary:
‘It’s about time Mr Christian Hesse (ChessBase, books)
wrote something he couldn’t first have read in my work.’
An article which Hesse somehow managed to have posted by
ChessBase on 13 September 2013 still contains, even today,
the blunders pointed out at the time in C.N. 8276,
including the following:
George Alcock MacDonnell died in 1899.
On pages 52-53 of the 1/2014 New in Chess Nigel
Short writes about rapid chess (defined in the article
as games with ‘approximately half an hour per player’).
The final paragraph:
‘In recent years, publishers have commissioned
biographies of ever-more obscure, peripheral chess
figures. I have read the weighty McFarland hardback of
Albert Beauregard Hodges from beginning to end and I
still can’t tell you anything about him. Quite
possibly this is because I am a philistine, or an
amnesiac, but the alternative explanation is that
Hodges’ life is not an inherently interesting subject.
Far better would be for some proper researcher to
examine the enormous wealth of material on rapid chess
and write its definitive history. With luck, this
briefest of sketches may serve as a catalyst.’
A book on such a topic (ideally, on all
forms of fast chess)
could certainly be an excellent addition to the thematic
chess books of McFarland
Inc., which include Blindfold Chess by E.
Hearst and J. Knott (2009) and, alas, Women in Chess
by J. Graham (1987), although not much else. Chess prodigies is
another subject which would lend itself to the McFarland
As regards biographical works, a number of world
champions and other leading players have been covered by
McFarland authors, and some books, such as Reuben Fine
by A. Woodger (2004), have been strangely neglected.
Comprehensive, academic volumes on figures like Euwe and
Fischer would be highly desirable additions, as would
English translations of the large volumes on, for
instance, Tarrasch and Janowsky currently available only
in German, as mentioned in C.N. 6803.
McFarland’s biographical tomes also feature many
relatively unfamiliar masters (of whom Hodges is not the
least familiar), and they are particularly welcome when,
as is customarily the practice, they deal too with the
overall chess context of the subject’s period and
locality. For example, our Foreword
to The Tragic Life and Short Chess Career of James A.
Leonard, 1841-1862 by John S. Hilbert (2006)
‘Yet while Leonard remains the focus of attention in
these pages, the broader tableau of US chess in the
early 1860s is also ably presented. So too is the agony
of the Civil War, which cost Leonard his life.’
Writing such books demands much skill, to blend the
proper level of documentary detail about the master (not
an indiscriminate deluge) with a satisfying overview of
the context (not simplistic waffle about geopolitics).
In certain areas McFarland needs to show considerably
more rigour (in its choice of chess authors and in how it
processes some books), but its catalogue continues to grow
impressively. We hope to see many new books in all three
categories mentioned above, i.e. on the world’s leading
players, on unsung figures and on thematic topics.
8531. Karl Portius
Fabrizio Zavatarelli (Milan, Italy) has found a picture
of the chess author Karl Julius Simon Portius (1797-1862)
on page 354 of the Illustrirte Zeitung, 24 May
From Robert John McCrary (Columbia, SC, USA):
‘The “American Chess Code”, published in 1897 and
the same as the “British Chess Code” published
shortly beforehand, contains on page 24 the earliest
official definition of a knight’s move in a Code
that I have seen. It states that a square is
commanded by a knight ...
“... when that square and the square on
which the knight stands are as near to each other as,
without being of the same rank or file or diagonal, it
is possible for two squares to be ...”
This appears to be an official definition that is
essentially the same as saying that the knight moves
to the nearest square that cannot be commanded by a
We add another explanation of the knight’s move, from page 19
of First Book of Chess by I.A. Horowitz and Fred
Reinfeld (New York, 1952):
‘“The old one-two” is the phrase that aptly describes
the knight’s move. Each knight move is a combination of
one square and two squares:
(a) one square “North” or “South”; then two squares
“East” or “West”.
(b) one square “East” or “West”; then two squares
“North” or “South”.’
A royal
walkabout submitted by Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New
York, NY, USA):
J.W. White – Sidney Miller Ballou
Fourth match-game, Honolulu, 24 October 1910
King’s Gambit Accepted
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5 4 Bc4 g4 5 Ne5 Qh4+ 6 Kf1 f3 7
g3 Qh3+ 8 Kf2 Qg2+ 9 Ke3 Bh6+ 10 Kd3 Nf6 11 Nxf7 Nc6 12
Nxh6 f2 13 Kc3 Nxe4+ 14 Kb3 Nd4+ 15 Ka3
15...b5 16 Bd5 b4+ 17 Kxb4 Rb8+ 18 Kc4 c5 19 Kd3 Bb7 20
Bxb7 Rxb7 21 Nxg4 O-O 22 Ne3 Rf3 23 Kxe4 d5+ 24 Kd3 c4+ 25
25...Rf4+ 26 gxf4 Qe4+ 27 Kc3 d4+ 28 Kxc4 d3+ 29 Kc5
Rc7+ 30 Kd6 Rc6+ 31 Kd7 Qe6+ 32 Kd8 Rc8 mate.
Source: Hawaiian Star, 25 October 1910, page 6:
8534. Three pawns against a knight
(C.N.s 8516 & 8522)
The position in C.N. 8522 arose in a game between Riley
and Russ at the British championship in Felixstowe in
August 1949 and was published on page 296 of the September
1949 BCM:
It also appeared on page 18 of the October 1949 CHESS:
We should like to have the players’ full names. Page 311
of the September 1949 BCM had D.E.A. Riley and
V.J.A. Russ, whereas page 17 of the October 1949 CHESS
gave B.E.A. Riley and V.T.A. Russ. The BCM version
is supported by page 8 of The Times, 8 August
1949, but we note references to ‘V.T.A. Russ’ on page 342
of the September 1929 BCM, in a report on that
year’s British Chess Federation Congress in Ramsgate:
Page 270 of the June 1928 Chess Amateur reported
that the Mocatta Cup had been won by ‘V.J.A. Russ’, which
was also the name used by Golombek on page 10 of The
Times, 9 April 1977 when discussing the pain of
losing in Ramsgate:
Golombek (whose reference to ‘nearly 40 years
ago’ is a typo or miscalculation) also mentioned ‘Russ’s
quiet, almost timid, satisfaction with the beauty of his
combination’. Can the game-score be found?
From page 37 of the 5/1999 New in Chess:
The Serper v Nikolaidis game-score not
having appeared in New in Chess, we gave it on
page 97 of the following issue (C.N. 2312).
This photograph of Paul Limbos was published opposite
page 376 of L’Echiquier, September 1929. As
mentioned on page 402 of the same issue, he was aged 15
at the time:
1 b4 d5 2 Bb2 Bf5 3 Nf3 e6 4 a3 Nf6 5 d3 c5 6 bxc5 Bxc5
7 e3 Nc6 8 Nbd2 h6 9 Be2 O-O 10 O-O Re8 11 Nb3 Be7 12
Ra2 Qc7 13 Qa1 Red8 14 Rc1 Rac8 15 Nbd4 Nxd4 16 Bxd4 Ne8
17 c4 Qb8 18 Rac2 dxc4 19 Rxc4 Bf6 20 Qc3 Nd6 21 Bxf6
Rxc4 22 dxc4 Ne4 23 Qe5 Nxf6 24 Qxb8 Rxb8 Drawn.
There was a section about Limbos on
pages 169-177 of Histoire des maîtres belges by
Michel Wasnair and Michel Jadoul (1988). Pages 174-175
reproduced an article by him entitled ‘Ma rencontre
avec Humphrey Bogart’ which related that one
evening in 1951 in Stanleyville, during the shooting of
The African Queen, he played a number of games
with the actor, for small stakes. After midnight, Limbos
reported, he had won 17 dollars, having lost no games
but drawing two or three (‘pour “ménager le client”,
comme aurait dit O’Kelly’). That evening, Bogart drank seven or
eight glasses of whisky, merely part of his daily ration,
and smoked continuously. His favourite openings were the
Giuoco Piano and Scotch Game as White, and the French
Defence as Black.
The book by Wasnair and Jadoul gave, on pages 174-175, a
22-move victory by Limbos against Bogart (a French
Defence), with notes by Limbos.
The game has become well known, but Luc Winants (Boirs,
Belgium) informs us that it has nothing to do with
Humphrey Bogart:
‘I knew Paul Limbos quite well as we both played
for the first team of the Cercle des échecs
d’Anderlecht. Some time before his death, he made sure
that Michel Jadoul would receive his early
score-sheets and notebooks, dating from the late 1920s
and early 1930s. A decade later, however, Jadoul
considered that the documents would be safer in my
hands, and I am therefore able to say that the game
attributed to Humphrey Bogart was not played by him.
In fact, it is the game Limbos v Klausner, played
on board five in a match between the chess clubs of Le
Cygne (Brussels) and Maccabi (Antwerp) on 7 July 1929.
This is proven by the original score-sheet, as well as
by Limbos’ personal notebook, in which
he rewrote his games. The final move was 22 Qh6+, and
not 22 h4 as given in the book.
I also have the complete result of the match, as
published by Edmond Lancel in La Nation Belge,
19 July 1929:
Why Limbos gave this game as played against Bogart
is a mystery to me. Limbos certainly did not need the
publicity, and I know that he disliked forgeries. He
had a great passion for chess, and was a doctor and
scientist of distinction, as well as being a very
kindly man.’
Concerning lengthy reflection at the board,
is it true that after Nimzowitsch played 1 b3 against
Sämisch at Carlsbad, 1929, Black thought for 40 minutes?
Such a suggestion was made on page 4 of the Sunday
Times, 17 November 1929:
8538. Alekhine and alcohol
Jeremy Silman (Los Angeles, CA, USA) wishes to know the
truth about suggestions that Alekhine was found drunk in a
field during his 1935 world championship match against
The Factfinder has
an entry for ‘Alekhine, Alexander (alcohol)’, and further
citations will be appreciated, after which all available
documentation will be drawn together in a feature article.
The word documentation is stressed; frequently elsewhere
the subject is treated merely as good for a gossip and a
Dan Scoones (Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada) writes:
‘In your feature article on
Fischer’s column in Boys’ Life, two obscure
Soviet games are cited, Cherskikh-Cherepkov and
Lipman-Zolotonos, and I have looked up the original
sources, on page 342 of the 11/1965 issue of Shakhmatny
Bulletin and on page 10 of the 4/1969 issue of Shakhmaty
(Boys’ Life, June 1967) was played in the
semi-final of the 1965 Trade Union Championship. I
believe that the venue was Moscow but have not been
able to confirm this.
K. Cherskikh (whose forename may have been
Konstantin) finished near the bottom in the 35th USSR
Championship at Kharkov in 1967, the large Swiss event
won by Tal and Polugayevsky. In 1965 Alexander
Cherepkov was already a well-known master, and the “sic”
with reference to his surname is not required.
(Boys’ Life, August 1969) was played in the
1968 DSO Team Championship in Riga. This event is
incorrectly cited by a ChessBase database as the USSR
Team Championship, but it is given correctly by
RusBase. Vladimir Lipman was born in the Soviet Union
in 1949 but seems to have emigrated to the United
States sometime before 2002. His opponent, Leonid
Zolotonos, is an obscure figure, and there are no
games of his after 1973 in the standard databases.
Despite the obscurity of the players, it is natural
that Fischer would be interested in the game because
it featured his own pet variation against the Sicilian
Luc Winants (Boirs, Belgium) draws
attention to an Ajedrez
webpage offering rich material on Barcelona, 1929.
Wanted: information about a game published by Fred
Reinfeld on pages 42-43 of Relax with Chess (New
York, 1948):
1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 Bc4 d6 5 Qb3 Qf6 6 Nxc3
c6 7 Nf3 Nd7 8 Bg5 Qg6 9 h4 h5 10 O-O-O Nc5 11 Qb4 d5 12
Bxd5 Nd3+ 13 Rxd3 Bxb4 14 Bxf7+ Kxf7 15 Ne5+ Ke6 16 Nxg6
Rh7 17 f4 Nf6 18 f5+ Kf7 19 Rd8 b5 20 Rhd1 Resigns.
We have seen the game in a database with a different
move-order (1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 Nxc3 d6 5 Qb3
c6 6 Bc4 Qf6).
8542. Riley v Russ (C.N. 8534)
From John Saunders (Kingston-upon-Thames, England):
‘In C.N. 8534 you requested full names for Messrs
Riley and Russ.
Douglas Eric Arnold Riley
Born 11 May 1912 (Croydon, Surrey)
Died circa June 1978 (Chiltern and
Sources for the above: (BMD) and 1930s
electoral register records.
Riley was the 1954 Ulster Champion, and a photograph
of him is available on-line.
He seems to have been resident in the Brixton and
Kennington area in the 1930s.
Victor John Anthony Russ
Born 2 January 1905 (Brentford, Middlesex)
Died 6 May 1985 (Yorkshire).
Sources for the above: (BMD/Census) and
a Russ
family website. Photographs
V.J.A. Russ are also available on-line.
Russ seems to have lived in Harrogate, Yorkshire
from about 1964; telephone directories indicate that
he was previously resident in Formby, Lancashire. The
obituary in the BCM (August 1985, page 345)
“Another former Lancashire Champion V.J.A. Russ died
recently at the age of 80. He was associated with the
Leicester club in the post-War period when they were
so formidable a side in the National Club Championship
and had retired to Harrogate.”
Russ won the Leicestershire
Championship in 1949 and 1950. In addition to
the 1949 event, he played in the British Championship
in 1952 and 1953, scoring 6/11 in 1952, and won the
Lancashire Championship in 1960 (BCM, July
1960, page 198). In 1962 he represented Lancashire but
by 1964 he was playing for Yorkshire in county chess.’
Olimpiu G. Urcan (Singapore) submits a photograph of
(from left to right) Renato Naranja, Rosendo Balinas and
Florencio Campomanes:
Occasion/venue: Pesta Merdeka, Third Festival
Championship of the Singapore Chess Federation, held at
the Singapore Polytechnic on 10-20 August 1967. The
photograph comes from the official tournament souvenir
John Blackstone (Las Vegas, NV, USA) has found that the
game discussed in C.N. 8541 is the second of two
victories by Solomon Rubinstein published by Hermann
Helms on page 9 of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 6
May 1906:
The Meyer v Rubinstein game (1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4
cxd4 4 Nxd4 g6 5 Be3 Bg7 6 c4 d6 7 Nc3 Nf6 8 Be2 Bd7 9
O-O Nxd4 10 Bxd4 Bc6 11 f3 O-O 12 b4 b6 13 a4 a5 14 b5
Bb7 15 Rc1 Nd7 16 Bf2 Qc7 17 Nd5 Bxd5 18 cxd5 Nc5 19
Bxc5 dxc5 20 f4 Rac8 21 e5 f6 22 Bc4 Kh8 23 e6 f5 24 h4
Bd4+ 25 Kh1 Rf6 26 h5 gxh5 27 Qxh5 Qd8 28 Rf3 Qf8 29 Rh3
Qg7 30 Rc2 Rg6 31 Bd3 Be3 32 Qxf5 Qa1+ 33 White resigns)
is of relevance to the discussion on the origins of the
Maróczy Bind on pages 147-148 of Kings, Commoners
and Knaves.
The Maróczy Bind
Further to C.N. 8544, Mr Blackstone sends the Maróczy v
Voigt exhibition game mentioned by the Brooklyn Daily
Eagle, from the supplement section of the Los
Angeles Herald, 29 April 1906:
Géza Maróczy – Hermann G. Voigt
Philadelphia, 1906
Sicilian Defence
1 e4 c5 2 d4 cxd4 3 Nf3 g6 4 Nxd4 Bg7 5 c4 Nf6 6 Nc3 d6 7
Be2 O-O 8 Be3 Bd7 9 O-O Nc6 10 h3 Nxd4 11 Bxd4 Bc6 12 Bf3
Re8 13 b4 b6 14 a4 Rc8 15 a5 Qc7 16 axb6 axb6 17 Ra6 Nd7
18 Bxg7 Kxg7 19 Qa1 Ne5 20 Ra7 Qd8 21 Be2 Bd7 22 Nd5 Kg8
23 Rc1 e6 24 Ne3 h5 25 b5 Qh4 26 Rd1 Qf4 27 g3 Qh6 28 Rxd6
We add that brief notes by Maróczy were published on page
76 of the April 1906 American Chess Bulletin.
After 5 c4 he wrote:
‘This continuation has been emphatically recommended by
me. P-Q4 is no longer possible to Black and he obtains a
cramped game.’
From pages 138-139 of the February 1923 Chess
Amateur, at the end of the well-known simultaneous
game Capablanca v Santasiere, New York, 1922:
‘A game which the chessplayer will no doubt read,
mark, learn and inwardly digest. White’s moves make
one harmonious whole, and there is not a jarring
This is reminiscent of a remark by David Hooper and
Dale Brandreth about Capablanca v Germann, Miller and
Skillicorn, London, 1920 on page 93 of The Unknown
Capablanca (London, 1975):
‘This is one of those “inevitable” games so typical
of Capablanca’s style: he seems to win without his
opponent’s having made any perceptible error; he
achieves an illusion of continuity, whereas it is
self-evident that chess is a series of separate
From page 3 of the October 1949 CHESS:
Larger version
The key is an errata slip inserted by the magazine over
the list originally printed.
The conclusion of a review of Nimzowitsch’s My
System contributed by T.R. Dawson on pages 29-30
of the November 1929 Chess Amateur:
‘The book is got up in Bell’s usual good style and is
free from any great number of obvious errors. The
translator shows an ignorance of many well-known
technical terms, but that may even be an advantage for
the average British player.’
8549. Harold Meyer Phillips (C.N.s 8541
& 8544)
From page 227 of the November 1906 American Chess
Below is a brief extract from an article ‘Some Chess
Celebrities Whom I Have Met’ by Rhoda A. Bowles on pages
23-27 of The Year-Book of Chess, 1907 by E.A.
Michell (London, 1907):
‘Dr Lasker has also helped me considerably, and I
well remember the first, and lasting, advice he gave
me: “Attack always, and go on attacking. Never mind if
you lose a game or two, you will benefit by these
losses. Set yourself to learn a lesson from each, so
that you may not lose in the same way again, and by
degrees you will become stronger, and your attacking
tactics will assist you greatly.”’
For Rhoda A. Bowles’s reminiscences of
Steinitz, see Steinitz v von
An addition concerning that notably
complex mystery, The
Consultation Game That Never Was:
Source: Schachjahrbuch für 1909 by Ludwig
Bachmann (Ansbach, 1909), pages 79-80. A correction on
page 215 stated that the game did not involve Janowsky,
Lasker and Taubenhaus:
Most of the research into this game which has been
presented so far was undertaken before newspapers and
other publications became available on-line. Can readers
find further particulars now?
8552. An alleged Morphy episode
Jerry Spinrad (Nashville, TN, USA) forwards a report
published on page 11 of Der deutsche Correspondent
(Baltimore), 16 August 1884 which had previously appeared
in Bahn Frei:
Mr Spinrad comments:
‘This report confirms that the Bennecke who played
Morphy at the Union Club was H. Bennecke, who was
later the chess editor of Bahn Frei, and not
his brother L. Bennecke, who was also a club member
and later a minor problem composer. It is also the
only instance I know of where an opponent claimed that
Morphy did anything distracting during play.’
Our correspondent seeks clarification of the meaning of
Morphy’s alleged remark about taking the queen, as quoted
in the report. It is indeed obscure, to say the least, and
we should like to find the original report in Bahn
Frei before embarking upon any detailed discussion
of the episode.
Mate in two
Page 69 of The Personality of Chess by I.A.
Horowitz and P.L. Rothenberg (New York, 1963) labelled
this problem a ‘masterpiece’, and page 118 commented:
‘In all respects, this pawnless wonder is one of the
great achievements in problem composition.’ The May-June
1945 American Chess Bulletin, page 74, described
it as ‘the most economical rendering possible to make of
the American Indian theme’.
The problem, by Eric M. Hassberg, first appeared in
H.R. Bigelow’s chess column on page 15 of the New
York Post, 21 April 1945, with this introduction:
‘Dedicated to the memory of our late President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The composer, originally a
native of Vienna, had just received the glad tidings
of the liberation of his home town, but his joy was
turned to sadness when the President’s sudden passing
was announced a few moments later.’
It was also the first problem in Hassberg
Ingenuity by Edgar Holladay (Rockford, 1978). From
our copy:
8554. Eugène Chatard (C.N. 8470)
Page 211 of Traité du jeu des échecs by Jean
Taubenhaus (Paris, 1910):
Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) sends five
games which illustrate Eugène Chatard’s play and, in
particular, his liking for unusual openings:
Samuel Rosenthal – Eugène Chatard
Simultaneous display (30 boards), Paris, 19 February
Centre Counter Game
1 e4 d5 2 exd5 c6 (Rosenthal: ‘Le sacrifice du pion
est dangereux, cependant M. Chatard inventeur de cette
variante du contre Gambit du Centre l’a pratiquée avec
succès contre de forts amateurs. En tout cas il a eu
raison de la jouer contre nous, car il complique la
position et nous ne pouvions rester plus d’une minute
pour réfléchir.’) 3 dxc6 e5 4 Nc3 Bc5 5 Nf3 Nxc6 6
Bc4 Nf6 7 d3 O-O 8 O-O Bg4 9 Be3 Nd4 10 Bxd4 exd4 11 Ne4
Rc8 12 Ng3 Nd5 13 h3 Be6 14 Ne4 Bb6 15 Nfg5 h6 16 Nxe6
fxe6 17 Qg4 Qd7 18 Rae1 Kh8 19 Ng3 Rce8 20 Nh5 Re7 21 Bxd5
Qxd5 22 Nf4 Rxf4 23 Qxf4 Bc5 24 a3 e5 25 Qf5 Bd6 26 Re4
Rf7 27 Qg6 Rf6 28 Qe8+ Kh7 29 Rfe1 Re6 30 Qh5 g6 31 Qf3
Kg7 32 Qg4 h5
33 Rxd4 hxg4 34 Rxd5 gxh3 35 gxh3 Kf7 36 Kg2 Kf6 37 Re4
g5 38 d4 and Black resigned about ten moves later.
Sources, with comments by Rosenthal: Le Monde
Illustré, 5 March 1887 and La Stratégie, 15
April 1887, pages 118-119.
Eugène Chatard and Edouard Pape – Lemarchand and L.
Paris, 12 April 1902
French Defence
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bg5 Be7 5 e5 Nfd7 6 h4 c5 7
Nb5 f6
8 Bh6 Qa5+ 9 b4 cxb4 10 Bxg7 b3+ 11 Qd2 b2 12 Rb1 Qxd2+
13 Kxd2 Rg8 14 Nc7+ Kf7 15 exf6 Bd6 16 Nxa8 Nc6 17 Nf3
Nxf6 18 Bxf6 Kxf6 19 Rxb2 e5 20 dxe5+ Nxe5 21 Nxe5 Bxe5 22
Rb3 Bf5 23 Rxb7 Bf4+ 24 Kd1 Rc8
25 Bd3 Bxd3 26 cxd3 Rc1+ 27 Ke2 Rxh1 28 Rxa7 Ra1 29 Nb6
Ke6 30 Ra6 d4 31 Nc4+ Kd5 32 Ra5+ Ke6 33 g3 Bb8 34 a3 Rb1
35 Ra6+ Kf5 36 Rb6 Rxb6 37 Nxb6 Kg4 38 a4 Kf5 39 Kf3 h5 40
a5 Bc7 41 Nc4 Bb8 42 a6 Resigns.
Source: with comments by Taubenhaus: La Stratégie,
20 June 1902, pages 182-183. A briefer set of notes by
Taubenhaus was reproduced in Les Cahiers de
L’Echiquier Français, issue 37 (September-October
1933), pages 152-153.
Mr Thimognier adds a remark by Arnous de Rivière about
the 6 h4 gambit in L’Echo de Paris, 15 July 1901:
‘... il se présente un coup nouveau P4TR, imaginé
récemment par M. Chatard; coup plus ingénieux que
correct, amenant des positions intéressantes ...’
Eugène Chatard – William Ewart Napier
Paris, 4 July 1902
Bird’s Opening
1 f4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 Qxd4 Nc6 4 Qd1 Nf6 5 Nc3 d5 6 e3 Bc5
7 Na4 Bb4+ 8 c3 Bd6 9 Bb5 O-O 10 b3 Ne7 11 Be2 Bd7 12 Nb2
Ne4 13 Qc2 Nf5 14 Nf3 Bc5 15 Nd1 Qe7 16 Bd3 Rad8 17 O-O
Rfe8 18 Bxe4 dxe4 19 Nd4 Nh4 20 Qf2 Bd6 21 Bb2 c5 22 Ne2
c4 23 Nd4 Rc8 24 b4 Nf5 25 a3 b5 26 Qd2 Nh6 27 Nf2 f5 28
Rad1 Nf7 29 h3 g5 30 g3 gxf4 31 gxf4 Kh8 32 Kh1 Rg8 33 Rg1
Qf6 34 Ne2 Rcd8 35 Qd4 Qxd4 36 cxd4 h6 37 d5+ Kh7 38 Ng3
Be7 39 Nh5 Bc8 40 Bf6 Rxg1+ 41 Rxg1 Bxf6 42 Nxf6+ Kh8 43
Nd1 Bb7 44 Nc3 a6 45 h4 Rf8
46 Rg6 Rd8 47 Kg1 Ba8 48 Kf2 Bb7 49 Ke1 Ba8 50 Kd1 Bb7
51 Kc1 Ba8 52 Kb2 Bb7 53 a4 Ba8 54 axb5 axb5 55 Nxb5 Bxd5
56 Nd4 Bb7 57 Nxf5 Bc8 58 Nd4 Nd6 59 Nc6 Rf8 60 Nd7 Bxd7
61 Rxh6+ Kg7 62 Rxd6 Bc8 63 b5 Rh8 64 Rd8 Rxd8 65 Nxd8 Kh6
66 b6 Kh5 67 b7 Bxb7 68 Nxb7 Resigns.
Source: L’Echo de Paris, 8 September 1902.
Another game between the two players, won by Napier with
the Queen’s Gambit Declined, is given on pages 156-157 of
Napier The Forgotten Chessmaster by John S. Hilbert
(Yorklyn, 1997).
Eugène Chatard and Henri Delaire – Arnous de
Paris, 1903
King’s Gambit Accepted (Chatard Gambit)
1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5 4 g3 d5 5 Qe2 Be7 6 Ne5 Nc6 7
Qb5 Qd6 8 d4 a6 9 Qa4 Nf6 10 Nxc6 Bd7
11 Bb5 Bxc6 12 Bxc6+ bxc6 13 e5 Qe6 14 Nc3 O-O 15 Bd2
Nh5 16 Ne2 c5 17 O-O cxd4 18 Nxd4 Qb6 19 Ba5 Qg6 20 g4 Ng7
21 h3 Rfb8 22 Rae1 Bc5 23 Bc3 Ne6 24 Kg2 Bxd4 25 Bxd4 c5
26 Bg1 Rxb2 27 Re2 d4 28 Qc6 Rd8 29 Qf3 Rxa2 30 Rff2
30...c4 31 h4 d3 32 cxd3 Rxe2 33 Qxe2 Rxd3 34 Bh2 Nd4 35
h5 Qc6+ 36 White resigns.
Source: L’Echo de Paris, 28 September 1903.
Eugène Chatard – Wladimir Bienstock
Paris (Championnat de l’Union Amicale des Amateurs de la
Régence), 27 October 1917
Blackmar Gambit
1 d4 d5 2 e4 (Taubenhaus: ‘Imaginé en 1884 par
l’américain A.E. Blackmar, de la Nouvelle-Orléans, ce
coup a pour but, si P pr PR, de sacrifier un second pion
par 3 P.3FR et d’en retirer un développement rapide.’)
2 ...dxe4 3 c4 (‘Cette continuation nouvelle appartient
à M. Chatard qui la traite plaisamment de gambit du
centre-gauche; elle semble correcte puisque les Blancs
se développent plus aisément qu’avec la suite de
Blackmar P.3FR.’) 3...e6 4 Nc3 f5 5 Nge2 Nf6 6 Be3
Bb4 7 Qa4+ Nc6
8 d5 exd5 9 O-O-O O-O 10 Nxd5 Bd6 11 c5 Nxd5 12 Rxd5 Be6
13 Rd1 Rc8 14 cxd6 cxd6 15 Kb1 a6 16 Nf4 Bf7 17 Bc4 b5 18
Bxf7+ Rxf7 19 Qb3 Na5 20 Qe6 Nc4 21 Bc1 Rb8 22 b3 Qa5 23
Nd5 Kf8 24 Bb2 Nd2+ 25 Rxd2 Resigns.
Source, with comments by Taubenhaus: La Stratégie,
November 1917, pages 322-323. Only the first two notes are
given above.
8555. 6 h4 in the French Defence
Further to the consultation game given in C.N. 8554 which
involved Eugène Chatard and began 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3
Nf6 4 Bg5 Be7 5 e5 Nfd7 6 h4, we offer some historical
notes on this opening, which was first mentioned in C.N.
The most famous occurrence is in Alekhine v Fahrni,
Mannheim, 1914, which is game 31 in Alekhine’s first
volume of Best Games. He awarded 6 h4 an
exclamation mark and commented:
‘This energetic move has been especially played in
off-hand games by the ingenious Paris amateur, M. Eugène
Chatard, and previously by the Viennese master, A.
It was during the present game that it was introduced
for the first time in a Master Tournament.’
Alekhine’s note in Deux cents parties d’échecs
(Rouen, 1936) was different:
‘Ce coup énergétique a été essayé depuis de longues
années dans de nombreuses parties légères par
l’amateur français Chatard. Le maître viennois A.
Albin l’a aussi adopté dans deux parties vers 1900.
Mais c’est dans la partie ci-jointe que le coup 6
h2-h4 a obtenu sa consécration internationale.’
It is unclear why Alekhine referred to two games played
by Albin circa 1900, but Albin’s 89-move draw
against Adolf Csánk at Vienna, 1890 is familiar nowadays
and remains the earliest known example of 6 h4. After that
move Warren H. Goldman wrote on page 89 of Vienna 1890
(Bamberg, 1983):
‘Familiar to present day players as the
Alekhine-Chatard (Albin) Attack – but unknown as a
separate and distinct variation in 1890!’
The game between Albin and Csánk, played in January 1890,
was published on pages 95-97 of Deutsches Wochenschach,
16 March 1890 with notes by Caro and Csánk, but it was not
the opening’s only appearance in the German magazine that
year. Pages 395-396 of the 23 November 1890 issue had the
following match-game, with notes by the winner:
Jakob Bendiner – Ignatz von Popiel
Vienna (Neue Wiener Schachklub), 4 February 1890
French Defence
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bg5 Be7 5 e5 Nfd7 6 h4 h6 7
Qh5 c5 8 Nb5 Qa5+ 9 Bd2 Qb6 10 Qg4 g6 11 h5 g5 12 a4 cxd4
13 Nf3 Nc6 14 a5 Qd8 15 Qg3 a6 16 Nbxd4 Ndxe5 17 Nxc6 Nxc6
18 Bc3
18...Bd6 19 Qg4 e5 20 Qa4 d4 21 Bd2 Bd7 22 Qb3 e4 23 Ng1
Qc7 24 Nh3 g4 25 Ng1 g3 26 f3 e3 27 Bxe3 dxe3 28 Qxe3+ Be6
29 Bc4 O-O-O 30 Bxe6+ fxe6 31 Ne2 Bb4+ 32 c3 Bxa5 33 Rh4
Bb6 34 Qxe6+ Kb8 35 Re4 Bf2+ 36 Kf1 Rd2 37 c4 Rhd8 38 Nc3
Nd4 39 b4 Nxe6 40 White resigns.
In the game heading, and elsewhere in the magazine
although not in the index, White was identified as ‘S.
Bendiner’s use of the move has seldom been noted, but
even Albin’s involvement has often been overlooked, an
example being on page 70 of Jacques Mieses’ Ergänzungsheft
to the Handbuch des Schachspiels (Berlin and
Leipzig, 1923), which had this note about 6 h4:
‘Von dem Franzosen Chatard stammend und von Aljechin
in die Turnierpraxis eingeführt (Mannheim 1914).’
Later openings manuals often mentioned Albin, although
not always accurately. Below is the first paragraph of the
section on the ‘Albin-Chatard-Alekhine Attack’ on page 292
of Chess Openings Theory and Practice by I.A.
Horowitz (New York, 1964):
‘This interesting continuation was first tested in the
game Albin-Csank, Vienna 1897. Later, the move was
investigated by the Parisian, Chatard, but it gained
popularity only after Alekhine’s repeated adoption.
Today this line is as important as the Classical
Variation, but the struggle becomes more pitted.’
With regard to ‘repeated adoption’ by Alekhine, after
1914 he played 6 h4 in a number of simultaneous displays;
in the Skinner/Verhoeven book see games 1361, 1367, 1848,
1859 and 1861. Moreover, Alekhine faced the move against
Bogoljubow in a tournament game in Warsaw in 1942, and the
following note appeared on page 264 of his posthumous book
Gran Ajedrez (Madrid, 1947):
‘Este interesante ataque fué introducido por mí en
Manerheim [sic] en 1914, habiendo sido desde
entonces incorporada [sic] a la práctica de
The Alekhine v Fahrni game was given on pages 395-396 of
the November 1914 issue of La Stratégie with notes
from the Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond.
The Dutch magazine’s remark that 6 h4 was an innovation of
doubtful value prompted La Stratégie to add an
editorial note:
‘Pardon, cher Monsieur Schelfhout, la valeur
douteuse n’est nullement établie, le coup est une des
nombreuses innovations de notre vieil ami M. E.
Chatard, qui sera certainement très sensible à
l’hommage que le maître Alekhine a fait à sa sagacité
en choisissant cette variante qu’il a connue lors de
son séjour à Paris, à l’Echiquier (Continental).’
The final words refer to a société parisienne
established at the Hôtel Continental in 1913. It was the
venue for the first match-game between Alekhine and Edward
(then Eduard) Lasker on 6 September 1913; see La
Stratégie, April 1913, page 149; September 1913,
page 360; October 1913, pages 404-405.
Between Albin’s use of 6 h4 in 1890 and the Alekhine v
Fahrni game nearly a quarter of a century later, the move
was seen occasionally. A game won by Mrs Fagan against
Richmond, in the C division of the London Chess League
Competition, was published on page 290 of the August 1897
BCM, White’s sixth move being described as
‘altogether unsound, but leads to a lively game’. The June
1899 BCM, page 265 had a game between T.F.
Lawrence and E.O. Jones, annotated by Richard Teichmann,
with no occasion specified. (See the feature below written
by Walter Penn Shipley.) Pages 222-223 of the May 1909 BCM
gave the bare score of Lawrence’s draw with J.F. Barry in
the Anglo-American Cable Match. The following year Emanuel
Lasker won a game in Buenos Aires against E. Zamudio; for
the score, taken from page 78 of the Revista del Club
Argentino de Ajedrez, 1910, see the 1976 and 1998
collections of Lasker’s games by K. Whyld.
Magazines were often confused as to the origins of 6 h4.
For example, in his notes to a team-match game between
W.H. Watts and D. Miller on pages 325-326 of the September
1915 BCM, R.C. Griffith wrote that 6 h4 was
‘introduced by Mr T.F. Lawrence’. In its January 1924
issue, page 18, the BCM published a letter from
C.D. Locock containing statements on which we should
welcome further information:
The next item, the Walter Penn Shipley feature referred
to earlier, comes from pages 114-115 of the July-August
1925 American Chess Bulletin:
A detailed analytical article, ‘Die Aljechin-Variante
der Französischen Verteidigung’, was published on
pages 73-77 of the March 1926 Deutsche Schachzeitung:
The German magazine’s analysis was summarized on pages
265-266 of La Stratégie, December 1926, but with a
change of title: ‘De la Variante Chatard dans la
Partie Française’.
The opening also received attention in the Arbeiter-Schachzeitung,
January 1928, pages 13-14 and 20-21. See too pages 330-332
of Tarrasch’s Schachzeitung, 1 August 1933 and
pages 479-482 of the Social Chess Quarterly,
January 1935. The latter item is an article on 6 h4 by
Vera Menchik entitled ‘How to Meet an Attack’. Page 497 of
the October 1937 BCM had a brief note on the
‘Albin-Chatard Attack’ by G. Levenfish, from Shakhmaty
There was a detailed series of articles entitled ‘The
Alekhine-Chatard Attack in the French Defense’ by S.
Belavenets and M. Yudovich, translated from 64, in
Chess Review, January 1938 (pages 20-21), February
1938 (pages 46-47), March 1938 (page 78) and August 1938
(pages 194-195). Pages 84-86 of the April 1939 Chess
Review had further material on the opening,
translated from Shakhmaty v SSSR and focussing on
the reply 6...f6.
A photograph from opposite page 16 of Mannheim 1914
by Werner Lauterbach (Kempten/Allgäu and Düsseldorf,
Larger version
One of the few figures easily identified is the world
Patsy A. D’Eramo (North East, MD, USA) submits the
chess column in The Times (London), 21 February
1898, page 14, which includes a pair of games:
The second game (Soldatenkov v ‘Ewrienoff’) is also
1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 Bc4 cxb2 5 Bxb2 Nf6 6 e5
Bb4+ 7 Nc3 Qe7 8 Ne2 Ne4 9 O-O Nxc3 10 Bxc3 Bxc3 11 Nxc3
d5 12 Nxd5 Qd8 13 Qh5 Be6
14 Nf6+ Kf8 15 Rad1 Qe7 16 Bxe6 gxf6 17 Qh6+ Ke8 18
exf6 Qf8
19 Rfe1 fxe6 20 Rxe6+ Kf7 21 Re7+ Kg8 and White mates
in two.
8558. More on Soldatenkov v Durnovo
Further material received from Dominique Thimognier
(Fondettes, France) and Vitaliy Yurchenko (Uhta, Komi,
Russian Federation) has been added direct to The Consultation Game
That Never Was.
8559. Stories
‘Curious, but true chess stories’ are promised on
the front cover of Fried Liver & Burning Pants
by “Coach Jay” Stallings, an execrable 89-page book
published in 2012. To quote from pages 19-21:
‘Chess, too, has taken its toll on the sanity of men
for many years. Alekhine was a great chessplayer, but
his tendency to sometimes yell and knock over the chess
pieces after a loss prompted players and fans to keep
their distance when Alekhine’s opponent was on verge of
victory ...
... At the Carlsbad tournament in Czechoslovakia (now
known as the Czech Republic) in 1923, Alekhine had
worked hard, as usual, and with only two rounds
remaining was comfortable in his familiar position at
the top of the standings. He fully expected to stay
there; after all, he had spent a lot of time carefully
preparing, as he always did. And then, something for
which he had not prepared happened – he lost! He
had abandoned a chance for a draw and was pushing for a
win when his opponent (Frederick Yates) used his queen
and bishop to take advantage of Alekhine’s exposed king.
Alekhine’s frustration was enormous, but, as good
sportsmanship requires, he politely shook his opponent’s
hand and congratulated him on his victory. Then,
Alexander Alekhine calmly walked back to his hotel room
and destroyed every piece of furniture in the room!’
As noted in Chess with
Violence, at Carlsbad, 1923 Alekhine was defeated by
Yates in round seven (of 17). He lost two other games, to
Treybal in round three and to Spielmann in round 16.
Lest there be doubt, we add that it is Spielmann who
dominates the front cover, and the picture also fills page
22 (headed ‘Burning Pants & a Lap Full of Soup!’, to
introduce further ‘true chess stories’). Stallings uses
the word ‘true’ slackly, meaning any yarn written by
anyone anywhere.
Concerning Chess and Music, Wijnand
Engelkes (Zeist, the Netherlands) points out the score
and text
of a march written in honour of Max Euwe.
An addition to Unusual Chess Words is
pawnence. From a ‘Chess Movies’ article on page 120 of the
April 1950 Chess Review:
‘The board has been rent in two. The king-side belongs
to White; the queen-side is Black’s. And Black is ready
to collect pawnence! The isolated pawn is doomed.’
The same text is in I.A. Horowitz’s anthologies How
to Win in the Chess Openings (New York, 1951), page
111, and How to Win at Chess (New York, 1968),
page 117.
8562. Hassberg problem (C.N. 8553)
Mate in two
From Michael McDowell (Westcliff-on-sea, England):
‘The comments on the Hassberg composition in the
book by Horowitz and Rothenberg are bizarre. Although
it is a pleasant miniature, it is hardly “a
masterpiece”, and strictly speaking it is slightly
uneconomical. The rook at h2 is a cook-stopper,
preventing solutions by captures on g2 or Rh1+. With a
little rearrangement the rook can be replaced by a
knight, with the flight-giving key retained:
Mate in two
Mr McDowell also comments on an entry
in Chess Records
which notes that David Lawson (1886-1980) was aged 89 when
his biography of Morphy was published in 1976:
‘The book Chess Problem Gems by Eight Eminent
American Composers by Kenneth S. Howard (1882-1972)
was published by Dover in 1972; or, to be more
precise, the back cover says, “A Dover original, first
published in 1973”, while an unnumbered inside page
states, “Chess Problem Gems by Eight Eminent
American Composers is a new work, first published by
Dover Publications, Inc., in 1972”. The copyright
reference on the same page gives 1972.’
We note that Howard’s book was first mentioned by Chess
Life & Review on page 327 of the June 1973
On pages 273-275 of The Golden Dozen (Oxford,
1976) Irving Chernev gave the famous blindfold game
between Alekhine and N. Schwartz, London, 1926,
introduced as follows:
‘The highlight of this remarkable game, one of 15
played blindfold simultaneously, is a scintillating
combination wherein Alekhine sacrifices a rook in
order to queen two pawns – both of which are
immediately captured.
It’s all part of the plot, though, in this impressive
ending, which Alekhine himself considered one of his
best achievements in blindfold chess.
The pleasing, graceful blending of profound strategy
and lively tactics moves me to nominate it to occupy
the niche reserved for The Immortal Blindfold Game
in Caissa’s Hall of Fame.’
Chernev was mistaken in his reference to ‘one of 15
played blindfold simultaneously’. From page 79 of Blindfold
Chess by Eliot Hearst and John Knott (Jefferson,
‘While in London in 1926 Alekhine played what he
considered one of his “best achievements in blindfold
chess”, against N. Schwartz ... He even included the
game in published collections of his most memorable
games [his second volume of Best Games and Auf
Wege zur Weltmeisterschaft]. However, this game
was not part of a regular simultaneous display, but
was one of two blindfold games he played while meeting
26 other opponents face to face – a point not made
clear in his books. Obviously, it is easier to play
only two blindfold games at the same time as playing
26 other games with sight of the board, compared with
playing all 28 blindfolded.’
The headings in the two above-mentioned books by
Alekhine were ‘Blindfold exhibition in London, January
1926’ and ‘Aus einem Blind-Simultanspiel in London
am 15. Januar 1926’. The notes in both books were
essentially the same as those contributed by Alekhine on
pages 314-316 of Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten,
April-June 1926, where the heading was ‘Gespielt in
London am 15.1.26. Weiß: Dr Aljechin (ohne Ansicht des
Brettes). Schwarz: N. Schwartz’. When a
translation of the notes was published on pages 179-180
of La Stratégie, August 1926 the heading was
longer: ‘Jouée le 15 janvier 1926 à Londres (Gambit
Chess Rooms), sans voir avec une autre, ainsi que
vingt-huit [sic] parties simultanées.’
Neither the BCM nor the Chess Amateur
gave the game-score in 1926, although page 164 of the
March 1926 Chess Amateur published another
blindfold game between Alekhine and Schwartz played 11
days later (game 930 in the Skinner/Verhoeven book on
Alekhine). Page 124 of the March 1926 BCM had a
brief description of the display at which the ‘Immortal
Blindfold Game’ was played:
‘On the following Friday he [Alekhine] was
guest of Miss Price at the Gambit Chess Rooms, Budge
Row, London; and here again 28 games (two sans voir)
were played, the opposition being on the strong side.
The blindfold games (N. Schwarz and J.H. Kahn) were
beautifully won, but two players (C.A.S. Damante [sic
– Damant] and E.T. Bazell) scored wins against the
master, while others secured draws.’
The spelling ‘N. Schwarz’ apppears to be an error,
since other issues of the BCM referred to ‘N.
Schwartz’. Is it possible to find his full name?
Fischer v Dely
With regard to Fischer v Dely, Skopje, 1967 (1 e4 c5 2
Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 Nc6 6 Bc4 e6 7 Bb3 a6 8
f4 Qa5 9 O-O Nxd4 10 Qxd4 d5 11 Be3 Nxe4 12 Nxe4 dxe4 13
f5 Qb4 14 fxe6 Bxe6 15 Bxe6 fxe6 16 Rxf8+ Qxf8 17 Qa4+
Resigns) Irving Chernev wrote on pages 128-129 of
Wonders and Curiosities of Chess (New York, 1974):
‘... Bobby Fischer brought off a brilliancy in less
than five minutes against grand master Dely, who nearly
lost the game on time.’
A similar remark is to be found in Bojan Kurajica’s
tournament report on page 115 of CHESS, 11
December 1967:
‘In this game Fischer caught his opponent unprepared
and beat him in just 17 moves. He spent perhaps five
minutes while grand master Dely nearly lost on time.’
Substantiation of the time taken by both players will be
Concerning Péter Dely, it is unclear why both sources
cited above said that he was a grandmaster. We believe
that at the time of the tournament he was an international
master, having been awarded that title by the FIDE
Congress in Stockholm in 1962; see, for instance, page 182
of the September 1962 Schweizerische Schachzeitung.
Strangely, though, many sources, including Jeremy Gaige’s
Chess Personalia, state that Dely did not become an
international master until 1982. Another oddity is that
when Harry Golombek gave the Fischer v Dely game on page
24 of The Times, 11 November 1967 (Review
section) he wrote:
‘Here is how he [Fischer] recently disposed of another
technically titled grandmaster at the international
tournament of Skopje.’
Péter Dely (Chess
Review, January 1968, page 22)
Chapter XI (pages 53-56) of Lessons from My Games
by Reuben Fine (New York, 1958) was entitled ‘I Become a
Grand Master’, and on page 53 he reiterated a claim
already made on page xv: that as a result of winning
Hastings, 1935-36 he ‘was officially a grand master’.
What is the factual basis of that statement?
Fine also asserted on page 53 that after his
first-round victory over Flohr ‘first prize was never in
any doubt’. He annotated the game not only in Lessons
from My Games but also on pages 3-4 of the January
1936 American Chess Bulletin and on pages
166-167 of CHESS, 14 January 1936.
In the early 1920s the name N. Schwartz often appeared
in connection with chess in Scotland. For instance, in
1922 he was one of seven participants in the Scottish
championship in Perth (BCM, May 1922, pages
195-196), and other issues of the magazine (e.g. January
1922, page 22) referred to him as playing for Dundee. He
was also mentioned on page 228 of the May 1922 Chess
‘At Dundee Kostić played two consultation games, and
won both, against Messrs. Heath, Thoms and Griffiths [sic
– Griffith] at one board, and against Messrs. Spankie,
Forbes, Schwartz, “etc.” at the other.’
The game involving Schwartz was published on page 6 of
the Dundee Courier, 29 March 1922:
Boris Kostić – D. Spankie, N. Schwartz, C.S.
Forbes and others
Dundee, 28 March 1922
Queen’s Gambit Declined
1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 c4 e6 4 Nc3 Nbd7 5 Bg5 Be7 6 e3 a6
7 c5 O-O 8 Bd3 Re8 9 O-O h6 10 Bh4 Nh7 11 Bg3 Ng5 12 Ne5
Nxe5 13 Bxe5 Nh7 14 Rc1 Bf6 15 Bg3 Nf8 16 f4 Bd7 17 Bf2
b6 18 b4 b5 19 a3 c6 20 Qh5 a5 21 g4 axb4 22 axb4 Ra7 23
Kh1 Re7
24 Rg1 Be8 25 g5 hxg5 26 fxg5 Bxd4 27 exd4 g6 28 Qh6 f5
29 gxf6 Rh7 30 Qg5 Qd7 31 Ne2 Ra3 32 Nf4 Qc7 33 Bg3 Qf7
34 Be1 e5 35 Nxg6 Nxg6 36 Bxg6 Qxg6 37 Qxe5 Qxg1+ 38
Kxg1 Resigns.
The newspaper’s chess coverage at that time had many
references to ‘N. Schwartz’, and the initial ‘M.’ above
would appear to be an error. Although the crosstable for
the Scottish championship on page 196 of the May 1922 BCM
also had ‘M. Schwartz’, the Scottish newspaper reports
on the event that we have seen (e.g. the Dundee Courier,
19 April 1922, page 6) specify that the player was N.
Schwartz. In no newspaper has his forename been found.
8568. Kostić’s tour of the United
Kingdom, 1921-22
From page 80 of the December 1921 Chess Amateur:
‘Mr Antony Guest says:
“Mr Boris Kostić, after taking a prominent part in
the tournaments at Budapest and The Hague, is now
visiting London, and will probably remain here most of
the winter. He is desirous of giving exhibitions of
blindfold and simultaneous play on terms arranged to
meet the conditions of the smaller as well as the more
important clubs. Communications should be sent to him
at the Hampden Club, King’s Cross, NW1.”’
A detailed list of results in the first part of Kostić’s
tour was published on page 86 of the March 1922 BCM:
One of his simultaneous games, a draw in Manchester
against the 18-year-old W.A. Fairhurst, was given on page
80 of A Chess Omnibus from pages 230-231 of the
May 1922 Chess Amateur. The exact date was not
available, but a brief report from page 3 of the Manchester
Guardian, 20 March 1922 can be added here:
We thus tentatively propose 19 March 1922 as the date of
Fairhurst’s draw.
With regard to another player mentioned in the above Manchester
Guardian report, A. Waterhouse, a loss by him to
Kostić in one of the displays in Manchester was published
on page 314 of the July 1922 Chess Amateur:
1 d4 g6 2 e4 Bg7 3 Nf3 d5 4 e5 Bg4 5 h3 Bxf3 6 Qxf3 e6 7
Bd3 Nd7 8 O-O c5 9 c3 Rc8 10 Re1 Bh6 11 Nd2 Ne7 12 dxc5
Nxc5 13 Bb5+ Nc6
14 Nc4 dxc4 15 Bxh6 Qh4 16 Bxc6+ Rxc6 17 Bg7 Rg8 18 Bf6
Qh6 19 Rad1 Nd7 20 Qe4 Resigns.
The final move was given on page 344 of the August 1922
The Chess Amateur often had a carefree attitude
to game details, and the score below was published on page
232 of the May 1922 issue with the vague heading ‘One of
the six blindfold games simultaneously played by Kostić at
Bradford. Kostić had White’:
1 e4 e5 2 f4 d5 3 exd5 e4 4 d3 Qxd5 5 Qe2 Nf6 6 Nc3 Bb4 7
Bd2 Bxc3 8 Bxc3 O-O 9 Bxf6 gxf6 10 dxe4 Qa5+ 11 c3 Nc6 12
Nf3 Bg4 13 Qf2 Rfe8 14 Bd3 Rad8 15 Bc2 Rd6 16 O-O Bxf3 17
gxf3 Qb6 18 Qxb6 axb6 19 Rad1 Red8 20 Rxd6 Rxd6 21 Rd1
Rxd1+ 22 Bxd1 Kg7 23 f5 Ne5 24 Be2 Nd7 25 Kf2 Nc5 26 b3
Nd7 27 Ke3 Nc5 28 Kd4 Nd7 29 b4 Kf8 30 c4 Ke7 31 f4 Kd6
32 c5+ bxc5+ 33 bxc5+ Nxc5 34 e5+ fxe5+ 35 fxe5+ Kc6 36
Bc4 Nd7 37 Bxf7 Nf8 38 Be8+ Kb6 39 e6 c5+ 40 Ke5 Kc7 41 e7
Nd7+ 42 Bxd7 Kxd7 43 Kf6 Ke8 and ‘White mates in three’.
Whether a detailed check of local newspapers would
provide many striking game-scores is an open question. The
few games noted so far are rather ordinary draws, although
page 9 of the Manchester Guardian, 23 January 1922
published a game against E.A. Greig and D. Joseph with an
interesting rook ending:
1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 c4 e6 4 Nc3 Be7 5 Bg5 Nbd7 6 e3 b6 7
cxd5 exd5 8 Bb5 O-O 9 Ne5 Nxe5 10 dxe5 Ne4 11 Nxe4 Bxg5 12
Bc6 Rb8 13 Qxd5 Qe7 14 Nxg5 Qxg5 15 f4 Qg6 16 O-O Bg4 17
Qc4 b5 18 Qc5 Rfd8 19 Bf3 Bxf3 20 Rxf3 Qb6 21 Rc1 Rbc8 22
Qxb6 axb6 23 Rff1 c5 24 Rfd1 Kf8 25 Kf2 b4 26 Rxd8+ Rxd8
27 Rc2 Ra8 28 b3 Ke7 29 Kf3 Kd7 30 Ke4 Kc6 31 Rd2 b5 32
Rd6+ Kc7 33 Kd5 Rxa2 34 Kxc5 Rxg2 35 Ra6 Kd7 36 f5 Rxh2 37
Ra7+ Ke8 38 Rb7 Rb2 39 Rxb5 Rxb3 40 e4 Rb1 41 Rb8+ Ke7 42
Rb7+ Ke8 Drawn.
A game between Capablanca and W.A. Fairhurst in a
simultaneous exhibition at Castleton on 2 October 1922
was included on pages 120-121 of our book on the Cuban.
Below are two more games played the same year by
Fairhurst (who was born on 21 August 1903):
H.E. Thorne – William Albert Fairhurst
Semi-final of the Cheshire championship (exact venue
and date?)
Budapest Defence
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5 3 Nc3 exd4 4 Qxd4 Nc6 5 Qd1 Bc5 6 e3
d6 7 Nf3 O-O 8 Bd3 Ne5 9 Nxe5 dxe5 10 Qc2 c6 11 O-O Bd6
12 b3 Re8 13 Bb2 e4 14 Nxe4 Nxe4 15 Bxe4 Qh4 16 f4 Bg4
17 Qc3 f6 18 Bf3 Bc5 19 Rae1 Bxf3 20 Rxf3 Rad8 21 Rh3
21...Rxe3 22 Rhxe3 Rd3 23 g3 Rxc3 24 gxh4 Rxe3 25 Kf1
Rf3+ 26 Kg2 Rf2+ and wins.
Source: Chess Amateur, June 1922, page 264.
R. Rydz (Manchester Jewish Chess Club) – William
Albert Fairhurst (Manchester Chess Club)
Final for the Reyner Shield (venue and date?)
French Defence
1 e4 e6 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 e5 Nd5 4 d4 b6 5 Bc4 Bb7 6 c3 Ne7
7 Bg5 h6 8 Bh4 g5 9 Bg3 Ng6 10 0–0 h5 11 h3 g4 12 hxg4
hxg4 13 Nh2 Qg5 14 Nxg4 Nf4 15 Bxf4 Qxf4 16 f3 Nc6 17
Nf6+ Kd8 18 Kf2
18...Nxe5 19 dxe5 Bc5+ 20 Ke1 Qxe5+ 21 Be2 Qxf6 22 Qc2
Rh2 23 g4
23...Bxf3 24 Rxf3 Rh1+ 25 Kd2 Qg5+ 26 Kd3 Qd5 mate.
Source: Chess Amateur, August 1922, page 324.
Having recently acquired this invitation card to the
1927 world championship match in Buenos Aires, Guy
Gignac (Cap-Santé, Canada) seeks information about
Rodolfo De Witt.
We have a few references on hand and shall welcome
further information from readers. In the meantime, below
is an illustration on page 467 of El Ajedrez
Americano, December 1928:
Richard Hervert (Aberdeen, MD, USA)
asks whether anything further can be found about the
announcement of an alleged mate-in-ten first discussed
in C.N. 1857. See page 83 of Chess Explorations,
as well as pages 29-30 of A Chess Omnibus and a
Explorations article of ours at dated
31 May 2008.
Below is the game as it appeared in our source, page 65
of Kunst des Positionsspiels by Herbert Heinicke
(Hamburg, 1981):
Position before 36...h6
The latest computer check still suggests that there is no
clear mate. Black wins in all lines, and 37 Kg6 offers
more resistance than 37 Ke6.
8572. Goethe
Noting the discussion in C.N. 5901 about whether Goethe
wrote ‘Chess is the touchstone of the intellect’, Michael
Brooks (Lewes, England) asks for information about another
remark frequently ascribed to Goethe:
‘Daring ideas are like chess men moved forward. They
may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.’
Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) has found on-line four
occurrences of a short nineteenth-century game:
Omaha Daily Bee,
5 December 1897, page 23 (Library of Congress)
New York Clipper,
1 January 1898, page 728 (University of Illinois)
Albany Evening
Journal, 15 January 1898, page 7 (Fulton
Brooklyn Daily Eagle,
8 November 1900, page 14 (Brooklyn Public Library)
It has not yet been possible to trace the Times
item mentioned in the first two cuttings.
In addition to noting the discrepancies over the
identity of the players, the occasion, the conclusion of
the game and the question of whether odds were given,
our correspondent remarks that such a game (I.O. Howard
Taylor v N.N., 15 August 1874) had been published on
page 155 of the Dubuque Chess Journal, March
1875 and on pages 57-58 of Taylor’s Chess Skirmishes
(Norwich, 1889). The book included information about a
similar game played by Bird which appeared in Wit
and Wisdom, 5 January 1889 (a copy of which is
Mr Niessen mentions too that the Bird version of the
game was given on page 122 of 666 Kurzpartien by
Kurt Richter (Berlin-Frohnau, 1966) as having occurred
between Brech and Bogilow in Aachen, 1938:
8574. Carlsbad, 1911 (C.N. 8524)
A detail of Rotlewi from the Carlsbad, 1911 group
photograph (Wiener Schachzeitung, September-October
1911, pages 304-305) was shown in C.N. 8524. Some more are
added now:
Erich Cohn
Alexander Alekhine
Charles Jaffe
Savielly Tartakower
Rudolf Spielmann
Akiba Rubinstein
Aron Nimzowitsch
Boris Kostić
From Alan McGowan (Waterloo, Canada):
‘There are several references to “N. Schwartz” in
The Story of Dundee Chess Club by Peter W.
Walsh (Dundee, 1984). The spelling is invariably
The ScotlandsPeople
website includes the Valuation Roll for 1920-21, page
98, County of Perth, Parish of Longforgan. For one of
the houses on Errol Road, Invergowrie, Nicolai
Schwartz (“Russian correspondent”) is mentioned as the
occupier. There is also a record of his marriage on 19
February 1916, at St Stephen’s Church, Broughty Ferry,
District of St Andrew in the Burgh of Dundee. He was
listed as Nicolai Schwartz, Commercial Correspondent
(Bachelor), aged 22, of Leabank, Broughty Ferry. The
bride’s name is not completely clear, but it looks
like J. Vernon Le Cocq (the maiden name of her mother
is shown as Vernon), aged 24, of Craigiebarn Road,
Dundee. A son, Nicholas Roy Schwartz, was born in 1920
in the Parish of Longforgan, in Perth County (377/00
A Dundee city website has a Roll of Honour for
those who died in the Second World War and provides details
the son’s death in action on 17 December 1944,
aged 23. His name was given as Nicolai Roy Schwartz,
and his next of kin were Nicolai and Jeannie V.
Schwartz of Clapham, London.’
8576. Rodolfo De Witt (C.N. 8570)
In the case of Rodolfo De Witt, Jeremy Gaige’s Chess
Personalia (page 92) has only one reference to
support the information given about his death (said to
have occurred in Buenos Aires on 16 May 1970 when he was
aged 77): page 46 of Jaque Mate, 1970. Below is
what appeared in that (Cuban) magazine:
Since the issue was dated January 1970, it is evident
that De Witt died in 1969, and this is confirmed
by material provided by two correspondents.
Eduardo Bauzá Mercére (New York, NY, USA) forwards De
Witt’s obituary on pages 1215-1216 of the June 1969 issue
of 1.P4R!!:
From Christian Sánchez (Rosario, Argentina) we have
received page 283 of Ajedrez Revista Mensual,
August 1969:
Mr Sánchez adds that there is a brief entry for Rodolfo
De Witt (‘circa 1891-1969’) on page 24 of volume
two of Historia del ajedrez argentino by José A.
Copié (Buenos Aires, 2011).
Below is a loss sustained by De Witt, featuring unusual
moves by the white queen along the third rank. It comes
from volume two of Tratado general de ajedrez by
Roberto Grau (page numbers vary according to the edition),
the only information provided being that White was Guerra
Boneo and that it was ‘una de las partidas más cortas
disputadas nunca en los torneos mayores argentinos’:
1 Nf3 b6 2 d4 Bb7 3 Bf4 Nf6 4 c4 c5 5 Nc3 g6 6 dxc5 bxc5
7 Qb3 Qc8 8 Nb5 d6 (White’s next move received two
exclamation marks from Grau.)
9 Qe3 Kd7 10 Ng5 Ng4 11 Qg3 Nh6 12 Qh3+ Kd8 13 Qc3 f6 14
Nxd6 Resigns.
Information about the occasion of this game is sought. As
mentioned in C.N. 4777, Alejandro Guerra Boneo died in
With regard to the version of the game given by Kurt
Richter in 666 Kurzpartien (Brech v Bogilow,
Aachen, 1938), Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) adds
that Otto Brech was the city’s leading player at the end
of the 1920s and conducted the local chess column from
1934 until his death in 1937. It is unclear why Richter
put 1938 for a game which had been published in the Aachener
Anzeiger – Politisches Tageblatt on 5 August 1932.
The newspaper called it a ‘freie Partie’
(offhand game) played in Aachen by Brech against
Two cuttings in C.N. 8573 referring to
McCutcheon mentioned a newspaper identified only as ‘The
Times’. Patsy A. D’Eramo (North East, MD, USA) has
found that the publication in question was the Philadelphia
Times, 28 November 1897, page 14:
The references to ‘Joshua’ and ‘Grubber’ have yet to be
C.N. 8573 also discussed a version of the game involving
Bird. Hans Renette (Bierbeek, Belgium) provides an extract
from G.A. MacDonnell’s column in the Illustrated
Sporting and Dramatic News, 6 April 1889, page 109:
Although ‘Bradford, 1888’ was stated, Mr Renette adds
that a similar finish was given by Bird on page 257 of his
book Chess Novelties (London, 1895) with
‘Huddersfield, 1886’:
Our correspondent believes that 1885 would be correct
given that, as reported on page 174 of the May 1885 BCM,
Bird gave a simultaneous display in Huddersfield on 28
April 1885.
Readers are invited to send further citations for the
games under discussion, after which we shall probably
attempt in a feature article to set out the diverse
strands of the farrago in a more structured way.
Notes Archives
Copyright: Edward Winter. All
rights reserved.